
chrisccoulsonnice, only 1 more class to implement for the ffox global menu, then i can finally try and build it :)00:49
RAOFOoh, nifty.00:51
RAOFI've been wanding a little more vertical space.00:51
robert_ancellRAOF, https://github.com/alanmcgovern/mono-introspect :)00:55
RAOFI noticed he'd popped into #mono with that.00:56
AmaranthDoes the lack of a date on the indicator clock applet bug anyone else?00:58
RAOFAmaranth: It bugged me so much I turned it on :)00:58
AmaranthWha? gconf-editor?00:58
RAOFdconf-editor has a check box for it.00:58
Amaranthoh, it's already using gsettings?00:58
Amaranthyay, strftime format00:59
RAOFrobert_ancell: It looks pretty cool, but doesn't seem to generate code at runtime (which would obviously be cooler ;))01:01
robert_ancellRAOF, it's a first step01:02
RAOFAt the very least it's got a working gir parser :)01:03
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* Amaranth wonders why "can't run compiz" bugs are suddenly getting marked as High05:17
AmaranthI would think not being able to run it is much less of an issue compared to "it started and froze"05:17
AmaranthThe sad thing is I guarantee this bug is going to be compiz crashing or refusing to run because the driver does not work correctly and the guy was using a livecd from before we got the bailer plugin05:18
didrocksgood morning07:06
glatzormorning mvo07:47
glatzormvo, do you have got some minutes to talk about lp:#65943807:47
pittiGood morning08:01
TheMusoGood morning pitti.08:02
didrockshey pitti08:04
didrockspitti: how was your long week-end? :)08:04
didrocks(seems you reconnected yesterday evening though)08:04
pittihey didrocks08:10
pittididrocks: very nice, thanks! went back to Dresden yesterday08:10
didrockspitti: how's the weather?08:11
pittifortunately I took an early train, the three connections after that got horrible delays due to the new snow08:11
pittididrocks: not much different here and there -- cold, and 20 cm snow :)08:11
didrocks3 connections Munich <-> Dresden? :/08:12
mvohey glatzor!08:13
pittididrocks: no, I meant the same connection an hour later (and 2, 3)08:13
pittihey glatzor, guten Morgen!08:13
* pitti waves to mvo08:13
mvohey pitti08:13
didrockspitti: oh ok! :)08:13
didrockshey mvo08:13
pittiglatzor: thanks for merging my aptdaemon branch!08:14
mvoglatzor: thanks for the unittest for this!08:15
glatzorhello pitti! Thanks for your work!08:15
mvoglatzor: I need to look into the libapt code to see what we can do, either it needs better locking or a way to re-read the required download08:15
mvohey didrocks08:16
glatzormvo, I added a small patch to the bug. It requires a lock on the lists for simulate08:19
mvothanks glatzor08:23
fta2hi, the gnome desktop in natty has been broken for almost a week now, is anyone still caring about that or is unity the only target now??08:28
pittiglatzor: do you plan an upload of the new aptdaemon soon? or do you want me or mvo to assist?08:29
mvofta2: broken in what way?08:29
fta2broken = no panel + gnome-keyring-daemon crash08:29
mvoI have a panel (well, half a panel)08:29
fta2gnome-session[4777]: WARNING: Unable to find provider '''' of required component 'panel'08:29
fta2** (gnome-keyring-daemon:5186): WARNING **: couldn't read 4 bytes from control socket: Connection reset by peer08:29
fta2happens on several machines08:30
fta2well, 3 out of 308:30
mvoglatzor: if its ready I'm happy to upload aptadmone, I just need to update s-c to the api changes08:30
mvofta2: hmm, seb128 will know, but he is not online :/08:30
mvoI only have a crashing windowlist applet08:31
fta2mvo, i can start the panel manually, but when i do that, apps launched for it appear on a random workspace, instead of on the current one08:32
glatzormvo, in the 0.4 branch I use lintian optionally to check local package files before installing08:32
mvoglatzor: nice08:32
didrocksfta2: the applet crashing is a compiz bug worked upstream08:32
fta2didrocks, metacity here08:32
glatzormvo, so it should have a recommend or suggest.08:32
mvosuggests probably08:33
didrocksfta2: ok, not the same issue then…08:33
fta2just filed bug 68637608:37
ubot2fta2: Bug 686376 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/686376 is private08:37
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glatzormvo, you want to reduce the default perl stack in ubuntu, right?08:38
didrocksfta2: are you in the gnome classic session?08:39
mvoglatzor: I think that is pitti goal yes08:39
mvoglatzor: why?08:39
pittiwell, I don't think we'll get that far08:40
pittithe discussion with Debian died down08:40
glatzormvo, because of lintian. perhaps we need a python port :)08:40
mvolike linda ;)08:40
pittiglatzor: lintian is not on the desktop CDs, so it can use whatever perl it likes :)08:40
glatzorpitti, but it would be nice to have it on the cd08:41
pittiglatzor: uh, why?08:41
glatzorpitti, there seem to be quite a range of broken package files arround provided by third party developers.08:42
pittiwell, at some level it would be "nice" to have the complete archive on the CD, but our archive kind of outgrows that :)08:42
pittiglatzor: well, that should be pulled in by devscripts or quickly or so08:42
glatzorpitti, and people tend to install those. I was pointed to the problem since I assuemed every deb package should have an installed-size field in aptdaemon08:43
glatzorpitti, e.g. the first class client from www.fristclass.com08:45
pittiglatzor: I'm slightly confused -- what does the installed-size: field have to do with lintian?08:46
glatzorpitti, but the installed-size issue is not the worst one08:46
pittithat's generated by dpkg-deb, isn't it?08:46
glatzorpitti, installed-size is required by the debian/ubuntu policy08:46
didrockspitti: apt-get install quickly is already quite scary (300Mb+) but sure, if you need additional dev package to suggest, do not hesitate. I don't think it should be a blocker :)08:46
pittiglatzor: ah, you mean it's not there in broken .debs08:46
glatzorpitti, right.08:46
glatzorpitti, but there are worse issues08:46
pittididrocks: 300 MB? wow, what did you do, install eclipse? :-)08:47
mvodidrocks: you see that from the wrong angle, try "its 300mb already anyway, one more will not hurt" ;)08:47
pittimvo: ah, so is it thmacs now?08:48
didrockspitti: of course :p no, it's basically devscript with all the dep chain that I should work on (installing postfix and sendmail for instance…)08:56
didrocksmvo: hehe, we use gedit by default :)08:56
didrockssalut seb128! ça va ?09:20
seb128lut didrocks09:21
seb128oui, some internet issues today I think due to the weather again but seems to be stable now09:22
and471didrocks, comment dit on en anglais "lut"?09:22
rodrigo_hey seb128, didrocks, and47109:23
seb128hey rodrigo_09:23
rodrigo_seb128, because of the weather? snowstorm?09:23
and471hi rodrigo_09:23
seb128how are you? had fun during the days off work? ;-)09:23
seb128and471, lut = salut in short09:24
rodrigo_seb128, yes, a lot of fun :)09:24
seb128I guess "hi" for "hello" is the what "lut" is to "salut"09:24
and471seb128, ah merci :)09:24
and471seb128, and you still pronounce without pronouncing the 't'?09:24
and471(like lu)09:24
didrocksseb128: Yeah, it seems you are in a cold area for now. Fun that there is almost no more snow there in the mountains…09:25
didrockshey rodrigo_!09:25
didrocksand471: we don't pronounce it :)09:25
and471didrocks, I thought so :)09:25
seb128and471, indeed, no "t" pronounced ;-)09:26
and471didrocks, seb128, do you use lut in speech as well as written communication?09:26
seb128no, rather in written way09:26
and471ah ok09:26
and471good, otherwise I might have said 'lut' to someone and got a funny look back xD09:26
and471seb128, didrocks, well thankyou for the french lesson, but now I must go :)09:27
and471see ya everyone09:27
mvoseb128: silly question, do we have gdbus in natty or is it just too new/changing for that09:35
seb128mvo, we have it in maverick09:36
seb128and it's not changing a lot, it's stable since glib 2.2609:36
seb128mvo, it's part of glib09:36
seb128do you plan to start porting to it?09:36
seb128or is that for new code?09:36
mvonew code09:37
mvofor now, porting maybe later09:37
mvoupdate-notifier is using some of the old code09:37
seb128seems dx guys have been happy about gdbus so far, let's see if you like it as well09:38
pittiglatzor: do you plan an upload of the new aptdaemon soon? or do you want me or mvo to assist?09:39
pittibonjour seb12809:39
seb128hey pitti09:39
seb128how are you?09:39
pittiI'm great, thanks!09:40
pittiseb128: how about you?09:41
seb128I'm fine thanks09:41
rodrigo_is LP down? or is it me?09:46
seb128rodrigo_, wfm09:46
seb128well browsing bugs works09:47
seb128not sure what part of lp you exerce09:47
seb128I didn't try to fetch a vcs09:47
rodrigo_just web, but I see other pages don't work neither, so it's me09:48
* rodrigo_ restarts router09:48
glatzorpitti, would be nice if you or mvo could make an upload. I am very short on time these days09:50
pittiglatzor: sure, we just didn't want to step on your toes; we'll handle that09:50
pitti(it unblocks a language-selector upload)09:50
pittimvo: want me to take care of this, or do you want to test the new version a bit more with software-center, etc?09:51
pittiit seems that software-center crashes right away for me now09:51
mvopitti: ok, is the packaging bzr current? then I build a local version and try it out09:52
pittimvo: it's not; I can't commit to it09:52
glatzormvo, afaik you should only need to adapt the commitpackage call.09:52
pittimvo: but I'm happy to prepare a branch and update it there09:52
pitti(unless someone adds me to ~aptdaemon-developers)09:53
glatzorpitti, mvo! see you guys! thanks09:53
pittiso there goes my question about doing an upstream release 0.41 :)09:54
mvopitti: no worries, that is pretty trivial, I test it09:57
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pittimvo: for l-s I just set PYTHONPATH to the upstream checkout09:57
pittimvo: does the current natty s-c package start for you? it immediately crashes here09:58
pittiAttributeError: 'Query' object has no attribute 'get_description'09:58
mvopitti: *ick* that is a different one, fixed in trunk09:59
pittiah, good09:59
mvopitti: I upload a new version before lunch09:59
pittimvo: hang on09:59
seb128ok, I lost track of that l-s discussion now09:59
pittimvo: if you need to fix something else for aptdaemon 0.41, you better include that as well?09:59
seb128pitti, thanks for following on it09:59
pittiseb128: I unsub'ed the sponsors for that reason :)10:00
mvopitti: yeah, that is the plan10:00
mvopitti: so if its broken anyway currently, just go ahead and upload10:00
mvopitti: then I fix the remaining issues in s-c and upload10:00
pittimvo: and send you a merge proposal for the branch?10:00
mvosounds good10:00
mvoglatzor should just add you to the team10:00
pittimvo: would you consider doing an official 0.41 upstream release?10:00
pittior should I do a 0.40+bzr snapshot for now?10:01
mvopitti: 0.40+bzr for now10:01
mvopitti: glatzor is handling the releases so far10:01
mvopitti: let me know if you run into any issues, you probably need to adept some patches for the 0.40+bzr release10:12
pittimvo: right, but no hard problems so far10:12
mvopitti: could you move to dh_python2 as well while at it?10:13
pittimvo: sure10:13
pittimvo: I also wanted to move to 3.0 (quilt), and make a few other policy updates; ok?10:14
pittinevermind, it's already 3.010:14
seb128pitti, don't forget about the meeting reminder10:15
pittiseb128: cheers10:15
seb128it's my weekly reminder about the reminder :p10:15
* pitti hugs seb12810:17
* seb128 hugs pitti10:17
pittiseb128: do you have someone to remind you of it?10:17
seb128no, but I should ask didrocks to remind me if I forget to remind you!10:18
pittiwe just need to extend that chain so that we close them on both ends10:20
* didrocks is the reminder of the reminder :)10:21
didrocksmvo: I've just pushed some nice community work in software-properties trunk (for add-apt-repository). Maybe that can wait and don't worth an upload right now or do you think it's better to upload right away?10:23
mvodidrocks: looks good, just upload10:25
pittiah, didrocks is patch pilot *hug*10:25
* didrocks hugs pitti back10:26
didrocksmvo: ok, thanks :)10:26
pittimvo: ok, works wonderfully here; shall I just upload, and you pull lp:~pitti/aptdaemon/040-update into lp:~aptdaemon-developers/aptdaemon/ubuntu-natty ? or do you want to review the changes first?10:43
pittiah, you already said, nevermind10:43
pittimvo: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/aptdaemon/040-update/+merge/4292110:46
pittimvo: perhaps you want to pull instead of merge, to keep the individual history10:46
mvopitti: thanks, I merged and updated the location in .bzr-builddeb/defaults.conf too10:47
pittimvo: ah, nice10:47
* pitti uploads his gtk3ized language-selector then \o/10:48
seb128pitti, excellent ;-)10:49
mvopitti: is it actually installing languages for you? I get get a crash, debugging it currently11:03
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pittimvo: it did a few days ago11:03
pittimvo: I'll have a look right away11:03
pittimvo: Qapla'11:09
pittimvo: I selected "add/remove languages", enabled Klingon and "Apply", and it successfully installed the -tlh langpacks; I'm back to the main GUI11:09
pittimvo: are you using current bzr head for aptdaemon and langauge-selector?11:09
pittimvo: what's the crash for you?11:10
mvopitti: I was working with software-center, I fixed one issue that is releated to the language (trivial in aptdaemon trunk), the next one is deep in libapt11:10
pittimvo: just tried removing packages, works as well11:11
mvothere is one issue that you only get with  a locale that aptdaemon has no translations for (I use en_DK )11:12
mvobut that is fixed in trunk now11:12
pittiah, I didn't test that11:12
mvoits a bit unusual I guess, but was easy11:12
mvothe next one is a crash in the actiongroup in libapt, I suspect it was there forever, but some of the new compiler magic now uncovered it, lets see what I find out11:13
pittimvo: are these regressions due to the new aptdaemon 0.40?11:13
mvopitti: it looks like the new "with cache.actiongroup()" is triggering it, so yes, but also no, the bug is older11:18
pittifunny -- empathy now shows myself as "persons nearby" (bonjour)11:39
pittiZdra: ^ known bug?11:39
Zdracassidy, ^11:39
cassidypitti, as a merged contact ?11:39
pitticassidy: yes, I think so; a right-click on it shows my jabber,  gtalk, and bonjour IDs11:40
pittibut it's shown under the "Persons near me" category (loosely translated from German)11:40
cassidythat's probably you have your jabber account in your gtalk roster (or the other way)11:40
cassidyfolks automatically merge your "self" accounts11:41
cassidyincluding Salut11:41
pittiit just started doing that today11:41
pittiand I didn't touch my account config for months11:41
cassidyit is still displayed if you disconnect your gtalk and jabber account ?11:41
pitticassidy: yes11:42
pittinow it's just bonjour11:42
cassidyok, that's a salut issue then11:42
pitticassidy: thanks; I'll file a bug against that then11:42
pittithanks for pointing out the package11:42
pitti2010-12-03 06:50:26 status installed telepathy-salut 0.4.0-111:42
pittihm, that's since Friday11:42
pitticould very well have happened since then already, I was mostly offline during the weekend11:43
pitticassidy: I'll try downgrading, and make some tests, and file a bug; thanks!11:43
pitticassidy: hm, it's a bit fiddly; I downgraded to salut 0.3.13, and now I see myself as "Ungrouped"; upgrading to salut 0.4.0 again keeps me in "ungrouped" now11:47
pittiI quickly see myself in "people nearby", then I move to "ungrouped"11:47
cassidyyou just have salut connected, right ?11:47
pittino, jabber etc, too11:48
* pitti tries with guest account11:48
pitticassidy: ok, also happens in the guest session, i. e. with clean home dir/config; I see "guest" in empathy, with just the salut accout11:49
pitticassidy: so it seems to be a more general "empathy shows myself in the user list" bug?11:50
pitticassidy: would that be empathy, or telepathy-mission-control or something else?11:50
cassidypitti, I'd say empathy or salut11:51
pittifun, I can talk to myself! :-)11:52
didrockspitti: are you nice with yourself? :-)11:53
pitticassidy: filed as bug 686516 now11:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 686516 in empathy (Ubuntu) "[natty] Empathy contact list shows myself (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68651611:57
pittioh, empathy was upgraded just today11:58
* pitti downgrades and tests11:58
rodrigo_pitti, is there any way to show an image in apport dialogs, from a symptom module?11:59
pittirodrigo_: not right now, I'm afraid11:59
rodrigo_pitti, would it be hard to add it?12:00
pitticassidy: ok, confirmed that it's a regression between 2.32.1 and .2; added to the bug12:01
cassidydid you test using the same folks version ?12:01
pitticassidy: yes, I kept everything the same, just downgraded empathy and empathy-common12:01
pitticassidy: I noticed that the current natty package imported some fixes from upstream git, though12:02
pittiempathy (2.32.2-0ubuntu2) natty; urgency=low12:02
pitti  * debian/patches/00git_folks_aliasable_groupable.patch:12:02
pitti  * debian/patches/00git_individual_methods.patch:12:02
pitti    - Use latest libfolks API12:02
pitticould that be it?12:02
cassidymaybe yeah12:02
pittiok, added that to the bug; not that urgent12:03
pittithanks for the suggestions so far12:03
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glatzorpitti, there is gobject introspection of vte in universe? will this be included in main?12:15
seb128glatzor, if someone updates vte to build a gir12:17
seb128which is the way to go12:17
=== pthsWork_ is now known as pthswork
didrockspitti: I have apport not showing when I get a new crash report (the crash report is in /var/crash). It's not the first time, last time I cleaned /var/crash/ to get crash report again.12:37
nessitahello all!12:37
didrockspitti: I'm wondering if the issue is apport or update_notifier, I'm seeing that I have two files own by root…12:37
didrockshey nessita, how are you?12:37
didrockspitti: is there an easy way to help you debug that? (I'm looking right now at what update_notifier is launching)12:38
nessitapretty good!12:38
nessitaI upgraded one of my computers to natty, and I would like to enable unity, but choosing either "Desktop" or "Classic" edition both show my "old" desktop12:38
seb128didrocks, I think it's update-notifier12:38
seb128nessita, hey12:39
seb128nessita, what videocard and driver do you run?12:39
didrocksseb128: ok, looking at what it does and trying to launch that by hand :)12:39
didrocksnessita: do you get a message when it shows you the "old" desktop on the Destkop session?12:39
seb128didrocks, I think it didn't print the "crash detected" info when I was running it by hand12:39
didrockslike "your video doesn't support…"12:39
glatzorseb128, pitti, can you tell me why the pygi-convert.sh scripts replaces the __init__ calls of parent classes by gobject ones?12:39
nessitaseb128: my video card is Intel, I'm not sure if the driver was updated properly12:39
didrocksseb128: diving into the code :)12:40
nessitadidrocks: I didn't get any message at all12:40
didrocksnessita: but you still have a gnome-panel?12:40
seb128nessita, there is no way intel would not be updated correctly12:40
nessitavideo seems to be correct, i91512:40
nessitadidrocks: yes, my exact former desktop12:40
seb128nessita, do you have unity installed???12:40
didrocksso, it's not the compiz fallback, it prints a message in any case12:40
glatzorpitti, seb128 what is wrong with : class MyButton(Gtk.Button):12:40
glatzor    def __init__(self):12:40
glatzor        Gtk.Button.__init__(self)12:40
nessitaseb128: I don't know!!! :-)12:40
seb128nessita, dpkg -l | grep unity12:41
nessitaseb128: I didn't choose it explicitly, I thought it would install alone12:41
seb128glatzor, not sure why it replaces those, maybe pitti knows12:41
nessitaseb128: yes, is installed12:41
seb128nessita, what session did you select?12:41
nessitaseb128: I've tried both "Desktop" and "Classic"12:42
seb128like which one do you use now?12:42
didrocksgconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager12:42
didrocksgconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/apps12:42
didrocksnessita: ^^12:42
nessitadidrocks: trying...12:42
didrocksgconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel12:42
seb128ok, I will let didrocks comment12:42
didrocksfor the secon :)12:42
seb128no need to be 2 of us debugging the same issue12:42
didrocksseb128: if gconf is right, I'll let you take it as I'll be clueless for now :)12:43
nessitadidrocks: metacity, no value set for bla, gnome-pane;12:43
didrocksnessita: ok, you changed those value :)12:43
nessitadidrocks: I did not12:43
didrocksnessita: well, metacity can be set by a gui12:43
didrocksfor panel isn't…12:43
didrocksso you should have the default which is… nothing :)12:44
didrocksnessita: no worry, let's change that:12:44
didrocksgconftool-2 --unset /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager12:44
glatzorpitti, seb128: I got an answer from #python: tomeu> glatzor: we need to call gobject.__init__ because that will create a C instance of the correct class12:44
glatzor<tomeu> you want a C instance of your class, not of its parent12:44
didrocksgconftool-2 --unset /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel12:44
didrocksnessita: then print the -g result again, please :)12:44
seb128glatzor, ok12:45
nessitadidrocks: the values I pasted above are when using classic desktop. I just switched to ubuntu desktop, and I got: metacity, no value set for bla, ''12:45
didrocksnessita: ok, unset the first one then12:45
nessitadidrocks: shall I make those modifications being on classic or dekstop?12:45
didrocksdesktop as you want unity I guess :)12:46
nessitaon it!12:46
didrocksnessita: for the panel, I think you may have a saved session12:46
didrocksnessita: did you saved your session once?12:46
nessitadidrocks: I have the "automatically remember running application when loggin out" enabled, so I think my session is saved every time12:48
nessitadidrocks: ok, new values are now: gnome-wm, no value set..., ''12:48
didrocksnessita: that's bad :)12:48
didrocksnessita: can you disable that? :)12:49
nessitadidrocks: no! that's my life :-)12:49
didrocksnessita: so you won't be able to switch between sessions :)12:49
didrocksand no unity :p12:49
nessitabut but but12:49
didrocksnessita: will be fixed in a week, if I find time :)12:49
* nessita grumbles12:50
didrocksso disable that and rm ~/.config/gnome-session/saved-session/*12:50
nessitadidrocks: ok, so, the gconf values are now correct?12:50
didrocksnessita: ahah, will next time I have an ubuntu crash :)12:50
didrocksnessita: yes, there are!12:50
didrockswill see*12:50
* didrocks should stop eating words and letters12:50
nessitadidrocks: ok, setting disabled and sessions removed12:51
nessitadidrocks: what now?12:51
didrocksnessita: logout and login12:52
nessitaseb128: in the mean time... is the new u1cp package ok or do I need to fix something else?12:52
didrocksyou should get a new shiny unity :)12:52
nessitadidrocks: ack12:52
nessitadidrocks: I dooooooooo!12:53
didrocksseb128: I was quite surprised to get no bug report on the session btw, unlike in maverick where we got this kind of bugs in the cycle very early ^^12:53
didrocksnessita: nice!12:53
nessitaALT+F2 will not work! oh my god! I'm useless without it!12:53
nessitabring it back!12:53
nessitadidrocks: how am I supposed to do any work if I can't open a terminal?12:54
didrocksnessita: for allpha212:54
didrocksnessita: ctrl + alt + t12:54
nessitadidrocks: ok, thanks12:55
nessitadidrocks: good work!!!12:55
didrocksnessita: well, thanks the dx team :)12:55
nessitadx_team: thanks!!!12:57
nessitadidrocks: how can I have a clock in unity?13:14
pittiglatzor: g-i vte is against gtk2, it doesn't work; we need a gtk3 version13:15
glatzorah ok13:15
didrocksnessita: you should get one with indicator-datetime13:16
didrocksnessita: it is installed?13:16
nessitadidrocks: nopes, it wasn't, installing now13:16
pittididrocks: did something crash which already crashed before at this day?13:16
pittididrocks: for root crashes you'll get an update-notifier icon in the panel, and need to click on it (since it needs gksu)13:17
pittididrocks: perhaps this needs to be ported to be an appindicator?13:17
didrockspitti: well, my /var/crash is quite full :)13:17
didrockspitti: right, but even without that, we saw last time with an empty /var/crash I got no issue13:17
pittiglatzor: you can't currently call parent constructors with gi in constructors; it seems you can only create gobjects and pass properties13:17
pittiglatzor: I don't know whether it's planned to work around this in pygobject at some point13:18
didrocksso maybe the bug is "when you have a crash root" and that it tries to show in the systray, it's blocked and then abort13:18
didrockspitti: but that shouldn't prevent the new crash to popup a dialog, isn't it?13:18
pittiglatzor: the problem is that in a constructor you already have a self, so you can't call e. g. self = Gtk.button_new()13:18
pittiglatzor: ah, seems you already talked to tomeu13:19
seb128nessita, u-c-p accepted13:19
didrocksnessita: indicator-datetime is an unity recommends, do you install recommends? (it's the default)13:19
kklimondagood afternoon13:21
pittididrocks: in theory no13:21
pittididrocks: in practice, perhaps u-n gets upset about not being able to display itself in the unity panel?13:21
didrockspitti: let's try to create new crashers and to remove some stuff in /var/crash little by little13:21
didrockspitti: yeah, that's my guess13:21
pittididrocks: you can run update-notifier in a terminal to see what it's doing13:21
didrockspitti: it's working when you don't have anything to show (like no root crash), but not for the rest13:22
didrockspitti: well, I tried that and it print nothing like "detected crash…"13:22
pittididrocks: so I guess it's related to displaying the notification icon13:22
didrockspitti: yeah, let's try 1. trigger a new crash13:22
didrocks2. remove the "root owned crash" and trigger a crash13:22
didrockspitti: confirmed, 2. made apport appearing, so yeah update-notifier is upset when it can't show in the systray13:26
didrocksseb128: you take care of porting update-notifier, isn't it?13:26
seb128sort of13:27
seb128I started on it but it has lot of weird usecase that don't work well with libappindicator13:27
seb128so I'm not sure what to do13:27
seb128like it displays an icon with a tooltip explain to run apt-get -f install when apt is in a weird config13:28
seb128or it has code to display a restart icon13:28
didrocksbut that's deactivated, right?13:28
pittithe restart icon can be dropped, I think13:29
seb128pitti, I suggested that but mvo is against it13:29
seb128he said xubuntu or other still need it13:29
seb128so I basically stepped away from porting to libappindicator13:29
didrockshum, so one indicator for that is not great… we can't have multiple indicator for a service I guess?13:29
seb128didrocks, so feel free to pick it up if you know what to do with those13:29
seb128the other option is to just port the apport icon to libappindicator13:30
seb128so having both a notification area icon and an appindicator13:30
didrocksand let the other using systray as we don't use that, right13:30
seb128but that feels suboptimal13:30
GunnarHjpitti: Since I saw that you are having issues with Empathy, I thought I'd mention that I don't find you in the contact list for this room (unlike last week).13:30
GunnarHjpitti: I'm still on Maverick, and haven't made any Empathy changes lately.13:30
didrocksat least, that won't prevent people to file bug report for now13:30
seb128I'm not even sure if they would not conflict if there is no indicator container13:30
pittiGunnarHj: ah, I'm not using empathy for IRC13:31
seb128kklimonda, hey13:31
GunnarHjpitti: Still strange that you aren't there, isn't it?13:32
seb128kklimonda, can you set me as admin from the gnomemm team as well?13:32
pittiGunnarHj: *ond*13:32
pitti*nod*, even13:32
kklimondaseb128: sure13:32
nessitadidrocks: I don't... that may be it13:33
seb128kklimonda, thanks13:33
didrocksnessita: yeah, you should use the distro defaults :)13:33
nessitaseb128: THANKS!13:33
nessitadidrocks: I wasn't aware it was a distro default, I unset that from aptitude a long time ago13:34
seb128nessita, you're welcome13:34
kklimondaseb128: done13:35
seb128kklimonda, thanks13:35
seb128kklimonda, don't worry about ubuntu-desktop being unsigned and signed in again13:35
seb128kklimonda, I was trying to see if there was a way to set the ubuntu-desktop admin as admin of this team as well13:36
seb128seems not13:36
seb128kklimonda, ok, is there anything blocking moving the glibmm, atkmm and gtkmm vcs there?13:37
seb128kklimonda, can you push those with an updated control?13:37
kklimondaseb128: I don't think so, I'll do that today13:37
seb128kklimonda, I will review atkmm and gtkmm now13:37
seb128ok great13:37
seb128jcastro, hey13:38
kklimondaseb128: and should I worry about you deactivating yourself? ;)13:43
seb128kklimonda, no, I just wanted to check for the ubuntu-desktop admin thing, I don't need to be admin of that one I've enough other teams and I've undirect subscription by ubuntu-desktop as well13:43
GunnarHjpitti: Had to look up "nod"; think I get it. ;-)13:44
kklimondaseb128: ah, I see13:44
GunnarHjpitti: Will reply on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/553162 this evening. Maybe we can talk tomorrow?13:44
seb128kklimonda, but thank you for asking ;-)13:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 553162 in language-selector (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Set $LANGUAGE if the user picks a different locale in gdm, so that language-selector and gdm stop disagreeing (affects: 30) (dups: 10) (heat: 188)" [Undecided,In progress]13:44
kklimondaseb128: I've assumed that direct membership (and deactivation) takes precedence over indirect subscribtion13:44
pittiGunnarHj: I'm currently fixing gdm, and will then look at your current branches13:45
pittiGunnarHj: yes, I'll be here; I was just off yesterday13:45
GunnarHjpitti: Great!13:45
seb128kklimonda, the launchpad ui suggests that not, I'm still listed as member of the team by ubuntu-desktop membership, I will let you know if I've any issue13:46
mvopitti, seb128: (on the phone) please don't drop stuff from update-notifier, I would like to go the reverse way and create a new minimal event-notifier and remove the autoopen stuff from u-n and move that to universe13:47
kklimondahmm, anyone is using Evolution with Unity in natty? I can't find the "Hide Read Messages" item in the View menu13:49
kklimondaand I'm not sure if it's missing because of the new Evo version or is it a bug in appmenu-gtk13:50
seb128it's due to evo13:51
seb128I guess they want you to use the combo displayed before the messages lists13:51
kklimondahmm, good to know there is a combo - I haven't noticed it :)13:52
seb128the only difference is that the combo settings are dynamic13:52
seb128where the menu items was a manual action13:52
kklimondaI guess I'm a prime example of how changing an existing UI can confuse users..13:52
seb128so if you set on "show only unread" it will hide read messages when you enter the box13:53
seb128which is not exactly what you had before13:53
kklimondayes, I can see that now - it's just that I have used the menu items for so long that I didn't even look for an alternative.13:53
pittiseb128: has it been discussed already to update gdm to 2.32?}13:55
seb128pitti, not sure discussion is needed13:56
pittiseb128: want me to work on it?13:56
seb128pitti, it's just a fdi thing ;-)13:56
pittiseb128: right, my question was "do we have reasons not to"13:57
seb128pitti, if you want please do13:57
pittiseb128: I don't immediately see any gsettings problems there, as it only uses files13:57
seb128pitti, I don't think 2.32 uses gsettings13:57
seb128it's just that gdm update tends to break things and required lot of patches updates13:58
pittiok, I'll walk through it13:58
pittiour current package doesn't build13:58
pittibut git head does13:58
seb128just take 2.32 I guess13:58
pittiso instead of tracking this down, I'd rather like to go forwards13:58
seb128we didn't do it last cycle because we though the issues potential against win was not worth it13:59
seb128well that's because we didn't know how it would turn for GNOME3 until late in the cycle13:59
seb128it's probably fine to update now we are still earlier in natty13:59
seb128we have time to deal with issues if there is any coming13:59
GunnarHjdidrocks: Hi Didier! Saw that you unlinked https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/natty/gdm/lp-553162 from http://launchpad.net/bugs/553162 this morning. (I linked it again before I noticed it was you, and not my mistake.) Since I'm trying to figure out how things around here work, I'm just wondering about the reason for unlinking. After all, the branch is closely related to the bug.14:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 553162 in language-selector (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Set $LANGUAGE if the user picks a different locale in gdm, so that language-selector and gdm stop disagreeing (affects: 30) (dups: 10) (heat: 188)" [Undecided,In progress]14:01
didrocksGunnarHj: hey, IIRC, I unlink the "old branch" to link again the new branch (the old merge was giving a 404 as I think you removed it, right?)14:02
didrocksGunnarHj: isn't lp:~gunnarhj/gdm/lp-553162 the new one?14:03
didrocksthe one in merge https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gdm/lp-553162/+merge/4291414:04
GunnarHjdidrocks: Ah, I did quite a few things in a short time frame...  You are right about the new one; the other is targeting natty (with the same content)14:05
didrocksGunnarHj: there should only be one for mental sanity… it was showing it multiple times in the sponsor list and linked to a 404 page (deleted merge proposal) hence the fact I removed it :)14:05
GunnarHjdidrocks: I see, then I understand. :)14:06
didrocksGunnarHj: no worry, in any case, pitti unsubscribed the sponsors now and will handle it (I was just cleaning that, and pinged pitti to confirm he was on it), the discussion on the bug report is getting way too specific and complex for someone else starting reviewing from scratch :)14:07
GunnarHjdidrocks: Maybe there is no reason for preparing more than one? Maybe the same branch can be merged to more than one branch?14:08
GunnarHjdidrocks: You are absolutely right about reviewing. ;-)14:08
didrocksGunnarHj: I think in your case there isn't any reason, but again, it's as you wish and as pitti is confortable with now :)14:08
GunnarHjdidrocks: Ok. Thanks for helping clarify things!14:09
didrocksGunnarHj: you're really welcome, thanks for your work on this hard issue :)14:09
seb128didrocks, what is the equivalent of autoreconf; ./configure && make14:09
seb128in cmake world14:09
seb128i.e unity14:09
didrocksseb128: there is none, mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake ..14:10
didrocks(no no autoreconf-like in cmake)14:10
didrocksall is rebuilt each time you cmake ..14:10
didrocks(rebuilt == configuration/Makefiles)14:11
seb128didrocks, ok thanks14:11
mvoseb128: can you please moderate a message from me to ubuntu-desktop ? no idea why it thinks I'm not subscribed14:11
seb128mvo, done and you are whitelisted now14:14
bcurtiswx_anyone having trouble recently clicking on anything dealing with unity14:16
bcurtiswx_i can't click anything on the top ro side panel14:17
seb128mvo, are you on the list?14:18
seb128mvo, ie do I need to Cc you on reply or not?14:18
seb128bcurtiswx_, weird14:19
bcurtiswx_is there a way to restart unity without restating session ?14:19
seb128compiz --restart14:19
mvoseb128: I'm on the list14:21
mvoseb128: but maybe with michael.vogt@gmail.com14:22
cdbsseb128: Green signal for updating gnome-power-manager for the ppa?14:35
seb128cdbs, check with chrisccoulson or pitti14:35
seb128you should perhaps try to find something easier14:36
pittiI haven't looked at that one yet; but didn't we say we wouldn't go for gsettings this cycle?14:36
seb128seems they are refactoring this one to move things to gnome-settings-daemon14:36
seb128pitti, it's for the gnome3 ppa14:36
seb128not for natty14:36
jcastroseb128: what can I do for you?14:36
pittino objections fom my side then, as long as it works :)14:36
* cdbs will make an attempt14:36
cdbsthanks pitti14:36
seb128cdbs, you can try things like totem if you want14:37
cdbshmm, thanks for an example14:37
seb128or evince14:37
cdbsthanks, will look at totem right now14:37
* cdbs gets down to resolving patches14:37
pittiok, gdm patches mangled sufficiently to let it build .. now let's see whether it actually works :)14:42
bcurtiswx_empathy has been mangled to let it start building, but im failing part of the way through :(14:43
pittiseb128: new gdm uploaded; at least it helped to drop 7 patches14:56
bcurtiswx_is the desktop gnome3 PPA going to eventually end up in natty?14:57
seb128pitti, \o/14:57
bcurtiswx_seb128, i've been working on empathy for a while now and it's failing to build after a while into the process.  I'm talking to cassidy and he believes it's a problem with my changes (which is most likely true due to my new-ness to everything).  Would you be able to check out https://code.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.91.3 and see if you notice anything extremely wrong with what i've done?15:04
seb128kenvandine, ^15:05
cassidywould be better to have the full build logs15:05
seb128kenvandine, is patch pilot today ;-)15:05
bcurtiswx_OK, cassidy i'll get that to you ASAP15:05
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, sure :)15:05
bcurtiswx_how do I get bzr bd to log the build ?15:07
kenvandineugh... so that requires the gnome3 ppa to build15:07
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, yup :)15:08
seb128kenvandine, if you don't have it maybe rodrigo_ can help there15:12
rodrigo_kenvandine, sure, where can I help?15:13
seb128rodrigo_, see what bcurtiswx_ asked 10 minutes ago15:13
rodrigo_ah, building empathy, sure15:14
kenvandinei just setup pbuilder to pull from the ppa ;)15:14
rodrigo_kenvandine, so, do you need me to build it?15:15
kenvandinerodrigo_, no thanks, i am on it15:15
bcurtiswx_where can i upload a log to?15:16
bcurtiswx_well it's a .txt file15:17
seb128well open in gedit, select, copy, paste in firefox?15:17
bcurtiswx_seb128, yeah I guess i was just not sure due to its length15:17
bcurtiswx_but ok15:18
bcurtiswx_gedit segfaults.. great..15:18
seb128bcurtiswx_, well otherwise if you have a webserver scp there15:18
seb128or email it to kenvandine if you want to send him the log15:18
bcurtiswx_cassidy, kenvandine http://aurora.gmu.edu/~bcurtis/files/empathy_build_log.txt15:20
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, ok... that means one of the patches is broken for gtk315:22
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, look at 31_really_raise_window.patch15:22
kenvandineor drop it for now to just confirm it builds15:22
bcurtiswx_how'd you know it was that causing the fail ?15:23
kenvandinethe error in the build15:24
kenvandinei recognize that code :)15:24
kenvandinein fact, that patch might not even be needed now15:24
kenvandinesince the indicator sends a timestamp back15:25
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, OK do I need to remove the patch file or just edit the series file ?15:25
kenvandinethe idea was to make the chat window raise when activated from the indicator, before without that it would open but not be in focus15:25
kenvandineedit the series should do15:26
kenvandineso test that behavior without the patch15:26
bcurtiswx_OK building15:27
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, another fail, new this time http://paste.ubuntu.com/540659/15:32
bcurtiswx_any idea if its a patch causing it ?15:32
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, yeah, that is in the indicator patch, looks like something else that doesn't work in gtk315:35
kklimondathere is gtk_widget_get_visible15:36
kklimondamost, if not all, macros have been converted to functions15:36
bcurtiswx_i can edit from gtk_widget_visible to gtk_widget_get_visible and see if it builds OK15:36
kenvandinethat is probably the case in the other one as well15:37
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, i'll test this fix and if it works then we can try editing the other patch likewise15:40
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, nope.. didn't fix it15:45
didrocksnice, the bug I fixed in lucid for the gnome failsafe session (basically some scripts ignoring arguments in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ for $STARTUP) will be useful for the new session thing as well :)15:48
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
kenvandinedidrocks, yay for reuse :)15:51
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, let me get a build here... and see15:51
kenvandinei had to fix up a few build depends15:51
kenvandinei get you those changes too15:51
bcurtiswx_i appreciate your help, im still learning :)15:52
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, happy to help15:54
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, ok... i think the problem now is there is no gtk3 build of libindicate-gtk16:03
seb128kenvandine, it's about time you land you tp-approver and that we drop the empathy patch ;-)16:05
kenvandinehehe... yeah, so i wonder if i should do that before fixing libindicate :)16:05
bcurtiswx_so our patches are fine, but we need GTK3 build of libindicate ?16:06
bcurtiswx_or the patches are going to be removed as well ?16:07
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, ^^16:07
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, we need a gtk3 build of libindicate, but we do plan to drop that patch once i land my new telepathy approver16:08
bcurtiswx_ah, OK16:09
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, so I should just sit back and wait until these tasks are completed ?16:09
kenvandinefor now, drop the indicator patch too, but we won't upload it yet16:09
kenvandinesee if you get further :)16:10
kenvandineit would be good to have a good picture of all the problems asap16:10
seb128kenvandine, bcurtiswx: debian has 2.90 in experimental16:10
seb128so I guess without your patches it should build16:10
bcurtiswx_i can remove the 20_libindicate patch and try again16:12
bcurtiswx_instead of uploading i can PPA it for anyone interested16:12
bcurtiswx_seems removing the 20_libindicate patch pretty much forces me to remove the ones ahead of it too16:15
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, i can merge the other changes you have for empathy now if you want, that way I have them16:18
kenvandineone sec16:18
kenvandinebcurtiswx_,  lp:~ken-vandine/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.91.316:21
bcurtiswx_bzr merge lp:... ?16:22
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, ^^ ?16:23
kenvandineshould just be changes to the control file16:23
bcurtiswx_how do I force the merge and take your changes (ignore any conflicts) ?16:28
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, ^^16:28
kenvandinejust manually fix the conflicts16:28
kenvandineor look at what i changed and just make the changes yourself16:28
kenvandinewhat conflicts did you get?16:29
seb128jasoncwarner1, pitti: meeting?16:30
pittiwas just gonna ask :)16:30
kenvandineoh... meeting time16:30
jasoncwarner1seb128: morning!16:30
jasoncwarner1hi everyone16:30
seb128hey jasoncwarner116:31
jasoncwarner1lets see.16:31
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
pittichrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux_, Riddell, kenvandine, mterry, rodrigo_, tkamppeter: meeting ping16:32
pittino cyphermox16:32
* kenvandine waves16:32
seb128pitti, he's at a conference yesterday and today16:32
pittihm, we should get back the attendees list to the report template16:32
Riddellgosh, meeting time16:32
seb128pitti, right16:32
jasoncwarner1[ACTION] put back attendees list in meeting template.16:33
jasoncwarner1is that about right?16:33
jasoncwarner1Ok, want to start with reviewing actions from last week.16:34
jasoncwarner1I only see one. It looks like it I didn't put it in the 'ACTIONS' summary. And it was for me. :P16:34
jasoncwarner1jasoncwarner to negotiate evo-couchdb dropping with U1 team, and automagic installation via u1-control-panel16:35
pittiah, that was on my list of things to ask16:35
kenvandinejasoncwarner1, how did that go?16:35
jasoncwarner1Rick actually took it and had the conversation before I could. I am to have a follow up conversation this week and I'll let you know about that conversation.16:36
* jasoncwarner1 scanning last weeks meeting. 16:37
jasoncwarner1I don't see any other actions that didn't make it. did I miss something?16:37
seb128seems we should have a conversation about the conversation you will have about the conversations the other guys had ;-)16:38
rickspencer3hey jasoncwarner1,  mvo, tremolux_ I don't see any ratings and reviews work items in a2?16:38
rickspencer3was there any planned progress there?16:38
didrocksseb128: are you sure about your conversation? :)16:38
seb128hey rickspencer316:39
tremolux_rickspencer3: yes, there will be additional UI work that has recently been spec'd16:39
tremolux_rickspencer3: but a lot of the work is server-side currently16:39
seb128jasoncwarner1, pitti: did we stop the meeting?16:40
jasoncwarner1morning rickspencer3. I'll put an action to follow up on those. I want to keep the meeting going.16:40
rickspencer3sorry to interupt, didn't see you were in the meeting16:41
jasoncwarner1[ACTION] BP for ratings and reviews -> jasoncwarner and tremolux_16:41
tremolux_cool, thanks16:41
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] partner update16:41
* kenvandine takes the mic16:42
kenvandineU1 has some nice desktopcouch fixes, but they couldn't test them because of another couch bug16:42
kenvandinewhich has been fixed now, so should land in tomorrows release16:42
kenvandineDX, the big focus for this week is landing as much of the gdbus changes in the indicator stack as possible16:43
kenvandinebefore tedg goes on vacation16:43
kenvandineas well as getting the FTBFS fixes, with the GI changes and new python version16:43
kenvandinethat is all i have16:44
didrockskenvandine: is it the desktopcouch issue that makes couchjs crashing a lot (and then oneconf…)?16:44
seb128is ted on vacation until end of year then?16:44
kenvandinedidrocks, yes16:44
kenvandinewell, the couchdb bug that was causing16:44
kenvandineseb128, yes16:44
kenvandineso he will dump a bunch of changes on us and leave :)16:44
seb128will we get any indicator updates before end of year then?16:44
kenvandinewe will hate him in 201116:44
kenvandinejust want we land this week16:45
seb128I need to check with you where we stand but that can be after the meeting16:45
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] kubuntu update16:45
Riddell * Alpha 1 out, no major problems16:46
Riddell * KDE SC 4.6 Beta 2 packaging now in progress, release and natty upload expected tomorrow16:46
Riddell * KDevelop 1.1.1 packaged but won't actually build i natty, doesn't work with KDE Platform 4.6 yet16:46
Riddell * Amarok 2.4 beta packaged16:46
Riddell * KOffice beta packaged16:46
Riddell * Qt now building on ARM, ARM breakage now becoming aparant further up the stack (libgrantlee currently broken)16:46
jasoncwarner1very cool. Riddell , any feedback on a1 yet? that has KDE 4.6 right?16:48
Riddelljasoncwarner1: yes it was, but I didn't set up our normal feedback page so I've not spotted much in the way of comments16:49
jasoncwarner1ok. :)16:49
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] X update -> eastern edition16:49
RiddellI've not heard of any problems16:49
Riddellwhich is usually the best thing for alpha 1 :)16:49
jasoncwarner1fair enough!16:49
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] Unity update16:49
didrocksNew unity release and dependencies (nux/bamf) on Tuesday 30th November for alpha116:50
didrocksWe decided to not do the Thursday release on the 2nd December to let people reporting issue from the alpha1 live session with apport without having "outdated packages" message from it.16:50
didrocksStill a lot of bugs coming and fixing them little by little, but weirdly not a lot of crashers? If unity crashes for you, please report it!16:50
didrocks(actually I got a crash after writing that)16:50
didrocks(but it wasn't because of unity directly :))16:50
didrocksAdding a bitesize tag to some bugs. jcastro and jono blogged about it. Already some people have made nice contribution! Thanks to them  Do not hesitate to enroll as well: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize16:50
rodrigo_report it! :D16:50
didrocksComing soon: you will find intellihide for the launcher, lot of nice small fixes in both unity and compiz (like session handling \o/), new gnome-session system.16:50
didrocksrodrigo_: already done :)16:50
rodrigo_should we also report hardware setups where it doesn't work?16:52
didrocksrodrigo_: ubuntu-bug unity should report what's needed16:52
didrocksso use apport please :)16:52
* kenvandine hugs apport16:52
rodrigo_didrocks, well, when running it, I just get a black screen, with a mouse, so would running ubuntu-bug in that situation peek the correct stuff?16:53
didrocksthere is a page about how to report bugs for new contributors: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity16:53
didrocksrodrigo_: just run that in your ubuntu classic session16:53
didrocksthe list of plugins won't be accurate, but well…16:54
didrocks(compiz plugins)16:54
jasoncwarner1Thanks, didrocks16:54
pittididrocks, seb128: should we enable apport by default again?16:54
didrocksyw jasoncwarner116:55
didrockspitti: I have a lot of crashers (not unity ones), so I'm quite unsure about the state if we will be overwhelmed or not16:55
didrockspitti: right now, I'm pointing people having crashes and not apport enabled to that wiki page so that they enable it, it's an additional comment on launchpad, but it seems to work16:56
seb128pitti, I'm not a a fan of doing that early16:56
jasoncwarner1can you turn apport on for a specific package (unity in this case)?16:56
seb128if we had a crash db out of launchpad that would be nice16:56
pittiseb128: right, me neither16:57
seb128but that's impacting on launchpad now16:57
didrockspitti: btw, it's enabled in the CD, I think it's wanted?16:57
pittididrocks: correct16:57
pittiyou can report them from the live system16:57
didrockspitti: that's why I hold on updating unity, thinking people will try and report in that case16:57
didrocks(and same rationale for compiz)16:57
seb128jasoncwarner1, no16:58
didrocksso, it's either it's all in a good state (I have almost nothing bothering me using unity full time) or that nobody is trying alpha1 :)16:58
seb128jasoncwarner1, it could probably be made but I don't think we can enable it for one source only16:58
jasoncwarner1seb128: ok. would be nice in this case, but probably not a generally useful feature ;)16:59
pittididrocks: or everyone thinks "this crash is so common that everyone, including the devs, must have it"16:59
pittiseb128: well, we can hack it, but a proper solution would take a bit more effort16:59
didrockspitti: maybe… right. So please, test it, use it! :)16:59
pittiI have nothing against a hack17:00
pittiif it'd help17:00
didrockspitti: I think the current apport state is fine, it's easy enough to ask people activating it17:00
rodrigo_or they're not even testing it, I've seen many people on irc asking how to get their classic session back17:00
pittididrocks: *nod*17:00
didrocksso yeah, I'm using unity full time and I love it :)17:01
jasoncwarner1when does apport tend to get turned on by default again? A2?17:01
pittiI think after a217:01
kenvandinei love it... but miss places and dash :)17:01
seb128jasoncwarner1, right, around a2 usually17:01
jasoncwarner1ok...works for me. thanks :)17:02
jasoncwarner1anything else didrocks?17:02
pittikenvandine: I miss gtimelog :)17:02
didrocksjasoncwarner1: that's it for me :)17:02
jasoncwarner1awesome, thanks17:03
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] Software-center17:03
tremolux_you bet17:03
tremolux_ * Startup performance:  more great progress this week with an additional ~30% improvement on reference hardware (Dell Mini 10)17:03
tremolux_  * See http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/software-center/mini10-startup/startup-times.png17:03
tremolux_ * Ratings and Reviews:  ISD planning server-side alpha deployment, client-side UI spec'd at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/RatingsAndReviews17:03
tremolux_ * Released Software Center versions 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, includes latest performance optimizations plus misc fixes and improvements17:03
tremolux_ * In progress: Improvements to the purchase experience17:03
tremolux_so, we are getting faster, it's nice17:03
tremolux_(that's all for software-center)  :)17:05
jasoncwarner1very cool. Thanks tremolux_17:05
tremolux_jasoncwarner1: welcome17:05
jasoncwarner1pitti: am I missing any categories if we move to AOB?17:06
pittirelease status?17:06
jasoncwarner1thanks :)17:06
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] release status17:06
pittiAlpha-1 work items were almost all done; 4 stragglers, moved to alpha-2.17:06
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team-natty-alpha-2.html is getting behind a tad, but nothign too worrysome yet17:07
pitti.. except that now begins the holiday season, which will put us off track17:07
pittiand we have quite a large number here17:07
pittiof course didrocks alone owns 1/4 of them, so I'm sure it'll be alright :)17:07
pittiwe fixed 6 RC bugs in the last 2 weeks, and only 3 are on the current release team radar17:08
pittiso great progress here17:08
pittionly one (bug 637827) will require serious work, the other two are well underwsay17:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 637827 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu Natty) (and 4 other projects) "Firefox and Thunderbird (XUL) menus don't appear in the global menu bar (affects: 30) (dups: 5) (heat: 136)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63782717:08
didrockspitti: I'll survive :)17:09
pitti(as usual, the full thing is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus)17:09
pittididrocks: please let me know early when you get into difficulties :)17:09
didrockspitti: well, most of them are easy and small. Oneconf ones can be postponed if needed :)17:10
seb128pitti, well, if you don't count the dx items our team count seems ok17:10
seb128as didrocks was saying without oneconf he should be alright17:10
didrocksseb128: but I really want it this cycle :)17:10
seb128we can postpone the telepathy-indicator againif required17:10
didrocksso, will fight to get it done on time ;)17:10
seb128so we have quite some margins17:10
pittiseb128: right, but same thing wrt. holidays17:10
seb128let's see how it goes17:11
jasoncwarner1and don't forget that this list doesn't really include our "make unity awesome" overarching bp ;)17:11
jasoncwarner1pitti: anything else?17:11
pittiI'm done17:12
jasoncwarner1thank you!17:12
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] AOB17:12
pittioh, one thing17:12
pittiit seems our weekly report is a little thin17:12
seb128jasoncwarner1, well, quite some people have 0 items on that iterations17:12
pittionly 3 people added to it17:12
seb128right, I didn't do that yet17:12
seb128doing it now17:12
jasoncwarner1thanks, pitti, that was my AOB ;)17:12
jasoncwarner1anything else?17:14
seb128not from me17:14
kenvandinenot from me17:14
jasoncwarner1[END MEETING] Thanks everyone. I'll update with eastern edition later today.17:14
pittithanks everyone17:15
tremolux_thanks everybody17:15
seb128kklimonda, there?17:16
jcastroPSA: Please help get the word  out on unity bitesize bugs! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Bitesize17:16
jcastrowe all have friends that have always wanted to try something in vala, now they have no excuses! :)17:16
didrocksthanks :)17:17
didrocksjcastro: it's part of the report as well17:18
jcastrodidrocks: I saw, I just wanted to double dip. :)17:18
didrocksjcastro: vala or C++ ;)17:18
didrockswe give a lot of opportunities17:18
didrocksbtw, I was going to add a new bitesize one17:18
didrocksdoing it now17:18
jcastrodidrocks: yes please, neil and jason keep fixing bitesize ones without adding new ones in, heh.17:19
didrocksjcastro: yeah, I've already sent a reminder on that :)17:20
kklimondaseb128: hmm, this epoch is going to haunt me at night17:23
seb128kklimonda, ;-)17:23
seb128kklimonda, I will just drop the epoch and sponsor atkmm now, ok?17:23
didrocksseb128: "drop the epoch"? how comes?17:24
seb128didrocks, because it's a new source and the epoch in the shlib is just buggy?17:24
kklimondaseb128: sure, it seems to be the only thing that came back from the dead (or rather from another branch I've merged)17:24
seb128didrocks, it's leftovers from the gtkmm packaging copied17:25
didrocksseb128: oh, it's a new source, ok, nice. Was wondering about a magic I didn't know yet :)17:25
seb128brb just restarting with the new gtkmm17:25
kklimondaany idea why pbuilder-satisfydepends fails for packages that have both control and control.in ?17:28
kklimondaat least when launched by hand17:28
seb128ok, works17:28
seb128is the control uptodate?17:28
seb128dunno then17:28
seb128you are sure it's uptodate in the source?17:29
seb128the clean target before the make will update it anyway17:29
kklimondait finds nothing at all to install - creates an empty pbuilder-dummy package with no dependencies17:29
seb128but it might be outdated in the source17:29
kklimondaI use it outside of pbuilder on my live system17:29
seb128ok, weird17:29
seb128I don't use pbuilder so dunno17:29
kklimondainteresting, it works when I make it use debian/control.in but they are almost identical (Uploaders: field is different..)17:33
kklimondaoh well, it's good enough for now17:33
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seb128kklimonda, ok, atkmm uploaded17:39
seb128kklimonda, have you seen my comments on the gtkmm request?17:39
kklimondanot yet17:39
seb128kklimonda, ok, basically the gtk build-depends need to be updated17:40
seb128kklimonda, do you want to do that and change the vcs to gnomemm now while I'm doing sponsoring?17:40
seb128so I can upload that one as well17:40
seb128Riddell, hey, could you review atkmm in NEW?17:40
kklimondaseb128: will fix it, as for uploading to gnomemm - do I have to do anything more than push branch to lp:~gnomemm/gtkmm/ubuntu?17:41
Riddellseb128: ok17:41
seb128Riddell, thanks17:41
seb128kklimonda, no17:41
seb128kklimonda, well edit the control file to have the right url17:41
seb128but otherwise no, just push to the new location17:42
kklimondaseb128: is there a place in gtkmm sources I can check for the gtk+ version bump? I can't find it in configure.ac17:42
kklimondaoh, I see it17:42
seb128kklimonda, it's in it17:42
seb128I diffed the configure.ac between the versions17:42
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seb128that's where I saw it17:43
kklimondayes, using diff is a much better way of doing that than just looking through the file17:43
kklimondaseb128: should I change Vcs-Browser: and add Vcs-Bzr: ? should I remove Vcs-Svn: ?17:44
kklimonda(gtkmm still points to the debian repository in a control file)17:45
seb128kklimonda, we usually just set Vcs-Bzr in Ubuntu and drop the other ones17:45
seb128you can adapt the Browser one I guess17:45
seb128I don't see a reason of not doing it ;-)17:45
kklimondaseb128: ok, I've bumped libgtk2.0-dev, changed Vcs-* fields and pushed to lp:~gnomemm/gtkmm/ubuntu17:49
seb128kklimonda, thanks17:49
seb128Riddell, thanks for newing atkmm1.617:52
seb128kklimonda, ^17:52
tremolux_heya didrocks, is there a recommended mechanism for checking whether Unity as active or not?  I have a feature in software-center that I need to shut off when running under Unity17:52
didrockstremolux_: well, that won't tell if the plugin is running or not for user trying ccsm17:53
didrockstremolux_: but you can know you are in the session launching unity by default (and soon, we will force unity to be loaded in that session)17:54
didrockstremolux_: so, that would cover 99% of cases17:54
pittitremolux_: uh, when we get to a situation that individual apps need to be aware of that, that sounds like the beginning of a big swamp?17:54
tremolux_didrocks: yeah, maybe  :/17:54
didrockspitti: I think it's for "located at"17:54
tremolux_didrocks: exactly17:54
didrockstremolux_: so DESKTOP_SESSION should be gnome, or COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE=ubuntu17:55
didrockstremolux_: as told, we will ensure that the unity plugin can't be removed in those sessions, then there is the case of someone creating another session and activating unity…17:55
didrockstremolux_: and for that, you can't request compiz if the plugin is loaded17:56
didrockstremolux_: that can be a manual check, but that's even more ugly?17:56
tremolux_didrocks: yeah, I think the general case would be sufficient17:56
seb128tremolux_, is that for the "open the menu and indicates where the new software is installed"?17:56
tremolux_seb128: well, it's for the current "Find it in the menu at" feature17:57
seb128ok, right17:57
tremolux_seb128: we would leave that in for classic gnome17:57
seb128tremolux_, doesn't seem to make sense to check for unity17:57
seb128you should rather check that the menu is there17:57
seb128you could be under xfce17:57
tremolux_seb128: yes, we'll have a different mechanism for Unity17:57
seb128or $custom-desktop17:57
robbiewseb128: pitti: I'm having an issue in Natty where my default browser is set to chrome, but when I select links firefox opens up...is this a known issue or should I open a bug :)17:57
tremolux_seb128: oh, that's a good idea17:58
seb128robbiew, known issue17:58
robbiewcool, thnx17:58
robbiewI figured you all were aware ;)17:58
tremolux_didrocks, pitti, seb128: thanks guys!17:58
seb128robbiew, you can probably edit /usr/share/applications/defaults.list17:59
seb128robbiew, change those by the chrome .desktop name17:59
didrockstremolux_: you're welcome17:59
robbiewseb128: sweet..thx17:59
pittiseb128: shouldn't respect it the "preferred apps" settings, though?18:00
seb128robbiew, then run sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/applications18:00
seb128pitti, no, they changed from using the old gconf system to use mimetypes18:00
seb128pitti, they updated g-c-c 2.90 for that but since we don't update18:01
didrocksrodrigo_: can you try to get a backtrace launching compiz on tty1 with gdb after setting COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE=ubuntu?18:01
seb128we will have to backport that to our version18:01
rodrigo_didrocks, yes18:01
didrocksrodrigo_: thanks :)18:01
rodrigo_didrocks, will do it later, if you don't mind18:01
didrocksrodrigo_: sure, just update the bug report18:02
didrocksrodrigo_: setting as incomplete for now to keep the new bug state working18:02
rodrigo_didrocks, ok, will send another one from my laptop, which is where I get the black screen18:02
didrocksrodrigo_: ok :) it's working fine with nvidia here18:02
didrocksbut not amd6418:02
rodrigo_not here, not sure if my very old compiz config has anything to do18:03
rodrigo_I haven't used compiz for years, but the old config is still around18:03
didrocksrodrigo_: well, your ubuntu profile should be cleaned18:03
rodrigo_maybe I should remove all old compiz settings?18:03
rodrigo_ah, ok18:03
didrocksrodrigo_: in the gnome classic session, (the one which has your old config), do you run compiz?18:03
didrocksubuntu classic session*18:03
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rodrigo_didrocks, no, metacity18:03
didrocksrodrigo_: can you have a try as well, in case?18:04
didrocksrodrigo_: and getting a stack is the same without COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE=ubuntu :)18:04
didrocksok, time for some sport and dinner18:04
didrockssee you guys!18:04
rodrigo_bye didrocks18:04
didrockssee you tomorrow rodrigo_!18:05
* rodrigo_ also gets out for a bit18:06
ricotzgilir, hello18:13
gilirhi ricotz18:14
ricotzgilir, regarding elementary-icon-theme -- i hope there is no problem with the tarball if you want to package it, let me know if there is something wrong using it without repacking18:16
gilirricotz, ok thanks :)18:26
pittigood night everyone18:50
seb128'night pitti18:50
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, http://paste.ubuntu.com/540732/18:51
bcurtiswx_i've never seen this error before so IDK what to do about it18:51
kenvandineit is trying to add files to that package18:52
kenvandinewhich don't exist18:52
kenvandinei think someone mentioned that the nautilus-sendto stuff was pulled out of empathy upstream18:53
bcurtiswx_cassidy, ^^18:53
kenvandineif so, you need to remove that package from debian/control and remove debian/nautilus-sendto-empathy.install18:53
kenvandinejust look in the source18:53
kenvandinesee if it is there18:53
kenvandineit seems to be there18:54
bcurtiswx_nautilus-sendto is now in nautilus18:54
kenvandineok, so drop that package from empathy18:55
kenvandinethere is source for it in empathy18:55
seb128nautilus has the nautilus-sendto code18:55
seb128but software still need to ship a .so to be listed18:55
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, so you need to change the list of files to install, and maybe that shouldn't be in the nautilus-sendto-empathy package18:56
seb128debian dropped the binary18:56
seb128dget http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/e/empathy/empathy_2.91.3-2.dsc18:56
seb128then compared with what they did18:56
seb128http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-telepathy/empathy.git;a=commit;h=37f6a938112bd7c40dc5bb1e58069f97e0f5ec93 in fact18:57
seb128you might just lack a build-depends on the new nautilus18:58
bcurtiswx_nautilus >= 2.91.?18:58
seb128dunno, check the configure.ac19:03
seb128diff -u empathy-2.32.../configure.ac empathy-2.91...19:03
seb128and see what requirements changed19:04
seb128jcastro, do you have some time to blog or make some noise about a new team?19:04
bcurtiswx_NAUTILUS_SENDTO_REQUIRED=2.90.0 but after 2.90.0 it was moved into nautilus19:05
seb128bcurtiswx_, what empathy version do you use?19:07
seb128cassidy, ^19:07
bcurtiswx_use 2.91.3 building19:08
seb128bcurtiswx_, I think there was a bug open in bugzilla about that, the configure might need to be update19:08
seb128would be better to check with Zdra or cassidy19:08
bcurtiswx_whats the correct terminology here.  nautilus-sendto was "moved into" nautilus ?19:09
seb128it means nautilus has the code to build the "send to" menu now19:10
seb128it's nautilus which read the empathy .so and use it19:10
seb128where it was a different source and program before19:10
seb128nautilus was launching nautilus-sendto which was using empathy19:10
bcurtiswx_OK, then i can wait until Zdra and or cassidy see this ping19:10
seb128jcastro, stop ignoring me :p19:21
jcastrosorry I am busy19:22
jcastrowhich team?19:23
seb128jcastro, no hurry, can be for another day19:24
seb128jcastro, the gnomemm one19:24
jcastrotomorrow please19:24
seb128jcastro, I will reply to murray's email now saying we got a team set and the updates in natty19:24
jcastroI am trying to fix this unity page19:24
seb128thanks to kklimonda19:24
jcastroseb128: yeah the mail will be enough to remind me19:25
seb128jcastro, if you can pick the infos from the email and blog about it when you have time19:25
seb128jcastro, great, thanks19:25
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bcurtiswx_sound preferences is broken with gnome3 ppa19:43
seb128bcurtiswx: it's part of gnome-control-center now19:53
seb128how did you open it?19:53
bcurtiswx_seb128, indicator-sound19:54
bcurtiswx_also gnome-control-center is a really small window for me that can't be resized19:55
bcurtiswx_and the sound icon in the gnome-control-center seemed to crash19:55
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chrisccoulsonkenvandine, oh, i didn't realise the couchdb crasher was blocking other work ;)21:38
chrisccoulsonsomeone should have mentioned that, i would have fixed it quicker then ;)21:38
kenvandinechrisccoulson, whoops :)21:43
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* robert_ancell groan, the weekly summary is already getting feature creep again...22:00
jasoncwarner1speaking of weekly summary22:01
jasoncwarner1RAOF: robert_ancell: TheMuso: bryceh22:01
jasoncwarner1ready for meeting?22:01
RAOFOoh, 9am.22:02
* RAOF puts down the X pipe.22:02
TheMusoHey folks22:02
jasoncwarner1morning everyone!22:02
jasoncwarner1I hope no one is flooded right now ;)22:02
TheMusonot here, its quite wram already actually.22:03
jasoncwarner1well then, we can get started.22:03
jasoncwarner1Don't forget to update the link above with your summary.22:03
chrisccoulsoni might sit in on this one ;)22:04
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] Action Item review22:04
robert_ancell-1 for adding back attendance list22:04
jasoncwarner1k, we can discuss later. :)22:05
robert_ancellI can't think what audience needs it, and it's easily worked out by reading the log22:05
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] X update22:05
RAOFThe merge window for Xserver 1.10 is/has closing/closed.22:06
RAOFThere's been somewhat of a merging frenzy, most of which is pretty benign.22:06
RAOFRandR 1.4 support with per-crtc pixmaps is a bit scary, though.  We're waiting for the dust to settle before determining whether to move to 1.10 for natty.22:08
RAOF(A week ago, 1.10 was a sure thing ☺)22:08
brycehRAOF, have you looked at those randr patches yet?22:08
bryceh(I've not)22:08
RAOFI've skimmed them; much of the changes *are* benign (adding an optional extra hook for drivers which want to do modesetting in one go).22:09
RAOFBut the crtc-pixmap bit is... dangerous.  But from my understanding is opt-in (ish) by the compositing manager.22:10
brycehso as long as compiz doesn't get updated to start using it, maybe we're ok22:11
RAOFIf we were using it it *would* fix compiz on large multi-head systems with low max texture sizes.22:11
RAOFNo more “I plugged in a monitor and desktop effects turned off”.22:12
brycehperhaps that would be worthwhile ppa juice22:12
brycehRegarding bugs - there are 6 X bugs reported against natty on our plate - http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-natty-workqueue.svg22:12
brycehso far, we've been doing pretty good at pounding bugs out as they appear on that chart22:13
bryceh(the 3 nvidia/fglrx bugs may be related)22:13
jasoncwarner1ok...anything else you guys wanted to add?22:14
jasoncwarner1Unless I'm missing a category (possible) we jump right to22:15
brycehjasoncwarner1, nothing from me.  last week was patch pilot for me, and mostly doing bug work and arsenal script fixing beyond that22:15
jasoncwarner1[TOPIC] AOB ?22:15
RAOFWe'll probably want to upload a mesa 7.10 RC/snapshot in the not too distant future, I think.22:15
RAOFBut that's not this week :)22:15
jasoncwarner1TheMuso: robert_ancell ? any other business you guys want to update?22:16
TheMusoNot from me.22:17
robert_ancellJust a reminder to have a look at the FTBFS list: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi22:17
brycehfor packaging we're mostly in sync with debian/upstream - http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/versions-current.html.  That chart will start getting busy once new xserver hits I bet.22:17
jasoncwarner1If not, only thing I wanted to say was that I got a short 'bitesize' bug list for unity.22:17
jasoncwarner1ok. sounds like we are out of topics to discuss. Don't forget to update summary22:19
jasoncwarner1Thanks everyone22:19
jasoncwarner1[END MEETING] ;)22:19
brycehrobert_ancell, is that list available as JSON by chance?  (kind of a lengthy list to parse by eye)22:19
robert_ancellbryceh, not that I know, but it is in the Ultimate Debian Database (UDD) so it must be accessible by better means22:20
brycehRAOF, we can probably just drop -mutouch from universe entirely.  what about -fpit?22:20
robert_ancellLucas Nussbaum is the right person to ask22:20
robert_ancelljasoncwarner1, 19 minutes - it's a new record! :)22:20
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i wonder what sort of build environment those packages are built in. the firefox build failure looks bogus to me :/22:21
RAOFbryceh: What hardware does it support?  It's still got (some) maintenance upstream, at least.22:21
brycehRAOF, dunno offhand22:22
RAOFOh, I'm preparing a core-dev application - if you want to provide an endorsement, it's here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChrisHalseRogers/CoreDevApplication :)22:22
brycehboth -fpit and -mutouch must be Xi protocol breakage, but it does not look like there is a new upstream version (yet).22:23
TheMusoDon't forget there is also an FTBFs list on qa.ubuntuwire.com22:23
brycehthere are a lot of "libX11.so.6: could not read symbols: Invalid operation" errors22:24
RAOFbryceh: -mutouch and -fpit both just got a patch series bumping them to ABI 12 support; they should build at least against 1.10 :)22:25
robert_ancelljasoncwarner1, why do you want the attendance list back?22:25
brycehRAOF, ok cool, well presumably those will fall off FTBFS once those get merged22:26
Sarvattyeah, fpit hasn't had a release since xserver 1.6 but git works with 1.7-1.9, a release is lined up for 12 it looks like22:26
RAOFIf nothing else, we could snapshot git.22:27
brycehlibtool: link: gcc -D_BSD_SOURCE -Wall -g -O2 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -o chooser chooser-chooser.o  -lXinerama -lXaw7 -lXt -lXdmcp -lcrypt -lpam22:28
bryceh/usr/bin/ld: chooser-chooser.o: undefined reference to symbol 'XMapWindow'22:28
bryceh/usr/bin/ld: note: 'XMapWindow' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 so try adding it to the linker command line22:28
bryceh/usr/lib/libX11.so.6: could not read symbols: Invalid operation22:28
brycehcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status22:28
jasoncwarner1robert_ancell: I'm ambivalent to it, personally. If you have strong feelings towards it, we can leave it out. I believe pitti suggested it more as a reminder of who we should poke to start the meeting22:28
brycehthat one is for xdm22:28
bryceh/usr/bin/ld: pnee-pnee_impl.o: undefined reference to symbol 'XGetErrorText'22:29
bryceh/usr/bin/ld: note: 'XGetErrorText' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 so try adding it to the linker command line22:29
brycehthat's xnee22:29
brycehsimilarly for xoo22:29
AmaranthRAOF, bryceh: compiz already has a solution for windows larger than max texture size, we fall back to the old method of OpenGL compositing before tfp existed. It's slow but luckily the windows that need it usually don't update often.22:30
AmaranthAlthough afaik it's actually broken right now22:30
robert_ancelljasoncwarner1, pitti, I'm against it, because it's just more text in the summary, and it's already present in the log.  Perhaps as a compromise it could be in the template where the logs go, and is replaced after the meetings are complete22:31
robert_ancellAs a "expected participants" list22:31
Amaranthoops, meeting again, sorry22:31
robert_ancellAmaranth, :)22:31
robert_ancellAmaranth, we're done22:31
jasoncwarner1robert_ancell: that seems reasonable. I can't say I know if anyone else explicitly wants it for their needs, but I don't need it per se.22:32
AmaranthEverything in 0.8 that took a texture handle takes a list of textures now, although I'm not sure they all do what they're supposed to with it22:33
brycehrobert_ancell, ahaaaaa...  http://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=UnderstandingDSOLinkChange22:37
RAOFbryceh: Also, http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking22:38
AmaranthThat's because we switched to gold, right?22:38
brycehrobert_ancell, so a huge heapload of those FTBS issues are due to implicit linkages that I guess need explicit -lX11 and so on added22:38
AmaranthYou need to use -lX1122:38
robert_ancellbryceh, yes, that's been my experience.22:41
robert_ancellbryceh, thanks for the link.  I've opened a lot of upstream bugs, but had trouble explaining why the change is important.  The link will be helpful22:42
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell, most of my issues haven't been with implicit linking, but with linker flag ordering because of the change to --as-needed23:07
chrisccoulsonsomething to consider when trying to figure out weird build failures ;)23:08
=== bratsche-afk is now known as bratsche
micahgRAOF: so, I seem to get an apport gpu crash for intel if I resume from suspend with multiple monitors enabled (i.e. had a second monitor connected, but pulled the cable), but only the built in screen available on my laptop23:19
RAOFThat's a nicely specific triggering condition.  Does the GPU hang recovery work in that case?23:20
micahgRAOF: what is gpu hang recovery?23:21
RAOFIntel (and to a lesser extent radeon) recover from GPU hangs with funky reset logic.23:22
RAOFSo, if the apport hook triggered but your video didn't freeze, that means the reset worked :)23:22
micahgyes, I get my screen back, but 127 crash reports are generated (I guess it keeps crashing)23:22
micahgbasically kills my laptop for 5 minutes unless I kill apport and kill all the apport-gpu scripts23:23
RAOFThat's distinctly sub-optimal ☺23:26
micahgI've already reported one of the crashes23:26
micahgooh, it's actually fixed in natty23:27
micahgnm then :)23:27
RAOFThe crash-report storm, or the original crash? ☺23:27
micahgthe original crash23:28
micahgbug 62996723:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 629967 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt can't recover from corrupted cache files (affects: 1) (heat: 42)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62996723:28
micahgbug 62696723:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 626967 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "MASTER: Hang in MI_WAIT_FOR_EVENT on framebuffer switch. (affects: 29) (dups: 41) (heat: 348)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62696723:28
micahgRAOF: sorry to bother you, I just need to catch up on my bugmail :-/23:28
RAOFCould you also file a bug requesting a ratelimit on the apport hook?23:29
RAOF(If one doesn't already exist, but I'm not aware of one)23:29
micahgRAOF: yes, I've been meaning to chat with pitti about it, but I'll just make sure there's a bug filed23:29
RAOFWe don't really need to get pitti involved, that can just be done in the apport hook in xserver-xorg-video-intel23:30
micahgRAOF: oh, ok, I thought someone told me before it's an apport issue, sure, I can file a bug against the driver23:30
RAOFWell, it could be fixed generically in apport, but I'm not sure that generating hundreds of crash reports in the space of seconds is a common occurance.23:31
micahgmakes sense23:33

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