
AlanBellhi Pendulum, what was the wordpress.com blog again?18:53
AlanBellfound it, but still can't log on19:46
AlanBellcan you try deleting me and re-inviting me please19:46
phillwhiyas AlanBell and jono :)23:33
jonohey phillw23:34
phillwjono: I hope life is treating you well?23:34
jonophillw, good thanks :-)23:36
jonojust too much email, but that is always the case :-)23:36
phillwjono: join the club, and I bet I get a fraction of what you get :D23:38
phillwI'm glad that the email I sent you met with your approval. 23:40
jonophillw, totally :-)23:40
UndiFineDjono, a shame your stream was so bad23:40
UndiFineDI would have loved to listen a bit more23:40
UndiFineDcongrats on the donation23:41
phillwjono: I will never forget http://www.jonobacon.org/2008/12/19/the-ubuntu-ethos/  It is on my Signature, although may be getting replaced with hajour's poem.23:42
jonophillw, :-)23:44
jonoUndiFineD, so bad?23:44
UndiFineDi heard 3 seconds of speech and then another 5 secs delay23:45
UndiFineDand for some reason chromium chooses to use cpu of the charts,23:47
UndiFineDit is not my bandwidth23:47
phillwUndiFineD: my American friend booked extra bandwidth for his Apache ceremony (He's native American), but the server just got flooded with people logging on. It was almost like a DDoS except it was people who wanted to watch and listen.23:49
UndiFineDyeah, those are the best ddosses23:50
UndiFineDhappens to the podcast too23:50
UndiFineDwhich is why I like to see more use of round robin dns23:50
phillwlive streams are always a problem, how much bandwidth and server CPU time do you buy?23:51
JanCsimple RRDNS is a workaround, not a solution...  ;)23:51
UndiFineDbut together we have all the bandwidth we need23:53
phillwIf they could do it as they do with torrents, that would be a massive step forward. You have a few leeches on the main feed then seeding it out.23:54
UndiFineDtorrented gobby ?23:55
phillwtorrenting things like jono's speech at UDS-N23:55
JanCit would be more useful if multicast was implemented all over the internet...  ;)23:55
phillwbut in real time23:55
JanCthen the hosting server would have no more outgoing streams than it has gateways (in most cases: 1)23:56
UndiFineDheh JanC but they (provider) love to charge23:56
JanCUndiFineD: this would cut costs for providers too23:57
JanCexcept that they would need to buy new network equipment  ;)23:57
JanCIIRC IPv6 has better multicast support too (but I'm not a specialist in that)23:58
phillwJanC: there are enough arguments going on about the 'free' transfer of video from server to server at the moment. We can only hope to find a temporary fix within the free community whilst the "Big Boys" argues it out23:58
phillwI do not want to see a two tier system, which is what the current argument seems to be about.23:59

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