
wrst-phonecyberanger I am getting closer maybe to using irssi03:14
=== wesley is now known as wrst_
linuxman410wrst if you are here i have a cheap atom machine on ebay if you know anyone interested14:04
wrstgot a link linuxman410?14:07
linuxman410hang on 1 scec14:07
linuxman410here is link14:08
wrstnot bad at all linuxman410, that's a nice machine14:09
linuxman410this is second time i relisted it i am taking offers14:10
linuxman410wrst 70 or best offer is not bad cause if they make a good offer i can sell it14:11
wrstyeah that's excellent if i had space i would buy it14:11
linuxman410i lowered the price 3 times already14:11
linuxman410well got to get ready for work try to spread the word if u think anyone u know would be interested and thanks talk to u later wrst14:15
Xpistosmorning all15:47
Xpistoscyberanger: you around homie?15:47
wrstXpistos: where you been?16:07
wrstreally wow16:12
wrstwish i could do that :)16:12
Dan9186[MM]hmm, i suppose i should have expected restarting x would kill my VM i had up16:17
cyberangerXpistos: hey16:29
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: I wouldn't expect that, but my VM's don't depend on XORG16:30
Dan9186[MM]i'm just using vbox to get a small windows instance up16:30
Dan9186[MM]have a few things i need for work that have to run on windows16:31
cyberangersame here, well, except the windows part ;-)16:31
Dan9186[MM]and how do you remove the xord dependancy? virtmanager?16:33
Xpistoscyberanger: You still on for tomorrow night/16:35
XpistosBout 10 mins?16:35
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: hang on sorry, phone's slowing me17:02
cyberangerXpistos: ugh, remind me of the time?17:03
cyberangerI think so, things have shifted, korea changed things lately17:04
Dan9186[MM]not a problem, i've got work i should be doing any how :P17:05
Xpistosit is 10 pm Eastern17:06
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: in terminal "VBoxManage startvm “Windows XP” &" (without end quotes)17:13
cyberangerit has an RDP port to connect to17:13
Dan9186[MM]so you just use that to keep it up as a process in the background?17:15
Dan9186[MM]what's the point of the &?17:15
cyberangerthe & keeps it in the backround17:19
cyberangerdo it without and it's in the foreground17:19
cyberangeralso, most of my VM's have ssh (it's a dark day when the Windows VM is fired up, Windows XP would be the name of it)17:20
cyberangerso really, I don't use RDP, except for Windows17:20
cyberangerXpistos: 10 pm eastern, that'd be ....17:21
cyberangerok, yeah, we can't do it17:22
Xpistoswe can't or can?17:22
cyberangerconfirm, we are a go17:22
cyberangerthe orignal issue can't, half the guys are korea or korea bound, or leave was shortened or deploy extended due to that17:23
cyberangernorth korea shelling changed things, I won't be having that call, becuase too many already can't17:23
cyberangeryour is a go17:24
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: does that make sense17:24
cyberangerXpistos: call at 10pm, via skype?17:25
Dan9186[MM]yeah it does17:25
Dan9186[MM]thanks for the info on it17:25
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: I dunno if that helps you, but it cuts my processing power down (launch my VM's in tty6 and I can run without xorg, bearing in mind that the installer will download xorg anyhow, without some more brutal methods17:27
cyberangerI have some CentOS machines (I hate, but gotta atm) trying to convert the AsteriskNOW install over to debian or ubuntu, cpanel is used by a client, dictated freebsd, RHEL or CentOS becuase of it17:29
cyberangerWindows XP isn't really useful anymore, and Windows 7 pro is just an installer, never used, but I can confirm that works17:30
Xpistoscyberanger:  Be on Skype at 10pm Eastern and I will conference you in to the call17:32
cyberangerwell, I'll try to be on IRC, since idk what the issue was last time still (I was on skype last time, idk if it was a limitation or glitch with androids version then)17:32
cyberangerif there's an issue, I'll have a desktop client nearby (and off)17:33
cyberangerthat's the funny thing, I was on and connected, and yet you saw me offline17:33
Xpistosno, I saw you online17:36
XpistosYou just didn't answer17:36
cyberanger(I know the ISP Failed later in the trip, I stuck my android in the one area with coverage (a small area, thank you T-Mobile for Wifi calling and the Wifi AP mode, thank you Google Voice for txt via gmail, and calling too, saved my butt at my folks)17:36
XpistosBut I will jump in IRC and MSG you too17:36
cyberangeroh, well, in that case, with no missed call showing up, was it already a confrence call, when you tried me?17:37
XpistosBut I will be about 10 off17:37
cyberangerthe mobile client might be too weak for confrence calls then, that'd explain it all17:37
cyberangerthis time I'll be near a full install17:37
XpistosGood to know17:37
cyberangerwe'll make it work this time ;-) (and that explains the mess I suspect)17:38
cyberangerI wasn't near IRC, so I didn't see that till much later, but I sat near my G2, hrm, all flaws that are already fixed ;-)17:39
cyberangersee you later on17:39
Dan9186[MM]cyberanger: i dunno whether it helps or not, but i always like knowing more, my biggest thing is i need to be able to switch to it very quickly so i leave it up and running in seamless mode18:55
Dan9186[MM]not terribly concerned with the processing power, or least it doesn't eat too much of it18:56
cyberangerprocessing wasn't my issue, memory was, alot of memory for something that I preferred ssh access to anyhow18:57
Dan9186[MM]yeah the stuff i need to run i don't need ssh access18:57
Dan9186[MM]gotta do things in crystal reports18:57
cyberangerand in your case, with seamless mode, vs RDP, hard to say, but I think it idling on with RDP would be better18:58
Dan9186[MM]but my boss was kind enough to max out my memory in my system for me18:58
Dan9186[MM]i've had 2 windows 7 vms (seamless) and a dozen other things running and never noticed the crunch18:59
XpistosDan9186[MM]:  you must have a 64-bit machine19:21
Dan9186[MM]i do19:27
JuzzyIf anyone in nashville-ish area looking for LAMPP work: http://groups.google.com/group/nlug-talk/browse_thread/thread/8272e6d3a10503b119:52
cyberangerhey wrst-weechat21:37
cyberangernice to see a cli user here, I almost mistook you for wrst21:38
Juzzydidnt know ubuntu had cli users ;o21:40
wrst-weechathey playing with clients on my phone still21:40
cyberangerJuzzy: oh yeah, I do my installs custom, so I can get the best of both worlds (read: subjected to flash or watching a dvd21:41
wrstcyberanger: weechat isn't bad21:43
wrstbut i think irssi would be the way to go for screen area21:43
cyberangerwrst-weechat: hehe, I don't think weechat-curses is on your phone, which is how I like it, ssh and GNU Screen21:43
wrstwell yeah cyberanger :P21:44
wrstbut how it looks on my phone21:44
cyberangerit's close, I thought about that myself, and accounting for bitlbee, it was a tough call21:45
=== wesley is now known as wrst-irssi
Juzzycyberanger: yea I'm semi joking21:45
Juzzywe run alot of ubuntu server here21:45
Juzzyso I know at least 6 people who strickly use cli ;)21:45
wrst-irssithis is much better but nowhere near as good as quaasel21:46
Juzzywe have somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 ubuntu servers21:46
wrst-irssiwow juzzy21:46
cyberangerJuzzy: thanks for the post above, unfortunately 30 miles outside chattanooga isn't nashville-ish21:46
Juzzyya ;/21:46
Juzzyand too bad it's not a telecommute job21:47
Juzzyelse I'd do it on the side in ym wife's name, heh!21:47
cyberangerI'd have that many if my pockets were deeper, never too many servers ;-)21:47
Juzzymanaging it is litterally a nightmare21:48
Juzzydon;t have a good tool for that, honestly21:48
Juzzymanage engine / adventnet isnt too bad, but lacks quite a bit21:49
cyberangerI'd bet that's a nightmare, beats unemployed though21:49
Juzzyit's not like we have a bunch of vanilla ubuntu installs running around21:49
Juzzythey are nearly all silo servers for something21:49
Juzzywe probably have 10 print servers21:50
Juzzyat least 4 file servers21:50
Juzzyserving around 10tb of data between the main 221:51
Juzzyfun ;/21:51
JuzzyI have to admit tho, this is a cool place to work21:51
Juzzylots of new tech, no pushback on new tech either21:51

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