
=== webpigeon is now known as Guest11177
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dutchieooh, it boots on the older kernel00:36
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=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
MooDoomorning all08:00
Craig_DemGood Morning08:02
Craig_DemAnd for the sixth day in a row, no school!08:02
MooDoothe one school in our village that's stayed open, the head has now got to write a letter to parents to explain why he's stayed open due to 3 parents complaining lol08:04
MooDooczajkowski, morning08:17
czajkowskiMooDoo: ello hows things08:22
* daubers ponders tea08:26
czajkowskitea never needs to be pondered only consumed08:31
daubersczajkowski: How's tricks?08:35
czajkowskigood thanks at a conference08:35
MooDooczajkowski, yeah i'm fine.....:)  hows the conference going?08:35
czajkowskiaye rather busy too08:36
czajkowskimore than 50 talks over the next few days08:36
czajkowskiand over 200 people08:36
MooDoowow lots of talk there08:36
* daubers ponders getting some IAMs08:36
MooDoodaubers, IAMs as in the pet food stuff?08:39
daubersMooDoo: Individual Applience Moniter whatsits08:40
MooDoodaubers, i knew that ;) well done you passed my test :D08:40
daubersMooDoo: :p08:41
daubersI just want to see when the electric heaters pop on and off individually. Quite hard to do that from a single data display08:42
czajkowskidaubers: they kinda work08:42
czajkowskibut depends on the area you need to use them and how often08:43
czajkowskinm got them confused with tens08:45
daubersczajkowski: Ahhhh :) Was very confused then.....08:47
daubersAnyone know when the new menu thing is landing in Natty?08:48
MooDoodaubers, new menu thing?08:48
MooDooyou mean unity?08:48
daubersMooDoo: The ubuntu menu for unity, the bit that shows all the appications properly rather than opening a nautilus window :)08:49
MartijnVdSdaubers: reddit.com/r/iama ? :)08:50
* TheOpenSourcerer 's car is now in a ditch :-(08:54
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: eep everyone ok?08:54
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: ...... explain?08:54
TheOpenSourcererYes - it was a slow motion skid08:54
TheOpenSourcererBloody Ocado van stopped halfway down a hill with no traffic or houses on it. road was like oiled glass.08:55
TheOpenSourcererI did well to miss it frankly.08:55
TheOpenSourcererThen he drove off!08:55
TheOpenSourcererStroppy mail to Ocado will be winging it's way shortly.08:56
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Get the reg?08:56
TheOpenSourcererNope, but know the time/location.08:56
AlanBellneed hauling out?08:59
AlanBellor is it broken as well as in a ditch?09:00
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: glad everyone is ok, much damage ?09:01
MartijnVdSoops, wrong channel :)09:01
wintellectMornin all09:10
MooDoowintellect, morn09:15
wintellecthello MooDoo09:17
MartijnVdS"moo doo" = cow feces?09:17
daubersMartijnVdS: Play nice09:18
* MartijnVdS will :)09:18
MooDooMartijnVdS, thanks for that :D09:18
MartijnVdSMooDoo: well, "moo juice" is milk.. so I thought..09:18
* MartijnVdS will stop thinking, sorry :)09:18
MooDooMartijnVdS, silly boy : D lol09:18
Flashtekthere is logic there..09:19
MooDooif you really must know, VooDoo was already registered and someone, i can't remember who, went moooooooooooooooooooooo so there you go the change09:19
Flashtekafter all, what is doggie doo ?09:19
MartijnVdSMooDoo: Ah, cow zombies09:20
MooDooyes yes, it wasn't funny the first time, time give it a rest :p09:20
FlashtekThalmatergic Bovines09:20
screen-xmorning :)09:21
MooDooscreen-x, morning09:21
daubersMorning screen-x09:21
screen-xso how are we all, this fine December Monday?09:23
MooDooscreen-x, it's cold on them there hills09:23
czajkowskifantastic keynote by simon phipps09:33
screen-xwhich event czajkowski?09:33
MartijnVdSthere's a postgres event?09:37
czajkowskifollow #pgdayeu on twitter to see what folks are saying09:37
Flashtekjack frost has been to visit Plymouth ppl..09:48
popeyczajkowski: give the enterprisedb people a poke in the eye for me09:49
popeyczajkowski: they cluelessly send out spam with "Dear <name>" in, or a name, but not my name in.09:50
MooDoopopey, if we had to poke all the companies in the world that are lazy and don't check their emails, we would, and me especially, have sore fingers :D09:50
popeysure, but she's standing near them09:52
MooDooczajkowski, double poke time then09:53
Flashtekheya popey09:55
Flashtekhow is ?09:57
MooDooFlashtek, the weather?09:58
Flashtekhow is the weather09:58
Flashteklike I can't find that out..09:59
popeyhttp://popey.com/webcam/ snow melting09:59
MooDooFlashtek, well how is? doesn't really make sense does it :p09:59
Flashtekhow is popey ?09:59
kazademorning all10:00
MooDookazade, good morning10:00
Flashtekwheeee.... http://portal.wattsure.com/all/gendash/13610:01
kevinwcan anyone shed light on the error: EXPIRED: Instance expired after not being reported for 600000 - im trying to setup a cloud and every instances terminates with this error10:02
AlanBellamazon cloud?10:03
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nperryMorning o/10:06
kevinwi have installed it on two machines using the 10.04 cd, one node is the cloud controller etc, and the other is a node controller, all running public IP's10:08
czajkowskikevinw: #ubuntu-cloud might be more helpful10:18
kevinwive tried in there but not had any responces10:18
kevinwi thought id give here a try on the off chance10:18
czajkowskikevinw: be patient it'10:18
czajkowskiit's irc10:18
czajkowskiand rather early10:19
* jpds considers 6am to be early.10:19
kevinwfair comment10:19
MooDoojpds, that's my normal get up time.....10:19
jpdsMooDoo: Likewise.10:19
MooDoojpds, mines not by choice with a 2 year old :D10:20
czajkowskipopey: enterprise db person is an organiser shall poke them after the party tonight10:20
Flashtekpopey: ever seen a cat jump while looking down ?10:21
MooDooFlashtek, what a bizarre question for monday, or maybe i've not had enough coffee yet :D10:21
popeyFlashtek: que?10:23
danfishmorning all10:23
webpigeon_webdoes the cat command count?10:23
webpigeon_webhey danfish?10:23
webpigeon_webdamn phone irc client.10:24
* MooDoo wants to go watch a cat jump while looking down to see what happens10:24
MooDoodanfish, morning10:30
webpigeon_webmoodoo I have 8 of them and i can't remember any of the doing it10:31
webpigeon_webalthough can't say i was paying that much attention: p10:35
czajkowskidear weather app work and stop confusing me10:42
popeyczajkowski: iphone weather app?10:42
danfishczajkowski: just look out of the window :)10:42
czajkowskipopey: nope laptop, lucid. it's ticked to show weather but not actually doing so10:43
jpdsczajkowski: Have you set a 'home' city?10:44
hooverhi folks10:46
jpdsczajkowski: So if you click on it, and go to "Locations:", there's a city with a little house?10:49
kaushalis there a way to install IE on Ubuntu 10.10 ?10:51
kaushalI need IE due to browser restrictions10:51
kaushalI have HP servers where in the IPMI supports only IE10:51
czajkowskijpds: yup10:52
jpdsczajkowski: Hmm.10:52
popeykaushal: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page10:52
czajkowskijpds: shall reboot a few times]10:52
czajkowskiusually knocks some sense into it10:52
czajkowskiwont be running lucid for much longer on this one10:52
czajkowskipopey: see phips reply to you10:53
jpdsczajkowski: Three times.10:54
czajkowskitwice seems to do it, same way lately when i'm connected to wifi it actually displays me not connected when i am10:54
popeyczajkowski: i have10:55
TheOpenSourcererLove it - Andrew Marr apparently repeated Jim Naughtie's faux pas in Start The Week just an hour or so later... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-1192555610:57
popeyhe did10:57
* popey has the mp3 :)10:57
TheOpenSourcererIt's hear: http://tindeck.com/listen/qlev10:58
AlanBelloh dear10:59
kaushalpopey: Thanks11:01
kaushalczajkowski: Thanks11:01
czajkowskikaushal: oh i wasnt saying yes to you, sorry11:06
czajkowskijpds: yup 2 reboots fixes it11:06
selinuxiumMorning all!  o/11:18
czajkowskiselinuxium: seeing you here more often these days11:19
selinuxiumczajkowski, Trying to get my attendance back up. :)11:19
* TheOpenSourcerer is glad selinuxium wasn't around when I made the Essex joke ;-)11:19
selinuxiumSadly, can't make the Xmas party... :(11:19
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, I probably have much worse ones under my belt.. :)11:20
czajkowskiselinuxium: tis ok, neither can i11:20
czajkowskiwe shall have new year event drinks!11:20
selinuxiumHell Yeah!11:20
czajkowskidanfish: is gonna organise a rugby /pub session11:21
czajkowskiso we go to a pub watch rugby and catch up11:21
MooDooczajkowski, that sounds awesome11:21
czajkowskiMooDoo: doesn't it :D11:21
czajkowskiLondon Irish have a ton of games on in the new year11:22
czajkowskiwe just need to find a weekend, pick a pub and meet11:22
MooDooczajkowski, well seeing as i'm a harlequins fan i'll have to make a visit to the stoop :D11:22
danfishczajkowski: oh yeah - I remember now. I'll look into that this week - d'ya think before or after Chrimbo?11:22
czajkowskiafter so i can join :D11:22
danfishwhen are England playing Ireland?11:23
czajkowskinot sure i want to be around folks during that game, my language will not be CoC friendly11:23
MooDooyou think i want to be in the vacinity of czajkowski  when england play ireland?  if england loose i owe her a pint11:23
czajkowskimarch 19th11:23
danfish(no access to web browser at the mo)11:24
czajkowskiit's being played in ireland so going to a pub in uk could be fun11:24
MooDooczajkowski, i think we need to organize an ubuntu-uk/rugby fans meet up then :)11:24
danfishit would be awesome :)11:24
czajkowskiMooDoo: that's what we're doing11:25
czajkowskiok so march 19th11:25
MooDooczajkowski, and i could never believe anything but roses could come out of your mouth ;)11:25
czajkowskiload of notice to find a pub suitable and enough notice11:25
danfishmay I suggest somewhere near Clapham for ease of train access?11:25
czajkowskiMooDoo: ahh bless tis clear we've never met11:25
czajkowskidanfish: sounds good11:25
czajkowskiwhooo funky event :D11:26
MooDooczajkowski, clearly, and i'm not sure i'm brave enough to come down, even though i probably tower above you ;)11:26
czajkowskiMooDoo: bah shurup and come join the fun11:26
MooDooczajkowski, i'm there :D11:26
czajkowskihmm so anyone know any decent pubs in clapham ?11:26
davmor2morning all11:29
czajkowskidavmor2: ello my dear11:30
davmor2czajkowski: your being all pleasant did you miss me ;)11:30
czajkowskidavmor2: hardly, but we're organising a meet up regarding beer/rugby and ubuntu so in good form11:31
davmor2czajkowski: nice11:31
MooDoodavmor2, it's going to be nice to see czajkowski when england beat her beloved ireland :p11:33
MooDoodavmor2, either that or buy her a pint when england get stuffed :D11:35
selinuxiumczajkowski, I think MooDoo is in for a RUDE awakening... :)11:35
MooDooselinuxium, i'm a big boy i can take care of my self, besides i'll just bring a box and gum shield11:35
danfishczajkowski: there's loads to chose from - depends on how rowdy you like em :)11:35
MooDoodanfish, nice and chilled i reckon11:36
czajkowskiMooDoo: in the last 7 games ye've won once that's going back to march 0411:36
MooDooczajkowski, stats schmats....:p11:36
davmor2MooDoo: you need to buy her extra sticky toffee if Ireland win so it gum czajkowski gob shut, you'll never hear the end of it else11:37
czajkowskidanfish: makes no difference to me, once it has beer and we can get in and even book off an area in advance would be even better11:38
danfishczajkowski: I'll bet you £10 on England to win (if you pay up front I'll make it £5 :P)11:38
czajkowskilook as long as we have a good day with beers and banter it'll be fun11:38
danfishI'll check a few venues this week and report back11:39
czajkowskiselinuxium: you in ?11:40
MooDoodavmor2, lol i'll remember that11:40
MooDooand it's all gone quiet.12:08
MartijnVdSMooDoo: everyone's having lunch :)12:13
Flashteki'm not12:13
danfishor is thinking about lunch12:13
MartijnVdSFlashtek: you just don't know it yet12:13
davmor2MooDoo: everyone is scared that czajkowski might be nice to them too12:14
Flashtekoh, I'm thinking about it..12:14
Flashtekjust don't think about a pink elephant12:14
MartijnVdSFlashtek: just had some, on toast12:15
Flashtekelephant ?12:18
MartijnVdSpink elephant12:19
Flashtekhow do you have it ?12:19
Flashtekrare ?12:19
MartijnVdSas a pate12:19
Flashtekah, pink elephant pate.. nice..12:19
MartijnVdSbut yes, it's very rare :)12:19
selinuxiumczajkowski, Sorry, in on what? :)12:20
selinuxiumczajkowski, Allways up for beer and rugby! :)12:20
MooDooselinuxium, czajkowski is planning a beer sesh england/ireland rugby12:29
MooDooselinuxium, march 19th12:29
daubersI wish they'd drop this "superfast means fibre" attitude12:44
popeymini server under 100 quid12:47
yasahiroAfter 100 back, yeah.12:48
Nafallopopey: 1U?12:48
MooDooNafallo, look at the link, looks like a mini box12:50
m4r35n357Anyone using rapidsvn on maverick? I don't get a menu bar so it's pretty useless here!12:57
Flashtekknetworkmanager keeps dieing when I tell it to fire up my 3G link..13:07
* Flashtek installs rapidsvn to test for m4r35n357 13:08
m4r35n357hi Flashtek, thx!13:09
FlashtekI has menus13:09
m4r35n357ok then I've got a problem ;)13:09
Flashtekconfig file probably..13:09
m4r35n357yeah I'll investigate . . . thanks for verifiying that it should work!13:10
m4r35n357oh crap, moved rapidsvn config file out of the way, and still no menu bar . . . same problem after purge & reinstall :(13:16
m4r35n357must be some obscure clash . . .13:17
m4r35n357oh well, have to use something else I suppose13:18
* Flashtek is having his cavity filled by two men with big bits..13:18
m4r35n357most of the svn clients look like crap though13:18
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selinuxiumMooDoo, czajkowski Most definitely up for that... Were abouts?13:29
czajkowskiselinuxium: clapham somewhere13:30
czajkowskigood train access there13:30
czajkowskimarch 19th13:30
selinuxiumczajkowski, you based here now then?13:30
czajkowskiselinuxium: yes... for the last month13:30
MooDooczajkowski, selinuxium i'll be travelling down from notts13:43
selinuxiumczajkowski, OK cool, you near Clapham then?13:44
dutchiedaubers: which disk should i buy? need a tb for backups/media storage, 3.5" sata13:45
czajkowskiselinuxium: aldershot13:47
selinuxiumczajkowski, I have done gigs there!13:49
selinuxiumI see why we are looking at Clapham then!13:49
daubersdutchie: Internal/External?13:50
czajkowskiselinuxium: handy for people to come there13:50
czajkowskigood train service13:50
dutchiedaubers: to go in an external enclosure13:51
Flashtekanyone know where I can get an external display case to hold a 18.5" tft outside ?14:00
MartijnVdSFlashtek: outside? as in outdoors?14:01
MartijnVdSor outside as in "its outside dimensions"14:01
daubersdutchie: Ah ok :) At the moment I'd use either Seagate or Hitachi.14:01
* MartijnVdS has several Samsungs14:01
MartijnVdSEvery Seagate disk I've owned has died within a year14:02
daubersMartijnVdS: We don't tend to use samsung as they don't play nice with RAID controllers14:02
dutchiewhat source would you recommend?14:02
daubersdutchie: Ah, we get ours from distribution :) Wherever cheapest, if you can, get an ES or Enterprise grade drive. The samsung ES drives are quite nice14:03
daubersdutchie: The bog standard basic consumer ones are rubbish14:04
ali1234is there really any difference?14:04
MartijnVdSyes there is14:04
dutchiethere's a samsung spinpoint f3 on dabs for £4214:05
ali1234i always figured "enterprise grade" was just shorthand for 500% markup14:05
daubersali1234: Definatley14:05
daubersali1234: ES drives are rated for quite harsh use 24/7, whereas consumer ones are rated for a lot less14:05
daubersdutchie: What budget you got?14:05
ali1234but the rating means nothing14:05
daubersali1234: In what way?14:06
dutchiedaubers: student budget :) rather not go over £60/7014:06
daubersali1234: I've tested 14 drive raid 6's with consumer grade drives and enterprise grade drives, enterprise grade tend to last longer and ahve better performance14:07
ali1234daubers: well imagine if i buy a job lot of cookware, say, and then stick a label on it that says "rated for up to 400 degrees"14:07
ali1234then resell it with a 500% markup14:07
daubersali1234: Also, we get about 1 in 128 DOA in enterprise grade and 1 in 32 for consumer14:07
ali1234i am not being dishonest, yet i am still ripping people off :)14:07
ali1234the only drives i have ever seen break are maxtor14:08
ali1234and those ran in a moving vehicle for a year14:09
ali1234it's kind of the flipside of the insurance scam, where all the suppliers on the chain massively over-quote because they know insurance will pay14:11
ali1234so you end up with "so and so went to prison for causing £100000 worth of damage" and it turns out they broke 1 window or something14:12
daubersdutchie: Hmmm... at that price you'll get a consumer grade one only. Need to spend ~£90 for enterprise grade. In your case I'd go with http://www.dabs.com/products/western-digital-1tb-caviar-black-3-5--sata6gb-s-7200rpm-64mb-6LXV.html?refs=52450000-12-4294951586-42730000-376770000 or possibly http://www.dabs.com/products/seagate-1tb-barracuda-sata-300-32mb-7200rpm-6L8D.html?refs=52450000-12-4294951586-42730000-376770000 that14:12
daubersthough the seagate AS drives are pretty pooey these days14:12
dutchiedaubers: thanks14:13
daubersdutchie: The spinpoint one would be a safe-ish wildcard (I've not had any of those in to play with)14:13
daubersdutchie: Though since you're putting it in a usb caddy, as long as you don't throw the caddy around, the caddy electronics will probably go before the drive14:14
dutchiei'm not likely to throw it around, i can make no guarantees of my mother though :(14:15
dutchiei'm sure her "tidying up" has accounted for most of my disk failures14:15
daubersheh :) Bolt it to something and the spinpoint will probably do you. Though if you have some spare capacity somewhere else, always keep a second backup of anything exceptionally critical14:16
daubersdutchie: (i.e. U1 or dropbox for uber critical stuffs second backup)14:18
dutchiedo that already :)14:18
daubersheh :)14:18
daubersBah, stupid textviews14:27
daubersall I want to do is get _all_ of the text.14:27
daubersAh ha!14:30
daubersI win!14:30
gordack, i let my heating turn off! :(15:02
* popey defrosts gord 15:06
selinuxiumWhat is the new URL for the joggler stuff?15:13
mrxtianBeen using rapidsvn, then wanted to use svn now rapidsvn will not start (floatingpoint exception) so un-installed svn, Raid works again Where would I report this bug ?15:14
popeyselinuxium: http://joggler.exotica.org.uk/ubuntu/15:17
* bigcalm waves15:26
* popey tickles15:28
bigcalmpopey: have you been taking hints from my GF?15:28
bigcalmShe is a mean tickler15:29
popeynot sure I want to know that :)15:29
bigcalmJust if I stretch, she tries to tickle me. Quite off putting15:29
czajkowskiseems more like a challenge to me15:32
selinuxiumpopey, Cheers fella...15:33
* popey notes this was in the show notes for the podcast :)15:35
popey(thats where I got it from)15:35
cpsafternoon :)15:42
kaushalI am unable to install IE on Ubuntu 10.1015:49
kaushalis it a better option to go for Virtualbox OSE ?15:49
kaushaland then try IE inside Guest OS15:49
screen-xkaushal: I'd use virtualbox for that.15:50
kaushalgot it and understood15:50
kaushalscreen-x: thats ideal15:50
kaushalOSE edition is good ?15:51
kaushalanyways virtual OSE is better option15:51
kaushalThanks again15:51
screen-xOSE is missing some usb goodies iirc, but is fine for testing internet explorer.15:53
daubersAnyone know the python tarfile module inside out?15:59
daubersI'm compressing a given file, but it's keeping the full path, I just want it to compress the file.15:59
ali1234tar doesn't compress16:00
daubersno, but tarfile lets you use gz compression16:01
ali1234specify the arcname parameter16:02
ali1234"If given, arcname specifies an alternative name for the file in the archive."16:02
daubersbah, was hoping for an easier fix that that, never mind. Ta :)16:06
bigcalmSo the new Nexus S is out, but the video demonstraiting it shows nothing that my Nexus One doesn't do. I think the video was to show off some new shoes they had bought16:17
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czajkowskitonight is a free beer by enterprise DB whooo16:23
MooDooczajkowski, yay o/16:23
davmor2MooDoo: why you excited that means hung over czajkowski tomorrow to deal with ;)16:29
nperryAndroid 2.3 has some new additions to it16:29
MooDoodavmor2, i'm off tues and wed so won't have to deal with anything ;)16:30
davmor2MooDoo: Coward ;)16:30
MooDoodavmor2, nah i'm not scared of czajkowski16:30
MooDoodavmor2, there is currently over 200 miles between us lol16:31
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davmor2MooDoo: hahaha16:31
MooDoodavmor2, shhh i'm only little so i'll sneak in to that do she's planning in march, she'll not know i'm there16:32
davmor2MooDoo: Yeah she will czajkowski has gitdar, it's like radar but ping on people who annoy her ;)16:33
MooDoodavmor2, 6'6 is little right?16:33
davmor2MooDoo: Umm yeah!  that's tiny right?16:34
czajkowskioi ye two behave16:35
bigcalmI've agreed to provide off site backup for my parents. Can anybody suggest a good NAS? I would just use a USB HD, but they don't always reconnect correctly after a power outage16:35
MooDoodavmor2, did you hear a noise?16:35
davmor2MooDoo: yes but then the plasterer stop use his mixer so it was okay16:36
MooDoodavmor2, phew, thought it was czajkowski bleating ;)16:37
davmor2MooDoo: you know you're gonna get whaled at some point right :D16:38
MooDoodavmor2, shhhh but i'm a sucker for punishment and looking forward to it :D16:42
davmor2MooDoo: you know those kinda thoughts are meant to stay in your head and not be broadcast on logged channels right ;)16:44
MooDoodavmor2, er er er16:44
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Why It Matters - http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/12/06/why-it-matters/17:03
ubuntuuk-planet[Phil Bull] GNOME Developer Demos; Terminology; HIG 3.0 in Mallard; Cheesy sounds? - http://philbull.livejournal.com/57007.html17:03
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MartijnVdSdo I want a Nexus S :)18:22
davmor2is it me or did everyone fall of the face of ubuntu-uk for the last hour or so?18:22
Azelphurdavmor2: rush hour?18:23
* AlanBell creeps up behind davmor2 and shouts BOO18:23
davmor2AlanBell: heard you sneaking new vinyl flooring in new office, you'll have to try harder :D18:24
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dutchie/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libblas.so.3gf is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.19:37
dutchiethat doesn't look good :(19:37
shaunowhat's .3gf?19:37
shaunocurious, as I have no files named such19:39
dutchieit seems to be at the end of a chain of broken links19:40
shaunohave you taken a peek to see what is in it?19:41
DJonesdutchie: Don't know if this helps? http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=58141219:41
dutchiewell, one of the other symptoms of this weirdness is that every browser i have tried segfaults19:42
* dutchie tries w3m19:42
DJonesSeems to relate to a python-numpy package19:43
dutchie...but that error came up while trying to install epiphany19:44
Danawar2Heyaa i have a program in c++ within a file called program how do i run it?20:08
daubersDanawar2: Sorry?20:10
Danawar2Sorry, I copied some hello world code into gedit and saved it called 'program' how do I run this so I get the output? I normally use VB and just click play.20:12
daubersDanawar2: You'll need to compile it20:13
Danawar2How can i go about doing that?20:13
Danawar2I tried gcc program20:14
daubersDanawar2: You'll need to use g++20:14
Danawar2File format not recognized20:14
daubersDanawar2: Can you pastebin the exact command you used?20:15
Danawar2Sorry internet is playing up at the moment wont be long20:16
daubersDanawar2: Ok, thats more standard c than c++, if you rename the file to have a .c extension it will compile with gcc20:18
daubersIt will produce an executable called a.out20:18
daubersTo run that you'll need to just type ./a.out20:19
stuphimv program program.c20:19
daubersDanawar2: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/540412/ is a bit more C++ like20:20
daubersc++ source files should have the extension .cpp20:20
Danawar2Whats better to learn c or c++20:21
Danawar2because we learn c# at uni20:21
daubersDanawar2: Nothing wrong with c#, just need to use Mono to use it on Linux20:21
daubersDanawar2: Also, there is no real !better . It depends on what you want to achieve20:21
lubotu3Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:22
daubersHmm.... not sure on the wording of that last bit. Someone must have got annoyed :)20:22
Danawar2hehe well i'm doing security so i want to learn a bit of everything but i enjoy creating things so i was thinking of creating small 3D games to help learn programing,20:23
Danawar2Why does it call the file a.out?20:23
daubersDanawar2: Convention. You can tell it what to call it using the "-o" flag20:24
daubersDanawar2: Type "man gcc" or "man g++" to get the manual20:24
zleapwhere is the gthumb slideshow option in xubuntu 10.1020:25
stuphiDanawar2: a.out stands for Assembler Output20:25
zleapcan't fimd it, its there in ubuntu 10.0420:25
Danawar2ok cheers and the man page is llongg :D20:25
ali1234Danawar2: get this book: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language_%28book%2920:28
ali1234man pages are useless for learning C20:28
daubersali1234: I thought everyone had to own a copy of that book by law20:30
ali1234anyone who claims to be a programmer...20:31
daubersheh, mines covered in sticky notes and pencilled in notes20:31
Danawar2So far i see very little difference between c# and c :P20:44
gordfinally got around to putting the natty unity on my netbook, works really well :)20:57
nperryI like unity20:58
nperryEven on the desktop20:58
ali1234you must have extremely low expectations20:58
gordnatty unity on the desktop is very nice right now20:58
ali1234i tried it yesterday, it is extremely buggy20:59
ali1234unless they rewrote half the code since then or something20:59
nperryyou just don't know how to make it work ;)20:59
gordwe re-wrote all the visuals ali123420:59
gordits now in C++ instead of vala and using compiz instead of mutter20:59
ali1234since alpha 1?21:00
ali1234did you fix the broken dock bar thing?21:00
gordalpha one was like last thurday o_O21:00
gordgeez, of course its buggy21:00
gordits alpha21:00
nperryits aplha, its going to be buggy21:00
ali1234so it's buggy *and* it works really well? aren't those mutually exclusive?21:00
nperryBut at the moment all seems to be pretty stable21:00
gordalpha basically means " you are lucky if we don't destroy your entire computer"21:00
nperrywith no show stopping bugs21:01
gordit works well for me ali1234, but thats how the world works, it doesn't seem to work well for you, that would be a bug21:01
gordcan't figure out how to delete/move things to my sd card even though i have obviously done this before21:03
gordwrong channel sorry :x21:03
ali1234how do i report bugs on unity btw?21:03
nperryubuntu-bug unity21:03
gordtalking about my wii if anyone knows how to do that21:03
nperrygord: I've done it but can't remember how now21:04
popeyahem... http://twitter.com/#!/uupc/status/1188945505708032021:10
ali1234"ubuntu-bug unity" doesn't work on alpha 1 live image...21:15
ali1234oh wait, it didn't store my wireless key21:16
czajkowskipeeka boo21:16
AlanBellevening all21:16
czajkowskiAlanBell: howdy21:16
* AlanBell listens to other Laura21:17
czajkowskioh where21:17
AlanBelland over to popey now21:17
czajkowskim3u ?21:18
MartijnVdSmplayer $url works21:19
Azelphurgmail seems to be dropping the ball on spam recently :(22:05
AzelphurI've had 3 get through this week22:05
danfish!bug 64934522:19
lubotu3Launchpad bug 649345 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic onwards fail to install/upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64934522:19
AzelphurAnyone know how to use ubuntu-bug to wait for xorg to crash and grab the backtrace22:50
Azelphurgonna highlight popey since he probably knows :)22:51
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Get Started Hacking On Unity Bitesize Bugs - http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/12/06/get-started-hacking-on-unity-bitesize-bugs/23:03
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