
heavylildudehi all13:42
heavylildudei'm looking for ubuntu-indonesia channel?13:42
Piciheavylildude: Thats #ubuntu-id13:42
heavylildudesorry if this is inappropriate questions13:42
PiciNope, its a fine question for here.13:43
heavylildudeaah thanks13:43
rusiviHello may I please have a Ubuntu Cloak? Launchpad profile -> https://launchpad.net/~rusivi214:52
rusiviI was referred to this channel by -> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-cloaks14:54
k1lPici, jussi , nhandler , topyli , tsimpson  one of them should be the right guy for the job14:55
cdbsrusivi: I don't see that you are an Ubuntu Member14:56
cdbs!membership | rusivi14:56
ubotturusivi: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership14:56
PiciAgreed, sorry :(14:56
rusivicdbs/Pici: K let me check that thanks14:57
cdbsPici: Are there any types of cloaks for non-members? The ~ubuntu-irc-cloaks team description has a tone which may give the impression that there are some14:58
Picicdbs: There are not.14:58
PiciThe only Ubuntu cloaks that exist are those for members and those for official Ubuntu bots.14:58
cdbsPici: Then it would be better to modify the team description14:59
tsimpsoncdbs: which part do you find confusing?14:59
cdbstsimpson: Alternatively, you can apply for membership to this team, but please specify your Launchpad address and your freenode nickname in the application request, and ensure that the nickname is set up as per all steps recommended at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup"14:59
tsimpsonthat could be misinterpreted, yeah15:00
cdbsAnyone reading the para for the first time might feel like that15:00
rusivicdbs: I definitely feel confused as e-mailing the ubuntu-irc-cloaks team was about to be my next move...15:01
rusivitsimpson: ^15:03
tsimpsonI think moving that sentence should be all that's required: "If you are an Ubuntu Member and would like a cloak, you can ask in the freenode channel #ubuntu-irc. Alternatively, you can apply for membership to this team, but please specify your Launchpad address and your freenode nickname in the application request, and ensure that the nickname is set up as per all steps recommended at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup. You can find more15:03
tsimpsoninformation about ubuntu cloaks at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks .15:03
cdbstsimpson: I think that part was existant from the time this team was Moderated and not Restricted15:04
PiciI think that we should remove the mention of people applying for the team.15:05
cdbsNow that its restricted, there is no way for a person to apply but come on this channel15:05
cdbsPici: +115:05
rusivitsimpson: I like the suggestion, the only thing that would eliminate further ambiguity would be -> "If you are an Ubuntu Member ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership ) and would like a cloak, you can ask in the freenode channel #ubuntu-irc. Alternatively, you can apply for membership to this team, but please specify your Launchpad address and your freenode nickname in the application request, and ensure that the nickname is set up15:07
rusivi as per all steps recommended at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup. You can find more information about ubuntu cloaks at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks."15:07
tsimpsonI didn't realise that you actually cannot apply to the team, so the sentence should be removed altogether15:08
cdbsrusivi: There is no way to apply, so removing is the best choice15:08
rusivicdbs: sounds good!15:08
cdbsThe only way to get a cloak is to come to this channel and ask for a cloak, and henceforth you will be checked if you are Ubuntu member15:09
jussilubotu3: join #ubuntu-rs19:14
voriancan we get kubuntu cloaks20:11
voriani see, the whole ignore and hope someone else answers routine20:26
IdleOnevorian: I think you need to ask a Kubuntu group contact about that20:28
IdleOnenot sure who they are, #kubuntu-ops maybe can help?20:28
vorianIdleOne: there are no kubuntu gc's20:29
IdleOnewhat does the kubuntu membership wiki say?20:29
vorianthe irc council executed a coup20:29
IdleOnekubuntu has it's own council20:30
m4vkubuntu members don't use the regular ubuntu/member cloaks?20:32
PiciI don't recall the last time we gave out a Kubuntu cloak.20:33
m4vhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Membership mentions  you can request an "ubuntu/members/your_nick" cloak20:36
m4vthough there's a typo in the "members" part ...20:38
jussiIm pretty sure it was policy to only give out ubuntu/member cloaks.20:38
jussiI dont think we currently have any kubuntu cloaks - and the policy was in place because if we go giving out kubuntu/member, then we need to do xubuntu/member edubuntu/member etc (possibly other reasons also, but I need to double check)20:41
Pici/who kubuntu/member/* doesn't report anything for me.20:42
* vish thinks vorian asked this similar question about 6months back.. ;) 20:46
vishwhen previously asking for the /ubuntu/member cloak20:46
visherr, rather when switching cloaks20:47

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