
smoserkiall, there should not be, but giving console output (euca-get-console-output | pastebin ) would be helpful.  also, what version of "ubuntu instance"01:09
kiallsmoser, 10.10 UEC and 10.10 instance, will grab the console output now ..01:11
liami need to connect to my ubuntu ec2 server from my ubuntu machine using filezilla with sftp but it won't connect. How can I specify the key to use in filezilla?01:11
kiallconsole output: http://pastebin.com/RHkixNnS01:11
kiallliam, they have a howto for that :) http://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Howto01:12
liamkiall: it wants a .ppk..... do you know how I can convert my ec2.pem to a .ppk?01:14
kiallcan puttygen (PPK is Putty's key format) not do that?01:15
kiall(Its been a while since I've used windows...)01:15
kiallyea it can .. http://invoice.geeksontheway.com/wiki/index.php/Working_with_EC2#Converting_pem_files_to_ppk_files_for_use_with_putty01:16
kiallsmoser, just noticed the " | pastebin" ... how didnt I know about the pastebinit package before ..  :)01:37
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kevinwcan anyone shed light on the error: EXPIRED: Instance expired after not being reported for 600000 ms09:51
kevinwalso secondly, if both the node controller and the cloud controller are both on public routable IP's, which interface do i bridge to make the VM accessible with a public routable IP?11:19
TeTeTkevinw: the cloud controller/front end interface. If you check the iptables rules there, you see a NAT for the public IP for any instance you've setup12:18
kevinwTeTet: im not doing any nat12:19
TeTeTkevinw: it's automatically done on the front end if your instances is using a public / private network address12:20
kevinwok, ill look into that, my main problem is that the machines wont start, they stay as pending then come up with an error about not being reported in 600000ms12:27
TeTeTkevinw: you want to check the node controllers log files, e.g. /var/log/eucalyptus/nc.log12:32
TeTeTdo a ''tail -f /var/log/eucalyptus/nc.log | grep -v doDescribe'' when starting an instance and watch for any errors12:32
kevinwroot@node1:/var/log/eucalyptus# tail -f /var/log/eucalyptus/nc.log | grep -v doDescribe12:34
kevinw[Mon Dec  6 12:33:10 2010][001197][EUCADEBUG ] doStartNetwork() invoked12:34
kevinw[Mon Dec  6 12:33:10 2010][001197][EUCAINFO  ] StartNetwork(): SUCCESS return from vnetStartNetwork 012:34
kevinw[Mon Dec  6 12:33:10 2010][001197][EUCAINFO  ] StartNetwork(): done12:34
kevinwit gets an IP ok but then just sits pending12:34
TeTeTkevinw: hmm, is the front end's walrus service reachable from the node? What's the output of sudo euca_conf --list-walruses12:36
kevinwroot@node1:/var/log/eucalyptus# sudo euca_conf --list-walruses12:37
kevinwERROR: cannot locate eucalyptus database, try logging in through the admin web interface.12:37
kevinwroot@cloudcc1:/var/log/eucalyptus# sudo euca_conf --list-walruses12:37
kevinwregistered walruses:12:37
kevinw   walrus
kevinwhow do i go about registering walruses on the node controller?12:38
kevinwscrap that, got that working12:39
kevinwroot@cloudcc1:/var/log/eucalyptus# sudo euca_conf --list-walruses12:39
kevinwregistered walruses:12:39
kevinw   walrus
TeTeTkevinw: can you ping from the node controller, is it reachable?12:41
kevinwpings between the two physical servers are OK13:08
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kevinwthe instances stay as pending no matter what I do14:17
TeTeTkevinw: is there ever a kvm started on your node controller? Is the image copied from walrus to the local storage?14:18
kevinwhow do i check that?14:18
TeTeTkevinw: check /var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/admin on the node controller14:19
TeTeTkevinw: are there any directories named 'i-<id>'?14:20
TeTeTkevinw: and inside there should be a name called 'disk'14:20
kevinwnope there isnt14:20
TeTeTkevinw: is there a cache directory, /var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/eucalyptus/cache with emi- and eki- inside?14:21
kevinwtheres a directory but its empty14:21
kevinwif it helps im not using the admin account,14:23
TeTeTkevinw: somethings really strange, can you try as admin to rule out any problem with the user? Not that there should be one14:25
TritoLuxWith UEC 10.10, Is there any reason why iscsi volumes get unaccessible after a SC reboot? Everything is working fine but if the server gets restarted then all existing volumes are not accessible anymore. Did anybody managed to get EBS to work fine on 10.10?14:28
kevinwTeTeT - same nothing in either directory14:50
kevinwshould the walrus be registered on both the cloud controller and the node controller?14:51
TeTeTkevinw: nope, the front end is enough.14:51
kevinwthe cc?14:51
kevinwthe instances have IP's from the allocated range OK so that shows comms between the servers is OK,14:52
kevinwi wonder why its not registering14:52
TeTeThmm, when you do a euca-describe-images, do you see the uploaded images? Is there something in /var/lib/eucalyptus/bukkits?14:52
TeTeTsomehow the image from walrus fails to be transfered to your node controller14:53
TeTeTsomething in, meant something in on the front end14:53
kevinwroot@cloudcc1:/var/lib/eucalyptus/bukkits# ls14:54
kevinwimage-store-1291376044  image-store-1291393809  image-store-129139387114:54
kevinwim using the images from the store14:54
TeTeTok, when you copy your eucarc to the node controller, source it there, can you do an euca-bundle-image /etc/hosts; euca-upload-bundle -m /tmp/<manifest> -b etc-hosts?14:57
TeTeTwonder if the upload works14:57
kevinwill give it a try, i notice in the logs that its trying to get to but I cant get to that in a browser..15:09
TeTeTkevinw: hmm, seems your network setup between front-end and node controller is no good then15:10
kevinwi agree, but i dont see where, its two servers, with 1 NIC each, plugged into a switch..15:12
TeTeTis there a firewall running on either NC or front-end that might block the traffic?15:12
kevinwonly whatever was installed by the setup15:14
smosererichammond, awake ?15:14
TeTeTkevinw: hmm, then there's nothing there. did the upload to walrus eventually work?15:15
smoserkiall, i would guess that you have something in /etc/fstab that mountall is waiting on15:16
kevinwim going to scrap and start again, for clarification theres no reason why have the CC and the NC on public IP's with the VM on the same range wont work15:17
smoserwell, erichammond if you do see this, alestic.com gives me: "Gateway Time-out15:17
smoserThe gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application." when i try to login with my launchpad id (https://launchpad.net/~smoser)15:17
CharlieSuHow do you change limits like this on an Ec2 instance? (*               soft    nofile           65536)  do you have to edit limits.conf and restart the server?15:25
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jmgallowayis it possible to create a vm without exchanging the key?15:49
CharlieSuHow do you change limits like this on an Ec2 instance? (*               soft    nofile           65536)  do you have to edit limits.conf and restart the server?17:34
erichammondsmoser: Just got up, but need to commute for hour, then scheduled lunch.19:03
smoserfair. i had this bug once before when trying launchpad openid on alestic.com also19:03
smoserie, its not new, but i'd like to use my  launchpad.net id19:03
erichammondsmoser: I saw a gateway timeout on http://alestic.com last night, but refresh worked.19:03
smosertried it twice... no dice, but i can try again19:04
erichammondsmoser: I get it regularly when using dynamic MT (Movable Type) pages.19:05
erichammondThought it was a bug in MT, but it might instead be related to a DDOS defense tweak I made a while back for another web site on that server.19:05
erichammondI'll look into it later today.19:05
smoserwell i consistently get it.19:05
smoseryou can try too, just try your launchpad account19:05
erichammondah, yes, consistent with MT dynamic stuff.19:06
erichammondespecially if it is requiring a wait on an external resource like launchpad.19:06
erichammondsmoser: I tweaked timeouts on http://alestic.com21:33
erichammondsmoser: Let me know if you still have problems logging in.21:34
asacodd ... a few hours ago i was able to ping something like www.yahoo.com from my ec2 instance ... doesnt work anymore ... i am trying to stop the instance in web interface ... and that doesnt work either it seems :/ ... it stays in stopping state and i can still ssh into it22:28
asacshould i just run sudo halt ;)?22:28
* asac feels lost... and scared ... not even http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com is reachable anymore22:33
asacbut i can ssh in !!!22:33
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