
CarlFK(veyepar)juser@dhcp42:~$ atftp shaz  <<< "get pxelinux.cfg/default"02:25
CarlFKtftp> get pxelinux.cfg/default02:25
CarlFKOverwite local file [y/n]? Segmentation fault02:25
CarlFK(veyepar)juser@dhcp42:~$ apport-cli02:25
CarlFKNo pending crash reports. Try --help for more information.02:25
CarlFKnatty install02:26
CarlFKshouldn't the segfault = crash report?02:26
yofelCarlFK: apport needs to be enabled in /etc/default/apport02:27
CarlFKSegmentation fault (core dumped)02:28
CarlFK(veyepar)juser@dhcp42:~$ apport-cli02:28
CarlFKNo pending crash reports. Try --help for more information.02:28
CarlFKwhere is the core dump file?02:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelCarlFK: apport needs to be enabled in /etc/default/apport02:30
CarlFKyofel: did that (which I am guessing is why I now get "core dumped")02:31
yofelCarlFK: 'initctrl status apport' shows it as started?02:31
CarlFK(veyepar)juser@dhcp42:~$ initctl status apport02:32
CarlFKapport start/running02:32
yofelare you running natty? I think there was some issue there, can't remember the details though at the moment02:33
CarlFKyes natty02:33
CarlFK(veyepar)juser@dhcp42:~$ ls /var/crash/02:33
CarlFKso 'that' works (i guess)02:33
yofelhm, then just file that, there's bug 683367 too, but that's about not even creating the .crash file02:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 683367 in apport (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "apport fails to create crash file during upgrade to 11.04 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68336702:34
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vishpedro_: hi … any decision on the mentor question i had asked yesterday? c2tarun is very eager to start bug triaging.. where shall we start grinding him? ;)13:46
pedro_hello vish13:48
pedro_vish, could you add him to the group A ?13:48
pedro_to start with that and see how it goes13:49
c2tarun yesterday i saw on wiki page that there are some mentors mentoring which tallies with my time slot. is there any way i can share that time with them??13:49
vishpedro_: ^13:49
pedro_well that's the idea of the team-A :-)13:49
pedro_you'll have like 5 mentors to help you out there13:49
vishso team A it is. :)13:49
c2tarunwhat is team A??13:51
vishpedro_: thanks.. i'll add him there, and send a mail with his info.13:52
pedro_c2tarun, is a subteam of the bugsquad-mentorship with 5 mentors on it that can help you out during your learning phase :-)13:52
vishc2tarun: sssh! its top secret, dont let others know ;)13:52
pedro_but don't let hggdh know about it13:53
pedro_is a secret13:53
c2tarunsure :)13:53
vishyes! not hggdh13:53
cdbsrevealing secrets on a public channel and naming a person to whom it should not be revealed?13:53
c2tarunyeah that is what i was about to ask!!13:54
vishcdbs: you missed the secret too.. so ;p13:54
hggdhpedro_, vish: don't let me know?14:02
vishhggdh: this cycle's newest secret.. :)14:03
nigelbpedro_: oh, we have a new secret for hggdh!14:16
nigelbpedro_: QA sprint is going on? ;)14:17
charlie-tcapedro_ vish hggdh did we pick a logo and put it on launchpad to go with team A?14:18
vishcharlie-tca: nope.. atleast not that i'm aware of.. :)14:19
pedro_i don't think so... but any admin can change it14:19
charlie-tcaThen we need to. Who gets to decide?14:19
* vish checks link again..14:20
* charlie-tca wants to close the action item for UDS14:20
vishpedro_, hggdh ^: so charlie-tca had the neat idea of using the 64px of 4/5 and the 14px of 1 , which seems a good option14:24
charlie-tcaleogg - 514:24
nigelbhehe, I like the icons14:25
vishyup.. 5 was my pick too :)14:25
c2taruncute icons :)14:27
charlie-tcaHere is 1 without the A - http://imagebin.ca/view/BD27lGe.html14:30
vishcharlie-tca: once pedro_ and hggdh decide, could you mail the ML that we need to icons? .. right now, it is a banner, but we need the individual icons to add to the lp team.14:30
vishcharlie-tca: that one, would fit quite well, for bugsquad :)14:31
charlie-tcaI didn't realize they weren't individaul items yet14:31
pedro_i like the orange one with the A on it ;-)14:32
pedro_let me see the number...14:32
pedro_heh i like leogg 114:32
pedro_but 5 is also good14:32
pedro_so we can use leogg 1 to replace the old bugsquad logo :-P14:33
vishpedro_: i think we can use 1 for BugSquad..14:33
vishthe 14px without the A would also work for BSquad..14:34
vishargh! there is no way BugSquad can be shortened … and not sound bad ;p14:34
vishso we are waiting for honorable hggdh to decide.. :)14:36
devildantevish: BgSqd, maybe?14:37
vishdevildante: yay! better, i hate typing.. :)14:37
charlie-tcaBy the way - Kernel Bug Day today! Everyone invited to help14:49
c2taruni was going through bug triaging page, who can change the importance of a bug.14:58
drosenbeevery day is kernel bug day14:59
drosenbei think i'm going to stay in userland for the week15:00
drosenbeexcept for maybe a few upstream patches15:00
charlie-tcathis is a planned kernel bug day. Everyday is a good day for bug triage, though15:01
drosenbei'm just giving you a hard time ;)15:02
charlie-tcac2tarun: bug-control members can change importance. You can give a bug number using bug ##### here, and someone will look at it if you tell us the importance you want.15:02
c2tarunhow can we look that a newly reported bug is duplicate or not??15:06
charlie-tcaYou can search through launchpad bugs for a similar issue and you compare stacktraces.15:08
devildantec2tarun: you have to search for similar bug reports15:08
c2taruni just read bug triaging page. where can i get some examples??? and from where should i start?16:03
c2taruncan anyone please help me in triaging this bug # 68665116:48
c2taruncan anyone please help me in triaging this bug #68665116:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 686651 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashed after downloading add on (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68665116:48
charlie-tcac2tarun: works better to leave off the #16:49
charlie-tcaI do real bad on firefox bugs16:50
c2tarunsure. in this bug report reported did not mentioned about the addon he/she was trying to install. in bug triaging i read that all the necessary info should be provided.16:51
charlie-tcaGreat! Have you found this page yet? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Debugging%20Firefox16:54
charlie-tcaYou can copy and paste the text in the dark box to the bug report, and set the status to incomplete. Subscribe so when the reporter answers you will know it.16:55
charlie-tcaThank you for helping with bugs. We do appreciate it very much16:56
c2taruni am just learning. this is my first one. :)16:56
bdmurrayDoes anybody know if there is a policy regarding consolidating duplicate debian bug reports?16:57
c2taruncharlie: can you please take a look at the bug page please.16:59
bdmurrayjcastro: what's that debian & ubuntu irc channel?17:02
micahgbdmurray: #debian-ubuntu on oftc17:02
micahgcharlie-tca: c2tarun: FTR, I don't think the retracers are running on karmic anymore17:03
c2tarunmicahg: so does that mean that comment i posted is wrong. it needs some modification??17:04
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micahgc2tarun: yes, also, we don't take firefox crash reports anymore17:08
* micahg needs to update the wiki docs17:08
charlie-tcaThanks, micahg17:08
c2tarunmicahg: very sorry, i was not aware of that.17:08
charlie-tcaSo that should be a 'invalid unless you can reproduce this issue in Firefox 3.6' comment?17:09
micahgcharlie-tca: well, for karmic, we're kinda SOL17:09
charlie-tcaI thought we upgraded firefox in karmic to 3.6 too, didn't we?17:10
micahgSo Outta Luck :)17:10
micahgcharlie-tca: yes, but we're not pushing symbols up to mozilla nor are enabling the crash reporter17:10
c2tarunSo that bug is invalid right??? just curious can you please tell why we dont take firefox crash reports anymore??17:11
charlie-tcac2tarun: The only thing we can do then is ask them to please try to reproduce the issue using the development release of Natty Narwhal.17:11
c2tarunok charlie17:11
charlie-tcause this one - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Needing%20testing%20in%20the%20development%20release17:12
charlie-tcaIf they can't reproduce it, we can close the report next month17:12
* charlie-tca was right. He does suck at firefox17:12
micahgcharlie-tca: well, we could ask for reproduce steps and try to reproduce a crash locally, then get a retrace locally, but that's a lot of work17:13
charlie-tcaLet's let them try and do it in natty. That is always a good way to go, anyway17:13
c2tarunmicahg: it is mention on the bug responses page that to check in Natty we have to download the live CD and boot into it and then check it.   this will be lot of work and the person reported is using 3.5 and now the version released is 3.6 + if we want to reproduce the bug, we still need to know the add on.17:16
charlie-tcac2tarun: yes, we expect them to do that work.17:17
micahgc2tarun: no, version is 3.6 source package is firefox-3.5, and natty version is 4.0b717:18
charlie-tcaIf a bug can not be verified in Natty or Maverick, it normally becomes fixed17:18
micahgactually, it should probably be invalid unless is was a confirmed bug17:18
c2tarunok. so i should just mark it invalid and as reporter to reproduce in Natty??17:19
micahgc2tarun: no, I meant if it works in natty it should be invalid17:20
c2tarunmicahg: sorry not gettting. if reporter reproduced it in natty as well then also bug is invalid??17:21
jcastrobdmurray: #debian-ubuntu on OFTC17:26
bdmurrayjcastro: yes I sorted it out17:26
bdmurrayjcastro: thanks17:26
c2tarunmicahg: sorry not gettting. if reporter reproduced it in natty as well then also bug is invalid??17:27
charlie-tcac2tarun: mark it incomplete. If the reporter can reproduce it natty, it will be confirmed17:28
charlie-tcaIf it can not be reproduced in Natty, it is invalid17:28
* charlie-tca thinks we confused c2tarun pretty good today.17:29
c2taruncharlie: :P ok i'll mark it incomplete, do i have to post a new comment to try to reproduce the bug with natty??17:29
charlie-tcataking care of it.17:32
charlie-tcadone, too17:32
charlie-tcathank you, c2tarun17:33
c2tarunno thank you all :)17:33
c2taruni'll try better next tym17:33
charlie-tcaWe will too. Trying to explain sometimes is more difficult than the actual report17:35
micahgc2tarun: sorry, lost connection there17:40
c2tarunmicahg: np, i think triaging is done. If possible please take a look. if its all correct than it will b a good example for me17:41
rsalvetican someone help reviewing and sponsoring bug 686320?17:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 686320 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "NetworkManager crashes with SIGSEGV while loading the usb0 interface on Panda (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68632017:53
rsalvetiit blocks network-manager on arm, and as a result the network doesn't work normally at our images17:54
rsalvetiit's just a backport from nm upstream17:54
rsalvetithis is for natty17:54
TeTeTrsalveti: you want to talk to cyphermox on #nm17:55
rsalvetiTeTeT: cool, thanks17:57
njin_hello, where i can found the 2.6.37-rc3 for maverick ? Thanks18:13
yofelnjin_: that sounds like a mainline build http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/18:15
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njin_yofel: thanks but the last is 2.6.37-rc2, i'm going to reread the post, if i'll found again.18:18
yofelnjin_: the maverick/natty suffixes are which kernel configuration is used for the mainline builds, they don't build the same kernel with different configurations, use the natty one18:18
crimsuni.e., http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.37-rc5-natty/18:19
njin_yofel: are you meaning that i can use a natty kernel in maverick ?18:19
crimsunyes, it works fine18:19
crimsunI use the mainline builds consistently18:20
njin_yofel, crimsun: thanks18:20
crimsunthen again, all my work is upstream, so I dogfood so that there aren't uncaught regressions18:20
njin_crimsun: after installing 2.6.37-rc2 in xorg we have (EE) RADEON(0): Unable to map MMIO aperture. Invalid argument (22)18:23
njin_. Is this related to this ?18:23
njin_to rc218:24
crimsunnjin_: could be, but you'll want to reproduce that in -rc518:27
njin_crimsun: ok i'm going to suggest to install it18:28
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c2tarunvish: can u help me in triaging but 68673620:15
njin_crimsun: in the rc5 is whorse  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/60284304/Xorg.0.log_20101207_220:15
c2tarunvish: ^_^20:22
yofellp 68673620:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 686736 in ubuntu "GNOME applets stopped when I switch between Unity and classic desktop interface. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68673620:22
c2tarunyofel: this error is on gnome desktop of natty. is there any way to reproduce it??20:23
yofelcan't help there I fear, I haven't used gnome in ages and don't know anything about unity20:24
c2tarunthats better coz i used GNOME only and still dont know about unity :(20:25
yofelnjin_: you need fglrx from natty, or possibly x-updates ppa if you use 2.6.3720:26
yofelnjin_: see lp 67186820:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 671868 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "package fglrx 2:8.780-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: fglrx kernel module failed to build (affects: 1) (heat: 150)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67186820:26
njin_yofel: thanks, i've suggested to install an intermediate version of upstream kernels, as he has net problems20:43
yofelwell, testing upstream kernels is part of the kernel bug workflow, it's just that fglrx is very easy to break20:44
JFonjin, what is the issue?20:46
njin_crimsun: one moment20:47
njin_i suggest install rc5 but fglrx is missed seems20:48
JFonjin, what is the bug number?20:49
njin_bug 68892420:49
ubot2njin_: Error: Bug #688924 not found.20:49
njin_bug 66892420:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 668924 in ubuntu "No wireless for Atheros AR9285 (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66892420:50
bdmurrayhggdh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Converting%20a%20bug%20report%20to%20a%20question21:38
hggdhbdmurray: what gives there?21:39
hggdhbdmurray: oh21:40
hggdhbdmurray: good!21:41
micahgbdmurray: do you mind if we discuss the foreign bugs again at the bugsquad meeting next week?21:41
bdmurraymicahg: could you be a wee bit more specific?21:41
micahgbdmurray: oh, it was one of your criteria for converting to question, also someone brought it up a few days ago, I wanted to start a discussion on teh ML, but the meeting is next week and figured it might be a good topic21:42
bdmurraymicahg: there was a thread on the mailing a bit ago and it was discussed at UDS a lot21:43
micahgbdmurray: right, but the conclusions I remember differ from what's on teh wiki, or maybe I wasn't paying enough attention21:43
bdmurraymicahg: okay as long as there is a specific question and not a general what do we do discussion again21:44
felipe_chey everybody, i was trying out natty and found a couple of "bugs" they aren't critical, but I wasn't sure where to post them (which package)21:45
micahgbdmurray: ok, maybe I should do it on the ML list then, it was more to clarify what do we do :-D21:45
charlie-tcafelipe_c: where are the bugs?21:46
felipe_cwell, it's the installer21:46
bdmurraymicahg: okay, the mailing list would likely get a wider audience21:46
charlie-tcadesktop cd or alternate cd?21:46
charlie-tcareport them using     ubuntu-bug ubiquity     from the live desktop21:47
yofelbdmurray: we want to use questions for non-english bugs too right21:47
bdmurrayyofel: yes non-english bugs should become questions in the answer tracker with the correct language specified21:48
micahgoh, hmm, I see I forgot to read the end of the old thread :-/21:48
yofelk, I remembered seeing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Not%20reported%20in%20English which needs an update too21:49
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hggdhargh! Got a beating from a mix of Hudson, couchdb, and firewalls :-(23:13
hggdhand dnsmasq...23:24
charlie-tcawell, at least they all hit together ;-)23:25
hggdhsort of. each one of them stopped at a time -- and figuring out all the failures was hell23:36
hggdhI am still trying, though :-)23:36
hggdhoh, and I forgot libvirt-bin and disk space23:41
charlie-tcaMay as well get the whole basket full if you are going to go through hell23:43
hggdhthank you for your support, charlie-tca :-)23:47
micahgcharlie-tca: do they offer  discounts at checkout?23:49
charlie-tcaYou are welcome :-)23:49
charlie-tcamicahg: if take a double load of it23:50

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