
Hendrik1Where would be the right place to post a feature request/suggestion01:54
jderoseChipaca: where should Hendrik1 file a feature request? ^^^02:11
beunoHendrik1, filing a bug is fine03:12
Hendrik1? really? most times people do that they get told this is not a bug its an idea ...03:13
beunoHendrik1, it would be a wishlist bug03:13
beunoyou can post to the mailing list03:13
Hendrik1ok i'll file a bug03:14
Hendrik1maybe some one here has some thoughts on it03:14
Hendrik1I think the mobile streaming service should be extended for example it would be nice to have it as an app for the boxee box03:14
beunoHendrik1, absolutely03:16
beunowe are totally looking into extending it to more devices03:17
Hendrik1so should i file this in ubuntuone or some subproject for streaming03:20
beunoHendrik1, ubuntuone-servers is fine03:20
Hendrik1filed bug #68631403:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 686314 in ubuntuone-servers "Ubuntu One Music Streaming should support more Devices e.g. Boxee Box (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68631403:29
duanedesignmorning all09:33
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ryeapi servers are going down for update13:16
ryeand hello everybody13:16
CardinalFanghi hi13:16
ryeCardinalFang: have you ever had any experience poking couchdb-glib?13:17
CardinalFangrye, no, none.  What does it do?13:17
ryeCardinalFang: provides glib wrapper for desktopcouch/couchdb interaction... And the test is crashing, and couchdb is unhappy with what couchdb-glib sends from evolution...13:19
ryehm, bazaar.launchpad.net is not cooperating13:21
* beuno waves at karni 13:26
duanedesignhello rye13:34
CardinalFangkarni, hi.  How stable is the ubuntuone-android-files source?  I will want to start adding features in a few days, I think.13:51
CardinalFangI want a starting place that isn't likely to move a lot.13:51
nessitastand up in 5!13:54
* dobey prefers to sit13:55
nessitaalecu, dobey, thisfred, ralsina, Chipaca, mandel, stand up?14:01
nessitaalecu, dobey, ralsina?14:02
alecusorry, was chatting with the new boss.14:02
* Chipaca jiggles ralsina's power cord14:03
ralsinaaca estoy14:03
dobeyChipaca: are you going to dfw for the rally?14:03
nessitalet's go!14:03
nessitaDONE: Boss chasing re the control panel spec. Code reviews for mandel. More for bug #673670. Had power outage so I went to a bar without my ongoing work, so I updated my laptop to natty (really smooth so far), and fixed bug #673054.14:03
nessitaTODO: Finish bug #673670.14:03
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:03
nessitaNEXT: thisfred14:03
thisfredDONE: found a way to test XUL extensions (thanks JamesTait!) added first test to bindwood. TODO: create tests for bindwood | start refactoring it BLOCKED: not blocked14:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 673670 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Contact syncdaemon dbus service from backend (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67367014:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 673054 in ubuntu-sso-client "Update wiki page with Dbus service documentation (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67305414:03
thisfredChipaca: you!14:03
ChipacaI just wanted to say I'm handing off my standoff duties to ralsina, as he is now manager of the team :)14:04
Chipacaso I'll no longer need to say "not me"! :-D14:04
Chipacamandel: go14:04
mandelDONE: Arrive to spain. Looked at bug 682744. The issues is that the use od the port in not admin users is blocked.14:04
mandelTODO: Find how to load com visible object form python14:04
mandelBLCOKED: no, but doing things for the first time14:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 682744 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Files not syncing (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 36)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68274414:04
mandelalecuo go!14:04
mandelalecu hehe14:04
alecuDONE: found a mistake in handling Offered Shares events, worked on it (still bug #674252)14:05
alecuTODO: more zg14:05
alecuBLOCKED: no14:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 674252 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to store events into zeitgeist (affects: 1) (heat: 173)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67425214:05
nessitaNEXT: dobey14:05
dobeyλ DONE: rally flight booking, lots of arguing about project splits and autotools, filed #686224, 68603614:05
dobeyλ TODO: workaround 686224, finish 686036, fix 674876, 683351, backports14:05
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:05
dobeyralsina: go14:06
* alecu throws an usb keyboard ralsina's way14:06
Chipacadobey: I'm not going to dfw, no14:06
ralsinaDONE: administrivia (I hope)14:06
Chipacadobey: neither is ralsina unless he can express his visa14:06
ralsinaTODO: interviews with all if you (stand in line, please)14:06
ralsinaBLOCKED: not yet14:06
dobey]ah ok14:06
nessitaany closing comments?14:06
dobeyit's too damn cold.14:07
ralsinadobey: lucky you14:07
nessitaany closing comments regarding the stand up? :-)14:07
mandelhow has/is going to the desktop thing?14:07
ralsinaI will try to express the visa, but it's very unlikely that I will attend14:07
nessitamandel: not sure what you've asked14:08
nessitacan you please rephrase?14:08
thisfrednessita: I think he means "who is going to the platform sprint"14:08
mandelnessita, that one :P14:08
mandelplatform - desktop, kind of the same for me :P14:08
nessitamandel: I'm going, dobey, and not sure who else14:09
nessitaChipaca: who else is going? :-)14:09
thisfredNot me, I was deemed too much of a distraction ;)14:09
nessitaok, I think this is eom!14:10
mandelthisfred, hehe then that makes me sure I do not go :)14:10
alecumandel, how was your trip back home? when did you arrive?14:11
mandelalecu, I arrived yesterday at 11:00 pm, so about 3 days to go home...14:11
thisfredmandel: I can't believe you're even considering travelling again ;)14:11
mandelalecu, it was a pain in the ass, but well, I do not mind it, I've done worse (Mac'n-Madrid by train)14:12
mandelthisfred, I would, just to see if I get anywhere hehe14:12
Chipacanessita: ralsina, you and dobey. Fingers crossed on the ralsina front.14:12
alecumandel, what's Mac'n ?14:13
alecuis that a Klingon city?14:14
mandelalecu, Manchester :P14:14
alecuoh, and it took more than 3 days?14:14
alecudobey, I know about the food! I've never travelled from a food to a city tho.14:15
dobeyalecu: you just need to put more psychotropics in the recipe14:15
mandelalecu, yes, by train, on xmas day and sleeping in a brothel in paris :P14:16
alecumandel, you can spare the details on *that*14:16
mandelin my defense, I though it was a hotel until I turned on the tv and it was all porn14:16
mandelalecu, no putas involved, I promise14:16
mandelnessita, so, 'm save to assume that I'm not goint to the platform sprint, right :)14:18
* mandel books holidays...14:18
nessitamandel: I think so :-)14:19
nessitamandel: I reviewed the keyring branch yesterday14:19
nessitamandel: do you have more branches for me to review?14:19
dobeyi just hope mandel never meets anyone who lives in Punta Gorda14:20
mandelnessita, yes, but I'm first dealing with some crazy code on windows14:20
nessitamandel:  no problem!14:20
mandeldobey, Punta Gorda or Puta Gorda?14:20
nessitamandel: this is a public channel ;-)14:20
mandelnessita, sorry I missed typed ;)14:21
mandeldobey, why?14:21
dobeymandel: the jokes, mostly14:22
mandeldobey, hehe true :)14:22
mandelnessita, regarding the keyring, I really do not know why that occurs, I might need to ask alecu about that14:22
mandelalecu, can you tell me why this happens: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/windows_keyring/+merge/4270914:22
mandelalecu, nessitas comment14:23
nessitamandel: you can ask me :-)14:23
alecumandel, looking14:24
nessitaalecu: I can help, no worries (if you're busy)14:24
alecunessita, great, thanks.14:24
nessitamandel: the problem is the monkey patching, let me find out the solution14:25
mandelnessita, I though so, but I really do not know where that is happening14:25
dobeyin setUp14:25
alecumandel, what are you using win32crypt for?14:26
mandelalecu, to crypt the data in the keyring14:27
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mandelalecu, if not, the data will be stored plain in the registry14:27
mandelalecu, which is not good14:27
alecumandel, cool. And what password are you using to encrypt?14:27
mandelalecu, the crypto lib takes the users password, if the password changes the lib remembers and next time uses the new one14:28
nessitamandel:  modify test_linux.py, line 121, and change14:31
nessitaself.service = self.patch(keyring, "SecretService",14:31
nessitaself.service = self.patch(keyring.linux, "SecretService",14:31
mandelnessita, uh, cool, thx! :)14:31
alecumandel, so, the token is encrypted with the user's password and stored in the registry. sounds nice.14:32
nessitamandel: there are more errors when fixing that14:32
alecumandel, but what if the user changes the login password?14:32
nessitamandel: but I'll think you can resolve those e3asily14:32
nessitaeasily (mostly import errors)14:32
alecumandel, would a prompt need to be shown when unencrypting the token?14:32
mandelalecu, win32 keeps track of that, and will ensure it can decrypt it14:32
alecumandel, and would that block?14:32
alecumandel, nice win32.14:32
mandelalecu, no ui is shown, so there is not block for a user input14:33
mandelnessita, thx, I'll take a look at those, there is also another branch that adds a script to run the tests on windows, you might want to take a look at that one too14:33
nessitamandel: link please?14:33
* mandel looks14:34
mandelnessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/windows_run_tests/+merge/4271614:34
nessitamandel: reviewing it...14:35
mandelnessita, I changed the runner to allow to pass modules to ignore, that way we can run tests on windows ignoring those that depend on dbus etc.. all the tests I write for windows, will run on linux14:35
dobeychanged what runner?14:36
dobeyi thought sso was already using u1trial?14:38
nessitadobey: it is not, we should file a bug a make the transition14:40
nessitadobey: do you think mandel's changes can be added to devtools?14:41
dobeyi don't see why they couldn't be14:41
facundobatistaalecu, pign14:45
alecufacundobatista, gnip!14:45
facundobatistaalecu, :)14:45
facundobatistaalecu, che, regarding your work with Z, are you planning to know when a share invitation was sent'14:46
alecufacundobatista, yes. I added an eq event for that.14:46
alecufacundobatista, let me find a link...14:46
facundobatistaalecu, is that in trunk?14:47
alecufacundobatista, not yet14:47
facundobatistaalecu, awesome14:47
facundobatistanessita, ^14:47
nessitafacundobatista: yiipiiii14:48
alecufacundobatista, it will be called "AQ_SHARE_INVITATION_SENT"14:48
alecufacundobatista, and it's both sent after an invitation is sent with http or a share sent thru the server14:49
facundobatistaalecu, and on error?14:49
facundobatistaalecu, what do you mean with "share sent thru server"?14:49
alecufacundobatista, it's not sent.14:49
alecufacundobatista, the invitation is sent with http if the username matches an email address14:50
alecufacundobatista, no share is created in that case till the user accepts the invitation.14:50
alecufacundobatista, on the other hand...14:50
alecuwhen the username is a u1 username, a share is created and sent thru the api server.14:50
alecuthat event is sent in both cases.14:51
facundobatistaalecu, well14:51
facundobatistaalecu, a share is created in that case14:51
facundobatistanothing is "sent"14:51
facundobatistado you have a diff for the ActionQueueCommand?14:51
alecufacundobatista, yes. But from the point of view of the local user, it's the same.14:52
alecufacundobatista, the local user does not care about shares being created.14:52
rigvedhello everyone14:53
facundobatistaalecu, well, that's arguable, but I care more about AQ being nice regarding what it sends14:53
facundobatistaHola rigved14:53
alecufacundobatista, for what value of nice?14:53
rigvedmy tomboy notes don't syncronise with the ubuntuone servers anymore. is there a fix to this? using ubuntu 10.0414:53
facundobatistaalecu, and I also need an event there for magicicada14:53
rigvedfacundobatista: hi14:53
facundobatistaalecu, so, do you have a diff with your proposal?14:54
dobeynessita, mandel: actually, with u1trial, the changes are smaller, since i abstracted the dbus runner out; so it can already be avoided on windows anyway14:54
mandeldobey, sweet, that is great!14:54
mandeldobey, is a matter of ignoring th module load then14:54
nessitamandel: can you propose a branch for devtools instead and I'll make use that ussoc uses devtools?14:55
dobeyyeah, u1trial would only need the --ignore bits added14:55
mandelnessita, dobey I can add that to u1trial then, makes more sense14:55
nessitamandel, dobey: awesome, I'll propose a branch so ussoc uses devtools14:56
facundobatistaalecu, so, on success, if you created the share, you send *both* events AQ_CREATE_SHARE_OK and AQ_SHARE_INVITATION_SENT ?14:56
facundobatistaalecu, no ActionQueueCommand sends two events on success, can we revisit this decission?14:56
mandelnessita, we will need to add the batch script, but that is nearly a copy paste of the one proposed14:56
alecufacundobatista, we sure can.14:56
facundobatistaalecu, I'd naturally think about two new events:14:57
facundobatista- AQ_SHARE_INVITATION_SENT (only) when an invitation is sent successfully14:57
rigvedmy tomboy notes don't syncronise with the ubuntuone servers anymore. is there a fix to this? using ubuntu 10.04. any help would be welcome.14:57
facundobatista- AQ_SHARE_INVITATION_SENT_ERROR when an invitation is not sent because an error14:58
facundobatista(we could make AQ_SHARE_INVITATION_SENT_OK the first one, to be more coherent)14:58
alecufacundobatista, it makes sense14:59
nessitarye: how can we debug a tomboy sync failure? (see rigved question)14:59
facundobatistaalecu, also, if you're sending an event when the command finished ok and self.use_http == True, you can remove the warning log14:59
alecufacundobatista, I'll send AQ_SHARE_INVITATION_SENT_OK for now, since the other event will not be used yet.14:59
facundobatistaalecu, but it will be unbalanced14:59
alecufacundobatista, then we'll need to wait for Anakin to arrive.15:00
alecufacundobatista, I don't like to add code that will be unused. We can always add it when it's needed.15:01
alecufacundobatista, but I really think it's nice to only send one event on successes.15:01
facundobatistaalecu, this impacts directly in the dbus_interface, are you fixing that?15:03
rodrigo_rye, what problem are you having with couchdb-glib?15:03
nessitadobey: can you please file a bug for me to add devtools to ussoc?15:04
alecufacundobatista, how? the dbus interface only reports on AQ_CREATE_SHARE_OK15:04
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
facundobatistaalecu, today, through the dbus interface you can do create_share() for both username and mail15:05
facundobatistaalecu, and then you can listen to ShareCreated and ShareCreateError15:05
alecufacundobatista, right15:05
facundobatistaalecu, tomorrow, you should be able to listen ShareInvitationSentOK and ShareInvitationSentError (or something)15:06
alecufacundobatista, ok, right.15:06
alecufacundobatista, I don't plan to add those DBus signals now.15:06
facundobatistaalecu, that's why you need the event on error :)15:07
facundobatistaalecu, oh15:07
facundobatistaalecu, mmm... so your fix is a half fix15:07
facundobatistanessita, ^15:07
dobeynessita: #68660615:07
nessitafacundobatista: well, zg don't need that...15:08
nessitafacundobatista: if we (magicicada) need it, we can fill a bug? we can propose a patch?15:08
alecunessita, that makes sense.15:08
facundobatistanessita, yes, wee need to add code on that15:09
AJenbohmm seams i always have to start the ubuntu one client, and posibly the u1sdtool before sync happens.15:09
nessitaAJenbo: what system are you running?15:09
nessitafacundobatista: yes15:09
AJenboMy laptop has been one for 25 hours after i made a sync at work, and still wasn't updated, infact the content on it is much older then before that sync15:10
AJenbonessita, maverick15:10
AJenbothe keys ring is unlocked (started my mail client on boot)15:10
nessitaAJenbo: we have a known bug regarding that. We have proposed the fix, but I'm not sure it hit maverick-updates yet15:11
nessitaAJenbo: what does u1sdtool -s says?15:11
nessitarmcbride: ping15:11
AJenboit's doing a local rescan15:11
dobeyit's in -proposed still afaik15:11
rmcbridenessita: hi15:11
nessitarmcbride: hi there! quick question. Are the SRU on -updates now? or still -proposed?15:11
AJenboalso u1sdtool dosn't seams to work over ssh (complains about gtk dialog), but i remember it working back on lucid15:12
rmcbridenessita: we still have verification of #647483 pending. if you could respond to my question on that I think we may be good to go15:12
nessitaAJenbo: so, syncdaemon just started. To make it synch, u1sdtool -c15:12
nessitarmcbride: right! I have that on my todo, I'll try now15:12
nessitaAJenbo:  the gtk thing means you don't have valid credentials on that machine15:12
nessitaAJenbo: I mean, you're ssh'ing to a machine that doesn't have valid credentials for Ubuntu One and the sign opn dialog is being raised15:13
dobeynessita, rmcbride: fwiw, -proposed stuff typically isn't pushed to -updates for at least 7 days after all the bugs are verification-done15:13
AJenboi'm locked in as my self and went in to the other rom ran the u1sdtool, went back in to the other computer and still got the samme error over ssh15:13
nessitadobey: really? in my experience for ussoc has been 1 or 2 days after15:13
AJenboinfact on the local machine ssh'ing to it self i still get the error15:13
dobeynessita: for uploads to devel ubuntu, or for SRU?15:14
nessitaAJenbo: that's because u1sdtool is connecting to different dbus sessions. YOu should use screen when ssh'ing15:14
nessitadobey: for SRUs15:14
AJenbonessita, try this "ssh localhost", then "u1sdtool -s" and you will get a screen load of python whining15:15
AJenbothis did not happen on lucid, and i think it is related to the sso client15:16
dobeyAJenbo: it did happen. or at least, there might have been less of it. But dbus does not work over ssh.15:16
AJenbothe solution is to use "ssh -X localhost"15:16
dobeydbus does not forward over the X connection15:17
nessitaAJenbo: you're mixing things :-). Let me explain15:17
dobeyand even if it did, it wouldn't do what you expected15:17
AJenbodobey, then wy does it work15:17
AJenboshoudn't the dbus be confined to the local machine?15:17
nessitaAJenbo: can you please wait a few minutes and read what I'm about to say?15:18
dobeyAJenbo: i'm not sure what your definition of 'work' is here, but it doesn't, without lots of extra environment configuring, which ssh doesn't do for you, and which is hard to do automatically15:18
nessitaAJenbo: thanks! u1sdtool connects to the session bus. When doing ssh to a machine, u1sdtool is connecting to a different session bus that the one you have connected on a terminal without ssh15:19
AJenbodobey, i just want to see the status of sync deamon on my other machine15:19
nessitaAJenbo: you can't do it over ssh15:19
dobeynessita: no ti isn't15:19
nessitaAJenbo: the result you'll get will be confusing15:19
dobeynessita: when doing ssh, there is no dbus; unless you configure the environment vars to point to the proper things on the machine you're sshed in to15:19
nessitaAJenbo: if you want to do that, you need to use some helper such as "screen"15:20
nessitadobey: I'm not sure what you're talking about but you can try it yourself... u1sdtool locally, and then over ssh15:20
nessitaAJenbo: so, let's solve one problem at a time.15:21
AJenbo"u1sdtool -s"  gives me the same results   "ssh -X localhost", "u1sdtool -s"15:21
AJenboi don't find it confusing...15:21
dobeynessita: ssh localhost 'echo "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"'15:22
dobeynessita: notice how it is empty.15:22
nessitaAJenbo: you're starting 2 daemons I think, let me confirm. verterok, you arond?15:22
verteroknessita: wasup?15:23
AJenbook, ill wait til it start uploading/downloading stuff, then we should be able to see if it is the same deamon it is talking to15:23
dobeyAJenbo: the results aren't the same, even if you think they are. u1sdtool does not work over ssh.15:23
nessitaverterok: what was the issue with using u1sdtool via ssh?15:23
verteroknessita: there is no dbus session15:23
AJenbobut yes i see you point about the deamon being bound to the session15:24
nessitaverterok: AJenbo doesn't believe it doesn't work as expected, could you please explain with a little more detail?15:24
AJenbocould it be made to work15:24
dobeypay no attention to the gnome developer of 10+ years15:24
dobeynot easily15:24
AJenbo(don't have to explain that it doesn't)15:24
AJenboill belive you for now15:24
verterokif you start 2 syncdaemon *bad* things will happen15:24
nessitaAJenbo: nopes as far as I know15:24
nessitaverterok: so u1sdtool over ssh starts another daemon, right?15:25
dobeynessita: no15:25
dobeynessita: it simply fails.15:25
AJenbonot even in the near future natty +1/+215:25
ryerodrigo_: bug #564669, older paste was not meant to go there, not yet that familier with irrsi15:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 564669 in couchdb-glib "Deleting an document just after creation generates an internal server error (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56466915:25
nessitadobey: that didn't happen on my case. I've tried it by mistake.15:25
ryenessita: looking15:25
verterokAJenbo: the issue is that syncdaemon use dbus as a lock, so if you start another dbus session there is nothing to prevent from a dbus call to automatically start a new daemon15:25
nessitaAJenbo: you can check your syncdaemon status over ssh using the program "screen", like I mentioned before15:26
dobeyoh well, it fails for me anyway because nightlies are broken15:26
rodrigo_rye, hmm, ok, looking15:26
AJenbonessita, good ping, i was planning to look in to screen any way15:26
nessitaAJenbo: if you want to learn, I can help you with that. DO u1sdtool -q on every machine/session/ssh15:27
verteroknessita, AJenbo: if you execute plain: u1sdtool --start via ssh, it will fail with something like this:15:27
verterokdbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: /bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.15:27
dobeyscreen will only work if you start the screen session by local means, and not over ssh15:27
ryenessita: re tomboy notes - it is possible that server-side sends invalid xml15:27
verterok*but* if you execute it using dbus-launch, it wil fire a new dbus session and thing will "work" (for some value of work)15:27
verteroknessita: ^15:27
dobeyand by local means i mean inside a logged in gnome sessijon15:27
ryeverterok: i second that, it works :), I used to use that method15:28
dobeyif you start screen and then log out, the dbus session will be forfeit15:28
verteroknessita, AJenbo: dbus-launch u1sdtool --start15:28
verterokrye: :)15:28
nessitarye: can we help rigved diagnose if this is the case?15:28
dobeyif you export the dbus environment vars to be the same as the ones where the logged in session is running, then you can talk to the remote service15:28
dobeyverterok: that will start a second syncdaemon15:29
verterokdobey: yes, exactly my point :)15:29
ryenessita: only by recompiling tomboy adding debug statements, unfortunately15:29
verterokwhich is *bad*15:29
AJenboshoudn't there be put something in place to prevent multiple syncdeaemons?15:29
nessitaAJenbo: we have, but it works under the same dbus session15:30
ryeAJenbo: yes, that's dbus, but there should be only one dbus session for the user15:30
* rye recalls some issue he faced when dbus got.. ah15:31
AJenbohmm i'm still having a hard time seeing that this dons't work, the status just changed and i can see it on both the local and the ssh15:31
ryeAJenbo: are you on headless installation, i.e. accessing only via ssh?15:31
AJenborye, no, laptop15:31
AJenborye, if it was headless i would have a hard time executing the command locally ;)15:32
nessitaAJenbo: what does the folowing output: ps aux | grep ubuntuone15:32
verterokAJenbo: it "works", but you might end up losing data.15:33
ryeAJenbo: ok, in case you arrange for dbus session to persist for local installation and store info about it somewhere so it gets restored for all other logins 9e.g. GUI) then you will get 2 dbus sessions running since gdm launches gnome-session with dbus-launch unconditionally. That's what I got. After that talking to some processes was really hard since they were on "different" session15:33
dobeyi don't see what point trying to do 'ssh localhost' serves anyway, unless you're trying to test what happens when you ssh into a different machine without needing two IPs15:34
verterokAJenbo: basically, the on-disk metadata used by syncdaemon isn't suited for being modified by multiple processes15:34
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verterokif you start two syncdaemons, you might (and probably will) lose data15:35
AJenbonessita, http://pastebin.com/p4u76EQF15:35
ryeis it only me or bzr branch lp:~adiroiban/couchdb-glib/couchdb-session-tests cannot be done?15:35
rodrigo_rye, right, can't do it neither15:36
AJenbodobey, ssh localhost is for testing15:36
ryerodrigo_: btw, in bug #564669 i wrote how to find out what invalid json went to couchdb - https://bugs.launchpad.net/couchdb-glib/+bug/564669/comments/115:37
ubot4rye: Bug 564669 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/564669 is private15:37
rodrigo_yeah, saw it15:38
AJenboverterok, then shoudn't there be placed a hardlock on the data prevening this? Or is it ok that some one who dosn't know the inner workings of U1 and want to see the status over ssh, might loos his data?15:38
verterokAJenbo: there is no support for using syncdaemon over ssh15:39
verterokAJenbo: sadly, using a file lock brings a lot of other problems to the table :(15:40
verteroklike no way to support nfs15:40
AJenbok :/15:41
AJenboCall me crasy but didn't the ps aux show that both the ssh and local u1sdtool is talking to the same daemon?15:42
verterokthen something really weird is going on15:43
AJenboverterok, is the thing about ssh not being supported in any wiki or faq?15:44
nessitaAJenbo: seems like it, but you should not use sdtool (nor syncdaemon) over ssh15:44
AJenboif it continues to "work" i probably will15:44
AJenbobut don't worry i won't come crying if i loos some thing as a result :)15:45
nessitaAJenbo: you understand you can safely manage syncdaemon over ssh using screen, don't you? do you need help setting that up?15:45
nessitaAJenbo: why would you prefer to risk your data instead?15:46
AJenbonessita, yeah but i don't think i have time to learn that right now, i'm getting to be late for work15:46
nessitaAJenbo: is your call15:47
AJenbonessita, i'm not doing ssh u1sdtool right now, and can wait untill i learn screen, but i can't learn screen right now15:47
AJenboi don't see any thing wrong with that15:47
AJenbounless you think learn screen > have a job15:48
AJenboone last thing.15:49
AJenboCould i solve the issue with data not being synced by adding u1sdtool -c as a start up program in gnome?15:49
nessitaAJenbo: there is a fix for that issue (syncdaemon not connecting automatically) that is already on maverick-proposed. You can enable that repository or wait a few days until is relesed under maverick-updates15:50
AJenbonessita, thanks ill do "that"15:51
nessitaAJenbo: you're welcome, instructions how to enable the repository are at (looking link)15:51
AJenboi know15:52
AJenbook, thanks :)15:52
nessitarmcbride: I don't have the test translated for the SSO dialog when ubuntu one opens it...15:53
rmcbridenessita: so that bug is not then fixed?15:54
nessitaseems like not, thou I may be testing it wrong15:54
nessitarmcbride: how did you test it? I installed turkish locale and started a X session with that language set15:54
nessitathen, I removed U1 credentials and issues u1sdtool -c15:54
rmcbridenessita: I didn't really know HOW to test, which is why I asked for your opinion15:54
nessitarmcbride: you can install a new language pack and boot your session in that language15:56
rmcbridenessita: but it certainly sounds as iff there is an issue. Can you put your results in the bug report? we may need rodrigo to revisit...15:56
nessitarmcbride: maybe the string is not translated yet? do you where I can check that?15:56
AJenbonessita, just tried ssh -X ip u1sdtool -s from a remote machine, and it seams to have spawned a seperate sync-deamon15:56
rmcbridenessita: it's certainly possible that translations are not done15:57
rmcbridenessita: but I don' t know anything about how that process works15:57
nessitadobey: do you know where translations are stored in disk, to check if a string is translated or not?15:57
rmcbridenessita: I think perhaps a language more likely to already be translated might be a decent choice. I'll try it in German shortly. I need to set this up on a seperate machine.15:58
nessitarmcbride: my result on a screenshot: http://imagebin.ca/view/eFc-Eef.html15:58
rmcbridenessita: that certainly looks like it's not translated, but I don't know if it's because the bug isn't fixed, or turkish translations haven't been updated15:59
rmcbridenessita: OK I think when I asked my question I was focussed more on the "arrive by dbus" section and less on the resulting translated display.16:01
rmcbridenessita: I need to go get food for lunch, I'll set up a test on German when I return16:02
nessitarmcbride: ok then16:02
rmcbridenessita: I don't suppose you are already perhaps running Spanish anywhere?16:02
nessitarmcbride: nopes :-/16:02
nessitarmcbride: I run turkish because the Decimal module from python crashes with that land16:03
rmcbridenessita: OK. Worth asking anyhow :)16:03
nessitaso I like to test using that lang16:03
rmcbrideAh I see16:03
dobeyrmcbride, nessita: that string was translated on Oct 20, so probably not shipped yet16:07
nessitadobey: how can you tell, so I can learn how to diagnose?16:08
nessitadobey: also, I can add a dummy translation myself, if I'd knew where the translation files are :-D16:08
dobeynessita: you can't edit the translation files in place as they are binary data16:09
dobeynessita: you'd need to edit in the source, build the translation, and install it16:09
nessitadobey: they are? oh16:09
dobeyof course16:10
dobeyi know what the problem is16:13
nessitadobey: what problem where?16:15
dobeyin syncdaemon16:15
nessitadobey: regarding translation? :-/16:15
* nessita is not following16:15
dobeyis there a bug # for the broken translation?16:17
nessitadobey: bug #64748316:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 647483 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 8 other projects) "Ubuntu One help text contains non-translatable text (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 64)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64748316:17
dobeyi already have a branch to fix it :)16:17
dobeyoh, well mostly done perhaps. let me check libsyncdaemon16:20
dobeyok, so there are two bugs16:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 647483 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 8 other projects) "Ubuntu One help text contains non-translatable text (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Triaged]16:23
dobeynessita: and filed bug #686647 for the other issue16:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 686647 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "SSO help text does not appear translated in UI (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68664716:28
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dobeygoing to get some lunch, and then i will fix it; and finish the other things i'm working on at the moment16:29
nessitadobey: ok, thanks16:30
nessitathisfred: comments on bug #686289?16:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 686289 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu One Preferences not loading (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68628916:37
thisfrednessita, hmm, no that's a weird one.16:38
thisfredmandel: vds, CardinalFang, any idea what could cause a gnomekeyring.IOError ^^? (Why does it even have its own IOError?)16:38
nessitathisfred: seems like the keyring is locked? I thought that we agreed on using txsecrets? but maybe that fell off of milestone 1.0?16:39
thisfrednessita: that is not yet 1.016:39
thisfrednessita: no, I mean the bug report is not running 1.016:39
thisfrednessita: I have not worked on the keyring parts, so I don't know if 1.0 will fix this16:39
nessitaah! you're right, is natty16:40
mandelnessita, thisfred ASAIK we are not using tx secret, are we?16:40
vdsthisfred: sorry no :(16:41
CardinalFangthisfred, natty, I don't know the cause of that.  I'm looking around the web.16:42
CardinalFangthisfred, nessita, my guess is that it's a problem talking to DBus somehow.16:45
thisfredoh joy16:45
thisfredIt's not a miracle of sound design that u1prefs fails to start if the replication service has a problem either16:47
CardinalFangI added a question to the bug.   python -c "import gnomekeyring; gnomekeyring.get_default_keyring_sync()"    # error?16:47
thisfredCardinalFang: thx, I'll assign it to myself, and keep an eye on it. May come back to you with questions. In fact it's pretty much guaranteed.16:47
CardinalFangRoger.  Okay, thisfred.16:48
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CardinalFangthisfred, vds, I think I can reduce the complexity around keyring usage.  I will look soon.16:52
CardinalFangsoon = in the next week or so.16:52
* nessita -> lunch16:54
ryewe are looking into the issue that is causing the following to be displayed for new signups in 10.04 -  http://ubuntuone.com/p/Sb4/17:09
alecuCardinalFang, thisfred: I had some similar gnomekeyring issues when the user set gdm to autologin17:12
alecuwhen using autologging, the default keyring is not unlocked.17:12
* nessita is back17:21
nessitaCardinalFang, thisfred: thanks for your attention to this. Now I remember what alecu is pointing out...17:21
nessitaalecu: how did you solve it?17:21
alecunessita, I started digging and found gnomekeyring to be unreliable: some gk functions tried to unlock the keyring (and blocked) while other gk functions just returned that error.17:23
nessitaalecu: ok, so one more argument to switch to txsecrets. Thanks!17:24
alecuand there's no good documentation on python-gnomekeyring, so it was a bit of reading the C api, and a bit of manual testing... so yes, txsecrets ftw!17:24
nessitaalecu: it works great, by the way, you did a terrific work there. Thanks!17:25
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rmcbridenessita: dobey: I've marked bug #647483 as "verification done" based on the digging y'all have done. We'll likely need to do another SRU in maverick going forward, but I'd like to get the version in -proposed moved along ASAP to address the startup/connect issues17:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 647483 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 8 other projects) "Ubuntu One help text contains non-translatable text (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64748317:32
nessitarmcbride: +10017:33
dobeyrmcbride: fine by me17:35
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karnibeuno: CardinalFang: hi guys. what can I say.. after uber successful code session during weekend just before 30 Nov, I had little time to get back on track *slams head against the wall*. canonical should soo hire me heh, I would have no other issues to focus on. anyhow, software for my aunt that I mentioned to beuno is done, and apart from 2 and counting assignments at college, I'm currently relatively able to get back to work *looks17:40
karniCardinalFang: I'll be probably still shuffling some code, however if you would be fine with us agreeing on approach to introduce publishing (content provider part is ready), you could definitely start with that17:41
beunokarni, heya!17:41
beunokarni, have you been committing all these changes to trunk?17:41
karnibeuno: CardinalFang: upon connection, one has access to all meta data (Ubuntu One/UDFs/Shares) as previously mentioned, I also added17:41
karnihi beuno !17:41
karnibeuno: no, I was waiting with that to ask for your opinion/permission on what to do17:42
karnias I need 3-4 free days (read: 3-4 weekend days) to make it at least as usable as AndroidU117:42
karnifinishing: I also added 'sync button' next to each file/folder, so that once selected17:42
karniit's saved into the content provider, and will be sync'ed upon change on the server side.17:43
karnibeuno: if you have a moment, we can discuss that now.17:43
beunoCardinalFang, I think I feel that if this is where we're going, it should go into trunk. What do you think?17:43
karnibeuno, when I push the code, you can put in your oauth tokens and see were we at17:44
karnibut, like I said, I really roll with the project when I have a free day or two17:44
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ubot4Launchpad bug 686697 in ubuntuone-servers "/oauth/request/ fails with CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Confirmed]18:43
dobeynessita, rmcbride: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/fix-translations/+merge/4299019:12
dobeynessita, rmcbride: don't know if the latest translation packages have been released on maverick, but there is a turkish translation for that string on narwhal for sure19:13
rmcbridedobey: cool, thanks. Reviewing now19:13
nessitadobey: ack19:14
dobeyno en espanol, though19:14
karniCardinalFang: please call my nick too, when you answer beuno's question about pushing my source into trunk.19:15
alecunessita, do you know how we add python-zeitgeist as a dependency on the ubuntuone-client package?19:15
rmcbrideyea I don't have my  dev box on narwhal yet19:15
dobeyerr, actually maybe in spanish. not in albanian though19:15
dobeyalecu: to which package?19:15
nessitaalecu: talk to dobey, he builds the package19:15
rmcbridebut I'll find out about maverick I guess :)19:15
nessitadobey: ubuntuone-client19:15
alecudobey, ralsina found this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/60282604/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.ubuntuone-client_1.5.0%2Br764~maverick1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:15
nessitaor ubuntuone-syncdaemon19:15
* nessita runs19:15
dobeyah nightlies19:16
dobeyoh well at least it's a different error19:16
dobeyalecu: i'll update19:16
* alecu waits19:17
dobeyhow the heck did that even land19:17
ralsinaAt least it doesn't look like a terribly hard problem19:18
dobeyah nevermind19:19
dobeythere is no python-zeitgeist19:19
nessitadobey: zeitgeist-core19:19
dobeyyeah i see that now, after a little __file__ checking19:20
alecunessita, right, thanks.19:20
rmcbridegrr. Ok translations clearly not updated yet in maverick (dated 10 09)19:21
rmcbrideMAYBE my old laptop works in that context, it is upgraded, don't recall if I have the dev environment on it still...19:21
dobeyalecu, nessita: fixed, along with missing platform/ from the packages19:24
dobeyalecu: of course, the tests will still probably fail for the other reasons :-/19:24
alecudobey, sorry, didn't got that part. what other reasons?19:26
dobeyalecu: there is some weird issue with the tests failing in all kinds of weird ways, in the package19:26
alecudobey, oh, ok. I thought it was zeitgeist related. Thanks!19:27
dobeynah. no ghosts until your branch landed :)19:27
* alecu will get some food19:30
ryepublic files also suffer from the same CSRF protection issue19:45
AJenboHi again, back from work with more questions :)20:40
AJenbomy lap top has been hanging on LOCAL_RESCAN for the past 4 hours, i think somthing might be haning...20:41
AJenboalso how about to avoid multiple syncdaemons running at the same time, just check if a syncdaemon process is allready is running, or would that pring issues with multi users?20:42
AJenboalso i don't really see any hdd activity20:55
AJenbohmm might be some thing bad that happned when i was messing with ssh and u1sdtool, and i did promise not to come wining about it so guess ill try to fix this one my selv :)21:04
AJenbokeep up the good work.21:04
nessitaAJenbo: to debug, you can:21:11
nessitaquit all the syncdaemon instances21:11
nessita(either killing the process or u1sdtool -q)21:11
nessitabe sure there is no ubuntuone-syncdaemon process running21:12
nessitaand in that scenario, start syncdaemon from a local terminal (no ssh involved) using u1sdtool -c21:12
nessitaAJenbo: you may have corrupt metadata due to potential multiple syncdaemon's modifying it...21:13
nessitaAJenbo: please let me know if after a full restart of the service (what I've just described) you keep having a stuck syncdaemon on LOCAL_RESCAN21:14
alecunessita, if you have some time tomorrow, please review: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/ziggy-for-syncdaemon/+merge/4298021:22
alecuverterok, idem21:22
alecuverterok, oh, you don't work tomorrow :-)21:23
verterokalecu: I'll try to review it today21:23
nessitaalecu: do you work tomorrow?21:23
alecuno, I don't21:23
nessita(I will review it)21:23
nessitaalecu: okis21:23
dobeyrmcbride, rye: have either of you reproduced https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/674876 at all?21:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 674876 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Nautilus keeps opening when ubuntu one plugin is installed (affects: 2) (dups: 2) (heat: 20)" [High,Incomplete]21:36
rmcbridedobey: I was not able to reproduce that at all no21:57
dobeyrmcbride: did you get anywhere with the translation?22:03
rmcbridedobey: oh right. I was setting up on the other laptop. Give me a few22:04
duanedesignu1sdtool --refresh shares  refreshes the UDFs? I get shares and shared confused22:07
dobey--{whatever}-folders are arguments to deal with UDFs22:15
dobeyshares are shared to you, shared are things you share to others, i think22:15
rmcbridedobey: I am not seeing translated strings on natty with your branch and the provided tests. I've tried in Turkish and in German. From the dates on teh version string of the language packs though, I'm not certain that the translations are in yet22:19
rmcbridedobey: hold on a sec22:20
dobeyrmcbride: the turkish one should be 201012something22:20
rmcbridedobey: it is. I think I was in the wrong terminal, one sec22:20
duanedesignthanks dobey22:20
rmcbridedobey: nope, I was in the right window. re-ran that command and still getting english.22:21
dobeyran it in my branch?22:21
rmcbrideyea... I don't get it22:21
rmcbrideyea run in your branch copy-pasted verbatim into the terminal as well22:21
dobey[dobey@lunatari:fix-translations]: PYTHONPATH=. LANG=tr_TK.UTF-8 python -c "from ubuntuone.clientdefs import DESCRIPTION; print DESCRIPTION"22:22
dobeyUbuntu One, bir Ubuntu Single Sign On (SSO) hesabına ihtiyaç duyuyor. Bu işlem, eğer yoksa yeni bir hesap oluşturmanızı sağlayacak.22:22
dobey^^ that's what i get22:22
rmcbridermcbride@strangiato:~/canonical/ubuntuone-client/review.ft$ PYTHONPATH=. LANG=tr_TK.UTF-8 python -c "from ubuntuone.clientdefs import DESCRIPTION; print DESCRIPTION"22:22
rmcbrideUbuntu One requires an Ubuntu Single Sign On (SSO) account. This process will allow you to create a new account, if you do not yet have one.22:22
dobeyrmcbride: PYTHONPATH=. python -c "from ubuntuone import clientdefs as cd; print cd.__file__"22:23
rmcbridedobey: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ubuntuone/clientdefs.pyc22:23
dobeyrmcbride: you do need to do "./autogen.sh && make ubuntuone/clientdefs.py" first22:24
rmcbridedobey: doh. right22:24
rmcbrideI miss regular review days22:24
* dobey updates the description to be a bit clearer22:24
duanedesignI think --refresh-volumes is what I was looking for. Have a couple users on the forums, and bbug reports with issues greating UDF's and then they do not show up.22:25
rmcbridePYTHONPATH=. LANG=tr_TR.UTF-8 python -c "from ubuntuone.clientdefs import DESCRIPTION; print DESCRIPTION"22:25
rmcbrideUbuntu One requires an Ubuntu Single Sign On (SSO) account. This process will allow you to create a new account, if you do not yet have one.22:25
dobeyand clientdefs.py built?22:26
dobeyduanedesign: ah right, volumes. forgot about that name22:27
rmcbrideit sure seems to have, however it's still getting the one out of /usr/lib/blah22:27
rmcbridegot it22:29
rmcbridehad a very old set of everything on that laptop22:29
dobeyalright, i'm out for the evening; later22:33
rmcbrideyea me too22:40
duanedesignhas anyone seen this before http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164008822:52
duanedesign"CSRF verification failed. Request aborted."?22:52
beunoduanedesign, yeah, working on it22:57
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duanedesignbeuno: ahh, ok thank you :)23:03

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