
hajouri have a idea for a memory problem with mail09:09
hajourbut like to exchange idea with someone who knows more from the programs attached to mail09:10
hajouranyone knows wo i have to talk to about that?09:14
leoquantsome providers (email via a provider) limit the  amount of mb 's for email  attachements, goes this mail via your provider?09:20
leoquantin your case ziggo.nl09:21
hajourno for someone else09:23
hajourhe got a memory problem worse then me09:23
leoquantah, but it is an attachement problem?09:24
hajouri wonder thats why i want to know more from it09:24
leoquanti dont know how it goes via gmail09:25
leoquant(par example)09:25
hajourhe get mail.answer it.but forget he hat answer.then he do it again .and again enz.09:25
hajouri try to find him.i have heard in chat he have that problem09:26
hajourbut i dont now when he is in ubuntu-beginners-offtopic chat09:27
hajouri thought maybe we can solve it.but i first have to know more information09:27
hajourthats where i am busy with now09:28
leoquantso your problem now is to find him? i can take a look to?09:29
hajourhis name is paultag09:29
leoquant #ubuntu-beginners09:29
leoquant #ubuntu-loco09:30
hajouri have seen his name in ubuntu-beginners-team09:30
hajournow i have to find out when he is there.09:30
leoquantthat is #ubuntu-locoteams because is the council09:31
hajourbut thanks leoquant 09:32
hajoura ok :)thit not know that09:32
hajourjust noticed the problem09:32
hajourand when i see that my brains go on and on.til i solved it09:33
leoquanttake care hajour, take your time...09:35
leoquanti am off for (koorzang)09:35
leoquantchristmas carols...09:35
leoquantlarer hajour 09:35
hajourok have fun leoquant 09:35
hajourlater leoquant 09:36
hajourgoing off.kids come back out school in about 10 minutes. til later10:37

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