
aveilleuxcap: xdg-open opens a file in the user's preferred application. What exactly are you looking for? I'm a little confused.00:00
capI just installed the app "CheckGmail".  When you click on it though it opens up a new browser, but it lets you modify what command gets executed.  I want to click on it and then have it switch to the program I have running gmail already00:04
aveilleuxcap: The problem is, you don't always know what that is. As far as I know, only gnome-open can handle URLs.00:06
aveilleuxcap: Er, can properly handle URLs that are already open, and not even consistently.00:07
aveilleuxcap: I personally use Thunderbird, rather than a mail checking utility.00:07
capwell i'm running Google Mail, which is a prism for gmail.  And I want to switch to that.00:07
capdoes that make sense?00:09
aveilleuxcap: What? "Gmail" is a contraction of "Google Mail". I don't understand what you mean.00:10
pointydripI have the problem where firefox won't accept keyboard input after the screensaver/sleep mode is active, googled it...lots of problems, no solutions...can anyone point me in the right direction00:10
aveilleuxpointydrip: I've seen similar problems. Does closing then re-opening Firefox fix the problem?00:10
caphaha I know that, but there's an application which runs GMail inside it's own browser window.  I guess they call it a prism.00:11
pointydripyes, but alas it is incredibly frustration especially with multi screens00:11
aveilleuxcap: Unfortunately your problem stems from the inability of one program to access another program's status, unless it's broadcast. gnome-open can't tell what URLs are open in your browser, so you can't reliably switch to the application. Is there a particular reason you can't use an email client like Thunderbird?00:13
capoh I wasn't aware of that.  I was using thunderbird but I have a lot of things in gmail itself that I really like.00:14
paultagbodhizazen: yo00:15
bodhizazenpaultag: see pm00:18
thewrathhey all01:07
tenachHello thewrath01:07
thewrath wats new01:10
tenachPossibly having a job soon!01:11
tenachOther than that, nothing too much.01:11
tenachHow are you thewrath?01:19
thewrathwhen is the next meeting?01:21
MrAnthropeWhat is a PPA?01:22
deejoepersonal package account, I think01:24
deejoearea, something like that01:24
* deejoe waves his hands01:24
deejoebasically, a personal package repository01:24
deejoeyou can add it to the list of network addresses from which your system draws packages, MrAnthrope01:25
MrAnthropepersonal package ...repository.01:25
MrAnthropelol alright. :) thanks01:25
deejoeah, thank you, pleia201:26
MrAnthropeaha! :)01:28
MrAnthropeJust installing a game and it said install from our PPA.01:28
MrAnthropeIt seems to be working thus far.01:28
MrAnthropeHow does one support Open Source games?01:29
MrAnthropeWithout contributing to code lol. Bug reporting?01:29
deejoethat's one way, yes01:30
pleia2bug reporting, support (mailing list? irc channel?)01:30
pleia2money :)01:30
paultagdonations make my life nice01:30
MrAnthropeHow do you receive donations, paul?01:31
paultagMrAnthrope: via PayPal, but my site long had that button taken down. I've not checked it in a long while01:31
pleia2when I want to give back I tend to hop on their mailing list and when things come up I can help with I help out (calls for patch review, documentation writing and updates, new version testing...)01:31
paultagthat and they're not nice to people01:31
MrAnthropeOpen source gaming is just weird.01:33
MrAnthropes/weird/a foreign concept.01:33
MrAnthropeIs there a gaming-specific Ubuntu channel or Linux channel? #Ubuntu-gaming has like 4 people in it.01:35
MrAnthropeIs there a way to check the MHz of my CPU? I'm having a brain fart trying to remember.02:05
pleia2cat /proc/cpuinfo02:09
deejoegratuitous use of cat!02:14
MrAnthropeWhat is cat? That's how I run my xmacro files.02:15
deejoeit is short for "concatenate"02:17
deejoeit takes N files as arguments, and strings them all together and spits them out on STDOuT02:18
MrAnthropeto link together as a series or chain.02:18
deejoeer, STDOUT02:18
MrAnthropelol std.02:18
MrAnthropeo. far less funny02:18
deejoethough it has only now occurred to me that the Unix progenitors intended that as a double entendre02:18
deejoeI mean, they called it "Unix" after all.02:19
MrAnthropeWell that makes sense I'd use that for playing xmacros. :)02:19
MrAnthropelol I never thought of that one ;)02:19
deejoetypical use case is something like02:19
deejoecat Jul.txt Aug.txt Sep.txt > Q3.txt02:20
MrAnthropeThe CLI is very powerful.02:20
MrAnthropeSo I'm still afraid of it.02:20
deejoebe not afraid, for it brings you weird and wonderful ways of doing unspeakable things to text files02:21
deejoefor practice, and to save yourself typing, grep some stuff out of /usr/share/dict/words02:21
deejoe"global regular express parse" allegedly, in short, a way to search for patterns02:22
deejoegrep dot /usr/share/dict/words | more02:22
deejoeshows you all the words in that list that include "dot" somewhere in them02:22
MrAnthropepatterns. hrm.02:23
deejoethat's the 'regular expressions' bit02:24
MrAnthropegah. These games listed on LGDB are either 8bit or way too advanced for my computer.02:24
MrAnthropeThere's no middleground.02:24
JoeMaverickSettMrAnthrope: have you tried SuperTuxKart ? :D02:24
MrAnthropeWouldn't I want to search for irregular expressions?02:25
* deejoe looks at LGDB02:25
deejoewhat sort of stuff do you like, MrAnthrope?02:25
MrAnthropelol no haven't seen that one.02:25
deejoe(not that I know, but someone might)02:25
JoeMaverickSettMrAnthrope: http://goo.gl/mudu4 <<-- SuperTuxKart #awesome02:26
MrAnthropeOh all sorts of stuff. I'm pretty easily amused.02:26
deejoe$ apt-cache search game | wc -l02:26
MrAnthropeAnything easily installed as I'm still really new.02:26
deejoeought to be something amongst those >1000 packages you might find fun02:26
deejoemind you, those aren't all games per se02:26
MrAnthropei installed a game on there 0AD and it looks really cool, like Age of Empires stuff. But my computer won't run it.02:26
JoeMaverickSett0 AD doesn't work on my PC. :-/02:27
JoeMaverickSettonly white display!!! nothing else.02:27
deejoe$ apt-cache search game | more02:27
deejoe^^ that will allow you to browse them a bit02:27
MrAnthropeSo anything easily installed and something that would work in a very old Nvidia geforce 5700LE, 1 gig of ram, and a 2.6GHz processor (from before dual core was a thing)02:27
MrAnthropeIt works on my PC. I just can't do anything because my mouse flips around the screen like crazy from the lag.02:28
JoeMaverickSettSuperTuxKart :D02:28
MrAnthrope0AD runs about 7 frames a second so that's not too bad. I run Guild Wars at about 9. It must be a RAM issue.02:28
MrAnthropeThough one of the developers said it's not a super ram intensive game.02:28
MrAnthropeI think the req is only 512. But it's still unplayable. Just barely.02:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
deejoeoh, I know02:29
deejoeaptitude install bsdgames02:30
deejoeyou haven't lived until you've played console tetris, MrAnthrope02:31
MrAnthropeboo tetris.02:33
MrAnthropeMy roommate used to play this stupid doctor mario tetris thing on N64. God I hated that game.02:34
zkriesse#ubuntu-beginners-team for off-topic banter/chat MrAnthrope02:34
MrAnthropeSorry. is there a gaming specific room?02:34
MrAnthropeI'm trying to find a game my computer will run.02:35
zkriesseYou mean a computer the game will run on?02:35
zkriesseMrAnthrope: Well not for the BT but if ya wanna chat just head on over to #ubuntu-beginners-team for all the fun02:36
MrAnthropelol no. I asked earlier if there was a linux/ubuntu gaming channel and no one answered me.02:36
zkriesseHmm not that Im aware of02:37
asterismohi people02:37
zkriesseWhatcha need help with?02:37
zkriesseasterismo: HI!!!!!!!02:37
asterismohere i am again02:37
asterismoi have a problem with terminal02:37
asterismotab autocompletion is not working02:37
asterismoin maverick02:37
zkriesseI didn't know you could tab complete in terminal?02:38
paultagzkriesse: dude of course you can02:38
paultagasterismo: there's a package you need. Did you uninstall anything lately>02:39
paultagzkriesse: dude, are you serious?02:39
zkriesseI never knew that02:39
paultagzkriesse: how can you hack without it? :)02:39
asterismocheck this out02:39
zkriessepaultag: I never played HUGE with terminal02:39
asterismosantiago@hyperion:~$ sudo apt-get remove --purgrep-status: /var/lib/dpkg/status:32952: expected a colon02:39
paultagzkriesse: :)02:39
asterismoafter --purge i pressed tab02:39
asterismoi wrote --purg so i expected complete to --purge02:39
paultagasterismo: I'm off my desktop and remote. Hey zkriesse, can you check your .bashrc for the app?02:39
paultagzkriesse: it'd be at the bottom02:40
zkriessemy what?02:40
paultagpackage cache something or other02:40
paultagzkriesse: your bashrc02:40
zkriesseI'm on WINDOWS02:40
paultagzkriesse: dude, what?02:40
paultagzkriesse: gah02:40
zkriesseYes...see? I told you that02:40
zkriesseL O L02:40
JoeMaverickSettis it this you need? # enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable02:41
JoeMaverickSett# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile02:41
paultagasterismo: you're the one with the damn problem :)02:41
JoeMaverickSett# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).02:41
JoeMaverickSettif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then . /etc/bash_completion02:41
* JoeMaverickSett is sorry for the paste though. :-/02:41
zkriessegotta go02:41
* zkriesse must study02:41
* paultag hugs JoeMaverickSett 02:41
paultagJoeMaverickSett: thanks, yup!02:41
paultagOh wait02:41
* JoeMaverickSett hugs paultag too! :D02:41
paultagzkriesse: good luck02:41
paultagJoeMaverickSett: that'll do! Thanks :)02:41
JoeMaverickSettpaultag: btw, your mythbusting posts are awesome! :D02:42
JoeMaverickSettno problem.02:42
paultagJoeMaverickSett: thanks!02:42
paultagJoeMaverickSett: any feedback on them?02:42
asterismodo i have something broke?02:42
paultagJoeMaverickSett: I love critisism :)02:42
paultagasterismo: well autocomplete is not working, right?02:42
paultagasterismo: wait, what do you mean sometimes02:43
deejoepaultag: oh, and where in the vast Ubuntiverse can these morsels of awesomeness be found?  Your blag?02:43
paultagasterismo: type "ec" then hit tab twice02:43
JoeMaverickSettpaultag: up to know i agree with your verdicts. :)02:43
paultagdeejoe: yup :) -- blog.pault.ag02:43
paultagJoeMaverickSett: good to hear :)02:43
asterismowhen installing something, like sudo apt-get install gwibber (that i have just uninstalled) it works, i write gwib(tab) and it completes02:44
asterismobut when trying to remove something, say inkscape, i write this02:44
asterismosudo apt-get remove inkgrep-status: /var/lib/dpkg/status:32952: expected a colon02:44
asterismosudo apt-get remove ink(tab) and say that grep-status thing02:45
asterismoany ideas?02:45
JoeMaverickSettpaultag: particularly liked the one about "Myth Busted#2: You need to program to contribute to Ubuntu"02:45
paultagJoeMaverickSett: thanks! I spent a few hours making sure I had all the right links :)02:46
paultagJoeMaverickSett: any ideas for the next one?02:46
paultagasterismo: hummm02:47
JoeMaverickSettpaultag: eh, no! :D02:47
paultagasterismo: it must have to do with the bash_completions.d stuff02:47
paultagasterismo: I honestly have no idea?02:47
paultagJoeMaverickSett: :)02:47
asterismocan this be reseted somehow?02:47
paultagasterismo: reinstall or something, perhaps?02:48
asterismoi distupgraded from lucid to maverick02:49
asterismocant really reinstall all again02:49
phillwpaultag: just the man I want to nag :D02:54
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
paultagphillw: yo dude02:56
paultagasterismo: sorry, hang around and as again02:56
paultagasterismo: I'm quad tasking :/02:56
paultagphillw: PM me, I'll get back to you02:58
asterismoanother question03:15
asterismowhy does gwibber do not show icon in window picker applet?03:15
MrAnthropehmm I've not used gwibber.03:18
capumm went to download some software got an "Items cannot be installed or removed until the package catalog is repaired"03:32
st33medI believe you need to open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get autofix"... I think03:34
kgunpowderCan anyone educate me on Ubuntu or Linux in general?03:35
capi've tried.  It's not working, is there a way to remove a program all together?03:37
MrAnthropesudo apt uninstall? or sudo apt remove? I can't remember...03:38
MrAnthropesudo apt-get uninstall NAME03:40
MrAnthropewhere NAME is what you want to uninstall.03:41
MrAnthropeSorry I'm still new.03:41
capit says invalid operation uninstall03:41
JoeMaverickSettsudo apt-get remove <package>03:42
MrAnthropeMaybe that's only if the package comes with an uninstall opetion.03:42
sebikulcap, try a sudo apt-get update03:42
caphurray! sudo apt-get remove <package>03:43
capthanks guys!03:43
sebikulkgunpowder, you better read the ubuntu community docs. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/community03:43
JoeMaverickSettfurthermore, if you want to clear out the packages that aren't required anymore, you could, sudo apt-get autoremove :)03:43
capthat just goes through and finds whats not needed?03:44
sebikulit removes the packages that are not required by any other packages03:44
capis it safe? sounds like it could not be03:45
JoeMaverickSettsebikul: +1 :)03:45
sebikulit's safe to do an autoremove from time to time03:45
* JoeMaverickSett does it all the time. :P03:45
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
* aveilleux uses Aptitude, so autoremove is done every time :P03:48
JoeMaverickSetti envy you, aveilleux :P03:48
adya893everybody please help me............my amnarok won't play....07:12
adya893everybody please help me............my amnarok won't play....07:13
bioterroradya893, is it a fresh installation or what07:14
adya893everybody please help me............my amnarok won't play....07:14
adya893yeah, i installed it from ubuntu software center07:14
bioterrorand it does not play mp3?07:15
bioterroradya893, http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/MP3:Kubuntu07:16
adya893 the sample mp3 coming from amarok its paly well, but my mp3 doesnt...07:16
bioterrorubuntu does not come with mp3 support by default as mp3 is propietary07:16
adya893so, what is solution for me?07:17
bioterrorTue09:16 <+bioterror> adya893, http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/MP3:Kubuntu07:17
adya893thank you,,,, i will try07:18
floorfillahello everybody, is there are any option to view .mde file..........................07:30
dtatadlHi all...new to ubuntu (trialling 10.04). I have previously connected laptop to sdtv (crt) using vista and powerstrip. I now want to use ubuntu (and xbmc) but cant add a 576i resolution using xrandr. Is anyone willing to run through a few ideas?11:23
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
fatharrahmanwhat should I do with the email  of encrypted key confirmation  to make my OpenPGP ?12:04
fatharrahmanTo confirm the key is yours, decrypt the message and follow the link inside12:09
fatharrahmanhow ?12:09
fatharrahmanthe message came how to decrypt it ?12:09
BlueSpecialI have a problem with Ubuntu 10.1016:11
BlueSpecialit doesn't shutdown16:11
BlueSpecialeven using terminal16:11
BlueSpecialit just hangs16:12
BlueSpecialwith "System will now halt"16:12
BlueSpecialMy PC is a Core Duo, 4GB Ram, Nvidia 930016:13
BlueSpecialany hints?16:13
hajourthink a few here are eating BlueSpecial16:13
UndiFineDBlueSpecial, do you require some sort of special acpi ?16:14
hajour:) UndiFineD16:15
UndiFineDI have seen some of this, but I do not full understand it at all16:15
UndiFineDI know it is acpi related, and that is about it16:15
BlueSpecialI use acpi=off noapic nolapic in order to OS boots16:15
UndiFineDand without the kernel line acpi=off the system will not boot ?16:16
BlueSpecialBefore, with just "quiet splash" all it appeared was a black screen and that was it... after adding acpi=off noapic nolapic is booting perfectly16:18
BlueSpecialbut I was told it was a Nvidia issue16:18
BlueSpecialshould I try nomodeset instead?16:18
UndiFineDI dont know, ... any kernel specialists in here ?!!?16:20
BlueSpecialI was reading this: http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-10-10-fix-the-screen-messed-up-at-start-up-and-shutdown16:21
BlueSpecialand maybe that's an alternative to my problem... but I didn't test it yet (work = Windows :()16:21
BlueSpecialI have to wait till I get home16:21
UndiFineDok, gl tonight then16:27
BlueSpecialthanks I will try it16:32
UndiFineDas a percaution you might want to turn of compiz first16:33
UndiFineDif the nv driver does not load you might be lacking GL16:33
UndiFineDand drop to cli16:33
bodhizazen'lo everyone =)20:43
pedro3005it's bodhizazen !20:44
bioterrorthe one and only! ;)20:44
bodhizazenafk for a bit20:47
tronyxi just got off the phone with the chief cyber commander20:56
tronyxwe are to be on cyber pumpkin color alert.  remain vigilant netizens20:56
nit-wittronyx, how is the ole cyber commander20:59
tronyxhe's doing well lol21:04
ross92I have a problem and the forums are moving way too slow21:15
ross92I installed ubuntu via the wubi windows installer and then rebooted.  I tried to boot ubuntu and rather than booting, it gave me a menu that led to a cmd line with every choice. one option was find /boot/disk, and that led to a "disk not found" messsage.  any ideas?21:17
bioterrorI've got no experience with wubi, I cannot help21:20
duanedesignhello Chii22:01
ChiiHello. I am installing Ubuntu on a CD less box using a USB stick22:01
bioterrorthat's the spirit!22:02
ChiiUbuntu does not recognise the Realtek network card. I have obtained the bzip2 driver file from Realtek directly.22:02
ChiiI've unzipped it directly to a variety of place on the usb stuck so that when the installer complains, it can search the usb stick for the drivers22:03
Chiithe motherboard is an Intel D510MO22:03
ChiiI've been googling for over an hour with no joy on how to slipstream the drivers inside the installer. Copying the drivers onto another usb stick and getting it to detect that doesn't work either22:04
bioterrorthat says it's native22:04
ChiiApparently it is native in 922:05
Chiibut not 10.1022:05
Chiiwhich is what I'm trying to install22:05
bioterrorI think you should try 10.04 and submit a bug report then22:05
Chiiif i install 10.04 can i smoothly apt upgrade to 10.10 at a later date?22:06
Chiii am looking to replace the native driver anyway - reports of poor performance22:06
bioterrorsudo do-release-upgrade -d22:06
Chiithats the puppy22:06
ChiiI'll grab the iso now22:06
bioterrorlet's see22:06
Chiithank goodness for adsl222:14
Chiidhcp up and running22:23
Chiididn't go nuts about no cd rom either22:23
Chiibit further but bedtime now.22:24
Chiiappreciate the assitance22:24
marvsterHi there, I'm new here and I have a problem looking for someone with an answer22:32
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
marvsterI'm looking for anyone that has successfully installed a Bamboo Fun Pen and Touch tablet in Ubuntu 10.04.  I've been on all the forums, tried most of the solutions posted and still don't have a working tablet.  Anyone out there that understands what to do and can explain it in a simple step by step process is very welcome and much needed22:34
marvsterWoops, I have to run, I'll check in again later.22:37
fatharrahmanI am trying to sign ubuntu code of conduct22:48
fatharrahmanI did my PGP key and now pasted it when press continue it give me an error ?22:49
fatharrahman(7, 8, u'Bad signature') this is the error22:49
fatharrahmanany help?22:51
hajourhai fatharrahman22:53
hajouri have asking for help for you22:53
fatharrahmanwhat should I do please22:53
hajourthey are also busy with others. they will come22:54
UndiFineDfatharrahman, http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/22:54
fatharrahmanok could you help me please?22:54
UndiFineDduanedesign, made this screencast to aid in this22:54
hajourping duanedesign22:55
duanedesignhmm, Bad signature :\22:55
hajourpGp key problem22:55
fatharrahmanUniFined and hajor I did  everything approximately now how to solve this error22:56
hajourfatharrahman,  needs help with the key22:56
duanedesignfatharrahman: have you uploaded your key to a public keyserver?22:56
hajourduanedesign,  is the expert about this and UndiFineD  nows how to22:57
fatharrahmanreceived encrypted email22:57
fatharrahmanand decrypted the email22:57
fatharrahmanand made PGP22:58
fatharrahmaneverything is well with PGP key but why this error?22:58
duanedesignfatharrahman: i am looking23:01
fatharrahmanhow to solve it?23:04
fatharrahman(7, 8, u'Bad signature')23:04
hajourPatience fatharrahman  duanedesign  is working hard to solve this23:05
fatharrahmanthank you hajour23:06
fatharrahmanhe is really23:07
hajourduanedesign,  is a very nice person who will do his best.23:09
fatharrahmanI am sure too23:10
fatharrahmanthank you very much23:10
hajourno problem your welcome23:11
duanedesignstrange error23:13
duanedesignI found this bug, but it is not the exact same scenario https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/61275423:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 612754 in launchpad-foundations "Submit Request Failure: Signature couldn't be verified: (7, 8, u'Bad signature') - with email signed and sent from sup-mail (affects: 7) (dups: 3) (heat: 36)" [High,Fix released]23:15
fatharrahmando you mean to email the bug Mr. ubot2 ?23:17
fatharrahmanor to past this in summary and press next?23:17
UndiFineDfatharrahman, you can click the link above and mark in launchpad as affects me too and subscribe to it23:20
fatharrahmanI clicked23:21
fatharrahmanwhat to write in summary box?23:22
UndiFineDwhat you did that made the error appear, which version you are using of gpg23:22
UndiFineDgpg --version           i think23:23
duanedesignfatharrahman: you got this error when uploading the signed Code of Conduct right?23:32
duanedesignor actually, when Copy & paste the complete text from an editor into the 'Signed Code' text field in launchpad23:34
duanedesignfatharrahman: might ask in #launchpad since i  think this might be a launchpad error23:37
duanedesigni am off for about 30 minutes23:37
fatharrahmanI reported a bug and attached the site23:38
fatharrahmanshould I go to #launchpad after this23:39
zkriessewait whats the errror?23:40
fatharrahmanI will also try to repeat copy paste from editor23:42

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