
=== AGECannonix is now known as lau1
czajkowskifelimwhiteley: davisc  terran http://heanet.ie/live15:52
felimwhiteleyczajkowski: what's going on? Sorry was packing etc.16:31
czajkowskifelimwhiteley: well dont buy a house in ireland16:31
czajkowskipetrol and diesel gone up by 4 and 2 cent16:32
felimwhiteleythey mess with the mortgage rates?16:32
czajkowskinot sure16:32
felimwhiteleyczajkowski: luckily I'm too poor to be able to affrod a house for a while... not sure that's such a good thing but it's stopped getting screwed I suppose..16:33
felimwhiteleybut again it would be nice to have had th emoney in first place ;)16:33
ebelfelimwhiteley: short answer, more taxes16:36
felimwhiteleyhurray perfect to be moving back for :) especially having been away for 8years completely by-passing all the good times :)16:37
felimwhiteleyI should be a comedian with timing this good!16:37

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