
twbhackeron_: no00:04
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/101692/ some notes I wrote on the subject00:05
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
fluvvellI know there's hardly anyone around, but an opinion please: Am I better with IBM's SAS raid hardware onboard a new x 3100 M3 series (entry level) or linux raid ? Its just a simple mirror setup, and the controller seems to have been detected ok.01:00
fluvvellI've installed linux software raid so far, but I've no idea how to compare them anyway.01:00
ivoksdo you see both disks on your controller?01:01
ivoksin linux01:01
ivoksadvante of linux raid is that you can unplug your disks and plug it in anywhere01:03
FunkyBobivoks: and by "linux raid" you mean "software raid"?01:09
FunkyBobfluvvell: hardware raid is just that -- the hardware does it, so the OS is ignorant of the fact there's more than one disc01:10
hansinQuestion here: I once has U-server installed on an older small PII box (300Mhz, 512Mb RAM). It ran fine. Great little box I would just SSH into. It is a little loud so only ran when needed. When I shutdown the server (done via 'sudo shutdown -h now' when SSH'ed in), it shuts down but it doesn't full turn the computer off. I have to manually hold the power button to shut it off completely....01:20
hansin...Thing is, I went ahead and installed Debian Testing and it shuts down completely. I want to go back to U-server (10.10) but would rather it just shutdown completely. As a side note, I have never run latest U-server on this. Any thoughts? Thanks.01:20
hansinI would think if Debian could shut this down completely, Ubuntu should too.01:21
fluvvellFunkyBob, I guess the OS knows via the SAS driver modules, but my colloquial question "better off" was meaning which will perform better, or give the biggest all around benefit.01:24
fluvvellFunkyBob, last time I did a comparison, it was with old paradise raid controllers, and the linux community found software raid to perform better01:25
fluvvellivoks, yes I see both disks on the controller, and yes to the software raid.01:26
FunkyBobfluvvell: hardware raid is generally much faster01:29
FunkyBob"hardware assisted" raid, otoh... not always so good01:29
qman__real hardware raid (usually) offers better performance01:36
qman__linux software raid offers better compatibility and more options01:37
qman__which is better depends on your needs and preferences01:37
qman__fake raid is useless01:37
qman__only performs as good as software raid with the feature limitations of hardware raid01:37
qman__hansin, use `sudo poweroff`01:40
qman__if that still doesn't work, it's probably an APM/ACPI driver problem01:40
hansinqman__: Thanks. I just wrote all that down so I can try once I install. I think I get the driver thing as well, as in if it can't communicate the the HW to power off, the OS will shut down, but the HW will still be on. I'll test it all out.01:46
hansinOkay, one more question: I know U-Server can be updated to new releases (say 10.4 -> 10.10 -> 11.4) with 'do-release-upgrade' found in 'update-manager-core'. What I am wondering is, are there sometimes things that just can't update and get you to where you would be with a fresh install?01:51
hansinI get that things like the files system (ext3 vs. ext4) are usually set, and often GRUB will stay at GRUB vs. GRUB2.01:51
hansin(I don't care about these since I will install as ext4 and GRUB2). But are there other things? Like the transition from 'sysvinit' to 'upstart01:52
hansin', where there any issues there? Anything else that might miss out on an upgrade between releases? Thanks.01:53
qman__not really01:58
qman__the way it works is, certain packages won't be changed by default01:58
qman__if you want to, you can still switch to the new ones01:58
qman__like grub and grub201:58
qman__another one is the switch from sysklogd to rsyslog(?)01:59
qman__if you upgrade it won't change over automatically01:59
hansinqman__: Thanks again. I'm going to move back to U-Server and give it another go. I just wanted to clarify the upgrade part. Knowing what you just said, I can more carefully inspect the release notes for new releases.01:59
qman__ubuntu has actually been using upstart since 6.1002:00
qman__just in sysvinit compatibility mode02:00
qman__the major change recently was a bunch of services to upstart scripts02:00
qman__they're actually trying to phase out sysvinit now02:01
fluvvellqman__, hardware profile says I have SAS1064ET PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS   - driver mptsas.  I'm not sure where I'll have compatibility issues, if its saying the dirver is already loaded...02:01
qman__fluvvell, what I mean by compatibility is, with software RAID, you can hook your array up to any computer running any recent linux kernel and access it02:02
qman__whereas if your hardware controller fails, you must find another compatible one to access it02:02
hansinqman__: Okay, thanks. One example where there is an issue with Debian but not U-Server is using the Drizzle (MySQL derivative) PPA. It uses an Upstart script, yet Debian seems still stuck on Sysvinit. Anyway, I02:02
hansinI'm going to switch back.02:02
qman__no problem02:02
fluvvellqman__ ; yes, I've needed to do that in the past, though had failure for unrelated reasons. But with mirrored raid, all the data is on both disks <shrug>02:03
qman__not disk failure, controller failure02:03
qman__with hardware raid, reading the data off the disks is impossible without a compatible controller02:03
fluvvellqman__, even with mirror array?02:03
qman__well, theoretically possible with a mirror02:04
qman__in practice though you'd have to test02:04
qman__every manufacturer does it a little differently02:04
fluvvellthey're standard SATA drives02:04
qman__that's not what matters02:04
qman__the controller still has to store RAID information on the disks02:04
qman__and how and where it creates the volumes02:05
qman__with software raid this is standard and open02:05
qman__but with hardware raid it isn't02:05
qman__a mirror should be recoverable with some analysis, even if you can't find a compatible controller, but it may not be easy02:06
fluvvellyes, well part of my trepidation over doing the hardware raid setup was not knowing. Its all in the bios but unfamiliar to me02:06
Patrickdkis it real hardware raid? or fake raid?02:06
qman__fake raid is another story02:06
fluvvellIt does seem a pity though to have a nice piece of hardware sitting there unused02:06
qman__since it's really just software raid, dmraid can access it even without a compatible controller02:07
PatrickdkI like real hardware raid with bbc, makes writes really good02:07
fluvvellthe IBM has four sata quick load trays. They all go back to the PCI card02:07
Patrickdkbattery backed cache02:07
qman__yeah, that's some serious hardware02:07
qman__where you really see the performance gains02:07
fluvvellOK I'm talking sub $1K, for server and hard disks!02:08
Patrickdkyou can spend <1k on a server? without disks or raid? :)02:08
qman__my disks cost nearly that much02:08
fluvvell:-) WITH both02:08
Patrickdkfluvvell, ya, software raid is your best bet02:08
qman__but yeah02:08
qman__in that price range, the hardware is unlikely to have significant performance gains02:09
Patrickdkya, my disks are going start at 3k, I'm hoping for 4k though02:09
fluvvellreliable array of inexpensive disks02:09
qman__to the point where the features of software raid are worth the difference02:09
Patrickdkmediocer array of expensive disks :)02:09
fluvvellthere's only 5 staff in the building02:09
Patrickdkdoesn't matter02:09
Patrickdkhave 7 staff02:10
qman__my file server is consumer grade stuff02:10
Patrickdkbut we have 96 300gig sas dual channel 6g drives02:10
qman__and it still cost more than $1k02:10
Patrickdkbut we are running around 80 vm's loaded mainly with mssql :(02:11
qman__unfortunately it's failing on me02:11
qman__the motherboard is shot, keeps crashing02:11
fluvvellok just a little over $1K02:11
Patrickdkmotherboards seem to be one of the biggest failing points these days02:11
Patrickdkit used to be psu, but now I think motherboard is worse02:11
qman__well, it was built on a budget02:11
qman__socket 939 foxconn02:11
fluvvellby the time I put two WD Blue 1Tb 7200 drives in02:12
qman__when I get the money to replace it, it'll be an AM3 gigabyte02:12
fluvvellI've never had one of the IBM mbs fail. All others I've had some failures.02:12
=== asac_ is now known as asac
fluvvellLong term, I've had heaps of gigabyte mbs fail, caps leak, weird chipset failures.02:13
Patrickdkheh, I just replace the caps02:13
qman__they use japanese caps now02:13
* fluvvell lacks a good extracting temp controlled solder sucker02:14
qman__so far, so good anyway02:14
SpaceBasshey folks02:14
SpaceBassafter an upgrade, my box doesn't have a syslog file anymore... any idea how I can recreate it?02:15
fluvvellPatrickdk, where I have replaced caps (on a graphics card) it didn't fix the failure so I gave up. Not worth it on a $60 card :(02:15
PatrickdkI have fixed 13 motherboards so far that way02:16
qman__I actually had a VRM fry on a TV tuner, a friend replaced it and it's good as new02:16
fluvvellI guess the caps leak might have led to failures elsewhere.02:16
Patrickdkbut for graphics cards I probably wouldn't bother02:16
Patrickdkmost of the motherboard had >13 dead caps02:16
qman__SpaceBass, which file are you referring to?02:17
* fluvvell better go02:17
qman__that's pretty strange, do you still have the other log files, messages, dmesg, kern, auth?02:17
qman__and it's logging new data to them?02:18
SpaceBassjust checked, yes02:19
qman__I haven't run into that problem, I've upgraded hardy servers directly and a jaunty server -> karmic -> lucid02:19
qman__and on my systems it's /var/log/syslog, no .log at the end02:20
SpaceBasslikewise, never seen it myself02:20
qman__is it running sysklogd or rsyslogd?02:20
SpaceBassqman__, your right, it should be /var/log/syslog02:20
SpaceBasssyslog     616  1.7  0.0  36472  1256 ?        Sl   Oct24 1113:04 rsyslogd -c402:20
qman__well, rsyslog uses /etc/rsyslog.conf and /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf02:22
SpaceBassthanks, I'll check them02:23
qman__my jaunty upgrade has both of them on it for some reason, rsyslogd is running but sysklogd still has cron files and init scripts02:23
SpaceBassqman__, can you check owner and perms on your syslog file?02:25
qman__-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 1007K 2010-12-06 21:25 /var/log/syslog02:25
SpaceBassgoing to try the ole sudo touch /var/log/syslog02:26
Cygnus_RiftHello everyone, can someone let me know if I have everything correct to ssh to my ssh server?02:40
Cygnus_RiftI installed sshd on my server and forwarded my selected ports from my router to my statically addressed server02:41
=== hansin__ is now known as hansin
lwizardlI was wondering how do I figure out how much of a server I need as a virtual server host? for my other servers06:04
hansinlwizardl: I really don't know, but I am sure you need to determine first how many guests you want to run, what resources each of there need, and then what overhead exists on the host server. My guess is that you can "overprovision" the guests based on some formula, but don't know what the rule of thumb is.06:06
lwizardlhmm ok06:10
Error404NotFoundwhat was the latest version having python2.5 as default python?06:22
twbrmadison will tell you06:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #686343 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68634306:57
Error404NotFoundtwb, found it, it was karmic, in lucid they dropped p2.507:18
twbWhy is /etc/init/ssh.conf "stop on runlevel S"07:49
twbSurely it should be "stop on runlevel [06]"07:49
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
ivoksfluvvell: so if you see both disks, then it's not hardware controller08:25
fluvvellivoks, you missed the part where I said I never set up the hardware controller during the installation.08:30
twbivoks: there are some amazingly shit controllers that IBM ship which present as separate disks to normal linux kernels08:31
twbIIRC /dev/ccmra01 or something like that08:31
ivoksfluvvell: could be; i was half sleeping at 2AM08:32
ivokstwb: whenever someone says 'hardware on board controller', i just look on the other side08:33
lwizardlanyone know of a place where I can find a list of what all games have a dedicate linux server option for hosting your own lan servers09:07
twbupdate-motd provides nothing but an empty directory09:11
twbWhat *invoked* update-motd?09:11
twbSilly me for thinking it was generated DAILY09:12
jussiHi all, I just got a new vps with ubuntu, but it doesnt seem to have tab complete enabled, could someone direct me how to turn tab complete on?09:41
twbjussi: . /etc/bash_completion09:41
twb(Note the leading dot.)09:41
jussiwell I guess this is why its borked...09:42
jussijussi@vps323:~$ . /etc/bash_completion09:42
jussi-bash: /etc/bash_completion: No such file or directory09:42
twbThen you probably need to install it09:42
twbThat or you are not actually looking at ubuntu09:42
jussijussi@vps323:~$ lsb_release -a09:44
jussiDistributor ID: Ubuntu09:44
jussiDescription:    Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS09:44
jussiand so, you were right, it wasnt installed. thanks"09:45
jussiright, so one more quick thing, Im migrating servers now, how do I pull mysql DB's out and plug them into the new server?09:46
tonyyarussojussi: Google for "Wordpress database backup restore"09:47
jussitonyyarusso: ok :D (its not for wordpress, but still I guess its the same)09:47
tonyyarussofirst two links09:47
alwhy don't you just copy the datafiles, jussi?09:47
tonyyarussojussi: It's just that the WordPress people have a pretty good no-nonsense writeup on the matter.09:47
jussial: because I have no idea I can!09:47
alwell, you can09:47
jussiwhere are they likely to be located?09:48
almaybe /var/db09:48
jussihrrr... someone remind me of the tar command that actually makes a tar.gz file? my combinations fail...09:51
altar cvzf your.tar.gz stuff/ to/ back/ up/09:52
tonyyarussotar cz...bah09:52
alor, well, czf will do ;)09:52
alcreate, zip, file <filename>09:52
albut for server migrations i find rsync -az --delete much more convenient09:53
al(resp. without the --delete ;)09:54
jussiIm still having issues with it downloading the index.php not loading it - any ideas?09:58
twbal: the z is actually for gzip10:00
tonyyarussojussi: s/it/something useful/10:00
altwb, yea, so?10:01
twbYou said zip, is all10:01
altwb, which is still correct10:01
twbzip and gzip both use the Lempel-Ziv algorithm, but they are not interachangable.10:01
ali didn't mean to imply that10:02
twbOkey dokey.10:02
=== ihCiFriS is now known as SirFiChi
njinbug 58899310:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 588993 in linux "mcelog does not work due to lack of kernel support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58899310:42
* SpamapS curses the baby for waking him up at 2am10:49
ruben23hi guys where do i can edit the iptables rules on my ubuntu server..? any idea where is it localted like on centos its localted on---> .etc/sysconfig/iptables <-------------for ou ubuntu server where is it...?11:00
ruben23any idea guys..?11:02
Jeeves_ruben23: How did you configure your firewall untill now?11:04
ruben23i just put it on my /etc/rc.local/ teh ruesl i set like masquerade since this box is set to be router.11:05
twbSpamapS: that's what I'd call a disproportionate response11:06
Jeeves_ruben23: So, just keep editing that?11:16
Jeeves_Or use ufw11:16
twbiptables rules should be loaded during rcS, not rc.local.11:17
twbOtherwise, you are in "allow all" mode for the entire init process.11:17
twbNote that (usually) iptables rules can be loaded before any network devices exist.11:18
ruben23Jeeves_: how to used ufw...? on ubuntu-server...?11:19
Jeeves_ruben23: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW11:19
twbdiff -u <(w3m -dump https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/kerberos-ldap.html) <(w3m -dump https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/kerberos-ldap.html)11:20
twb...zero changes to that section in six months.11:20
ruben23Jeeves_: but there is no config file that i can put rules and edit directly on ufw..?11:22
Jeeves_ruben23: See /etc/ufw11:22
twbruben23: if you are capable of writing complex netfilter rules, you probably don't want ufw11:32
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/101737/ is such a firewall I set up, using the iptables-persistent package.11:33
twbOops, the first file is http://paste.debian.net/101738/11:33
ruben23twb:  this is the script of the iptables..? - it just im more compatible like editing the iptables config file itself- adding rules on it.11:34
twbruben23: I don't understand the question.11:35
ruben23 twb: sorry , i sued to do firewall with centos and i just edit the file iptables and add rules in there and apply whihc is more simple- its juts im not familiar how is it with debian.11:38
ruben23or ubuntu server..11:38
ZumuI just made "apt-get upgrade" on 2.6.32 server12:06
Zumuupgrade had grub-pc in it, but rootfs is on raid1 ..12:06
Zumushould I worry that it won't boot?12:07
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=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
patdk-wkzumu nope13:09
Zumupatdk-wk: but it asked where to install boot loader13:35
patdk-wkyep, install it to the root of the raid13:36
patdk-wkthen it will get written to both drives, and your good13:36
Zumuthe choice was to install to sda or sdb..13:36
ZumuI killed that post-install trigger13:37
patdk-wkguess your using softraid, or it would be so complicated13:37
patdk-wkmine has 3 options /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/mapper/......13:38
jdstrandruben23: there is a file you can edit directly with ufw. they are in /etc/ufw/*.rules. you probably want /etc/ufw/before.rules. see 'man ufw' and 'man ufw-framework' for details13:45
jdstrandruben23: but you are right, there is not one firewall system for Debian. ufw is on all Ubuntu installations, but it is opt in and you still have the choice of everything that is in Debian (or writing your own)13:46
lauhow can I handle https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=606993 on ubuntu-server machine ?13:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #676508 in samba (main) "Lucid won't share printers via samba" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67650813:51
stanman246hi, i've got a stuck mysqld, anyone know how to fix this? I can't reboot14:15
aliveriussince i am not familiar with how ubuntu and esp lts versions deal with package updates...14:39
aliveriushow is it decided if a pkg is updated or not?14:40
TeTeTaliverius: you want to read about the SRU (stable release update process) on wiki.ubuntu.com14:49
TeTeTaliverius: besides SRU there are also security updates14:49
aliveriusso it seems that if an application was accepted in the repos when it was at an early stage of its development,14:57
aliveriusand now there is a release with more features that actually makes it more useful. then i will have to wait for another ubuntu release...14:58
aliveriusexcept,of course, if i build a package myself or use a package from another ubuntu release15:00
resnoaliverius: whats your question?15:01
aliverius[16:38:58] <aliverius> how is it decided if a pkg is updated or not?15:02
aliveriusi see quassel-core irc client is stuck at 0.6.115:03
aliverius0.7.1 has important security additions (not a security update)15:03
aliveriusand in the end i am wondering how i can use the latest release15:04
awantiI wan to configure samba server in my office. In our office their is 4 department like Sales, Marketing, Data-base, Finance. There are 25 users in our office and have to add those users in their respective departments. But here my question is i have to give different permission for particular users in department. So plz. help me to configure this!15:07
pmatulisaliverius: an application's major version does not change in the course of a release's lifetime15:08
pmatulis!info quassel-core15:08
ubottuquassel-core (source: quassel): distributed, KDE/Qt-based IRC client - core/server component. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 270 kB, installed size 1068 kB15:08
pmatulis!info quassel-core lucid15:09
ubottuquassel-core (source: quassel): distributed, KDE/Qt-based IRC client - core/server component. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 261 kB, installed size 1028 kB15:09
pmatulisaliverius: so use maverick15:09
awantiis any buddy can help regarding samba (acl)15:10
aliveriusi will use maverick's quassel pkg. i chose lucid cause it is an LTS afterall!15:10
aliveriusor can i use the source pkg and build it on lucid? dependency wise it should be feasible, but i am comming from the archlinux world so i dont know how packages work here!15:13
pmatulisaliverius: yes, you can build your own package15:14
aliveriuscan i just download a buildscript and run it?15:14
pmatulisaliverius: no.  it's more involved.  you can either build an actual .deb file or use the PPA system (send changed source and build info to launchpad)15:15
pmatulisaliverius: you will need to do some reading15:16
pmatulisaliverius: i would say that PPA is easiest15:16
pmatulisaliverius: as there are multiple ways/tools to build a .deb (confusing)15:17
pmatulisaliverius: see #launchpad for LP-related questions15:17
aliveriusok ty. i will do some research 1st15:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #686607 in openssh (main) "ssh client should mention ssh-keygen on mismatched keys" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68660715:22
JoeyJoeJoI've just installed ubuntu-server to a dell poweredge and all it's running is samba. What else can I run?15:30
pmatulisJoeyJoeJo: what release did you install?15:31
pmatulisJoeyJoeJo: here: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/index.html15:31
JoeyJoeJopmatulis: Thanks, that was a great link15:35
pmatulisJoeyJoeJo: you're welcome15:35
MWelchUK_workI'm having a bit of trouble configuring the DHCP server in Ubuntu 10.04. Specifically, PXE booting.15:54
MWelchUK_workI have a set of host sections, each specifying a filename. The config worked in Ubuntu 8.04, but isn't working for devices using the Intel Boot Agent on 10.0415:55
MWelchUK_workIt seems that the file and sname don't get set in the response if the DHCPDISCOVER provides a Parameter Request List.15:56
MWelchUK_workI've tried setting option bootfile-name in the host sections, but this doesn't work - it only seems to work as a global option. Any ideas?15:57
MWelchUK_workHey jono15:57
jonohey MWelchUK_work15:58
MWelchUK_workI assume the weather is a bit warmer with you :-)15:58
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uvirtbotNew bug: #686627 in samba (main) "Samba server crashes on file read." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68662716:07
kirklandJamesPage: hey, can you join us in #ubuntu-meeting?16:12
JamesPagekirkland: yep - just seen the time...16:13
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
mpavelI have an old computer that I want to setup as server and play about with it while in university16:45
mpavelI'm using dyndns to use a free domain name and point that to my router which will point to my server16:46
mpavelis there a way to setup subdomains so that I can have different websites on each running on the server?16:46
disposablei've just installed 10.04.1 on a system with 2 disks creating software raid. I created 3 raid1 MD devices in the installer. i formatted md0(/), md1(/var) and left md2 alone so that i could play with it later. when i do fdisk -l now, i don't see just /dev/md2, i get md2p1 md2p2 and md2p3. what are they? http://pastebin.com/8seZdjWr17:21
RoAkSoAxkirkland: still around?17:38
kirklandRoAkSoAx: in a meeting17:39
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ok. no worries then17:39
RoyKhm... pbpool                     514K  97.2T  66.1K  /pbpool17:40
* RoyK has room for some pr0n17:40
Wh1teL0tushi all , i installed a LAMP server yesterday but i'm new into it and i was wondering where to find the folder to put your web pages in ?17:42
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=== Guest54520 is now known as jeremyA
uvirtbotNew bug: #686671 in openssh (main) "ssh-copy-id assumes $HOME" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68667117:46
jeremyAhello.  I've recently upgraded from 8.04.01 LTS to 10.04.01 LTS.  I'm experiencing hard hangs -- which is new.  This is a server running 2.6.32-26-server, without X started.  I do use virt-manager over ssh-tunneled X.  Nothing is logged in /var/log/messages or /var/log/kern.log17:46
jeremyAamd64 architecture, 8gb of ram.  SATA storage in softraid 1 setup.17:47
jeremyAdual-core athlon X2 5400+.17:47
jeremyAwhere should I start looking?17:47
jeremyAI can induce hard system hangs predictably by installing an OS on a virtual machine -- this affects VirtualBox and KVM both (I switched to KVM thinking VBox was the culprit)17:50
cokegendmesg ?17:51
jeremyAnothing shown17:51
jeremyAjust the standard iptables kernel logging bits.17:51
cokegenhardware could fail at all times17:51
cokegenI'd not discard hardware so fast17:52
jeremyAI ran the identical hardware quite hard with 8.04.01 LTS for several years -- running both vmware server 1.0.6 and VirtualBox.  This never happened before.17:53
jeremyAwhich is not to say it can't be hardware.17:53
jeremyAsince nothing is getting logged to dmesg, any tips for isolating the hardware?17:58
cokegenmemtest + cpuburn17:59
mpavelWh1teL0tus: /var/www/17:59
cokegendoesn't hurts to turn off the machine for half an hour to test it17:59
jeremyAroger.  I'll try cpuburn now, then rebooted into memtest this afternoon18:00
RoyKcokegen: I somehow think the machine is hard to test while it's off :þ18:00
* RoyK ducks18:01
cokegenRoyK, :D18:02
cokegenI have my methods ...18:02
cokegenjeremyA, I'm booting a system rescue cd to see if it actually has cpuburn in it18:03
* RoyK just booked a long weekend in Reykjavík to thaw a bit18:04
cokegenmprime could be another option18:06
jeremyAcpuburn has run for 8 minutes now, and temperature on the cpu is stable at 32C18:10
cokegenwhat is exactly what you define as a "hard hang" man ?18:12
jeremyAvideo goes blank.  keyboard mouse unresponsive.  system no longer responds to pings or any network traffic18:12
cokegentried noacpi ?18:13
cokegenand that kind of parameters booting the kernel ?18:13
jeremyAI have not yet tried noacpi.  I can give that a shot.18:13
* jeremyA drops off channel to reboot the gateway (which is the server in question)18:14
cokegenjeremyA tried something already18:23
jeremyArebooted with noacpi in place, I thought....18:24
jeremyAshouldn't the "noacpi" show up in /proc/cmdline then?18:24
cokegenI think it should18:24
jeremyAmust not have taken it.  better go plug a monitor into this and force it from the grub command line.18:25
donspauldingssh-keygen -t rsa -C "tekkub@gmail.com"18:25
donspaulding<forehead slap>18:26
donspauldingaka <facepalm>18:26
cokegenjeremyA, yes it should (confirmed)18:26
Wh1teL0tusthanks mpavel !18:29
jeremyAyep, acpi SHOULD show up in /proc/cmdline18:29
jeremyAit does now18:29
cokegenjeremyA, acpi=off could be too18:32
jeremyAneither were there, I must not've updated grub.18:32
cokegenI'd search the kernel docs for the kernel version you have there18:32
jeremyAanything in particular I should be looking for, cokegen?18:33
ZacLnxNewbI have a server,  beyond-sight.com18:33
jeremyAwhen I drop off next time, it'll be due to server crash...18:33
ZacLnxNewband I have utterly no idea how to configure webpage hosting for multiple web pages on the same server,  other.beyond-sight.com    versus     beyond-sight.com18:34
cokegenhopefully not ...18:34
jeremyAZac:  name-based virtual hosting!18:34
PiciZacLnxNewb: You'd need to setup virtual hosts in your apache config and on your dns records.18:35
jeremyAwhen I get back from lunch, I can help you with that ZacLnxNewb18:35
jeremyAbut someone here will probably beat me to it18:35
cokegenjeremyA, I think most of the commands are there when you boot an install18:35
ZacLnxNewbjeremyA:  Awesome. :D18:35
cokegennoacpi is one and there could be others of relevance18:35
cokegenjust saying that if I were you I'd try those parameters ...18:35
ZacLnxNewbPici:  DNS records how?  I have a  DNS updater, I need to add that to update the dns network?18:36
ZacLnxNewbPici: and then Apache config for name based virtual hosts?18:36
mpaveldoes anyone know of a good guide on how to do name based virtual hosts?18:38
smoseri dont knwo what that would mean. "name based virtual hosts"18:39
PiciZacLnxNewb: You'll need to setup a new A record for the subdomain.18:39
smoseroh.. apache.18:39
smosersorry, i was thinking the other type of "virtual" (lxc/kvm/xen)18:40
PiciZacLnxNewb: And then something like the following in your apache site configruation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/540727/18:41
jeremyAsome sample configs for you, ZacLnxNewb, at http://ccis2122.linux-classes.com/week12/18:43
ZacLnxNewbThank you18:43
PiciZacLnxNewb: I guess you could use a CNAME instead of an A record if your subdomain is being served off of the same IP as the main domain.18:43
ZacLnxNewbjeremyA:  Pici  I'm trying to figure out how to make a new A record...18:43
ZacLnxNewbPici:  Same IP, same server hosting two web sites. :p18:43
mpavelPici: is there a way to do that through a free domain from dyndns?18:44
Picimpavel: I'm really not sure, but I'd guess no.18:44
mpavelprobably that's why I wasn't able to do it so far :)18:44
mpavelit should work with users (maybe?)18:45
mpaveli couldn't get php scripts to execute though like that - but it could've been a php thing18:45
Picimpavel: I'm just thinking out loud here, but you might be able to setup a new virtualhost for a different dyndns domain that points to your same IP>18:45
mpavelPici: never thought of that18:46
elnurHi. Is there a trend about grub and xen fuckup in latest days?18:48
jeremyAZacLnxNewb:  http://ccis2122.linux-classes.com/week3/18:48
jeremyAmy lecture on Bind18:48
jeremyAsorry the notes aren't more explanatory18:48
ZacLnxNewbjeremyA:  So I think I've set up the A records, subdomains with  "a record" settings at the name hosting site18:48
pmatulis!language | elnur18:49
ubottuelnur: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..18:49
ZacLnxNewbjeremyA:  my guess is I need to set the DNS updater to update those A records to point to my server's ip addrtess?18:49
elnur* Hi. Is there a trend about grub and xen problem in the latest days?18:49
PiciZacLnxNewb: Indeed.18:49
mpavelwhat would be the best solution to have multiple websites on same server?18:49
ZacLnxNewbThat's currently what I'm tackling18:50
mpavelwould the easiest thing to do just be that I have a SITE_PATH variable in php and put websites in sub directories?18:50
ZacLnxNewbmpavel:  ^18:50
mpavelZacLnxNewb: I thought so :)18:50
mpavelZacLnxNewb: me too ... for a few weeks now18:50
ZacLnxNewbmpavel:  PHP does have that, but I think there's something that's cleaner and easier, and less hacky, hopefully.18:51
mpavelZacLnxNewb: I have one server (old computer) to play with and would like to setup multiple websites18:51
i0nicHi, I was thinking of using amazons S3 service for server backups, what do you guys think about this?18:51
mpavelZacLnxNewb: what do you think that is?18:51
ZacLnxNewbmpavel: Same18:51
guillaume_hi all18:51
PiciUsing Apache's virtualhosts is really easy as long as you can easily change your dns records.18:51
guillaume_i have a good question for you18:51
i0nicI have always used dedicated boxes and setup incremental rsync scripts to backup my data to the box.18:51
i0nicSo this amazon cloud thing is very living on the edge for me, just wanted to get some input.18:52
guillaume_i am using ubuntu 10.04 server for proxy with squid + dansguardian everything fine except i need ncsa auth and i am unable to make it working and i have already tried  most of the how to on the net any idea ??18:52
mpavelPici: I'm just thinking (i'm very unexperienced in servers stuff) that working with the dns and apache vhosts would be much easier if I'd have a full domain name18:53
mpavelPici: and a static IP address :)18:53
Picimpavel: It would indeed.18:53
cokegeni0nic, S3 just works18:53
i0nicwhat about redundancy18:53
cokegenthey handle it18:54
cokegenyou don't have to worry about your data18:54
cokegenthat's with S318:54
cokegenEC2 could have more failures18:54
i0nicbut im essentially on a cloud18:54
i0nicso would i need to encrypt my data?18:54
cokegenbut haven't seen one myself yet18:54
cokegenI think S3 has something regarding that18:55
cokegenanyway I'd recommend to encrypt and upload and forget about any problems18:55
i0nicare large enterprises adopting the cloud as a backup solution?18:55
jeremyAZacNwbLnx:  yes18:55
cokegenamazon recently made available a new API to work with their services18:56
cokegenhad a friend that was playing with it but I can't say much about that18:56
cokegenapparently works like a charm18:56
elnurhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/540735/ -- anyone knows how to solve this?18:57
elnurThis 'ignoring' stuff shouldn't be there, I guess.18:58
jeremyAcokegen:  looks like noacpi MIGHT have done it.  Just installed a VM successfully19:00
mpavelPici ZacLnxNewb: I will give another try to users approach19:01
mpavelyou can basically have your.free.domain/~user/19:01
mpaveland I was thinking to create different users for each website and access it like that19:01
jeremyAZacLnxWeb:  the server at linux-classes.com actually has several names19:02
Picimpavel: Setup mod_userdir: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/public_html.html19:02
jeremyAZacLnxWeb:  I have multiple CNAMEs and A Records pointing to it's IP19:02
mpavelPici: exactly :)19:02
jeremyAZacLnxWeb:  then I just map each name to a different dir using vhosts19:02
ZacLnxNewbPici: jeremyA   I'm setting up DDclient to update the A records.19:03
ZacLnxNewbPici:  jeremyA  I appreciate your help so far. :D19:04
cokegenjeremyA, good thing to hear then19:04
cokegenI had only one or two machines in my life that required noacpi ...19:04
mpavelPici: any idea if that solution would stop php scripts from running?19:04
Picimpavel: It shouldn't.19:05
mpavelPici: or would there be a need to alter something in php.ini ?19:05
mpavelif for example the user directories are in /home/~user1/ /home/~user2/ and php is not set to execute scripts from /home/*19:05
mpavelor something ... just thinking :-/19:05
Picimpavel: But remember that www-data would need to be able to access the php files, so you'll need to make sure that is the case.19:06
mpavelso include each user in the www-data group19:07
Picimpavel: Thats one way to do it.19:07
mpavelPici: that's the only way I know. but I can search online for alternatives19:07
Picimpavel: No, thats a fine way (in my opinion), but there are a whole bunch of options on how you'd want to do this depending on how restrictive you want your security policy to be.19:08
jeremyAcokegen:  yeah, this machine didn't need noacpi under 8.04.01, but new kernels == new features, new problems.  At least I'm off vmware server and virtualbox now19:09
mpavelPici: cool. not really interested in security right now for this kind of setup. i'm just looking for easier ways to setup a working testing/playing-about environment for some projects19:10
cokegensure ... a bit of testing is due when you switch versions19:10
mpavelPici: thanks for all your help!19:12
jeremyAanyone using iptables with bridged traffic?19:13
jeremyAI'm getting a lot of logs like this:19:13
jeremyADec  7 13:13:49 localhost kernel: [ 2791.493463] IN=br0 OUT=br0 PHYSIN=vnet0 PHYSOUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=115 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=255 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=5353 DPT=5353 LEN=9519:13
jeremyAmy bridge device is br0, the physical device is eth0, and I want my LAN to be able to talk to my virtual machines as if they were on the same network segment19:14
jeremyA(like they used to be on vmware)19:14
cokegenjeremyA, the other day I was here and a guy solved his problems with ebtables (which I didn't know it existed)19:15
jeremyAokay, cool, thanks19:15
cokegento work with bridged stuff like you19:16
* jeremyA nods19:16
cokegenjust saying you should look into that19:16
jeremyAI've been meaning to learn ebtables for about 9 years now19:16
jeremyAgoogling now19:16
cokegennever needed to work with bridges but it's a must when working with all that virtualized stuff19:18
jeremyAhave I mentioned I dislike virtualization in general?  too much extra work ;)19:19
jeremyAkeeps the electrical bill lower, tho, I guess19:20
cokegenhave to buy a VT-x capable processor19:20
jeremyAthey're sub-$100 now.19:20
cokegenwant to try how well it runs win19:20
cokegennot here (argentina)19:21
jeremyAoh, I bet.19:21
ZacLnxNewbjeremyA: Pici   I'm having trouble adding servers to ddclient19:24
jeremyAZacLnxNewb:  I use ipupdate.pl for freedns.afraid.org, or adjust the DNS manually, I'm afraid :(19:26
guillaume_some of you well knoe squid+dansguardian config ?19:33
jeremyAsorry, guillaume, I know nothing about that19:33
guillaume_thanks for answering19:34
guillaume_it seem to be hard to find pepole who know19:34
jeremyAbridging with kvm needs no ebtables, only iptables:  iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o br0 -j ACCEPT   where br0 is your bridge device19:44
* RoyK books a trip to Reykjavík to thaw up a bit19:45
fluvvellI really need to get this cpu fan under control, the heatsink is stone cold, but the fan constantly speeds up and slows down. sensors is alleging that fans are at 0RPM. pwmconfig alludes to increasing the fan divisors, I have no idea what that is and I cant find the doc20:31
fluvvellok found the doc.20:32
* RoyK hands fluvvell a screwdriver20:43
fluvvellhe he, disconnect the fan?20:43
qman__well, you want to make sure it's all PWM equipment, I've got some older stuff that was pre-PWM and is not compatible20:46
fluvvellqman__, na its brand new - four wire fan to cpu.20:47
fluvvellive found the fan divisor setting, I think, but pwmconfig still finds current speed of 0 for all fans20:48
* fluvvell is wondering where to find hwmon0/device/pwm1 ?20:48
fluvvellweird. Now its all quiet!20:49
* RoyK takes his screwdriver back20:50
* fluvvell frequently leaves screwdrivers behind clients servers and finds them on later visits20:52
RoyKfluvvell: the leftover screws goes into the pocket, eh?20:53
fluvvellRoyK, I have dozens of little snap lock bags with screw selections in them :) and bitz containers on the window sill!20:55
i0nicI'm trying to setup key authentication for ssh20:56
i0nicand it keeps asking for the password20:56
i0nicwhat am I doing wrong?20:56
RoyKi0nic: well, I guess that depends on what you are doing.....20:56
i0nicRoyK: is there a program to shoot my sshd_config to a pastebin program? does ubuntu provide one of thes in the repos?20:59
guntbert!info pastebinit | i0nic21:03
ubottui0nic: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-2 (maverick), package size 22 kB, installed size 404 kB21:03
i0nicah thanks21:03
i0nichere is a copy of my sshd_config21:03
i0nicnot sure why its still asking for a password21:04
guntberti0nic: do you want to disable password based login completely?21:05
cokegenyou need to cat the public key to the machine's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys221:06
cokegenand then provide ssh with the key21:06
cokegenwhen connecting I mean21:06
cokegenlike this21:06
i0nicguntbert: yes21:07
i0nicto roots /.ssh/authorized_keys2 ?21:07
cokegenssh -p 22 -i /path-to-private-key/machine-key root@111.222.333.44421:07
i0nici put the public key in the users .ssh/21:08
cokegenand you could generate your keys like this21:08
i0nicthat should be all it needs?21:08
i0nici put the public key in the users .ssh/21:08
cokegenssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f /path-to-private-key/machine-key21:08
cokegenyou get 2 files with that last command21:08
cokegenone is the private key and the other the public key (.pub)21:09
cokegenthat .pub you need to cat to the target machine's authorized_keys221:09
cokegeni0nic, hope I was clear enough ;-)21:09
guntberti0nic: it is .ssh/authorized_keys  by now (no 2), does key based login work at all or does it ask for password anyway?21:09
cokegenno, just connect21:10
i0nicguntbert: it asks for the password21:10
cokegenbut you have to provide ssh with your identity (private key)21:10
i0nicguntbert: so apart from being in userhomedir/.ssh/ it also needs to be in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ?21:10
guntberti0nic: listen to cokegen too21:10
i0nici am21:11
i0nicim just trying to understand whats going on before i use the steps he gave me21:11
i0niccokegen: gotcha.. i am adding it now..21:11
i0niccokegen: does it need to be in usershomedir/.ssh/ as well? the pub key?21:12
cokegenthink so21:12
cokegenI just placed always into the /root dir21:12
cokegenso I can't tell, but I'd expect to be for the user I'm trying to conect to21:13
i0niccokegen root doesnt have a .ssh dir21:15
i0nicjust create it?21:15
cokegencreate it21:15
fluvvelli0nic, it depends who you are going to log in as. Best practise would be to log in as your privileged user, and sudo any root commands. In that instance, you'd ssh-copyid to the user@host21:15
cokegenssh-copyid is the best method, but if you have ssh running in a non-standard port it fails21:15
cokegenand I don't know if it has a port parameter (last time I checked I think it hasn't)21:16
fluvvelli0nic, but on the machines where I have root login, I have removed the root password after setting up ssh keys.21:16
cokegenprobably could work with "oPort=non-standard-port-number" but I don't know21:16
fluvvellcokegen, you can setup ports for each host in your .ssh/config file21:17
cokegenwhat do you mean by each host ?21:18
fluvvellthe format is Host=hostname.org   then next line port=#21:18
cokegenI like to connect to IP addresses, but cool to know21:19
fluvvelleg, I've got a dozen machines I regularly ssh into, there is a Host=hostname.org entry for each of them naming the non standard port I use.21:19
fluvvellcokegen, yes but your hosts have names eventually,  you could add them in your hosts file.  I've got dns set up for all of them, dyndns.org for the ones on dynamic ips.21:20
i0nicits still asking for the password, cokegen21:20
cokegenhow are you trying to connect i0nic21:20
i0niccokegen: ssh as a user.21:21
cokegenssh -i /path/key root@ip21:21
cokegendid you cat'ed the key to authorized_keys2 ?21:21
i0nici did it to authorized_keys21:21
cokegencat keyfile >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys221:21
cokegenon my machine works without the 2, but don't know why21:22
cokegencould be keys of SSH1 ?21:22
cokegendon't know really, but do the cat to the authorized_keys221:23
guntbertcokegen: the '2' *was* necessary, they switched back since21:23
cokegenok, good21:23
i0nicso, the owner of these files needs to be root?21:23
cokegenif you're trying to connect with root, I think yes21:24
guntberti0nic: on the target server? yes, if you want to connect as root21:24
fluvvellcokegen, I've just set it up on a machine without half of the complexity you've suggested.21:24
i0nicstill not working21:24
cokegenhalf ? share with us please21:24
i0nicguntbert: no im connecting with users, I just want key authentication setup.21:25
fluvvellhttp://www.linuxconfig.org/Passwordless_ssh  gives the method21:25
guntberti0nic: the auth..keys file must be in .ssh  of the user you want to connect as21:25
fluvvellthe only pre-requisite is the same user exists on both machines21:26
cokegenfluvvell: I didn't told him more than what that webpage says21:26
cokegenmaybe added the port parameter to some of the commands etc etc21:26
cokegenit's the same21:26
guntbertfluvvell: why is that?21:26
fluvvellcokegen, sorry it was guntbert21:27
cokegenahhh ok ;-)21:27
fluvvellguntbert, for the method shown on the linuxconfig21:27
fluvvellnot in general, but it de-confuses a bit.21:27
fluvvellguntbert, ssh-copy-id copies the auth keys over21:28
guntbertfluvvell: ok, I obviously didn't see the complete context -- ignore me please :-)21:28
cokegenmind that ssh-copy-id doesn't works on non-standard ports21:29
fluvvellcokegen, it does if you add the hostname into your .ssh/config file.  I think ip address will work as well21:29
i0nicso what does the command ssh-copy-id do, because it works now that I've used this command?21:30
fluvvellsorry ~/.ssh/config21:30
cokegenfluvvell: now I get it21:31
cokegenanyway, still prefeer doing it manually21:31
cokegendo you know a good method to manage a good number of those keys ?21:32
fluvvelli0nic, ssh-copy-id  copies the public key into the authorized_keys file in one command.  It does simply, what guntbert described (I think was the old way)21:32
fluvvellcokegen, its my key being copied onto the server at the other end. ssh agent allows for the revocation of keys from specific servers I believe.21:33
fluvvellso one key to rule them all ;-)21:34
guntbertfluvvell: for administration of several servers I use just one key (with a *very good passphrase* ™ ), and I call ssh with -A for agent forwarding21:36
=== SirFiChi is now known as ihCiFriS
cokegendidn't investigated that, but I will21:40
fluvvellguntbert, yes I never could get around the having to type my passphrase into my machine first when I opened a new shell. I ended up typing it in over and over, negating the passwordless access to the servers. hints?21:41
guntbertfluvvell: usually ssh-agent is running, you can add a key any time you want with ssh-add <path-to-key-file>21:42
fluvvellI would recommend that i0nic not leave a root password on the server though21:47
eriksson26Hi, how do I set up remote desktop to a computer that I only have ssh acc to? I am admin.21:51
FunkyBoberiksson26: do you need a full remote desktop? or just access to X apps running on it?21:57
MeltingK33boardok so i have ssh-copy-id'ed my key to my server, and then tried to log in, and it still asks me for the password of my user on the server... why?22:23
MeltingK33boarddid somebody just try to answer me? 'cause my tab just closed when i got the notification...22:26
RoyKMeltingK33board: did you copy the key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys?22:31
RoyKMeltingK33board: also keep in mind that the .ssh dir and its contents should not be readable by everyone, chmod -R go-rwx .ssh is a good start22:31
MeltingK33boardit is in there22:31
MeltingK33boardI checked22:32
MeltingK33boardi will check the permissions22:32
=== shennyg_ is now known as shennyg
MeltingK33boardRoyK: does my client machine need to be in the known_hosts file?22:38
=== jeremy is now known as Guest93269
=== Guest93269 is now known as jeremyA
jeremyAcokegen:  so much for noacpi doing it.  Is noacpi still supported, or with kernel-2.6.32-26 should I be saying "acpi=off" ?22:40
fluvvellMeltingK33board, this discussion happened about an hour ago, have you seen http://www.linuxconfig.org/Passwordless_ssh  gives the method22:41
MeltingK33boardfluvvel: i was watching the conversation22:47
i0nicanyone have a suggestion for a server monitoring program22:54
i0nicfor 5 servers?22:54
MeltingK33boardhow about Untangle?22:55
MeltingK33boardthey are a pretty robust solution... but perhaps not the right one for your needs22:55
SpamapSi0nic: nagios has been hugely popular for a long time now22:56
SpamapSthough I believe it is forked now into something else22:57
MeltingK33boardyou can also check out the monitoring section of the Server Guide... it talks about nagios and munin22:57
SpamapSIcinga is the name22:58
jeremyAI love nagios.23:00
jeremyAI use it all the time.23:00
SpamapSYeah, its a really nice piece of software23:02
SpamapSIcinga's just trying to modernize it a bit23:02
SpamapSthe Nagios devs have kind of gone "open core" lately where all the good stuff is in the enterprise version23:02
JanCthere is also zabbix for monitoring23:05
i0nicSpamapS: nagios seems way intens23:08
dragoon123I am currently having problems resolving the ca.archive.ubuntu.com repo for apt-get23:09
dragoon123i can ping it, but it will not connect any ideas?23:09
MeltingK33boardis it in your sources.list?23:09
dragoon123Temporary failure resolving 'ca.archive.ubuntu.com'23:09
MeltingK33boardah so it is a dns issue perhaps...23:10
MeltingK33boardin the ping can you see the IP?23:10
dragoon123wont ping acutally23:11
baggar11dragoon123: try hard setting some DNS servers in your /etc/resolv.conf file23:11
dragoon123baggar11: I did that recently and restarted the networkmgr23:11
dragoon123same result :/23:12
MeltingK33boardso you did try setting dns servers recently?23:12
MeltingK33boardok, try that23:12
dragoon123do you mean the /etc/resolve.conf?23:12
MeltingK33boardit sounds like there is no dns for your system... yes resolve.conf23:12
dragoon123yes, like I just said I already inputted that23:13
dragoon123confused me for a sec heh23:13
FunkyBobwhen did it grow the extra 'e'? :P23:13
baggar11no, it's resolv.conf23:13
baggar11it's in /etc23:13
dragoon123i know23:13
baggar11can you ping IP's outside your subnet?23:13
dragoon123It just wont resolve hosts23:13
baggar11try pinging your DNS servers that you manually set in resolv.conf23:14
dragoon12364 bytes from icmp_req=6 ttl=64 time=0.303 ms23:14
baggar11192.168.1.1 is your DNS server?23:14
baggar11is it broke?23:15
dragoon123nope lol, its my router23:15
dragoon123Its working fine as i am currently using my laptop with ssh conc to my server23:15
baggar11using dhcp or static?23:16
baggar11does dhcp work?23:16
MeltingK33boardwhy not try useing openDNS in resolv.conf: and
dragoon123on router yes23:16
dragoon123lemme try inputting my isp dns23:17
baggar11MeltingK33board: that's kind of what I'm getting at :) if isn't giving out good DNS info...23:17
guntbertMeltingK33board: opendns creates weird results sometimes (for non existing domains and for "inappropriate" ones)23:18
dragoon123is there a single cmd for restarting networkmanager w/o using ifdown & ifup?23:18
MeltingK33boardguntbert: only if you configure your network in their system23:18
baggar11dragoon123: service networking stop/start23:18
MeltingK33boardotherwise it is only a dns server23:18
guntbertMeltingK33board: no, I believed that too, but then  I got results for nonexisting domains, and...23:19
dragoon123that did it lol23:19
MeltingK33boardguntbert: interesting... good to know23:20
i0nicguntbert: does each server need a key generated to talk to each other? there is 5 servers on the network23:20
i0nicguntbert: i have key authentication working for users, but they cannot scp files between servers w/o passwords23:20
baggar11dragoon123: was it your ISP DNS or using DHCP?23:22
guntberti0nic: ssh? you can either use the same key on all of them or generate different ones - scp works like ssh (including keys)23:22
dragoon123baggar11: I just appended my isp dns to resolv.conf23:23
MeltingK33boardnice... glad it worked23:23
i0nicguntbert: so i need to generate the cert on one server and use it on all?23:23
i0nicguntbert sorry i mean key23:24
guntberti0nic: ssh keys are for users, so you generate it at one place (your workstation), copy the public key into all .ssh/atuhorized_keys, add that key to ssh-agent on your workstation (using ssh-add) and call ssh -A .... (to forward agent authenification)23:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #686805 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68680523:56

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