
mr_stevehowdy folks00:12
_diablomr_steve: hey, just leaving, but good to see you around again00:34
ColinHarringtonhowdy mr_steve01:33
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TakyojiWoo, got LibreOffice installed21:15
TakyojiNever knew of the Printer Administration tool with the OpenOffice/LibreOffice suite.21:16
Obsidian1723I had issues with LO, had to go basck to OO... both suffer from the recovery document issue.21:23
ColinHarringtonLibre office is still beta right?21:38
Obsidian1723yes, but that issue is still very very very old.21:40
Obsidian1723LO is based on OO 3.2 code.21:40
Obsidian1723Right now it's really just a re-0branded OO.21:40
TakyojiActually it's Release Candidate 121:48
Takyojirather than beta21:48
tonyyarussorecovery document issue?21:50
Obsidian1723yeah, well known issue. Bassically the program crashes and tries to recover a document.22:03
MTecknologyFirst try failed. Second try worked. Only took 26 mintues to download the update for my new bluray player...23:58
MTecknologyIsn't LibreOffice just a rebranded OpenOffice?23:59

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