
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sacarlsonwhat path in git should I use to be able to pull the latiest at all time?  like git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/?03:48
CarlFKsacarlson: "latest" isn't well defined.  do you want stable or dev?  if dev, then mainline or some experimantal branch.  if main, then ubuntu or linus's?  I think I can go on...  so what do you want?03:55
sacarlsonI guess dev03:55
sacarlsonI want the top master03:55
sacarlsonor at least a path to it I can alway go back03:56
sacarlsonI want to compare what I now run in a webcam driver ibmcam with all that ubuntu has or will have.   I already have the master from kernel.org I would like to compare ubuntu to that also03:57
CarlFKgit clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git ubuntu-intrepid03:57
CarlFKthat's what I have from when I was doing something... sounds like what you want.. maybe.03:58
sacarlsonI thought we already have like maverick or something and beyond that03:58
CarlFK"...from when I was doing something"03:58
sacarlsonand if new comes is I pull will that move from intrepid to maverik?03:58
CarlFKno.  but maverick is stable. dev is natty03:59
sacarlsonbut I thought releases were in alpha order  like abcd   intrepid is like I J K L M   maybe maverick dev would be above that?04:00
CarlFKwhat comes after M? :)04:01
CarlFKand what does *N*atty begin with...04:01
CarlFKor are you still not understaning my git line?  04:02
CarlFKI was trying to debug a kernel crash back in intrepid time.  so that was what I was pulling back then.04:02
sacarlsonI don't see the N in your git line 04:03
CarlFKdev is natty04:03
sacarlsonclone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dev  ?04:03
jk-^ sacarlson 04:04
sacarlsonok good enuf04:04
CarlFKjk-: thanks.04:04
sacarlsonjk-: CarlFK:  that was perfect just what I was looking for thanks you guys04:14
CarlFKcool.  sorry my help was confusing 04:15
=== ericm|ubuntu is now known as ericm-lunch
crimsunbjf[afk]: hmm,, presumably?04:43
crimsun^ RE: [Applied] Maverick update to upstream stable release04:44
bjf[afk]crimsun, heh, yup04:46
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jjohansensmb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/68487508:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 684875 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Patch to Natty 2.6.37-virtual breaks non-EC2 users (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Confirmed]08:49
rsajdokIs there any guide, wiki page for kernel bug triage? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BugTriage/BugDay10:05
Kanohi apw , do you know when 37rc5 will be available in mainline10:15
hrwcan kernel maintainers give me opinion on bug 682681?12:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 682681 in linux (Ubuntu) "allow to build linux-source package only (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68268112:07
Kanohrw: which arm system do you use?12:09
hrwKano: now only pandaboard, have also beagleboard b7/c3 and several <armv7a ones12:10
hrwKano: why you ask?12:12
Kanowell tegra 2 would be interesting12:12
ogra_acthere is work going on in the #ac100 channel for porting it to at least .3612:13
ogra_acand google has a branch too for chromeos on tegra212:14
ogra_acsomeone would have to make either of these upstreamable ;)12:14
Kanoi am more interested in xbmc on a small system12:14
ogra_acthen i'd rather suggest a pandaboard12:15
Kanobut of course a webbrowser + flash would be cool12:15
ogra_acit has all codecs and 3D drivers available12:15
hrwpanda also has unstable memory and slow usb bus12:15
hrwyou get 1GB chip where <700MB works12:16
ogra_actegra 2 is a pain because nvidia pulled all important functions into a binary daemon12:16
Kanoand those do not work?12:16
ogra_acand the 3D driver only works with certain kernels (same goes for the X server, only for certain X releases)12:17
Kanoi thought it had full openmax accelleration and there must be a xbmc branch for that12:17
ogra_acpanda comes with full oüpenmax support by default in ubuntu12:17
ogra_acand is way way cheaper 12:17
Kanodid you try the openmax xbmc branch?12:18
ogra_acbeyond that tegra2 doesnt have any NEON support12:18
ogra_acnot yet, but we have a spec for a mediacenter edition on the panda for natty12:18
ogra_acso it will be tested12:18
Kanonice, boxee, a xbmc clone will not use tegra 2 as they wanted first, they now use atom12:20
=== diwic is now known as diwic_afk
ckingwonder what changed their mind?12:20
ogra_acwhich is silly ... they should have taken omap4 from the beginning ;)12:20
ogra_accking, i would guess missing NEON and flash issues12:21
hrwogra_ac: atom+ion gives you codecs and ability to run any OS12:21
ogra_achrw, yeah, and eats about 10x the power12:21
ogra_acand needs a fan etc etc12:21
ckingwho want's a noisy box to watch video?12:22
ogra_acatom users ;)12:22
ckingit's 'cos they are used to a whirring sound back in the good old VHS and Betamax days12:22
KanoAtom CE4100 is no ion12:22
hrwtomboy arghhhhh... looks like I will have to run internal wiki or something...12:23
* ogra_ac recommends tiddlywiki 12:23
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hrwogra_ac: save does not work in chromium12:35
ogra_acah, bad12:39
* hrw -> strace tomboy12:40
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* cking wishes jimmy wales would stop nagging me every time I use wikipedia13:54
JFoor his cronies14:11
JFotheir pleas are deafening in their silence14:11
pgranerJFo, where is your Ubuntu Kernel Hot Bugs by Team script located14:24
JFopgraner, here: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/jfo/kernel-buglist-by-team.html14:25
JFooh the script14:25
JFoone sec14:25
JFohere: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/canonical-qa-tracking14:26
JFopgraner, ^14:26
pgranerJFo, bzr?14:26
JFoit is in the misc-scripts directory14:26
* pgraner felt a little piece of him die with that statement14:26
JFobut I plan to move all of that over to our kteam-tools git branch14:26
pgranerJFo, ok so you get manually generate the bug file list and feed it to the script?14:28
pgranerJFo, ok14:30
jdstrandJFo: hi! so I just upgraded to the latest natty kernel and things are slightly strange. for one, music playback over the network (daap) is choppy and imap in evolution is slow. have you seen any network performance issues with 2.6.37-8.21?14:36
jdstrandJFo: in terms of bugs14:37
JFojdstrand, I have not noticed any, but that doesn't mean there isn't any14:37
JFolet me have a look at the bugs14:37
jdstrandJFo: let me move one that I just filed with evolution over14:37
jdstrandJFo: rebooting into the maverick kernel 'fixed' it14:38
JFoexcellent! thank you :)14:38
jdstrandJFo: bug #68658414:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 686584 in linux (Ubuntu) "IMAP message list regeneration is slow after deleting an email (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68658414:38
jdstrandJFo: now, I had initially ubuntu-bug'd evolution, so it doesn't have the kernel bits attached. shall I do that?14:39
JFojdstrand, yes, please :)14:39
JFoand thank you14:39
jdstrandJFo: ok, I apport-collected the bug and adjust the title and description to be more 'kernely'14:47
JFojdstrand, thank you very much14:48
jdstrandsure thing14:49
=== diwic is now known as diwic_afk
jdstrandJFo: just so you don't waste time-- I invalidated that bug. I don't know what went wrong and need to investigate more15:24
jdstrandJFo: sorry for the noise15:24
JFojdstrand, no worries15:24
JFothanks for letting me know15:24
* jdstrand nods15:24
JFoI'd be interested still in what you find15:25
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
=== xfaf is now known as zul
ckingbjf, wanna do the 1 hour kt meeting warning?16:06
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:06
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting16:06
Sarvattanyone have any recommendations on which commits to start reverting from https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/natty-changes/2010-November/001282.html that might make grub stop loading after a reboot (but works on a cold boot)? 2.6.37-2.10 and earlier work fine, everything later hangs at the grub loading screen after rebooting on my i386 netbook. mainline kernels all work fine16:16
tgardnerSarvatt, its been busted since -2.10 ? thats a lot of kernels.16:20
tgardnerthe i386 specific patches seem like a good candidate for revert16:21
Sarvattyeah, haven't been able to warm boot that thing in a long time and finally got around to looking at it16:21
* Sarvatt nods16:22
tgardnerlikely anything with nx in the commit log16:22
tgardnerfortunately, it looks like -2.10 to -3.11  wasn't an upstream rebase16:22
ckingbjf, BTW, I think I fixed that fwts hang, it's in the PPA for testing.16:25
SarvattI manually edited the efi setup variables on this aspire one to enable NX since it didn't have the option in bios so might be my fault :) I just saw people also mentioning grub hanging early like I'm getting on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/68377516:25
bjfcking, cool16:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 683775 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Natty Alpha 1, i915 has blank screen after boot (affects: 12) (dups: 5) (heat: 92)" [High,Fix released]16:25
tgardnerSarvatt, you could try bisecting. there aren't that many patches between Ubuntu-2.6.37-2.10..Ubuntu-2.6.37-3.1116:26
Sarvattdoing that now, will file a bug on it16:36
Sarvattthanks for the help16:36
bjf## Kernel team meeting in 20 minutes16:39
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bjf## Kernel team meeting in 5 minutes16:53
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bjfapw, about?17:06
apwbjf, am indeed now17:10
* JFo goes for some lunch17:15
sconklinthis is really interesting, probably required reading for any network geek https://gettys.wordpress.com/2010/12/06/whose-house-is-of-glasse-must-not-throw-stones-at-another/17:48
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-lunch
GrueMasterSomeone please tell me an automated script misfired and I don't have to retest Bug #673504 yet again.18:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 673504 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Pandaboard chooses a new IP address on each boot (affects: 2) (heat: 20)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67350418:17
GrueMasterThis fix has been in proposed since Nov 17.  I tested it on Nov 23.  It should have been released to maverick-updates.18:19
Sarvatttgardner: yep you were right, ed6f363a412661f45a1db9c3456db2f9d5057612 i386: NX emulation is the commit that broke warm boots on this netbook18:21
tgardnerSarvatt, hmm, kees might be interested in this18:22
Sarvattupdating the machine now and i'll file a bug on it18:23
* kees scratches his head18:23
JFoGrueMaster, it fired because there is an open task (the main one which is normally meant for development)18:23
JFoif it isn't needed in Natty, I'd say you are ok18:24
Sarvattit hangs on "GRUB loading..." unless I cold boot, kernel selection menu doesn't even pop up18:24
GrueMasterThis is a separate kernel.18:24
keesSarvatt: please subscribe me; NX emu hasn't changed in a few releases.18:24
GrueMasterI have already tested this in Maverick (and yes, it is needed in Natty).18:24
JFolooks like pitti wants verification for the one he built18:25
JFoper the last comment18:25
GrueMasterNatty is currently running 2.6.35-903.17 because 2.6.35-903.19 (with the fix) has been rotting in proposed.18:25
GrueMasterIT HAS BEEN TESTED!18:25
JFoI'd defer to pitti on the what, where and why18:25
JFoas I am not in on his thought process18:25
GrueMasterJFo: Not trying to yell at you directly.  Just pissed at the overall inefficiency of the release process.18:26
keesSarvatt: which kernel are you talking about for ed6f363a412661f45a1db9c3456db2f9d5057612 ?18:26
GrueMasterI had to retest a couple of networking fixes in Lucid on other platforms 5 times before they were released.  Each retest was because they sat in -proposed until a security patch clobbered them before they were mainlined.18:27
Sarvattkees: 2.6.37-2.10 is fine, everything after 2.6.37-3.11 hangs on a warm boot and it doesn't happen in the mainline kernels, I bisected between those two kernels and that was the bad commit18:27
keesSarvatt: and this netbook can warmboot maverick's kernel?18:28
keesSarvatt: also, I see that as a5f82c0456fa4f0bf55779c055006dfc18314615 not ed6f363a412661f45a1db9c3456db2f9d505761218:28
Sarvattyeah maverick's kernel is fine18:28
JFoGrueMaster, I understand :)18:28
Sarvatthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/540721/ is the bisect log18:29
keesso strange. that whole patch just pokes at userspace limits.18:29
JFo<-errand bbiab18:29
keesSarvatt: ah, and you started with Ubuntu-2.6.37-3.1118:32
keesand due to rebasing the commit SHAs are different. got it.18:32
bjfGrueMaster, I've fixed the tag on that bug and added a comment, that's all that needed to be done.18:32
GrueMasterThanks, bjf. 18:33
bjfHome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Maverick Kernel Version: 2.6.35 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - December-14 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!18:35
=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Maverick Kernel Version: 2.6.35 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - December-14 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
tgardnerbjf, methinks pitti's update scripts have run amok18:35
GrueMasterGreat.  All we need is more mok's in the system.  :P18:36
bjftgardner, thanks for the heads up, we'll get it straightened out18:37
GrueMasterWhile I understand that these scripts are designed to improve the kernel team's productivity, they can greatly increase the workload on others.  Maybe a review is in order?18:37
bjfsconklin-lunch, ^18:37
bjfGrueMaster, there are many scripts being run against LP not just kernel scripts18:38
bjfGrueMaster, these in particular belong to pitti and the SRU team18:38
GrueMasterok.  Didn't know what team he was on.18:39
GrueMasterBut I have been hit by other kernel team scripts in the past.18:41
sbeattiebjf: does the linux (not the ti-omap4) changelog reference 673504 for some reason? And why does the ti-omap4 changelog reference 673509?18:41
bjfGrueMaster, noted18:41
sbeattie(the reason I ask is because the changelog's what the SRU team's scripts look at)18:42
sbeattiethe reason I ask is because, when pitti peruses http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html to see what's been verified and is safe to move from -proposed to -updates, unless 673509 gets verified, he'll hold off on promoting the ti-omap4 kernel.18:45
bjfsbeattie, i understand18:45
sbeattiewhen it seems that the only issue that affects 2.6.35-903.19 has been verified already, and it's sat for longer than 20 days, and so should probably be approved.18:46
sbeattieerr, s/20 days/7 days/ 18:46
bjfsbeattie, it referenced those two bugs because the patch against the ti-omap4 branch referenced them as BugLinks18:51
sbeattiebjf: anyway, I'd approach pitti and point it out to him that the ti-omap4 kernel in -proposed can be promoted.18:52
=== sconklin-lunch is now known as sconklin
keesSarvatt: what hardware is the warmboot failure happening on? (or is that already in the bug report?)18:55
Sarvattkees: it's an acer aspire one AOA150, just finished upgrading the 300something packages to file the bug18:58
Sarvattit's a little special because the NX enable/disable options aren't exposed in the bios but I enabled the option manually via efi setup vars, can't disable it again without reflashing18:59
Sarvattbut I see people reporting a similar problem that might be related on other bugs (hangs at the GRUB loading screen in natty) so might not be isolated to this one19:00
keesSarvatt: but you isolated this to the NX-emu code. It hasn't changed. :(19:01
keesSarvatt: if you're booting 32bit -3.11, you shouldn't have my forced NX on fixes, so we should only be dealing with the nx-emu patch19:03
keesSarvatt: then the variables are the NX bit itself, really.19:03
keesSarvatt: are you booting -generic or -generic-pae ?19:04
* tgardner --> lunch19:12
Sarvattkees: -generic only, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/68670519:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 686705 in linux (Ubuntu) "System hangs at GRUB loading screen every warm boot since 2.6.37-3.11 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]19:14
JFoentirely wrong menu option selected :)19:17
GrueMasterJFo: Pie wasn't on the menu.  :P19:19
JFounfortunately no :-(19:19
JFoand I looked everywhere19:20
Sarvattkees: would seeing if it happens on generic-pae be a useful data point?19:42
keesSarvatt: for -3.11, it would, yes.19:43
Sarvattkees: 2.6.37-3.11 generic-pae works19:55
Sarvattso does 2.6.37-8-generic-pae19:55
keesSarvatt: okay, well, that supports the idea that the NX-emu patch is bad. I still don't understand how it's different from maverick yet.19:58
keesSarvatt: I added another comment to the bug; can you verify the "nx-test" behavior for -3.11 -generic and -generic-pae ?19:59
Sarvattsure thing, on it now19:59
keesSarvatt: I'm suspecting the fastsyscall use, but again, that didn't change from maverick, and I don't see how that would stop a warmboot. *scratch head*19:59
ilmarihow do i compile just a single module (i915) for my current kernel from a patched ubuntu kernel tree?20:18
ilmari I've checked out the tag corresponding to my currently running kernel, copied /boot/config-$(uname -r) to .config and run make LOCALVERSION= EXTRAVERSION=-23-generic drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko20:18
ilmarithen I copied that to /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/... and did update-initramfs, but on reboot it refuses to load, complaining "i915: no symbol version for module_layout"20:19
keestgardner: so, I'm at a loss on bug 686705. the only other thing I can think of is to build a kernel with natty's nx-emu reverted and put in maverick's nx-emu back in. the only thing that changed was the use of disable_nx, but I don't see anything wrong with it on visual inspecition between the two patches.20:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 686705 in linux (Ubuntu) "System hangs at GRUB loading screen every warm boot since 2.6.37-3.11 seemingly due to nx-emu patch (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68670520:51
tgardnerkees, I'll look in a bit. 20:52
* ilmari resorts to building the entire kernel20:55
ilmarieek: temp1:       +96.0°C  (crit = +100.0°C)                  20:56
ilmariah, at 97°C the fan sped up and promptly got it down to 90°C20:56
ilmarialso, the CPU got throttled from "turbo mode" to 1.2GHz (it's nominally 2GHz)20:59
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
* jjohansen -> lunch21:31
tgardnerkees, doesn't seem like there is anything in that NX patch that would be affected by a warm boot.21:36
keestgardner: my thoughts exactly. :(21:37
tgardnerkees, its likely some BIOS issue. Sarvatt did say he'd been hacking on it to get NX enabled. I wonder if we could get anything info by booting with earlyprintk=vga ?21:41
keestgardner: ironically, he didn't need to do anything to get hw NX enabled since my NX unmasking patch is in the later natty kernels.21:45
kees(and other people with similar ASUSes reported success with it)21:45
tgardnerkees, huh.21:46
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-afk
SarvattI was going to live with that but ran across comments like this one in another bug making me think it might be more widespread so I put what I found out there  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/683775/comments/21 (this person has the opposite experience that I do though)21:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 683775 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Natty Alpha 1, i915 has blank screen after boot (affects: 12) (dups: 5) (heat: 92)" [High,Fix released]21:48
apwkees, do we 'undo' the nx-emu protection?  restore the segments before calling reboot?  perhaps they are surviving the warmboot on this system ... we do use a variety of reboot methods on different h/w for warmboot22:02
keesapw: there's nothing really to undo, iiuc -- it's just the cs limit. but no, there's nothing that undoes it before reboot.22:03
apwkees, and the grub behaviour is different on natty as it is trying to go into graphics mode so we may need to call an option rom we do not on maverick22:03
keesoh... well that's interesting.22:04
keeswould cs limit affect that?22:04
apwkees, so if the warmboot on this machine doesn't restore them it may leave us with much of memory not executable in ring0 or somethign right?22:04
keesapw: well, dunno about ring0, I thought the cs limit would just trigger in ring3.22:05
keesapw: where is the common "rebooting now" function? we could add something there maybe...22:05
apwkees, may be worth finding out if Sarvatt is fixed by using gfxmode=text (or whatever it is) as that reverts us more to the maverick boot sequence22:07
apw(thats a grub option)22:07
keesI will add that to the bug, excellent.22:07
keeshm, not sure it's gfxmode=text, still looking22:08
apwkees, its set gfxpayload=text in grub22:09
keesoh, not  set linux_gfx_mode=text22:09
apwthat variable ends up in the otehr onem, so i think either22:09
keesokay, will add22:10
apwkees, he'll prolly need to do that in the /etc/grub/default somehow22:10
apwkees, likely he will know how, its a common debug technique right now22:11
* apw wanders off to watch some DS922:11
Sarvattthis is with gfxpayload=text22:12
keesSarvatt: ah, where do you use that? all I could find was /etc/default/grub GRUB_TERMINAL=console22:13
Sarvattit's in my grub.cfg with that in /etc/default/grub22:14
keesokay. well... dang. that rules that out.22:15
ilmariif anyone can point me in the right direction regarding how to build individual patched drivers for a specific ubuntu kernel I'd love to write up a wiki page about it22:36
ilmarieven just rm debian/stamps/stamp-build-generic && fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic takes far too long when only one driver is changed22:37
ilmariignoring the initial build which takes yonks and gigabytes22:37

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