
vmlintuFor anyone interested, we finally got the sources out for our new user and device management tool for schools: http://www.opinsys.fi/en/easy-linux-administration-for-schools-with-puavo12:38
alkisgVery nice vmlintu, I hope we see this in the debian/ubuntu repositories soon :)12:41
vmlintuwe'll see when all the dependencies get sorted out..12:42
MephistoMhello everyone, is there a powerpoint version of the opening slideshow for edubuntu when you install it introducing the different programs available for download?15:49
mhall119MephistoM: you can get them as HTML16:13
MephistoMwhere would that be mhall119? thanks16:15
mhall119MephistoM: one second16:24
mhall119you want the ones for 10.10 right?16:24
MephistoMyes please16:26
mhall119or you can "apt-get source edubuntu-live"16:27
highvoltagegood morning everyone16:27
MephistoMthanks mhall16:27
mhall119highvoltage: building my xdg-launcher packages17:22
highvoltagemhall119: cool!17:37
mhall119highvoltage: what's the changelog line for closing a needs-packaging bug?17:49
mhall119highvoltage: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/xdg-launcher18:20
alkisgMeeting in half an hour?18:34
dindais anyone here located in the San Francisco Bay area?  I have a group looking for someone to appear on a TV show promoting Edubuntu19:43
mhall119wow, tv!19:43
mhall119pleia2 is there, IIRC19:44
pleia2yeah, I'm attending19:44
dindamhall119: yes, local show apparently19:44
dindapleia2: I'll ask jono when he returns but he's offline at the moment19:44
dindapleia2: that's awesome that you're going to make it19:44
pleia2dinda: thanks, I dropped him an email yesterday but he never responds to email :)19:44
dindaI think he's doing his video show today19:45
pleia2plus it's not strictly interview-style, we'll be among many folks in a studio box that they ask questions of, so it might not be interesting enough for him19:45
mhall119dinda: post a link to the video once it's up please19:45
mhall119I'm very interested19:45
dindamhall119: will do. I'll forward the show info onto the edubuntu list19:48
mhall119cool, thanks19:48
highvoltageEdubuntu meeting time!19:59
MephistoMthat's pretty cool, check it out...this guy uses edubuntu in First Nations schools in Canada21:04
dindamhall119: did you see that http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/course/view.php?id=68  that link MephistoM posted?  it shows QIMO on a projector22:56

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