
batihello, can I have a dumb question about pairing bluetooth devices under kubuntu?00:25
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ColorthemapHow to I hide my internet protocal adress00:31
batiColorthemap: use Tor or anonymous proxy...00:32
Colorthemapgoogle Tor?00:32
batisomebody help me to connect my frigging BT mouse to kubuntu, it works instantly under ubuntu, I am just not so skilled with kubuntu flavor00:35
batiand I hate to use touchpad ;))00:36
ColorthemapOkay so in linux how can I get some legal wireless drivers.  NO softwear patent violations, nothing of the sort?00:37
Colorthemappreferably mint00:37
Colorthemapor Ubuntu00:37
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:37
Colorthemapor Kubuntu00:37
batitoshiba bluetooth mouse, kubuntu... anybody who can help?00:46
moetunesI've bothered with bluetooth00:47
moetunes!bluetooth | bati00:47
ubottubati: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup00:47
batimoetunes: I am just amazed, that in plain ubuntu it works with defaults, but not so in kubuntu :/00:50
moetunesbati:  I think the bluetooth app is called   bluedevil   I can't offer more help then that...00:51
moetunes!info bluedevil00:51
ubottubluedevil (source: bluedevil): The KDE bluetooth stack. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0~rc4-0ubuntu2.1 (maverick), package size 196 kB, installed size 1204 kB00:51
moetunessays it is optional00:51
batiyep, bluedevil is up and running, it can see my mouse, but even after several tries (of course I pressed that little connect button) no success, and google is no help00:53
moetunesbati:  anything in dmesg about the mouse connecting?00:54
batimoetunes: that is the main source of problem... nothing in the logs00:55
moetunesbati:  from here - http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=27531&start=0&hilit=blueman - it seems finding and installing blueman is an option01:05
batimoetunes: I`ve tried, no change... it seems like my BT iface is read only :)01:14
RoeyI wonder if anyone else has encountered this:  if the input I'm typing on the Bash command-line exceeds the length of the screen, it wraps around...to the beginning of the current line.  It should put in a linefeed before that.  This is consistent for me for Bash instances across both ttys and different graphical shells.  I'm on Kubuntu 10.10, but have had this problem for well over a year.01:16
batimoetunes: but still, it amayes me... underlying architecture under ubuntu anf kubuntu is same, yet they behave so differently01:16
Roeymoetunes:  your nick reminds me of a soundtrack for some cutesy anime.01:17
moetunes!info dash01:33
ubottudash (source: dash): POSIX-compliant shell. In component main, is required. Version (maverick), package size 94 kB, installed size 228 kB01:33
moetunesRoey:  dash is the default now iirc - what makes you think you are using bash?01:33
Picimoetunes, Roey: dash is a replacement for /bin/sh, not for /bin/bash01:34
Roeyit was that.01:34
PiciSimple :P01:35
Roeymoetunes:  so Kubuntu moved wholesale to Dash and is not using Bash as default anymore?01:35
RoeyI realized that ash must be /bin/sh01:35
RoeyI use bash, personally01:35
PiciNo. Both Ubuntu and Kubuntu use bash as their default shell.01:36
PiciBut /bin/sh is symlink to /bin/dash01:36
RoeyPici:  ahhh okay.01:39
RoeyPici:  oh, maybe you can help me figger this out01:40
Roeymy Keyboard Settings do not seem to be respected by any app01:40
PiciRoey: I actually don't know much/anything about KDE, sorry.01:41
RoeyI have Capslock mapped to an additional control, keyboard layout switcher mapped to two shift keys pressed together, and repeat delay to 200ms.  I upgraded to the latest PPAs and now these settings no longer seem to be respected, even though they show up as I configured them in System Settings01:41
RoeyRiddell:  have you heard anyone mention the above issue/01:41
SnowhogAre there any KDE Community Forum mods here?01:58
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deusrsomeone online?02:39
Snowhogdeusr: Your question?02:42
deusrSnowhog, I wonder why the GTK applications appear with the name in English on the menu of kubuntu. In this case, if used another language.02:44
Snowhogdeusr: Sorry, but I don't have an answer. It is likely a library issue with the Gnome app and KDE. May I ask, are you German?02:50
deusrSnowhog, no, Brazil02:51
Snowhogdeusr: Ah.02:51
deusrSnowhog, Why?02:52
deusrsorry, my bad ingles02:53
SnowhogYour user name. Thought de was for Germany.02:53
deusrin brazil, God = Deus and the "R" of deusR is RĂ¡02:55
deusrsun god02:55
Snowhogdeusr: God of the Sun. hehe02:55
Snowhogor would it be Sun God02:56
deusrSnowhog, is horus02:56
deusrSnowhog, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus02:56
deusryou said it might be a lib, but what?02:57
Snowhogdeusr: Not all Gnome apps 'play nicely' with KDE. What app is giving you this behavior?02:59
deusrSnowhog, There is the following, I will see if I can find an example to show you03:03
Alan502_I'm tired of having to remove files from the command line on removable disks, using dolphin just sends them to the .Trash-100 folder which, ironically, is in the same removable disk03:38
Alan502_Is it posible to deactivate this feature? It's useless and annoying03:38
Rigmarolehave you tried shift+delete?03:39
Alan502_Lets see...03:39
Alan502_better :)03:39
Alan502_is there a way to make it default for removable disks though?03:39
RigmaroleNot that I know of. You might be able to change the hotkey, but of course that would be for every folder03:40
Alan502_Ah well, ok03:41
Alan502_Thanks a lot :D03:41
RigmaroleNo problem :)03:41
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deusrsomeone in tehy channel?04:13
RigmaroleI am...for what it's worth :P04:14
valorie!ask | deusr04:43
ubottudeusr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:43
BATiis here somebody who can help me pair my BT toshiba mouse with kubuntu? under plain ubuntu it works, but live cd kubuntu just see the mouse but cannot pair with it...05:17
DasKreechBATi: do you have bluedevil?05:23
BATiDasKreech: sure I do, it is 10.10 live cd, bluedevil runnning05:25
BATiDasKreech: I am just confused, not an idiot :)05:26
Rigmarolewhat bluetooth program does ubuntu use? maybe you could run that05:31
DasKreechBATi: :-) Hard to tell the difference depending on the level of confusion05:31
GabrielYYZubuntu uses the gnome bluetooth applet05:33
BATiDasKreech: well, confusion level is pretty high, because under plain ubuntu on that computer there is no problem... and there is nothing BT related in logs :)05:34
GabrielYYZBATi: on the bottom right of the plasma desktop, there's an "arrow" pointing up, did you try clicking there, clicking the "bluetooth monolithic" and trying to configure the device?05:35
GabrielYYZdisclaimer: i don't use bluetooth, so i'm limited, all i can provide are suggestions05:36
GabrielYYZBATi: actually, it's the bottom right on the panel, next to the clock*05:37
BATiGabrielYYZ: yep, was there, done that... BT works, that kubuntu machine is aware of that mouse, but refuses to connect to it... even tried to conect to it from shell05:39
GabrielYYZBATi: is the device trusted? (there's a button on that same place that says trust)05:42
BATiokay, to re-state my problem - I have tried every "user friendly" way of configuring the device, like pressing "connect" button on the mouse and so on... but it still confuses me that under plain ubuntu it works but under kubuntu it is not working :/05:45
GabrielYYZwell, i don't use bluetooth, so beyond user-friendly, i'm lost with that05:47
BATiwell, I think that my friend will not be  very happy... but at least I managed to convert his wintel notebook to linux :)05:52
DasKreechBATi: You can probably install the Gnome applet to get it to work06:01
BATiDasKreech: well, I have to support that machine, so I want it as vanilla as I can get it to... :) it is my friends notebook, he have no experience with linux, he was just disappointed with windows and I did a little showcase of distros to him and he chose kubuntu...06:06
BATiBTW not kubuntu related, but somebody know of other CAD software than varicad?06:09
DarthFrogBATi: Google SketchUp06:12
valorieBATi: all the ubuntu apps are available easily to us, as the kub. apps are to Gnome users06:14
BATiDarthFrog: oh, jeez... maybe for google earth buildings, but it is definitely not acceptable for machinery engineering... :)06:15
DarthFrogBATi: I use it for woodworking.   It's good for that and you can't beat the price.06:15
BATivalorie: yes, I do know... I did not find any thing better, but who knows, maybe there is something what is not in software center... like vendetta online :)06:18
BATiDarthFrog: okay, in that case they have another license sold... I like it too, I was just assuring myself on the decision06:21
BATioh jeeebus, just rebooted rhe server instead of workstation... too many screeens and keyboards :)06:35
DarthFrogWhen I was teaching classes on Linux to newbies, I always told them to sit on their hands before pressing the Enter key when they had root priviileges. :-)06:36
DarthFrogNot to say that I've not rebooted the wrong machine myself. :-)06:37
BATiDarthFrog: I must say that I have crippled half of t-mobile network in czech republic once, because of wrong acl"s... :) but it was after three days marathon of upgrading06:41
DarthFrogBATi:  I bow before your BOFH awesomeness. :-)06:42
BATiDarthFrog: old times, my friend... now I have no serious job06:43
BATiDarthFrog: more fun I had was at dhl it services... like explainining somebody in arabia, that he cannot connect to vpn because of solar flares :)06:47
DarthFrogThere are no outlaws of physics. :-)06:48
BATiDarthFrog: well, it was like charm, hook, sinker and half mile of line :) but seriously, if somebody calls you from a pub, you should not add him to ACL for VPN06:53
DarthFrogUnless it's his VPN, of course.06:54
BATiDarthFrog: DHL, man, DHL.... strict rules... i was senior security analyst :)06:55
BATiDarthFrog: BTW cool way to store passwords and crypto keys... totally locked up rack physicaly, but I had the data from it three hours later :)07:03
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skaftii need advise with writing iso file, can someone help me09:10
skaftithe problem is the file is uif how do i convert it to iso09:11
DasKreechskafti: http://aluigi.altervista.org/mytoolz.htm09:12
an1hey. im not able to login into kubuntu (amd64) via the gui. i need to get into the console and login and then startx. when i type my username and password(in gui login), the login screen comes back in a loop. if its of any help, i couldnt install it until i removed the quiet splash boot option.09:17
skaftithanks man09:17
DasKreechan1: look in your ~/.xsession-erros file09:23
an1DasKreech: it says QMetalObject::invokemethod: No such method Konsole::application::loadcommandlineoptionsfornewinstance()09:30
an1x-terminal-emulator: fatal io errorL client killed09:30
an1konsole(1423) konsole::sessionmanager::~Sessionamanger: konsole sessionmanager destroyed with sessions still alive09:31
an1QMetaobject *09:33
n8wis it possible to set a backround for the lock screen?10:20
n8wn possible completely change the unlock dialog10:21
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skaftii downloaded uif2iso but were do i open it to use it ?10:29
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collabraskafti: open a terminal and type: man uif2iso10:35
olskolircwhats the command to bring my panels back on lucid please?10:38
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tristan3199us1anybody here?????10:48
bichobut, why the question, need something?10:49
valorie!ask | tristan3199us110:51
ubottutristan3199us1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:51
bichoasking to ask questions is a bitch question dont u question that?10:52
tristan3199us1yeah.. i have an annoying black square on my screen.. new to kde.. how do i get rid of it...http://tinypic.com/r/2qnv1gm/710:52
bichotried reboot?10:53
tristan3199us1yeah.. couple times..10:53
tristan3199us1is it related to plasma or cairo-dock??10:53
valorieI experienced it before the last updates10:54
valoriewhich kde are you running, tristan3199us110:54
valorieI only saw it in Amarok, in some of the applets10:54
tristan3199us1i will try to check.. new to kde...... where are all the menus.. i cant find any apps besides what i add to cairo-dock from gnome...10:55
valoriein 4.5.4 they seem to be gone again10:55
valorietristan3199us1: an easy way is the help menu of any KDE app10:55
valorieHelp > about KDE10:55
tristan3199us1did anybody look at my screenshot..10:56
valorieoh ugh, you are still in ubuntu10:56
valoriesort of10:56
valorieyes, but it looks like you have no toolbar10:56
tristan3199us1i have both to see which i like more.. started with ubuntu because it seemed like that was what kubuntu and xubuntu were based on..10:57
tristan3199us1i do have no toolbar.. ahhhhhhhhhhh10:57
valoriewell, all have the same stuff underneath10:57
tristan3199us1i tried to get it back.. to no avail10:57
valoriebut the desktops are a bit different10:57
tristan3199us1kde is supposed to be more like windows??10:57
valorieah, you have it on top10:58
valorieis this a netbook?10:58
valorietristan3199us1: not sure what you mean10:58
tristan3199us1yeah.. but i installed desktop versions i think10:58
valoriemy husband uses windows, and I don't see much similarity10:58
valoriesee on the right, where it says search and launch?10:59
tristan3199us1friends use my laptop time to time, i want them to be able to figure it out.. they get lost in gnome and i end up helping them the whole time.. its pretty annoying.. so i thought mabey kde would be easier for anybody to just pick up and go.. but it seems like its not the case10:59
valoriethere should be more choices for you there10:59
valorieit's always been easy for me11:00
valorieso I guess it's different depending on what people like11:00
valorieGnome drives me insane11:00
valorierather quickly11:00
tristan3199us1it shows that i can add "widgets" and desktop settings11:00
valoriebut I have nothing against those who prefer that or windows or macOS or whatever11:00
tristan3199us1and gnome is not the best i agree.. but its better than windows11:01
valoriewidgets are the same as what gnome calls plasmoids11:01
tristan3199us1dont really use any of the plasmoids or widgets.. just extra work on my tiny computer.. tho i am used to gnome i think kde looks and feels better when it works.. i dont want a live usb.. i just want my gnome/kde to work together till i decide what i really want11:02
valoriemight give you a few ideas11:03
tristan3199us1it had an annoying but useful menu the fist time that took the whole screen including where this black hole is.. but now.... ahhh... annoyed..11:03
valoriesome of the widgets are really useful, depending on what you want to do11:04
tristan3199us1valorie: did you see http://tinypic.com/r/2qnv1gm/711:04
valorieyes, of course11:04
tristan3199us1thats my real problem11:04
tristan3199us1what can i do about that.. is cairo-dock or some other gnome app doing this to me11:04
valorieas I said, I had that problem a few weeks ago, but it's gone now11:04
valorieI have no idea what caused it11:04
tristan3199us1how can i get to a terminal or something to update it..11:05
valorieI have no gnome apps that I can think of11:05
valoriealt + F2 gets you to krunner11:05
valorieyou can run anything from there, including Konsole11:05
tristan3199us1on my screenshot it shows all  my options.. except cairo-dock didnt get captured in the picture11:05
valorienot sure what cairo-dock might me11:05
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tristan3199us1some stupid toolbar launcher thingy11:06
tristan3199us1its just a pretty toolbar thats useless11:06
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tristan3199us1lots of people like it tho.. its cool.. youtube it11:06
valorieah well, apt-get uninstall cairo-dock11:06
tristan3199us1lots of updates going on now.. and done11:07
valoriethe important bit is finding what you like, as you said11:08
valoriethe computer should serve you, not the other way around11:08
valoriewith that said, nighters all11:09
tristan3199us1ahhh. nooooo11:09
tristan3199us1your the only one here11:10
tristan3199us1what about my damn annoying black hole of nothingness11:10
tristan3199us1invalid operation uninstall11:12
rorkuse remove instead11:12
rork`apt-get remove cairo-dock`11:12
tristan3199us1use sudo apt-get remove cairo-dock11:12
tristan3199us1thanks rork that did it11:13
tristan3199us1but still have blackhole on my screen11:13
tristan3199us1did you see my screenshot11:13
rorkyes, do windows go over it or are they blacked out also?11:14
tristan3199us1blacked out11:14
tristan3199us1i have to work all my windows above it if i want to see it all11:14
tristan3199us1plus cairo-dock is running.. but i uninstalled it.. wtf11:15
tristan3199us1i also have no toolbar11:15
tristan3199us1on the bottom of my screen11:15
rorkhow did you install kde?11:15
tristan3199us1i installed ubuntu whatever was before 10.10... upgraded.. then added the kde-desktop from the repos...11:16
tristan3199us1when i boot it shows kubuntu.. and at shutdown as well... but gnome was first.. when i get to the login screen i can choose gnome or kde11:18
tristan3199us1kde has a few kinks... gnome works fine...11:18
tristan3199us1what the heck is this black square tho..11:18
rorkwell I was thinking it might be a broken panel or something11:19
tristan3199us1and why is cairo-dock still working if i uninstalled it..11:19
tristan3199us1if i use the konsole to reset my panels.. will that effect my gnome install.. thats the only one working right so far..11:19
tristan3199us1i like how i have it... now i want kde how i like that as well...11:20
rorkcan you try to kill the cairo-dock?11:21
tristan3199us1ill try but i know thats really not the problem..'11:22
tristan3199us1i did quit cairo-dock.. but it didnt accually quit all the way..11:22
tristan3199us1i have pidgin and firefox icons spinning in the black hole now..... ahhh... stupid computers11:23
rorkhehe, idd, they should just do what you think they should do :P11:23
BajK_hey I'd like to capture a media stream (mp3 stream?) i.e. online radio from 16:00 to 17:00 today, how do I manage that?11:24
tristan3199us1i right clicked cairo-dock went to quit.. hit yes.. but it still works... is it figgin designed by the hulk to never quit or something...11:25
tristan3199us1tempted to do a hundred on the highway and throw it out the window... jk11:25
rorkhave you configured your kde desktop or was it like this when you installed it?11:27
tristan3199us1whats with the damn black square of hate anyways... valorie said it happend to her until she updated. and she doesnt have gnome installed so its definatly kde11:27
rorkhave you configured your kde desktop or was it like this when you installed it?11:28
Anpuhi, i cant find new kubuntu logo in some better quality. anyone has some tip where to look, or some link?11:29
tristan3199us1i installed the kde desktop from the software repos in gnome... then (of course) made sure it accually worked.. but it doesnt show a desktop it shows some menu with a bunch of huge icons like internet, office, or whatever they were.. as far as i was concerned it looked ok, except it looked like some notebook version or something... is that normal for kde to show a strange menu at the beginning???????? i think its related to "s11:31
tristan3199us1it simply clears my desktop11:32
tristan3199us1did you see my screenshot11:32
BajK_audacity just records nothing no matter which recording device i set11:33
rorktristan3199us1: your message stoped here: `i think its related to "s`11:34
tristan3199us1earch and launch" but everytime i click on a search and launch button it does nothing or askes about widgets.......... i have no ability to configure my desktop except now the search and launch thing isnt there when i start up kde... just a black desktop with not enough options11:35
tristan3199us1stupid black square drives me nuts...11:35
tristan3199us1please help11:35
tristan3199us1you see my pic of my screen yet? im missing my toolbar with all the apps...11:36
tristan3199us1alt-f2 everything in kde i guess... lol11:37
rorktristan3199us1: right click the desktop > add panel11:39
tristan3199us1also if i click search and  launch it simply clears my screen (except for this annoying black square) and i have to click top right to find this #kubuntu chat again11:39
tristan3199us1add panel isnt an option if i right click the desktop11:40
rorkand the panel on top can't be used?11:40
tristan3199us1run command is on top11:42
tristan3199us1then add widgets11:42
tristan3199us1then remove this desktop11:43
tristan3199us1then lock screen11:43
tristan3199us1then leave11:43
tristan3199us1then desktop settings11:43
tristan3199us1thats it11:43
tristan3199us1you still there???11:45
rorkyep, just trying stuff11:45
tristan3199us1thank you take your time... i just want this working RIGHT.. not ok11:45
rorkyou're using the netbook desktop it seems. That explains why you can't add the panel.11:45
tristan3199us1should i go to gnome (ubuntu) and uninstall the gnome desktop.. and just add a seporate partition instead.. even tho thats alot of work and memory11:46
rorkgo to System Settings > WorkSpace Behaviour > Workspace > Set Workspace type to Desktop > Apply11:46
tristan3199us1i have no system settings...11:47
tristan3199us1i have menu.. witch says close.. only... desktop  (self explanitory) and page one... who knows what that is.. and seach and launch with does the same as desktop11:48
tristan3199us1turns out page one brings me like weather and stuff11:48
tristan3199us1still did you see my screen shot... what is this black square i hate so much....11:49
rorkWhat about Alt F2 > Start typing "system settings"11:49
tristan3199us1i cant even imagine what is causing thing..11:49
tristan3199us1got it11:50
tristan3199us1now what11:50
rorkgo to Workspace Behaviour11:50
tristan3199us1workspace apperence and behaviour, window behavior::11:52
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rorkWorkspace appearance and behaviour I think11:53
tristan3199us1rork can we pm for a min because i have only a few lines of visable chat..11:53
tristan3199us1and i see what your telling me to look for11:53
tristan3199us1now what11:53
tristan3199us1i was good... i fixed it till i logged offf and back on...12:09
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tristan3199us1i have to push Alt-12:10
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an1hey my xsession crashes when i try to login into kubuntu 64 bit via gui. is says QMetaobject::invokemethod: no such method Konsole::Application::loadCommandLineOptionsForNewInstance()13:31
an1 x-terminal-emulator: Fatal IO error: Client killed13:31
an1(.xsession-error file content)13:31
an1 it keeps asking for uname and password in a loop. i need to go into console mode and startx always, and it works. how can i login from gui directly? if its of any help, i needed to remove quiet splash boot option during installation13:31
an1 or else it would just stop working13:31
rorkan1: I don't really know but it looks like your missing some files, maybe you should check your install (`sudo apt-get check`)13:36
collabraan1: are you using 10.10 or 10.04?13:36
bigjoolsis there a current recommended best SIP phone app for Kubuntu?  Twinkle doesn't play so nice with Pulseaudio :/13:52
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collabrabigjools: i could be way off,.. but, ekiga,.. i think does sip.13:58
collabrabigjools: i haven't checked... one sec.13:58
bigjoolscollabra: thanks, it does but I was looking for a native QT app13:58
collabrabigjools: no, offense, but if you know enough that you want a 'highbrow' native qt app,... what's the point in asking,... you either know of one,.. or have the capacity to research for yourself.14:00
bigjoolscollabra: read my question again, I  was looking for a "recommended" one14:01
bigjoolsno offence14:01
collabrabigjools: none taken,...14:01
bigjoolsthe best I could find was a page about a BoF at UDS Jaunty14:02
collabrabigjools: yeah,...question,... why specifically qt?14:02
bigjoolsgtk apps on kubuntu drive me insane14:03
bigjoolsbut if it works then I'll take it.  Although some integration with Kontact would be awesome14:03
collabrakubuntu drives ME insane.14:03
bigjoolsI tried plain ol Ubuntu once and managed an hour before heading back :)14:04
collabrabigjools: what version do you have loaded.14:04
collabrabigjools: no problem with broken kwin?,... (compiz)14:05
bigjoolsnope, it's fine.14:05
collabrabigjools: not pissed off with pulse audio?14:06
bigjoolsextremely so14:06
bigjoolsbut since that got foisted on us in maverick I have no choice14:06
bigjoolsTwinkle would have worked if I could remove Pulse14:06
collabrabigjools: what about a sound wrapper?14:07
bigjoolshow do you mean?14:07
collabraconvert pulse to alsa, or something?14:07
bigjoolspulse has alsa emulation, right?14:07
collabrabigjools: you might look,... what soundsystem does Twinkle use?14:07
bigjoolsalsa or oss14:08
collabrabigjools: you might look under 'audio' packages to find an alsa or oss wrapper,.. or, converter.14:08
haeggishow do I change server in Quassel IRC?14:09
bigjoolsright, good idea.14:09
collabrabigjools: that will work with pulse14:09
bigjoolshaeggis: File -> Networks -> Configure Networks14:09
bigjoolscollabra: I'll take a look, thanks for the pointer.14:09
collabrabigjools: np14:10
collabrabigjools: drop me a pm if i'm not at my computer.14:10
bigjoolsyou bet14:10
collabrabigjools: lemmy know how it goes.14:10
haeggisthnx bigjools14:10
Hedronhi all, I have a problem with firefox14:10
haeggisI'm trying to connect to loic.AnonOps.net, but it won't work14:11
Hedronwhen I am viewing page, part of the page just falls behind the rest when I am scrolling or selecting text14:11
Hedronwhat can I do to correct this14:11
Hedronit is quite annoying14:11
HedronI think it has to do with the video card of the laptop I am using14:13
Hedronit is intel gme96514:13
Hedronhowever I had no such problem before switching to kubuntu14:13
haeggissame here Hedron...I've had a lot of hassle since I changed to Kubuntu14:14
HedronI personaly changed to kubuntu in hope for less problems than openSuSE, what I see however does not leave me with this impression14:15
haeggiscomputer stalls, firefox crashes, VLC hangs up, Audacious loops14:15
Hedronwhat the hell is going on with linux lately14:15
haeggisI changed to Kubuntu 'cause the word was that KDE is more stable than Gnome14:16
HedronI am using linux for more than 10 years, it never was so buggy14:16
haeggisso far I'm not impressed14:16
Hedronyou may whant to try fedora 14 with kde - very good14:16
Hedronhowever my Intel card has problems with it14:16
haeggishow's the GUI?14:16
haeggisI kinda like the look of Kubuntu14:17
Hedronit is the same14:17
Hedronexcept the wallpaper14:17
Hedronkde is kde no matter the distro14:17
Hedronconsistent look14:17
haeggisand NOT happy with Intel?14:17
Hedronalso much better artwork for login manager14:17
Hedronintel GME 965 is the worst video card ever14:17
HedronI have had ATi, nVidia and Intel14:18
haeggishave no idea what's on this old Toshiba of mine14:18
Hedronso far intell is the worst14:18
haeggisI know it's Intel14:18
haeggisbut that's about it14:18
Hedronjust run it and you will know the model14:18
haeggisin terminal?14:18
Hedronactually Fedora works fine with my card, except I have to use two monitors from time to time and it is slow with composition enabled14:19
Hedronotherwise all ok14:19
haeggisIntel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML14:19
Hedron915 works great, I had laptop with it14:20
Hedronyou should not have problems with this one14:20
haeggisthank's for the tip14:20
haeggisI'll check out Fedora14:20
Hedronalso have in mind, that for some packages they have older versions14:20
Hedronif you whant to use latest kde14:20
Hedronyou need to add the following repo:14:21
haeggisthere is ONE sole reason that I haven't completely converted to Linux14:21
haeggisand that's Winamp14:21
Hedronqmmp, audacious, clementine, amarok14:21
Hedronafter amarok, I have never looked back to winamp14:21
Hedronjust follow the instructions14:22
haeggisAmarok crashes, loops, hangs, stalls14:22
haunihi guys. i'm a programmer and i like to have control of what i type. in the new 10.10 i just installed there is a feature that actually deletes loads of letters when hitting backspace 3 times ... that's plain annoying, how can i  deactivate that?14:22
JUaskajuaskaHello. How I open a new tab with a determinated name (session) of the tab? konsole --new-tab --session "Neww :D" don't works... Help please.14:22
haeggisit's the worst mediaplayer I have EVER tried14:22
Hedronhaeggis: amarok crashes14:22
Hedronhaeggis: this is something new14:22
Hedronhaeggis: I use it every day14:22
haeggistried it for two weeks, but eventually I gave up14:23
Hedronhaeggis: but you allways can try something else. qmmp is almost winamp14:23
Hedronhaeggis: even uses winamp2 skins14:23
haeggisbut does it have all the amazing features Winamp has?14:24
haeggisfor instance; I have a disk that crashed, now I have 35000 songs titled 00001.mp3-35000.mp314:25
haeggiswinamp can find tags to them all, and mp3 renamer renames all files14:25
phoenix_firebrdanyone using bluetooth. i am having problem sending files using bluedevil. need help14:26
haeggishaven't found ANYTHING remotely like that in any linux help sections or repositories14:26
Hedronhaeggis: you have a pm message14:26
Hedronhaeggis: as for the features - not everything14:26
Hedronbut for basic player it is good14:27
phoenix_firebrdwinamp is a amaziong software, nothing is equal to it14:27
phoenix_firebrdamarok is very good14:27
Hedronhaeggis: also you can always emulate winamp under wine, though it is not a very good idea14:27
phoenix_firebrdits takes time to get accustomed to it14:28
phoenix_firebrdHedron: tried winamp with wine, works fine14:28
phoenix_firebrdHedron: the skin is rendered good14:28
Hedronyes, but when there are so much alternatives, the question is why14:29
haeggisif one run Winamp under Wine, you will not get the new skins14:29
haeggisOR the features of Winamp 2.x14:29
phoenix_firebrdHedron: i compared winamp's sound quality and features with qmmp, amarok, xmms2,audacious14:30
haeggisso...you're better off with Audacious14:30
HedronI have not used winamp since version 2, so I have no personal idea how it works there14:30
phoenix_firebrdHedron: winamp is better than those14:30
phoenix_firebrdbut i am using amarok, its very good14:30
HedronI presume so, but I hate using wine for apps, which have alternatives, personal choice14:30
haeggisWinamp in it's latest distro is simply amazing14:31
phoenix_firebrdthe equalizer presets are not good as winamp14:31
phoenix_firebrdanyone using bluetooth. i am having problem sending files using bluedevil. need help14:31
Hedronbluedevil is good, however there are bugs14:31
phoenix_firebrdqmmp skins are very small14:31
HedronI had problem pairing a bluetooh mouse lately14:32
haeggiswould love to help you, but Bluetooth on my fresh Kubuntu is waaay off line14:32
Hedronwhat error you get?14:32
haeggisI can ONLY send files14:32
phoenix_firebrdfirst it was working fine, then after a kernel update bluetooth stopped working14:32
HedronI cannot browse some devices, other can, also bluetooth HID works fine14:33
haeggiscan't connect to passive equipment, and can't recieve files14:33
Hedronas for usin it with alsa, maybe you need to have some additional packages and config14:33
Hedronbluez-alsa to be precise14:34
phoenix_firebrdi uninstalled the kernel , yesterday it was working fine, but not today, checked with a livecd , works fine14:34
Hedronwhat the hcitool scan returns?14:34
Hedrondo you have list of devices14:34
Hedronmaybe the new kernel is not properly configured14:35
phoenix_firebrdHedron: i am getting the list of devices and i am able to browse the services usinf "sdptool browse"14:35
phoenix_firebrdHedron: sending of files and browsing of the phone memory card is not possible14:36
Hedronthis is strange14:36
haeggisbtw; I'm trying to join the war, but I simply get to this page, and don't really know what to do next; http://bit.ly/a/warning?url=http%3a%2f%2fpastehtml.com%2fview%2f1c8i33u.html&hash=e6iR3X14:36
Hedronwhat war?14:36
JUaskajuaskaI want change the the session name (in tab) of konsole, I type:  dcop $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION renameSession "ajuu"14:37
JUaskajuaska , but stderr say me:  ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server!       ¿¿HedronWhy= ;(14:37
JUaskajuaskaI want change the the session name (in tab) of konsole, I type:  dcop $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION renameSession "ajuu"14:38
JUaskajuaska , but stderr say me:  ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server!       ¿¿Hedronwhy?*14:38
haeggisI found the page; http://pastehtml.com/view/1c8i33u.html14:38
FloodBotK1JUaskajuaska: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
FloodBotK2JUaskajuaska: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
phoenix_firebrdHedron: the kernel 2.6.35-23 was creating problem ,but i uninstalled it and using 2.6.35-22 which was working previously14:38
haeggisbut I still cannot get Quassel to change server14:38
haeggis@Hedron: The war against those trying to close down Wikileaks14:39
Hedronphoenix_firebrd - you can try with
haeggisso...to help, I must first connect to a server called loic.AnonOps.net14:40
Hedronphoenix_firebrd: http://linuxtweaking.blogspot.com/2010/05/how-to-compile-kernel-on-ubuntu-1004.html - check out this link first14:40
haeggisbut, I don't seem to be able to do it14:40
tsimpsonJUaskajuaska: KDE4 uses dbus not dcop14:41
phoenix_firebrdHedron: i tried 2.6.37-x, but the graphics driver is not compatible14:41
JUaskajuaskatsimpson: --" :S ty but I don't have dbus installed :p14:42
Hedronphoenix_firebrd: 2.6.37-x is in rc stage14:42
HedronI use
Hedronit fixes a lot of problems14:42
JUaskajuaskaHow I can make this? (change name session with dbus or konsole or etc?) pff..14:42
tsimpsonJUaskajuaska: yes you do, all KDE apps use DBus to communicate, use the qdbus tool instead of dcop14:42
JUaskajuaskaI don't change the session name with kdbus, uhh u.u , ty14:44
tsimpsonJUaskajuaska: try qdbus $KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE $KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION 1 "ajuu"14:45
JUaskajuaskatsimpson: Method name '1' is not a valid member name.14:46
tsimpsonJUaskajuaska: sorry try: qdbus $KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE $KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION setTitle 1 "ajuu"14:47
tsimpsonor use "org.kde.konsole.Session.setTitle" instead of just "setTitle"14:48
JUaskajuaskaYeah! Thank yooooooooou:))14:48
JUaskajuaskatsimpson: amm... But if I change to other tab "ajuu" return the last name, why? :S14:49
JUaskajuaskaThe tab is "wd" i use "dbus $KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE $KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION setTitle 1 "ajuu"14:50
JUaskajuaska" and change to other application or other tab and rename to "wd" why?14:50
tsimpsonhmm, try changing 1 to 214:51
tsimpsonqdbus $KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE $KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION setTitle 2 "ajuu"14:51
JUaskajuaskaIf I put "2" don't change..14:52
tsimpsonI think it's due to bash setting the title itself14:54
JUaskajuaskatsimpson: Isn't the title self14:55
tsimpsonJUaskajuaska: I'm not sure why its not working then, try asking in #kde and see if they know more14:57
JUaskajuaskatsimpson: u.u okay... ty14:58
jacksonjewhenever I try to update to the kubuntu update ppa my X fails to launch. I'm using the nvidia blob driver. Any suggestions?15:09
collabrajacksonje: i suggest using 10.04 LTS... 10.10 is just too buggy,... and not meant to be stable.15:13
jacksonjewith that advice I'd rather use another distribution15:14
collabrajacksonje: some find 10.10 to be great, with little problems... I and others have found it very bugridden.15:14
collabrajacksonje: the latest software needs time to mature... 10.10 is just not ready.15:15
jacksonjeI develop kde stuff, I'm not using old versions15:16
jacksonjeperhaps someone has actual advice on updating 10.10 to the updates ppa15:16
collabrajacksonje: hey,... you need advice on upgrading,...15:17
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:17
collabrajacksonje: have you tried a 'clean' install?15:18
jacksonjeI did a clean install15:18
jacksonjeit works fine15:18
jacksonjeI update to kde 4.5.4 through the update ppa and x fails to start15:19
collabrajacksonje: it's just when you use the ppa15:19
jacksonjeit only fails on my nvidia machine, not on my ati machine15:19
collabrajacksonje: ah,.. well, maybe the ppa has a bug... sounds like it.15:19
collabrajacksonje: you know, these ppa's only carry the latest software... i'm not sure it's de-bugged thorougly before it's published.15:21
jacksonjewhen you update to an updates ppa, do you do a normal update or a special update command?15:22
jacksonjeI noticed that it removes things like the kde workspace when you do a normal upgrade, but I do a kubuntu-desktop install afterwards15:22
collabrajacksonje: I've always did a normal update: apt-get upgrade  .... then if there are still packages left over,.. i do a : apt-get dist-upgrade15:23
jacksonjeI'll try the dist-upgrade afterwards and see if that makes a difference15:23
collabrajacksonje: it'll only make a difference if there are packages being left behind.15:24
jacksonjewell considering it removes essential packages with a plain update15:24
collabrajacksonje: perhaps you should load the ppa,.. get it all up and running,... then do an: apt-get dist-upgrade\15:25
collabraapt-get dist-upgrade15:25
collabrai meant15:25
jacksonjeI'll try that this next attempt15:25
collabrasee if you can install it all at once15:26
jacksonjeso the next question is, if it fails again, is there a way I can turn on my network manager wifi connection without kde?15:26
collabrajacksonje: if that doesn't work,... upgrade all you can with just an: apt-get upgrade,.. then, : apt-get dist-upgrade to follow up.15:26
ewaeHi, I am looking for c++ coders15:28
ewaefor an advice15:28
collabrahave you tried /join #c++15:28
ewaeok i try thanks15:29
collabrai know there's a c++ room here at freenode15:29
collabralist the rooms15:29
jacksonje  ##c++15:30
sobczykcould there be a reason why my kubuntu can't access a samba share but windos xp can?15:38
sobczykit tell me it had a timeout15:39
Elephantmanhi :) how can I make a samba shared folder use cifs instead of smbfs (address is currently smb://) ?16:52
collabraElephantman: you have to edit the smb.conf file16:56
collabraElephantman: i believe it's in /etc or /etc/samba16:57
collabraElephantman: from there you can change the setup to use cifs16:57
Elephantmanok, looking at that collabra, thanks :)16:58
collabraElephantman: no problem,...ah, if you are using a GUI, there are programs you can use. like : gadmin-samba17:00
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Elephantmancollabra: gadmin-samba seems to make it a bit complex since I'm not really into becoming a samba leet :) searching for the directive to add ton the conf file to move to cifs, seems more efficient17:08
collabraElephantman: good luck :)17:12
phoenix_firebrdis it 2.6.36 stabe. is it avaible in ppa?17:18
anon__hi. I'm on 10.10, and by curiosity I just installed kde-desktop. Now on Gnome, pages displayed on Chromium look as if the fonts don't have smoothing applied. Under Appearance -> Fonts, I tried to change settings there, nothing affected Chromium. Then in Chromium I changed fonts, also no improvement. And this only happened after I installed KDE. Anyone has an idea on how to retrieve font-smoothing?17:18
anon__(originally I was on Gnome)17:19
phoenix_firebrdanon__: did you restart chrome after changing the font settings17:19
anon__yes I did17:20
phoenix_firebrdtry restarting xserver17:20
anon__but what's confusing me is that fonts everywhere else are just fine..17:20
phoenix_firebrdanon__: that happens to me too. try setting the hinting to slit17:21
anon__yup. did that. tried slight/medium/full, switched between RGB/GBR/etc.. nothing..17:22
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phoenix_firebrdis this happening to any other browser?17:23
anon__nope. And I regularly use chromium/opera/firefox, all three at the same time17:23
anon__so I can definitely notice when a change happens across all of them17:23
anon__there's a Ubuntu Font extension for chrome which I even tried..17:24
phoenix_firebrdso chromium is the odd man out17:25
anon__yes.. but why after kde-desktop?17:25
phoenix_firebrdi seen the problem earlier. my font size =12 , font =ubuntu17:26
inashdeeni really need some17:26
inashdeeni am a newbie for kde17:26
phoenix_firebrdfont smoothing is done better in ubuntu17:26
inashdeenmy fonts hurt17:26
inashdeeni installed kubuntu-desktop package on mint linux17:27
inashdeenthen my font just turn bad17:27
inashdeenlike gross17:27
inashdeennot for all apps17:27
inashdeenfor gnome or independent apps like google chrome17:27
inashdeenany fix17:27
phoenix_firebrdinashdeen:try disabling font smoothing17:28
inashdeenhow is that done17:28
inashdeeni am a serious new bie17:29
phoenix_firebrdinashdeen: kmenu->applications->setting->system settings17:29
phoenix_firebrdinashdeen: application appearence->fonts17:30
inashdeeni am using version 4.517:30
inashdeenapplication appearance doesnt seem to exist17:31
phoenix_firebrdinashdeen: are you in settings17:31
inashdeenfrom there???17:31
phoenix_firebrdinashdeen: search font17:31
inashdeen_sorry bout that17:33
inashdeen_irc issues17:33
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inashdeen_i seen everything except font smoothing17:33
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phoenix_firebrdinashdeen: did you find the font settings17:34
phoenix_firebrdinashdeen: can you see anti-alising setting?17:34
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phoenix_firebrdinashdeen: is it disabled?17:35
inashdeen_i just disabled it'17:35
phoenix_firebrdinashdeen_: restart the system and see17:36
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inashdeen_a minute17:36
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:36
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.17:37
inashdeeni believe there is improvement17:39
inashdeenbut i dont think its adequate17:39
inashdeeneverything looks thin17:40
inashdeennot smooth17:40
inashdeenwanna ask a second question17:42
inashdeeni have multiple desktop environment17:42
inashdeenwill any change i made in kde17:42
inashdeenaffect how the fonts look in gnome??17:42
phoenix_firebrd_inashdeen_: you have you try with trial and error method. you have to restart the applications after changing the settings to see the difference17:44
phoenix_firebrd_inashdeen: if you need i will tell you my settings17:44
sysop1hi guys17:44
inashdeeni got tons to ask17:44
inashdeenhow to put an fb icon on the panel17:45
inashdeenor google chrome17:45
inashdeenwhy my wine browse c option is not working17:45
inashdeenHOW to change the usplash from blue to black17:46
sysop1damn all I want to know is how to get rid of the iView gui files not installed in anyremote.17:47
sysop1iViewer I mean17:47
sysop1"iViewer GUI files"  not installed when I do a config check on anyremote and I cant find a package for them. google just showed me a message abou t the tranglastion of that messge17:49
sysop1kanyremote that is.17:49
DiogenesWgute nacht17:51
CQis ther a way to set the default page to a4 and landscape and centimeter units for gwenview? or can it be done at a system level?17:59
inashdeenanyone out there18:01
inashdeenremeber me?18:01
inashdeenanybody knows ho to change the usplash theme??18:03
collabrainashdeen: the splash themes are controlled by 'phonon' i believe.18:11
collabrainashdeen: phonon is exclusive to the ubuntu line of distros,... i don't think they have others to choose from18:12
ubottuTo change your KDE splash screen go to System Settings -> Appearance -> Splash Screen18:12
inashdeenwhats that18:13
collabrainashdeen: look it up in aptitude,... i believe it is the frontend to the initial splash screens....u know, the boot screen18:14
collabrais that what you're talking about18:14
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:15
inashdeenall right18:15
inashdeenis gui or something else18:16
inashdeeni mean like terminal18:16
inashdeencauso i got terminophobia18:16
collabrayeah,... you can open a terminal. su or sudo aptitude.... then look up phonon18:16
John_UserI need some help18:37
John_UserI cannot find any help on the foroum or over the net18:37
John_Userso I decided to join the channel18:37
John_UserI recently installed kubuntu 10.10 on my pc18:38
John_Userbut I have no sound18:38
ksardasno sound at all?18:39
John_UserMy soundcard is a Creative Soundblaster 24 live!18:39
John_UserIt is intergrated on the motherboard18:39
John_UserIt is fully recognized from kubuntu18:39
rorkSorry for the stupid question but have you set all volumes in kmix to max?18:41
John_UserI use the alsa drivers18:41
John_Userusing alsamixer and kmix18:41
John_Userthe same result18:41
John_UserI have tried alsa monitor while playing an audio file, a video file, a youtube file18:42
rorkIs the soundblaster you only sound card?18:42
John_Userand it shows18:42
ksardastry oss then18:42
ksardasor just jeck your audio cable18:43
John_Useron alsa monitor I can see the volume green bar moving when I play a file18:43
John_Userbut I cannot hear anything from the speakers or headphones18:43
John_Userthe cables are ok18:43
John_UserI have read something about disabling the digital output..18:44
John_Userusing analog-digital switch18:45
John_Userbut there is not such a channel on mixer18:45
John_Userjust the spdif that can be muted or not18:46
John_Userany advice?18:46
John_UserI would really apriciate it, cause I found Kubuntu 10.10 the very best distro this time18:47
John_User(in exception of the problem with my soundcard)18:48
Nick_Meisterhi guys i mounted an external hdd with dolphin18:48
John_UserJust to say that I am an intermidiate linux user not an expert18:48
Nick_Meisterbut every time i try to edit a file it says  read only file system18:49
tsimpsonNick_Meister: what filesystem is on the hdd?18:49
Nick_Meisteri think..18:49
tsimpsoncheck the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and see what it's identified as18:49
John_Useryou told me to try oss18:50
John_Userhow could I try oss instead of alsa?18:50
Nick_Meister/dev/sdb2   *        3825        4864     8353800    7  HPFS/NTFS18:50
ksardasjust switch to it in amarok config18:52
John_Userthanks I'll give a try18:52
Nick_Meistertsimpson, so what could be wrong?18:52
tsimpsonprobably that the default NTFS driver is read-only, you need to use something called "NTFS-3g" to have read-write access18:53
tsimpsonhave a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:53
John_Userhow could I switch from alsa to oss in amarok config?18:55
John_Userthrough phonon link?18:55
John_UserDoes anyone use soundblaster 24 live! on Kubuntu?18:56
amichairtsimpson, Nick_Meister: I thought ntfs3g with read/write support has been the default for several years now... there shouldn't be any problem with an external ntfs disk running out of the box (I do it all the time)19:03
tsimpsonamichair: me too, but I don't have any ntfs disks/partitions to check against19:03
amichairtsimpson: I have both internal and USB ntfs mounts, all working just fine19:04
amichairthe only hiccup I see is a warning that it can't change permissions when copying to the disk (but this has no negative effect)19:05
Nick_Meisteramichair, i thought so too but aparantly it did not work for me until i did that ntfs-config thing19:06
amichairNick_Meister: is this on a stock kubuntu installation? which release?19:07
Nick_Meisterkubuntu 10.1019:07
John_UserDoes anyone use soundblaster 24 live! on Kubuntu 10.10?19:08
amichairNick_Meister: how strange. I don't even have ntfs-config here. I wonder what was wrong...19:08
Nick_Meisteramichair, i used sudo apt-get to get it19:10
inashdeenanybody know how to change boot screen19:25
yofelinashdeen: in which release?19:31
inashdeenkde 4.519:31
inashdeeni installed kubuntu-desktop package on julia mintlinux19:31
inashdeenthis sound crazy19:37
inashdeenjust wanna ask19:37
yofelinashdeen: I don't know much about Mint, but I'm guessing it uses plymouth too since julia seems to be quite new. In this case you want to look at the plymouth themes in the repos19:37
yofelinashdeen: and please be patient, if nobody answers you it means that nobody knows the answer to your question currently, not that you're ignored19:38
inashdeennot like that19:38
inashdeenboth plymout19:38
FloodBotK1inashdeen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
FloodBotK2inashdeen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
yofelwhy do we have 2 floodbots...19:38
inashdeenubuntu and kubuntu existed,19:38
Piciyofel: lag probably.19:39
inashdeenso, how to choose between the two. second, i want to ask new question actually, let say we have two desktop environment, do kde and gnome choose between software? i mean, is there like google chrome is managed by kde, firefox by gnome19:40
yofelinashdeen: plymouth is configured by alternatives, 'sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth' for the graphical splash and 'text.plymouth' for the text splash19:40
inashdeenor something like that???? because since i installed kde, my google chrome is not smooth at all, and it is using kde cursor even in gnome session19:40
inashdeenyeah, the terminal thingy sound kind of scary, do u know any gui options19:41
yofelinashdeen: kde and gnome use different graphical libraries, but should work fine when the apps are used in the other desktop env.19:41
yofelinashdeen: there is kalternatives and galternatives19:42
inashdeenhow is that again?19:42
inashdeenwhat is kalternatives and galternatives and how do i configure it19:42
yofelas for the cursor I'm not sure, there is a x-cursor-theme alternative which might interfere, but usually the desktop environments have their own cursor settings19:42
yofelinashdeen: first install them, then I'm not sure, haven't used them in ages19:43
yofel(you only need one of them, first is for kde second for gnome)19:43
inashdeenkind of found a solution for the boot thingy19:45
inashdeenwanna ask19:45
inashdeencan i used both19:45
inashdeenand reconfigure things every time i change D.E19:46
yofelyou can have both installed, just change the alternative when you switch DE19:47
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John_UserDoes anyone use Soundblaster 24live! on kubuntu?20:04
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:05
collabraJohn_User: i knew i'd get it eventually.... check the HCL list.... i dunno.20:06
collabraJohn_User: you may need to install some 'firmware' files.... after you check the HCL, try searching for firmware in a package manager.20:08
collabraJohn_User: or, search for soundblaster in a 'description' enabled package search....20:10
collabraJohn_User: lemmy know what you find out.20:10
John_UserThe soundcard is properly identigied from the system,20:10
collabraJohn_User: but no sound?20:11
inashdeenhaving problem with firefox and google chrome font after installing kubuntu-desktop20:11
inashdeenany ideas how to fix that??20:11
John_Userpulse volume meter shows normal activity when I play a file20:11
John_Userbut I have no sound on my ears!20:11
John_Usernor from speakers neither from headphones20:12
collabraJohn_User: click on the sound icon in the system tray and tell me if you can choose mixer.20:12
John_Useryes I can20:13
collabraJohn_User: and what options does it give you20:13
John_Userall the options20:13
John_Userjust that20:13
John_Usernow I have only one channel20:13
John_Usercause I installed pulse audio20:13
collabraJohn_User: it's in the mixer,... ohhh20:14
John_Userthe channel is ca0106 Soundblaster Analog Stereo20:14
John_UserBefore install pulse20:14
John_UserI could see all channels as described in alsa documentation for this device20:15
John_Userexcept a switch "analog digital"20:15
collabraJohn_User: yeah,... pulse comes standard in kubuntu 10.10,... 10.10 sucks for me. too many bugs,... i suggest you go back to 10.04 and be happy and more importantly 'stable'.... my advice.20:15
John_UserI unistalled pulse20:15
John_Usertried alsa20:16
John_Userand reinstalled pulse20:16
collabraJohn_User: it's in the mixer,... close to guaranteed.20:16
John_UserI tried alsamixer also20:16
John_Userthe same problem20:16
John_UserI have read somewhere that I have to disable digital output20:17
John_UserThis could by using a channell called "analog-digital switch"20:17
collabraJohn_User: you just need to mess with them all till you get your sound,... for example I'm using some intel based high def sound card,... and i've got three sliders for main sound alone,...20:18
John_UserI don;t won't to use another disto20:18
John_UserMy souncard is intergrated on the mainboard20:19
John_Useras standalone it is supported20:19
John_Userbut the motherboard is not list on HCL20:19
John_UserI asked if someone uses soundblaster 24 live! cause20:21
collabraJohn_User: i'm only suggesting that you rely on and get to know 10.04 LTS...Long Term Service is the way to go. people who want the cutting edge software get cutting edge bugs...sall' i'm sayin.20:21
John_Userthere are a lot of posts on the forum and over the net20:21
John_Userbut noone i solved..20:21
John_Userit is not free, isn't it?20:22
collabraJohn_User: sure 10.04 LTS is free,... lemmy get the link.20:23
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:23
John_UserMy soundcard could be combatible with an older version of Kubuntu 10.10?20:24
John_UserI think not20:24
collabraJohn_User: yeah,... it's calll lucid lynx 10.04 LTS,... man, stick with a distro for a while. It's a good platform.20:25
John_UserI just don't want to reinstall the whole OS just for a driver..20:26
John_Userand the n to be again dissapointed20:26
collabraJohn_User: look, you've been let down,... now, i'm sure there's a fix for your problem. but, just to have it in the first place has got to be frustrating20:27
John_Userhave you ever try lucid lynx?20:27
John_UserDoes it have gui installation?20:28
collabra10.10 isn't a true distro... simply because it isn't maintained like lucid lynx20:28
collabra10.10 will last for six months and then you will have problems with the upgrade all over again...20:29
John_UserI am downloading 10.04.1 LTS20:30
collabra10.10,... the way i've learned to see it anyway is just a technology display,... not meant to be stable secure or reliable.20:32
John_Userthe installation is via gui interface?20:32
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collabraJohn_User: and then in a few years when 10.04 LTS is ready for an upgrade, they will get it right.20:33
collabraJohn_User: i believe so, yes. unless you got the 'alternative' 10.04 LTS disc.20:34
John_UserI'll give it a try20:34
collabraJohn_User: the 'alt' disc is in text format20:34
John_Userthank you for your time20:34
collabraJohn_User: np let me know how it goes20:35
John_UserI am downloading the normal20:35
John_Userwhere are you from ?20:35
collabraJohn_User: if i'm not at my computer i'll be in the room.20:35
collabraJohn_User: portland oregon,.. you?20:35
John_Userthat's why my english is awful!20:36
collabraJohn_User: nice =)20:36
collabraJohn_User: don't forget to drop me a p.m. and tell me what you think of 10.04.... I'm sure it will be a more pleasant experience than 10.1020:37
bug27hi all, nube here20:37
collabraJohn_User: don't forget to drop me a p.m. and tell me what you think of 10.04.... I'm sure it will be a more pleasant experience than 10.10120:37
bug27can anyone help with a snd problem, onS20:37
collabraJohn_User: ciao!20:37
John_Usergeia sou20:38
collabrabug27: I'll try to help... what's up?20:38
bug27i have a snd prob on Kubuntu 10.04LTS, sond from headphones but not internal speakers20:38
bug27i have a snd prob on Kubuntu 10.04LTS, sond from headphones but not internal speakers20:39
bug27oops, SOUND20:39
collabrabug27: click on the 'speaker' icon in the system tray and choose 'mixer'20:39
bug27ok, but it was working yesterday , its happend since i rebooted today20:39
bug27ok, am at mixer20:40
collabrabug27: now, under 'settings' choose 'configure channels'20:40
bug27ok, next20:40
bug27i have , master, MIc Boost, speaker, headphone, PCM20:41
collabrabug27: can you tell me what options are in the box at left.20:41
bug27available is Beep and Capture on the right is i have , master, MIc Boost, speaker, headphone, PCM20:42
collabrabug27: you want to drag and drop from the left: master, mic boost, speaker, headphone, pcm, and capture.20:42
collabrato the right box,...20:43
bug27ok most of them were already there, but capture is on the right too now20:43
bug27leaving only beep on the left20:44
collabrabug27: you only added capture,..?20:44
collabrabug27: sht!,... well, ok, you can save and exit back to you mixer20:44
bug27notd and i have checked in terminal with alsamixer20:45
collabrabug27: try unchecking 'headphones' and see if that takes care of it.20:45
collabrabug27: do you have anything plugged in to an audio jack somewhere?20:46
collabra'headphones' isn't checked20:47
bug27it's a laptop, ASUS K42F the 3.5mm jack is an headphone/mic jack in one20:47
collabrayeah,.. what about the 'headphone' check box on the 'mixer'20:47
bug27i have moved headphones back to the left in mixer cong channels box20:47
collabrabug27: no,.. go dig it back out.20:48
bug27ok , did that, when uncheck and check it do you mute/unmute?20:49
collabratry it both ways,...20:50
collabrabug27: i'm sorry, not too sure it's within the mixer20:50
bug27i tried every whicj way but loose20:51
collabrabut, those mixer setting can be tricky.20:51
collabrawhat about your pcm setting?20:51
bug27in multimedia system settigns, i have HDA Intel (ALC269 Analog) as first choice20:51
bug27PCM is all the way up20:52
collabrayeah i have an alc120020:52
bug27everything is up20:52
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:52
bug27except Mic Boost20:52
collabrabug27: i just dunno... hopefully the above will help.20:53
bug27when i rebooted this morning, some bugs were automatically fixed and i just clicked ok, then the internal speakers stopped working20:54
collabrabug27: did you install any software....?20:54
bug27no extra software, i was listening to MP3's lat night with Amarok20:55
bug27all ws good20:55
collabrabugs... automatically fixed,..? what were they,... do you remember any details.20:55
bug27booted into Win7 to do some itunes stuff then back into Kubuntu20:55
bug27sorry 3 bugs were auto fixed , i don't remeber20:55
bug27is there a log file buried somewhere20:56
collabrabug27: cause', nothing is 'automatically fixed' in linux20:56
yofelbug27: do you mean updates installed?20:56
yofelbug27: /var/log/apt/history.log contains what was updated when20:56
bug27can i get to that thru dolphin20:57
yofelshould work20:57
bug27Upgrade: libmagickcore2 (,, libmagickwand2 (,
bug27they were the upgrades listed for today20:59
bug27any ideas21:01
yofelthat's imaging related and not sound, don't know then, sry21:01
masaibanaIm trying to configure kppp out of default network manager on kubuntu, but I dont know how to make it work. Everytime I connect my pc, I got message: Unnable to querry modem.21:03
masaibanaWhat I need to do to configure it right?21:03
bug27ok, i'll work thru it, same snd issues with most other distro's as well21:04
collabraMaSa69: have you loaded the proprietary modem driver?21:04
collabrait's in 'system', 'settings', or 'utilities' off the main application menu21:06
masaibanawhen using default network manager, it works. I want to use kppp cause I think I can configure it better there..?21:06
collabramasaibana: there should be a green icon that says something like hardware drivers,... or somethin.21:06
masaibanano, nothing21:06
collabramasaibana: well,... good luck.21:07
masaibanaI think I should shut down default network manager. But I dont know how. Am I right?21:07
collabrai'll never understand why people gotta go messing with something that works.21:08
masaibanaIt work slowly later these week..21:08
masaibanaI think I can overclock it, maybe...?21:09
collabramasaibana: that was probably because it's dialup... and not much to do with the program that connected you.21:10
masaibanaMaybe missconfiguration or malware?21:11
collabramasaibana: cause it's the modem that keeps the connection and not the program.21:11
collabrathe program just receives the data from the modem.21:12
collabrait to a degree controls the flow of data, but not the connection itself.21:13
Roeyhey all, anyone else having an issue with the Keyboard Settings not being respected in the new PPA debs?  My "[x] Make Capslock an additional Control" setting, "Both shift together" to switch keyboard layouts setting, keyboard repeat rate and repeat delay are set, but I don't see this behavior....21:14
Roey...getting respected by apps21:14
masaibanacollabra: I see. It really no more hope for this one. Thankyou for explanation.21:15
bug27hi again, can i install 10.10 over the top of 10.04LTS, or does it need to be a fresh install21:15
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masaibanaOne more question: Is there any way to use two different size partitions as RAID? Mean to enchance read/write access. Does anyone know how to configure it?21:16
Roey(any maintainer here?)21:17
rorkbug27: you can do a dist-upgrade, most likely your favourite package manage software has an option21:17
bug27ok , ta i'll have a look21:18
rorkRoey: #ubuntu-dev I think21:18
Roeyrork:  yeah, and I asked in #ubuntu+1 and got kicked back to here :P21:19
bug27i had a look in Kpackagekit and it didn't show up , am i lookinf in the right spot, i download the cd can i just indsert it and let it load over the top21:19
yofelrork: and the *K*ubuntu devs are in #kubuntu-devel and only a few in #ubuntu-devel21:19
collabramasaibana: truly faithless,... not hopeless.21:19
phoenix_firebrd_need ppa for kinux kernel 2.6.3621:21
phoenix_firebrd_need ppa for linux kernel 2.6.3621:21
masaibanacollabra: Im not sure..21:23
masaibanaIs there any way to use two different size partitions as RAID? Mean to enchance read/write access? or there is any porgram for it? Does anyone know here?21:23
masaibanaDoes anybody had experience with RAID here?21:33
phoenix_firebrd_found it "ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa"21:37
masaibananeed to get out of here. Chat comfortably anywhere.. :)21:43
markus____I create a deb for my game. the binary I store in /usr/bin where should the game data go to?21:47
yofelmarkus____: you might want to ask in #ubuntu-packaging21:50
markus____yofel: thanks21:50
Roeyhey is there a PPA maintainer here?21:55
Roey(at all?)21:55
phoenix_firebrd_i am too searching for the same21:57
alexbnhello from romania21:57
Roeyce faci21:59
alexbntestam irc-ul de aici :)21:59
Roeypardon me I don't have my keyboard layout correct (since it got hosed in the latest PPAs)21:59
phoenix_firebrd_Roey: your problem is not fixed yet?22:00
Roeyphoenix_firebrd_:  not at all22:01
Roeythis is Linux after all22:01
Roeyproblems just linger here for months :P22:01
phoenix_firebrd_may be not. have you tried in #ubuntu or #kde?22:02
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Roeyyes I have.22:03
Roeyit's from the latest PPAs22:03
phoenix_firebrd_Roey: what is your kubuntu version again?22:04
Roeyphoenix_firebrd_:  with the latest KDE PPAs22:04
phoenix_firebrd_Roey: did you try with root permission22:06
Roeyphoenix_firebrd_:  oh, interesting... I have not.  I should try22:08
phoenix_firebrd_Roey: good luck22:09
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* crack05 is away (Gone)22:56
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john-useri need some help23:07
john-userI had kubuntu 10.10 installed23:07
john-userand I had no sound23:07
john-usersomeone here advice me to change to lynx23:08
john-userand so I did23:08
john-userbut still no sound!!23:08
john-userMy soundcard is an onboard SB 24 live!23:09
john-userthe OS Ubuntu 10.4.1 LTS (lucid lynx)23:09
john-userI have read a lot of posts on the foroum without any result23:10
john-userIf someone could give me any advice I would really apreciate it23:10
GinbuntuI installed kde 4.6 beta1 but it is unstable. can I remove it without reinstalling kkubuntu?23:55

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