
dscasselAgenda for the next meeting (this coming Sunday): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010-12-1201:39
dscasselI'm thinking we could probably spend an hour talking about the website, but feel free to add stuff.01:40
BobJonkmanHi dscassel: can you add the meeting to http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca01:52
=== xfaf is now known as zul
billybigriggerthe new site looks good!18:23
dscasselbillybigrigger: Yeah. :)18:29
dscasselIt's just using the standard Ubuntu theme, but even that is a big improvement.18:29
billybigriggeri thought we didn't have control over the website?18:29
billybigriggermonths ago we tried to change the website and it failed...18:30
dscasselYeah, we do.  So we can change the theme all we want.18:30
dscasselWe haven't found anybody who wants to tackle that task, though.18:31
dscasselThe new website is on a new server that we control.18:31
billybigriggerthat's why18:31
billybigriggersomeone in the UK owned it before ya?18:31
billybigriggerthat's why our attempts failed :P18:31
dscasselIt was hosting provided by Canonical previously.18:32
billybigriggeryay!! my via card left LAX yesterday :) i might be able to flash my xbox soon! w00p w00p18:33
dscasselWhich was great at the time, but LoCo team IT issues don't seem to be high on their priority list.18:33
billybigriggerthe login for the site is for admins only?18:35
billybigriggerlogging in with my launchpad id does nothing18:35
dscasselWe'll have to create you an account to let you add content.18:36
dscassel(You don't need an account if you don't want to change things)18:36
billybigriggerwell i joined the web team on launchpad18:36
dscasselOkay, then. I can see if I can set you up tonight.18:37
dscasseltxwikinger: Do you have time to create an account for billybigrigger?18:37
billybigriggeryou guys rock :P18:39
guillaume_hi all18:39
guillaume_i have a question18:40
guillaume_i want to set-up a squid+dansguardian server with ncsa auth everything work except the auth any iudea ?18:40
guillaume_i have tried most of the how to on the net18:40
guillaume_nothing seem to work18:40
dscasselOoh, no clue.18:41
dscasselI've got squid running, but just a basix proxy, nothing exotic.18:41
billybigriggerguillaume_, nothing relevant on the server guide?18:41
guillaume_we need  multiple filtergroup + strongh filtering18:41
guillaume_no nothing the how to there is outdated18:42
txwikingerbillybigrigger: please come into the private query to give me some details18:42
billybigriggernothing related to dansguardian though18:44
dscasselSounds pretty specialized. Dunno where would be a good place to ask. Maybe #ubuntu-server?18:44
billybigriggerguillaume_, i assume none of that helps you?18:44
billybigriggeri agree with dscassel the server team's irc chan is probably a better place to ask :P18:45
guillaume_only the squidguard one i have not tried18:45
guillaume_i am the only one on ubuntu-server18:46
billybigrigger300+ users in there right now18:48
dscasselguillaume_: Check for misspellings. #ubuntu-server is a pretty big channel.18:51
* billybigrigger needs to shave18:55
billybigriggerthe itch is killing me!18:55
KombuchaKipUbuntu Vancouver LoCo celebration http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/2/6/b/f/highres_20109919.jpeg22:48
billybigriggerhaha nice23:18
KombuchaKipbillybigrigger: Huge party. I couldn't make it though.23:28
billybigriggerhaha i bet23:33

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