
obengdakoyeah man sorry was caught up reading for audio support holstein00:07
Genjigreetings all! Hi, im DJ 47, using ubuntustudio 10.04 for djing in second life. Ubuntustudio has served me well.. but its now suffering with lack of space. So, i need to reinstall. I ask, how is realtime support for ubuntustudio 10.10?03:19
holsteinGenji: hey03:33
Genjihiya. cool, someone responded. :) So... what do you know?03:33
holstein^^ thats a post on how to get RT kernels in 10.1003:34
holsteini use 10.04 on my production machine03:34
holsteinGenji: why not just add a hard drive?03:34
Genjisame here.. but is 10.10 any better?03:34
holsteinor clone your system over onto a larger drive?03:34
Fezzlerwhat's the most current verison of LAME for REAPER03:35
holstein^^ i use tools from that disc to clone03:35
holsteincopy wipe i think is the tool i like03:35
Genjiwell.. don't have a bigger hdd.03:36
holsteinwell, you gotta buy some gear then anyways...03:36
holsteinand decide03:36
Genjicould i clone to another ext3 partition, then grow that partition over the empty space?03:36
holsteinGenji: what is on your HD ??03:37
holsteinFezzler: im not sure about reaper03:38
Genjicurrently a ntfs partition of 30 gigs, and ubuntustudio of 6 gigs. i have a ide hdd of 80 gigs i can use to store the stuff from my ntfs partition while i do whatever... so i can then clone my ubuntustudio onto the 30 gig partition?03:38
holsteinGenji: in theory03:38
Genjithen delete my 6 gig partition, then grow my 30 gig with the extra psace?03:38
holsteinyou should be able to resize03:39
holsteinin gparted03:39
holsteinjust free up some space03:39
Genjiso... i could end up with 36 gigs of ubuntu.03:39
holsteinand grow the buntu prt03:39
holsteinGenji: i would backup first03:39
holsteini have borked parts doing that03:40
holsteini grew an xp install recently03:40
holsteinand had to redo the boot sector or whatever it is03:40
holsteinGenji: 10.10 has JACK203:41
holsteinpulse to jack bridge03:41
holsteinnewer versions of apps03:41
holsteinsome apps03:41
Genjieek. what about just rsyncing the contents of my first hdd to03:41
Genjithe second?03:41
Genjiwould the second hdd boot?03:41
Genjiafter grubbing it of course.03:42
holsteindd maybe03:42
holsteinim not sure03:42
holsteinive never tried03:42
holsteini just use tools that do that for sure03:42
Genjijack2 pulse to jack bridge, exposing indivual application sources to jackd?03:43
holsteinGenji: you mean from pulse?03:43
holsteinim not sure03:43
holsteini dont use it03:43
holsteini use a PPA though03:43
holsteinfalktx's PPA03:43
holsteinthat adds most of that to 10.0403:44
holsteinive never needed anything from pulse in JACK03:44
holsteinbut im glad to see the development happening03:44
holsteini think JACK2 has been helpful for my firewire device03:45
holsteina bit03:45
Genjiso, to install ubuntustudio 10.10 with ubuntustudio-audio, id need to manually install the realtime deb, before ubuntustudio installer shows the menu of package groups?03:51
holsteinnot sure i follow03:52
holsteinyou just install ubuntu and upgrade it to studio03:52
holsteininstall the ubuntustudio iso03:52
holsteinIF you want a realtime kernel03:52
holsteinor lowlatency kernel03:52
holsteincheck that link i dropped03:52
Genjiubuntustudio 10.10 iso did not install ubuntustudio-audio .. apparently it did not even ask.03:52
holsteinabout how to add that PPA for 11.0403:52
holsteinand use it03:53
holsteinGenji: OH03:53
holsteinthats fine03:53
holsteinjust search03:53
holsteinwhere ever you install packages03:53
holsteinsynaptic or ap03:53
holsteinsearch for ubuntustudio03:53
holsteinand you'll see the metapackages03:53
holsteinand you can read about them03:53
holsteinand choose what you want03:53
Genjithink because the realtime package was missing from ubuntustudio 10.10 repo, it didn't install ubuntustudio-audio03:54
holsteinwell, thats not the way its supposed to work03:54
holsteinthere is no realtime package in 10.1003:54
holsteinno realtime kernel03:54
holsteinthere really wasnt on in 10.0403:54
holsteinthat kernel was just carried over from 9.1003:55
Genjibut ubuntustudio-audio's dependancies include a realtime package?03:55
holsteinyou dont *need* a realtime kernel03:55
holsteinits suggested that you try the generic one anyways03:55
holsteinits getting better at handling these tasks all the time03:55
holsteini usually suggest trying the generic one03:55
holsteinthen the -lowlatency one from a PPA03:56
holsteinand then the -realtime one03:56
holsteinIF needed03:56
holsteinBUT all of the metapackages can be installed03:56
holsteinand all the software can be ran on a gerneric kernel03:56
Genjifor now, ill try the cloning exercise... and think ill stick with ubuntustudio 10.04 until 10.10 comes with realtime packages included.03:58
holsteinGenji: 10.10 will never03:59
holsteinnor will any future releases03:59
holsteinthe gerneric kernel is becoming 'realtime' like04:00
holsteinand we probably will soon not need it04:00
Genjibut its not taking up the realtime patches, though?04:00
Genjipreempt and rt..04:00
holsteinGenji: if you get a chance04:01
Genjihuh.. i have preempt installed.04:01
holsteinjust try it04:01
holsteinit may or may not be enough for you right now04:01
holsteini have a firewire interface04:01
holsteinand i find that i need a realtime kernel04:01
holsteinBUT most folk with internal cards or USB seem fine04:01
holsteinGenji: what kind of latency needs do you have?04:02
holsteini have several JACK profiles04:02
holsteinone that runs at 1.2ms04:02
holsteinfor really lowlatency needs04:02
holsteinranging to a mixing setup04:02
holsteinthat the latency is like 60ms04:02
Genjiim getting away with 42ms currently.04:02
holsteinGenji: yeah04:02
holsteinso at 42ms04:02
* Genji indeed mixes using mixxx.04:02
holsteinyou can do any soft synths04:03
holsteinor live signal processing04:03
holsteinSO 42ms might as well be 82ms04:03
holsteini bet you can get close to that performance with a generic kernel04:03
holsteinGenji: internal sound card?04:03
Genjiyup. Soundblaster audigy 2 ZX ... requires 1024/48000/204:04
Genjifor some reason.04:04
holsteinthats a 50+ms card anyways04:04
Genjianything else.. and it goes wierd.04:04
holsteinso, i wouldnt sweat it much04:05
Genjiwhat about jack's realtime mode then?04:05
holsteinyou can leave it in realtime mode with the newer generic kernels AFAIK04:05
holsteinGenji: if your asked when installing04:05
holsteinyou should check the box that says 'set up JACK for realtime'04:06
Genjieh.. sounds too risky. I think for now, ill stick with 10.0404:10
Genjibackup my current data... put 10.04 on my usb stick... then delete my ntfs partition.. clone my current install.. then grow my clone over the space..04:11
holsteinthese are the kernels i use04:11
holsteinthat are in that other PPA i was mentioning04:11
holsteinthis PPA has only the kernels04:11
* Genji nods..04:11
holsteinIF you want a new-ish realtime kernel in 10.0404:11
holsteinGenji: yeah, i say plan for the worst case scenario04:12
holsteinback everything up04:12
holsteinand try jugging the parts around04:12
holsteinworst case, you gotta reinstall04:13
holsteinand thats kinda fun anyways :)04:13
* Genji nods.04:13
Genjiand what about this new patch, sched_autogroup_ enabled?04:15
holsteinim not sure04:18
holsteini dont do the kernels04:18
holsteinyou'd have to catch abogani04:18
holsteinOR maybe someone in #opensourcemusicians would know04:19
Genjiokay.. is there a install from usb guide, for ubuntustudio somewhere?04:23
holsteinGenji: yes04:23
holsteinand let me suggest04:24
holsteinget the normal iso04:24
holsteinand convert it04:24
holsteinthink it over while i find the link...04:24
Genjijust dd the iso to the usb stick?04:24
holsteini was told this works04:25
holsteinGenji: nah04:25
holsteindd wont do it AFAIK04:25
holsteinits a matter of the installer not knowing where to find the image04:26
holsteinits easy to istall ubuntu04:26
holsteinand search ubuntustudio04:26
holsteinand install just what you need from there04:26
Genji"If you actually use the drive to install Ubuntu on a server, it may turn out that the installer puts grub on the USB disk (because it's detected as the first drive) instead of your hard drive. To fix this, reboot using the USB disk and run install-grub on the actual hard drive. You'll also need to recreate the flash drive. I experienced this on Jaunty. -- kiko"04:28
Genjieek. i could snooker my entire system if this happens.04:28
holsteinnot with the live installer04:28
holsteinfrom the ubuntu iso :)04:28
holsteinstep 6 lets you customize04:29
holsteinthat should install to USB disk04:29
holsteinby accident04:29
holsteinyou can recover with a live CD04:29
holsteinif needed04:29
Genjiso... i should, as my backup installer, start with ubuntu live instead of ubuntustudio?04:29
holsteinthats the path of least resistance04:30
holsteinIF you have to use a USB stick to install04:30
Genjion the offchance that ubuntustudio fails installing.04:30
holsteinif you have no DVD rom or something04:30
Genjiwoiuld unetbootin be a better idea, to install ubuntustudio?04:31
holsteinunetbootin wont do it04:32
holsteinit fails in every way ive tried04:32
holsteinfrom USB04:32
holsteinthe actual ubuntustudio iso04:32
holsteinthe installer is different04:32
Genjiyou've sucessfully done the UbuntuServerFlashDriveInstaller method then?04:33
holsteinnot me personally04:33
holsteinive suggested it here04:33
holsteinand it was reported to do the trick04:33
holsteinat least twice04:33
holsteinBUT the iso's change a bit04:33
holsteinevery 6 months04:33
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation04:34
Genjioh.. hell.. im scheduled to dj in 6 hours.04:35
Genji... could always try the clone method without destroying my current install.04:36
holsteinthat would be my suggestiong04:36
Genjihow do i edit grub, to create entries for my clone?04:37
Genjithe current grub system is confusing for me. templates.. ]04:37
holsteinGenji: explain to me your setup again?04:37
holsteinim not clear how many drives you have?04:37
holsteinan 80 gig and?04:37
Genjithe 80 gig im just going to throw my ntfs stuff onto04:38
holsteinthe 80 gig is not in the computer right now?04:38
holsteinwhere is ubuntu?04:38
Genjii have other drives i can remove while i clone and re-grub my main sata drive.04:38
holsteinfor example04:39
Genjiubuntu is currently in a 6 gig partition in my main sata drive.04:39
holsteinIF i had a 100 gb drive04:39
holsteinwith a 90 GB windows install04:39
Genjia borked windows install is in a 30 gig partiton, that is before the 6 gig partition.04:39
holsteinand ubuntu04:39
holsteinon the rest04:39
holsteinwith grub booting it04:39
holsteinin theory04:39
holsteini could get gparted live04:40
holsteinand shrink the windows to whatever04:40
Genjiso i am intending on taking the 30 gig data and putting it on my 80 gig ide.04:40
holsteinsay 5004:40
holsteinand grow ubuntu to 5004:40
holsteinthen grub should work the same04:40
Genjiyou can grow ubuntu, backwards?04:40
holsteini would wipe windows all together04:40
holsteingrow buntu04:41
holsteinand run sudo update-grub04:41
holsteinand all *should* be good04:41
holsteinGenji: i think you can04:41
holsteinyou'll have to try it04:41
Genjiokay.... in other words.... 1 2 3 4 5 is windows and 6 7 8 is ubuntu.04:41
holsteini know there are ways you cant move them around04:41
Genjican i grow ubuntu to cover 1 2 3 4 5 too?04:42
holsteinBUT before you just got and wipe04:42
holsteinyou might as well try it04:42
holsteinyou sould just clone buntu over onto another drive04:42
holsteinand put grub somewhere esle04:42
holsteinyou got lots of options really04:42
holsteinand youll just have to fire up gparted04:43
Genjidoes update-grub automatically find all bootable linuxes?04:43
holsteinand see what it will let you do as far as growing04:43
holsteinGenji: its suppose to04:43
holsteinand usually does04:43
holsteinlinux and win04:43
holsteinwhatever it can boot04:43
Genjiso.... if i clone linux from one partition to another, it will have two linuxes showing in the grup menu after update-grub is run?04:44
Genjiokay.. so all i need  now is a live usb of ubuntu..04:50
holsteinGenji: you can make one04:52
holsteinfrom your istall04:52
holsteinyou need to download the ISO though04:53
holsteinsytem-administration-startup disc creator04:54
holsteini usually use unetbootin though04:54
Genjiyeah.. ill do the same. less thinking required.04:55
=== AGECannonix is now known as lau1
obuiboSo, I'm having what seems to be a very common issue. My wireless card isn't recognized.11:03
obuiboCan't seem to find consensus (or even more than a hint) on how this issue is solved.11:04
metzehi is there a free application which converts audio to midi?13:43
holsteinhey metze15:16
holsteini usually just get the midi playing15:16
holsteinin whatever i feel comfortable with15:16
holsteinand use JACK to route the audio output15:16
holsteinto ardour15:16
holsteinBUT the guys in #opensourcemusicians had a commandline shortcut for this15:17
holsteinthat i totally forget ;)15:17
holsteinobuibo: i would suggest15:17
holsteingetting the normal ubuntu live CD15:17
holsteinget that running on the box in question15:18
holsteinand plug in to wired LAN15:18
holsteinsee if you are automatically prompted for an install of a propritary blob or whatever its called15:18
holsteinobuibo: if you have already tried this15:18
holsteini would also suggest looking in a more frequented support avenue15:19
holsteinsince this issue is not necessarily limited to ubuntustudio15:19
holsteinassuming the issue has nothing to do with how network manager is included in ubuntustudio15:19
metzeholstein: I meant audio to midi not midi to audio:-)15:37
metzeholstein: I found waon, but it doesn't produce the result I was hoping for15:37
holsteinmetze: sorry, i glossed over that really quick15:37
metzeno problem:-)15:37
holsteinask in #opensourcemusicians though15:38
holsteinif you need :)15:38
metzethx for the pointer15:38
nvsblso.. what kind of audio production software comes with Ubuntu studio?16:27
nvsblspeaking of audio production, has any body here had any luck running Ableton Live with wine?16:29
martohey, having a problem with Jack. Headphone output connected to an amp and speakers (tested playing a song, it works) I'm using a midi keyboard with Jack and ZynAddSubFx, it works fine from laptop speakers but not via the headphone socket20:06

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