
rbelemRiddell, ping00:33
Riddellhi rbelem 00:38
rbelemRiddell, I'm finishing now the ksambashare property ui00:39
rbelemRiddell, i made what you asked00:39
rbelemRiddell, what do you think is the best way to represent the user permission?00:40
rbelemRiddell, the permissions are 00:40
rbelemfull control00:40
rbelemread only00:41
rbelemand deny00:41
rbelemRiddell, i created a QTableWidget for it00:41
Riddellthree options for each user?00:41
rbelemRiddell, yup00:41
rbelemand it can be just one of them00:42
Riddellwhy not just a QListWidget with checkable columns?00:43
rbelemRiddell, how to represent the options?00:44
Riddellif it's just an on/off option you can use checkboxes in the QListWidgetItem00:45
Riddellhttp://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qlistwidgetitem.html has checkable items00:45
rbelemthx Riddell :-)01:38
apacheloggerI am the drunk03:03
* apachelogger blames markey03:03
* apachelogger has problems hitting any key03:03
ScottKapachelogger: Congratulations.03:06
ScottKBTW, kde4libs built on armel, so I just fired off approximately a bazillion retries.03:06
* apachelogger hugs ScottK03:08
DarkwingDuckapachelogger is drunk?03:27
* nigelb looks for the 'any' key :P03:35
valorieI've looked for that for years03:39
valorieand never found it!03:39
DarkwingDuckvalorie: ping03:55
valoriehey DarkwingDuck03:57
valoriewhat's up?03:59
DarkwingDuckvalorie: You still up for documentation?03:59
valorieof course!04:00
DarkwingDuckvalorie: awesome. I have a smallish project :)04:00
valoriehowever, right now I'm hip-deep in Google Code-in and finishing the Amarok handbook04:00
valorieI'll look at what you have, however04:00
valorieare we participating, as a project, in GCI?04:00
valorieit's been AWESOME04:01
DarkwingDuckGCI? I'm not.04:01
valorieso far04:01
valoriethat's too bad04:01
DarkwingDuckNo time.04:01
valorieit's like instant minions04:01
valorieand they swarm ya, looking for tasks!04:01
valorieoops, old dog04:01
valoriepoor old guy -- gotta put water in one end, and empty it out the other every couple of hourse04:07
valorieso what's the smallish project?04:14
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piquadratHi! Is it possible that KDE 4.6 Beta 1 breaks ssh-add? I get "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent." since I installed Beta 108:21
valoriepiquadrat: if you get no answer here, you might in #kde08:31
piquadratvalorie: thanks, I'll try it there08:36
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
Mamarokapachelogger: are there already packages around of the new vlc backend version?10:29
Mamarokpiquadrat: yes, that is a known problem10:30
Mamarokpiquadrat: type ssh-agent and the paste the output of this command in the konsole10:30
Mamarokafter that ssh-add should work10:30
piquadratMamarok: OK, thanks for the info!10:34
Mamarokpiquadrat: you are welcome, thanks go to Quintasan_ who gave me the hint :)10:45
Mamarokpiquadrat: hey, a Swiss Kubuntu user, nice :)10:46
piquadratMamarok: hehe10:48
Riddellhttp://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qlistwidgetitem.html has checkable items10:48
markeyRiddell: is there a Qt Creator 2.1 package for Maverick somewhere?10:51
markeymy Creator is failing to parse Calligra10:51
markey(I have 2.0.1)10:51
Mamarokmarkey: get the one from Qt, it has an easy installer10:51
markeyI know, but I'd prefer a real package10:52
Riddellmarkey: yes but only alongside lots of other beta software like 4.6 beta https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta10:52
markeyRiddell: do you think 4.6 beta is stable enough for daily use?10:52
markeyit's my work machine10:52
markeycan't have it crashing all the time10:53
Riddellworks ok for me (but that's no guarantee)10:54
markeywell, that's good enough then10:54
markeyas long as the whole desktop won't crash all the time, I'm fine10:54
markeyMamarok: are you running 4.6?10:54
Sputonly a few times an hour10:54
Sputquite acceptable10:54
markeySput: hehe. honestly?10:54
SputI honestly can't remember the last time my desktop crashed (running trunk)10:55
Sputkonqueror sometimes crashes though10:55
markeySput: me neither, but Plasma likes to crash a lot10:55
markeyand then auto-restarts10:55
Sputhaven't seen plasma crash in ages10:55
Sputcould as well be random plasmoids of course10:55
markeywell, often you don't even notice it10:55
markeyit reloads instantly10:55
markeythey did that quite smartly10:55
SputI don't use any non-standard plasmoids, and my plasma-desktop is rockstable10:56
markeyyeah, granted, it got a lot more stable10:56
markey4.4 crashed more10:56
Mamarokmarkey: yes10:57
ulyssesmarkey: plasma-desktop crashes all the time for me, I use now plasma-netbook:'(11:00
Mamarokwell, I had to remove the plasma config files in ~/.kde/share/config/, else plasma was eating over 50% of cpu11:01
Mamarokulysses: tried that?11:01
ulyssesMamarok: not yet11:01
Mamarokso far I had that problem at every major KDE version upgrade11:01
markeyMamarok: yeah11:01
Mamarokno idea what the plasma people are doing11:01
markeyit's very hard to handle the config foo correctly11:02
markeybut yeah11:02
markeynot nice11:02
Mamarokand I bet they don't test it as an upgrade, since they all run trunk11:02
markeyRiddell: any plans for putting the process-grouping thing in Natty? http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/alternative-to-200-lines-kernel-patch.html11:03
markeyit works miracles here11:03
markeyeverything got faster :)11:03
Mamarokmuch faster, and we use SSDs here11:04
ulyssesMamarok: thanks, removing that directory helped11:05
Mamarokulysses: you are welcome :)11:06
Riddellmarkey: I've no idea, it's an issue for linux people11:07
markeyRiddell: no, actually it's exactly a distro issue11:19
markeybecause the userspace thing is better than the kernel patch11:19
Mamarokmarkey: btw, there is no QtCreator 2.1, at least not officially11:21
Mamarokit's RC for now11:23
markeyMamarok: good enough11:36
Riddell** testers needed for KDE SC 4.6 Beta 211:58
* Trouble digs out his ninjas ppa login from a backup...12:19
RiddellTrouble: you're testing maverick or natty?12:19
TroubleRight, downloading12:21
TroubleNow installing..12:22
TroubleBut I gotta run for a work Christmas lunch... so I'll report via the wiki when I'm back :D12:22
apacheloggerMamarok: I do not think so, feel free to harass a package ^^12:57
* apachelogger must have aged another 10 years last night12:57
apacheloggerlooking very old today12:57
macoScottK: by the way, i'm going to stop being a DCist soon13:00
ScottKmaco: Right.  Once you've graduated no doubt.13:03
* Mamarok harasses apachelogger to provide a new package13:10
* apachelogger is upstream developer :P13:11
Mamarokapachelogger: come on, you made an amarok package as well, which is a far bigger projct13:14
Mamarokand who else than you could make the best package?13:15
apacheloggernot in a long time13:15
* apachelogger only packaged one package the last month or so13:15
apachelogger<-- terrible packager13:15
markeyRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta13:16
markeyis that really correct?13:16
markeysynaptic does not let me add it13:16
markeyapachelogger: got source line for KDE 4.6 Beta repo?13:16
markeywanna try it here, I need Creator 2.113:17
markeythanks Riddell13:17
markeyRiddell: it still does not show me any KDE upgrades13:23
markey"ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta maverick main"13:24
markeyis that correct?13:24
Riddellmarkey: just ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta13:24
markeyah ok13:25
markeythx again13:25
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelRiddell: where did you put amarok 2.4 for maverick again? I don't see the packages in the beta ppa13:26
Riddellmm, should be there13:26
Riddell"[PPA kubuntu-ppa-beta] amarok_2.3.90-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1_source.changes rejected" fooey13:28
Riddellok reuploaded13:29
Riddellwell spotted yofel 13:29
yofelsaw some people on identi.ca that were confused since they didn't find it13:29
Riddelloh great, bug reports via identica13:30
_Groo_hi/2 all13:31
_Groo_Riddell: ping13:31
Riddellhi _Groo_ 13:31
yofelhey _Groo_13:31
_Groo_could anyone explain to me why is kde admin in kubuntu ppa updates with the 4.5.85 version?13:32
_Groo_hi Riddell , yofel13:32
_Groo_Riddell: did you copy there by mistake?13:32
_Groo_Riddell: or is correct?13:32
_Groo_Riddell: lol :D i figured :D13:32
_Groo_i was doing the daily updates and when it showed up, i thought, wtf...13:33
RiddellI'll delete it13:34
_Groo_Riddell: the thing is.. for those who updated it.. it wont revert, right?13:34
Riddellno :(13:35
_Groo_Riddell: will you have to bump the version something like 5:4.4.5 to force the upgrade (downgrade actually)13:35
yofeljust upload as 4.5.85~really4.5.4 :P13:35
_Groo_yofel: ahhh thats whats that about13:35
Riddellas yofel says13:35
_Groo_yofel: i always wondered ;)13:35
_Groo_yofel: but we could bump the version also, right? teoretically13:36
yofel_Groo_: theoretically yes, but you'll have to keep that for all future versions of the package too, no fun13:36
Riddellthat would stop future upgrades13:36
_Groo_yofel: yeah i know, it was just a doubt of mine, 13:36
_Groo_Riddell: ok wheres my cookie?13:36
_Groo_im like 3 cookie behind already!13:37
Riddellyou'll get a credit in the announce on kubuntu.org this time I promise :)13:37
_Groo_Riddell: lol, NO! i want my cookie!13:38
_Groo_Riddell: send me cookies!13:38
* _Groo_ demands cookies!13:38
_Groo_the bot used to give cookies :D13:39
* yofel sends _Groo_ his empty cookie box13:39
_Groo_anyway, if i can help this weekend with beta 2 i will13:39
yofelthe only one that has full ones is kubotu13:39
_Groo_yofel: grrrr13:39
_Groo_yofel: apachelogger rapped the poor bot!13:39
Riddell_Groo_: beta 2 is done, we just need testers now13:39
_Groo_Riddell: ahh i was late this time :P 13:39
_Groo_Riddell: damn proxy at work :P13:40
_Groo_Riddell: i didnt open ninjas ppa yet, does kdebindings even compile? even without some modules?13:40
Riddellyes yofel got kdebindings to compile13:40
_Groo_Riddell: huuu really? :D its complete then?13:40
_Groo_kde 4.6 i mean13:41
_Groo_does the printer applet work?13:41
yofelwe're waiting for akashay with kdetoys, but that's all13:41
Riddellprinter applet?  of course it works, I coded it therefor it works!13:41
_Groo_did you guys changed the deps so it tries to rip off hal and install udisk/etc?13:41
_Groo_Riddell: :P its not her faults, its pykde faults XD13:42
Riddellhal is no longer a recommend13:42
yofelwell, it won't try to remove hal by itself13:42
_Groo_yofel: thats the trick, for natty is fine but for maverick if we are upgrading the system it should try to do that at least13:42
yofelwell, I can run system-config-printer fine here in beta2 which was pyKDE iirc13:43
_Groo_can hal and udisk live side by side?13:43
_Groo_yofel: hmm ok, im gonna upgrade in a few hours then, and tell my horror stories here13:43
_Groo_should i use ninja or backports?13:43
yofelninjas, beta still has 8013:44
_Groo_yofel: k, ill add it again and try an upgrade dugin lunch time, around 2 hours from now13:45
_Groo_yofel: it should be quick, i have a 100MB connection here13:45
_Groo_i work for a cell phone company :D13:46
_Groo_actually its fiber optics but my local ethernet is 10/100 so i can only go as up as ;)13:46
* Riddell uploads 4.6 beta 2 to natty13:46
Riddellif we could get someone to test it on maverick then I could copy it across13:50
ScottKRiddell: More koffice trouble on arm: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/60316062/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-armel.koffice_1:2.2.91-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:53
Riddelltsk, qReal again13:54
Riddellyou'd think since there's a commercial product from KOffice on ARM they'd be more careful13:55
Riddellwill look later13:55
markeyRiddell: upgrade worked fine :)13:56
markeyvery smooth13:56
markeythat said, KDE 4.6 looks exactly like 4.513:56
markeycan't see great differences13:56
ScottKI gave MoDaX a ping on #debian-qt-kde to see if we can get some help on the symbols stuff.13:56
_Groo_Riddell: im gonna test it on maverick, let me download the packages :D13:59
_Groo_could you guys do a little test for me?13:59
_Groo_i need someone with nvidia + chromium14:00
_Groo_and kde of course14:00
_Groo_its painless and real quick14:00
jussi_Groo_: if no one has got it by the time I get home in a few hours...14:01
_Groo_preferably with 2.56 or 260 driver14:01
_Groo_you just need to fire up chromium with the gpu  flags active (in about:flags) and see your xorgs memory go up exponentially :P14:03
_Groo_aparently kwin is messing up vdpau and gpu acceleration with chromium and/or movies14:03
_Groo_messing in the sense of memory leaks14:03
_Groo_but the strange thing is that it affects xorg, not kwin itself14:04
=== Trouble is now known as JustinTrouble
_Groo_could anyone confirm this?14:04
_Groo_is fancytasks and quickacess updated for 4.6?14:08
_Groo_i use both and aptitude wants to remove them14:08
Riddell_Groo_: they probably need a rebuild14:09
_Groo_k, im gonna take notes of whats is getting ripped, can i rebuild them and add them to the ppa later?14:10
ulysses_Groo_: I think smooth-tasks needs a rebuild too, it crashes 4.6 beta114:10
_Groo_ulysses: dont use that one14:11
Riddell_Groo_: sure14:11
Riddell_Groo_: are you testing maverick?14:11
_Groo_Riddell: yep, my main machine14:13
_Groo_Riddell: if it breaks and i cant work, ill personally blame you :D14:13
JustinTrouble_Groo_: I've already installed on Maverick and it's working gooooood :)14:13
_Groo_JustinTrouble: i know ;) i like to joke around :D14:14
_Groo_JustinTrouble: do you have nvidia?14:14
JustinTroubleUnfortunately I do :-/14:14
_Groo_JustinTrouble: prop driver?14:14
_Groo_JustinTrouble: 256/260?14:15
_Groo_JustinTrouble: do you have chromium?14:15
_Groo_JustinTrouble: open chromium, about:flags, enable gpu acceleration (2 options), before that, open yakuake and top, and see how much memory xorg is using14:17
JustinTrouble_Groo_: I don't have Chronium. I have an nVidia Quadro FX 57014:17
_Groo_JustinTrouble: hmmm it happens with vdpau too, but it yakes longer :P14:17
_Groo_JustinTrouble: with chromium its instant14:17
ScottKRiddell: Is there a reason you updated meta-kde in Natty to 4.5.85, but kde4libs isn't uploaded (this will now break any further armel retries on kde sc modules)14:17
_Groo_JustinTrouble: nvm then :)14:17
JustinTrouble_Groo_: I have massive graphical slow down after a days usage, but haven't a chance to look in to it yet14:17
_Groo_JustinTrouble: its xorg.. theres a memory leak with kwin + nvidia + gpu.. it doesnt show up with compiz, or it not that aparent14:18
JustinTrouble_Groo_: If I reset the PixmapCache is makes it better temporarily14:18
_Groo_JustinTrouble: he starts eating memory like theres no tomorrow14:18
_Groo_JustinTrouble: how do i do that?14:19
_Groo_to test here14:19
JustinTrouble_Groo_: Run "nvidia-settings -a PixmapCache=0 && nvidia-settings -a PixmapCache=1" from the command line14:19
_Groo_huuu nice, let me see14:19
JustinTroubleGood luck :D14:19
_Groo_it appears to make it a little better... im gonna bug the nvidia guys14:20
_Groo_but its definitely something between kwin + nvidia14:20
RiddellScottK: the whole of 4.5.85 is being uploaded, just limited by my bandwidth14:32
ScottKAh.  OK.14:33
ScottKRiddell: As soon as kde4libs hits we ought to have it rescored on armel so we minimize the breakage there.14:33
droidslayerRiddell: did aakshay show up yet? ... he caught me at college and asked everything about pbuilders for 3 hours :P14:35
JustinTrouble_Groo_: Agreed!14:38
Riddelldroidslayer: no14:38
JustinTroubleBlimey, didn't realise it was actually 4.6 beta 2 release day today!14:38
=== droidslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
JustinTroubleThat came around quick :)14:39
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as Guest18929
=== Guest18929 is now known as droidslayer
RiddellJustinTrouble: so maverick 4.6 beta 2 from ninjas working for you?14:55
JustinTroubleAye Riddell, it is thank you14:56
JustinTroubleBeen using it solidly for the last hour14:56
Riddellgreat, thanks14:57
Riddell_Groo_: did you test maverick?14:57
_Groo_Riddell: updating14:57
Riddellooh http://dot.kde.org/2010/12/08/canonical-donates-server-kde14:57
_Groo_Riddell: should be over in 45 min14:58
apacheloggerRiddell: for an @kde.org mail addy one files a ticket with the sysadmins?15:00
_Groo_ok this one is new :D15:33
_Groo_W: Bizarre Error - File size is not what the server reported 19523 9762 15:33
_Groo_errors are bizarre now! in apt!15:33
agateauRiddell: I like how you sound surprised by dot articles you write yourself :)15:34
_Groo_my notebook is a i7 with 4 cores (8 virtual) 1TB 2 hds, im better then that server XD15:35
yofelmeh, you've got better hardware than me :/15:37
apacheloggeragateau: lol15:45
apacheloggerimagine a workstation of _Groo_'s15:46
apacheloggerthat might easily have more useless resources than mine ^^15:46
apacheloggerKCrash: Application 'kwin' crashing...15:55
JustinTroubleHow rare15:57
apacheloggerpython eats my phone16:02
apacheloggerthis is awesome16:02
ScottKRiddell: It's starting to look to me like your kde4libs upload didn't make it ...16:03
apacheloggerExit message has been set to: "PVRShell: Unable to initialise EGL16:16
apacheloggerPVRShell: EGL Error (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)16:16
yofelnice, k3b segfaults on natty16:16
* yofel loves that drkonqi now scrolls to the relevant thread when retracing :D16:17
ScottKAh.  There it is.16:36
_Groo_apachelogger: its not a workstation is a kick ass notebook :D with a nvidia g230m with 1GB dedicated ram also :D16:42
_Groo_apachelogger: and a 17'' lcd display16:42
_Groo_apachelogger: the little beast is BIG16:42
_Groo_apachelogger: actually LED display not lcd16:43
apacheloggeroh dear16:45
* apachelogger triggered a nerdgasm16:46
apacheloggermine is a 600mhz cortex A816:47
apacheloggerwith pvr sgx16:47
apachelogger256mb ram16:47
Riddellyofel: amd64?16:47
apachelogger3.5 inch display16:47
yofelRiddell: yes16:48
Riddellyofel: mm, it does seem to on amd64, havn't looked into why16:48
yofeltried to rebuild against 4.5.85, didn't help, installing hal doesn't either16:49
Riddellit might trigger a crash in the new solid stuff16:49
yofelit does indeed seem so from the trace, sec16:49
yofelRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541056/16:50
RiddellSolid::Block::device (this=0x0) at ../../../solid/solid/block.cpp:5216:51
Riddellyes, something bad in the new solid16:51
Riddellyofel: do report that upstream on solid16:51
yofelseems fixed upstream16:52
Riddellyofel: why do you think that?16:52
yofelkde bug 24937116:52
ubottuKDE bug 249371 in general "K3b crashed when trying to open from kmenu/application launcher menu" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24937116:52
Riddell_Groo_: did you get maverick tested?16:53
_Groo_Riddell: updating as we speak16:53
_Groo_Riddell: the only problem so far was with my own hupnp, so its updating cleanly16:54
_Groo_Riddell: still upgrading the system... huuugge17:01
* yofel had >400 updates with natty, not only KDE though17:02
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
apacheloggerScottK: when do we get a n900 compatible kernel?17:14
ScottKNot sure.17:15
ScottKJust got the base omap3 kernel in.17:16
apacheloggerI see17:16
* apachelogger tries to hook dkms up with the meego kernel17:16
apacheloggerI am this close to getting opengles going!!!17:17
apacheloggeronly a stupid segfault (supposedly because of kernel module stuff) is standing in my way17:17
apachelogger/var/lib/dkms/powervr-omap3/ error: implicit declaration of function 'omap_rev_lt_3_0'17:23
Riddellhmm, no Groo17:29
yofelRiddell: did you upload kdeadmin 4.5.4 again?17:52
Riddellyofel: not yet17:53
Riddellif you are able to do it please do17:53
Riddellneeds 4.5.85really4.5.4-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 version number.  lovely17:53
yofelthen I'll do it, the package is still in the pool17:53
yofelgeh, I'll have to rename the orig.tar too -.-17:57
CIA-24[libqapt] jmthomas * 1204696 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (package.cpp package.h) Add some new functions: recommendsList(), suggestsList(), enhancesList() and enhancedByList() to return QStringLists of the names of packages that have various relational statuses with the Package18:38
JontheEchidnaMSC can't install addons yet, but it can display them now18:55
yofelcool ^^18:58
_Groo_Riddell: k, it worked19:00
_Groo_Riddell: but i had to remove hal, it was breaking powerdevil... also powerdevil doesnt control my brightenss anymroe :( do i need to install anytjing else, besides upower and udisks?19:00
yofelbrightness is broken here too19:01
yofeland hal BROKE powerdevil o.O?19:01
ScottKMore like lack of it.19:03
ScottKPlease file bugs with upstream.19:03
_Groo_yofel: not broken, powerdevil would show two bateries, and some weird behaviour, hal was fighting upower19:04
ScottK_Groo_: Did you remove hal then?19:05
_Groo_ScottK: yep19:05
_Groo_which removed some qt libs19:05
ScottKIt did?19:06
_Groo_and kde-standard19:06
_Groo_ScottK: let me check19:06
ScottKkde-standard is a Debianism, so I'm not suprised.19:06
_Groo_also, fancytasks is completely broken in kde 4.6, needs to be sent bug upstream to the author... after recompiled it doesnt work anymore, all broken19:09
=== PascalFR is now known as NemoFR
_Groo_i also disabled filewatch, it will kill my I/O everytime i log, i know its a known "feature" but until some kernel based inotify system that works is developer, filewatch isnt going to be enabld19:10
=== NemoFR is now known as PascalFR
ScottK_Groo_: kde-standard is the only thing there that depends on hal, so I think there's no hal related suprises there.19:11
ScottK_Groo_: Sounds like mabye we ought to disable filewatch by default.19:12
_Groo_ScottK: so i can reinstall the qt stuff and leave kde-standard alone?19:12
ScottKIt shouldn't pull hal back in.19:12
_Groo_ScottK: i agree, filewatch works but its a resource hog19:12
_Groo_ScottK: hal is still downloaded with the above list, the qt ones call hal allright19:14
_Groo_ScottK: try this: apt-fast install libqtcontacts1 libqtlocation1 libqtmessaging1 libqtmultimediakit1 libqtopiamail1 libqtpublishsubscribe1 libqtsensors1 libqtserviceframework1 libqtsysteminfo1 libqtversit1 qtmobility-dev servicefw19:14
_Groo_it will call hal19:14
ScottK_Groo_: libqtserviceframework1 on Maverick.19:16
_Groo_ScottK: no i need it for anything?19:16
ScottKThere in natty too.19:16
_Groo_ScottK: even without framework it still calls hal :P19:17
ScottKqtmobility-dev depends on libqtserviceframework1 19:17
_Groo_ScottK: ah ok19:17
ScottKThere's nothing on that list that's needed for a standard Kubuntu install19:18
ScottKRiddell: We ought to see if we can arrange for libqtserviceframework1 not to depend on hal.19:18
_Groo_ScottK: and the others need, and so on and so on, they are all interdependent19:18
_Groo_besides that it works fairly well19:19
_Groo_quick acess is broken too :P19:30
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^19:33
ScottKDoes it just need a rebuild?19:33
JontheEchidnaworksforme (tm)19:33
ScottK_Groo_: For quickaccess, we need a little more definition on 'broken'.19:34
_Groo_ScottK: it compiles, you can add it to the panel but when you click on it it doesnt show the contents of the folder19:49
_Groo_guys im getting a lot of this: kde(21546)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Trying to remove an entry which is already invalid. This  cache is likely corrupt.20:01
_Groo_lots of it.. where can i remove the cache to be rebuild?20:01
yofelIIRC the icon cache was in /var/tmp, let me try first, I'm getting those too20:09
_Groo_yofel: k20:12
yofelseems they're gone after purging kdecache20:16
_Groo_is kmail working in 4.6 maverick?20:18
TroubleTime to install beta 2 on my laptop20:18
_Groo_it said it migrated my account (although i found it to be very fast, maybe he didnt?), but it doesnt show up, no trayicon, no nothing, but the process is up 20:19
_Groo_yofel: found it?20:31
yofel_Groo_: I just purged /var/tmp/kdecache-yofel and let the cache be regenerated on login20:32
yofelseems like the messages are gone20:32
_Groo_yofel: it worked?20:32
_Groo_yofel: k, do you use kmail?20:32
yofelno thunderbird20:32
_Groo_yofel: ah20:33
_Groo_anyone using kmail and kde 4.6 beta 2?20:33
yofelkmail 4.5.85 seems to work here in natty, just looks bad as ever with my colorscheme20:35
yofeler, how do I quit kmail without killing it? The icon is gone..20:41
* yofel shoots it20:42
_Groo_yofel: here he doesnt show up, but im behind a proxy, maybe with akonadi he now waits for pop acess and sits there.. silly kmail.. gonna retest at home20:45
yofelhm, I'm using IMAP and it works20:46
_Groo_yofel: yeah just checked,m he uses akonadi_pop3 now.. aparently if you are behind a proxy he stays in a "stupid" state and never shows kmail, gonna retest at home20:50
_Groo_seeya guys later20:50
_Groo_Riddell: upgrade went fine20:50
eMyllerdid anyone see problems with depmod in latest kernel update?20:56
yofelif you mean 37-8 that works fine here20:58
eMylleri'm on maverick, 25-2421:01
eMyller* trying to install 25-2421:01
yofelhm, let me wake up my maverick machine21:03
amichairI just upgraded using the kubuntu updates ppa and it said packages like kdebase-workspace, kubuntu-desktop, plasma-desktop were removed. After a reboot a I get a blank screen after logoff. Is this a packaging bug or a problem in my setup?21:08
yofelif plasma-desktop was removed you're bound to get a blank screen, that's not supposed to be removed, can you pastebin your /var/log/apt/history.log ?21:10
yofelamichair: can you try to install kubuntu-desktop again, that should install everything again21:10
yofelamichair: also, you upgraded from where to where, or did you just install updates? which release?21:12
amichairyofel: it's actually a fresh install of maverick from this afternoon, without anything out of the ordinary I can think of. I just added the ppa now, and apt-get updated&upgraded.21:13
amichair(on a netboook)21:13
eMylleryofel: got this while trying to manually configure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54115521:15
yofelI'll try, seems like /etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common errors21:16
yofelamichair: odd, can you get me your history?21:16
amichairyofel: installing kubuntu-desktop indeed fixed it.21:16
amichairwhat do u mean by history?21:16
yofel /var/log/apt/history.log21:16
amichairyofel: where should I send to?21:17
yofelpastebin it21:17
eMylleryofel: i just removed nvidia-common (actually i don't even need it) and the upgrade ran smoothly.21:18
amichairyofel: btw I also have unsupported updates checked in software-properties-kde21:18
eMyllermaybe this should be reported somewhere else...21:18
yofelamichair: you mean maverick-backports?21:19
amichairyofel: if that's what the checkbox for 'Unsupported Updates' means :-)21:19
yofelnot sure myself, let me check21:20
yofelyep, should be backports, but I just did an i386 update test and got the same:21:21
yofelThe following packages will be REMOVED:21:21
yofel  kdebase-workspace-bin kubuntu-desktop plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-desktop plasma-netbook plasma-widgets-workspace21:21
yofelNOT good21:21
yofelaptitude does it right though o.O21:22
amichairI guess if u can recreate it it's a good thing... sorta ;-)21:23
amichairyofel: I guess you'll be able to take it from here - thanks!21:26
yofelworks fine on amd64 which is probably why it didn't show in MY update tests21:26
amichairyofel: let me know if there's anything else that might be helpful21:26
amichairhmmm yep this happened on a netbook (i386), the desktop amd64 (with an long upgrade path history) didn't get the bug21:27
yofeldon't have time to look at this more right now, filed it as bug 68755121:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 687551 in Kubuntu PPA "installing updates on i386 maverick wants to remove plasma-desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68755121:37
JontheEchidnaugh, internet outages stink21:42
apacheloggerRiddell: ping22:25
CIA-24[libqapt] jmthomas * 1204742 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/package.cpp Do not put virtual packages in to the recommends/suggest/enhances lists, otherwise we get the weird "pipenightdreams" package that Muon somehow identifies as being the ATI binary video driver. :s22:26
JontheEchidnaBy Stallman's beard the APT API is bad22:26
apacheloggerand alien is the crap22:26
* apachelogger doesnt get it to spit out files22:26
JontheEchidnait took me 20 minutes to find out how to figure out if a package was virtual or not22:27
apacheloggeroh dear22:27
JontheEchidnabecause there is a different way with each of the 3 or 4 iterators22:27
apacheloggerthat is pretty bad alright22:27
JontheEchidnabinary package cache -> mmap. So far so good22:27
JontheEchidna-> add 3 or 4 iterators across the mmap to gain all knowledge about packages. FAIL22:28
JontheEchidnawell at least pipenightdreams is no longer polluting the recommends list of every package with a virtual recommend22:29
JontheEchidnaI'd use an APT2 that had something like the QApt API (cstring based for toolkit neutrality)22:31
JontheEchidnaof course I'd immediately write a thin Qt wrapper to get a QString API, but... ;-)22:31
JontheEchidnaoh lawd, somebody stop me before I continue having delusions of rewriting APT22:32
* apachelogger holds back on the stopping and supports the delusionism ^^22:32
JontheEchidnaoh, and on the topic of c-strings22:33
* apachelogger grows ever so grumpy with alien and wants to sue somebody22:33
JontheEchidnaI really, really hate libraries that return null cstring pointers22:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: does that not make all sorts of sense?22:33
JontheEchidnais there any way to do empty cstrings?22:34
apacheloggerempty string == '\0'22:35
JontheEchidnathen yeah, I guess it makes sense22:35
apacheloggerwhich still needs memory allocated22:35
JontheEchidnawell, I'm not even concerned about the memory consumption22:35
JontheEchidnajust return it \022:35
apacheloggeryou need to malloc it22:36
apacheloggerotherwise you get a dangling pointer outside22:36
apacheloggerso it is not really about the consumption but about the time it requires to get the heap memory22:36
ScottKJontheEchidna: But you knew you were making qapt to wrap the suckage and hide it away.  Just embrace the suck.22:37
JontheEchidnathat's true22:37
JontheEchidnaI just like to complain I guess :P22:37
ScottKLingering teenage tendencies.22:38
* apachelogger needs to consult with the elders of kubuntu22:38
apacheloggerScottK: what does one do when alien does not spit out debs? :P22:39
JontheEchidnaI really like QLatin1String22:39
JontheEchidnayou can safely pass it a null c-string pointer22:39
JontheEchidnaand it's not that much more overhead compared to the bare c-string22:39
ScottKapachelogger: I never wanted it to spit out debs.  I only used it with -tgz because then it makes a tarball with the patches on the outside where I can find them and steal them.22:39
JontheEchidnaespecially if you're going to use it as a QString in a GUI anyways22:39
apacheloggerrsalveti confirmed my suspicion that the meego kernel and our propriatry opengels stuff for omap3 is not going well together22:40
apacheloggerso we concluded that maybe installing the meego libs might fix that22:40
apacheloggerof course for that I'd first need to alien them22:41
apacheloggerso now not only the kernel is in my way of getting gles working but also stupid alien22:41
apacheloggerthat happens when you write software in perl22:41
apacheloggerit just does not work22:41
* apachelogger throws alien after DarkwingDuck :P22:41
ulyssesLokalize crashes when I press backspace -.-22:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: did you and kronos continue work yesterday?22:42
apacheloggerulysses: dont press backspace then?22:42
ulyssesapachelogger: :P22:43
apacheloggermaybe you need to switch to insert mode22:43
apacheloggerif you press backspace in vim and you are not in insert all hell breaks loose too22:43
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: nope, he never asked for help.22:44
apacheloggerso I suppose the task was a bit too much22:44
apacheloggerthat is because Riddell is spoiling the minions :P22:44
DarkwingDuckan alien? I love aliens apachelogger 22:50
apacheloggereveryone loves me, that is not the point...22:50
ScottKapachelogger: Progress is being made on the kernel.  I checked in with the developer after you asked today.22:50
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: you are not member of https://launchpad.net/~we-love-harald22:51
* apachelogger would really like to get a working prototype of kubuntu mobile today -.-22:51
apacheloggerNightrose: when to use techbase and when to use community.kde.org?23:00
Nightrosewiki.kde.org can help23:01
Nightroseor you tell me what you want to put there23:01
apacheloggerthis is all getting confusing ^^23:01
apacheloggerNightrose: wondering where to ditch phonon internal development stuff things23:01
apacheloggerroadmap and todos etc.23:02
apacheloggerNightrose: tutorials and examples go to techbase?23:02
Nightrosedepends if they're for 3rd party devs or for users23:02
Nightroseusers -> userbase23:03
apacheloggeryeah, 3rd party23:03
* apachelogger understands the wiki structure again \\o/23:03
* apachelogger hugs Nightrose23:03
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: but of course I am23:06
apacheloggeryou were not23:07
apacheloggerthat is cheating23:07
* apachelogger feels the need to file a removal request for alien23:07
kuvuI suggest "Thank you for choosing Kubuntu" is more appropriate since it looks like it's hard to get the number right23:21
kuvuIt happened before and it's still is23:22
kuvuin the slide show23:23
Riddellapachelogger: pong23:33
apacheloggerRiddell: nvm23:34
yofelRiddell: any idea what would cause bug 687551 or do you know how to tell apt it's reason for removing them? I'm a bit out of ideas since aptitude works fine23:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 687551 in Kubuntu PPA "installing updates on i386 maverick wants to remove plasma-desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68755123:35
yofel*how to tell apt to tell me it's reason for removing them23:36
kuvuyofel: dependencies23:36
yofelwell, but most people fixed it by installing kubuntu-desktop immediately after that, so the deps can't be that broken, aptitude work fine and amd64 isn't affected23:38
Riddellyofel: let it do its thing then see what happens when you try to install  kdebase-workspace-bin23:38
yofelk, sec23:38
yofelThe following packages will be REMOVED: libweather-ion4a23:40
yofelThe following NEW packages will be installed: kdebase-workspace-bin libweather-ion5 plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-desktop plasma-widgets-workspace23:40
RiddellI do dislike library transitions23:41
Riddellwell my upgrade is going fine23:47
yofelRiddell: i386 or amd64?23:47
Riddellyofel: oh you're doing kubuntu-ppa updates, I thought you were doing ninjas23:48
yofelnope, that's maverick updates, which is why it's rather bad23:48
yofelonly happens with i386 apt-get, aptitude or amd64 apt do the right thing23:49
apacheloggeroh wellz23:49
apacheloggerI do not see this going anywhere23:49
apacheloggerScottK: without kernel I doubt we will ever get opengles going23:49
apacheloggertried with meego's gles stack which requires their fbdev xorg driver which segfaults on our X23:50
Riddellyofel: you didn't have some plasmoid that was keeping libweather-ion4a installed?23:53
yofelRiddell: that's a clean maverick i386 pbuilder chroot where I installed kubuntu-desktop -> add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa -> apt-get dist-upgrade23:54
Riddellmm, strange23:54
Riddellyou can run apt-get with verbose output and it'll tell you its reasoning23:54
Riddellthen you need to get someone who understands how apt reasons to explain it23:55
* yofel retries23:55
yofelhuh?    libweather-ion4a (4.5.1-0ubuntu8 => 4.5.2-0ubuntu1~ppa1)23:57

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