
thafreakI went to a client once where their main "server" was a persistent knoppix install...00:04
thafreakand it was so old, that I found out debian sarge was newer...so I switched their apt sources to sarge, and got updates00:04
thafreakthat was over 2 years ago now though...so I guess sarge wasn't THAT old then...00:05
thafreakbut I bet it's still in use there...00:06
canthus13Heh. tough stuff. :)00:10
* canthus13 thought knoppix was based on Slack until a year or two ago...00:10
thafreakno, I think it's always been debian, or atleast for quite a while00:20
canthus13Huh.  I'm just glad they switched from KDE.00:24
thafreakoh yeah? They did? hmm when did that happen?00:29
canthus13I dunno. I've got 6.2.1 and it's LXDE.00:35
canthus13The only problem with using my MP3 player is that it maxes out CPU usage whenever it hits the drive.... :(00:36
BiosElementAWWW I'm a moron00:57
BiosElementMicrosoft just gave me their most epic captcha ever00:57
BiosElement"we suck"...dead serious. >.>00:58
Unit193canthus13: What are the sys requirements? (yes I know you were talking about that a bit ago)02:22
Unit193Cheri703: You around?02:54
Unit193Do you know when I might be able to get the processor?02:56
Cheri703well, tuesday is out, and work will be kind of busy this week (would probably be done by 5 or 6 most days), but evenings should be free02:58
Cheri703so either I can drop it off, or if you wanted help, I can do that too02:59
Unit193What day would work best for you?02:59
Cheri703you have a more complicated schedule than I do, if I recall, so what nights are free and we'll go from there03:08
Unit193For this week? not Mon or Weds03:09
Cheri703k, we can go with thursday if that's good for you03:11
Cheri703not sure what time at this point03:11
Cheri703we can discuss03:11
dmcgloneHey everyone03:27
Unit193Hey dmcglone03:27
dmcgloneanyone having problems loading facebook?03:28
Cheri703hey dmcglone03:28
Unit193I don't use FB....03:28
dmcglonesince I've switched over to DSL I can't figure out whether my internet is not set up correct, or the DSL is sucking or the webisite is having diffaculty03:29
Unit193Not puppy?03:29
canthus13dmcglone: DSL? Why?03:30
* Unit193 is an idiot... you were talking ISP...03:30
* canthus13 is too.03:31
* canthus13 immediately thought Damn Small Linux.03:31
Unit193Same here....03:31
dmcgloneit's cheaper canthus1303:32
dmcgloneand I'm not happy with time warner dropping FOX and WTTE03:32
canthus13Meh. Fuck Time Warner.03:33
dmcgloneWhere I live AT&T and Time Warner are my only 2 choices03:33
canthus13dmcglone: It's a war with the content providers right now. they're losing ad revenue because advertisers aren't willing to pay as much due to DVRs and such where people can fast forward.  So they try to take it out of the cable and satellite companies.  Unfortunately, we're at the breaking point on content charges.03:34
canthus13Cable used to be a cash cow. Now there is almost *NO* money in video content delivery.03:34
* Cheri703 just has roadrunner, not tv service03:35
* Unit193 Has the same as Cheri703 with worse speeds....03:35
canthus13Cheri703: They really don't care about video services except that once you bundle TV, phone, and internet you're less likely to change to someone else.03:35
dmcgloneWell I think TW could solve this problem, they just don't want to03:35
canthus13dmcglone: Sure. they can raise rates on everyone.03:36
canthus13dmcglone: They played chicken with FOX, and fox won this round.  It'll change if more cable and satellite services drop FOX as well.03:36
dmcgloneI don't think that would be necessary IMHO, I just think they want to keep making millions a day and keep charging and charging more until they make trillions a day03:37
* Cheri703 is annoyed with windows / windows software tonight03:37
canthus13dmcglone: No. Seriously. I work in the industry. Content providers are charging out the butt. We make maybe 3-4% profit on regular channels, and 50 cents a month per subscriber on premiums.  With VOD we break even.03:37
Unit193Cheri703: What are you stuck doing?03:38
paultaghey all :)03:38
Unit193Hey paultag03:38
dmcgloneI see canthus13, I'll take your word on that03:38
paultagyo Unit19303:38
dmcgloneyo paultag03:38
paultagyo dmcglone03:38
canthus13dmcglone: Internet is where the money is, and with companies like comcast starting to gouge for passage across their network, Internet is gonna be in a tight spot as well.03:38
canthus13THe whole industry is eating itself alive.03:38
dmcgloneso what is your prediction?03:39
Cheri703setting up a computer for a new employee at my job, it's a computer that shipped with win7, put xp on it earlier, then getting crappy errors when trying to install the xerox specific software, so I'm going to just start over AGAIN >.<03:39
canthus13dmcglone: We end up with whatever single media provider manages to win the fight.  then the government steps in and 'deregulates' and we end up with the baby bell situation all over again.03:40
canthus13dmcglone: ...Or the FCC finally grows some balls and sets sane rules.03:41
dmcgloneI see. What crosses your mind and how do you think you would handle things for yourself in the future when you think about this whole mess?03:42
canthus13dmcglone: as much as I hate to say it, government regulation.  No company can charge another company or deny traffic from another without a technical reason for it.03:44
canthus13bandwidth 'consumption' is stupid.  It's not a finite resource.  We're not gonna have a  'peak bits' situation and end up running out.03:44
Cheri703canthus13: some industries just need regulation, just as some people need to be held in check or they'll run rampant with greed/power (often the same people that rise to power in those industries)03:44
dmcglonewhat do you mean deny  traffic from another?03:45
canthus13dmcglone: Refuse to forward traffic across your network from a particular company.03:45
Cheri703time warner is mad at fox, so disallows fox.com03:45
Cheri703*this happened actually03:45
Cheri703but the other way around03:45
canthus13Cheri703: Exactly.03:45
Cheri703the site blocked cablevision customers03:45
Cheri703hulu or something blocked a network's content because they were cablevision customers, somehow not realizing that people have internet without cable...they restored service after enough people yelled at them03:46
dmcgloneAh so it's time warner trying to punish fox by not airing their stuff03:46
Cheri703consumerist had coverage of it03:46
canthus13...Or say my company gets pissed at comcast for overcharging for bandwidth, so we deny all traffic originating from comcast IPs.  We carry a ton of comcast traffic over a 10gig line.. Lots of people would lose access to signifigant portions of the interne.03:46
Cheri703dmcglone: fox probably wanted too much money so tw refused to pay03:47
canthus13Cheri703: That's the exact situation. Fox news doubled their charges this list round of negotiations.  They're almost as expensive as ESPN now.03:47
canthus13the content providers think the distributors are made of money... We're not anymore.03:48
dmcgloneI always thought commercials was the main source of revenue for providers03:48
canthus13dmcglone: They used to be.03:48
canthus13dmcglone: Commercials don't pay what they used to. Advertisers are seeing less revenue from their TV ads, so they're not willing to pay as much.03:49
dmcglonewell if thats the case why haven't they taken them off tv lol03:49
canthus13people mute commercials, fast-forward through them, etc.03:49
canthus13dmcglone: Without them there'd be no TV.03:49
canthus13and they still see some revenue, just not as much as back in the 80s and 90s.03:49
canthus13TV production costs have gone up due to the demands of 'stars' as well.03:50
canthus13We may see a sharp drop once CGI actors become the norm.03:50
dmcgloneso I guess they will basically keep raising cable bills until it cost 2 or 3 hundred a month/subscriber03:51
canthus13dmcglone: We try to not do that.03:51
canthus13dmcglone: that's why our margins are so thin these days.03:51
canthus13We still end up raising rates a little, though... and it's getting worse now that our backs are against the wall.03:52
dmcglonebut from what I understand from you, thats basically whats happening03:52
canthus13dmcglone: Yep.  Fox got dropped in part to slow that down.03:52
dmcglonesoon we'll be paying 200/month for basic cable and still have to watch commercials03:53
canthus13...and more of them.03:53
canthus13broadcast TV is quickly becoming a thing of the past.  The digital conversion hastened that.03:53
Cheri703and they wonder why people just download tv shows >.<03:53
dmcglonewe will probably be paying for local channels soon03:54
canthus13dmcglone: You do.03:54
dmcglonenot if I don't have cable03:54
canthus13dmcglone: Either through taxes or through product price increases.03:54
dmcgloneOh so it's hidden03:55
canthus13dmcglone: Yup.03:55
dmcglonetypical of our governement03:55
dmcglonejust typical03:55
canthus13dmcglone: Mostly price increases, but some stations receive government funding of some sort for various services they provide.03:56
dmcglonewon't be long and every aspect of every americans life will be controlled by the gov.03:58
dmcglonewe are slowly fighting a losing battle03:59
canthus13dmcglone: That's a whole other topic.03:59
Cheri703dmcglone: would you rather have gov't regulate it and keep the costs low, or pay several hundred dollars to get cable? I'd rather not pay craploads of money04:00
canthus13dmcglone: I'd rather the government stepped in and make the big guys play nice than have one giant media conglomerate control my news, internet, TV, phone service, etc.04:01
thafreakI dropped cable...and if they screw with streaming shows, I'll stop watching them too04:01
dmcglonecanthus13: somewhat, but it's quite true if you think about it04:01
canthus13On the other hand, I'd also rather see the health care bill, the DMCA, and the Patriot act all repealed.04:01
dmcgloneCheri703: I agree, but I'm referring to our government hiding costs and such04:01
Cheri703I'm going to go make cookies, I'll be back in a while04:02
canthus13I have a feeling the health care bill is gonna be repealed or drastically changed soon... The DMCA may come within the next few years too, as we get more judges in place that actually understand technology.04:02
dmcglonematter of face, when did getting government involved ever work anyway. Have you seen the price of gasoline these days?04:03
canthus13dmcglone: Blame the environmentalists for that... We haven't had a new refinery built since 1973.04:03
Cheri703dmcglone: when I hear people say "when did getting gov't involved ever work anyway" I think of the great depression...things would have completely collapsed if not for government04:03
dmcglonewouldn't that be Al Gore04:03
canthus13We can't pump oil anywhere off the east or west coasts... or alaska...04:03
canthus13dmcglone: It's been gradual, starting in the 60's.04:04
dmcglonewe can't because of our government04:04
canthus13dmcglone: We can't because of the environmentalist idiots that have pushed the government into it.04:04
dmcglonethose environmentalist happen to be our government04:05
Cheri703even though I'm distracted making cookies, I think that things are getting awfully political for an ubuntu room :/04:05
dmcglonethis doesn't sound political to me04:05
Cheri703mmk, just stating my opinion04:06
dmcglonewell opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they usually stink... LMAO04:06
dmcglonewhoooo hoooo04:06
Cheri703thanks for that dmcglone. :/04:07
dmcglonewhat??? I thought that was funny04:07
canthus13It was a bit over the top.04:07
dmcgloneI just had to say it, it's so funny04:07
* Cheri703 isn't really in the mood for that tonight04:07
dmcgloneI wasn't directing that toward anyone, I was just saying it because it's funny04:08
thafreakLet me throw this out there, we can produce butanol from organic matter, and it will work in all of the cars on the road today04:08
thafreakwithout needing modified engines...it actually has more energy than gas04:09
dmcglonecanthus13: did you turn my cable off?04:09
thafreakbut have any of you even heard of it?04:09
dmcgloneI'm not sure I have04:10
dmcgloneI guess I'm on the shit list tonight04:10
thafreakbut...everyone is stuck on ethanol it seems...and worse, using corn to make it, which is one of the hardest plants to grow04:11
dmcgloneI remember the guy who figured a way to run a car on water and he ended up dead real quick04:11
thafreakI'd rather us not even use gas anymore instead of caring how much gas costs04:11
dmcgloneI agree04:12
dmcgloneI think citizens need to start making a stand instead of just keeping their mouth shut and going with the flow04:13
dmcgloneI think we can all agree we are tired of getting walked all over by corporations04:13
dmcglonethe rich man manipulates our lives04:14
Cheri703:( husband used the last of our eggs earlier today, no cookies tonight :(04:24
canthus13make him walk to the store, buy more.04:24
Cheri703will be going to the grocery store sooner than later. closest store that would still be open is a few miles away04:25
Unit193Walking in the snow at night....04:29
Unit193You don't have snow?04:29
canthus13Nah. Everything misses toledo.04:29
Unit193From where we live it's doable...04:30
Cheri703do I need a recovery partition if I have the recovery disk?04:37
Cheri703because I want to punch this computer and things would be easier without the recovery partition04:37
Cheri703paultag: you might know....04:37
Unit193I don't think so...04:37
Cheri703do I need a recovery partition if I have the recovery disk?04:37
Unit193As long as it's the right OS04:37
paultag_Cheri703: no clue :/04:37
Cheri703yeah, well, I'm going from win7 to xp, but I still have the win7 dvd04:38
Unit193If you don't plan on using the preinstalled OS then you really dont' need it04:38
Cheri703well, if I have the win7 dvd, I can still go back, it doesn't reference the recovery partition, does it?04:38
Cheri703ok, so...I should be good04:39
Unit193That part also has the preinstalled apps04:39
Cheri703ok, thanks04:40
Unit193Norton AV trial :P04:40
Cheri703I finished of the most recent batch of ice cream since I couldn't make cookies :)04:41
Unit193I really want homemade ice cream :'(04:42
Cheri703it's very easy04:42
* Cheri703 is starting installation #4 of windows xp on this computer tonight05:25
Unit193What is going wrong?05:35
Cheri703various problems:05:39
canthus13Unit193: She's installing windows, that's what. :)05:40
Cheri703first installation: got it installed, working, and started getting strange errors when installing xerox software (the whole reason this is getting set up), install 2: I don't remember what went wrong, it was stupid and freaked out, install 3: the recovery partition was assigned as c drive and was making things screwy. over ALL of these, I'm having great difficulty finding xp drivers, because dell only provides vista and win7 ones05:40
Cheri703and I'm supposed to be giving this to my boss at 9am >.<05:40
Cheri703might just email her and tell her I'll deliver it to the chick when it's done05:41
Unit193Cheri703: Hate to be a pain again... I'm guessing you entered the service tag on support.dell.com?05:43
Cheri703yeah, it wants to give me vista and 7 drivers because this model never shipped with xp05:44
Unit193I'll have to reinstall XP on some computer that went crazy (explorer shell wont even work) I hate the backup process... some 45min (3+GB) audacity files...05:45
Cheri703yeah, backing up sucks05:45
Cheri703going to try to fix the most recent one instead of reinstalling, we'll see05:47
Unit193I'm procrasting installing it due in part to the backup and the comp sorta works with an alt shell (network won't work at all)05:49
Cheri703ah, nice05:49
Cheri703what time to you have to be up in the morning?05:50
Unit193uhhh.... I should be up before I am...05:50
Unit193Why do you ask?05:50
Cheri703woo, 3rd install is (seemingly) salvageable!05:51
Cheri703just curious, I always stayed up too late when I was in school05:51
Cheri703and for the record, OMFG I HATE DELL05:51
Unit193I have had mostly good luck with Dell.... and the HPs lasted forever (still have a Win98 running Lubuntu)05:53
* Cheri703 doesn't really like hp, but mostly because of their shady printer practices05:53
Unit193I guess Thurs won't work :(05:56
Unit193I have no idea why...05:57
Cheri703ok, we can look at friday. not sure what my schedule will be like. saturday I have to go to cbus in the morning05:57
Unit193Are you sure you have time? Friday looks good to me...05:58
Cheri703that should probably work. like I said, not sure exactly what time, but I should know closer to it05:59
Unit193If I can help with any comp things I'm originally from the win world (starting to really love the terminal)06:03
Cheri703I appreciate that06:04
Cheri703I think I'm getting there, just lots of stupid little roadblocks :(06:04
Unit193You can learn things from win.... how to use a hex editor on exe/dlls, how to edit exe/dll resources, how to control your anger, how to break a eula by just turning the dang thing on....06:10
Cheri703indeed :)06:11
Cheri703how many restarts you can physically complete in an hour, how many hours of your life you can waste waiting for useless/ineffective "updates" to run06:12
Unit193One thing that really got to me: Install updates, reboot "Updates are ready for your computer"!!!!!@! or the auto reboot after updates!!!06:14
Unit193And I have made a pot of coffee when waiting for a reboot....06:15
Cheri703heh, yeah06:15
Unit193How slow a reboot.... KUbuntu/UbuntuLM I just sit and wait it's so fast....06:16
Cheri703ah, yeah06:17
Unit193Still there? any better luck?07:32
Cheri703meh, getting there07:33
Cheri703been running updates for over an hour07:34
Unit193When I do it at the hospital I find it not too hard....07:35
Unit193Been trying to reconnect to my SSH server for about an hour...07:35
Cheri703just LONG07:35
Cheri703it's not hard (generally) just long.07:35
Cheri703still have to hunt down a wireless driver for this thing07:35
Cheri703I'm glad I have a nice long ethernet cable in my living room07:35
Unit193Now I'm port scanning all Ohio embarq IP addresses.... That's why I run three installs at once....07:37
Unit193to see if the ip changed that is...07:37
Cheri703which ssh server? at your house or?07:37
Unit193Kinda... Not my comp but I set it up on one :D07:38
Unit1938192 IPs not one of them is right....07:39
Unit193Comp crash?07:40
Cheri703very posible07:40
Cheri703or just shut down for the night07:40
Cheri703or weekend07:40
Unit193No, it didn't shutdown....07:41
Unit193I have VNC on all the Comps there (SSH tunnel)07:41
Cheri703woo, now onto sp307:41
Cheri703where is there?07:41
Unit193You didn't even have a XP install w/ SP3???07:42
Cheri703nah, my cd has sp207:42
Unit193Dell reinstall disk right? (I have tons of SP3 ones)07:42
Cheri703it's a dell xp version that is........shall we say "unofficial"?07:43
Cheri703probably could find an updated one online07:43
Cheri703just haven't looked07:43
Unit193Let me guess, your boss would be ok with that... new girl, that's very good?07:44
Unit193new employee?07:46
Cheri703there are 2 new employees, a young guy and an older woman, this computer is for one of them07:47
Cheri703meh I hate windows a bunch07:59
Unit193Your using XP.... I have to use Vista randomly....08:00
Cheri703vista is even worse08:00
Unit193THAT is my point! I HATE IT!08:01
Cheri703I've had (luckily) few encounters with it through work, and they've been memorable and horrible08:02
Unit193Better yet! I had to use it with Norton!! dual core 3GHz processor and our home comp works faster...08:04
Unit193Thank you! some person LIKES NIS (Norton Internet Security)08:06
Unit193You know a good Audio/Video converter? (I use a windows one in wine when I need it)08:12
Cheri703hmm...not off the top of my head08:12
Unit193That's all I was asking (off the top of your head) FormatFactory works surprisingly well...08:14
Cheri703I'll have to take a look08:15
Unit193Don't bother, it's a Win(e) program....08:16
Cheri703husband has some conversion to do, he uses windows08:17
Unit193In that case... It can convert tons of formats A/V and pics (IIRC think mencoder with a GUI)08:21
Unit193MP4/3GP/MPG/AVI/WMV/FLV/SWF == MP3/WMA/AMR/OGG/AAC/WAV == JPG/BMP/PNG/TIF/ICO/GIF/TGA == Supports RMVB,Watermark, AV Mux == CD/DVD Rip08:25
Unit193And works only a bit slower in wine... (did for me anyway)08:26
Cheri703good to know :)08:28
Unit193Are you tired or board?08:29
Cheri703tired and irritated (not at you)08:30
Cheri703can't find the stupid drivers needed for this computer08:30
Unit193been there.... done that....08:31
Cheri703screw this, I'm going to bed08:34
Cheri703have a good night08:34
Unit193Sounds like I should have done that....08:34
canthus13paultag: Yer sh*t's broke, dude.13:19
thafreakwhat's that?14:28
thafreakI think it's a good idea some of these grad students STAY in academics...they wouldn't survive in a world where they actually have to DO stuff14:56
thafreakI totally want to drop half my group members...14:56
thafreakThey're more of a detriment than anything else...14:56
thafreakThis is why I can never be a manager...I'd never have anyone working for me, the good people cost too much, and I'd just be spending too much time babysitting the rest14:57
thafreakor be busy firing them14:57
canthus13Oh. his blog.  it's throwing database errors.15:05
_bbb_tumblr is still down..15:10
Unit193paultag: Does the fubuntu-desktop package work on PPC?18:56
paultagcanthus13:I know, fucking tumblr20:24
paultagUnit193: yes, but you need to rebuild it20:24

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