
alex_mayorgathe new desktop still won't load down here, tips?00:10
charlie-tcaalex_mayorga: what video card?00:20
charlie-tcaFor ATI, use the default opensource driver, for Nvidia, use the hardware driver, for intel, I don't have any idea00:21
yofelintel should work out of the box00:21
alex_mayorgacharlie-tca: nvidia geforce with cuda here00:31
alex_mayorgawhatever that means00:31
alex_mayorgabut is on a funky VAIO laptop that has EDID issues or something00:32
yofelalex_mayorga: yes, then load classic, install nvidia driver, try unity00:32
alex_mayorgahow to install nvidia, jockey?00:32
yofel(or try to install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental I think which should give nouveau 3D support)00:33
alex_mayorgahow do I get back if something goes terribly wrong as it usually does with nvidia for me00:33
alex_mayorgalet me try that last one, how to?00:33
yofeldrop to a tty, purge nvidia driver and delete xorg.conf00:34
alex_mayorgajust good old sudo00:34
alex_mayorgamind a good old 1. 2. 3.00:34
yofellast time I tried it was just install the package. BUGabundo might know more since he uses it00:34
alex_mayorgadumbed down to the extreme :)00:34
alex_mayorgayofel: hes not around though, is he/she00:35
yofelnope :/00:35
alex_mayorgahow do I get the tty00:35
yofelsudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental00:36
yofelthen I'm not sure, reboot or maybe 'sudo service gdm restart' is enough00:36
alex_mayorgaI don't think the display on this has looked this sharp, finally nouveau seems to work for this card00:36
alex_mayorgayofel: can the same be done on a terminal or has it to be tty?00:37
yofelwell, restarting gdm will kill X, so you can restart from terminal, you'll end up on the login screen00:38
alex_mayorgadoing sudo aptitude install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental in a terminal, let's see how that goes00:38
yofelI *hope* that's the right way. It worked when I tried it last time00:39
alex_mayorgapackage installed, now what? reboot?00:39
alex_mayorgasudo restart gdm ?00:39
yofeland there he goes...00:40
alex_mayorgano luck, still no panels :(00:40
yofelthen reboot, it's been a while since I tried this00:42
alex_mayorga[  151.667628] polkit-gnome-au[2030]: segfault at 28 ip 00007ffa49b10948 sp 00007fff1a52d6d0 error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.2704.0[7ffa49ae9000+e8000]00:42
alex_mayorgathat's something odd in dmesg00:42
alex_mayorgaanyhow let me reboot00:42
* alex_mayorga crosses fingers00:42
alex_mayorgayofel: safe mode let me in but I have the standard gnome panels00:46
alex_mayorgaguess unity is not for me for now :)00:46
alex_mayorgalet me try with nvidia00:47
alex_mayorgamaybe it works better now00:47
alex_mayorgajockey says "You are not authorized to perform this action."00:48
alex_mayorgaI guess I'll stick to gnome for now00:48
alex_mayorgait's so crisp that I can't believe it :D00:49
alex_mayorgabug 41746200:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417462 in policykit-1-gnome (Ubuntu) "Jockey-gtk is throwing up a box saying you are not authorised to perform this action" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41746200:58
alex_mayorgasomehow I managed to get that one in natty00:58
alex_mayorgacharlie-tca: I'm about to run for my class but I just saw that or a really similar one01:00
charlie-tcaanything is possible at this point.01:00
alex_mayorgashall I re-open that one?01:02
charlie-tcaI would file a new one01:02
charlie-tcaThere are too many changes to say it is the same thing causing it. You can reference the old bug in the comments01:03
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hallyn_do i understand right that, at this point, 'netbook' and 'desktop' are supposed to be 100% identical?02:37
charlie-tcanot at this point, they aren't02:39
hallyn_hm.  bc i did a do-dist-upgrade in my maverick netbook, and it ends up exactly like my natty desktop02:40
charlie-tcaThat is the eventual goal.02:40
charlie-tcaappearance might be the same, but there are a few bugs yet in desktop02:41
hallyn_but in the meantime there is a separate set of netbook packages?  how would i get those back?02:41
hallyn_aptitude search was not helpful02:41
charlie-tcaI do not know02:41
hallyn_hm.  ok, thanks.02:42
hallyn_suppose i could install fresh from a new usb stick02:42
Andre_GondimWhy my noteebook reset when I am using flash player?03:07
nit-witAndre_Gondim, just logged on what do you mean by reset03:07
hallyn_hm, interesting - netbook cds are now only for arm03:29
F3RR1SI really need some help getting the refresh rate on my laptop (i945 mobile) graphics card to refresh at 8004:21
F3RR1Sthe are no additional settings under the Monitors tab other than 60... too slow04:23
MTecknology!info php5-fpm05:01
ubottuphp5-fpm (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary). In component universe, is optional. Version 5.3.3-1ubuntu11 (natty), package size 2884 kB, installed size 7668 kB05:01
F3RR1S!topic | F3RR1S05:30
ubottuF3RR1S, please see my private message05:30
rwwhallyn_: Perhaps they're pulling a Kubuntu and combining Desktop and Netbook into one CD.05:40
IdleOneI can see it now. Do I cleck on " Try Unity Desktop or Try Unity Netbook or Try Ubuntu Classic Desktop?"06:00
rwwyou downloaded the wrong ISO. Correct answer is "Try Kubuntu" :(06:01
rwwTry both the Unity ones, see what the difference is!06:01
rwwoh. that was a hypothetical. never mind :(06:02
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cdbsIs there some major problem going on?14:36
cdbsPArtial upgrade comes14:36
cdbswhich offers removal of 39 packages14:36
cdbsincluding empathy and gimp, but not ubuntu-desktop14:36
IdleOnedon't run partial upgrades14:37
Picicdbs: python2.7 rebuilds14:38
IdleOneyeah looks like python minimal wants < 2.714:39
IdleOnebut python is asking for >= 2.714:39
IdleOneinfinite loop of fun14:39
PiciTheres a thread on the -devel mailing list about it.14:40
IdleOneFunny thing is you were worried about gimp and empathy, not apport, apport-gtk, desktopcouch...14:42
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coz_good day all14:52
coz_hey guys.. just noticed that  the logon screen does not respond to the "enter" key...to put int the password...I have to click my user name for the password field to open...anyone else notice this?14:53
charlie-tcaappears to be a change/bug in GDM14:56
coz_charlie-tca,  ah ok15:05
coz_is anyone working on packages the compiz plugins extra ?15:32
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | UDS Summaries: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSProceedings/N/ | Release Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Happy Bug Hunting! | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Alpha 1 Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1 | Python 2.7 rebuilds are happening now, beware of partial upgrades
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | UDS Summaries: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSProceedings/N/ | Release Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Happy Bug Hunting! | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Alpha 1 Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1 | Python 2.7 rebuilds are happening now, please wait with upgrades until the rebuilds are done.
Picifagan: thanks :)16:06
PiciIdleOne: thanks!16:06
IdleOnePici: just checked ML and official position is to wait and not upgrade :)16:07
=== Richie__ is now known as WelshDragon
hifiapparently aptitude does not do full-upgrade if one of the repositories enabled returns a 40416:51
hifithank you for not giving any indication of that16:54
hifiother than 2 weeks of pondering why there isn't anything to upgrade16:54
yofelhifi: that is true for apt/aptitude in general, it doesn't update the package lists if one returns a 40416:58
hifisuggestion: print some error message16:59
hifiother than the 40416:59
yofelapt-get update DOES print an error message16:59
hifithough, now I know16:59
hifiis it only aptitude that does not show anything besides 404?16:59
yofelnot sure anymore what aptitude shows, but apt-get shows the 404s and some "E: Failed to fetch..." or something like that, anything that starts with E is serious17:00
yofeland breaks it17:00
yoasifanyone seeing a nasty nm-applet memory leak17:20
MTecknologyI see we now have python-2.718:33
MTecknologyonly thing I have installed depending on python-2.6 now is alsa-utils and firefox18:33
MTecknologyand now I see the email about it18:37
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TFroganyone here tried ndiswrapper in natty yet?19:48
Ian_Cornewhat's with all the ugly penguin-* games?19:52
TFrogwell i guess no one is testing natty narwhal on a laptop yet19:52
Ian_Cornewindows 3.0 had better looking games..19:52
Ian_CorneI am19:53
Ian_Cornewhat would i need ndiswrapper for?19:53
TFrogdepends on stability.  b43 doesn't work for crap for the 4306 broadcom.  always had more stability with ndiswrapper19:53
TFrogquite frankly, both methods for broadcom wireless are hacks anyway19:54
cozziemotohey guys..anyone having issues switching from unity to classic gnome and back again?20:54
coz_is unity broken?21:18
alex88on virtualbox it says that i haven't the required drivers21:22
alex88any clue?21:22
BUGabundobeen offline for 2 days... the missery21:27
charlie-tcaalex88: you should be able to run the classic desktop session. You can't run unity and compiz in VBox21:30
charlie-tcaHello, BUGabundo21:30
charlie-tcaYou seem to have survived!21:30
coz_compis/unity ....compiz isnot starting up automatically anymore,,,, i swtich from unity to classic gnome and now it doesnt work without running   compiz --replace ccp &21:40
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cozziemotomm gdm updates and now I cant log in ,,refuses password23:10
BUGabundoaaahhhh python breakage23:16
BUGabundothere's something I didn't miss23:16
BUGabundoso are we migrating to .7 ?23:16
BUGabundo!info python-minimal23:16
ubottupython-minimal (source: python-defaults): minimal subset of the Python language (default version). In component main, is required. Version 2.7.1-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 26 kB, installed size 192 kB23:16
jamaltahi all23:17
robin0800BUGabundo: I use safe-upgrade and there are eight packages being held23:17
jamaltaso i just did an update, and login seems to be crashing.. is this a known issue?23:17
BUGabundorobin0800: I know :)23:18
BUGabundojamalta: LOL let me guess23:18
BUGabundopython 2.723:18
jamaltaBUGabundo: That's my guess too23:18
jamaltaBut does it mean I'm locked out of logging in now? :|23:18
charlie-tcaPython 2.7, but of course, kind of like it said in the topic.23:18
BUGabundodowngrade if you still have it on cache23:19
jamaltaTo python 2.6?23:19
BUGabundocharlie-tca: why aren't we in 3.0 ?23:19
jamaltacharlie-tca: i see that, but i didn't expect that.. lol23:19
jamaltaI'm not too bummed about it, considering I'm running an alpha version.. but I was just wondering if there was an easy fix.23:20
jamaltaBUGabundo: how do you downgrade with apt?23:20
BUGabundonot really23:21
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: I don't know, probably because those-who-know-more-than-me decided to go to 2.7 ?23:21
BUGabundoI just go to /var/cache/apt/archive23:21
BUGabundoand dpkg -e the older package23:21
robin0800any work arounds for compiz seg fault crashes?23:23
charlie-tcarobin0800: classic desktop session?23:23
robin0800charlie-tca: yes but compiz crashes in that too23:24
jamaltaQuestion, will the python rebuilds happen in the next few hours, or should I expect to have a broken system for the next few days or so?23:24
charlie-tcaWell, have you tried without compiz, then? It is not needed in classic desktop23:24
jamaltaBUGabundo: i guess i can try that23:25
charlie-tcajamalta: Until the message goes away, I guess23:25
jamaltabrb everyone23:25
jamaltacharlie-tca: ok :)23:25
robin0800charlie-tca: yes thats what i'm running now, but i want to test unity!23:25
charlie-tcaHm, I think you asked for a workaround for the segfault?23:26
robin0800charlie-tca: yes so that compiz dosen't seg fault and lets me run unity23:27
charlie-tcasorry, too tired for mind reading today23:29

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