
cokegenthx qman__00:00
SlybootsUh.. Why does the JRE install want to add things like X11.. Gnome..00:07
SlybootsI just want the java cli compiler.00:07
qman__Slyboots, did you try with --no-install-recommends?00:20
qman__also, pretty sure you want the -headless option00:21
qman__openjdk-6-jre-headless - OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)00:22
SlybootsHmm.. let me try it now00:26
SlybootsYea thats a lot better :D00:26
SlybootsThanks :)00:34
_Techie_is it possible to have ubuntu-server setup as a router with the modem and wireless connected to the same NIC?01:14
twb_Techie_: you mean you have a wireless AP and a commodity appliance modem, and you want to plug both of those, plus your server, into a 802.1 ethernet switch?01:15
_Techie_im too broke to buy another NIC atm01:16
qman__technically possible, but you're going to have lots of DHCP issues01:16
qman__as all the traffic from the internet is going to be floating around on your switch01:16
_Techie_i dont use the dhcp on my modem01:17
qman__you may or may not get DHCP from your ISP01:17
qman__and may or may not use it on your LAN01:17
qman__but if you do, in either case, it will interfere01:17
_Techie_i use a half bridge, and my external IP and routing is manually configured on my server01:17
qman__so you're not sharing the internet connection?01:18
qman__anyway, it is technically possible, but you're still going to have internet traffic on the wire throughout01:22
_Techie_meh, not a problem01:22
qman__which is a bad idea security wise01:22
_Techie_i dont use the wireless anyway01:22
qman__and what I was getting at is, anything attached to that switch will all have to be manually configured, as you won't be able to firewall DHCP out01:24
_Techie_why will they have to be manually configured?01:24
qman__because DHCP is DHCP01:24
qman__anything connected that asks for a lease is going to ask your entire ISP for one01:24
_Techie_my modem is only acting in half bridge, and ive since disabled the DHCP on it01:25
qman__I don't know what you mean by that01:25
qman__it's either letting traffic through or it isn't01:27
qman__unless it's a sophisticated firewall appliance, in which case I have to wonder why you're doing this anyway01:27
_Techie_its a astandard DSL modem+ router with DHCP spoofing01:28
_Techie_it is spoofing a dhcp server inside the network that contains the external ip01:28
qman__that's not spoofing, but ok01:29
_Techie_its a weird topic and is hard to find the proper terms01:29
qman__any time a computer comes online, it's going to make a DHCP request01:29
qman__unless that unit differentiates by MAC, it's going to give it out01:30
_Techie_the DHCP on the modem has since been disabled01:30
_Techie_i moved the configuration to be static on my servers NIC01:30
qman__ok, but the other problem is, if it's in a bridging mode, your switch is now in the internet01:30
qman__and your DHCP requests will go to the other side, unless that device is sophisticated enough to filter them out01:31
_Techie_it is sophisticated in a way01:31
_Techie_it was originally setup as a normal home ADSL modem/router01:31
_Techie_so it would normally pick up DHCP requests and assign them 192.168.1.X01:32
_Techie_so DHCP getting through to the internet wont happen01:32
qman__that doesn't mean anything01:33
qman__when you change to bridged mode, all that goes away01:33
qman__it doesn't route anymore, so unless it has a decent operating firewall, they'll still get through01:33
_Techie_it does route01:34
_Techie_its not fully bridged01:34
_Techie_it still uses NAT and everything01:34
_Techie_it just extends the external IP to an internal machine using the inbuilt DHCP server which has since been disabled01:35
qman__that's not technically possible01:35
_Techie_it is01:35
qman__there's no point to it, either01:36
_Techie_there is if you live somewhere like me, where you cant get cable internet or a PPPoE connection01:36
_Techie_or even a decent modem without spending mega bucks01:37
qman__no, I mean to providing such a function01:37
qman__there's no point in having your external IP assigned internally and simultaneously assigning private addressing01:37
qman__you might as well just use the DMZ setting01:37
qman__it's a lot less complicated and doesn't violate the principles of routing01:38
_Techie_well i use it to make managing my server slightly easier as it appears to be connected directly to the internet01:39
qman__sounds like a security nightmare01:40
qman__anyway, you could do what you were asking, but it's complicated01:40
qman__you need two virtual interfaces on your server01:40
qman__well, subinterfaces01:41
qman__eth0:0, eth0:1, etc01:41
qman__that is, if you want to do the routing through your server01:41
qman__which I'm assuming is the reason you want to01:42
_Techie_im going to try get away with one01:43
_Techie_eth0-my comp       eth1-modem with eth1:0 being the wifi01:43
qman__you have two interfaces?01:44
qman__then just use them01:44
qman__put the AP on the inside01:44
_Techie_its sort of the reason01:44
_Techie_2 NIC's01:45
_Techie_one 10/100 and the other gigabit01:45
_Techie_and all my network hardware is 10/10001:45
_Techie_and i want to be able to use the gigabit link to link my pc and the server for streaming HD content from the media shares01:46
_Techie_up untill today is was using a 10/100 switch connected to the gigabit of the server01:46
_Techie_which was all nice, it kept my LAN inside a secure area, but cut off the ability to use the gigabit link01:48
qman__well, it's still not a good setup, but you can do it that way01:49
qman__however, I have to warn you01:49
qman__a setup using eth1 and eth1:0 at the same time has never worked for me01:49
qman__always had to de-configure eth1 and use eth1:0 and eth1:101:49
qman__and I would still advise against using DHCP on that part of the link01:52
qman__is your wireless AP a wireless router, or just an AP?01:52
_Techie_doign this also frees up 10m of cable01:53
_Techie_as it removes the need for the reverse link providing a connection for wireless users01:53
qman__if it's a wireless router I suggest going that route instead of AP mode01:53
=== __Techie__ is now known as _Techie_
qman__if your wireless AP is actually a wireless router, I suggest using it for providing DHCP to the wireless clients01:54
qman__to keep the DHCP traffic off of that interface on your server01:54
qman__trusting your DSL modem/router to protect you from that trouble is risky01:55
qman__up to you, though01:56
kajeCan someone tell me how I can have my dhcp server update the hostname of a client? I've seen this done on other networks, but I can't find the right directive for my host entries...02:03
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twbWhy does lucid have both /etc/init/ssh.conf and /etc/init.d/ssh ?03:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #685724 in openvpn (main) "openvpn server loses internet after bridge activation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68572403:46
pmatulistwb: b/c upstart can't handle sshd running in a chroot03:53
twbAh, looks like the init.d ssh is not enabled by default03:54
twbI can live with that03:55
twbI have an Ubuntu router with console=/dev/ttyS0, and that serial port is cabled to ttyUSB0 on a server.04:00
twbAn Ubuntu server, that is.04:00
twbWhat's the "right" way to have the server log ttyUSB0?04:00
cokegenlog all activity ?04:01
cokegenbc you'll have the console there man04:01
twbcokegen: basically I want the output of ttyUSB0 (particularly the printks) to be logged into /var/log somewhere.04:02
twbObviously I'll need a way to *stop* that logging so I can do "screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200" when I need to control the router via console.04:02
cokegenI was trying to find a way to "split" the serial ports04:04
twbplan B is something like a udev rule that says "when a USB serial device is created, run screen -dmC foo.conf", where foo.conf is a screenrc that says something like "chdir /var/log; screen /dev/ttyUSB0; log on"04:04
cokegenI don't know really what to say04:04
twbWhich would result in output to /var/log/screenlog.004:05
twbAh, an ":logfile /var/log/router-console.log" to change the logfile04:06
cokegenwhat about just reading the serial port like this in a loop ?04:17
cokegenREAD=`dd if=/dev/ttyS1 count=1`04:17
cokegenand run screen whenever you want04:18
cokegenread only would be04:18
cokegenstty -F /dev/ttyS1 raw speed 960004:18
cokegenjust found that somewhere04:18
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
arrrghhhhey all, i have created a pub/priv key combo for this laptop before, but using putty/windows.  can i use that same key combo in ubuntu somehow?04:38
twbarrrghhh: I don't know what that means.04:40
twbarrrghhh: oh, you mean an SSH keypair.04:40
twbThe PuTTY and OpenSSH formats for SSH keypairs are different, but I think there's a tool to convert from one to the other.04:41
arrrghhhi see the different04:48
arrrghhhi can't just copy/paste?04:48
twbDec  5 02:29:25 alpha kernel: [58505.044670] WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.32/kernel/softirq.c:143 local_bh_enable_ip+0x61/0x90()05:26
twb...and then a kernel backtrace.  How do I find out WHAT I'm being warned about?05:26
vraais there a program that'll fix permissions of a serveR?05:34
vraai actidently chowned everything in / to root:root05:34
twbvraa: no05:39
twbvraa: it'll be easiest to just do a full reinstall05:39
twbWhat are these ntpd messages about?  http://paste.debian.net/101624/05:57
joschitwb: http://bugs.ntp.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45206:00
uvirtbotbugs.ntp.org bug 452 in ntpd "kernel flipping between PLL and FLL" [Normal,Verified: fixed]06:00
twbAny idea if I should do anything, and if so, what?06:01
joschitwb: nope, but since it doesn't seem to be an error, I'd ignore it.06:05
joschitwb: I also have *some* of these messages in my logs06:05
twbI have *lots*06:05
joschitwb: all virtual machines?06:06
joschitwb: I have these messages only on virtual machines (vmware to be specific)06:06
joschitwb: ok, skip that. it also occurs on "physical" machines06:07
twbNo, this is a router06:08
twbBut I do also see a kernel backtrace re ntpd, which I suspect means I need  "notsc"06:08
twbFWIW I only see a couple of flips on my lucid server06:11
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uvirtbotNew bug: #685801 in minicom (universe) "Serial console not working on Ubuntu 10.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68580109:36
=== Adrian is now known as Guest13119
Guest13119Just a question. Does anybody know how/when Apache Tomcat is updated within Ubuntu, as we have some problems with the current version (6.0.24)?09:48
ikoniaGuest13119: in what way "how" it's updated ?09:55
Guest13119Ubuntu currently delivers 6.0.2409:58
Guest13119but we need a newer version to get our application working, but don't wan't to force our customers to install it without apt-get09:59
ikoniaGuest13119: you'll need to log a bug requesting a package update then09:59
Guest13119ah okay, thanks, so now only the question, where can I do this ?09:59
ikoniaGuest13119: launchpad.net10:00
Guest13119Thanks al ot10:01
Guest13119a lot10:01
ikoniaGuest13119: it may not hurt to find out who built that package and chase them for help directly or your request will just set there doing nothing10:04
twbGuest13119: as a rule, RELEASED versions of Ubuntu do not ever receive new (upstream) versions of constituent packages.10:25
twblucid (10.04) has tomcat 6.0.24, but maverick and natty both have
twbIMO you should probably either fix your application to work with .24, or advise your customers to upgrade to a non-LTS version of Ubuntu.10:27
Guest13119hm, not good, as enterprise customers always need LTS10:39
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twbAt least your customers are running 10.0410:50
twbAlmost all of mine are either on RHEL4 or 8.0410:50
twbKerberos debug time!11:00
twbI followed the ubuntu-serverguide's §6.3 kerberos chapter.11:00
twbI went into kadmin on the kdc and did "addprinc fred", giving the password as "fred".11:00
twbOn the krb client machine (also 10.04), I've configured it per §6.3.3 (Kerberos Linux Client), and I can "kinit fred", but I *do not* get a TGT automatically when I log in on tty1.11:01
twb(Where I log in to a local user account created with "adduser fred", also giving the password as fred.)11:02
LagMonsteanyone here have experience with an Areca 1230 12P sata raid controller? Considering buying one used to upgrade storage, but can't find much about it's compatibility with Ubuntu server11:10
twbLagMonste: I tend to go with md RAID11:10
milliganI'm getting a Error 15: FIle not found while trying to boot a machine. The kernel images appear to be where they should be ..11:11
LagMonsteyea i've been running MD raid for the 4 onboard drives (AMD SB600) and it's never had a single issue11:11
twbmilligan: from grub?11:12
milligantwb, yes11:12
twbThat's probably grub trying to find its stage 2 in /boot/grub/11:13
twbI don't debug grub problems anymore, I just install extlinux.  But that's not the party line, so I guess I'll shut up.11:13
twbGod damn.  I just installed slapd on the dom0 instead of a domU11:14
milligantwb, is there any way I can fix it? :(11:15
twbmilligan: probably you would need to boot a live medium and piss-fart around rerunning grub-install and hoping it guesses things correctly.11:15
twbThere's a low-level utility (grub-setup?) that you can use to Do What I Tell You, but IIRC they try to hide it from you11:16
twbWaaay back I used to have to use it to force it to load the grub md raid1 and lvm modules, when I was experimenting with /boot on LVM on RAID1.11:17
=== LagMonste is now known as LagMo
milliganIs rescue mode from the 10.04 install cd useless?11:33
twbBasically, yes.11:36
twbIf you are clever like me, you can do some things with it.  But generally I use the Debian Live "rescue" image, or the CentOS 5 live CD11:36
milliganI did a reinstall of grub, without that making any difference..11:37
twbI think reinstalling grub only works if you shake magic pixie dust over the rack or something11:37
milliganthis is gay. fuck dist-upgrade :(11:38
twbFWIW, dist-upgrade is not the supported upgrade method -- do-release-upgrade is.11:38
milliganyeah, that's what I used.11:38
twbhttp://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/squeeze_live_beta1/amd64/iso-hybrid/debian-squeeze-live-beta1-amd64-rescue.iso for the Squeeze rescue CD11:38
tsimpsonmilligan: please keep your language and topic in line with the Code of Conduct11:39
twbYeah, the PC term is "fagtacular"11:39
tsimpson..., seriously11:40
milliganhm, could it be that the uuid of the disk has changed?11:41
milligan(Or even missing ?)11:41
twbmilligan: disks don't have UUIDs; filesystems, LVM LVs and md RAID arrays do.11:41
twbIIRC disks have bus addresses11:42
milliganwell, the grub menu def has a uuid set as the root .. could that uuid be wrong .. ?11:42
twbmilligan: sure, that's the filesystem UUID for /boot (or /)11:42
milliganooooo - think I got something running here..11:46
milliganAtleast it's moving forwards now.11:46
twbtune2fs -l will list the UUID for an ext[234] fs11:46
twbblkid will probably work for anything11:46
jpdsmilligan: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/11:47
[diablo]anyone have any idea why an NFS mount on a 10.10 Server is giving me totally incorrect uid:gid on all dirs and files please?11:47
twbOr that :-)11:48
milliganLet me check :)11:48
twb[diablo]: NFS does not keep IDs in sync between hosts11:48
twb[diablo]: are you using something like NIS or LDAP for that?11:48
[diablo]twb, Hi... nope11:49
[diablo]twb, the NetApp has all the dir's and files owned by id:80 (www-data) on all other machines11:49
twb[diablo]: for example, if "id fred" returns a UID of 1000 on the NFS client but 500 on the NFS server, that is why.11:49
[diablo]twb, other machines being CentOS 511:49
twb[diablo]: NetApp is the NFS server?11:50
[diablo]twb, but its mounting in with Access: (0777/drwxrwxrwx)  Uid: (4294967294/ UNKNOWN)   Gid: (4294967294/ UNKNOWN11:50
[diablo]twb, yep, NFS is on the NetApp11:50
twb4294967294 is probably because one of your machines is using signed UIDs, the other unsigned, and the NFS export is root_squashed, so one man's nobody:nogroup is another's UNKNOWN:UNKNOWN.11:50
twb[diablo]: try sshing into each box and running "getent passwd" and "getent group", and checking what accounts have different UIDs/GIDs11:51
[diablo]twb, good point about the signed UID's11:51
twbI had an osol10 backup server explode because its UIDs are actually smaller (like, int32 vs uint32), and the RHEL box's nobody account didn't fit.11:52
milliganjpds, twb , the uuid is wrong it seems. Can I just edit it in the /boot/grub/menu.lst and it'll be fine ?11:52
twbmilligan: it's grub.cfg now11:53
twbmilligan: but yes, probably.  I don't know if update-grub will blow that away and put hte wrong UUID back11:53
milliganwhat's the default password for a rescue session, ssh ?11:55
[diablo]twb, can I should you the two mounts?11:55
twbI usually boot into single and run passwd to break into it, becauise it's easier than remembering11:55
twb[diablo]: whatever, man.  Use pastebin for anything large.11:55
[diablo]twb, bs-nas02:/vol/dev_gfx on /mnt type nfs (rw,vers=4,addr=,clientaddr=  <---- Ubuntu Server 10.1011:55
[diablo]twb, nas2:/vol/gfx on /nas/gfx type nfs (rw,addr= <--- centos 511:56
twb[diablo]: that doesn't matter11:56
twbWell, I suppose NFSv3 vs. NFSv4 might.11:57
twbAlso, you should be inspecting /proc/mounts -- don't trust /etc/mtab, it's full of lies.11:57
twbIn /etc/ssl/foo.info, what's the correct syntax so that the key is valid for both "foo" and "foo.example.net" ?11:58
milliganFixing the UUID in menu.lst looks to be working. At least the machine and services are booting back up now. How can I fix this permanently? And why would grub be installing the wrong uuid ?12:00
twbmilligan: just run update-grub and confirm it doesn't put the wrong UUID in there12:01
twbmilligan: then it's fixed about as permanently as you're going to get12:01
milliganIt seems wrong for all the other kernels .. but still correct for the one that I managed to boot.12:04
[diablo]odd, seems I can not force the mount to v312:04
[diablo]even setting vers=312:05
[diablo]it mounts it as nfs412:05
twb[diablo]: I don't know much about nfsv412:06
twbMuch as I hate Microsoft, I'll take a homogeneous SMB2 network over a heterogeneous SMB2-for-Windows/OS X, NFSv4-for-Unix.12:07
bigbrovarI guess I just had to compile the latest alsa driver to get sound to work on a friends laptop. is there a way I can create a dkms script to auto install the drives when there is a kernel upgrade? are there docs on how this can be done on Ubuntu?12:35
Davieybigbrovar: ideally, create a seperate package... and use one of the existing dkm'sified as reference12:45
Davieyi'm sure others will appreciate it, if you push it to a PPA12:45
bigbrovarunfortunately I am not a packager and have no skill at packaging :) I am willing to learn though if you point me to a doc.12:46
bigbrovarjust a guy trying to help out12:47
twbbigbrovar: try #ubuntu-devel13:06
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dsalvettiHi, anyone experienced some timezone related issue with postgresql on 10.04 overnight?13:52
dsalvettifor about 2 hours I had the following error on my servers: "psycopg2.OperationalError: can't set datestyle to ISO"14:01
dsalvettiat about the same time, on a different set of server I had SET TIME ZONE failed14:02
dsalvettiI went through the logs but cannot find anything14:02
patdk-wkwell, what timezone do you use?14:02
dsalvettialso the "issue" seems to have resolved by itself14:02
patdk-wkand maybe, what timezone is your clock set to14:02
patdk-wkvery odd14:03
dsalvettiindeed :-)14:03
* RoyK labels a couple of driver 'Naughty sectors' and returns them whence they came14:03
[diablo]OK I still can not get an nfs3 mount going... it will only mount as nfs4 ... grrrr14:05
[diablo]anyone help please?14:05
=== cradek_ is now known as cradek
jdstrandhallyn_: hi! fyi, qemu manpage disappeared again:14:15
jdstrand$ man kvm14:15
jdstrandman: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/kvm.1 is a dangling symlink14:15
jdstrand$ man qemu14:16
jdstrandNo manual entry for qemu14:16
hallyn_jdstrand: you use schroot, right?  have you had to do anything to make it work in natty?14:24
jdstrandhallyn_: so I have another weird kvm issue. are you on natty yet?14:24
jdstrandhallyn_: I run natty14:24
hallyn_yes i am, and yes i have issues too.  i just haven't had time to investigate14:24
jdstrandhallyn_: have you seen this:14:24
jdstrand[39656.368496] unregister_netdevice: waiting for vnet0 to become free. Usage count = 114:24
jdstrandhallyn_: where kvm in libvirt won't shutdown?14:25
hallyn_hm, no i haven't.  it sounds familiar from years ago with an lxc issue14:25
hallyn_all right, i think that's a libvirt issue then14:25
jdstrandwell, I don't think so14:25
hallyn_kvm from cmdline does the same thin?14:25
jdstrandif I downgrade to the maverick kernel, all is fine14:25
hallyn_(I thought I'd started a few and not had that, but...)14:25
jdstrandso this morning I am trying to find a simple kvm reproducer, and I get something that acts similarly:14:26
jdstrand/usr/bin/kvm -M pc -m 256 -no-acpi -drive file=./disk0.qcow2 -net nic,vlan=0 -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap014:26
jdstrandhallyn_: ^ that is unkillable, even with kill -914:26
jdstrandhallyn_: I tried with ',script=' too, same thing (the vm actually starts though, but I can't kill the kvm process)14:27
hallyn_jdstrand: what about with the qemu daily build?14:27
jdstrandI haven't tried that14:27
hallyn_so, meanwhile - you have no issues with sbuild under natty?14:27
jdstrandit seems like a kernel thing-- userspace shouldn't be able to block SIGKILL14:28
jdstrandhallyn_: I did have issues until my upload on friday. are you referring tot he sysvinit thing?14:28
jdstrandhallyn_: just upgrade and it should work14:28
jdstrandhallyn_: I will file a bug on the unkillable kvm. I will add two tasks-- qemu-kvm and linux so that both camps know about it14:30
hallyn_jdstrand: huh, thanks - i upgraded saturday, but still have -1ubuntu114:30
hallyn_jdstrand: thanks.  there's also a (separate?) issue with starting windows vm's14:30
jdstrandmaybe the buildds were benind...14:30
hallyn_i'm hoping to clear my plate so i can look at these14:30
hallyn_or benign14:30
* hallyn_ says "hm" and goes to check lkml for vnet0/kvm clues while wiating for upgrade to finish14:31
hallyn_oh well, i'll try both qemu daily and the kernel daily builds, and roll the dice14:34
jdstrandhallyn_: fryi bug #68599114:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 685991 in qemu-kvm "cannot stop kvm processing that use 'tap'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68599114:39
jdstrandwow, that is a horrible bug title14:40
* jdstrand fixes it14:40
hallyn_jdstrand: interesting, i think the manpage fix was a victim of loic's fix of my snafu in using UDD to pull in the new 0.13.0 release.  if you follow  :)14:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #685991 in qemu-kvm (main) "cannot stop kvm processing that use 'tap'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68599114:46
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=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
Wh1teL0tushello all15:32
Wh1teL0tusi got a question15:33
Wh1teL0tusi'm new in using linux but i want to learn to understand and to configure linux servers whats the best way for me to start ?15:33
cap_00me too15:34
cap_00i picked up a book from a local store15:34
Wh1teL0tusyou bought a book about linux servers in general or a specific one ?15:34
cap_00it was about 8.04 and 9.1015:35
Wh1teL0tuswell i use 10.10 so i think best way is to buy a book from the 10.10 version ^15:35
cap_00called "the official ubuntu server book"15:36
Wh1teL0tusyesterday i did set up a lamp server on my running ubuntu client but i dont know how to acces or what i can do with it so need to learn it first15:36
cap_00 most book descriptions will say which version they're based on, and in reality, there aren't gigantic changes15:36
Wh1teL0tusi hope i can find it here in belgiu ^15:36
Wh1teL0tusthats an option too , tahnks15:38
cap_00there are also lots of support documents on the web,15:38
AndyGraybeali'm getting mtrr: type mismatch for d000000,8000000 old: write-back new: write-combining ... in my dmesg; what should I do?  this scares me.15:38
cap_00between the documentation, and the book i've been able to start up and start learning15:39
cap_00@WhlteL0tus i'm not sure what the consensus is but, it always made sense to me that servers should be based on the LTS release like 10.0415:40
Wh1teL0tusfound a document named ubuntu server guide, i'll be looking into that first15:43
cap_00i've refered to that a couple of times when i was trying to setup some of the features for me samba that the book didn't detail enough15:46
cap_00actually it pointed to the samba howto collection that was exhaustive15:47
bluethundrdoes anyone know if openssh-5.6p1 has been packaged for ubuntu yet?15:49
SpamapSzul: bump, can you give bug 611316 a looksy.. just nominated it for lucid/maverick (fix is pending for natty). Thx15:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 611316 in php5 "Segmentation fault in php5-sybase" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61131615:49
zulSpamapS: sure15:49
Wh1teL0tusam i right if a lamp server is able to understand php, perl and python ?16:02
PiciWh1teL0tus: The usualy 'P' in LAMP is for PHP.16:02
Wh1teL0tusyea but i readed somewhere that it also stands for perl and python16:03
PiciIt can.16:03
PiciI just was referring to what the lamp-server task installs on Ubuntu.16:04
Wh1teL0tusbut does it means that this lamp server is able to handle the scripts made in php or perl ?16:04
Wh1teL0tusi'm sorry that i'm asking this noob questions bu i have to start somewhere right ?16:05
PiciWh1teL0tus: Well perl and python are installed by default on Ubuntu, so they may be able to be run, although the apache modules for them may not be setup.16:05
Picior enabled.16:05
Wh1teL0tusooh so for it to work the apachemodules have to be installed aswell16:06
Wh1teL0tusis that also possible to make the server understand java scripting ?16:06
PiciDo you mean Java or Javascript?16:07
PiciTheres Apache Tomcat.16:08
PiciI'm not too familiar with it though.16:08
Wh1teL0tusi'll look it up, thanks for the info16:08
robbiewSpamapS: kirkland: Daviey: zul: what time is the mumble on the installer today?16:08
zulrobbiew: i think Daviey is EoD as well16:14
robbiewzul...uh...he suggested the meeting :/16:15
zuli thought it was clint16:16
robbiewnope...I distinctly remember Daviey suggesting Thu/Fri, but folks were on holiday, so we pushed to Monday16:16
zul*sigh* Daviey should have a stern lecturing then ;)16:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #686044 in apache2 (main) "default httpd.conf (blank) causes server name error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68604416:27
DelemasWhat is the correct way to get a upstart controled service, such as statd, to start on every reboot? autofs needs it but it isn't starting by default. This just gives errors: update-rc.d statd enable16:41
UndiFineDAre there any known issues with Launchpad mailing list ?16:46
UndiFineDI get email stating they cannot send to the ML16:46
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bluethundrshouldn't debuild 2&>1 foo.txt redirect output of this command to a text file?17:06
Kaffienis there anything better than vnc for visual desktop connections to linux?17:24
Kaffienie RDP clones / knock offs17:24
ivoksssh -X17:29
SpamapSKaffien: NX17:44
eriksson26Hi, need help. Have a newly made raid5, with 5 disks. But after some problem with mdadm.conf file it now only assembles with 4 out of 5 disks. Says the last one is removed.18:02
eriksson26How can I fix this?18:02
Ninjixpastebin  your /proc/mdraid18:02
eriksson26is it a file or comand? I dont have a /proc/mdraid only /proc/mdstat18:05
eriksson26When I assemble the raid, it says that the missing disk sdg has no18:06
eriksson26raid superblock, and wrong uuid18:06
eriksson26The raid is working, and I got a spare identical disk in the machine. So can I add that disk, and then afterwords grow the raid with the missing sdg?18:09
ScottKI've got a small arm based server that I need to use a usb stick to provide /var/cache.  On boot it's not recognized.  I have to remove and insert the stick after boot, then do fdisk -l /dev/sdb, and then mount /dev/sdb1.  Any suggestions on how I might make this work at boot?18:11
resnoScottK: i just put the commands in local.rc18:17
resnoand it automatically takes care of the sudoing18:17
ScottKresno: I guess I just need to figure out how to get it to recognize the device without removing and reinserting after boot.18:17
resnoah, hopefully that will help you along... thats the most i can offer18:18
ScottKEvery little bit helps.18:20
eriksson26How do I remove a ext2 file system from a disk so I can add it to a raid?18:58
jfroebedd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/md119:00
lifeless(but unmount it first)19:00
jfroebegood point :)19:00
eriksson26I have deleted the partition and recreated it, it stil says it contains a ext2 when trying to create a array with it. it ask if I shuld do it anyway. Anyone know if its ok to go ahed, or will it couse truble?19:02
jfroebewell you'd do the dd after you created the array - assuming that they are separate19:03
jfroebeanother option would be to tar up the file system somewhere else and extract it after19:04
lifelesseriksson26: I think you should read the docs19:05
lifelesseriksson26: you've got two different layers confused19:05
eriksson26Well I have set up raid before, but never goten this warning.19:06
jfroebeif you don't care about the 'hidden' ext2 file system, tell it to go ahead..  if you do, dd is your friend19:07
eriksson26No I dont care about it, oki then I tell it to create =)19:07
eriksson26thanks for the help.19:07
eriksson26Is it ok to add two disks to a rebuilding array? or shuld I let it finish first?19:10
jfroebeif you already started, then let it finish19:12
jfroebeeriksson26 - just out of curiosity, what does your server do?  db?19:13
eriksson26file storage19:13
eriksson26it will take 2 days for it to complete, but that is fine, will add the two other disk later.19:14
eriksson26oki maby only one day =)19:15
digital_chaosis it illegal for me to store historical data such as  break-in attempts/scanning19:20
digital_chaosits no secret our servers get hit hard... but what if i want to collect data and save it? i am facing the internet but i do not invite not a one.19:22
jfroebedoubtful - but not doing so may be..19:22
jfroebedepends on where the server is, where your company is, etc19:22
digital_chaosno company. old pc sitting in my room19:22
jfroebeup to you then19:23
digital_chaoscool because im starting to dump my logs into a database19:23
digital_chaosi think this can be prove useful19:23
jfroebelots of good info on there I would suspect19:23
digital_chaosoh ya and makes you wonder what code is behind there requests19:24
digital_chaosnot sure how to get that safely but im sure i could query it from there evil servers easily19:24
digital_chaosalot of requests from china and russia sctipters19:26
PiciThats rather normal as far as internet facing servers go.  I get a number of login attempts on my boring server each day.19:28
digital_chaosthrough ssh or other means?19:28
PiciThrough ssh mostly.19:28
PiciI use fail2ban though.19:29
digital_chaosya me too i was not too worried about that as much as apache19:29
digital_chaoswhats fail2ban19:29
jfroebechanging the port for ssh (22) to something else cuts down on the number of hits... won't prevent anyone that is doing bad though19:29
digital_chaosi was thinking about blocking but i want to log what they doing ya know19:30
digital_chaosi want to learn whats out there not avoid19:30
jfroebeyou might want to consider setting up a honey pot if you don't care about that old box19:30
digital_chaosya thats a good one.19:30
Picifail2ban is not just for ssh, it has apache filters setup by default as well.19:31
digital_chaosno i need the box but as soon as i can come up on another one or two i will make a sweet sticky pot!!19:31
digital_chaosis fail2ban more software?19:31
Pici!info fail2ban19:31
ubottufail2ban (source: fail2ban): bans IPs that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4-2 (maverick), package size 93 kB, installed size 660 kB19:31
PiciIts the first thing I install after I install ssh.19:32
jfroebeyou can usually pick up a p4 box for about $15 in garage sales19:32
digital_chaosoh i see. sounds cool. i will look into it. you could write a script to do it light weght style or even iptables can block19:32
digital_chaosyou know i wonder how to tell if someone actually compromised my system. i mean i suspect none but you never know unless you planned from the beginning on checking19:33
jfroebetake a look at tripwire19:34
LinttHey all , I have a question , have any of you tried connecting multiple networks using the same subnet over bridged vpn. Ie bridging 3 or more locations. Does STP work correctly over tap interfaces ? Are there known problems ?19:34
digital_chaosyes i have.19:34
digital_chaosi mean not you Lintt19:35
Lintti kind of assumed , since it would lean you read very fast19:35
digital_chaoshave you tried what you prpose yet19:36
digital_chaosoh yes that tripwire. i remember.19:37
digital_chaosmy server install happened before i knew anything about linux. i mean i landed on the command line like wtf is this.. i need gui.. i need buttons!!! hahaha boy have times changed19:39
=== ihCiFriS is now known as SirFiChi
digital_chaosspeaking of gui. does anyone know a good cli for irc19:40
LinttJK JK19:40
digital_chaostelnet Lintt@weak_network !!19:41
Lintthey !19:41
Linttirc is mostly plai text19:42
Linttyou could prolly do a lot with telnet19:42
digital_chaosya i used to use it years ago using mirc and invision on windows19:42
digital_chaosi just got on yesterday19:43
digital_chaosi spend mass hours all so alone doing my nerdy stuff with not a one to talk to on my level its sucks balls so i am in here looking for those who eat and breath information technology such as i19:43
digital_chaosi must admit those i have not seen a technical conversation of interest yet.. even bash room was lame..19:44
=== SirFiChi is now known as ihCiFriS
digital_chaos<-- going crazy19:45
digital_chaoshow does one go about remaining anonymous of there location. a direction would be nice.19:49
Linttin what way ?19:50
digital_chaosi do not fully understand proxy i know about tor19:50
digital_chaoslike for example i want to visit a site say wiki leaks and be as anonymous and untracable as possible19:51
Linttyou have free minimal accrezs that can be used for chat etc19:51
Linttgo read at "my freedom"19:51
digital_chaosi mean i wanna hide19:51
digital_chaoscan i google that?19:51
Lintti mean19:51
Lintt"your freedom"19:52
Linttit uses openvpn19:52
Linttso you can do anything .. the free accouhnt is quite slow19:52
Linttyou have a feqw countries you can hide behind19:52
PiciWhat does this have to do with Ubuntu?19:52
digital_chaoseverything my friend!!19:52
Linttthere's beter places than this channel mr chaos19:53
Linttfor stuff like that19:53
sorenYes. Yes, there is.19:53
digital_chaosjuts for the record ubuntu is my os of choice i highly recommend it i use it i kill i love it alright19:54
digital_chaosi am trying to start conversation about ubuntu and using it19:54
digital_chaosno one is talking about anything ok19:54
sorenThat's beside the point.19:55
Coder7hey, anyone happen to know why all of my Ubuntu 10.04 servers are no longer allowing me to login with SSH? They seem to be running fine, and log messages indicate the SSH sessions are authenticating fine, but they just hang. This is a recent development on several servers I have.19:55
Lintttry the other channel19:55
digital_chaosthis is boring i want to talk with people who do what i do19:55
Picidigital_chaos: Try #ubuntu-offtopic then19:55
sorenCoder7: DNS problem, perhaps? Does revers DNS lookups work?19:55
Coder7let me check19:56
Linttthere was a borked auto update yesterday if i remember19:57
Linttidk if it was ssh related19:57
Coder7I'm thinking that an auto update might be to blame... nothing has really changed configuration wise19:57
Lintti know i had 4 "tail-f" that were stuck at that point this morning19:57
sorenLintt: That's probably just logrotate doing its thing.19:58
Linttstrange they were all stuck at the auto updater line though19:59
Coder7soren: if it were reverse DNS, wouldn't the DNS eventually time out?20:00
Coder7also, wouldn't me hard coding the IP/hostname into the /etc/hosts file get rid of that?20:00
Linttso , does anyone have any info on what i should look out for when bridging multiple tap interfaces on multiple locations .. will stp figure stuff out as needed even over vpn .. i don't want to create loops20:00
Coder7because neither is true in this case20:00
sorenCoder7: Yes.20:01
sorenCoder7: (on both counts)20:01
Coder7I'd just reboot the stuff, but one of the machines affected is a UEC controller with several instances on it20:01
Coder7some of the instances are affected as well, and I now have no way to gracefully shut them down since I can't login and they have no real terminal to fall back to20:02
Coder7it seems only the machines/instances configured to automatically install security updates are affected20:03
Coder7which is why I suspect a botched update20:03
Coder7needless to say, I'll now be disability all auto updates on Ubuntu for the same reasons I did in windows... they break more stuff than they fix20:04
SpamapSI had an answer20:09
binBASHquery him then :D20:09
sorenSpamapS: What was it?20:13
blistovMy dhcpd server previously had range specified, but I've since removed the range and restarted dhcpd, but clients are still being given ip's in that range so long as they had previously had a lease.  Anyone know how to stop this?20:15
pmatulisblistov: crazy that it happens isn't it20:16
blistovpmatulis, Yea, rebooting the server fixes it, but now on to another problem.20:19
blistovNow my ddns-updates aren't working, but no errors logged.20:20
blistovdhcpd: if ubuntu-temp0.cranesmart.com IN A rrset doesn't exist add ubuntu-temp0.test.com 3600 IN A not a zone.20:20
SpamapSsoren: I was going to suggest that he run sshd on an alternate port in debug mode20:42
sorenSpamapS: Ah.20:42
sorenSpamapS: I thought you knew what was wrong :)20:43
domashi! where can I find ddebs for lucid lynx server kernel?20:56
domasodd, can't see them in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/20:59
domasthats because I'm blind20:59
domaswas looking for -3*21:00
domasyes yes21:01
domasneed linux-image-debug though21:01
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RoyKanyone around_22:42
FunkyBobmorning, all22:42
FunkyBobwell, 285 is a lot easier to manage than 1502 :P22:42
FunkyBobam just exercising ubuntu server as a virtual server host...22:42
RoyKwtf are those numbers?22:43
FunkyBobpeople in here vs #ubuntu22:43
* RoyK is setting up a test suite for testing zfs-fuse vs openindiana22:43
RoyKFunkyBob: I have a bunch of VMs on my primary (private) server22:44
RoyKworks well22:44
FunkyBobwell, I ran virt-instl... but then nothing showed in virsh...22:45
FunkyBoband after I reconfigured qemu to listen globally, not just localhost, I had to reboot to get it to change...22:45
FunkyBobnow I can't find any way to find that vm...22:45
FunkyBobso.. whilst the tools are clear and easy to drive... they're not impressing me by actually _working_ yet22:46
RoyKI just use virt-manager22:46
RoyKworks well22:46
FunkyBobis that the gui tool?22:46
RoyKyes, but I only use it remotely22:47
FunkyBobthe docs say it is... so it's not an option22:47
RoyKssh in, start virt-manager22:47
RoyKwhy isn't that an option?22:47
RoyKI don't run X on my server22:47
RoyKjust the x libs22:48
RoyKwhich don't take up much space22:48
FunkyBobyeah, well... for many many reasons, we avoid _requiring_ gui tools where possible22:49
RoyKwell, up to you22:49
MeltingKeyboardi have a question...22:49
RoyKFunkyBob: I like to have the opportunity to start an X app if in need22:49
FunkyBobwhere are the virtual maching details stored?22:49
MeltingKeyboardsorry for interrupting22:50
RoyK/var/lib/libvirt iirc22:50
RoyKMeltingKeyboard: just ask22:50
FunkyBoband.... what condition would cause virt-install to succeed, but virsh to not see it?22:50
RoyKFunkyBob: it merely automates things - works for me - do it with a hex editor if you want to - I'd use virt-manager22:51
FunkyBoblovely... it says the name is in use, but there are no files in /var/lib/libvirt22:51
MeltingKeyboardok, I just upgraded my server from karmic to lucid so that I could use some of the new PHP 5.3 features in my installation of ZenPhoto...22:51
RoyKFunkyBob: did you start it as root?22:51
MeltingKeyboardand when I get everything upgraded it says that the mysql extentions are no longer there in the installation of 5.322:52
MeltingKeyboardand ZenPhoto breaks as it requires mysql extentions22:52
RoyKMeltingKeyboard: you _upgraded_ from rh to ubuntu?22:52
FunkyBobI'd call that an upgrade :P22:53
MeltingKeyboardno, i upgraded from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.0422:53
MeltingKeyboardalso an upgrade :D22:53
* RoyK is tired22:53
MeltingKeyboardi checked in the php.ini files for the extention=mysql.so22:54
MeltingKeyboardand all of them are not commented... however, the extention is not available to ZenPhoto... any thoughts?22:54
MeltingKeyboardI remember that during the upgrade, i opted to use my existing php.ini files... was that a mistake perhaps?22:56
FunkyBobRoyK: as for the "not installing X" ... it's a habit from the other side of the business... I have to keep remembering which side I'm working on22:56
FunkyBobRoyK: the "other" side has to be ultra paranoid about security, so we don't install anything we don't _have_ to22:56
FunkyBobalso... virt-manager doesn't see the instance I set up... lovely22:58
MeltingKeyboardok... i just located all the mysql.so files on my system... and none of them seem to be in the new installation directories... just in backup directories... where is mysql.so supposed to go?23:06
MeltingKeyboardhey i just fixed it23:11
MeltingKeyboardin the extention directory line of the php.ini file23:11
MeltingKeyboardit was pointing to the wrong extention directory23:11
MeltingKeyboardthanks for the help23:12
hackeron_how do I disable the feature of ubuntu showing the boot menu on failed boot? - This happens from time to time on my ubuntu servers and it's extremely annoying in a server configuration - I'd much rather have a timeout23:26
tonyyarussofailed boot?23:27
hackeron_tonyyarusso: well, it's not a failed boot, a system froze, I asked a local admin to press the reset button and ubuntu falsely thought the system failed to boot and shows the grub menu on screen instead of booting23:33
hackeron_tonyyarusso: so then I need to ask someone to plug a keyboard and press enter - this is all because ubuntu switched from a timeout before default boot to this weird failed boot detection23:35
twbhackeron_: I have lots of problems with it, too23:38
twbFor example, I made an LV read-only at the LV level, which made the fsck pass on it fail, which made mountall exit(4), which made upstart refuse to boot AT ALL.23:39
hackeron_twb: I know I can edit the boot scripts, but that breaks every new grub revision23:39
twbThere was no way to fix it without using a live medium, despite that LV having NOTHING to do with the boot process23:39
hackeron_twb: yeh, I get that removing the 5 seconds from a desktop boot is useful, but this is just silly for a server to *force* user interraction in these cases23:40
twbhackeron_: I tend to just replace grub with extlinux23:40
hackeron_twb: it's not even grub, it's the new boot scripts in ubuntu, you need to edit them to remove the /failboot or whatever they use detection23:40
hackeron_but apt-get upgrade breaks it again :(23:40
hackeron_I will try extlinux, thanks23:40
twbYeah, that's no nearly so easy23:41
hackeron_wonder which dev thought this is a good idea for a server distribution23:41
twbI doubt they thought about it at all23:44
HypnozI adjusted hdd size in vmware, and trying to have the guest recognize the new disk size without rebooting. It shows up in dmesg but not in fdisk. any suggestions?23:46
hackeron_twb: ok, so I just do apt-get install extlinux and reboot?23:49

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