jpds | That's probably it. | 00:00 |
jpds | I'd file a bug against squid-deb-proxy. | 00:00 |
CarlFK | k - thanks. | 00:00 |
CarlFK | jpds: squid-deb-proxy or squid-deb-proxy-client? (I get the error on the client side) | 00:12 |
CarlFK | maybe it doesn't matter. I was going to use apport-cli, but I guess it want's stack dump files | 00:13 |
CarlFK | jpds: anything I should add before I re-image the box? | 00:24 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 686265 in squid-deb-proxy (Ubuntu) "client doing wicked ipv6 stuff and failing" [Undecided,New] | 00:24 |
dooglus | whether I pick 'classic' or 'desktop', I still get the classic gnome-panel type interface | 00:47 |
dooglus | any idea what the problem is there? other users on the same computer can run Unity, but not mine | 00:48 |
charlie-tca | dooglus: remove any old .compiz entries and restart | 00:56 |
charlie-tca | in your /home/USER | 00:57 |
Roey | hi | 01:59 |
Roey | I have Capslock mapped to an additional control, keyboard layout switcher mapped to two shift keys pressed together, and repeat delay to 200ms. I upgraded to the latest PPAs and now these settings no longer seem to be respected, even though they show up as I configured them in System Setting | 01:59 |
Roey | PPAs of KDE btw. | 01:59 |
dooglus | how can I change the default web browser to be chrome instead of Fx? | 02:08 |
dooglus | I've tried, but the dialog seems to be ignored | 02:08 |
IdleOne | dooglus: known bug | 02:13 |
IdleOne | I don't know the bug number off hand | 02:14 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan | ||
dooglus | IdleOne: I 'fixed' it by making a script in ~/Bin/firefox which runs chrome... | 03:17 |
CarlFK | lol | 03:18 |
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC | ||
dooglus | charlie-tca: thanks | 04:12 |
dooglus | charlie-tca: I have ~/.compiz/session/ with a pair of files in it - that's all | 04:14 |
dooglus | charlie-tca: it made no different. I don't think compiz is being run at all | 04:18 |
dooglus | I removed ~/.compiz completely, but it still runs a regular gnome-session | 04:26 |
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre | ||
nperry | morning all o/ | 09:29 |
reventon_ | so do you guys do anything to hunt for bugs? on these new releases? | 10:46 |
rork | This is my first time I use an alpha, I intend to just use it a bit, configure it and see what happens/crashes. I succesfully reproduced a bug that also existed in older versions. | 10:51 |
Jordan_U | reventon_: There is always System > Administration > System Testing. | 10:52 |
CarlFK | I install to a 2nd box, install apps I use and see if they do what I expect | 10:52 |
CarlFK | it helps to automate the install | 10:53 |
reventon_ | Jordan_U: thanks | 10:56 |
Jordan_U | reventon_: You're welcome. | 10:56 |
reventon_ | yeah i've just been using it like a normal machine, but i haven't really noticed anything out of the ordinary | 10:56 |
reventon_ | at least things that hadn't been reported already | 10:57 |
rork | I just filed a bug in KDE I've found to KDE's bugzilla, should I also add it to Launchpad? | 11:00 |
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml | ||
reventon_ | rork: wait for the KDE people to answer you first | 12:04 |
rork | ok, thx | 12:12 |
reventon_ | interesting, the newest kernel update enabled more resolutions on my vbox installation | 12:32 |
kklimonda | hola | 13:19 |
nperry | Yo o/ | 13:20 |
jo-erlend | Seing as Natty uses Unity by default; would it be an idea to make the session choices more visible than they are in current releases, so that the "Classic Ubuntu Desktop" choice is easily noticable? | 13:36 |
reventon_ | i think it would be harder to make it more noticeable without having to redesign the login | 13:52 |
q999 | ?how do you autohide panel in natty? | 13:57 |
zniavre | via ccsm no? | 13:59 |
kklimonda | I don't think you can hide panel - only launcher | 14:02 |
zniavre | misunderstanding im sorry | 14:02 |
q999 | this version must autohide or they just went back 15 years. | 14:03 |
kklimonda | in Unity top panel displays application menu, I don't think it makes sense to hide it | 14:04 |
kklimonda | but you can ask on #ayatana if there are plans to make it auto hide | 14:04 |
q999 | i like real estate. | 14:04 |
Gullstad | It should least be a possibility. | 14:05 |
Gullstad | Freedom of choise. | 14:06 |
q999 | this seems like an netbook release. | 14:06 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: you are free to choose different ui, or even different distribution | 14:07 |
q999 | going back to 10.10 | 14:07 |
Gullstad | kklimonda: So this is going to be the standard ubuntu anserw to suggeste features? "You don't have to use ubuntu". | 14:09 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: no size fits all | 14:11 |
q999 | but autohide of panel an issue? | 14:11 |
q999 | shouldnt be ..should just work. | 14:12 |
kklimonda | q999: not an issue but it may not be something that is going to be implemented in 11.04, or even not something that Unity designers have envisioned. | 14:12 |
Gullstad | Sure, but ubuntu now is trying to standarize the desktop to their likings for everybody else. Don't missunderstand. I love the looks of new unity, but still want the possibility to move my dock and hide my panels for screen relesate on my eee | 14:13 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: there are no panels - there is a signel panel and launcher, launcher can be set to auto hide. dunno if panel is going to be set. But my point is that the argument "freedom of choice" is a lousy one at best. There has to be someone who has a vision and who sets goals - only because the goal is not the one you like doesn't mean it has to be changed. | 14:14 |
q999 | seems like they knew from what i read,takes up three inchs on big screen. | 14:15 |
kklimonda | q999: you are talking about launcher, not about the panel | 14:15 |
q999 | right that too | 14:15 |
Gullstad | kklimonda: I'm not talking about chaning the default, just options so everybody could customise it in their way to hit a broader autiance. | 14:16 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: all options come with a hidden costs | 14:16 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: more code to support them - more developers to write it, more testers to test it, more bugs for users | 14:17 |
Gullstad | I'm exited to see how it pans out, but this release is going to make or break it for Ubuntu. Exiting one. | 14:19 |
kklimonda | meh, not this one | 14:19 |
kklimonda | the one that will make or break it is the next LTS | 14:19 |
q999 | another thing that i dislike,(since I'm A Righty) is the relocation of the max /min /close windows frome the right to the style,,and ,I hate Apple...... | 14:20 |
Gullstad | The whole UI is beeing revamped. I don't think the users are going to stick around unitll next LTS if it's disliked. | 14:20 |
kklimonda | q999: it fits unity really well | 14:20 |
q999 | trying to follow apple bites. | 14:21 |
kklimonda | q999: it's not following apple, button on the left fits unity when windows are maximized | 14:21 |
Gullstad | Apple is nice-looking. Trying to match it's design is a pretty good idea. | 14:21 |
q999 | no.. | 14:22 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: we are still at the point where most Ubuntu users are adventurous | 14:22 |
q999 | its a lefties ,,,,closed garden. | 14:22 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: most of them are just going to switch to the Classic GNOME if they dislike new Unity (which is not going to be completely ready by 11.04 release) | 14:23 |
q999 | ubuntu is better than that. | 14:23 |
Gullstad | kklimonda: You think people are going to switch to classig gnome and just wait for it to dissapair in the next release? | 14:23 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: yes | 14:23 |
q999 | yes so far natty has issues. | 14:23 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: or to GNOME Shell, or to KDE | 14:23 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: we still haven't reached the point where most people don't know what system they have installed | 14:24 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: up until then we can test new stuff and make it better. | 14:24 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: a lot of people are still using LTS, I'd actually be happy if they stayed at the last LTS and then made an upgrade to the next one. | 14:25 |
q999 | have 2 boxes running 10.04 love it. | 14:26 |
reventon_ | test | 14:27 |
q999 | thanks anyway ......I'm gone. | 14:29 |
Gullstad | kklimonda: Maybe there should be a ad for it. "New ubuntu! Don't upgrade." | 14:29 |
kklimonda | Gullstad: that wouldn't make sense, most of people want to run the newest and shiniest | 14:33 |
kklimonda | and we need testers ;) | 14:33 |
h3sp4wn | Is anyone using the natty kernel under xen domU | 14:34 |
h3sp4wn | (I am still using the amazon one from 10.04 past experience with xen ubuntu has sucked) | 14:35 |
kklimonda | no, but I use a 10.04 kernel under xen domU and it works fine | 14:36 |
h3sp4wn | kklimonda: Which one (I use vmlinuz-2.6.32-310-ec2) | 14:41 |
kklimonda | 2.6.32-25-generic-pae | 14:41 |
h3sp4wn | Does the config look more sensible ? (I have compared the one I am using to quite a few from citrix's XCP (Xen cloud platform) and it seems like its not optimal - perhaps with ec2 based on xen 3.0.3 that effects it but I use a 4.0.1 dom0 | 14:43 |
reventon_ | are there settings that can be adjusted with regards to scrolling? as of the latest batch of updates (today) i can no longer scroll side to side on my trackpad | 15:31 |
reventon_ | i'm on a macbook pro running 11.04 in vbox. i was able to scroll sideways as of yesterday | 15:31 |
Volkodav | xfce is all crooked | 16:43 |
Volkodav | almost unusable with or without compiz | 16:43 |
charlie-tca | Volkodav: xubuntu or Ubuntu with Xfce added? | 16:49 |
Volkodav | Ubuntu with Xfce added | 16:49 |
Volkodav | icons are invisible on the panel with compiz - with compiz off stays the same | 16:50 |
Volkodav | can not change fonts or appearance etc | 16:50 |
Volkodav | stuck on 1 theme with default fonts etc | 16:51 |
Volkodav | the list is long | 16:51 |
Volkodav | I understand they rewrote panel and other stuff | 16:56 |
charlie-tca | Sorry. Xubuntu broke it | 16:57 |
charlie-tca | We are merging the xfce4.8 changes, and the panel plugins have to be re-written to work now | 16:57 |
charlie-tca | Not sure if it will work later even with compiz now | 16:57 |
Volkodav | I noticed the list shrinked | 16:57 |
Volkodav | well hanging in gnome for now | 16:58 |
charlie-tca | yes, it is actively being worked | 16:58 |
Volkodav | that's good news | 16:58 |
Volkodav | xfce has been my DE choice for years | 16:58 |
Volkodav | used to it | 16:58 |
charlie-tca | I haven't tried the image today, but I am running xubuntu Natty which I upgraded from maverick. | 17:00 |
charlie-tca | Only a few of the plugins are working | 17:00 |
Volkodav | i just logged out with all those comments | 17:00 |
smoser | anyone else having issues with mumble ? | 17:14 |
smoser | i cannot hear others. I can talk, and others can hear me, but I cannot hear you. I don't see their "lips move" either, and many other sound apps (rhythmbox, mplayer, mpg321) play sound fine | 17:15 |
smoser | seems that either a.) defening, then undeafening myself or b.) just opening up the audio wizard, and switching something and then switching it back. | 17:16 |
smoser | fixed it. | 17:17 |
yaaar | howdy | 17:57 |
yaaar | little confused i need a 100-min CD to try this alpha out? | 17:57 |
yaaar | trying to burn natty-desktop-amd64.iso and it says it's too big even with overburn on. the file is 723MB | 17:59 |
yaaar | looks like the i386 one is 717...wonder if that'll squeeze in with overburn | 18:00 |
h3sp4wn | What are you using to burn it ? | 18:00 |
yaaar | i right-clicked the file and hit 'write to disc' on my 10.04 desktop...not sure what program that runs...didn't see anything obvious from ps waux | 18:01 |
h3sp4wn | Try cdrecord command line (you probably have to compile it but its not difficult) | 18:01 |
h3sp4wn | (wodim or whatever the fork of cdrecord is called is crap) | 18:02 |
yaaar | doesn't this gnome thing just frontend that? | 18:02 |
h3sp4wn | They forked it without thinking about whether they could maintain it properly | 18:02 |
h3sp4wn | (it might use something else) | 18:02 |
yaaar | ah. i see...apt-get tries to install wodim if you ask it for cdrecord | 18:02 |
charlie-tca | Being they are oversize at this time, you can burn them to dvd or use a usb drive. | 18:03 |
IdleOne | gnomebaker works fine | 18:03 |
yaaar | k | 18:04 |
IdleOne | brasero should do the job as well, but yeah the iso's are a little big see charlie-tca ^^ | 18:04 |
yaaar | trying with brasero | 18:05 |
yaaar | i've got some dvds here, so if it comes to that no big deal | 18:05 |
yaaar | ok wtf. i told brasero to burn that iso file and it wrote a disc....way too fast...and then on further inspection it had burned a completely different iso file (FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-AMD64-bootonly.iso the same directoy) from the one i had selected. figured i was just stupid and chose the wrong one, so i went into gnomebaker and chose the natty iso (made POSITIVE this time I had the... | 18:17 |
yaaar | ...right file) and it did it again! | 18:17 |
yaaar | why on earth would it do that? | 18:17 |
h3sp4wn | maybe god's telling you something | 18:19 |
yaaar | that i should run freebsd? | 18:19 |
coz_ | yaaar, I have had very little success with brasero | 18:20 |
coz_ | yaaar, I suggest gnomebaker...its far more reliable | 18:20 |
yaaar | this last attempt was with gnomebaker | 18:20 |
h3sp4wn | yaaar: (Failing a good reason why not I would) unfortunately I have a good reason why not | 18:20 |
coz_ | yaaar, ooo | 18:20 |
coz_ | yaaar, are you burning the daily build? | 18:20 |
Volkodav | just do DVD | 18:21 |
yaaar | coz_: i downloaded it last night from the link in the topic | 18:21 |
yaaar | i think that's just alpha 1 not the daily | 18:21 |
h3sp4wn | yaaar: Use netboot/mini.iso | 18:21 |
h3sp4wn | | 18:21 |
yaaar | h3sp4wn: yeah that's probably a good idea. but i sure would like to know why these burning programs decided to burn a completely different iso from the one i told them to burn... | 18:22 |
coz_ | yaaar, I would also suggest burning at 1x | 18:25 |
yaaar | i guess i don't see what the burn speed has to do with it choosing the wrong file to burn | 18:29 |
coz_ | yaaar, choosing the wrong file to burn is on your end...burning at 1x will give the best results | 18:30 |
h3sp4wn | I usually burn at 4x (some drives don't support 1x anymore) | 18:30 |
yaaar | coz_: oh i see, you just figure i don't know what i'm talking about. fair enough, but i've tested it more than once. if you like i can shoot video and put it on my webserver so you can watch me choose the right file and watch it burn the wrong one | 18:31 |
coz_ | yaaar, no no offense meant at all | 18:32 |
coz_ | yaaar, I am actuallly trying to work on 5 iso's and burn then all at i was just trying to pitch in here ..sorry if you were offended | 18:32 |
yaaar | coz_: no worries...i actually thought about shooting the video before saying anything, because honestly it does sound kinda ridiculous | 18:43 |
charlie-tca | yaaar: what about copying or moving that iso to an empty directory to see what happens? | 19:12 |
CarlFK | yaaar: md5sum the 2 .iso s - maybe you made a copy or something | 19:17 |
frewsxcv | why is gnome-mplayer in muliverse? | 19:32 |
Pici | frewsxcv: It doesn't look like its actually part of GNOME at all, just named like it. | 19:33 |
h3sp4wn | anything using mplayer potentially has patent issues | 19:34 |
frewsxcv | h3sp4wn: mplayer was moved to universe recently | 19:35 |
frewsxcv | Pici: i'm aware, but that shouldn't be a reason for it to be in multiverse | 19:36 |
h3sp4wn | frewsxcv: where is mencoder ? | 19:36 |
Pici | frewsxcv: gnome-mplayer has been in multiverse since hardy... | 19:37 |
h3sp4wn | I prefer mplayer/mencoder/ffmpeg compiled with icc so cannot use packages | 19:37 |
frewsxcv | h3sp4wn: universe | 19:37 |
frewsxcv | Pici: what's your point? | 19:38 |
h3sp4wn | Interesting guess they no longer care about patents (probably a good thing at least for me) | 19:38 |
Pici | frewsxcv: I assumed since you're asking in #ubuntu+1 that this was a new change in Natty. | 19:38 |
frewsxcv | in maverick, mencoder was moved universe from multiverse | 19:38 |
frewsxcv | i'm on the fluxbuntu team | 19:39 |
frewsxcv | and we're trying to include mplayer-gnome in natty, but it appears to still be in multiverse | 19:40 |
h3sp4wn | A fluxbox user would not bother about an mplayer gui surely | 19:41 |
frewsxcv | if you have a comment about our software choices, that is a different discussion | 19:41 |
h3sp4wn | So you choose not to distribute from anything other than main and universe ? | 19:43 |
h3sp4wn | Or is that a policy of some sort | 19:43 |
yofel | frewsxcv: you might want to ask in #ubuntu-motu about this, they might know more | 19:45 |
frewsxcv | yofel: thanks | 19:46 |
DrHalan | hey | 20:06 |
DrHalan | hows natty evolving? | 20:06 |
yaaar | charlie-tca: that's exactly what i eventually did; i moved the natty iso to a different directory that didn't have anything else in it. after that gnomebaker burned it without complaint. weird. | 20:07 |
yaaar | CarlFK: i didn't md5 them, but one is 45MB and the other 723, so pretty sure they aren't the same | 20:08 |
charlie-tca | yaaar: glad to hear it worked. Sometimes strange things happen | 20:10 |
CarlFK | yaaar: good point. | 20:23 |
yofel | micahg: any reason why the mozilla daily ppa builds 3.6 dailies of firefox for natty instead of 4? That's somewhat... useless | 20:34 |
Roey | Hey all, I have Capslock mapped to an additional control, keyboard layout switcher mapped to two shift keys pressed together, and repeat delay to 200ms. I upgraded to the latest PPAs and now these settings no longer seem to be respected, even though they show up as I configured them in System Setting | 21:14 |
Roey | what vies? | 21:14 |
Roey | this is Kubuntu 10.10 bvtw | 21:14 |
Roey | btw | 21:14 |
Volkodav | ppa's are blocked every update IIRC | 21:15 |
Volkodav | upgrade rather* | 21:16 |
yofel | Roey: this is 11.04 support, 10.10 support is in #kubuntu | 21:16 |
Roey | right, but they asked me to come here. | 21:17 |
Volkodav | yofer what's up | 21:17 |
Volkodav | yofel: * | 21:17 |
Roey | Volkodav: what do you mean they're blocked every upate? | 21:17 |
h3sp4wn | Roey: How are you mapping it ? xmodmap ? | 21:17 |
Volkodav | that was happening in 10.10 alphas and betas | 21:18 |
yofel | Roey: blocked on 10.10 -> 11.04 upgrade, which was what he assumed you had done | 21:18 |
Roey | h3sp4wn: through KDE keyboard settings | 21:18 |
h3sp4wn | Roey: You might find it easier just swapping them | 21:18 |
Roey | h3sp4wn: through xmodmap? | 21:18 |
Roey | maybe | 21:18 |
Roey | thanks | 21:18 |
yofel | Volkodav: being busy a bit with packaging currently, but other than that fine, kubuntu 11.04 works better than expected | 21:18 |
Volkodav | same as ubuntu - but I could not get the hang of Unity | 21:19 |
* Volkodav back to gnome waiting for xfce to be fixed | 21:20 | |
Roey | see that's the thing that made me write off gnome... the developers keep promising that something will be fixed or othewise re-architected by the next mythical release | 21:20 |
Volkodav | I can't find ppa for qmmp for natty | 21:22 |
Volkodav | the only player capable of wavpack and FLac in one file that will see the tags right | 21:23 |
c0nsumer_ | hello! why the version 11.04 will use unity interface? its better for gnome? | 23:32 |
c0nsumer_ | and unity is developed by canonical? | 23:32 |
yofel | first: not sure, and unity is developed by canonical | 23:33 |
* yofel uses kde and doesn't care | 23:33 | |
skrewler | who cares, you can change it to whatever you want | 23:33 |
c0nsumer_ | but why the canonical prefet change default interface to unty? | 23:34 |
charlie-tca | being used for better user experience when using both netbook and larger screen systems. Keeps them the same | 23:34 |
* Volkodav uses xfce and does not care | 23:34 | |
alex_mayorga | what's the right way to update? | 23:34 |
alex_mayorga | so far I do sudo aptitude safe-upgrade | 23:34 |
alex_mayorga | is that fine? | 23:34 |
c0nsumer_ | i'm installing the Natty on VirtualBox to test this. | 23:35 |
charlie-tca | that is fine for safely upgrading. I use dist-upgrade so I don't have things sitting that should have upgraded | 23:35 |
charlie-tca | c0nsumer_: you do know unity won't work in VBox, right? | 23:35 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: yes, but that doesn't remove conflicting packages, use full-upgrade too frome time to time | 23:35 |
yofel | (or apt-get dist-upgrade) | 23:36 |
c0nsumer_ | no! O_o | 23:36 |
breadcrumb | why doesnt it work in vbox | 23:36 |
c0nsumer_ | really? | 23:36 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: thanks | 23:36 |
yofel | breadcrumb: needs 3D support | 23:36 |
skrewler | n | 23:36 |
yofel | which most VMs don't have | 23:36 |
breadcrumb | umm.. vbox has 3d support, at least opengl? | 23:37 |
breadcrumb | you can enable compiz effects in an ubuntu virtualbox machine | 23:37 |
yofel | breadcrumb: not the -ose version afaik | 23:37 |
breadcrumb | oh | 23:37 |
yofel | I could be wrong though | 23:37 |
yofel | I'm at least certain that KVM has no opengl support | 23:37 |
yofel | which is what I usually use | 23:38 |
c0nsumer_ | so, abort my installation on Vbox | 23:41 |
c0nsumer_ | ? | 23:41 |
c0nsumer_ | ?? | 23:43 |
charlie-tca | I am pretty sure VBox won't work with unity. It will only work with the "classic desktop" session, which is gnome | 23:45 |
charlie-tca | At least, it would not work in any virtual machines during alpha1 testing | 23:45 |
Sir_Konrad | charlie-tca, why do you think that is? | 23:47 |
charlie-tca | either no 3d or no OpenGL support | 23:47 |
* yofel wonders what kind of user experience it is supposed to be that nvidia users first have to run classic -> install nvidia driver -> switch to unity | 23:47 | |
yofel | that'll at least make auto-login impossible | 23:47 |
charlie-tca | It's a fun experience | 23:47 |
charlie-tca | yes, auto-login makes it much more fun! | 23:48 |
yofel | heh | 23:49 |
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