
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
hallyn_ikepanhc: hey, dave hansen and i are interested in your ideapad-laptop kernel tree :)03:35
ikepanhchallyn_: thanks03:35
hallyn_ikepanhc: do you by chance have suspend/resume working in yours?03:36
ikepanhchallyn_: for s10-3 s3/s4 works fine03:36
hallyn_cool - do you have it built in a ppa?03:37
hallyn_if not i'll try one03:37
ikepanhchallyn_: no, the patch is for upstream kernel03:37
ikepanhchallyn_: I will consider to maintain a dkms package in my ppa, so that everyone can easily use it :)03:39
hallyn_ikepanhc: when i get some time i'll have to see why your patches woudl make a difference with resume03:45
ikepanhchallyn_: ahhh? you mean my patches let your laptop can not resume?03:46
hallyn_no, i mean maverick kernel does that.03:48
hallyn_if you say your kernel resumes, then either something in your patches fixes it, or your config03:49
hallyn_(dhansen has a x86-64 config for maverick that lets resume work on his s10-3)03:49
ikepanhchallyn_: I use maverick kernel with ideapad-laptop and bcmwl as external module03:49
ikepanhchallyn_: I just test again on B550 and it works fine03:50
hallyn_what does 'with ideapad-laptop' mean/03:50
hallyn_with your patches?03:50
hallyn_or some package?03:50
ikepanhchallyn_: I compile the driver as a external module03:50
ikepanhchallyn_: use a hello-world Makefile03:50
hallyn_i'm using wl.ko as came with the default install03:50
ikepanhchallyn_: me too03:51
hallyn_all right, fwiw first glance your patches looked quite nice.  anyway, i'm out - ttyl03:51
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torgny_j_apw: ping07:32
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* apw yawns08:48
jk-hey apw08:48
jk-heya smb08:49
smbj/me waves to jk- 08:49
* smb cannot type correctly this morning08:49
jk-apw: just looking through Arjan's patches as per delta review spec08:53
apwjk-, ta08:54
jk-the 'cache EDID...' one has gone upstream, as you probably already know08:54
jk-and that appears to have been dropped in master-next08:54
apwmark it so in the page and i'll make sure its gone, i think it has08:54
jk-which is good08:54
apwyep, we've moved somewhat forward since the top list was originally generated for UDS08:54
jk-so that still needs updating, or does the change in master-next mean that it's already taken care of?08:55
apwwell just mark it as needing dropping and i'll spin through and say its already gone when i apply your recommendations08:55
jk-ah, it's in the dropped section already09:20
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tgardnercking, hallyn_, AceLan: I'm bouncing tangerine in 10 minutes for openssl update14:36
ckingok - I will log off14:38
JFoapw, I had a thought earlier... did pete say he wanted to move the stuff I have running off of the qa machine and onto one of ours?14:39
JFoI seem to recall some conversation surrounding that14:39
JFoI think it had to do with us having more control of what version of things were on there14:39
JFolike LPlib14:40
apwi don't recall that specifically, i do know he was keen for it to just run, if its helpful for us i to move i don't think anyone cares where it is14:40
apwas long as it is on somethign which is not going missing any time soon14:40
JFodunno what made me think of it14:41
JFoapw, second question: Do you think it is worthwhile to have the gfxpayload bugs on our list? I think we should.14:55
apwJFo, unsure if they should be on the main list, I could do with a list though as i care about them directly14:56
JFogood idea14:56
* JFo works that up14:56
apwJFo, sounds good thanks15:10
apwJFo, is that anything other than a launchpad search actually?  if we are tagging them ?15:10
JFonot much more15:13
JFobut would you rather there be a report or just do the search yourself?15:13
JFowell, not more at all really15:13
apwi think we should have a page with the lists referenced15:15
apwso there can be a Key Bugs link to your report, and a 'gfxpayload bugs' which is just a link to the search15:15
* JFo adds that to the TODO15:15
JFo<-so this guy doesn't forget it15:16
apwhows the tag based list automation going15:16
JFopretty good15:17
JFoI was going about getting the tags the wrong way earlier15:17
JFoI'm trying to see if/how that has changed since I was doing it way back earlier in the year15:17
JFocould be that I was trying to do it wrong then15:18
JFobut I should have that bit worked out in a bit15:18
apwif you have a working way i'd just be happy15:18
JFohopefully have something rough by EOD today15:18
JFothat was the problem :) it didn't work 15:18
apwJFo, where i can see the current mock up15:18
JFobut I think I know what I was doing wrong15:19
JFoI don't have it pushed yet15:19
JFodidn't want to put it up there until it was at least doing something15:19
* apw talks at you15:19
* JFo puts his headset on :)15:19
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JFomoin bjf15:33
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apwJFo, blocks-hwcert this one ?15:44
vanhoofbjf: this one went out in the previous SRU, right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/61338115:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 613381 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "S3 resume hang when PCI Express wakeups don't clear the PM1 PCI_WAKE_DISABLE bit (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Fix released]15:49
vanhoofbjf: /me wondering why its listed on pending sru list15:50
bjfvanhoof, looking, these are auto-generated by what's in the changelog15:51
tgardnervanhoof, it looks like its been released in both Lucid and Maverick15:51
vanhoofyeah i thought it was, just going through each one by one today and that one looked off15:53
bjfvanhoof, it is because it was "(pre-stable)" then came in from stable so it was reverted and reapplied, i'll just mark it verification done, we have stopped reverting "(pre-stable)"15:56
bjfvanhoof, i've marked it as verification-done15:58
ckingbjf, I've verified that one, don't want to keep on re-doing it :-)16:05
bjfcking, as i said, i've handled it :-)16:05
* apw screams about C crashing16:05
ckingshould be called XXXX16:06
vanhoofbjf: gotcha, thanks for the info16:09
vanhoofcking: we've got the wmi fix to verify, I have other paths to hardware should it not get to you in time :)16:10
ckingvanhoof, I'll do that tomorrow16:12
* apw pops out to run an errand16:12
ckingif that's not too late16:12
vanhoofcking: did it arrive?16:12
ckingnot yet16:12
bjfcking, vanhoof, we have a week to do the verifications16:12
vanhoofcking: we have till friday16:12
vanhoofcking: theres one in lex though16:12
bjfvanhoof, cking, since the kernels weren't available until today, the clock starts today16:13
vanhoofbjf: i like pressure16:13
tgardnerJFo, looking at your top bug list. why haven't some of these been expired? e.g., bug #190492 16:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 190492 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel hangs on boot (SATA, AMD64/i386) (affects: 3) (dups: 7) (heat: 15)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19049216:13
* bjf running son to school, will be right back16:15
JFotgardner, good question16:17
tgardnerJFo, I thought all bugs with no activity were expired at some point16:17
JFowell, they have to meet a certain set of criteria16:17
* JFo looks to see why this one didn't meet it16:18
* apw finally makes it out the door16:18
tgardnerapw, out of the closet door?16:18
tgardnerbjf, there is a Lucid AA patch from jj-afk on the k-t list that could use your review.16:20
JFotgardner, just from a quick look, I'd have to say it was the duplicates that probably kept this one from expiring16:21
JFobut I don't see much other than that16:21
tgardnerJFo, I wonder if any of them have rolled forward to Maverick, etc. It ain't gonna get fixed in Hardy16:22
tgardneror Lucid even16:22
JFoI can look if you want me to16:23
tgardnerJFo, I'm gonna mark it 'won't fix'16:23
JFotgardner, works for me16:23
JFosomething is chewing up my network... brb16:26
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-afk
bjftgardner-afk, i saw it, wasn't sure your discussion with jj was finished16:37
* dannf points manjo at #68740016:41
didrocksJFo: do you need the output of uname -a for bug #686070 ?16:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 686070 in linux (Ubuntu) "black screen (no more gdm/X server) with nvidia propriatery after gfxpayload=keep activation (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68607016:52
* JFo looks17:08
JFodidrocks, shouldn't need17:09
JFoI was running an old script that had not been updated for natty17:10
didrocksoh ok :)17:10
JFoapologies for the confusion :)17:10
didrocksno worry :)17:10
JFowas entirely my fault17:10
didrocksI got it and dholbach too17:10
didrocksso for now I workarounded it17:10
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didrocksbut you can poke me if you need further info/testing17:10
JFoindeed I will, thanks :)17:11
JFo<-lunch 17:12
didrocksenjoy :)17:24
apwdidrocks, its the prop-drivers so there is little chance of a fix for those17:33
didrocksapw: right, so we should maybe workaround on some pci?17:34
apwi suspect we should just turn off that feature when you install those17:34
didrocksbecause we will require the prop-driver for unity17:34
didrocksand engage people installing it17:34
apwdidrocks, have fun with that given we cannot put it on the CD17:34
didrocksapw: already planned, ubiquity will offer that as an option17:36
didrockslike the mp3 support17:36
apwdidrocks, so is the lve CD  going to use classic desktop mode for nvidia, guess it'll have to17:36
didrocksand pitti will slightely change the driver wording on install to tell "hey, that can change your graphical interface"17:36
didrocksapw: right, that's the drawback :/17:36
apwdidrocks, does 3d work well enough on the normal ati drivers?17:39
didrocksapw: for now, on unity at least, we don't as many issue in compiz than we had with mutter17:40
didrocksso, quite positive :)17:40
didrocks(the prop one seems to have more issues, weird…)17:40
apwwell thats something at least, starting to think intel was it17:41
didrocksyeah, the issue is really nvidia-focused17:42
didrocksso, for that particular bug, which is quite annoying17:42
didrocksI can only say that daniel and I got this17:42
didrocksand we don't have the same card17:42
didrocksnot sure if it's the driver making that for everyone or if we are just unlucky17:42
apwthe issues on intel with that combination was that the driver is initialising from vga mode, regardless of actual mode so can sometimes leave thngs not initialised17:45
apwits probabally the same for nvidia17:45
didrockshum, ok, make sense then17:52
didrockswell, just to keep that in mind so that we don't release in that state, or we will hear from it :)17:52
apwdidrocks, likely its a grub thing we'll have to change, i'll open a task there17:59
didrocksapw: sure, just ensure that colin is ok with it, he told me to open a kernel task to first get feedback from your team :)18:00
apwdidrocks, yep but as its prop-drivers they arn't in the kernel and we have exactly zero control over them18:01
apwour recommendation would be not to install them18:01
didrockssure, but as we need 3D now :)18:01
didrocksand our nouveau doesn't support it well yet18:01
apwdidrocks, not obvious why we need 3d but there you go18:03
apwgiven everything on my screen is basically 2d even with unity18:03
didrocksyou need acceleration for the opengl effect18:03
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apwdidrocks, but there is the rub isn't it.  nothing in the interface needs 3d, the clever and inovative bits are not the fact its 3d, but that its touch ready and simple, and whatever else we claim18:09
apwdidrocks, any idea what the prop-drivers are called source package wise18:11
didrocksapw: well, I think it's more something to talk with the dx team (compiz and unity guys) but they ensure that it's not possible to get the same effects with a 2D library like cairo and such, so they need acceleration18:11
didrocksapw: hum, one sec18:11
apwdidrocks, <personal opinion> they are conflating the two things, being wizzy and doing things don't have to be the same </p.o>18:12
didrocksapw: nvidia-graphics-drivers18:12
apwbut its not my call, and as noone will give me anything but intel h/w i am not affected anyhow :)18:12
tgardnerapw, what do you think about CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32C=y for Natty to solve the lib/libcrc32c shash registration race (as well as an initramfs modprobe issue) ?18:20
apwif its tested to work it doesn't seem like a bad solution, we build in all of AGP for similar reasons18:21
tgardnersee bug #68181918:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 681819 in linux (Ubuntu) "libcrc32c.ko does not declare dependancy on crc32c.ko (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68181918:21
tgardnerapw, do we have a boot speed profile? 18:21
tgardner'cause I think building it in may have an impact18:22
apwtgardner, positive or negative ?18:23
apwwe can make one both sides pretty easy to check18:23
tgardnerapw, registering an shash algorithm performs some run time testing. dunno how much.18:23
apwtgardner, i wonder if we can hack that out, seems odd to test it every time you insert the module18:23
apwtgardner, bug i'll put it on my todo list to go and measure it18:24
tgardnerapw, well, I'll turn it on for now and we can just measure it18:24
apwtgardner, ok18:24
* JFo goes to dose up some more Vitamin C, brb18:29
apwJFo, ping18:37
GrueMasterWho can move linux-image-2.6.35-24.42-omap from New to maverick-proposed so I can properly test it?  It has been sitting for 3 hours and I have deadlines to get it tested.18:42
JFoapw, pong18:43
apwJFo, hows the list generation going18:43
JFoworking out some kinks now18:44
JFoshould have the list soon18:44
JFowell, the final list18:44
apwi am assuming we can have the tag oriented bits auto generating hourly or something today18:44
JFoshould do18:45
apwdid you fix up the script to add the tags ?18:46
apws/tags/summary information/18:46
apwwould it help to sit down with that script and talk through what all the bits mean18:47
apwJFo, ^^18:50
JFoyeah, I have that worked out18:51
* GrueMaster has an ominous feeling that JFo's scripts will start spamming him...again. :P18:56
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apwGrueMaster, heh, no these are reporting scripts not spamming scripts :)19:04
* apw finds its generally bjf who spams him19:04
GrueMasterAh.  19:04
* GrueMaster would like to see a report of how many scripts currently spam him.19:05
* tgardner --> lunch19:07
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* cking --> calling it a day19:13
bjftgardner, is bug #684448 just a tracking bug (looks like it is to me)?19:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 684448 in linux-lts-backport-maverick (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "Lucid LTS Maverick backport, security update to 2.6.35-23.41 (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68444819:44
JFoIT's ALIVE!!!!19:54
* JFo passes cigars out in celebration of the birth of a new script19:54
* JFo puts it into a server labor camp immediately19:55
GrueMasterStill need someone to publish linux-image-2.6.35-24-omap-2.6.35-24.42.19:58
bjfGrueMaster, there are no archive-admins on the kernel team20:09
tgardnerbjf, yeah, that kind of looks like  a tracking bug20:16
bjftgardner, cool, i'll tag it as such20:16
smoserstupid question. I just did a 'fakeroot debian/rules binary-virtual'. then a 'fakeroot debian/rules clean' and then binary-virtual again.20:36
smoseri had ccache first in my path, and i can see that ccache --show-stats is getting misses.20:36
smoserbut i'm only getting misses even the second time. 20:36
smoserany idea what woudl be changing ?20:37
tgardnersmoser, no idea. maybe time stamps or something are changing the object output.20:41
smoseryeah, thats what i'd have to suspec too, but that sucks.20:41
tgardnersmoser, what is your cache hit percentage?20:41
smosercache hit                              420:42
smosercache miss                         1300020:42
smoserwhat percent is that ? :)20:42
tgardnerits bad...20:42
tgardnersmoser, its so bad you might as well not bother.20:43
smoseryes, in fact almost certainly the ccache overhead is worse.20:43
tgardnersmoser, I've used it for kernel builds with better results then that.20:44
smoserbut it really "should work".  ccache is an awesome speed up for those of us withouth access to 64 way machines20:44
tgardnersmoser, I'll run one of my builds twice to see what kind of hit rate I get20:47
* jjohansen lunch20:55
keesapw: there were 2 problems with module NX. one was solved and I forwarded an email about it. but I think you'd mentioned something else? I want to track that down and see if it's been fixed yet.21:42
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keesapw: ah-ha, found it. http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/x86/linux-2.6-tip.git;a=commitdiff;h=691513f70d3957939a318da970987b876c72086122:27
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djalteregoI'm trying to isolate an nfs client issue to an Ubuntu component.  When testing using mainline kernels, should I use http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/current/ or http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/ since I'm using Lucid?22:43

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