
dholbachgood morning!06:45
* nigelb waves weakly06:51
nigelbczajkowski: At the conference?07:01
czajkowskinigelb: Hotel which is the conf07:02
nigelbAh :)07:06
czajkowskilooking out at a lot of snow07:11
czajkowskiand more coming down07:11
czajkowskigerman airline and trains are rather efficent07:11
czajkowskiout flight was 35 mins early07:11
dholbachhey jono07:19
dholbachhi czajkowski07:19
czajkowskidholbach: ello07:19
nigelbHi dholbach, jono :)07:20
dholbachhey nigelb07:20
czajkowskithis hotel is rather massive, there is a shopping center in the middle of it07:20
nigelbczajkowski: wow07:20
czajkowskiand loads of pubs, even and Irish pub :s07:20
nigelblooks like that's loads of fun :)07:20
nigelbhaha, is that heaven? :p07:20
nigelbtoo much snow I suppose07:20
czajkowskii tend not to drink in irish bars07:21
* czajkowski hugs jono house moving sucks donkey balls07:21
macoczajkowski: i mentioned to popey that there's a place near my flat that calls itself a pub but based on what the limerick boy said about pubs it has to get quotes around it because the food's actually good07:21
macopopey said thats just irish pubs07:21
czajkowskiwe do snack around our beer07:22
czajkowskiright breakie time and time to avoid the snow07:22
jonoczajkowski, yes indeed07:27
jonohey dholbach nigelb :)07:27
macooy timezones...07:43
macoim going "wait isnt it stupid-o-clock where jono is? *look at clock* oh no wait...its stupid-o-clock where i am. its just before bedtime where jono is"07:43
nigelbmaco: but then stupid-o-clock is generally not yet your bedtime :p07:45
macosure it is!07:45
macoif i was less stupid, my bedtime would be earlier than stupid-o-clock!07:46
nigelbbut then that depends on the definition of stupid-o-clock :p07:46
maco"my friends on other continents are up n at it"?07:46
nigelbI dont like my timezone for its :30.  its kinda tough to calculate times07:49
czajkowskithis could be a uds venue08:34
jussiczajkowski: yeah, I know about Irish "snacks"... 7 am oysters and guinness anyone?09:20
czajkowskidholbach: is there a cloud channel that kim0 is in?10:16
popeyczajkowski: kim0 is currently offline10:17
czajkowskipopey: thanks10:18
dholbachbank holiday in Egypt afaik10:18
czajkowskipopey: did sam find his best pants10:18
popeyheh :)10:25
duanedesignmorning all11:25
duanedesignnigelb: how are you doing ?11:25
nigelbduanedesign: better, but well, it hurts11:26
duanedesignnigelb: a little sore? recovering fast I hope11:26
duanedesignnigelb: :(11:26
nigelbI'm sore all over, but recovering11:26
jussiduanedesign: bwahahah... foot in mouth eh?11:26
duanedesignjussi: i literally lol'd whem maco corrected me, rather promptly. :)11:28
nigelbduanedesign, jussi: what about?11:28
duanedesignnigelb: let me get link11:29
duanedesignI spent way to much time on facebook yesterday11:29
jussihappy finnsh independence day all!!!!!11:30
jussiFinnish even11:30
duanedesignnigelb: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=446569942764&set=a.446568342764.237390.563787764&notif_t=photo_reply11:31
duanedesigni think that will get you there11:31
nigelboh, ha11:32
nigelbduanedesign: HAHAHA11:33
duanedesign:) it made me smile11:34
duanedesignoh boy lot to do today...i have some PPA packaging issues i need to work on forst thing11:36
duanedesignfigures my PPA would mess up the same time OMG!Ubuntu! has a post about my app :/11:37
nigelbHeard of Murphy's Law?11:38
duanedesignnigelb: hehe11:38
duanedesignnigelb: i was going to say 'if it was not for bad luck, i would have no luck at all'11:39
duanedesignwhat is the easiest way to change your systems language.11:41
duanedesignahh, must be System > Preferences > Language Support11:42
nigelboh, after a long time, I finally seem to have fun 500,000 pounds from Google :p11:58
nigelbAnd they sent the mail from a domain that's not google-owned11:58
nigelbdon't even know how to cheat properly :p11:58
nisshhnigelb, hehe :)11:58
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jcastronisshh: oh nice, in one of the bugs mark mentions that intellihide is the plan15:48
jcastroaround czajkowski ?15:51
czajkowskijcastro: for you sure15:51
jcastrois that yellow box normal?15:51
czajkowskijcastro: left over from old theme15:52
* jcastro nods15:52
jcastroI got a mail from a guy in cuba who wants a mailing list15:52
jcastrobut there appears to be no loco there15:52
jcastroI will encourage him to start one15:52
jcastrowhat do you think, chicken/egg? Should we tell him to start the loco first and then make a list?15:53
nigelbwell, if you request a list now, probably should be ready by the time there is a loco :p15:53
nigelbPractically though lists.launchpad.net should suffice right?15:53
czajkowskii thought there was a cuba one15:53
czajkowskiwe were working with one guy there last cycle i thought bt dont have my emails here15:54
czajkowskijcastro: we get them to set up a lp ac then sort a ml out then15:54
czajkowskias they can work from there creating conent on a wiki if they like, plus their stuff goes into the LD15:54
jcastronigelb: no because if we give them lists. then it'll be impossible to move, non loco-like things can do lists.l.n all they want though15:54
nigelbjcastro: ah, I didn't know thta bit15:55
jcastroczajkowski: ok so what would you like me to do with him, tell him to create a list on lp and then point him to locohowto?15:55
jcastronigelb: but whatever *shrug*15:55
czajkowskijcastro: aye or get him to mail us as well for ideas and to talk if you like15:55
jcastroI don't think you can get in "trouble" or anything wherever your list is hosted15:55
czajkowskipaultag: ping15:56
nisshhjcastro, oh awesome! :)15:56
czajkowskipaultag: was on of the mails last cycle re setting up one re cuba ??15:56
czajkowskijcastro: no not trouble, just awkward15:56
nigelbDebian derivates is getting interesting these days btw :)15:56
nigelbjcastro: got a min to do the cleansweep stats for the week? :)15:57
jcastronigelb: not right now, tumblr is blown up15:58
nigelboh, right :p15:58
jcastrowhenever they fix their loltasticness15:58
jonohowdy all15:58
nigelbhrm, paultag did start an account recently, I wonder if thats connected :p15:58
nigelbhola jono15:58
jonohey nigelb15:58
czajkowskijcastro: did you get a pm from a bot there15:59
dholbachhey jono15:59
jonohey dh15:59
jonohey dholbach15:59
jcastroczajkowski: from a bot where?16:00
jcastrooh, right, yes16:01
czajkowskijcastro: for the person they can contact us16:02
jcastrogot it16:03
czajkowskino bother16:03
jcastroman, I don't know what I hate more, moinmoin or RT16:03
czajkowskigoes back to watching postgres talks16:04
czajkowskijcastro: RT!!!!16:04
jcastrothanks for your help czajkowski!16:04
jcastrowow so in unity I turned on the autohide for the launcher16:04
czajkowskijcastro: np anytime16:04
jcastrobut when someone pings me in irc the icon for that app comes out of the side for a few seconds, it's like a notification16:05
sensegood afternoon16:05
sensejcastro: Do you like it?16:05
jcastroI love the autohide16:05
jcastronot sure about the rest16:05
jcastrowith autohide on it's basically the same as 10.10 for everyday like things16:06
nigelbthat sounds cool16:06
nigelbI should upgrade16:06
nigelbI'm still on 10.0416:06
jcastroonce I turned on autohide I was able to switch to it fulltime16:07
jcastrobefore it was kind of awkward for me16:07
nigelbjcastro: haha, guess what status.twitter.com runs on?16:11
nigelbtumblr :p16:11
jcastrojono: you have any issues with DONEing your item on top here? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-community-n-unity-bugfixing-participation16:48
jcastroit's unclear to me how much doc you want to put up there16:48
jcastroactually, let me rephrase16:48
jcastrois that different from what we've done so far in the getinvolved page?16:48
jonojcastro, that can be marked as DONE16:49
jcastroon it16:50
jonothanks jcastro16:52
dholbachjono, 6m?17:24
jonodholbach, pretty much, just plugging things in in the new house17:28
jonodholbach, alright, let's roll17:34
dholbachgo go go17:34
duanedesignjono: so glad you shared hajours poem. I have been smiling since she shared it on the Beginners Team Mailing List.17:50
paultagczajkowski: yo17:52
paultagczajkowski: what's up17:52
duanedesignhello paultag17:57
paultaghowdy duanedesign17:59
nigelbpaultag: http://tomayko.com/writings/rest-to-my-wife18:01
nigelbBeautiful explanation of REST :18:01
paultagnigelb: ehehe, I love REST18:03
dholbachok my friends - I call it a day18:03
dholbachsee you tomorrow18:03
nigelbdholbach: http://twitter.com/#!/jonobacon/status/1184304378309017618:04
nigelbG'nite :)18:04
dholbachjono, ^ thanks for the flowers :)18:05
jonodholbach, :-)18:05
dholbachthanks JFo, thanks nigelb :)18:06
dholbachbyeeeeeee :)18:06
JFo:-) the truth must get out there18:07
nigelbpaultag: everyone loves REST these days :)18:07
nigelbJFo: +118:07
nigelbJFo: composing lyrics over twitter? ;)18:07
JFooh heh18:08
nigelbsil and you :p18:08
JFoI guess sil wants me to do a parody of that song :)18:08
nigelbhaha, that should be fun18:08
JFoit is a great song by itself18:08
nigelbmore greatness when sung by you18:08
nigelband even more greatness when its a parody18:08
JFoI disagree, but thanks for the sentiment18:09
JFoon the greatness of parody, I agree18:09
JFoas evidenced by my love for the Lonely Island18:09
jcastroJFo: just one of the many problems of hosting a sporting event in space!18:20
JFojono, watched the video... rockin!!18:24
jonoJFo, cheers, dude, did you see the End Of Days one?18:31
JFothat was what I was watching :)18:32
jonoJFo, oh sweet - see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDYldcsF5N8 too :-)18:35
JFolooking now18:35
JFoactually that should have read "letting it load" :)18:36
JFojono, that was awesome!18:42
jonoJFo, thanks dude :-)18:50
jonoJFo, things are going well with Severed Fifth18:50
jonogetting pumped up about recording18:50
jonojcastro, ready when you are18:50
JFosweet! I bet you are :)18:51
doctormoWhere is the best community resource for advice on ubuntu C programming?18:53
jcastrojono: ok one more minute.18:53
jcastrojono: ok all set, ring me whenevs18:55
jonoringing jcastro18:56
duanedesigndoctormo: this is not bad. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/C_Programming19:19
duanedesignnot ubuntu specific though19:19
duanedesignoff to lunch :)19:19
doctormothanks duanedesign19:23
jcastrojono: I could use a retweet just now, ta.19:25
jonojcastro, done19:28
jcastroalso hey, protip for everyone, I've been using a URL shortner when I publish things on twitter/blogs, etc.19:29
jcastroit lets me measure traffic easily19:29
jcastrocan you guys see that?19:29
jussijcastro: thats cool!19:32
jcastronisshh: have you checked out the bitesize bugs yet?19:35
jcastronisshh: I need you to either find some friends or clone yourself19:36
nisshhjcastro, no, i havent checked out the bitesize bugs yet, and im not sure what you mean by the second comment19:45
jcastronisshh: find more people like you I mean, who aren't afraid to dig in.19:47
jcastrosorry I didn't mean to imply that you had no friends19:47
jcastroI mixed you up with JFo for a minute.19:47
nisshhjcastro, oh ok, im not sure where you got that information from :)19:48
nisshhjcastro, who told you im a brave linux user!?19:48
nisshhjcastro, is the bitesize bugs thing up and running already is it?19:49
nisshhJFo, i feel sorry for you, you take a lot of crap from people in this channel :)19:49
JFomeh, it is what it is. :-)19:50
JFoit'd be different if I actually took any offense :-P19:50
jcastroJfo is legend19:55
JFohow so jcastro? :)19:56
jcastroyour voice, your bug skills, your bass ....19:56
jcastrothe list goes on, and on, and on19:56
nisshhlol "JFo is a legend, but we still give him crap for fun!"19:56
JFonice nisshh :)19:56
nisshhjcastro, are you expecting me to become some sort of bitesize bugs champion or something? :)19:57
jcastronisshh: Oh, I didn't know you were interest, welcome aboard!19:57
nisshhjcastro, ill see if i can fit it in while i work on my college assignments, a website design and the ubuntu developer manual :)19:58
jcastronisshh: just getting the word out can be of great help19:59
nisshhi might have a spare 38 seconds :)19:59
nisshhjcastro, yeah, i might do some, we will see, my holidays are coming up next week so you never know :)19:59
jcastrosee, JFo can inspire us both20:00
jcastroI feel like Han Solo in Jedi. "Ok, that's one."20:00
nisshhI feel like Chewy in Star Wars. "RRRROOAAARRRR!"20:01
jcastroIt's going to be rough buddy I didn't want to speak up for you20:02
nisshhjcastro, btw, where did you get the notion that im not afraid to dig in?20:04
jcastroI've seen you around posting and chatting, etc.20:05
jcastroI am just trying to nudge you a little bit20:05
nisshhah ok20:05
jcastrowithout pushing you into the gaping maw of JFo20:05
jcastrodigging in enough for me to say "hmm, it's time to light this candle"20:05
JFoI just had the most odd encounter of my life21:16
nigelbJFo: ?21:17
JFothis woman just knocked on my door and when I answered it she says "Can you take me to Fred's?" as if I knew her.21:18
JFoI was like, Uh no. I'm busy."21:18
JFoshe actually had the nerve to get pissed off21:18
nigelbAre you sure you didn't know her?21:18
JFoI'm still in awe at the guts this woman had21:18
JFoI'm absolutely certain21:18
JFoI was like, WTF?!?!21:19
nigelbHrm, it isn't April yet21:19
JFono, she was dead serious21:19
JFolike she thought I was a taxi service21:19
nigelband you're pretty sure she isn't your next door neighbor right?21:19
nigelbBecause I have no clue who my neighbors are :D21:20
cjohnstonmy neighbors just know im armed21:20
nigelbcjohnston: They'll be like "that lunatic bald guy who carries a gun, don't go knocking there!"21:21
cjohnstonI am completely fine with it21:21
JFothis one knows I am armed too now21:43
JFodefinitely not my neighbor21:43
JFoI was just floored at the fact that she was pissed at me because I wouldn't drop everything and driver her some where21:44
cjohnstonJFo: will you take me to freds?21:45
JFofW#@ no!21:45
nigelblooks like some perl regex :p21:45
cjohnstonregex, eww21:46
JFowhatever disuades you from ever asking again :-P21:46
cjohnstonJFo: will you take me to the gun range?21:46
czajkowskimumbling paultag is amusing21:47
nigelbcjohnston: heh, regex is nice21:47
nigelbczajkowski: ah, that's who he's mumbling to :p21:47
JFocjohnston, now that I will do21:48
* JFo hands cjohnston a target to hold21:48
czajkowskiI wanna go to a firing range :(21:48
cjohnstonI figured you may be more apt to take me if it was something you would like21:48
* JFo hands czajkowski a target to hold :-P21:48
JFocjohnston, we can definitely go whenever you want21:48
* czajkowski peers to JFo oi oi buddy21:48
JFosee, the difference here is, I know you21:48
JFoczajkowski, just kidding ;-)21:49
JFoczajkowski, you missed my story earlier21:49
nigelbvery amusing story too21:49
JFoit wasn't to me :)21:49
czajkowskiJFo: what ya do this time..21:49
JFo<JFo> I just had the most odd encounter of my life21:50
JFo<nigelb> JFo: ?21:50
JFo<JFo> this woman just knocked on my door and when I answered it she says "Can you take me to Fred's?" as if I knew her.21:50
JFo<JFo> I was like, Uh no. I'm busy."21:50
JFo<JFo> she actually had the nerve to get pissed off21:50
nigelbI wonder if it was some reality show21:50
JFoit was like I was watching some funny movie21:50
JFoI dunno, if it was they have footage of me telling her to get steppin21:50
* czajkowski is pissing herself laughing at paultag 21:50
* paultag hugs21:51
* czajkowski smacks paultag 21:52
* JFo clearly missed something21:52
czajkowskiJFo: clearly the lady wanted your attention and you said no21:52
czajkowskiJFo: shocking :p21:52
czajkowskiJFo: oh aloha on twitter21:53
* czajkowski loves mumble21:56
jonodinda, I might be a few mins late if that is ok21:56
JFodon't believe it dinda, he's ditching you to play sweet riffs on his guitar. :)21:56
JFo<-knows the troof21:57
nigelbor to unpack ;)21:57
JFo<Dr Evil>How about a Hot Pocket?</Dr Evil>21:57
JFowonder what I ordered from woot that is now shipping21:59
jonoJFo, hah, not this time :)21:59
* JFo ponders21:59
czajkowskipaultag: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZZ_Top21:59
jonothe troof!21:59
nigelbjono: not this time, you've done it before? :p21:59
jononigelb, hah21:59
czajkowskiC ZED not ZEEE21:59
paultagczajkowski: :)21:59
paultagZED ZED TOP21:59
nigelbwait, what are you folks talking on Mumble again?22:00
dindajono: no worries22:00
dindaJFo: so should I go ahead and grab my ukulele while I wait?  ;)22:00
nigelbVuvuzela would be a good idea :p22:01
JFodinda, only if you can play power chords on it :-)22:01
nigelbThis channel seems to be a hub of fun today22:02
cjohnstonbetter than the normal: "<insert name> you ready; yup"22:02
nigelbcjohnston: haha, good point22:03
nigelbAll hail JFo ;)22:03
* nisshh reads the scrollback and almost craps himself laughing22:03
* JFo has the knack22:03
nigelbJFo has the right amount of evilness ;)22:04
JFonigelb, I restrain my evilness while typing... most of the time22:05
nigelbI can't wait for the new episode of failure to launch ;)22:05
nisshhJFo, you should meet a woman in my loco, you could be evil together :)22:05
* nigelb wonders who that would be22:05
JFonisshh, :)22:06
nisshhnigelb, you dont want to meet her :)22:06
nigelbyou know, I'd pay to see the look on JFo's face the next time somone knocks on the door asking to be dropped at some place :p22:06
nisshhthose of us who know her in the loco refer to her as the Crazy C Lady :)22:07
nisshhnigelb, +122:07
jonodinda, just about ready22:10
nigelbnisshh: you've woken up for the morning?22:10
JFonigelb, I'll pay to see the look on their faces when they get greeted by my gun :)22:10
jonodinda, all set22:11
jonowhat #22:11
jonofeel free to msg me it22:11
nisshhnigelb, i was awake all night actually :)22:12
nigelbjono: I don't know where you get the pictures, but they're amazing22:12
nigelbnisshh: ah, if its morning for you, I should remind myself t go to bed ;)22:12
nisshhnigelb, yeah, 6:15AM :)22:12
jonothanks nigelb :-)22:12
nisshhnigelb, i couldnt sleep, i had too much fun writing code and essays :)22:13
jonoif everyone could tweet that, that would be great!22:13
* nigelb RT'd22:13
* nisshh dents it22:14
nigelbok, bed time.  Laters all.22:15
nigelbJFo, was fun in here today :)22:15
nisshhgah, it didnt shorten the link :(22:15

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