
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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MootBotMeeting started at 10:01. The chair is robbiew.16:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:01
robbiewcjwatson: is ill today16:02
robbiewpsurbhi is still on holiday (family visit in India)16:02
robbiew[TOPIC] Lightning Round16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Lightning Round16:03
evAt the QA sprint all week. Gave a presentation on the installer testing netbook farm and hudson yesterday, helping people build out their own test frameworks from this, going to give a talk at the Rally about it per cjwatson's approval.16:03
evWorking on adding bootchart support to the installer testing work, and building some sikuli graphical tests to run on it. Sitting in on user testing of the website today and tomorrow. Had a meeting with Ivanka about the "replace Ubuntu install, preserving applications and settings" option that grew into a chat about the entire automatic partitioning page.16:03
evShe's going to work on a proposed design for the Rally. Verifying new USB disks for the shop for Cezzaine.16:03
robbiewev: thnx...find a place to live yet?16:05
robbiewor should I expense a cot for you in Millbank16:05
robbiew...guess he didn't find my joke that funny16:06
robbiewmvo: ?16:06
evrobbiew: lol, yes16:06
evall sorted16:06
evsorry, the Internet connection here is a bit flaky16:06
mvodeploy *much* more responsive changelogs extractor for changelogs.ubuntu.com (for all practical purposes there should be never a "no changelog available yet" message anymore);16:07
mvoalpha1: app-install-data update; SRU msttcorefonts EULA #670629;16:07
mvoUpdated conflictchecker for maverick and natty; Upload vmbuilder bzr snapshot16:07
mvoupdate-manager: fix maverick->natty, lp:~mvo/update-manager/use-screen-in-text-frontend; add firewall information on the server upgrade, final touches for screen support in the text-dist-upgrader, merge lp:~kelemeng/update-manager/bug63303616:07
mvosoftware-center: add spellchecker to the submit/report abse, make reapply cursor selection work again, merge lp:~mvo/software-center/apthistory-pickle-cache, merge experimental-fastlist, sponsor SRU for 3.0.7 (#673991), play with lp:~mvo/software-center/sentinel-mode (auto detect UI blocks), work on reviews client16:07
* robbiew anxiously awaits R-n-R to magically appear in s-c16:08
robbiewthnx mvo16:08
mvoif you run natty, you should *really* see a differnce by e..g clicking on the system category16:08
robbiewoh yeah...I have16:08
mvowe made some good progress, from ~5s to instant :)16:08
jhuntGot lp:#672614 fixed upstream. Natty daily testing. Writing a "clone"16:09
jhuntsys-call app to make dev+test with upstart easier. More upstart man-page16:09
jhuntdocumentation. Finalized upstart spec with keybuk+cjwatson yesterday in16:09
jhuntLondon re upstart.  My part of the spec is now on the wiki.16:09
jhuntcurrently working on the new "debug" stanza.16:09
robbiew\o/ on bug #6726116:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 67261 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17 (Ubuntu) "Problems with ATI fglrx driver" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6726116:10
robbiewdamn it...and bug #67261416:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 672614 in tracker (Ubuntu) "tracker-status-icon registers obsolete Ctrl-Alt-S shortcut" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67261416:10
robbiewand a huge *\o/* + whoohoo on upstart workitems :P16:11
jhuntyeah - I'm surprised more people aren't affected. Maybe that tells us something about emacs usage :)16:11
mvoor people removing tracker ;)16:11
robbiewno comment16:11
robbiewjhunt: thx16:12
Keybukjhunt: I use emacs ... :p16:12
ScottKfsvo done.16:13
Keybukadmittedly, I've never used the C-M-s  shortcut before16:13
* mvo googles fsvo16:13
barryas do i. i always go into isearch then toggle to regexp if i need it16:13
mvourban dictonary ftw16:13
barryC-s C-t16:14
robbiewdoko: thnx16:14
barry% wtf fsvo16:14
barryFSVO: for some value of16:14
barrypy27 ftbfs: 683182 (graphviz), 685127 (guppy)y, 685180 (sphinx problems, inprogress).  patch pilot.  debian packaging work.  bug 683486 for lp.  udd workflow.  done.16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683486 in Launchpad Registry "spurious test failures regarding LPModerate and XMLRPCRunner" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68348616:14
barrypy27 ftbfs will be my life for the next few months16:15
mvogo barry go16:15
robbiew"udd workflow"16:15
barrylet's hope they're not all as "fun" as nipy16:15
robbieweh hem16:15
mvoI'm happy to help with the py2.7 ones too16:16
barryrobbiew: right, right.  yes.  i'll fill some thing out there and get poolie to review16:16
barrymvo: awesome.  nipy is fun because it builds fine in my sbuild, and fails three different ways in pbuilder, ppa, buildds16:16
robbiewbarry: thank you sir!16:16
robbiewKeybuk: ?16:16
Keybukdone: lots of work on temporal events for 0.10, which turns out to be great fun16:17
KeybukI have a tool that you can ask things like "when is the next time that Friday 13th occurs in an even-numbered year?"16:17
Keybukdeathspank:Timestuff scott$ MDAYS=13 WDAYS=FR YEARS=0/2 ./nexttime16:17
KeybukNow is                     Wed Dec  8 16:17:52 GMT 2010(1291825072)16:17
KeybukAfter days of month        Mon Dec 13 00:00:00 GMT 2010(1292198400)16:18
KeybukAfter years                Mon Dec 13 00:00:00 GMT 2010(1292198400)16:18
KeybukAfter days of week         Fri Dec 17 00:00:00 GMT 2010(1292544000)16:18
KeybukAfter days of month        Thu Jan 13 00:00:00 GMT 2011(1294876800)16:18
KeybukAfter years                Fri Jan 13 00:00:00 GMT 2012(1326412800)16:18
KeybukAfter days of week         Fri Jan 13 00:00:00 GMT 2012(1326412800)16:18
Keybukso that's good fun16:18
Keybukalso done: met with James and we sorted out the division of work for Upstart in natty16:18
Keybukand also done: we actually have most of a spec written \o/16:18
MootBotLINK received:  http://daysuntil.com/Friday-the-13th/index.html16:18
robbiew...just sayin16:19
robbiew[TOPIC] Natty16:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Natty16:19
robbiewso I see we don't have a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty16:19
Keybukrobbiew: yeah, it's not hard or mysterious, but the algorithms only exist in pieces16:19
Keybuke.g. there's an algorithm for resolving week days, or months16:19
Keybukbut not one for both16:20
Keybukso it's the combination of everything ;)16:20
robbiewas for the wiki page, I'll try to create one today16:20
robbiewthen I can properly nag people about features and bugs16:20
robbiewthe problem with actively managing 3 develop teams...is that I'm actively managing 3 development teams!16:21
robbiewI know very little about a whole lot, atm16:21
robbiewbut sorting this all out soon...I hpoe16:21
robbiewand hope16:21
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB/Good News?16:22
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB/Good News?16:22
robbiewev has a place to live \o/16:22
evmy life is sorted until at least January :)16:23
robbiewha ha16:23
* robbiew puts a cot on order16:23
robbiewev: who knows...maybe our new offices will have napping pods :P16:24
mvosearches in s-c are *much* faster now16:24
mvoand changelogs.ubuntu.com updates instantly16:24
mvo(well, almost ;)16:24
robbiewwhoohoo...the search is pretty cool, tbh16:25
robbiewI was installing software on my wife's new laptop16:25
robbiewin 10.1016:25
robbiewand noticed the change in natty16:26
robbiewsubtle...but nice ;)16:26
mvo:) for really large searches its not so suble, but for most searches (~1000 entries) the old versions were doing very well. but now its instant for 30k items as well16:26
robbiewgood point16:28
robbiewanything else?16:28
ScottKQt builds on arm now.16:29
ScottKthanks to gcc getting fixed.16:29
robbiewthat should allow for Unity...I think :/16:29
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:30.16:30
robbiewthanks all16:30
barrythanks robbiew16:30
ScottKActually worked around, but I don't care the difference.16:30
robbiewScottK: yeah...I figured as much ;)16:30
evrobbiew: with any luck16:42
evand thanks16:42
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highvoltageEdubuntu meeting time, who else besides mhall119 is present? :)20:01
highvoltageall I really have to update on is that I uploaded the gartoon-redux icon theme. I talked to the author and he said he'll prioritise any icons that's missing in Edubuntu20:02
highvoltageI'll poke him a big about the folder icons, they're still a bit annoying. if that's fixed it could be quite a good icon theme for young kdis20:03
highvoltageI replaced the old gartoon theme with gartoon-redux in edubuntu too20:03
highvoltageand tested yesterdays daily build, it seems ok, we have the slideshow back although I still need to update it20:03
highvoltagefor the next few days the only ubuntu work I've got planned is reviewing some zope packages for Schooltool, and mhall119's xdg-launcher package20:04
dindaso schooltool is planned to be included in Natty?20:04
mhall119highvoltage: how long do I have to push new versions of xdg-launcher?20:05
highvoltagedinda: yep, there's a good chance of it making it in this time20:05
highvoltagemhall119: what do you mean?20:05
mhall119it's on 0.0.2 right now, and pretty rough20:05
mhall119there's still a lot of code work to go into it20:05
highvoltagemhall119: it works right?20:05
mhall119sometimes ;)20:06
* charlie-tca is late, but here too20:06
mhall119it works on ubuntu/gnome, but not Xfce or qimo-session20:06
mhall119because, evidently, they use different xdg menus20:06
highvoltagemhall119: heh, ok. well I think when it more or less works, then it should get uploaded (sounds like now is a good time already though), and then after that we should just make sure you have upload rights for that package. are you a membed of edubuntu-dev yet?20:06
highvoltagecharlie-tca: :)20:07
mhall119highvoltage: not yet, haven't had a quorum20:07
highvoltagecharlie-tca: we're probably not going with faenza anymore, just because pretty much everyone else is doing it :)20:07
mhall119wait, it edubuntu-dev a member position?20:07
highvoltagemhall119: that should be fixed quite soon20:08
charlie-tcaXubuntu will go with it20:08
highvoltagemhall119: I suggest just applying for both at the same time20:08
mhall119highvoltage: I'm already an Ubuntu member20:08
mhall119highvoltage: I'm not on edubuntu-dev20:09
mhall119and it's a restricted team, so you'll have to add me20:09
highvoltagenixternal: are you around perhaps?20:10
dindahighvoltage: what about Moodle 2.0? who I poke to get it packaged?20:10
mhall119I have dynamic-sizing on xdg-launcher now, so it'll shrink in height as it grows in width20:10
stgraberdinda: hmm, not sure, it proved to need a lot of work maintaining it last time someone wanted to package moodle. I certainly won't have any time to look at it at least.20:11
stgrabernow if someone else wants to do the work and can commit on maintaining it, especially for security and bugfixes (which are extremelty frequent last time I checked), we might consider having it in Edubuntu again20:12
dindastgraber: I can ask in the Moodle groups if someone will take the maintainer role20:12
highvoltagestgraber: I poked you on jabber to poke sbalneav, would be nice if we could get ec quorum and sort out mhall119's request20:12
stgraberideally it'd be nice to have something coordinated with Debian. See what they have there, it'd probably reduce the work quite a lot.20:13
dindaI know the Moodle Core contrib coordinator so he may recommend someone20:13
dindathat makes sense, having at the Debian level20:13
mhall119I thought moodle got a new debain maintainer a while back20:13
mhall119I remember getting a bunch of emails on the mailing list20:14
stgraberwe'll also need someone with good understanding of Ubuntu's security and bugfix policy, as last time I checked, moodle wasn't really doing proper security releases20:14
stgraberand instead tend to bundle a lot of unrelated changes20:14
dindaI know Remote Learner uses it on their Ubuntu servers so they might be the ones doing the packaging20:14
stgrabermaking it very painful for packagers to extractthe patches and apply that to older releases20:14
dindaI'll check with them20:14
highvoltagemhall119: I'll send out an email today so that we do it via email. edubuntu-members is free, edubuntu-dev I believe we should vote on, but I'll try to sort that out today. we could then have your launcher as part of the edubuntu package set and you should then have upload rights to it once it's in the archives20:14
mhall119highvoltage: cool, thanks20:15
stgrabermhall119: if they do, then maybe we've got hope of having something that's well enough maintained to actually be shippable on the DVD without the security team and release team poking edubuntu-release regularly for unfixed security issues :)20:15
mhall119can we put the qimo-* packages under edubuntu-dev too?20:15
highvoltagemhall119: just add to your wiki page that you're also applying for edubuntu-dev, if you haven't already20:15
mhall119highvoltage: to my page?20:15
highvoltagemhall119: I can't see why not. it should be fine, right stgraber?20:16
stgrabermhall119: we basically need to have it added to a seed20:16
highvoltagemhall119: your wiki page, just a sentence saying that you're applying for edubuntu-dev and which packages you're interested in (include the qimo ones and the launcher)20:16
stgrabermhall119: so as soon as we start shipping them on the DVD we can poke colin and have it included to our packageset20:16
highvoltagedinda: ah, you're applying for edubuntu-members too right? it's not completely clear on the meeting agenda page. if so I can add that to the email ass well20:19
highvoltagedinda: you're already an ubuntu member right?20:19
dindahighvoltage: yes already an Ubuntu member20:20
highvoltagedinda: ok, that makes it easy20:20
mhall119highvoltage: updated my wiki page to list packages that I maintain, and also that I'm applying for Edubuntu membership20:21
highvoltagemhall119: add that you're applying for edubuntu-dev (or Edubuntu Developers), that's the important part to add since that's the only one requiring a vote technically20:23
dindastgraber: is there some place I can go online to see who the current deb packager for Moodle is?20:26
mhall119Original-Maintainer: Moodle Packaging Team <moodle-packaging@catalyst.net.nz>20:26
mhall119might try that email20:26
stgraberdinda: for Debian, the PTS is probably the place to look at. For Ubuntu, I can quite safely say that it's nobody (or auto-synced from Debian) :)20:26
mhall119highvoltage: done20:27
dindamhall119: ok, I know someone who works there so will CC her20:27
stgraberit'd be nice if someone could test the package that's in Debian and if it works correctly, then file a sync request20:27
highvoltageok email sent20:27
mhall119is the version in debian different from the version in ubuntu?20:28
stgrabermhall119: yep20:28
stgraberpackaging was quite different20:28
stgrabernow Ubuntu is quite a bit behind20:28
stgraber1.9.4 in Ubuntu vs 1.9.9 in Debian20:28
stgraberUbuntu didn't update the major version since jaunty20:28
highvoltageah, so that's still the packaging that canonical paid for?20:29
stgraberhighvoltage: I guess so20:29
stgraberI dropped it from main to universe with lucid20:29
stgraberas we don't ship it anymore and we don't have the requirement for main anyway20:29
highvoltageweb apps that can't be maintained properly shouldn't be in main anyway, imho :)20:29
mhall119charlie-tca: how much do you know about XDG menus?  I may need help getting xdg-launcher to recognize the Xfce configs20:31
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-bbl
charlie-tcaI don't know much about them20:33
charlie-tcaI know the menus got a re-write in Xfce4.820:33
charlie-tcamr_pouit will know more about it than me20:34
mhall119ok, I'll ask in #xubuntu-dev when I know what questions to ask20:35
highvoltageanything else?20:36
highvoltagemhall119: I'll be around (although I'm a bit distracted with other stuff atm too) and look at that package between today and tomorrow, it has a needs-packaging bug open already, right?20:38
mhall119sure, there's no rush (yet)20:38
charlie-tcamhall119: I am still stumbling on some stuff.20:39
highvoltagewell, let's call it an end to the meeting and move back to #edubuntu20:45
highvoltagethanks for joining!20:45
alkisgThanks :)20:45
highvoltagestgraber pointed out to me that we did it an hour late20:45
highvoltageheh, indeed20:45
highvoltageI guess since a lot of us are in a timezome where we have stupid DST, we didn't really notice20:46
mhall119yeah, I didn't notice21:06
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