
ubottuIn #ubuntu, bisanthe said: ubottu: no no, there is no problem with md500:11
Jordan_UHow do I access the ban tracker?04:31
rwwJordan_U: type @login in PM with ubottu or in an ubottu channel, then @btlogin. If you're set up properly, it should PM you a URL04:31
tonyyarussoOf course, if you do @btlogin before @login, it just ignores you :P04:32
tonyyarussoAnd it will forget your @login after a while even if you don't /quit (1 day?)04:32
Jordan_Urww: Thanks.04:32
Jordan_UI really like how it shows the recent logs from that time.04:33
rwwJordan_U: probably best to keep the URL in a bookmark or something, assuming you're the only one who uses your account. and keep the URL private, since it's your login credential.04:33
Jordan_UHow long should I keep a ban on a blatant troll?04:38
rwwdepends on the op and the person. as I understand it, generally until they find their way to #ubuntu-ops or your PM window and agree to not act up in the future04:41
Jordan_UNo communication from them (at least with me, and I set the ban). But eventually the ban list will fill up, correct?04:43
rwwyup. at which point you look at your bans, judge which can be removed, and remove them04:44
rwwwe're looking at a few months before it fills up again, I think. I grabbed the graph of bans in #ubuntu over time and drew lines on it, and it came out to 3 months before we hit maximum04:44
rwwhttp://status.nullcortex.com/other/other/ircbans-year.png , the big drop is when all the uncommented bans got cleared out about a month ago04:46
rww(and 3 months was a conservative estimate)04:46
* rww sighs at -offtopic05:52
ikoniawho lets these fools into #ubuntu-offtopic08:10
ikoniawe need some sort of topic in that channel or a better set of guidelines08:10
ikoniaI know it's been said before, but it's just rubbish08:10
ikoniapretty much all of them08:11
* elky is prioritising pizza before reading backscroll08:11
rwwI wonder if setting +r would help any. Seems like a lot of the crazies don't bother registering with NickServ.08:12
ikoniayes yes yes yes yes yes yes08:12
rwwI've suggested it before in jest, but the more I think about it, the less of a bad idea it seems :\08:13
elkycareful rww, you're getting him excited again, and i'm too busy eating pizza to clean up the puddle.08:13
macoi took pills and ate pizza bagel bites today. it was yummy08:14
IdleOnethe pills or the pizza?08:14
macothe pizza08:14
elkythe pills let her eat the pizza08:14
macothe pills tasted like chalk but made the pizza edible08:14
IdleOneoh, well then that is good08:14
rwwoh, I thought they let her deal with #ubuntu-offtopic. totally took the wrong interpretation there.08:14
elkyrww to be honest though, if we could be assured by the ircc that taking a hard stance in -ot would be actively backed up by them, that'd be more effective than making it +r. a toy bot with decent rate limiting would also help as a distraction08:17
elkywe used to be able to derail about 70% of bickering by pulling out bofh, chuck, t, etc08:17
IdleOneI miss lart08:19
IdleOnelart was nice08:19
IdleOneIRCC bring back the lart in -ot08:19
elkylart less so...08:19
rwwIRCC please ignore IdleOne, he's had too much to drink08:19
IdleOneI have not08:19
macois there still hammertime?08:20
ubottu━━▊ ━━▊ ━━▊08:20
elkylimited use, it's not the shiny random ooh-what-will-be-next effect08:20
rwwIdleOne: it was rather hard to get certain people to stop using rather unfriendly /me commands when they could point to ubottu hitting people with a baseball bat.08:20
elkyyou're up against /that/ mental age08:21
macoi liked it when ubottu divided people by zero08:22
elkya limited lart list might work08:22
elkythere were some really awful ones in there by the end08:22
IdleOneI think heavier handed use of +b might be good08:23
rwwI think it'd probably be possible to CoCify @lart, yes.08:23
elkyi think so too08:23
elkyIdleOne, no, +m08:23
elkythere's nothing mission critical about -ot. mute the bejeebus out of it imho08:23
elkybut the ircc may disagree08:23
rww(previous statement does not imply that CoCifying it and bringing it back is a good idea ;)08:24
elkywhat do we have to lose. the off button is easier than the on button08:25
rwwPerhaps we should declare December to be National #ubuntu-offtopic Experiment Month. One week of +r, one week of looser interpretations of various !guidelines... ;D08:25
Myrttirww, Jordan_U, tonyyarusso just a reminder if you haven't seen it, bantracker has SSL now, ubottu isn't aware of it yet but replacing the http with https should work08:26
Flannelrww: One week of -c!08:26
Myrttithe certificate is selfsigned but still08:26
rwwMyrtti: Yes, I updated my link copypasta accordingly. Thanks for poking people into doing it :)08:26
elkyrww i think january is better, it's the gone-to-hell-please-schools-take-them-back month here.08:26
Jordan_UMyrtti: How does authentication work?08:27
elkyMyrtti, ohai! you're really really back? :D08:27
MyrttiJordan_U: authenticate as usual with ubottu, copypaste the address from it to your browser, replace http to https and rock and rll08:27
Myrttielky: for time being08:28
rwwOn the first day of Christmas, IRCC gave to me, +r in #ubuntu-offtopic. On the second day of Christmas, IRCC gave to me two hours of +m, and +r in #ubuntu-offtopic. On the third day of Christmas, IRCC gave to me bans for three crazies, two hours of +m, and +r in #ubuntu-offtopic...08:28
rwwBy the time we get to the twelfth day of Christmas, I expect tonyyarusso to be the only one able to talk in there.08:29
Jordan_UI thought that URLs were still sent in plain text with https, but I just checked and it appears they aren't.08:30
Jordan_Urww: And?08:31
rwwor perhaps add "subjecting the channel to nonsense" before "other attention-seeking behavior" :\08:39
rwwin the IRC guidelines, that is08:39
rwwalthough that sentence needs rewording as it is, even without additions.08:40
Jordan_UI don't spend much time in #ubuntu-offtopic I think trying to limit "nonsense" is too subjective, and not really apropriate for an "off topic" channel.08:41
rwwThere's a qualitative difference between off-topic discussion and the sort of problematic behavior that happens in there, though.08:43
tonyyarussoI'll subject you to nonsense like there's no tomorrow!08:43
tonyyarussoSee my jabberwocky-esque rambling a few months ago :P08:44
rwwAnyways, I have to go to sleep. Have fun in opland :)08:44
elkyliar, you never sleep.08:45
Flanneltonyyarusso: gyre and gimbling toves to you too!08:45
rwwI have work at 08:00. It is currently 00:45 :(08:45
tonyyarussoI'll go to your work work if you do my homework.08:45
elkywell that's silly of you08:45
Flannelelky: tonyyarusso just wants to get out of the snow08:46
Jordan_Urww: Hey, we're in the same time zone.08:46
tonyyarussonah, I'd like to get out in the snow instead of being stuck inside doing dumbness.08:46
Hobbseei'll do the homework if someone else wants to sit on hold to NAB to get them to get them to deliver my card either to my house, or a branch close to me, instead of in anothe state.08:47
Hobbseei'm not going to melbourne to pick up a card!08:48
elkythe same NAB that got pretty seriously fubared recently?08:48
Hobbseethat's the one08:48
elkyyou couldn't leave quick enough?08:49
Hobbseewasn't particularly affected, actually08:49
Hobbseebut, card due to name change08:49
elkyof course08:49
Hobbseebesides, westpac and c/w are out, so not much in the way of other choice08:50
Hobbseethat might be any better08:50
elkyand why exactly do they think you're in melbourne?08:50
Hobbseei've no idea.08:50
Hobbseethey called me about another card, which had landed in melbourne for some reason, and wanted to know where i'd like to pick it up08:50
tonyyarussoname change?08:50
Hobbseeyeah - got married08:50
tonyyarussoGood lord you've been away a while...08:51
Hobbseeif they drop all calls at 8 when their call centre closes, i'm not going to be happy...08:51
* tonyyarusso continues trying to process08:53
elkyprocess what?08:53
tonyyarussoThat Hobbsee got married!08:54
elkynah, it's not really that surprising if you've been in the right circles.08:54
jussiHappy Finnish independence day everyone!!!08:54
tonyyarussoLast time I talked to her I don't even know if she was seeing anyone.  Feeling massively out of loop.08:54
tonyyarussojussi: Wooooo!  Finally got the Swedes and Russians occupied with other things at the same time, eh?  :P08:55
jussitonyyarusso: 93 years old she is! :D08:55
Myrttihere's a thought: someone should send an email about the bugtracker being available with SSL08:57
jussilol, check out picture 3 - do you not think it looks like Mark? http://is.gd/ihny809:00
Hobbseetonyyarusso: it was kept pretty quiet09:02
elkyjussi, heh at a glance yeah09:05
elkyjussi, ack... 4th at a glance is a splitting image of my evil brother09:07
jussinow I dare anyone to write a blogpost that hits planet with that picture in it... :P09:07
elky"Jussi dared me to do this <img..."09:08
Jordan_Ujussi: You're a wonderfull catalyst ;)09:08
Hobbseeright, sorted.  they're now ordering all the cards again09:09
elkyJordan_U,  if he keeps up, next year he'll qualify for the gold spoon of stirring.09:09
elkyHobbsee, lolwat? not redirect... reorder?09:10
Hobbseeelky: apparently it's quicker to reorder them and send them to parramatta09:10
* Hobbsee shrugs09:10
Hobbseeat least i can use the old ones09:10
jussiI have to go an order new cards for me also - cancelled mine when I lost my wallet, then found my wallet...09:11
Hobbseeoh dear09:12
jussithe short version of the long story is, my car broke down. tow truck came to get me, and delivered me home. wallet fell out in the tow truck, I thought it was gone for ever, then I cancelled the cards. then the tow truck guy called me...09:13
Hobbseemakes perfect sense09:17
MyrttiI think grub and grub2 factoids should be separated09:39
elkywhy didn't you order new cards when you cancelled the old ones09:42
elkybecause whenever i have to cancel a card i'm all like plz to send me new card right away because i need the moneys it dispenses09:42
Jordan_UMyrtti: I agree. They were untill recently.09:44
jussielky: cant do that here, theres is a central card agency, that provides the 24h service for card cancellation and forwards it to the bank. then you need to go back to the bank and order cards.11:07
elkythat's a bit broken then11:07
topylijussi: i've done that too11:11
topylii canceled cards, found my wallet an hour later11:12
jussiI dont have a real problem with the system11:12
jpds1) Don't lose your cards.11:12
jpds2) ...11:12
jussigiven my bqank is open a lot more than normal banks (its part of a shopping chain) (well one of my banks)11:12
topylii have also called my provider to shut down my phone, then found the phone a couple of hours later11:12
jpds3) Profit.11:12
jussitopyli: thing is, provider can just pause it, then re-open11:13
jussibank wont do that with the cards11:13
topylino you have to get a new sim when they close it11:13
topylior do you? i don't remember, this is not a recent memory11:14
jussitopyli: if they close it yes, but they can just block outgoing calls if need be.11:14
tsimpsonusually they block the phone by IMIE, afik11:16
topyliwhen you report a stolen phone to the police, they will blacklist the phone by IMEI (so that reselling is more difficult). but if you simply lose your phone, they disable the sim11:18
topyliand start asking you what sort of phone you would like to upgrade to11:18
ubottuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu (i5noc)12:05
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from i5noc)12:05
Myrttioh lord12:05
Myrttivolunteers for this mess?12:06
MyrttiI need to go soon and I suspect mopping up may take longer than I've got time12:06
ikoniawhat's up12:23
Myrttihe's apparently banned from #debian atm, and Gnea is having trouble with him12:24
ikoniadvanstone: is a pain too12:24
Myrttihe's been a nuisance the past few days but I've not been able to nail him from anything12:25
Myrttiand having said that, I need to go12:25
ikoniasomeone else had a problem with him yesterday12:25
ikoniata ta12:25
ikoniawhy do people ask if something will work, then when you tell them "no" they carry on saying they will make it work, if that's the idea, then why ask12:46
popeyPeople are idiots. Film at 11.12:48
ikoniaI gues12:48
Picirww: re: 12 days of #ubuntu-ops christmas, I actually started writing one over the weekend.12:52
* Pici clearly has too much free time.12:55
* LjL pulls the carpet from under Pici12:57
topyliPici: make that public13:03
HobbseePici: rofl13:03
Picilet me polish it a little more and I'll throw it up on the blag13:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Seveas said: !enter =~ s/punctuation/spacebar or punctuation/13:13
Myrtti9 noobies gnawing15:34
Myrttithe prize of "Who can type nicknames worst" goes to: [17:50] < dsquared2> mrytii..15:51
Myrtti!pm > xCasualty15:52
Myrttithere might be some trolls on the channel atm15:58
Myrttimy spider senses are tingling15:58
Myrttiyeah... excess flooded themselves off16:01
IdleOneyou saw that also huh16:46
PiciHe sent me a pm before after I told him that he was in the support channel.16:48
MyrttiPici: may I pm?16:49
PiciMyrtti: me? Always.16:49
PiciWell, not *all* the time.  That would be annoying.16:49
* Myrtti drops the towel at Elgar16:53
IdleOnecan't even paste a url proper so it is easily clickable :/16:56
Myrttiyou're just using a bad terminal app/IRC client16:56
Myrttiterminator works fine :-)16:57
IdleOneI am16:57
jussiPeoples, if you see a serbian factoid requested (from #ubuntu-rs), please check it is requested by an op there (/msg chanserv access #ubuntu-rs list) - if so, fee free to add channel specific factoids for them.19:23
MyrttiI have a nagging feeling I've forgotten something really, really important20:35
IdleOnethe oven on?20:37
IdleOnelock the front door?20:37
IdleOneOMG the baby! where's the baby!?20:37
MyrttiI have actually forgotten the hob on while traveling 50km away from it20:37
Myrttiand remembering it 2 hours later20:38
IdleOnethe hob?20:38
Myrttielectric hob.20:38
PiciWhats a hob?20:38
IdleOnewhat's a hob?20:38
Myrttisilly Americans20:38
PiciIdleOne is Canadian.20:38
IdleOneI am CANADIAN20:38
IdleOneso what is it?20:39
PiciI'm curious now.20:39
IdleOneprobably a stove/oven20:39
Myrttisorry, my laptop froze20:39
IdleOnehob is short for what?20:39
IdleOnehow do you get hob from cooktop?20:40
Myrtti"In modern British English usage, the word refers to a cooktop or hotplate, as distinguished from an oven."20:40
IdleOneyou crazy UKians20:40
IdleOneahh, hotplate20:40
MyrttiI'm FINNISH! (with a British partner)20:40
IdleOneyou don't have to get all upset :(20:41
IdleOnewas just asking, sheesh. Finnishians :P20:41
MyrttiI have no idea. I use the language, I don't create it20:42
PiciI'm going to start using the word 'hob'.20:42
Myrttiit's such a homey word20:43
jussiis a hob a bit like hobnob? :D20:43
IdleOneit will certainly get you some looks in your daily life20:43
Myrttimmmm hobnobs....20:43
Picior is that hobknobs?20:43
IdleOneturn down the hobknob20:43
PiciGoogle has a lot of unrelated definitions for hob.20:44
* charlie-tca has the whole stove here, not just the top20:44
Myrttihm, I sure hope whatever is happening in #freenode doesn't spread to #ubuntu20:48
LjLcertainly won't while it's +r20:53
MyrttiI still have a nagging feeling I've forgotten something important, and it's not about IRC20:54
IdleOneMyrtti: don't worry about it and it will come to you20:54
MyrttiI suppose I should check my worklaptop about what it might be20:56
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91020:58
Picinot eol yet :(20:58
ubottuGRUB is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:59
Myrttiso in karmic it already was grub2?20:59
* Myrtti counts with fingers21:00
* tonyyarusso giggles at Planet22:01
tonyyarusso"Loco with huge member" - oh, you DIDN'T mean .us?  Huh.22:02
tonyyarusso*members, rather22:02
tonyyarussoApparently it's an English fail, and they mean they have a lot of members, not that their members like McDonald's a little too much.22:03
LjLi was thinking of yet another meaning...22:03
tonyyarussoBad LjL!22:08
Myrttisomeone has been watching too much Austin Powers22:10
MyrttiI'm the first one to confess.22:10
tonyyarussoAny Austin Powers is too much Austin Powers.22:10
IdleOneI didn't op myself22:57
IdleOnewhy did my client op me22:58
charlie-tcaone of them "smartclients"?23:05
Myrttiis it just me or is -ot a total sausage fest right now?23:07
Myrttiah, now they've moved on to talking about hardware23:10
elkyMyrtti, pretty much down to comparing, yeah.23:22
MyrttiI should stop knitting and watching Attenborough and go to bed23:23
rwwStatistically, -ot is a sausagefest :(23:25

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