
=== Zaybort is now known as Guest28837
=== Guest28837 is now known as Cibort
lahwranwhy is ubuntu one not syncing?06:21
lahwranI just added a computer and it didn't download my files.06:21
lahwranI do have ~600MB of files, but still it should have started06:22
=== Zaybort is now known as Guest27370
duanedesignmorning all11:28
bonnob11honk if you hate stickers that say honk if you need help ;) no u1 windows guys around13:04
beunobonnob11, our windows guy is airborn right now13:06
beunowhat's up?13:06
bonnob11mandel? yup seems he loves traveling13:07
bonnob11just wanted to see if you resolved your performance problems with win client13:07
beunobonnob11, they've been sprinting all week, not sure how much of that has landed13:10
bonnob11i commented it also in the bug, they should pre-JIT their managed assemblies with ngen.exe during installation13:11
* beuno claims ignorance in windows maters13:12
bonnob11it's your #1 bug :) if you're canonical guy you shouldn't ignore your enemy hehe13:14
bonnob11OK, I'll check later again13:14
beunonp, thanks for testing!13:15
nessitastand up in 3 minutes crowd!13:57
ralsinanessita: ?13:58
nessitaralsina: hello human! I didn't see you here :-)13:59
* alecu for one welcomes his new whip-wielding overlord. #ubuntuone, meet ralsina.13:59
nessitaralsina: every day at 2pm UTC we have our daily stand up14:00
ralsinaalecu: I don't have the access codes to the whip yet. Stand by!14:00
nessitaralsina: each one of us says 'me' and we paste our previously written DONE, TODO and BLOCKED in the order we said it14:00
nessitaso, let's start:14:01
nessitadobey, thisfred, stand up?14:01
nessitathisfred: you around?14:02
nessitaralsina: would you join us today in the stand up?14:02
nessitaDONE: Some boss chasing, more to do. Started work on #673670. Did some general follow up on bug reports.14:03
nessitaTODO: Boss chasing re the control panel spec. Code reviews for mandel. More for bug #67367014:03
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:03
nessitaNEXT: alecu14:03
alecuCardinalFang, Chipaca?14:03
ubot4`Launchpad bug 673670 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Contact syncdaemon dbus service from backend (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67367014:03
alecuDONE: sprinted with the Syncdaemon folk for integration with Zeitgeist (bug #674252)14:03
alecuTODO: finish zeitgeist *this week*14:03
alecuBLOCKED: no14:03
* alecu passes the laser-whip to dobey. Don't let ralsina find it!14:03
ubot4`Launchpad bug 674252 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to store events into zeitgeist (affects: 1) (heat: 173)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67425214:03
dobeyλ DONE: 677382, bce nightlies, initial banshee store tests14:03
dobeyλ TODO: 683351, start on backports, book rally flights14:03
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:03
dobeythisfred: your roll14:03
thisfredDONE: couchdb investigation | XUL/js exploration TODO: start bindwood dev BLOCKED: no14:03
nessitaalecu: CardinalFang is working for mobile14:04
ralsinaTODO: speak to everyone and find out what you all are talking about ;-)14:04
nessitathisfred: did you find out what happened with couch on natty?14:04
thisfrednessita: yeah, it was built wrong, it looks like. Actually Chipaca found the/a problem. Chris Coulson is now working on fixing it14:05
nessitaralsina: now we make any comment we consider necessary regarding each others report, and/or try to solve any "blocked"14:05
nessitathisfred: awesome, that's great news14:05
nessitaNOTE: this Wed is holiday in ARgentina, though I'll be working and swapping the holiday for the next week14:06
nessitaany closing comment/s?14:06
nessitaeom it is!14:06
nessitaralsina: we also have a logging bot, and a launchpad bot in the channel. The LP bot will decode any bug number if you say something like "bug 1"14:08
ubot4`Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 20 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 612) (heat: 3060)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114:08
nessitaor bug #114:08
nessitabut not #114:08
ralsinaI am currently trying to get some administrivia done, so I don't know when I'll be able to join the other channels, check launchpad groups, etc.14:12
ralsinaSo, I am not really useful at the moment for some stuff. However, feel free to contact me about anything you feel I should know :-D14:12
nessitaralsina: yeah, that takes some time... good luck!14:12
lahwranwhy is my newly added box not syncing my files?14:32
lahwran~600mb of them, if it matters14:32
beunolahwran, is the client connected?14:33
facundobatistalahwran, if you do "u1sdtool -s" in a command line, in which state you see it'14:33
CardinalFanglahwran, also, it can take minutes to decide what to do with many files.  Is that many, or a few large ones?14:33
CardinalFangWow, that much attention on a Monday morning?  Something's wrong.14:34
lahwranit's monday?14:34
lahwranI thought it was wednesday evening14:35
lahwransays working on metadata, ready to connect14:35
lahwranall booleans are false14:35
ralsinaAnyone here knows how I can reach Matthias Arnasson?14:39
duanedesignlahwran: can you try the command:  u1sdtool -c14:39
lahwrandoing auth dance14:39
lahwranprocessing queues14:39
beunoralsina, FWIW, this is a public channel14:39
lahwrantell me, why did it not connect on it's own?14:40
lahwranwhy do I have to TELL it to?14:40
duanedesignlahwran: ideally no14:40
duanedesignlahwran: what version of Ubuntu?14:40
ralsinaIs the existence of Matthias Arnasson a secret? Of course, if anyone knows, send me a private message :-)14:40
* beuno looks up Matthias Arnasson14:41
* lahwran does too14:41
beunoralsina, ah, so not a canonical employee  :)14:41
ralsinaHe's supposed to be :-D14:41
beunoralsina, so, back to my "this is a public channel" point14:42
beunosysadmins don't hang around here14:42
ralsinaI was hoping more for an email14:42
beunoralsina, if you're on the canonical irc, his nickname is tiaz14:42
beunooh, sure14:42
ralsinaI am not because he needs to give me permission :-)14:43
* CardinalFang boggles.14:44
alecuralsina, I'll ping him on the internal irc14:45
alecuoh, beuno just did.14:46
helommmm... taco bueno...14:47
duanedesignlahwran: might be your issue bug 63563614:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 635636 in ubuntuone-client "[maverick] ubuntuone-launch fails to connect syncdaemon if get_metadata times out (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63563614:56
lahwranyeah probably14:59
duanedesignlahwran: also bug 651237 this one appears to have a fix released in the Maverick proposed repository15:01
ubot4`Launchpad bug 651237 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "ubuntuone-launch fails to start syncdaemon if dbus call times out (affects: 4) (heat: 26)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65123715:01
lahwranmultiple fails to start bugs15:01
lahwranI guess there was a reason I don't depend on ubuntu one for anything15:02
CardinalFangYou can see the future?!15:04
duanedesignmandel is at sprint this week?15:12
beunoduanedesign, he's trying to get home, after the air strike in Spain15:13
duanedesignoh no :(15:13
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
joshuahooverthisfred: looks like bug #682866 is fixed then, huh?16:53
ubot4`Launchpad bug 682866 in couchdb (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "CouchDatabase() call hangs (affects: 2) (heat: 18)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68286616:53
thisfredjoshuahoover: yeah, I have not tested yet, need to boot my natty machine16:53
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
thisfredjoshuahoover: confirmed that it works again on my machine :)17:20
joshuahooverthisfred: then it must work everywhere! ;)17:21
thisfredyep, everyone else is just whining :D17:21
joshuahooverthisfred: seriously though, that is good news...we should be able to get our desktopcouch and related packages out there this week i would think, right?17:21
thisfredjoshuahoover: yep, though desktopcouch has a few issues of its own left. Nothing major though.17:22
joshuahooverthisfred: ah, ok...are those issues we need to fix before releasing a package or something we can do in a subsequent package?17:23
thisfredjoshuahoover: well one of the issues is that the packages are built wrong, I think, and another is that the service won't start. That one's fixed on trunk, so we may as well take that along if we have to repackage anyway17:24
joshuahooverthisfred: those aren't major? ;)17:24
joshuahooverthisfred: package is built wrong and the service doesn't start, other than that it's working great! ;)17:25
thisfredjoshuahoover: well, not a major amount of work, I meant :)17:25
joshuahooverthisfred: i figured that's what you meant, seemed funny reading those two lines together though :)17:25
thisfredhey, the tests pass, so how big can the problem really be? :)17:25
SpamapSrmcbride: hey, before I go importing those java deps into branches.. did you have any public bzr branches for the cassandra dependency lucid backports?18:49
rmcbrideSpamapS: I did not do it as a branch, since it was pretty much a 'dch -i' kind of backport. I certainly CAN do, if you'd prefer (just need to re-do it as a UDD branch, and remember how that all works :))18:51
rmcbrideI pretty much grabbed the dsc, did a dpkg-source and did it the "old" way out of habit18:51
rmcbrideor rather18:52
rmcbridein those packages I did apt-get source <blah>18:52
SpamapSrmcbride: no worries, if its a no source change backport then no need for a branch18:56
SpamapSrmcbride: we should submit these to lucid backports actually18:56
rmcbrideSpamapS: I must admit that I've not submitted to any of the backports repos before.19:00
SpamapSrmcbride: there may not be a point, truthfully19:07
SpamapSrmcbride: PPA's make backports kind of pointless.19:07
SpamapSPPA's do a better job of encapsulating a particular area of interest where you want to introduce a minimal amount of instability to a stable release.19:08
* rmcbride nods19:08
rmcbrideSpamapS: yea that was my thinking. I'm happy to do it if people see value in it19:09
rmcbrideSpamapS: FWIW maverick backports of the java stuff are building in the hackers' ppa now, then I can send the cassandra backport to build19:10
SpamapSrmcbride: sweet, I'm uploading the lucid backports to the experimental PPA now19:21
SpamapSrmcbride: looks like RC2 will be out in a couple of days..19:21
SpamapSrmcbride: looks like there's also a huge effort to get widespread testing done on 0.719:22
rmcbrideSpamapS: awesome. Testing good.19:23
SpamapSrmcbride: how come you listed joptsimple as something you had to backport?19:29
SpamapSrmcbride: its in lucid19:29
rmcbrideSpamapS Let me double check. I may have miss-typed. There were 3 out of five that turned up in my pbuilder failures that didn't show as "newer build available"19:30
rmcbride(though perhaps I'm wrong and it was 2 out of 5)19:31
SpamapSah, libcommons-el is also in lucid19:33
rmcbrideSpamapS: hmm. I guess it was just that there were newer versions that I backported to our PPA. Possibly not necessary. I backported 5 packages, which were listed in my pbuilder failure. Possibly a logical fail on my part?19:35
rmcbrideThose are indeed in Lucid... just slightly older versions than what I backported. :/ I should have tried building with what was already in...19:36
SpamapSI think jets3t is all thats necessary19:37
SpamapStesting that theory now19:37
rmcbrideSpamapS: OK cool. I'm certaily happy to have the needed set be smaller.19:37
rmcbrideand maverick already has that, so no backports needed there19:38
rmcbrideOK I could have saved myself a portion of that work with a different order of operations WRT checking what specifically is where19:39
SpamapSlooks like jets3t is all thats needed19:40
rmcbrideOK cool, so that's all that is needed on Lucid, and even that is not needed in Maverick19:41
SpamapSfunny, only supported release chroot I don't have setup is maverick19:42
SpamapSYou know.. all the unpacking/configuring of packages has me wanting an SSD more than ever.19:44
rmcbrideyea. I nearly picked one up on black friday19:49
SpamapSoh woot I do have a maverick chroot19:49
rmcbridePPA build of cassandra/maverick is done, pending publish19:54
SpamapSrmcbride: I didn't bother rebuilding on lucid.. just copied it20:00
SpamapSrmcbride: but good to know it succeeds. :)20:01
rmcbrideSpamapS: yea :)20:01
SpamapSI think the biggest hurdle to getting it properly packaged is antlr20:03
SpamapSrmcbride: next version should be running the test suite btw. :-D22:18
rmcbrideSpamapS: excellent!22:18
=== Zaybort is now known as Guest18900
=== Guest18900 is now known as Cibort
pooliewhat do you use in ubuntuone to collect log output from the various servers?23:47

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