
ShawnRok, i hope someone can help me00:39
ShawnRmy terminal window i'm in now is the only thing responding in gnome00:40
ShawnRi can switch to tty1 or whatever the ctrl+alt+F1 stuff is and work fine, but I can't switch to any other window, and my mouse won't change from the text input I bar00:41
ShawnRI checked top and nothing is even taking more than 1%00:41
dorganhello all01:16
itnet7ShawnR: were you right in the middle of workong on something? If not, and you can get to ctrl+alt+f1 you can type: sudo service gdm restart (assuming you're running gnome).01:41
ShawnRitnet7: i was in the middle of something in inkscape03:14
ShawnRdoes restarting gdm kill all windows i guess?  I killed the gnome-session, which prolly did the same thinge03:14
itnet7ShawnR: man... sorry to hear that03:14
ShawnRs'ok, luckily wasn't too much03:18
ShawnRi later went in and turned on auto-save... lol03:19
ShawnRi did pretty good, my first time using inkscape other than to do fancy text in a video editor03:19
ShawnRmade a logo for my wife's "company" (selling crocheted and other crafty type items)03:19
RoAkSoAxitnet7: ping 03:37
itnet7RoAkSoAx: I'm about to hit the rack need something?03:45
itnet7RoAkSoAx: Talk with you in the Morning. 03:48
RoAkSoAxitnet7 just wanted to say hi have a good one dude04:03
reya276Morning Everyone13:55
maxolasersquadreya276: Good morning!13:58
jgdovinhola all14:19
jgdovinive got a little issue im trying to figure out14:20
tiemonsterwhat's that?14:20
jgdovinI set up an internal ubuntu server so i can set up a testing environment at work, and also run an internal time clock to get them off of paper punch cards14:20
jgdovini had it set up behind our untangle server and was having some issues so i moved it to connect directly to our router and it cannot get outside access14:21
tiemonsterDNS is set up properly?14:21
jgdovinI have tried doing a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces as well as dhcp14:21
jgdovinwhen i try to ping google.com it says unkown host right away, so i guess my dns is fudged up14:22
jgdovinhow are you doin btw tiemonster? I havent been in here in a while14:26
DammitJimcan one do HTTPS over a port other than 443?14:26
DammitJimthat should be no problem even with certificates, right?14:26
tiemonsterjgdovin: yes, DNS is jacked up. that's your problem. I'm ok.14:28
tiemonsterDammitJim: with proper configuration, yes14:28
tiemonsterit's common for high-security applications14:28
DammitJimconfiguration where?14:28
DammitJimok, on the webserver... got it14:28
DammitJimI thought we were running out of public IP addresses in the world... I guess not14:29
tiemonsterso the url would look like https://example.com:9000/ for example14:29
tiemonsterand you would change the SSL.conf to read Listen 9000 instead of Listen 44314:29
DammitJimthese developers make up services with different internal IP addressess as if there was no tomorrow14:29
jgdovintiemonster: any suggestions on where to start looking? Its a simple set up really.. its just a cable modem coming in to a linksys wrt54g router, then that goes to our switch.. but the server is plugged into the wrt54g14:29
DammitJimok, that I have done... just wasn't sure about the certificate part14:29
tiemonsterjgdovin: pastebin your ifconfig output14:29
jgdovinDammitJim: the certificate should just be serving that its secure no matter what port14:30
tiemonsterDammitJim: port isn't on the certificate14:30
DammitJimgot it14:30
jgdovinapache tells you wether its a secure port or not14:30
tiemonster!seen MichelleQ 14:30
ubuntu-fltiemonster: MichelleQ was last seen in #ubuntu-us-fl 2 weeks, 5 days, 16 hours, 36 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: <MichelleQ> Do we have a meeting tonight?14:30
tiemonster!seen MichelleQ1 14:30
ubuntu-fltiemonster: MichelleQ1 was last seen in #ubuntu-us-fl 5 days, 23 hours, 17 minutes, and 24 seconds ago: <MichelleQ1> Morning, y'all.14:30
tiemonsterwell hmph14:30
jgdovinwow she hasnt been around in a while14:31
jgdovintiemonster: http://pastebin.com/W07m357814:31
jgdovinand heres my interfaces file14:33
tiemonsterjgdovin: see if you can ping
jgdovinyes i can14:33
tiemonsteroh I always have trouble with static IP14:35
tiemonsterthat's definitely the problem, though14:36
jgdovinwell i changed it to dhcp and restarted the networking service14:36
jgdovinand it keeps the same ip address14:36
jgdovinand same problems14:36
tiemonsterdoes it work?14:36
jgdovinis there something else i have to do to flush it?14:36
tiemonsterunknown host when pinging google.com?14:37
jgdovinhmm wait one..14:37
jgdovinmaybe that time it actually grabbed a new ip14:37
jgdovingotta go check server room14:37
jgdovinso i restarted the networking service14:38
jgdovinand i couldnt connect14:38
jgdovinwent and checked ifconfig and eth0 was down14:39
jgdovinso i did ifconfig eth0 up14:39
jgdovinand it has same ip :/14:39
jgdovinthats correct right?14:39
tiemonsterhow are you restarting networking?14:40
jgdovini was using /etc/init.d/networking restart14:41
jgdovinso I went to the termninal14:41
jgdovinit said to use service14:41
jgdovinso I tried that14:41
jgdovinwhen i try service network start it says networking start/waiting14:42
jgdovinif i try to stop it says unknown instance14:42
jgdovinsame with restart and force-reload14:42
jgdovini think im just gonna reinstall the darn thing. lol14:43
tiemonstertry restarting14:43
tiemonsternot reinstalling14:43
jgdovinone sec14:43
jgdovinshut it all the way down14:45
jgdovinstarted back up14:45
jgdovinsame.. service network start gives me... stop/waiting14:45
jgdovinrestart, start, force-reload say uknown instance14:46
jgdovini mean service networking14:46
jgdovinand eth0 is down14:46
tiemonsterand the only configuration file you changed was interfaces?14:46
tiemonstercheck it again14:46
jgdovinonly one i really knew about14:46
tiemonster!seen mhall119 14:47
ubuntu-fltiemonster: mhall119 was last seen in #ubuntu-us-fl 1 day, 13 hours, 24 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: <mhall119> crashsystems1: it's only the inotify setup lines that's still there14:47
MichelleQ1he's on his way to work14:47
tiemonstertrying to decide if $60 for a hotel is worth it for the party, or if I should drain myself driving back at midnight14:47
jgdovintiemonster: interfaces looks the same14:48
MichelleQ1tiemonster: go with the room14:48
tiemonsterjgdovin: don't know then. sorry.14:48
jgdovini dont think it matters that i was editing it with nano14:48
jgdovinheard some people had problems editing with nano14:48
jgdovinlol its ok tiemonster. Im gonna try a fresh install, see how that goes14:49
jgdovinthat or go back to 10.04 never had a problem with that14:49
tiemonsterI always have these problems when setting up static IP14:49
tiemonsterI always seem to figure it out14:49
jgdovinyea but going back to dhcp should reverse it all. lmao14:49
jgdovini'll keep debugging on the clock :-D14:50
jgdovintrying to save the ops manager some time, he has to add up everyones times every week. so stupid14:50
tiemonsterMichelleQ1: wait, the party is only an hour long?14:51
tiemonsteris this loco or personal?14:52
tiemonsterguess I should PM that...14:52
jgdovinsince when do ubuntu parties ever last just an hour14:52
tiemonsterthat's why I'm asking...14:52
mhall119tiemonster: did you get an answer from her?14:56
tiemonstermhall119: no14:57
jgdovinhi mhall119!!!15:00
=== jgdovin is now known as amouge_work
amouge_worktiemonster: i have no patience today.. started a reinstall :-)15:01
amouge_workits monday, im at work, and dont feel like playing around. So anyway, hows the fl ubuntu loco doing?15:01
mhall119doing well15:03
amouge_workglad to hear :)15:03
mhall119mostly recovered from UDS15:03
mhall119though my ToDo list is still large15:04
amouge_workmy todo list spans in to the 22nd century15:04
MichelleQ1tiemonster: you talking about the 18th?15:04
amouge_workjust started a new job, they manage thousands of different items, 6 databases for online stores sharing same inventory, and They want an inventory system built by christmas..15:05
=== amouge_work is now known as amouge[work]
mhall119amouge[work]: nothing pays like rush work15:09
amouge[work]mhall119: too bad its hourly15:09
amouge[work]and not as much as i'd even like lol15:10
amouge[work]but its steady money15:10
amouge[work]tampa's rough right now finding a 40 hour a week tech job15:10
mhall119well, that's better than nothing right?15:10
amouge[work]exactly :)15:10
mhall119amouge[work]: know any python?15:10
amouge[work]mhall119: very very little15:10
mhall119php or java?15:10
amouge[work]I started learning it along side of django15:11
amouge[work]mhall119: php is my primary15:11
amouge[work]and im learning ruby and eventually will go back to python15:11
amouge[work]right now my focus is getting mongo DB under my belt15:11
mhall119hmmm, I got some php positions sent to me, but they're in Orlando15:11
amouge[work]orlando is a bit far for me. plus its rough because i freelanced for like 4 years15:12
amouge[work]and most companies want people with experience in a company, thats why i took this.15:12
amouge[work]stay here for a year or 2 and then i have an actual full time coding position in my resume15:12
amouge[work]for a decent size company15:12
mhall119msg call Scott Goldstein at 813-864-248015:13
mhall119amouge[work]: ^^15:13
mhall119he's a recruiter in Tampa, got my a couple of good jobs in the past15:14
mhall119he might have some php openings15:14
amouge[work]hmm ok15:16
amouge[work]I'll look into him. im sceptic of recruiters15:16
amouge[work]last one screwed me over, i was offered two jobs since i got here 3 weeks ago. lol.15:16
mhall119so far Princeton has been the best recruiters I've worked with15:17
amouge[work]one by the guy that came in to familiarize me with the system since he built it 3 years ago, and another for fedex integration.15:17
amouge[work]fedex i dont wanna even think about.. i'd hate writing a hacked up vb every day15:17
mhall119they offer good pay and good benefits15:17
mhall119you can usually choose between hourly and salary15:17
tiemonsterMichelleQ: all sorted15:17
amouge[work]cool, I'll look into them. Last recruiter I used gave me 20 an hour and charged the client 45 an hour, they used me for one project and said they couldnt afford it, they then went on to use me as a freelance under the table for a while15:18
amouge[work]recruiter told me i needed to lower my rate if i wanted to continue working there15:18
mhall119most will take around 40% of what the client is paying15:19
tiemonsteramouge[work]: eek15:19
mhall119that's pretty standard15:19
tiemonsterthis is why I'm a salaryman15:19
mhall119some take upwards of 60%15:19
amouge[work]yea.. 60% is rediculous though. espeically if she had lowered hers to like 15 an hour for her pay, she woulda kept making money15:20
mhall119but Princeton gets good paying positions, around $30-$40/hr15:20
amouge[work]and she wasnt even offering benefits15:20
amouge[work]she got 25/hour that i worked just to do my timesheet every week15:20
mhall119they also pay taxes15:20
amouge[work]is princeton where that scott guy is?15:20
mhall119amouge[work]: yeah15:20
mhall119at least he was still there last time I heard from him15:21
amouge[work]I keep getting emails from some place called... veredus corp, they recruit in the area too15:22
amouge[work]i get calls occasionally telling me they have a position for me15:22
mhall119yeah, veredus is big15:22
mhall119I've not worked for them though15:22
amouge[work]i'll check out princeton since you suggested them, Im less weary if someone recommends them15:23
amouge[work]just dont wanna get screwed15:23
amouge[work]it is amazing though to see that ive been trying to get a full time job for the last year, now that i have it ive had 2 more offers in 3 weeks15:24
mhall119they got me 2 jobs, the second one went permanent15:24
amouge[work]its nice, i was starting to get writers block of sorts as a freelancer. working from home always being there wears you down.15:25
amouge[work]My creativity has come back and im starting to enjoy it like I did when I first started15:25
DammitJimwhy can't I reach public IP addresses that I own from inside my network? Is that normal?15:43
amouge[work]reinstalling fixed the problem :D15:54
amouge[work]now to try static15:54
amouge[work]yay! I can ping google.com with static ip setup. woohoo15:57
zoopsterDammitJim: it's normal if your trying to go out and come back on a non-routable address16:07
zoopsterDammitJim: but with a proper firewall config, it *should* not be a problem unless it's viewed as a security issue16:09
crashsystems1Someone mention me recently? This tab was highlighted, but my logs don't go back for16:17
mhall119crashsystems1: it was me16:24
mhall119was just replying about the inotify code16:25
* crashsystems1 wishes he had time to get a breakfast burrito16:26
amouge[work]crashsystems1: there is always time for breakfast burritos!16:26
crashsystems1Work might disagree16:27
amouge[work]hehe. oh, i have people to go get stuff like that for me ;D16:28
crashsystems1Oh well, I'll have coffee and cereal at the office16:28
amouge[work]wtf? my right parentheses isnt working on this computer16:28
amouge[work]and I know its not the keyboard cause i have synergy set up... and it works fine on the other computer same keyboard. weird as crap!16:28
crashsystems1Hash browns sound good too this morning16:30
amouge[work]I actually was so hungry i ate my subway that was meant for lunch16:30
amouge[work]tuna in the morning is probably not a good idea16:31
crashsystems1Very true16:32
mhall119zoopster: got lunch plans?16:34
DammitJimthanks zoopster 16:37
DammitJimwhat do you mean by a non routable address?16:37
DammitJimit's an address I can get to from the outside16:37
zoopstermhall119: yea unfortunately today is trashed16:41
mhall119ok, another day then16:41
zoopsterDammitJim: non routable address is one that routers drop...10. for 24 bit block 172.16 for the 20 bit block, and 192.168 for the 16 bit block16:43
zoopsterDammitJim: I think the ipv6 arch has a similar concept, but I don't know what it is16:44
amouge[work]wow freaking weird.. all of the sudden i cant get to our hosting company or any of our websites, but according to downforeveryoneorjustme.com all the sites are up18:07
jimmahdantalizing: here I am from webos...wheeee18:10
ImitatingRealityHello folks.18:46
ImitatingRealityHmm. Dead in here.18:47
amouge[work]shhh.. we are napping18:48
zoopsterImitatingReality: it's not really18:52
zoopsterwow...it's already 2p I just started working it seems and I started at 0530 18:53
ImitatingRealityI got up late18:58
ImitatingRealitybut i went to bed late.18:58
ImitatingRealityhaving fun working zoopster19:03
amouge[work]lol my day is flying by too19:03
amouge[work]now if i can smack samba in to being a bit quicker19:04
zoopsteryes ImitatingReality having fun19:07
zoopsterthere is only one way to work you know...if you don't like it, don't do it!19:07
amouge[work]zoopster: True :)19:07
ImitatingRealitymmm... ice cream...19:07
zoopsteranyone pick up the cyanogenmod 6.1 update?19:08
amouge[work]argh.. wtf?19:08
zoopsterdantalizing: ??19:08
* ImitatingReality smacks computer19:09
ImitatingRealityI can't even download the upgrades.19:10
zoopsterImitatingReality: for cyanogenmod?19:10
zoopsteror just ubuntu19:10
ImitatingRealityfor ubuntu19:10
zoopsterwell that stinks19:10
zoopstermirror issue?19:10
ImitatingRealityim stuck in 9.4 kubuntu19:10
ImitatingRealityI tried to download the security updates and whatnot but the package thing crashed19:11
amouge[work]anyone good with samba?19:11
amouge[work]nvm got it :)19:12
ImitatingRealityI tried to download the security updates and whatnot but the package thing crashed19:12
ImitatingRealityarrow keys... -_-19:12
ImitatingRealityit doesnt help i havent been using computers in a while so its like all my computer knowledge leaked out of my head19:12
ImitatingRealityah well. i give up.19:15
zoopsterImitatingReality: go to a terminal prompt and type sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and that will do it all for you.19:25
amouge[work]anyone really familiar with pear problems?19:58
amouge[work]I cant get apache to recognize pear is installed.. but cli sees it fine...19:58
amouge[work]ran a test script in browser and in cli using php test2.php19:58
amouge[work]cli returns pass, browser returns fail when i try to require('PEAR.php');19:59
reya276hey I have a nook(older B&W) and I want to get books from Google Book Store but it says I need this 'eReader library management software' is this available for Ubuntu20:19
reya276take a look here http://books.google.com/help/ebooks/ereader.html20:19
mhall119reya276: calibre might do what you need20:26
reya276oh I have that already20:27
amouge[work]argh gonna shoot myself over this pear crap20:27
reya276but why would I need that it says all I have to do is put it in my nook directory and done, but I see what you mean in case it does not read the format I can use this to convert it20:28
reya276PHP PEAR20:29
amouge[work]yea php pear :/20:29
reya276shooting one self is not a very good Idea20:29
amouge[work]awwww your no fun20:29
reya276but if it makes you happy go for it, LOL20:29
amouge[work]jee thanks :-p20:29
amouge[work]i just wanna test out this stupid freaking time clock script to see if it will work for our needs. so annoying20:30
reya276did you install the PEAR modules for apache and PHP from the repositories20:32
reya276I too had issues getting PEAR to work without Webmail Server and EgroupWare, it turned out I did not have the modules for PEAR installed20:33
reya276*with our20:33
amouge[work]hmm.. dunno about the apache modules20:34
reya276yeah, take a look and make sure they are active/installed20:34
amouge[work]isnt it just called php-pear ?20:34
reya276this is for Web base programming right20:35
reya276one sec, let me look at my apache config20:35
itnet7reya276: The site says you need digital editions to download the actual e-book. The acsm file that you originally downloaded when you purchased the e-book is like a digital receipt that grants you the ability to get the download the actual .pdf or epub formatted book through digital edtions. Holy DRM Batman!.20:37
reya276oh so I should not buy books from google, I don't think I have a choice is not like any other seller has zero DRM20:38
reya276I rather support Google than Amazon or BN20:39
itnet7I'll bet the Adobe Digitial Editions will rely upon .net so you probably won't be able run it in wine20:39
reya276but whatever I guess in this DRM world is all the same right20:39
itnet7I think it might be better for you to get the books straight from the publisher if possible20:39
itnet7O'reilley books do not at this point seem to contain DRM, and you can directly download .pdf's I believe20:40
reya276well I get them from BN right now since I have a Nook the only issue is that I can't sync to my PC because BN does not have a Desktop software for Ubuntu, Only WinJunk/MAC20:40
reya276Why I don't understand is why Google does not come up with a desktop ap for Ubuntu as is the most popular desktop dist for nix20:41
reya276DRM or not20:41
amouge[work]you think my problem could be with permissions?20:42
reya276at this point I can care less, it has gotten to the point that you can't get anything without it20:42
amouge[work]cause im running php cli as root20:42
itnet7Chuck and I have successfully used Calibre to sideload books, not sure about synching with purchased books. Make sure you're using the latest calibre though if you notice any issues with your device appearing20:42
reya276music on some stores20:42
amouge[work]to test the script20:42
amouge[work]and if so, whats the workaround on that? :-D20:42
itnet7the standard delivered calibre continued giving me errors with the Sony E-reader I have.20:43
itnet7the nook was recognized immediately20:43
itnet7even with the standard version included in the repos20:43
itnet7not delivered, sorry20:44
itnet7but upgrading to the latest allowed for the sony device to be seen, and gave me some really cool added features20:44
amouge[work][Mon Dec 06 15:43:23 2010] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'System.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/clients/client1/web2/web/test2.php on line 220:46
amouge[work]i guess thats a permissions problem?20:46
itnet7reya276: check out this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-701191.html20:47
reya276it seems though you are missing this System.php20:48
reya276so it could an issue with the PEAR version that you are using20:48
amouge[work][Mon Dec 06 15:43:23 2010] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning:  require_once(/usr/share/php/System.php): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /var/www/clients/client1/web2/web/test2.php on line 220:49
amouge[work]reya276: the same exact script is returning true through CLI php20:49
amouge[work]so its working in cli20:50
reya276amouge[work], right that is not a permission thing it is actually saying that it can't find System.php20:50
amouge[work]reya276: but it can find it when in cli? I checked the php.ini for both, and made sure the include_path was identical20:50
reya276that does not make sense because according to the first error you posted it says you are missing and inclue which points to system.php20:51
amouge[work]im just tellign you... I did a require_once('System.php'); echo 'true';20:51
reya276It could be a permission issue, sometimes PHP is not the best scripting language in terms of error debugging20:51
amouge[work]in cli it gets the true, so no fatal error20:51
amouge[work]in browser it dies and doesnt output anything20:52
amouge[work]:/ so frustrating20:52
itnet7Adobe at the least should have made ADE an adobe air app20:52
reya276oh ok then what are the permission assigned to system.php or the file which is calling the function20:52
tiemonsteramouge[work]: permissions need to match user/group for apache20:53
amouge[work]the include path is owned by root20:53
tiemonsterso either apply more liberal permissions, or chown to the same user:group as apache20:53
amouge[work]which is the default20:53
reya276are running this from the user directory such as public_html?20:53
tiemonsterdefaults never work20:53
tiemonsterwait - what?20:54
reya276or are you running it from /var/www20:54
amouge[work]reya276: ive got it set up so everything is served from /var/www20:54
tiemonsterbad idea20:54
reya276ok in Apache you can set up a module where you can create all your web apps to run from your Home directory such as /home/username/public_html/20:55
amouge[work]tiemonster: its an internal server with no access to the outside20:55
tiemonsterbecause permission problems are going to force you to either run apache as root (terrible idea), or chown /var/www to www-user (worse)20:55
reya276ok so from /var/www20:55
reya276then you will have to give it the correct permissions to run correctly20:55
tiemonsterI usually create /home/www and chown it to www-user, setting this as the document root20:55
tiemonsterthen all will be well20:56
reya276I think it is usually 644 or 755 can't remember which one20:56
tiemonsteramouge[work]: doesn't matter20:56
tiemonsterreya276: that won't solve the problem20:56
amouge[work]tiemonster: hrm.. damn thats gonna change a lot cause i installed ispconfig to play with it too20:57
reya276tiemonster, right that way I don't have to worry about the permissions thing20:57
amouge[work]and it puts everything in /var/www20:57
tiemonster/var/www was made for static files20:57
* amouge[work] smacks him self in the face20:57
tiemonsternot PHP applications20:57
tiemonsterI wouldn't recommend changing the permissions of that folder20:57
tiemonsterbut you can certainly do it20:57
reya276well ok then you can't change the permissions to your script, or why don't you just make wwwdata the owner20:58
tiemonsteryou could also just chown it to www-user or whatever20:58
reya276this way everything will run with the correct permissions20:58
amouge[work]i tried chown 'ing /var/www to www-data20:58
reya276then that should have worked, did you tried doing it sudo chown -R /var/www/appdir www-data20:59
amouge[work]lrwxrwxrwx  1 www-data www-data   30 2010-12-06 14:03 time.pnsnow.com 21:00
tiemonsteryou'll have to change the group as well21:00
amouge[work]ive been messing with all kinds of things21:00
reya276this way www-data will own everything within the /appdir 21:00
amouge[work]drwxr-xr-x  8 www-data www-data 4096 2010-12-06 14:55 www21:00
tiemonsterdon't know what to tell ya21:03
tiemonsteramouge[work]: did you do it recursively?21:04
amouge[work]tiemonster: yes sir21:04
tiemonsterman, crap luck today.21:04
tiemonsteroh yeah - it's Monday21:04
amouge[work]lol yup21:05
reya276yeah that is very weird, it should have worked21:07
reya276what is it exactly that the script is suppose to do?21:08
amouge[work]reya276: right now im just running a test to try and include either PEAR.php or System.php both included in a pear install21:08
amouge[work]both work through cli21:08
amouge[work]the script im trying to install is an internal timeclock21:09
amouge[work]so that the boss doesnt manually add time anymore21:09
reya276Oh on another topic does anyone know if there is a lightscribe package to write on LightScribe CDs/DVDs21:09
amouge[work]reya276: like a program for doing that? as opposed to drivers?21:10
reya276then dude that Chown -R should have worked21:10
amouge[work]reya276: have you tried lightscribe simple labeler?21:10
reya276just for testing sakes try giving those files 777 perm21:10
reya276and see what happens21:11
amouge[work]the /var/www ?21:11
amouge[work]or the /usr dir?21:11
reya276no to the /appdir where your script is located21:11
amouge[work]lol thats what i thought21:11
reya276your web app structure should be /var/www/web_app_dir21:12
reya276man that is weird21:12
reya276ok do you have the "authz_user" module enabled?21:13
reya276and the "env" module enabled?21:14
reya276and the "autoindex" module enabled?21:14
reya276and just in case also enabled your "userdir" module too21:15
amouge[work]i assume that would show up in phpinfo()21:16
amouge[work]k i enabled all21:16
amouge[work]the only one not enabled was userdir21:16
amouge[work]still no fix21:16
amouge[work]im getting this when i restart apache btw21:17
amouge[work]Warning: SuexecUserGroup directive requires SUEXEC wrapper.21:17
* amouge[work] sighs21:21
amouge[work]k fixed the warning21:23
amouge[work]but no fix for problem. lmao21:23
reya276amouge[work], damn dude sorry but at this point I'm not sure what is wrong21:52
amouge[work]its cool im testing some other theories21:53
reya276hey is there a way I can install a 32bit software .deb on my 64bit OS21:59
amouge[work]heading home all.21:59
reya276I know there is something about force something21:59
reya276or other....21:59
=== amouge[work] is now known as amouge[away]
reya276ah man total failure http://paste.ubuntu.com/540441/22:03
=== drspeedo is now known as drspeedo|away
cjohnstondo be do23:35
ShawnRanyone know why L3 cache would be disabled in BIOS for a Xeon processor?23:40
mhall119do xeons have l3 cache?23:55
ShawnRmhall119: some do i think... i know newer ones do23:58
mhall119oh, I didn't know xeons were still being made23:58
ShawnRand i honestly don't know which ones these are... got a dual Xeon 2.0ghz 2u server from my uncle, playing with it now23:58
ShawnRlooks like that one might be it, with 4MB shared L323:59
ShawnRat least... i'm hoping that is the right one23:59

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