
=== asac_ is now known as asac
aromanhey all, I'm working on a new app that is currently in alpha right now, but I could really use bugs/support in improving the app's experience. What is the best way to get people interested in this project? It's on launchpad with a PPA right now.03:21
pittiGood morning06:43
pittirobert_ancell, jasoncwarner1: I'm not that picky about the attendand list; we have other means to ping people06:43
robert_ancellpitti, hello06:44
pittimicahg, RAOF: not sure what you mean about "rate limit", but apport limits the number of crash reports per day per program to at most 206:44
pittihey robert_ancell, how are you?06:45
robert_ancellpitti, good, busy :)06:45
RAOFpitti: Is that at the collection point, or submission point?  The problem is that the gpu hook can trigger multiple times a second for a good long while, leaving you with hundreds of stored duplicate reports.06:46
micahgpitti: must be a bug somewhere then, I can get much more than 2, http://paste.ubuntu.com/540921/06:46
RAOFAlso, good morning pitti :)06:46
micahgmore than that, but it shows the point sufficiently06:47
pittiRAOF: oh, we don't rate-limit the hooks06:48
pittijust the crashes from segfault/python06:48
pittiRAOF: this needs to get built into that GPU hook indeed; would you mind filing a bug about it and assign it to me?06:49
RAOFpitti:  Certainly.06:49
RAOFThat'd be filed against x-x-v-intel, right?  Where the hook is?06:49
RAOFAlso, would you like to give my core-dev application an endorsement, at your leisure? ☺ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChrisHalseRogers/CoreDevApplication06:52
pittiRAOF: oh, I thought we ship that in apport, but you are right06:54
pittiRAOF: oh, with pleasure!06:55
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didrocksgood morning07:24
RAOFHowdie didrocks07:24
didrockshey RAOF, how are you?07:25
RAOFA bit tired, but I've bent the X server to my will, which is satisfying.07:25
RAOFHow about your fine self?07:27
didrockssure :)07:27
didrocksyeah I'm fine07:27
didrockswill do a quick unity binary python script today07:27
didrocksthat will make people's life soooooo easier07:27
didrockslike "clean my compiz unity config" :)07:27
RAOFMmm, cleaning07:29
mptmvo, good morning, I have a riddle for you09:52
rickspencer3mvo == batman?09:56
mvohey mpt10:01
mvorickspencer3: haha10:01
mptmvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/540836/10:07
mptmvo, that's USC 1.0 crashing. Is it at all possible that 3.0 could have the same problem?10:07
mvompt: the current version will ignore errors like this, probably 2.0 as well. anoying that 1.0 did not, is it common? the fix is trivial and we could SRU it10:09
mptmvo, I don't know if it's common, someone just asked me on Twitter about it :-)10:10
mptI guess if we had a crash database we'd know how common it was10:16
* mvo nods10:16
mptmvo, bug 630248 shows it happening in bug, bug 661956 and bug 683626 in 3.0.4, bug 667057 in
ubot2mpt: Bug 630248 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/630248 is private10:20
ubot2mpt: Bug 661956 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/661956 is private10:20
ubot2mpt: Bug 683626 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/683626 is private10:20
ubot2mpt: Bug 667057 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/667057 is private10:20
mptubot2, no they aren't10:20
ubot2Factoid "no they aren't" not found10:20
mvompt: well, not quite. that is also a bug, but a different one10:22
mvompt: let me fix that10:23
mvompt: it will only happen if someone changed their locale but did not generate the needed data (that is done automatically when you use language-selector)10:23
mvohm, bazaar.launchpad.net down :/ ?10:24
mptEverything's down except the Web interface right now10:24
mpt(that's why ubot2 thought the bugs were read-only)10:24
mvoaha, ok. in this case I will take the time to make a cup of tea10:25
mvo(or a pot)10:25
mptmvo, I see, all those reported bugs are about apthistory.py as opposed to aptdaemon/client.py10:25
mvoyeah, still thanks for pointing them out, I fix this one10:25
mvohrm, that is a nasty one actualy, its locale independant code and yet it parses it for no good reason10:29
mvompt: bug fixed (modulo that I can not commit it yet)10:39
mptmvo, the apthistory.py one?10:39
mvompt: yes10:42
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mptmvo, so for the client.py one, would a workaround be to use gnome-language-selector to choose another language, and then to reset to the original language?11:00
mpt(btw it looks like LP is back up)11:01
pittididrocks: seems unity has an apport hook now, collecting the compiz info; we recently had an email exchange about that, is there still something missing which you'd like to see in unity bugs?11:27
pittididrocks: (apart from the fact that it should be totally broken right now)11:27
pittioh, sorry, it isn't broken11:27
pittithe import line is just not necessary at all11:27
seb128pitti, I did that one11:31
seb128pitti, I don't think there is anything especially missing, I've some pending tweaks to it though11:31
pittiok, thanks11:31
didrockspitti: the WI is to improve it, like reporting the specifc unity settings we need11:32
pittididrocks: ok; please let me know if you have something you'd like to add, but have trouble expressing that in terms of python and apport11:33
didrockspitti: sure, I'll have a look before the sprint, but it should be ok, maybe adding some questions we will find useful, but i've already done that in python & apport :)11:34
mvompt: yeah, the workaround for the client (and the others) is to use languageselector to generate the matching locales12:01
mptok, thanks mvo12:02
asacmvo: master12:10
asacmvo: hope you are not lagging again12:10
asacupdate-manager now hung and destroyed my disk ;)12:10
asacsee msg12:11
mvoasac: ha!12:11
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
nessitagood morning everyone!12:30
didrockshey nessita, how are you?12:33
nessitapretty good, how are you?12:34
didrocksI'm fine, thanks :)12:35
seb128hey nessita12:37
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, i got your issue today with the doorhanger notification in firefox displaying on all desktops12:47
chrisccoulsoni ran xprop on it12:47
chrisccoulsoni might need to get the compiz guys to look at it though, as i'm not sure what properties would make it show on all desktops12:47
seb128chrisccoulson, talk to smspillaz12:48
chrisccoulsonsmspillaz, is there anything about this window that would make it display on all desktops in compiz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/540986/12:48
* smspillaz waits for firefox to open12:50
chrisccoulsonit should open fast now ;)12:51
hyperairchrisccoulson: hmm? some natty change that makes it faster?12:51
chrisccoulsonif it opens slowly, try killing syncdaemon, that normally works for me12:51
chrisccoulsonhyperair, yeah, there's a lot of work gone in to improving startup time in firefox, and it opens much quicker now12:51
smspillazchrisccoulson: is it firefox 4's  "give feedback window"12:51
smspillaz ?12:51
seb128smspillaz, yes12:52
hyperairchrisccoulson: is it any quicker than firefox 4.0 in the ubuntu-mozilla-daily ppa?12:52
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's the one12:52
chrisccoulsonhyperair, it shouldn't be12:52
smspillazmaybe that _NET_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY along with _NET_WM_ACTION_STICK would do it12:52
hyperairchrisccoulson: aw. =\12:52
* smspillaz checks ewmh12:52
chrisccoulsonsmspillaz, ok, thanks12:52
hyperairchrisccoulson: and there i was getting my hopes up12:52
smspillazhyperair: we display certain window types as sticky12:52
smspillazhyperair: tooltips, utility (I think)12:53
hyperairsmspillaz: er what?12:53
chrisccoulsonffox 4 starts here in around 3 seconds to a fully usable browser, with a restored session12:53
hyperairthat was random, i think12:53
chrisccoulsonbut i have to kill syncdaemon to get it to start that quickly12:53
hyperairchrisccoulson: hmm. well chromium starts instantly.12:53
chrisccoulsonhyperair, so does ffox with a fresh profile. i'm talking about a full session restore with lots of tabs12:53
hyperairchrisccoulson: well so was i. for chromium12:54
chrisccoulsonchromium just took 4 seconds on my laptop with no tabs :O12:54
chrisccoulsonok, i just started ffox and chromium side-by-side (warm start), and there's no noticeable difference tbh12:56
hyperairfirefox takes... 5 secs12:58
hyperairand chrome takes 10..12:58
hyperairokay, a warm start makes chrome load faster12:59
hyperairbut firefox takes 3 seconds to warm start12:59
hyperairmaybe it's the plugins and extensions.12:59
smspillazchrisccoulson: I haven't updated natty in a while, that may be why I am getting the slow starts :p13:00
chrisccoulsonyeah, i need to update at some point13:03
chrisccoulsonhyperair, yeah, extensions could cause that. i'd be interested if there is a particular extension which makes it slow though13:04
chrisccoulsonif there is, then the extension author needs to fix that13:04
hyperairchrisccoulson: probably all combined.13:05
smspillazdidn't someone try and make a compositing window manager with XUL ?13:05
smspillazI remember seeing a project to do this somwhere13:05
chrisccoulsonheh, that's a bit of a strange technology choice for a WM ;)13:06
chrisccoulsonhyperair, mozilla are clamping down quite a bit with third-party extensions atm, particularly back-door extensions (ie, those which get installed in system locations by third party application installers without the users permission13:09
chrisccoulson(eg, anti-virus software)13:09
chrisccoulsonmozilla bug 59634313:09
ubot2Mozilla bug 596343 in General "Users should have exclusive control over selecting their add-ons" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59634313:09
chrisccoulsonthere's a plan to disable these extensions on upgrade to ffox4, and give the user a dialog to re-enable the ones they want13:09
hyperairhmm that's interesting13:33
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i know ff4 feels snappier to me than chromium does, it has improved a lot13:43
kenvandineno stats, just it feels faster to me now13:43
kenvandinebut i never install plugins or extensions13:43
pittinew gir1.0-appindicator-0.114:00
* pitti hugs kenvandine14:00
kenvandinehehe... not gtk3 yet though14:00
kenvandinebut at least it builds in natty now14:00
kenvandinefor multiple python versions too :)14:00
kenvandinei will hopefully get the gtk3 bits done today/tomorrow14:01
pittiah, ok14:04
pittikenvandine: thanks anyway! at least it builds again14:04
kenvandineyeah, once i get libindicate building again14:05
kenvandinei'll go back to adding gtk3 to appindicator14:05
pittikenvandine: I suppose we don't really need a GIR for the gtk2 version, right?14:05
pittithere's still python-appindicator for that14:05
pittiand we shouldn't port to gtk2/gi14:05
kenvandineyeah, for python14:05
kenvandineand we don't really need gir for gtk2 version for anything other than generating the vapi14:06
pittiright, but that can happen during build; we don't need a separate binary package for that or so14:06
kenvandinetrue, so do you think i should put the gtk3 gir in gir1.0-appindicator-0.1?14:07
kenvandinewe had a binary for that in maverick, even though it wasn't useful14:07
pittifor now I think yes14:07
pittiit's an interesting question what happens once we have gtk414:08
kenvandinethen the package names won't be consistent14:08
pittibut that's hopefully several years away :)14:08
mterryseb128, so what do we need to have happen before we decide to push the GNOME3 control center and its related packages in?  what's the blocker on that?  More testing, more packages?14:08
kenvandinewe'll have libappindicator1 and libappindicator3-114:08
mterrypitti, that's only a year away I believe14:08
pittimterry: uh?14:08
mterrypitti, let me see if I can find the roadmap14:09
kenvandineoh man... i hope we aren't going to be building for gtk2, 3 and 4 :)14:09
seb128pitti, right, they want to do the next gtk in one yeat14:09
kenvandinepitti, that is what i heard14:09
seb128mterry, the issue is to know if GNOME3 will be ready for natty14:10
seb128like if they will manage to get something stable and we will manage to deal with the changes, updates our patches, deal with things they dropped14:10
mterryseb128, OK, so we're waiting for some number of people to feel like the GNOME3 PPA is solid?14:11
seb128mterry, right now it seems it could turn into a lot of work for little win14:11
seb128especially that we don't have the cycle to spend only on that14:11
seb128we will need to help on unity14:11
seb128mterry, I think we would be better saying that we keep it in the ppa for natty14:12
seb128but we will discuss that at the sprint14:12
seb128or rally rather ;-)14:12
kenvandineseb128, should i use the gnome3 ppa?14:12
seb128your call14:12
kenvandinewould it be useful enough for testing?14:12
seb128we don't lack testing now14:12
mterrypitti, can't find an official roadmap, but I recall that being the decision after the latest gtk hackfest14:12
kenvandinei have been afraid too... since i have been working on getting things done specifically for natty right now14:13
seb128we don't need you to use the ppa14:13
kenvandinethen i won't for now :)14:13
seb128ok ;-)14:13
* bcurtiswx_ waves to room14:22
kklimondamvo: what is the status of update-manager-hildon ? python-hildon doesn't build from source, I can't really find a proper site with real tarball releases, 0.9.0 was released in april last year and update-manager-hildon is the only reverse dependency from what I can see. Should I work on fixing the failure or ask to remove python-hildon from archive?14:25
bcurtiswx_seb128, did we ever hear back to know what to do next for empathy?14:26
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, ^^14:26
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, did you get it  built?14:26
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, no, it was a dh_* error due to nautilus-sendto-empathy iirc14:27
kenvandineoh, right it couldn't include that file14:27
kenvandinei would say just do what debian did for now14:27
kenvandineit would be useful to just get it built somewhere14:28
mvokklimonda: I kill it14:30
mvokklimonda: I mean, I kill update-manager-hildon14:31
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, hmm so do we need to change the control file of nautilus-sendto-empathy ?14:36
kenvandinethat was in the control file for empathy right?14:36
kenvandinei think debian just commented it all out14:36
seb128bcurtiswx_, kenvandine: no we don't14:40
seb128the nautilus in the ppa should be recent enough14:40
seb128you just need to figure the right build depends14:40
seb128or to check if the configure needs to be updated14:40
seb128there is no reason to comment the binary14:40
kenvandinethen it is probably just debian/nautilus-sendto-empathy.install14:41
kenvandinethat needs to be changed14:41
seb128either that or a build-depends need to be updated14:42
seb128what is the configure output?14:42
mvompt: I spend a bit of time today on deb-thumbnailer, almost ready14:42
seb128do you have the build log somewhere?14:42
bcurtiswx_so the build-dep of nautilus-sendto or just nautilus needs to be there.  i got confused when someone said the sendto is now in nautilus14:42
seb128diff the empathy configure between version14:43
seb128so you can figure what build-depends need to be updated or added14:43
mptmvo, cool!14:48
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, it is very useful to look at the configure.ac in the upstream source14:49
kenvandineto see what packages it checks for and versions14:49
kenvandineso you need to make sure you have build depends for whatever package provides the pkgconfig file for the pkg it checks for14:50
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, i have done this already.  My earlier issue (which I think caused a lot of these issues) is that when I try to install nautilus-sendto right now (with the GNOME3 PPA) it tries uninstalling the rest of nautilus14:52
bcurtiswx_it won't let me install nautilus-sendto14:52
seb128bcurtiswx_, nautilus-sendto is deprecated14:53
seb128it's part of nautilus14:53
seb128just install nautilus from the ppa and you get it14:53
bcurtiswx_so when nautilus-sendto is required by empathy what am I supposed to do ?14:53
bcurtiswx_seb128, ^^14:53
seb128did you ask cassidy?14:54
cassidyseb128, we still need to depend on nautilus-sendto, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63637714:54
ubot2Gnome bug 636377 in General "Bump nautilus dep to >2.91.1 as -sendto is now in-tree" [Normal,Resolved: notabug]14:54
bcurtiswx_I'm completely lost on what to do next14:55
seb128cassidy, but I though there was no nautilus-sendto in 2.91?14:56
cassidythe helper lib is still in a separated module I think14:56
seb128bcurtiswx_, ok, so comment the binary and drop the .install14:57
seb128what debian did14:57
bcurtiswx_cassidy, seb128.  the .install file has usr/lib/nautilus-sendto/plugins/libnstempathy.so .. the directory exists.. but no .so file14:58
seb128drop the .install15:00
seb128not sure what GNOME3 is supposed to do with that15:00
seb128but if the .so is not there comment the binary for now15:00
bcurtiswx_seb128, what might be looking for the nautilus-sendto-empathy.install because i can't find it anywhere and I can't build because of it15:08
seb128did you read the debian diff I pointed yesterday?15:09
seb128comment the binary in the control.in15:09
bcurtiswx_seb128, im sorry. i don't see a control.in15:13
seb128so control15:13
seb128in the debian dir15:13
seb128the file which has the build-depends, depends, binaries etc15:13
seb128comment the sendtoone15:13
bcurtiswx_yes.. i already commented that out.. still looking for a nautilius-sendto-empathy.install15:14
seb128grep  nautilius-sendto-empathy debian15:15
seb128grep for nautilus-sendto in the debian dir files15:15
seb128mterry, hey, could you resync libcanberra on debian?15:16
mterryseb128, sur15:16
seb128they got the gtk3 version in experimental15:17
seb128so we should make sure we use same naming etc than they do15:17
seb128mterry, if you want to do gobject-introspection as well you are welcome ;-)15:18
bcurtiswx_seb128, yes i've done that and everything is commented out.. with the #15:18
bcurtiswx_unless # isn't a comment in a control file15:18
mterryseb128, we'll see, but probably15:19
seb128ok thanks15:19
seb128bcurtiswx_, how do you build?15:19
seb128bcurtiswx_, can you push you work somewhere?15:19
bcurtiswx_bzr bd15:19
bcurtiswx_yes i will push it if this one last thing doesn't work15:19
bcurtiswx_seb128, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.91.315:22
seb128bcurtiswx_, thanks15:23
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
seb128bcurtiswx_, what error do you get during the build?15:26
bcurtiswx_seb128, well now nothing.. apparently i don't know that a commit is required before a bzr bd ?15:26
seb128it should not be required15:27
bcurtiswx_well it wasn't working before.. but all of the sudden it is.. afte ri committed15:27
bcurtiswx_i feel like a retarded kid.. but /me shrugs15:28
bcurtiswx_seb128, that built fine15:38
bcurtiswx_seb128, Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 3 symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported15:41
bcurtiswx_when running ^^15:41
seb128no clue why it could do that15:42
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, have you see that before ^^15:42
seb128well it means it loads gtk2 code15:42
seb128dunno why though15:42
seb128cassidy, ^ do you have any clue?15:42
seb128pitti, seems the launchpad update broke the retracers :-(15:42
seb128pitti, they are hanging15:42
pittiseb128: again? I restarted them about an hour ago15:43
bcurtiswx_seb128, could it be the patches? some worked but none have been converted to GTK315:43
seb128pitti, well they seem to be stucked15:43
seb128pitti, I killed them manually an hour ago because they were stucked for an hour15:43
cassidyseb128, empathy is linked on both GTK ?15:43
seb128with nothing in the logs15:43
jcastroseb128: gtkmm blog queued up, I am waiting for my blog service to fix RSS feeds so it'll come tomorrow or something.15:43
seb128cassidy, well, it could be that it loads a .so or something15:43
seb128jcastro, ok thanks!15:43
cassidythe control center maybe ?15:43
jcastrokklimonda: nice work on gtkmm, I know the stack's been frustrating for upstream over the years15:44
cassidyempathy itself shouldn't link on GTK2 any more15:44
seb128cassidy, ok thanks, I've an idea I think15:44
seb128bcurtiswx_, the lpi patch needs to use the gtk3 version of lpi15:44
kenvandineso dh_python is now preferred over pysupport right?15:45
seb128pitti, do you have some time to investigate the retracer issue or should I try to do that?15:45
kklimondajcastro: hopefully we can get it into shape (and keep it that way) this cycle.15:45
pittiseb128: I'm currently fighting with OpenOffice; I can try tomorrow morning15:45
seb128pitti, ok, I will just run a retracing manually to see what's going on exactly15:46
pittiseb128: thanks15:46
pittiseb128: do the dup checker, it's easier15:46
pittirequires no chroot15:46
bcurtiswx_seb128, what's the gtk3 version of lpi ?15:47
kenvandineseb128, pitti: dh_python is preferred over pysupport right?15:47
* kenvandine can never keep up with that :)15:47
seb128kenvandine,you should ask to doko or barry15:47
pittikenvandine: dh_python{2,3} are the most preferred now15:47
seb128I'm not uptodate on python packaging preferred ways15:48
pittithey don't need any extra build deps15:48
kenvandinewondering if i should change libindicate and appindicator while i am messing with them15:48
pittiand work just fine15:48
pittishould be a simple change15:48
seb128bcurtiswx_: liblaunchpad-integration15:48
seb128bcurtiswx_, the library has gtk2 and gtk3 versions15:48
seb128bcurtiswx_, you need the one with a -3 in the name15:48
seb128same of the configure check15:48
seb128you need to check for the gtk3 one15:49
seb128bcurtiswx_, launchpad-integration-3.015:49
seb128in the lpi configure patch15:49
seb128rather than "launchpad-integration"15:49
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK is the .h file needing the -3.0 as well ?15:49
seb128bcurtiswx_, no15:50
seb128bcurtiswx_, it's in a different directory but the pkg-config call handle that15:50
bcurtiswx_OK building again15:51
bcurtiswx_seb128, says launchpad-integration-3.0 doesn't exist, is it in the GNOME3 PPA ?15:52
seb128it's in natty15:52
seb128you don't make lot of efforts before asking do you ;-)15:53
seb128run apt-cache search launchpad integration gtk 315:53
bcurtiswx_ugh, i do... sorry for apparently being lazy15:53
jcastroLaney: we still waiting on MIR stuff?15:55
seb128bcurtiswx_, no worry15:56
seb128bcurtiswx_, install liblaunchpad-integration-3.0-dev15:56
seb128bcurtiswx_, it's the gtk3 version15:56
seb128you need to update the build-depends as well15:56
kenvandineand change the patch15:57
bcurtiswx_admittedly, there's a lot i need to learn.. stuff that may come quick and naturally to a lot of you.. I am sorry for appearing certain ways, but I can only say that I'm learning and please bear with me15:57
kenvandineto check, the part of the patch that changes configure.ac, make it check for launchpad-integration-3.0 instead of launchpad-integration15:58
kenvandinebcurtiswx_,  ^^15:58
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, thanks.  I've taken care of the 01_lpi.patch fix.. should I put a version on the -3.0 dep or leave one off ?15:59
kenvandineif it didn't have it before, just leave it off16:02
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, it did before.16:02
bcurtiswx_i'll just take the old version off, leave it as none for now16:05
kenvandineok, libindicate transition to dh_python2 was quite painless, maybe i'll do appindicator for good measure16:08
chrisccoulsonhmmm, no ted16:10
chrisccoulsondoes anyone know if libdbusmenu-gtk is going to be using gtk2 or gtk3?16:11
chrisccoulson(or will there be 2 versions?)16:11
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not sure if you know the answer to that? :)16:11
seb128chrisccoulson, both versions16:11
seb128it's pending upload, kenvandine has it ready16:11
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, thanks. so, it's safe for me to use in ffox :)16:11
kenvandinespeak of the devil :)16:12
chrisccoulsoni was just thinking the same thing!16:13
kenvandinetedg, how is the gdbus branch of dbusmenu looking?16:13
seb128chrisccoulson, you mean you don't plan to use gtk3 in firefox?! ;-)16:13
chrisccoulsonseb128 - no, i think i'll leave that one for now ;)16:13
kenvandinechrisccoulson, fun weekend project :)16:14
chrisccoulsoni might give it a try if i get bored ;)16:14
seb128chrisccoulson, you start being lazy I see ;-)16:14
chrisccoulsonperhaps over the christmas break ;)16:15
seb128you first refused to take over libreoffice and now that...16:15
chrisccoulsoni hear pitti is doing libreoffice now anyway16:15
* pitti slaps chrisccoulson16:16
tedgkenvandine, Looking pretty good.  I have libappindicator building with it now -- fixed some pkgconfig errors.16:16
kenvandinechrisccoulson, just because you are doing firefox gtk3 :)16:16
tedgkenvandine, So I'm getting relatively happy :)16:16
seb128I've the feeling chrisccoulson would still prefer porting firefox ;-)16:16
chrisccoulsonoh yes!16:16
pittiso would I :)16:16
* kenvandine is a bit annoyed... no problem getting dh_autoreconf working with libindicate doing multiple python versions16:17
kenvandinebut it wouldn't work for anything in appindicator!16:17
pittikenvandine: you are doing multiple build trees? but that should be done after autoreconf, no?16:17
kenvandinebut it was causing make to re-run configure16:18
kenvandineand getting the flags wrong or something16:18
kenvandineit isn't doing that in libindicate16:18
kenvandineno clue why16:18
kenvandinebut i spent way too much time trying to make that work in appindicator16:18
kenvandineit would configure again and get the wrong python version16:19
pittistrange; even if it's re-running configure it usually remembers the options16:20
kenvandineit isn't an option16:20
pittibut perhaps not the env?16:20
kenvandineso make did a re-check and would configure again with the default python version16:21
pittithat looks funny16:21
pittishouldn't that be PYTHON=python$(version) or so?16:21
kenvandineanyway, it gets it from the env16:21
pittikenvandine: do you have the current state in bzr somewhere?16:22
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kenvandinei uploaded it :)16:22
kenvandinei can try to add it back to see what happens16:22
kenvandinei changed lots of things since though16:23
pittikenvandine: which source package is that?16:23
kenvandinei added it back and we'll see what happens16:24
kenvandinei fixed other build issues since16:25
kenvandineok... it works now16:26
pittikenvandine: hm, I don't see any autoreconf in debian/rules16:26
kenvandinei guess dropping it got me far enough to fix other problems... which must have been triggering that16:26
kenvandineoh... no, i had dropped it16:26
kenvandinebecause i couldn't get it to work16:27
kenvandineit was building for both 2.6 and 2.7 targets for python 2.616:27
pittikenvandine: why do we need it in the first place? we have no patches16:27
kenvandinewe did16:27
kenvandinei had ted roll a release16:27
kenvandinewhich we needed anyway16:27
kenvandinebut it was driving me nuts when i was trying to patch it :)16:27
kenvandinemust have been an ordering problem of some sort16:28
kenvandinetouching some file causing it to reconfigure16:28
seb128kenvandine, did you talk to mterry?16:36
seb128he fixed some similar issues recently IIRC16:36
kenvandineit seems fine now16:37
mterrykenvandine, yeah, I did fix a problem where 2.7 was installing as python2.6.  If you see it again, I know how to fix16:37
kenvandinenow i have libindicate ready to upload... and it needs the newer dbusmenu... which isn't ready16:37
kenvandinemterry, great16:38
mpt_kenvandine, hi, I have a Gwibber question16:44
chrisccoulsontedg - do you want me to do the change to dbusmenu to hook up the AboutToShow signal?16:44
mpt_kenvandine, is there a way for some other program to get the subset of Gwibber's list of accounts for which it makes sense to post text?16:44
mpt_kenvandine, e.g. Twitter and StatusNet and Identica and Jaiku but not Flickr or Digg16:45
tedgchrisccoulson, If you'd like that'd be great -- it's on my TODO list and I expect to get to it today or tomorrow -- but I always love help :)16:45
kenvandinempt_, yes16:46
chrisccoulsontedg - cool. if i get to the point where i can start to build the ffox extension, then i'll do the change in dbusmenu too :)16:46
kenvandinelibgwibber provides an api for that16:46
chrisccoulsonnot sure if that will be today or tomorrow though16:46
kenvandinempt_, indicator-me does that now16:46
mpt_kenvandine, is there an online reference anywhere?16:47
mpt_for the API16:47
kenvandineno... sorry16:47
kenvandineand the generated docs are terrible16:47
kenvandinei haven't figured out how to properly annotate the vala code so the docs get translated to C16:48
mpt_kenvandine, one more question: Can Gwibber also tell the program what the character limit is for each account?16:48
mpt_e.g. 140 for Twitter/Identica, 1000 for Facebook16:48
kenvandinenot yet, but that is on my todo list16:48
mpt_ok, thank you16:48
kenvandineright now gwibber hard codes the limit to 140 for everything16:48
kenvandinebut i am making it per service, and the posting widget will allow you to post up to the limit of the lowest selected account16:49
mpt_ok, I'm not using the posting widget16:49
kenvandineso if only facebook is selected you can post up to 500ish characters, but if you are posting to twitter and facebook it will limit it to 14016:50
kenvandineok, well there will be an API to provide that :)16:50
mpt_but a checkbox "[/] Also post this review to: [Twitter (@mpt) :^]16:50
mvodidrocks: hi, is com.canonical.Unity.Panel.Service trigger dbus-activate enabled, i.e. is it save for me in software-center to ping this interface without triggering a strart of it?17:02
mvodidrocks: to see if unity is active in the current session?17:02
didrocksmvo: it is dbus activated17:03
mvohrm, ok17:03
didrocksmvo: still need a respawn though, so don't rely on events right now :)17:04
mvoI just need to remember now how to test the bus without triggering the activation17:04
didrocksmvo: yeah, sounds the best way to know if unity is there or not :)17:05
mvothanks didrocks, I will ponder about it over dinner17:06
didrocksmvo: yw17:06
seb128pitti, ok, no luck with the retracers17:11
pittino luck with OO.o either *sigh*17:11
seb128the dup checking queue is empty17:11
seb128I tried in a retracer to run it manually on a bug17:11
seb128but the --auth=... doesn't seem to work17:11
seb128it wants to do the "start a webbrowser" thing17:11
seb128I'm wondering if retracing hangs on that as well17:12
seb128do we need an updated token?17:12
mvodidrocks: bus.name_has_owner() was what should not activate it, fortunately my memory is just slow not faulty17:16
didrocksmvo: oh nice, I didn't know that one. Ok updating that in my head when someone will ask me "can we detect if unity is launched or not" :)17:17
didrocksmvo: there will be false positive on --replace, but well…17:17
mvooh, because it keeps running?17:18
mvowell, bad luck ;)17:18
didrocksmvo: yeah :)17:19
seb128we need to have a standard code snippet to detect if unity is running somewhere17:19
seb128or unity to get a UnityRunning() method on dbus17:20
didrocksmvo: what you really want is asking compiz if the plugin is loading or not (and if compiz is running first…)17:20
seb128we will have to do such checks in several applications it seems17:20
seb128didrocks, could unity have a method on dbus for that?17:20
didrocksseb128: that's a nice idea and can be easy I think17:21
seb128so we would just have to use that from clients...17:21
didrocksseb128: will file a bug? or do what to file it?17:21
didrocksthen, that's totally a thing our team can deal with17:21
seb128didrocks, I will file a bug and let you know17:21
seb128so we can add it to the contributors list17:22
didrocksseb128: exactly :)17:22
didrocksmvo: seb128: neat idea on this, it just need to be in the unity compiz plugin. Thanks! :)17:22
seb128thank you ;-)17:23
mterryseb128, let's say a library changed names from foo1.0-1 to foo-1.0-1.  If I just do provides/conflicts/replaces, will that cause a build failure for other packages because now foo1.0-1 is only virtual, or does that get handled correctly?  (i.e. do I need a dummy transitional package?)17:23
seb128mterry, I guess it's for gir?17:23
mterryseb128, yeah libgirepository17:23
seb128mterry, c;p;r is enough17:24
seb128the virtual will works if the requirement are not versioned17:24
mterryseb128, so if there is a versioned depends (which seems not unlikely, I'll check), I'd break builds unless I do a transitional package?17:24
seb128mterry, there is like 6 rdepends17:24
seb128we don't add dummy binaries for small numbers17:25
seb128we just do the 6 rebuilds17:25
mterryseb128, OK, will start doing rebuilds then  :)17:25
mterryseb128, so answer was need transitional package for large numbers of versioned depends, else don't bother17:25
seb128mterry, the depends are versioned17:25
seb128there was a shlibs on the lib17:25
seb128mterry, yes17:26
mterryseb128, oh right, because it would also break upgrades, not just builds17:26
seb128mterry, right, the builds will likely not break17:28
seb128only the runtime lib has been renamed17:28
seb128we probably just need a no change upload for those rdepends to pick the new depends17:28
mterryseb128, gp, builds would point right at -dev17:28
pittigood night everyone!17:42
didrockshave a good evening pitti17:43
seb128'night pitti17:46
mterryseb128, son of a ...  I don't have upload rights to libcanberra or gobject-introspection.  can you push for me?  Both are in bzr17:54
johanbrhas anyone tried to compile the gnome-shell 2.91.3 tarball? after fixing a bunch of missing includes, compilation finally breaks with "st/st-texture-cache.c:270: error: 'GdkRGBA' undeclared (first use in this function)"17:57
micahgjohanbr: I started on it, but didn't get too far17:58
seb128mterry, ok17:58
* mterry starts thinking more seriously about core-dev17:58
johanbrmicahg, alright, thank you... I'll see if I can get it to compile17:59
micahgjohanbr: I probably won't have time until the weekend to get it working17:59
seb128johanbr, do you use natty or the gnome3 ppa builds?18:02
seb128ok, not sure how well it will work on natty18:03
seb128you might get closer with the ppa18:03
johanbralright, I'll give that a try if natty doesn't work18:03
johanbrthank you18:03
milanbvjohanbr: I guess you need the latest GTK 3 (2.91.6)18:12
johanbrmilanbv, ahh... that might be a problem18:12
milanbvOTOH GdkRGBA seems to have been present for several releases...18:14
didrocksok, time for some sport and dinner, see you tomorrow guys!18:18
milanbvjohanbr: does the file include gtk/gtk.h?18:19
johanbryou mean the one where compilation breaks? yes18:20
johanbrbut I think that was a case of it finding the 2.0 gtk/gtk.h file18:21
johanbranyway, got it to compile now, but linking breaks... will have a look at that later18:22
seb128kenvandine, there?18:22
kenvandineseb128, yup18:22
kenvandineworking with tedg to try to get things to land linked to the right libs18:23
kenvandineseb128, what's up?18:23
kenvandinei am finding what is breaking on my laptop :)18:23
kenvandinegood times18:24
seb128kenvandine, did you send your gdk-pixbuf vala gir patch upstream yet?18:24
kenvandinenot for that one, no18:24
kenvandinenot sure if it is worthy of merging18:24
kenvandinesince it is for 2.x18:24
seb128kenvandine, hum, ok, it's the only diff we have with debian on this source18:25
seb128kenvandine, we could sync if we didn't have the patch, but it's a detail18:25
kenvandinei think it will end up only being temporary18:25
seb128ok, thanks18:25
kenvandineonce the GIR stuff stabilizes, in theory we won't need it18:25
seb128kenvandine, do you need any help for landing or testing ted's libs?18:26
kenvandinesame for the patch against gtk2, i only submitted it for gtk318:26
kenvandineseb128, nah18:26
kenvandinei am mostly blocked on him18:26
seb128kenvandine, thanks!18:26
kenvandinethe suck now is libindicate FTBFS, and the fix won't build without a dbusmenu rebuild18:26
kenvandinebut dbusmenu FTBFS without the new version18:27
kenvandinegi-repository versioning18:27
kenvandineugh ugh ugh18:27
kenvandineseb128, i'll be out for a bit this afternoon in case anyone is looking for me... taking a late lunch that will likely be longer than usual18:28
kenvandinebut i'll be back18:28
kenvandineleaving in about 30m18:28
seb128kenvandine, ok18:28
seb128kenvandine, " but dbusmenu FTBFS without the new version"18:29
seb128can you explain?18:29
kenvandineseb128, oh... and more fun, tedg split indicator-application and appindicator into two sources, so with the gdbus branch landing we'll have some NEW'ing to do18:29
seb128do we have a circular depends?18:29
kenvandinethe current dbusmenu won't build18:29
kenvandinebecause of GI changes18:29
seb128NEWing is not an issue18:29
seb128well, let's land the new version?18:29
kenvandinebut libindicate won't build against the version in the archive because has gi-repository version of 1.118:29
kenvandineand it needs 1.2 for g-ir-scanner18:30
kenvandinedbusmenu is being reviewed for merging in trunk, i think18:30
kenvandinei have the branch with packaging so i can prepare18:30
kenvandinewill do that after i get back, so we are positioned to rapidly upload stuff when the floodgates open :)18:31
seb128seems the way forward is to get the new libdbusmenu to land18:31
seb128ok thanks18:31
seb128let me know if I can be useful18:31
kenvandineand i think tedg said that was like a 7900 line diff18:31
seb128or drop me an email if I'm off for today18:31
kenvandineso reviewing is taking time18:31
kenvandinewill do18:31
kenvandinetedg, any chance that will land today?18:31
seb128do we we someone interested by updating xchat-gnome to a git version?18:40
seb128or gnome-pilot to the current stable18:40
seb128or sound-juicer?18:41
seb128seems contributors tasks for people who want to do something18:41
seb128let a comment on the channel if interested ;-)18:41
seb128Laney, hey, do you know if debian is going to update gnome-sharp2 to 2.24.2?18:43
seb128Laney, or mono-addins to 0.518:44
seb128mterry, is there anything stopping to land the new vte in natty?18:45
mterryseb128, uh, no?18:46
mterryseb128, I cleared up issues of package naming with the debian folk18:46
mterryseb128, except I have to implement one packaging change on top of what the PPA has before it hits natty18:46
seb128mterry, ok, no hurry but seems one of the updates than we could land in natty18:47
mterryseb128, sure18:48
seb128I'm trying to clean http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html ;-)18:48
asacpitti: hey19:17
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chrisccoulsontedg - oh, i sort-of need a menu-closed event in firefox too ;)20:08
chrisccoulsonalthough i can perhaps work around that20:09
tedgchrisccoulson, Just to be curious, why?  What do they use that for?20:09
chrisccoulsontedg - each menuitem in the DOM has an "open" attribute20:09
chrisccoulsonwhich is public, so i've no idea what's using that20:09
chrisccoulsonsorry, i meant each menu rather than menuitem20:10
tedgYeah, if it exists, you can pretty much assume that someone is using it for something stupid :)20:11
chrisccoulsoni was thinking i could probably just reset the attribute when you activate a child menuitem, or open another menu20:11
chrisccoulsonbut then there would be a corner case where the user opens a menu and then just closes it again20:12
tedgchrisccoulson, Yup, it would be interesting to see who uses it.  There might be use-case we're missing and should handle more eloquently.20:32
tedgOr it just might be crap code that uses it ;)20:32
chrisccoulsontedg - hmmm, it's used in a few places in ffox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541138/20:34
seb128robert_ancell, hey21:57
robert_ancellseb128, hey21:57
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?21:58
robert_ancellgood, busy :)21:58
seb128what are you working on recently?21:58
seb128GNOME3 in the ppa still?21:58
robert_ancellyes, we're mostly up to date wifth the stable stuf21:59
robert_ancellBeen sending a lot of patches upstream for build failures22:00
robert_ancellseb128, hey, are you having any gdm issues?22:01
robert_ancellI notice it just upgraded22:01
seb128I didn't update to 2.32 yet22:01
seb128it's pitti who did the update22:01
robert_ancellthere may be a problem there, I'm running lightdm at the moment as I couldn't log in...22:02
seb128we got a bug saying that "enter" is not working to select the default user22:02
robert_ancellI was just going to ask you if you knew of any reason to not upgrade - I was wary of doing it22:02
seb128but otherwise nobody complained22:02
robert_ancellWhen I log in, it returns immediately to the login screen22:02
seb128seems gnome-session is crashing?22:02
seb128it could be the changes didrocks do22:03
seb128the standard session is unity now22:03
robert_ancellyeah, I was thinking that or compiz, but the logs don't say anything interesting22:03
seb128there is a "classic" session as well22:03
seb128which is old GNOME22:03
seb128but quite some people got bitten by custom compiz configs22:03
robert_ancellthat's what I'm running now. Unity doesn't work in LightDM properly, haven't worked out why22:03
robert_ancellseb128, so is compiz supposed to be running the gconf backend or the keyfile one?22:04
seb128did you try to start a session for a new user?22:04
seb128robert_ancell, gconf22:04
robert_ancellnot yet22:04
seb128you should perhaps rm .config/compîz-122:05
seb128unset /apps/compiz-1 in gconf22:05
seb128unset /apps/compizconfig-1 in gconf as well22:05
robert_ancellseb128, will do that22:05
seb128default is compiz with unity activated using gconf22:05
seb128no gnome-panel22:05
seb128the "classic" session is normal compiz and gnome-panel22:06
robert_ancellwhen it breaks I miss it, so I think that means it's better22:06
seb128what? unity? ;-)22:06
seb128check COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE also22:07
robert_ancellenv variable?22:07
seb128it should be set to "ubuntu" in the unity session22:07
seb128see /etc/X11/Xsession.d/65compiz_profile-on-session22:07
seb128that's the unity profile22:07
TheMusoI have to switch to the user login window with latest gdm, but the classic session is working fine here.22:07
robert_ancellThe upgrade seems very unstable, but didrocks is working on that right?22:08
seb128robert_ancell, how unstable?22:09
seb128like people getting screwed sessions?22:09
robert_ancellseb128, these previous configuration issues22:09
seb128I think it's people who activated and desactivated unity manually in ccsm22:09
robert_ancellbut it's hard to tell, because I upgraded early, and video has been pretty unstable for me the last month22:09
seb128not sure how much can be migrated without breaking the "preserve user config"22:09
seb128that's why we have a new profile22:10
robert_ancellsurely the unity profile will ...22:10
robert_ancellright, I was just about to say that22:10
seb128it's just that people who upgraded during the time the migration was still buggy got a buggy new profile22:10
seb128not sure it would still affect people coming from maverick22:10
seb128or just people who have been running natty early enough to migrate at a buggy time22:11
seb128we will need to test that for sure22:11
seb128but didrocks thinks the migration should be mostly ok now22:11
robert_ancellseb128, hey, are you talking with the Debian guys about the GNOME3 packaging much?  I hope all the work we're putting into the PPA will be used by Debian, and we're not going to have a bunch of difficult merges coming up22:11
robert_ancellIs there more we should be doing to raise visibility with Debian?22:12
seb128I pinged them on #debian-gnome the other day22:12
seb128I gave them the ppa url22:12
seb128told them to check with me before starting on update or at least to check what we did22:13
seb128so we don't duplicate work22:13
robert_ancellok, good22:13
seb128I will try to commit some of the work we did in their svn22:13
seb128or maybe just dump most there22:13
seb128so they can't ignore it :p22:13
seb128I've been sending to debdiff to the bts already recently22:13
robert_ancellseb128, a good one to do is gtk-engines, because it appeared they hadn't done that yet22:13
seb128I was not sure what to work on to be honest22:13
seb128GNOME in natty is mostly uptodate22:15
seb128GNOME3 is not really something that needs to land now22:15
seb128ideally we should start hacking on unity22:15
robert_ancellagreed, I think it's pretty clear now we're not going to have any GNOME3 apps in natty22:16
seb128robert_ancell, well, we could have some22:16
robert_ancellseb128, just minor ones22:16
seb128then perhaps anjuta22:17
robert_ancellseb128, not even gnome-games, we still haven't ported all the games to GTK322:17
robert_ancellmicahg, I think we can't due to gnome-session22:17
seb128robert_ancell, well at least it doesn't bring other components in22:17
robert_ancell(but it can be in the PPA)22:17
seb128micahg, no, I think it's for the ppa22:17
seb128it will need lot of updated components for their indicators and integration22:17
seb128they are patching different sources to provides infos on dbus they can use22:17
chrisccoulsonhi robert_ancell! what are your plans for yelp btw? i see you updated the build-depends in the last upload to make it work22:18
robert_ancellThe good news with the PPA is we've done most of the hard work, so it shouldn't be too hard to keep it up to date.22:18
micahgseb128: oh, hmm, so the distro version will be unusable then? or I'll just have to fix it to work with the gnome 2.x libs22:18
chrisccoulsonif we're keeping the current version, then i need to fix it ;)22:18
seb128micahg, I think we should remove the universe version and just have it in the ppa with GNOME322:18
seb128chrisccoulson, ^22:18
seb128robert_ancell, right22:19
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, yes, thanks for that!  I updated to the latest stable when you did that.  I want the next one, but I need to get a webkit package working.  Been talking with Debian a little about that, they want the package to build both gtk2 and gtk3 binaries, which is a huge pain in the arse.22:19
seb128does anybody has a natty pbuilder?22:19
chrisccoulsoni haven't set up one yet22:19
robert_ancellseb128, yes22:19
micahgseb128: well, since we're not jumping to GNOME 3 yet, I think we can get away with it22:19
TheMusoI have a natty sbuild.22:19
micahgseb128: I have one22:20
seb128robert_ancell, can you run apt-get update and try to install the build-depends for rhythmbox?22:20
seb128or micahg or TheMuso22:20
seb128just trying to figure what makes the rhythmbox upload fail to build22:20
TheMusosure just a sec.22:20
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell, so, we're still hopeful for getting the webkit version later in the cycle?22:20
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, yes, it's just going to take a little time22:20
seb128robert_ancell, can we downgrade it to the gtk2 stack?22:20
seb128I think pitti is going to kill you if you try to get a second webkit build on the CD ;-)22:21
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll leave that one off my list for now then22:21
robert_ancellseb128, it would probably be hard.22:21
seb128so for next cycle as well I guess...22:21
micahgseb128: I think it's expected ATM22:21
seb128robert_ancell, what do they use from gtk3?22:21
seb128micahg, <doko> seb128: any idea about the uninstallability of the thythmbox build dependencies?22:21
TheMusohrm schroot is complaining about something here, gotta fix that up first.22:22
seb128micahg, still I think dodo would like to not what to unblock22:22
seb128if you are speaking about rb22:22
robert_ancellseb128, but I don't know, it's worth investigating.  Yelp is the only package that has a compelling reason to upgrade.  I'll have a look.  We'll still have to get any other Webkit packages to upgrade to the latest version though22:22
micahgseb128: no, second webkit22:22
seb128oh ok22:22
seb128robert_ancell, well you say it's probably hard but you don't know ;-)22:23
seb128it could be just patching the configure to check for gtk222:23
robert_ancellseb128, first I was thinking that webkit would need patching, but it's supposed to compile with GTK2.  But I've looked at other packages, and the patches aren't trivial22:23
robert_ancellseb128, no, because there are a number of important API changes22:24
micahgseb128: the only thing with dropping gnome-shell is we have some regular users of it who might be upset about dropping it22:24
robert_ancellseb128, yelp does not support GTK2 anymore22:24
seb128micahg, well, would they feel better about having a 6 months old version?22:24
seb128robert_ancell, ok, so let's not bother with it22:24
seb128robert_ancell, I suggest focussing on unity for now22:24
seb128we can sort GNOME3 at the sprint22:24
robert_ancellseb128, sure22:25
seb128it's getting close from end of year break anyway22:25
micahgseb128: yeah, I guess that will make people just as upset, you think we can add something to the release notes about the GNOME3 PPA?22:25
* robert_ancell wants a bzr-pbuild22:25
TheMusoTried to install rhythmbox build deps in a chroot, and it looked like apt was happy. Updating my mirror again to see if newer packages change things.22:26
micahgseb128: ok, so should I still work on it then and propose a merge for someone to upload to the -desktop PPA?22:26
seb128micahg, if you want sure22:27
seb128we will get as much of GNOME3 as we can in the ppa22:27
robert_ancellseb128, micahg, which will probably be all of it according to http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html22:28
robert_ancellmicahg, please help updating it if you can!22:28
micahgrobert_ancell: I'll be glad to help :)22:28
robert_ancellseb128,   libgirepository-1.0-1: Conflicts: libgirepository1.0-1 but 0.9.12+git20101124-0ubuntu2 is to be installed.22:29
seb128robert_ancell, thanks22:29
robert_ancellseb128, is that what you got?22:29
micahghow are you handling bugs WRT the GNOME3 PPA?22:29
seb128robert_ancell, I don't have a pbuilder there to try22:29
seb128micahg, we don't ;-)22:29
robert_ancellmicahg, just open them against the normal packages, but make clear it's the PPA version22:29
micahgrobert_ancell: ok, maybe there should be a tag, like GNOME3?22:30
TheMusoOnly have to fetch 135MB of updates for my mirror, so should be able to confirm robert_ancell's findings soon.22:30
robert_ancellmicahg, they'll probably just sit there until N+1, but we can forward them upstream22:30
robert_ancellmicahg, good idea22:30
seb128robert_ancell, TheMuso: ok thanks22:30
seb128python-gobject needs a rebuild22:30
micahgrobert_ancell: if you like, I can bring it up in the bugsquad meeting on Tuesday so others are aware and don't close them22:31
robert_ancellmicahg, yes, thanks!22:31
micahgrobert_ancell: I'll let you know the outcome of the meeting22:31
TheMuso^^ attempting to apt-get build-dep rhythmbox.22:36
seb128ok, same that robert_ancell22:37
seb128it's due to python-gobject, I've uploaded a rebuilt now22:37
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
seb128robert_ancell, what do you think about dropping the desktop effect tab?22:43
seb128in gcc22:43
seb128it doesn't really fit for unity against GNOME nowadays22:44
seb128the fallback should just work22:44
robert_ancellseb128, why not just hide it when in unity?22:44
seb128the users who want to tweak their wm can do it in gconf22:44
seb128well GNOME3 drops the appearance capplet22:44
robert_ancellWe can either hide it or remove it - there's not much difference22:44
seb128so I was pondering just drop it now22:44
robert_ancellright, so it's gone in N+1 anyway22:44
seb128rather than spending time to make it be smart about unity22:45
robert_ancellI'm OK with removing it.  I'm sure there'll be some people who complain though22:45
seb128it doesn't work with compiz 0.922:45
seb128so it needs work22:45
robert_ancellwell the patch will be if (!getenv("COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE")) gtk_widget_hide()22:45
robert_ancelloh, then it's gone22:46
seb128g-c-c needs a rebuild as well22:46
seb128if you have time today feel free to do it22:46
seb128I will have a look tomorrow or next week otherwise22:46
seb128(I'm having friday off again this week)22:46
robert_ancellok, will do22:47
micahgrobert_ancell: minimal GNOME3 means no major GTK3 infrastructure porting, right?22:57
robert_ancellmicahg, do you mean can an app be GNOME3 and still use GTK2?22:57
micahgrobert_ancell: no, I mean are we porting any shared parts of the desktop to gtk3?22:58
micahglike stuff that Xubuntu would be using22:58
robert_ancellmicahg, no, we're only providing the GTK3 stack, everything is remaining as it was, none of the shared components will change (e.g. to gsettings)23:00
micahgrobert_ancell: great, I'll pass that along, thanks23:00
kklimondaheh, this new tab grouping in Firefox is dangerous - I no longer close tabs, just open new groups ;)23:00
kklimondaand firefox is using more and more memory :/23:00
micahgkklimonda: I'm hit by the same thing :)23:01
kklimondait's a cool feature but it needs more polish to ease tab management.23:02
kklimondajcastro: I think I can update glom to 1.16.2 now23:29

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