
ScottKkklimonda: Sounds great.00:27
ScottKkklimonda: Thanks for sticking with it.00:27
udienzhello, i want to ask about patching01:22
udienzsorry for my bad english01:23
udienzsomeone report bug and he attached patch01:23
udienzcan i apply his patch and submitting to ubuntu-motu?01:24
micahcowanFor vte: I'm a little confused as to whether I ought to branch, modify, then propose a merge against the branch mentioned by "apt-get source", or the appropriate-looking one from the "code" tab of the Ubuntu package's page.05:09
micahcowanhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/vte/ubuntu/   and   http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/vte/ubuntu/   respectively.05:10
micahcowanThey are not branches of the same code (apparently?), as they have no common ancestors, so can't be merged.05:10
ebrodermicahcowan: If apt-get source mentions a branch, it's generally better to submit patches against that, with the caveat that sometimes the branch mentioned by apt-get source is a Debian branch, not an Ubuntu branch, in which case it's probably not better05:10
ebroderOr, more succinctly, "it's complicated"05:11
micahcowan(oops, that second one ought to have been: lp:ubuntu/vte05:11
ebroderThe lp:ubuntu/foo branches are frequently (although not universally) automatically generated, so if it looks like there's an alternative branch maintained by Ubuntu folks, that's probably better05:12
micahcowanebrpder. is this sort of thing documented anywhere?05:18
ebrodermicahcowan: Not that I know of05:19
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dholbachgood morning!08:03
micahg\sh: zf is backported in the zf ppa, I'll try for an official maverick backport this weekend08:04
\shmicahg: thx a lot :)08:08
micahg\sh: np08:08
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geserkklimonda: grab http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~stgraber/%2Bjunk/sandbox/annotate/head%3A/sandbox-raw-nonetwork.c, compile it and modify line 128 of /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-buildpackage to 'echo "$DPKG_COMMANDLINE" | /usr/local/bin/sandbox-raw-nonetwork $CHROOTEXEC $SUTOUSER' (adapt the path to sandbox-raw-nonetwork as necessary)12:47
geserthat gives you a pbuilder which builds the package with no network (package download and hooks still have net access)12:49
kklimondageser: ok, thanks12:52
kklimondayay, I'm two uploads from fixing python-visual FTBFS.. it took me a month to get here..13:04
geserI hope the python2.7 plans don't interfere with your progress13:05
kklimondathat's why I have to upload it fast so it doesn't affect me! ;)13:06
kklimondathe package builds fine for both 2.6 and 2.7 - the ftbfs wasn't related to python13:07
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ScottKkklimonda: I think the work you are doing will also fix python-hildon.13:50
kklimondaScottK: no, but the fix for python-hildon looks pretty straighforward - as I'm pretty much done with python-visual (all that's left is to upload new gtkglextmm and rebuild python-visual) I can fix it14:09
ScottKkklimonda: OK.  Cool.14:09
kklimondaScottK: ugh, are we actually interested in supporting Hildon in Ubuntu? python-hildon looks mostly unmaintained at the upstream.14:22
kklimondathe last version I can find is 0.9.0 released over a year ago14:22
ScottKkklimonda: If it's in the archive it should build.  I don't care if it's removed or fixed.14:22
kklimondaok, I'll ask mvo (update-manager-hildon is the only reverse dependency) about it14:24
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kklimondaScottK: mvo has said that he's going to "kill [update-manager-hildon]" so I'll subscribe ubuntu-archive to bug 687353 after it's gone14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 687353 in python-hildon (Ubuntu) "remove python-hildon from archive" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68735314:45
ScottKkklimonda: Great.14:45
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ScottKkklimonda: python-visual just needs a retry?16:33
ScottKDone in any case.16:35
ScottKkklimonda: Thanks for all your work on this.16:35
kklimondaScottK: I think it's too soon as gtkglextmm is still building - I've unassigned myself as doko is working on it.16:37
kklimondabut yes, python-visual just needs a retry when gtkglextmm is published :)16:37
ScottKkklimonda: It'll be some time before it gets done since the builders are all very busy.16:38
ScottKIf it hits too soon, I'll retry it again.16:38
kklimondaScottK: yes, I've noticed - especially the powerpc one is swamped with jobs :)16:38
ScottKYes, but even i386 and amd64 are very behind at the moment.16:39
kklimondaoh, there are even two - but still it's not enough and they have a 40hrs+ queue16:39
ScottKpowerpc builds ~as fast as amd64, but there are more amd64 builders now, so powerpc lags.16:40
kklimondaoh? powerpc is that fast?16:43
kklimondaI've always assumed that it's also slower than i386 and amd64 - not as much as armel but still16:44
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achiangargh. debuild keeps auto-creating a patch called debian-changes-... ; i don't know how to prevent that from happening. any clues?17:36
achiang"This patch has been created by dpkg-source during the package build."...17:36
kklimondaachiang: it happens when you modify source in place17:36
coolbhaviachiang, thats created by 3.0 format17:36
coolbhavisource format*17:36
achiangkklimonda: i am modifying a package the desktop-team way, by branching their ubuntu branch with bzr. maybe that has something to do with it17:38
achiangfor the "in-place" thing17:38
kklimondaachiang: I can't really tell why have this happened to you, when I get debian-changes-... it's because I've somehow edited the source files directly as opposed to creating patches17:41
kklimondaachiang: I'd suggest checking content of this file to see what's going on17:41
achiangkklimonda: yeah. i was actually editing a patch in place. ;)17:41
achiangkklimonda: thanks, i'll go do that17:42
Rhondakklimonda: no, powerpc isn't slow. :)17:46
Rhonda… otherwise I would kill myself packaging wesnoth on it17:46
kklimondaah, good wesnoth - I remember it using all my ram and swap few years back, during one of my affairs with Gentoo.17:49
RhondaSure it was wesnoth and not the background emerge of your gentoo system? ;)17:49
kklimondawell, it may have been my highly tuned compiler flags that were the real culprit ;)17:50
mhall119what's the changelog line for closing a needs-packaging bug?17:51
kklimondamhall119: * Initial release. (LP: #XXXXXXX) is fine17:52
RhondaUsually: Initial upload (LP: #1234)  (or closes: if it was for Debian)17:52
RhondaActually dh_make should put that into your changelog already.17:52
mhall119  * Add watch file and closes bug #687431 (LP: #687431)17:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 687431 in xdg-launcher "[needs-packaging] xdg-launcher" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68743117:52
mhall119will that do?17:52
mhall119it did, but I wasn't ready to close it in the first iteration17:53
* mhall119 is still a packing noob17:53
Rhondamhall119: A bit of double information. "Add watch file (LP: #687431)" is enough. :)17:53
Rhonda… if adding the watchfile is the bug.17:54
mhall119no, the bug is the needs-packaging bug17:54
RhondaThe bug though is rather about needs-packaging, not about a missing watchfile in the package.17:54
mhall119but the last change i made to this package was adding the watch file17:54
RhondaYes, then two lines. One with " * Initial upload (LP: #687431)" and one with " * Add watchfile"17:54
mhall119  * Initial upload (LP: #687431)17:55
mhall119  * Add watch file17:55
RhondaActually the "Add watchfile" could be considered of part of the initial upload packaging efforts, so it's not a "change" per se.17:55
mhall119liek that?17:55
mhall119it's a change to the package though17:55
RhondaYou would put a add watch file line if it wasn't part of a former upload.17:55
mhall119since I built and uploaded to my ppa without the watchfile17:55
* kklimonda kisses eatmydata - my precious17:56
mhall119http://paste.ubuntu.com/541081/ is my current changelog17:56
mhall119do I need to put copyright headers on all my python and shell files?18:05
ScottKmhall119: Yes, but you needn't consider the PPA history in your debian/changelog for Ubuntu18:05
mhall119okay, I was using the same instance for both uploads18:06
mhall119is there a prefered template for source code copyright header?18:06
ScottKmhall119: It's not absolutely required as long as it's clear what the license is for everything, but it's a best practice to do so.18:06
ScottKWhat license?18:06
ScottKGPL provides one.18:06
mhall119thanks, found it18:07
mhall119is there a way to turn my current packaging directory into a proper bzr package branch?18:17
mhall119woot! no lintian complaints http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/xdg-launcher18:19
ScottKNot everyone is convinced we've figured out what a proper bzr packaging branch is.18:21
mhall119ah, ok18:22
mhall119anywhere I learn what the general setup should be like? or do I just bzr init the folder I'm using to build?18:23
ScottKMost people I know of just put /debian in bzr for packaging.18:24
mhall119what's the command to download and unpackage the upstream .tar.gz?18:25
mhall119from the watch file18:25
ebroderbarry: Wait, how were you getting it to use the i386 chroot before?18:25
mhall119or does dbuild do that if it doesn't see a local copy?18:25
ScottKmhall119: uscan18:35
mhall119what regex format does uscan use?18:54
Rhondamhall119: file $(which uscan)  # :)18:55
tilluxHi there - I'd like to upload a package to my PPA, but I need to specify certain ./configure options/parameters but I don't know how to do that, I'd be glad if someone could point out to me where to start or what to do ;)18:55
mhall119okay, got uscan working19:02
mhall119I have get-orig-source: uscan --force-download --repack --rename --destdir .19:03
mhall119in my debian/rules19:03
mhall119how to I call that?19:03
micahcowantillux, wouldn't that sort of thing go into the source package's debian/rules ?19:03
micahcowanmhall119, "debian/rules get-orig-source", probably?19:04
mhall119I assume I somehow tell debuild to run get-orig-source19:06
tumbleweedmhall119: get-orig-source is outside debuild's world, if you  are packaging in bzr, bzr bd knows to run get-orig-source19:07
tilluxmicahcowan: if you tell me so, probably, yes ;)19:07
micahcowantillux, have you built a binary package from a source package before?19:07
micahcowanOkay, so yeah, just modify your debian/rules to add the ./configure options, and then package the binary, and upload that.19:08
mhall119thanks tumbleweed, now I have other errors though19:09
mhall119fixed em19:10
tumbleweedmhall119: good :) (btw, #ubuntu-packaging is probably a better place for packaging questions)19:10
tumbleweederr, for "lots of help with packaging" a quick question is obviously fine here19:10
* micahcowan didn't know about #ubuntu-packaging19:11
mhall119I didn't know about it either, thanks19:12
mhall119can someone point me to where I can learn about submitting packages to Debian?19:52
micahcowanmhall119, completely new package, or new version of an existing package?19:52
mhall119completely new19:53
micahcowanNot really up on the details but search for info about ITP ("intent to package") bugs.19:55
mhall119ok, thanks20:00
tumbleweedmhall119: http://www.za.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/20:02
udienzmhall119: submit your package to mentors.debian.net20:03
tilluxwhat is the procedure for updating/submitting a new version of an existing pacakge to debian and then requesting a sync to ubuntu (with patches, at least it was like that for an older version of that package)?20:58
tumbleweedtillux: for the new version in debian, contact the debian maintainer of the package20:59
tumbleweedif possible get debian to include those patches, so it *can* be synced21:00
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tilluxThey might already be included, didn't check the latest version in debian. The main problem is that the package (denemo) is currently evolving quite quickly (which is why I also want to add git-weekly-(or so) builds to my launchpad ppa...)21:03
tumbleweedlaunchpad can do daily PPA builds for you21:05
tilluxtumbleweed: I didn't know that, is there some kind of instructional page somwhere?21:09
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kklimondabummers, how to create a sid chroot in pbuilder?23:06
kklimondaI get "E: Release signed by unknown key" and can't remember the fix for it23:06
micahgkklimonda: specify the keyring as an argument?23:07
tumbleweedkklimonda: install debian-archive-keyring and pass an appropriate --keyring option to debootstrap23:07
tumbleweed(pbuilder-dist knows what to do)23:07
kklimondaok, thanks23:07
micahgyou also need the natty keyring23:08
micahg*debian-archvie-keyring from natty23:08
kklimondahmm.. I don't use pbuilder-dist for some reason..23:09
kklimondaand it was a good reason but I can't remember it23:09
kklimondaI guess I'll just start using it again until I hit some problem23:10
tumbleweedI don't either, but I'm also thinking I should :) (once I get it to support mirrors)23:10
* micahg needs to get pbuilder-dist to recognize -updates, -proposed, -security, and -backports23:11
tumbleweederr yeah that too23:11
tumbleweedI currently handle that via a pbuilder hook23:12

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