
czajkowskiebel: whats this about a boi scandel??10:23
ebelahoy ahoy10:24
ebelno scandal10:24
ebelBoI have this mad system where they post you a code when you want to transfer money to a new account.10:25
ebelAIB it's all online.10:25
ebelThe AIB online banking website looks nicer aswell. BoI's is from the mid 90s. :P10:26
ebelUsing BoI I was unable to transfer money internationally to the netherlands, with AIB I can.10:26
ebelBoI wanted to know the address of the bank that i wanted to send internationally, and the accent in that address broke their system.10:27
ebelWith AIB I can get a Visa or Mastercard credit card, BoI only do Mastercard. Visa is much more widely accepted in East Africa.10:28
ebelSo in short, I'm glad I changed banks :)10:28
czajkowskioh yes10:29
czajkowskibut i thought i heard something about a hacker???10:29
ebeloh? news to me....10:29
czajkowskiBOI and the lodging of money into peoples account by10:30
czajkowskia big hacker?10:30
ebelOh this is their online & ATMs being down the other day?10:32
slashtomi heard that the ATMs frooze up10:32
czajkowskiahh ok10:33
embossif you asked for 20e the atm spat out 200e10:58
embossthei're network had a problem and there's an "offline" mode that gives out money during the outages, it all went a bit hay wire10:59
embosspeople were quieing up all over the country trying to get money out10:59
embossthinking they wont have to pay it back10:59
czajkowskiemboss: ello ello10:59
embossello :)11:00
tdr112czajkowski: you must have lost the password to your blog11:04
ebelI heard the ATMs can't check your balance11:05
czajkowskitdr112: :(11:05
czajkowskitdr112: just so swamped11:05
tdr112czajkowski: must be doing a good job so11:06
* ebel sees his photo from LRL is top google hit for "cztab" :P11:06
tdr112it is , thats great11:06
czajkowskioh you evil brat11:07
czajkowskiI could rant about the standstead issue on the way over11:08
ebelczajkowski: you still in .de?11:08
czajkowskiflight doesnt leave till 7pm tonight11:09
czajkowskitdr112: will get one out soooooooon11:16
tdr112good know , we all like to know what you have been upto11:17
czajkowskiorgansing 3 conferences12:30
czajkowskiand um...........taking on clients documentation from scrathch12:30
ebelGood thing there are 2 laura's.12:34
czajkowskiyeah :s12:40
czajkowskialso think my hangover just kicked in12:41
Pendulumczajkowski: finally? :P12:44
czajkowskiyeah there has been a lot of strong bow consumed12:53
czajkowskiand um beer with coke in it12:53
ebelcider in a german pub! shame!12:54
ebelAlso FYI they do cider in brittany. :)12:54
ebelLooks like cider is a celtic thing12:54
Pendulumebel: Brittany cider is supposed be yummy and extra alcoholic :)13:00
czajkowskitdr112: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/12/08/pgdayeu-in-stuttgart/13:06
czajkowskione done13:06
czajkowskiPendulum: get my mail re a11y ?13:07
Pendulumczajkowski: yeah. I knew the CfP was coming out so had been waiting for it before posting to our list.13:08
czajkowskiah ok13:09
czajkowskiPendulum: https://twitter.com/#!/SteveALee/statuses/1249360442137395213:14
czajkowskitdr112: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/12/08/rapid-month-gone-by/13:37
czajkowskiebel: you coming to fosdem this year14:50
czajkowskislashtom: are you coming to fosdem this year14:50
ebelczajkowski: dunno. Hadn't really thought about it14:51
ebelunsure how much hols I have. I'm taking 3 weeks off shortly before fosdem14:52
czajkowskitis a weekend...14:53
czajkowskidont forget14:53
ebelyeah i know15:00
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