
=== Baybal_ is now known as MrOsamaBinLaden
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Sp0tterdoes ubuntu support the Archos 32 hardware?02:52
tmztwhat is the archos 32 hardware?02:54
rcn-eeubuntu supports the cortex a8 'architecture' of the archoes 32, you'll have to either find someone who did the kernel, or do it yourself..02:54
ScottK-droidogra_ac: Qt finally built so FTBFS should start improving.02:54
tmztNeko: you should be able to add a dapm without a pcm then if it's just routing02:56
tmztnice if linux had a framework for this02:56
prpplagueogra_ac: greetings03:03
rsalvetiGrueMaster: found the nm fix03:17
rsalvetiScottK-droid: cool, nice to know03:17
GrueMasterrsalveti: What was it?03:18
rsalvetiGrueMaster: lack of a proper variable type: http://paste.ubuntu.com/540509/03:19
rsalvetifix is already upstream, will now open the bug following the debdiff with the fix03:19
rsalvetiwill also post a new deb, so you can also test03:19
rsalvetithe backtrace was really really weird03:20
rsalvetiinside glib, then a segv in strchr03:20
rsalvetiall of that because on arm the time type is 3203:20
GrueMasterGotta love non-portable typesets03:21
rsalvetiargh, takes quite a while to install everything I need to build and then build04:08
rsalvetiGrueMaster: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/686320/04:26
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rsalvetiGrueMaster: please confirm the bug and test the fix later, then I can ask people to push the fix tomorrow04:31
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GrueMasterrsalveti: I'm shut down for the moment.  Will test first thing in the morning.04:53
rsalvetiGrueMaster: sure, np, also going off now05:00
rsalvetisee ya05:00
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ogra_acdmart, hey10:32
ogra_acdmart, did my comment on the bug make the issue a bit clearer ?10:32
dmartogra_ac: hi - has that bug definitely been isolated to busybox, and do we know where/what it is ... or is that still unknown?11:03
ogra_acdmart, NCommander traced the issue down to exec so its definitely busybox, also the fact that dropping -marm fixes it while neither klibc nor initamfs-tools changed between maverick and natty (not even a rebuild) somehow points to busysbox11:14
ogra_acor rather the toolchain11:14
dmartogra_ac: do you know what is being exec'd and from where?11:16
ogra_acdmart, run-init is from /init11:19
ogra_acrun-init exposes the same error with a random error # if you dont run it from pid 1 btw11:20
dmartogra_ac: You mean, the shell barfs on the "exec run-init" line in /init?11:21
ogra_aceither run-init does because the environment changed11:21
ogra_aci.e. it might be that the PID doesnt get carried over properly11:21
ogra_acits massively hard to debug, it would be better to compare exec from busybox-initramfs with and without -marm outside of an initrd11:24
dmartogra_ac: ok ... bit of a mystery.  I don't see any asm in busybox, so to me that suggests a compiler bug or a bug in run-init11:29
ogra_accant be in run-init11:30
dmartOh yeah, you don't rebuild that11:30
ogra_acnatty and maverick initrd's are the same apart from busybox and the toolchain11:30
ogra_aceverything else involved is 100% identical11:30
ogra_acthats why the bug is open for gcc11:31
ogra_acbut as i said above, its very very hard to debug11:31
ogra_acsince the only debugging you could do would be to change /init11:31
ogra_acbut with every binary you inject in the exec call the PID will change from 111:32
ogra_acwhich will expose the error in any case11:32
dmartogra_ac: gdb --attach ?11:43
NCommanderdmart: bit of a problem because the debugging tools stop spitting output when the kernel panic(0s11:46
NCommanderand my understanding is that since all processes are interconnected, when pid 1 goes, EVERYTHING goes11:47
ogra_acah, NCommander is here, I'll hand that over then and do other vacation stuff ;)11:48
* NCommander goes poof11:48
* ogra_ac isnt offifically here until end of year 11:48
* NCommander just saw the hilight since I was talking to a friend on another channel11:48
* NCommander isn't here either11:48
ogra_acNCommander, but you will at least be in a few hours ;)11:49
dmartNCommander: the kernel panics if PID 1 dies ... possibly we could hack the kernel not to do this11:49
dmartThough there might be odd knock-on effects.11:49
* ogra_ac just tries to find out when we switched to i686 by default11:49
NCommanderdmart: I don't think you can, everything is a child process of PID 111:50
dmartparent process death isn't generally fatal11:50
NCommanderyou might be able to debug from the kernel debugger, but then you run into nasty VM issues11:50
dmartbut you will need to suppress or ignore the SIGHUPs that the child processes would get11:50
dmartNone of this is easy though :/11:51
NCommanderdmart: according to ogra, run-init is dependent on being PID 111:51
NCommanderideally, the easiest way to debug is to remove that requirement11:51
dmartMight not work though ... being PID 1 is genuinely different in some ways from being any other PID, mostly to do with signal behaviour IIUC11:52
ogra_acNCommander, not *being* only *being run by*11:52
NCommanderMaybe use Userspace Linux, or something like that?11:52
NCommanderther ehas to be way to have a pseudo-PID 1, else Keybuk would have probably gone mad trying to debug upstart11:53
dmartrun-init is exec'd, so it will be PID 1 also...  and run-init execs upstart, so that will be PID 1 too11:53
dmartYeah, I guess he may have some good ideas...11:53
dmartogra_ac, NCommander: here's an approach which seems to work for debugging init:12:43
dmartogra_ac, NCommander: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/540609/12:43
dmartI don't have the right filesystem in front of me though12:44
ScottKNCommander: You assume he didn't.14:23
ScottKNCommander: Anything you changed for Alpha 1 due to Qt being dead you ought to be able to put back now.14:30
dmartogra_ac: ^ did you spot that link?  Should I post it somewhere else?15:37
ogra_acprobably dump it in the bug15:37
dmartogra_ac: oh, much scrolling ... well, here it is again, just in case:15:37
dmartogra_ac:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/540609/15:37
ogra_aci mean the url :)15:38
ogra_acdont expect me to work on it, i'm on vacation ;)15:38
ogra_acNCommander, janimo or rsalveti have to help out, though in the end its likely to be a toolchain issue so i bet it will have to move over to linaro in the end15:39
rsalvetiafaik NCommander is still looking at this bug15:39
ogra_acright, but i suspect it to boild down to toolchain anyway15:40
ogra_acwhich puts it into linaros realm15:40
dmartI'm curious to find out what the actual bug is ...15:41
ogra_acgcc 4.5 :P15:41
dmartbut I don't want to deprive other people of the fun of tracking it down :P15:41
GrueMasterGuys, NCommander is on vacation as well.  He won't be back until next week.15:41
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ogra_acGrueMaster, not according to the team calendar15:43
GrueMasterJust because he's an idiot and forgot to update the calendar, doesn't mean he is here.  Since he lives with me, I would know.15:43
GrueMasterabout both.15:44
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rsalvetiGrueMaster: any chance to test the nm fix?16:57
GrueMasteron the phone brb.16:57
hrwhave a nice rest of day17:02
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Sp0tterdoes anyone know of ubuntu supports the hardware on the Archos 32 tablet?17:04
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GrueMasterrsalveti: Finally able to work again.  I downloaded, installed, and rebooted with your network manager.  system works again.  Good find.17:43
rsalvetiGrueMaster: nice, please post your results at the bug and let's try to find someone to sponsor the fix :-)17:44
GrueMasterYou should see a flood of emails from LP.  I changed status to "In Progress, High priority, Natty-Alpha-2".17:48
rsalvetiGrueMaster: ouch hehe :-) but thanks17:49
GrueMasterJust filling out the info for the release team.  Making the bug more complete.17:50
rsalvetiyeah, nice17:50
GrueMasterBack to working on paperwork.17:52
rsalvetiI'm impressed by the time it takes to get a kernel fix released into main18:22
rsalvetijust got two notifications for testing the kernel released at proposed, and the bug was opened almost 1 month ago, with the fix included at the same day18:22
GrueMasterAnd it is already in proposed and tested by me two weeks ago.18:23
GrueMasterI've already raised the question on #u-kernel.18:23
apacheloggerany clues where one would get powervr graphics drivers for omap3?19:10
rsalvetiapachelogger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAP/Graphics19:12
rsalvetinot the best one, and without a proper x11 driver, but it's there already19:12
rsalvetifor omap4 the pvr stack is better, and also available from a ppa19:13
apacheloggerrsalveti: thanks :)19:16
rbelemfala rsalveti19:54
rsalvetirbelem: hey19:54
rbelemrsalveti, is qt compiled with gl es support?19:54
rsalvetirbelem: not yet :-)19:55
rbelemfor arm?19:55
rbelemapachelogger, ^19:55
rsalvetiit'll be soon19:55
rsalvetinow that we got qt building fine again19:55
* apachelogger has a change for that in pipeline19:56
apacheloggerrbelem: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/mobile/qt.tar.gz19:56
apacheloggerbinaries for testing19:56
rbelemrsalveti, what is going on about the qt neon discussion?19:56
rsalvetirbelem: still missing someone to sit and do the final work :-)19:57
rsalvetifor maverick it'll be a little bit harder, as need proper backport19:57
rsalvetiproblem is that qt takes too much time to build19:57
rsalvetiany simple test turns out in days19:57
rbelemrsalveti,  and that gcc patch?19:58
rbelemrsalveti, does the arm toolchain works fine with icecc?19:58
rbelemthat could speed up the builds19:58
rbelemapachelogger, hum... with gles and neon?19:59
rsalvetirbelem: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.7.1-0ubuntu4/+build/205289319:59
apacheloggerrbelem: if maverick did not yet get changed to build without neon...19:59
apacheloggerit is based on the most recent maverick package20:00
rsalvetirbelem: did finish fine this time20:00
rbelemcool :-)20:00
rsalvetirbelem: yeah, but I don't have lots of boards around to let them just building qt atm20:00
apacheloggerrbelem: see my blog post on icecc & arm :P20:00
apacheloggerqt builds in about 12 hours20:00
rsalvetiyeah, half the time20:01
apacheloggerif you did nt screw up and the build fails 3 times ^^20:01
rbelemapachelogger, wow :-(20:01
* apachelogger notes that even on his laptop it took quite a while with -j1020:01
rbelemat work i usually use -j20 :-)20:02
rsalvetiand the webkit linking part needs a lot of memory20:02
rsalvetiand also takes quite a while20:02
rbelemrsalveti, xdeb works to build qt?20:02
rsalvetididn't try, but saw someone posting a but while cross building qt days ago20:03
* rsalveti brb, need to eat something20:04
apacheloggerrsalveti: well, 4.8 doesnt have webkit anymore20:07
apacheloggeralso I think we only need to do that stupid linking because Qt's help browser implicitly depends on its rendering in 4.720:07
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Sp0tteranyone have an Archos 32?22:59
Sp0tterbeen trying to find if Ubuntu will run on it23:00
Sp0tterit's omap23:00
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