
MutantTurkeymoving closer to actually building unity00:42
MutantTurkeyonly a few more depends left to compile00:42
MutantTurkeysomething with libjpeg 1.2 to 1.4 is breaking it i think00:42
MutantTurkeylibpng rather00:44
MutantTurkeyY U NO WORK UBUNTU.00:59
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
InHisNameOff to Win7 class & lab till 11pm13:47
=== [1]SamuraiAlba is now known as SamuraiAlba
SamuraiAlbaIsnt Unity used in Ubuntu Netbook?16:52
ChinnoDogMy clock in Server 08 running in KVM Keeps falling behind and so my kerberos certs break and I have to reboot. Anyone know how to fix the clock?17:08
ChinnoDogI googled it but all I get are explanations of why it is complicated, not fixes.17:08
JonathanDChinnoDog: NTP?17:08
JonathanDChinnoDog: is it part of a domain?17:09
ChinnoDogI could, but what about when I am not online? I use samba to access files on my laptop from inside the VM17:09
JonathanDsetup an NTP server on your laptop, have it check against that.17:10
JonathanDas long as your laptop isn't drifting between internets that should be good.17:10
JonathanDconfiguring NTP on windows for a custom server is done via the registry. I think.17:11
JonathanDTry here...17:11
PennBotTitle: Windows Time Service Tools and Settings: Windows Time Service (at technet.microsoft.com)17:11
ChinnoDogI know how to configure it, I just don't know why this isn't already figured out. I've used many VM solutions and none of them had clock drift in the VM17:12
ChinnoDogusing NTP is a band-aid at best. It means precise timing doesn't work in the VM17:12
ChinnoDogok, I found a potential fix. The clock is about 90s behind now that I rebooted. I'll have to wait and see if this works17:43
JonathanDChinnoDog: it is a band aid, I'll give you that... but it's also not a bad practice anyway ;)17:44
JonathanDI've seen a lot of login problems on windows stemming from clock messups.17:44
PennBotTitle: Chapter 14. KVM guest timing management (at docs.redhat.com)17:47
ChinnoDogThe clocks are still able to be different, but setting USEPLATFORMCLOCK should make it better in theory17:47
ChinnoDoghi BeckySanderlin`x17:58
BeckySanderlin`x (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)17:59
ChinnoDogClock drift at 9 minutes now18:55
ChinnoDogTechnically 5 minutes is supposed to make kerberos blow up18:55
BeckySanderlin`xi need a new game to play19:06
BeckySanderlin`xwhere is there games for linux19:06
ChinnoDogCPU utilization of Server 08 in KVM sucks. Even when there are obviously enough processes to use 50%+ it hardly ever goes above that.19:06
ChinnoDogBeckySanderlin`x: I went looking for those awhile back and found a number of "top 10" type pages with linux games19:08
ChinnoDogSomehow I am hitting 75% cpu usage on my VM now. So, maybe I am wrong. I had to run an awful lot of stuff to get there though.19:09

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