
charlie-tcamr_pouit: the more I use the new panels, the more I like it. It is very streamlined for use. 01:49
TheSheepnew panels? where?07:07
mr_pouitit's just that the new panel switched all its config to xfconf, so the xubuntu-default-settings parameters don't work anymore in natty09:36
mr_pouit(but yeah, it's probably a good time to reconsider the layout we use in xubuntu)09:37
mr_pouitand no, you should not upgrade now, really ;]09:38
TheSheepone thing that I like in my panel is the large desktop switcher right in the middle of it09:39
ochosimr_pouit: i agree on rethinking the panel-layout11:04
ochosimr_pouit: as soon as i've installed natty i'll try to work on one11:05
ochosi(i mean on a good layout)11:05
TheSheepochosi: how would you do it?11:10
mr_pouitI think he plans to use 20 floating panels to form the "ochosi" word :p11:13
TheSheepI was more interested in the process of coming up with a good layout11:26
TheSheepI never actually saw how it is done11:26
ochosimr_pouit: hehe12:36
ochosiTheSheep: well, i guess i'll just try a few different layouts and use them for a while12:36
charlie-tcaGood morning13:17
TheSheepochosi: I see, that easy13:33
charlie-tcaI kind of like that bottom panel with the launchers in it, myself13:37
charlie-tcaUsing Application Finder to launch apps instead of menus is a little strange at first, but works well when you get used to it.13:38
TheSheephttp://www.sheep.art.pl/misc/shot.png <-- my favorite layout, since 199913:39
TheSheepbut I don't use a taskbar13:40
charlie-tcaYou would like what is in natty now, then13:40
TheSheepobligatory taskbar?13:41
charlie-tcaYou can remove the top panel completely13:41
TheSheepyou always could13:42
TheSheepthe key thing for me is that workspace switcher13:42
TheSheepI use it instead of taskbar13:42
TheSheepdifferent sets of apps on different workspaces13:43
charlie-tcaThat's what I run. 7 workspaces now13:43
TheSheepthe point is, with ubuntu's panels the workspace switcher is too small to be useful13:44
TheSheepyou cannot easily drag the windows or even see the icons13:44
TheSheepwith xfce-style panel it can be much bigger13:44
charlie-tcatrue enough13:44
charlie-tcaI am trying different things with it. today it is in the bottom panel, with the launchers, so I can grow it bigger 13:45
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: I think you can add a menu back, it should work ;)13:45
charlie-tcamr_pouit: it did. But I thought I could try with just app finder too13:45
mr_pouitaah, ok :p13:46
mr_pouitfor 4.10 they have some ideas about that, i.e. merge xfrun and appfinder13:46
ochosihm, why not just make a "menu"-launcher that launches the app-finder instead of showing the menu?13:48
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: ah, btw, xfce4-panel 4.8 is (almost) a complete rewrite, so the backtraces we got with the 4.6 one will probably be useless. So you can decide either to close existing bugs, or maybe ask the reporters to retry with natty... (I don't know what the bugsquad recommends in these cases)13:50
charlie-tcaochosi: that is the default13:50
ablomenmr_pouit, ooh ooh are there going to be new python/perl/whatever bindings too?13:50
charlie-tcaIt's the magnifying glass in the image13:50
ochosicharlie-tca: a-ha, haven't tried natty yet. but it sounds like a cool idea13:51
charlie-tcamr_pouit: really?13:51
ochosicharlie-tca: k, maybe we need a clearer icon for it13:51
charlie-tcaI will close some, and request a re-test with others then13:51
charlie-tcaochosi: yes. Perhaps our logo would be better. There is a choice to display text only or icon, too13:52
ochosiyep, maybe text-only would be cool13:52
charlie-tcaIf I follow this layout right, the bottom panel is just a panel with some launchers added to it13:52
mr_pouitablomen: I know there are some bindings for thunar (thunarx-python), but I'm not up-to-date for pyxfce (and none of them are packaged for the moment)13:53
charlie-tcaI didn't like text only, because it grabs the text from app finder, and things like firefox came out wayyyy ling13:53
charlie-tcalong, too13:53
ochosik, i thought maybe the names are truncated13:53
mr_pouithttp://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/tree/migrate/default.xml for the current vanilla default config from upstream13:54
charlie-tcaThe text for it is something like "Firefox 4.0 Beta 7 - Web browser" 13:54
charlie-tcaThat's what I picked when it upgraded, mr_pouit 13:54
charlie-tcaGave like three choices, default, keep old, and something else13:54
ablomenyeah there where some undocumented python bindings for xfce panel somewhere, but also not packaged (and not really working), ah well i will wait and see if something happens in that respect13:55
mr_pouitin the top panel you have "actions | tasklist | pager | clock | systray", and the bottom one, only "show desktop | term | file manager | webbrowser | appfinder"13:56
charlie-tcaterm didn't show on here. I got three blank launchers instead13:56
charlie-tcaMaybe because I had launchers in the panel already?13:57
mr_pouitmmh, there should be a "directory menu" item next to the appfinder also13:57
charlie-tcaYeah, that one kind of sucks, too13:59
charlie-tcaIt shows the /home/USER directory, and is hard to use13:59
ochosiis that something like the places-plugin currently?14:00
charlie-tcaIt is a full list of /home/USER without hidden files14:00
ochosiis it configurable?14:00
ochosii mean: can you define what folder it shows14:00
charlie-tcaNo shortcuts, no way to pick anything outside of /home/USER14:00
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: right click on it?14:01
mr_pouityou can't configure it?14:01
mr_pouitochosi: _Comment=Show a directory tree in a menu14:01
charlie-tcaYou can choose to start in a different directory14:01
charlie-tcaSo, I guess choosing / would show the entire computer without hidden files14:01
charlie-tcaStill not as functional as places14:02
mr_pouityep, but I'm afraid we'll have to drop places from the default panel layout14:02
ochosiyeah, it's kinda different i guess14:02
ochosibut it sounds interesting14:03
ochosiis the plugin not compatible anymore?14:03
mr_pouitbecause it still relies on thunar-vfs and not gio14:03
charlie-tcamr_pouit: I would like orage back14:03
ochosiyes, a calendar like orage would be cool14:03
mr_pouitso mounting removable volumes will be awful (you can't unmount with thunar-vfs something you mounted with gio iirc)14:04
mr_pouityeah yeah, gimme some time :p14:04
ochosisomeone on xfce-dev said that its codebase is very ugly, so no-one wants to port it14:04
charlie-tcaI don't like the calendar so much as the clocks14:04
ochosimr_pouit: so orage is compatible with the new panel?14:04
charlie-tcaI can have gmt and local time on the panel with orage14:04
mr_pouitochosi: yes14:04
mr_pouitif it's listed here, I still haven't uploaded the new version14:05
mr_pouitI've done 13 of them yesterday and the day before, still 25 to go14:06
ochosiwow, you've actually come quite far already14:06
charlie-tcamr_pouit is the BEST! He does a great job getting things done14:06
mr_pouitwell, these 13 were the easy ones... :p14:08
charlie-tcamr_pouit: lightDM will be usable this cycle 14:41
mr_pouitreally? that's nice14:53
charlie-tcawell, not really the enthusiam I hoped for, but at least you acknowledged it, huh?15:03
ochosido you plan to use lightdm in xubuntu?15:35
charlie-tcaI have hopes yet, but it will be up to mr_pouit as to whether or not we really can15:36
charlie-tcaHe might have his hands full with the xfce4.8 merges 15:37
ochosimmh, i guess that's higher priority for now15:38
ochosicharlie-tca: btw, it would be nice if you could test greybird with natty/xfce4.8, just to see how it works out15:40
charlie-tcaI can do that. You have to tell me how and where to get it again, though. I seem to be slow on these things15:43
ochosihehe, np15:44
ochosijust dl the tarball from here: http://shimmerproject.org/hg/bluebird-colors15:44
ochosior if you like, you can also install mercurial and then sync it every now and then15:44
ochosibut i have to say i don't work on it on a daily basis, so don't expect too many updates ;)15:44
charlie-tcaI don't get along with those kinds of things. I will just download it when you tell me to15:46
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: well, I gave a quick look at the reported bugs, and it seems there are still many issues (and another debian pkg-xfce maintainer who is working on that found several issues too)15:47
mr_pouitbut if robert says that lightdm will be usable this cycle, that's fine15:47
charlie-tcaOkay, thank you for looking15:47
mr_pouitI'm happy to drop this *ùù*ù$^^$ gdm315:47
charlie-tcaRobert said Lubuntu is looking to use it, too15:47
mr_pouitokay great ;>15:48
charlie-tcaIt will stay gtk2 this cycle, too15:48
ochosicharlie-tca: sure, i'll let you know when there are major changes15:48
charlie-tcaThanks, ochosi 15:48
ochosicharlie-tca: for now feel free to drop me general feedback15:48
charlie-tcainstalling now in natty15:48
ochosicharlie-tca: i just want to avoid this "last-minute-artwork"-tradition xubuntu has/had15:49
ochosik nice15:49
mr_pouitlet's be optimistic and say "had" :p15:49
charlie-tcaThat would really be great! I keep hoping to avoid that, too15:49
charlie-tcamr_pouit: I will keep in touch with Robert on it and try to keep you informed15:49
ochosiwell since we're already looking at arty stuff i think we're already avoiding it ;)15:49
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: do you know if he plans to take care of the packaging himself? (upload it in natty, etc.)15:50
mr_pouit(that would be great ;p)15:50
charlie-tcaI don't know yet, but I will ask him15:51
ochosibtw who is robert?15:54
mr_pouitRobert Ancell, the developer of lightdm15:55
ochosiah right15:55
ochosii read about lightdm some time ago on planet.ubuntu15:55
mr_pouit(also an upstream gnome developer, the dev of simple-scan, and probably also a canonical employee)15:55
ochosiguess that was himself postnig15:55
ochosii see, a guy with multiple identities :)15:56
charlie-tcaunlike so many of us ;-)15:56
charlie-tcaOMG! colors in the panel I can see15:58
charlie-tcaochosi: faenza icon set ?15:58
ochosiyou mean the one i'm working on?15:59
charlie-tcaNo, the one I should use with greybird15:59
ochositry this one15:59
ochosiit's not complete yet15:59
charlie-tcaI don't think the one I have is either, but some of the icons have changed lately15:59
ochosisee this page for a list of open issues with the icons: http://wiki.knome.fi/shimmer:faenza_for_xfce16:00
ochosi(you could maybe collect all that info in an artwork-wiki-page for natty)16:00
charlie-tcaI will do that. Then I can other people where it all is easily16:01
ochosialso: if you could add some contact details for me in case people find issues that are not yet on that list16:01
charlie-tcaWill do16:02
ochosisry, g2g now16:02
ochosisee you guys around16:02
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: I uploaded the new orage ;)20:50
charlie-tcaw00t! thank you. You have my thanks at least through this cycle!20:51
mr_pouithuhu, no problem ;>20:52
mr_pouit(I hope it'll work ;D)20:52
charlie-tcaI will find out as soon as it shows up in upgrades20:52

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