
TelendrithSomeone want to endeavor on a irssi scrip!!00:24
* Telendrith looks around with puppy eyes00:24
jledbetterjtatum, zoo? hells yeah02:13
pleia2they have lots of penguins :)02:18
* jledbetter is more a wolf person m'self ;)02:19
pleia2I don't think they have wolves02:19
pleia2they have a 40 year old grey seal02:20
jledbetterHow are the enclosures? Good and roomy?02:22
pleia2yeah, no elephants though since they couldn't expand their exhibit to make it healthy02:23
pleia2have to go to oakland to see elephants02:23
jledbetterGreat :)02:23
jtatumjledbetter is coming up for christmas so i think we'll definitely go to the zoo :)02:26
pleia2oh good! let me know your plans, maybe we all go together (I think I even have a couple free admission passes)02:27
MarkDudeDreidelPalooza >> http://www.majorleaguedreidel.com/05:33
Ademanis anyone from the bay area planning on going to the davis lug meeting on the 20th?05:51
phildiniMarkDude, you here?05:56
MarkDudeHey phildini05:58
MarkDudeAdeman, Im going next year05:58
phildinito answer your question, not-woot are those people on my twitter who are not from the Woot! online shopping channels.05:59
phildiniI really should reorganize things. I haven't been maintaining my twitter, reall.05:59
MarkDudeOk - so I should not take it as a slight :) ?06:00
jtatummost of my shirts are from woot :)06:00
phildininot meant to be a slight in the slightest.06:01
MarkDudeCool deall06:01
iheartubuntuwe are watching the Google announcement at http://www.youtube.com/googlechrome   ?18:35
pleia2have work, I'll wait for the articles :)18:42
akkWhat are they announcing?18:43
iheartubuntuabout google chrome18:44
iheartubuntuand supposed to release Google OS today as well18:44
iheartubuntufunny they are using Win7 for the broadcast examples of chrome instead of using their new OS :)18:45
jdeslipchrome web store looks great.  Finally a kindle app that will work on Linux19:10
iheartubuntucoming later today: http://chrome.google.com/webstore19:13
iheartubuntuthey are just starting to talk about Chrome OS now19:13
iheartubuntuinstant boot, instant setup19:18
iheartubuntusetting up your Google OS took less than 60 seconds. (although he didnt read the google EULA which was proably 3 hours worth!)19:18
iheartubuntui didnt even see 5 second boot. it was instant19:19
pleia2I was pretty surprised to see how fast the zareason laptop I'm reviewing booted maverick (my desktop is also ubuntu, but I have loads of junk installed that needs to load up)19:21
iheartubuntu"you can uninstall an app on one machine, and instantly it will update your other computers..... and you see when you uninstall it can take like 15-20 seconds"19:21
iheartubuntuso its not instant.. its 15-20 seconds. duh.19:21
iheartubuntupleia2 - uninstalling clamAV from my computer really speeded up boot time19:22
pleia2I don't care much about boot time on my desktop, I'd just never seen the fast bootup of a pristine install before :)19:22
pleia2was impressive19:23
iheartubuntu* product placement for google wifi on certain airlines * :)19:23
iheartubuntuthey just showed offline apps. but sounds like all apps will have to be bought or downloaded from google web store. that would be a shame with so many great linux apps out there19:26
iheartubuntuverizon mentioned now19:28
iheartubuntu100mb free data every month19:28
iheartubuntuplans start at $9.9919:28
iheartubuntuno contracts19:28
iheartubuntuthis is stupid. i feel like im watching a google wrapped version of an apple showcase19:29
pleia2well, apple showcases are successful19:29
jdeslipI am pretty impressed actually19:29
iheartubuntudropbox is free at 2GB19:29
jdeslipno contradict at all - can buy data in chunks and day passes19:29
jdeslipI think this is the perfect device for my dad e.g.19:30
iheartubuntu100mb a month is NOTHING19:30
jdeslipsuper simple and secure and always available for connectivity19:30
iheartubuntua few games and youre paying a monthly fee19:30
iheartubuntuyah, its smart, but....19:30
jdeslipuse wifi19:30
jdeslipthe 100 MB free is just for 3G19:31
jdeslipthen you can par for day passes etc..19:31
iheartubuntuverizons wireless broadband prices are ridiculous as is19:31
jdesliptrue, but not having contracts makes me much more comfortable with19:32
* iheartubuntu securely stays with ubuntu after seeing this google feed19:32
jdeslipWish my ubuntu netbook had the same deal with verizon.  I wouldn't turn down 100 MB free 3G access.19:32
jdeslipWhy is it an either or?19:33
iheartubuntu100mb will go quick in a day or two if you are traveling19:33
iheartubuntuheck... in one day19:33
jdeslipI still wouldn't turn it down ;)19:33
jdeslipAnyway, I think Ubuntu (and linux in general) is going to get a lot better because of Chrome-OS. Since the webapps are available in chrome on Ubuntu (and other browsers for that matter)19:34
jdeslipI would say I use my phone to tether to my laptop about 100 MB a month now.  I.e. only for emergencies or checking mail at the airport etc...19:35
pleia2when I was in Dublin I had a limit of 50M/day so I actually had to track my usage using the 3g watchdog app19:35
pleia2turns out I *maybe* use 20M/day, I hit 40M the day I went to the zoo and uploaded photos to flickr for twitter19:36
* iheartubuntu checks his old wired western electric 500 phone and wonders what a cellphone is19:37
* pleia2 hasn't had a land line since 200519:38
iheartubuntuinteresting showing excel running as an app19:40
iheartubuntuin "citrix reveiver"19:40
iheartubunturolling OS updates, no need to download and install all new OS versions19:45
iheartubuntugoogle working with acer and samsung to make various devices19:46
iheartubuntuall current ubuntu users get free Google OS computers19:46
iheartubuntu(just kidding)19:46
iheartubuntutalking about CR-48 google computer right now19:48
iheartubuntui wonder if they will be selling this?19:48
iheartubuntuno hard drive19:49
iheartubuntuNO CAPSLOCK KEY19:49
iheartubuntuyou can apply for the google os pilot program and if selected receive a computer to test out... http://www.google.com/chromeos/19:57
iheartubuntuapparently no ISO yet19:57
iheartubuntulooks like the google OS presentation is almost done. this has been nice filler while waiting for Julian Assange to release his secret password :)20:04
iheartubuntuQ & A now for google20:04
iheartubuntuodd tidbit: the entire google panel at the q&a are wearing jeans. i wonder if they are in house google jeans? maybe downloadable.20:08
iheartubuntusounds like verizon is the only carrier? i missed it20:08
iheartubuntuAmazons new way to shop... http://www.windowshop.com/20:28
iheartubuntugoogle webstore is now ONLINE... https://chrome.google.com/webstore20:35
MarkDudeYokoZar, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Bacon21:40
MarkDudeJono is no longer listed on the portal21:40
YokoZarYeah someone "fixed" my edit of his page too21:41
* MarkDude is helping create the Severed Fifth page now21:41
* MarkDude did not mess with it. I was hoping to show jono tho21:42
MarkDudeI can show him the revert21:42
MarkDudeStar Wars in the terminal?      type that in and watch telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl23:20
MarkDudetelnet towel.blinkenlights.nl23:21
pleia2I didn't know there were people on the internet who didn't know about that23:21
MarkDudeUm, you know I have made  career of NOT using the command line?23:22
pleia2the friend I got Blinker (my car in PA) from wrote part of the interface <323:22
* MarkDude is a recruiter23:22
MarkDudeof FOSS, and new users- tht usually means avoiding CLI23:22
pleia2(Mike Edwards in the intro credits)23:23
MarkDudeHell, I was amazed at the talking cow23:23
* MarkDude amuses easily23:23
MarkDudeHmm, small world23:23

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