
zuixroHey, I am running Mythbuntu 10.10, and my hard drive keeps filling up. It keeps recording to that drive even when there's no space left. Also, I keep getting logged out every 2 hours.01:03
zuixroMy question is, How do I fix either or both of these problems?01:05
Patrickdksounds like you never did the config01:08
Patrickdkthe config explicitly asks you how often to check, and how much diskspace to leave free01:08
zuixroIt was working fine before I upgraded to 10.0401:08
Patrickdkmine checks like every 15min, and leaves 20gigs free01:08
zuixroAh, How do I run the config then?01:08
Patrickdkmine has been on 10.04 since it came out01:08
PatrickdkI think it's in the backend config01:09
Patrickdkmythtv-setup? or via the menu01:09
zuixroAlright I'll give it a try01:10
zuixroAny idea about the logouts?01:10
zuixroIt happens more frequently when MythFrontend isn't running01:10
zuixroI get logged out ever 2 hours (almsot exactly)01:10
Patrickdkdunno, I have never been logged out, ever01:10
Patrickdkwith or without mythfrontend running01:10
Patrickdkor systems that don't even have myth installed01:10
zuixroYeah it's weird01:11
Patrickdkscreensaver settings?01:11
Patrickdkor, sleep/standby mode?01:11
zuixroAnd it's 2 hours regardless of what has happened, even during a recording01:11
Patrickdksounds like a sleep mode, power savings turning on01:11
Patrickdkit wouldn't know if your recording or not01:12
zuixroI meant even if I'm using it, like watching a recording or changing a setting in the menu01:13
zuixroPatrickdk could you be referring to "File Management Settings"? Cause I can't find anything about minimum free space in there01:30
HaywireDual booting Windoze Vista and Mythbuntu 10.04... When I first run mthtv, everything is fine...finds backend, stream tv, recorded tv all ok.. then I boot to windoze... It  "detects" something changed, and runs checkdisk, of course, finds no errors, and then proceeds to boot up fine... but after that, mythtv frontend fails to load, and I get a message of "No UPnP"  help103:57
HaywireBoth OS's seem to load o.k. - but I've reloaded MythTV twice, and I'm SURE windoze has changed something, I just cannot figure out what...03:59
zoran119can i run both front and backend on a livecd to test it out?09:24
Zinn[freenode.net] freenode: frequently-asked questions14:44
pmceneryHi guys. is anyone working on autobuild packaging via the new git repository21:13
mrandpmcenery: yep, superm1 has been actively working on it.21:20
superm1with any luck, tonight's autobuilds should be git'ified21:20
superm1(knock on wood)21:20
pmceneryexcellent. thanks.21:21
superm1pmcenery, additionally the code has been abstracted out, so you if you want to kick off your own build of master or fixes/0.24 with a collection of commits on your local tree, you can https://github.com/MythTV/packaging/blob/master/deb/build-debs.sh21:21
Zinn[github.com] deb/build-debs.sh at master from MythTV's packaging - GitHub21:21
superm1as soon as I know autobuilds is working i'll try to document all of that so users can use it more easily21:22
pmcenerysuperm1: thanks. That is really cool. I often find this the easiest way to add a patch and test it. Its just not practical to have a source build on my system - even for testing21:23
superm1pmcenery, so there are two scripts there, build-deb.sh and build-dsc.sh21:24
superm1if you use build-dsc.sh it will generate source packages21:24
superm1which you can kick off into a pbuilder/sbuild/PPA and spit back debs if you dont want to litter your system with 400 megs of build-depend21:24
pmcenerysuperm1: very cool.21:25

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