Jordan_U | Hmm, the laptop discussion is right on the border of off topic. | 02:15 |
Jordan_U | (in #ubuntu) | 02:15 |
elky | * afed has quit (K-Lined) <-- orly? | 02:18 |
elky | or am i confusing with soemone else? | 02:18 |
ajmitch | is someone available to kick & ban someone from #ubuntu-devel? | 02:47 |
ajmitch | they're spam-changing the topic with racist crap | 02:47 |
IdleOne | IRCC ^^ | 02:48 |
IdleOne | staff around? | 02:49 |
ajmitch | !ops | 02:49 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler! | 02:49 |
ubottu | ajmitch called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () | 02:49 |
ajmitch | hopefully someone will be around | 02:49 |
elky | i tried | 02:49 |
tonyyarusso | topyli: | 02:49 |
ajmitch | elky: ah :( | 02:49 |
IdleOne | set +t | 02:50 |
Pici | sorry, just saw the message. | 02:51 |
IdleOne | ajmitch: done and thank you | 02:51 |
Pici | marienz: thanks. | 02:51 |
marienz | no problem, was fairly obvious | 02:54 |
marienz | hmm, although it looks like there's now some fallout about keeping it +t or not, sorry about that | 03:08 |
IdleOne | marienz: security is more important. | 03:10 |
tsimpson | marienz: don't worry about that, it's up to us to sort out :) | 03:10 |
Pici | marienz: not your fault. I would have done the same if I had reacted a minute sooner. | 03:10 |
IdleOne | I tried to op soon as I joined the channel, had I been able to I would of set +t also | 03:10 |
IdleOne | would have* | 03:11 |
marienz | the person doing it is an ongoing network-wide problem (took me a short while to remember which one) | 03:11 |
IdleOne | BTW things like that is another reason why IRCC should be on the access list in all #ubuntu* channels | 03:11 |
Pici | IdleOne: we are. But only in name it seems. We're going to follow up on this ourselves. | 03:12 |
elky | |_ocke is in a mood again | 06:26 |
elky | see -ot | 06:26 |
rww | Flannel: don't hate, he has a medical condition that means he forgets things over 13 minutes old. | 06:39 |
Myrtti | moin | 07:57 |
Tm_W | moin moin | 07:58 |
* Tm_W is recovering from fever | 07:59 | |
jussi | Huomenta | 08:04 |
Tm_W | so, how was the weekend and mon-tue in channels? | 08:06 |
Myrtti | same old, same old. | 08:07 |
elky | rww, i arrived too late and didnt have chanserv on this netbook yet :( | 08:08 |
Myrtti | I don't know how to publically answer to people who are having a problem they know is caused by a bug | 08:21 |
Tm_W | if they become trouble, simply "you know the bug report, provide information there, as here it causes nothing but a noise" or such | 08:27 |
Tm_W | after that, the normal procedure for anyone who doesn't follow the clear guidance | 08:28 |
Myrtti | "yours is a bit of a corner case and I'd be surprised if anyone here had found the answer and not publish it on that bugreport" | 08:28 |
Myrtti | anyone following the discussion on #freenode? | 09:05 |
Tm_W | not I, should? | 09:05 |
Myrtti | perhaps | 09:06 |
Tm_W | will do then | 09:06 |
Myrtti | someone has banned this person in some Ubuntu channels (uw and the project channel apparently) for sending an unsolicited CTCP request | 09:06 |
Myrtti | and now there's a great big bruhaha | 09:07 |
Myrtti | and of course being nice and all, he's sent a complaint email to Jono. | 09:07 |
Myrtti | and hell will freeze over before I join uw channels again. I take stuff too personally and stress myself way over the limit of healthy, so I have to stay out just to keep my bloodpressure in healthy levels | 09:10 |
Jordan_U | uw? | 09:10 |
Myrtti | ubuntu-women | 09:10 |
maco | because of the extra-special trolls it gets? | 09:12 |
maco | (and actually the project channel doesnt seem to get any. being logged seems to keep them away) | 09:12 |
Myrtti | maco: no, the whole subject depresses me too much. | 09:13 |
topyli | Myrtti: that's a great idea, we should document it. "if you're a very important person, you need not worry about appealing your ban like normal folks. instead, send mail to jono." :) | 09:14 |
* maco blinks | 09:15 | |
maco | wait i recall someone who went with "PM sabdfl" for that before... | 09:15 |
maco | (hmm was it PM or just highlight? either way...) | 09:15 |
topyli | heh. that's probably about as effective | 09:15 |
Tm_T | Myrtti: funny how he seemed to blame women of being overreactive when giving him some boot, when it was he initially | 09:42 |
Tm_T | or that's how I read the logs | 09:43 |
popey | s/he/she/ apparently | 09:46 |
Tm_T | popey: ? | 09:47 |
Myrtti | *shrug* | 09:47 |
popey | Tm_T: "funny how he seemed", was a she apparently | 09:47 |
Myrtti | whatever happened to the longtime standard of "lurk and see how the channel works" | 09:47 |
Tm_T | popey: ah, I'm just glad in finnish we don't need to care of such thing (he/she, just genderless words) | 09:49 |
ikonia | Bravo fro mAditya Ranjan Bisoyi on the mailing list for his application | 09:57 |
Hobbsee | indeed. one has to wonder how he managed to find, and subscribe, and post to the mailing list, yet not manage to follow the links on | 10:33 |
Myrtti | "it's a mystery!" | 10:34 |
ikonia | I AM CD OPERATOR | 10:38 |
Jordan_U | ? | 10:39 |
Myrtti | could it be cambodia? | 10:39 |
Myrtti | no... | 10:39 |
Myrtti | congo. | 10:40 |
jussi | Im guessing the fella wants a CD, and he is asking from the operators. but just me... | 10:41 |
Myrtti | has someone actually answered him and asked? | 10:41 |
ikonia | no | 10:41 |
ikonia | (as in no I've not asked) | 10:42 |
Jordan_U | I am subscribed to ubuntu-irc but I am not seeing this email. | 10:42 |
* Jordan_U wonders if there is another mailing list he should be subscribed to | 10:42 | |
jussi | Jordan_U: nah, -irc is the only one. | 10:43 |
jussi | Jordan_U: its in the announcing irc membership thread from nhandler. | 10:43 |
Myrtti | Jordan_U: | 10:43 |
Jordan_U | Myrtti: Ahh. Gmail nicely sent that to my spam folder :) | 10:44 |
* jussi has the flag not to send anything from the list to spam | 10:45 | |
* Myrtti is happy, finally got spotify links to work with Chrome and XFCE properly | 10:46 | |
* Jordan_U does also now | 10:47 | |
topyli | HI HAY SIR | 11:00 |
topyli | this is going to be my standard greeting now | 11:00 |
Myrtti | my headaches are really depressing, the painkillers that I'm allowed seem to do very little :-( | 11:03 |
topyli | :\ | 11:07 |
jrib | MORNING HAY SIR topyli | 12:17 |
topyli | HAY SIR | 12:18 |
* cdbs wonders whether people forgot !caps | 12:18 | |
cdbs | meh | 12:19 |
Myrtti | HI HAY EVERYONE | 12:22 |
cdbs | !caps | everyone | 12:26 |
ubottu | everyone: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 12:26 |
cdbs | :) | 12:26 |
Pici | :D is the caps version of :) | 12:53 |
jussi | *G* | 13:04 |
cdbs | brb | 13:04 |
Myrtti | ah, extra helping of patience is needed | 13:08 |
Myrtti | jijojohn is back with "how to make a Ubuntu live cd" | 13:08 |
Myrtti | good grief that was difficult | 13:20 |
ikonia | ? | 13:22 |
Myrtti | "I want to get this and that webcam to work" "so which applications have you tried this and that webcam" (after I checked that it may not work with Skype without the LD preload trick) "this and that webcam" "no, which application" "I've already plugged it in Ubuntu" "yes but which application, windows, skype...?" "no not Windows" "..." "yes skype" | 13:24 |
Myrtti | btw, jijojohn rejoined | 13:24 |
LjL | he can't speak | 13:25 |
LjL | gateway users are always allowed to join now | 13:25 |
LjL | but if they're banned, they can't speak | 13:25 |
ikonia | why not just ban them ? | 13:25 |
ikonia | (excuse ignorence) | 13:26 |
Pici | They are banned. But hes a webchat user. | 13:26 |
ikonia | yes, but I kicked him, I thought that put a ban on him from webcat in #ubuntu | 13:26 |
LjL | because we can't really afford putting *two* bans per person | 13:27 |
ikonia | where is the second ban coming from ? I thought kicking them just did a +b which = 1 ban | 13:27 |
LjL | it does a +b on their *real hostname* | 13:28 |
LjL | it doesn't do a +b on the *webchat* | 13:28 |
Pici | ikonia: webchat users don't land in -proxy-users anymore. They land in #ubuntu and get a +e from the bot. | 13:28 |
ikonia | Pici: ah, I'd forgot about that | 13:28 |
LjL | you can still set a webchat ban manually, if the situation warrants it (i can think of someone join/part/join/parting, or of someone spying on the channel to do PM-spam) | 13:29 |
ikonia | shame, I thought the old situation was better, | 13:30 |
Pici | ikonia: perhaps for the ops, but it was a poor situation for our users. | 13:30 |
Pici | Especially those who are using the webchat because they don't know any better. | 13:30 |
ikonia | Pici: they just got forwarded to -proxy-users then they could join #ubuntu, I didn't see that as a massive use | 13:31 |
LjL | i don't see how this is a problem in 99% of cases | 13:33 |
LjL | you see them joining, but they can't speak. they're effectively banned. | 13:33 |
Myrtti | | 13:35 |
Tm_T | hi melik2_, how can we help you? | 13:38 |
Pici | vin: Is there anything we can help you with today? | 13:40 |
melik2_ | Tm_T: | 13:41 |
melik2_ | sorry, i got forwarded here :/ | 13:42 |
* Pici blinks | 13:42 | |
LjL | i wonder where from | 13:42 |
Pici | me too | 13:43 |
vin | I tried to join some debian channel but I got here | 13:45 |
vin | sorry guys | 13:45 |
LjL | what the hell... | 13:45 |
Pici | Its not ##lessthanthree, I checked that first. | 13:45 |
LjL | is that the arch troll place? | 13:46 |
Pici | Yes. | 13:46 |
Pici | Hrm. And vin is telling me in pm that he can't tell me what channel he was trying to join because 'its a bit private' | 13:48 |
Pici | Thats concerning. | 13:48 |
LjL | i think forwards should provide a way to tell which channel the forward came from | 13:49 |
LjL | it's only fair | 13:49 |
LjL | now if freenode had a bugtracker, i'd file a bug ;) | 13:49 |
Pici | ircd7 doesn't have a bugtracker? | 13:49 |
LjL | it has a trac thing but i cannot make head or tails of it | 13:50 |
ikonia | to be honest, ask staff to help with that, I'd put money on if they do a "whois" on the useropenvms it will be a channel he is in | 13:52 |
Pici | I'm waiting for melik2_ to respond to my pm. | 13:53 |
LjL | does staff release information like that? | 13:53 |
ikonia | don't' release it | 13:53 |
ikonia | let them act on it | 13:53 |
ikonia | this user has done this before, he is the most likley candidate for continuing to do it | 13:53 |
ikonia | check it out please | 13:53 |
LjL | what would they do, it's not a crime to set a forward to a channel that accepts forwards | 13:54 |
ikonia | it's abuse | 13:54 |
ikonia | there is no reason to forward anyone to this channel beyond an ubuntu issue | 13:55 |
LjL | i don't think it should be considered network abuse | 13:55 |
LjL | if we didn't want that to happen, we wouldn't have this channel set as forward-able | 13:55 |
ikonia | I think it should | 13:55 |
Tm_T | it's abuse | 13:55 |
jussi | Ill have a word with staff to make them aware at least - please know hte staff are at your disposal also ;) | 13:55 |
kloeri | would -F'ing #ubuntu-ops be an option? I'm guessing not but that would stop random channels from being forwarded here | 14:09 |
Myrtti | hm | 14:14 |
Myrtti | my alias isn't working as it should | 14:14 |
kloeri | get a bigger one | 14:16 |
kloeri | as long as the alias is big enough clubbing users with it should work :p | 14:16 |
Myrtti | too bad I'm not really capable of debugging with this headache | 14:17 |
Pici | kloeri: I'm not really sure thats a viable option for us. We can discuss it internally some more though. | 14:17 |
kloeri | I only have a slight headache fortunately | 14:18 |
Myrtti | mine has moved a notch up to the stage where it makes me spontaneously cry at times | 14:18 |
kloeri | ouch :( | 14:19 |
IdleOne | !guidelines > ilovegrolsc | 14:55 |
IdleOne | err, bot you just saw them in the channel :/ | 14:56 |
Pici | Hes had enough warnings. He admitted that hes drunk. | 14:56 |
IdleOne | ahh | 14:57 |
IdleOne | well, Myrtti handled it :) | 14:57 |
Myrtti | please tell me that backtrack has changed their irc clients to join their IRC channels by default, not Ubuntu | 15:05 |
maco | nope | 15:05 |
Myrtti | maco: you herald of disappointing news you | 15:06 |
popey | have they been asked to? | 15:06 |
IdleOne | they should just do it without being asked | 15:06 |
popey | right | 15:06 |
popey | and we should just fix all bugs without being told about them | 15:07 |
IdleOne | I mean you create your own derivative, why not edit the autojoin channel in the irc clients | 15:07 |
popey | maybe nobody thought to? | 15:07 |
IdleOne | maybe | 15:07 |
popey | never attribute to malice.. etc | 15:07 |
IdleOne | anybody if backtrack has an -es channel? | 15:08 |
IdleOne | hmm, no answer in there :/ | 15:11 |
IdleOne | #backtrack-es for those interested | 15:11 |
=== Gary_ is now known as Gary | ||
cdbs | IRC council: Can someone please change the topic of #ubuntu+1 to include the fact that python 2.7 rebuilds are taking place and people shouldn't partial upgrade? | 15:44 |
cdbs | s/Irc Council/#ubuntu+1 operators/ | 15:45 |
IdleOne | Good morning alabd, how can I help you today? | 16:00 |
alabd | Good morning IdleOne , thanks , in fact some days ago while i-humble was saying something new to OPs about removing my user ban , someone kicked me (that was speedy action), anyway , i-humble wanted to say some | 16:02 |
alabd | some OPs have been said to me | 16:03 |
alabd | we should see your behaviour in other ubuntu-* channels | 16:03 |
alabd | now i-humble wan to say they/you can check my behaviour in ubuntu-ir from first up to now , | 16:05 |
IdleOne | alabd: I will let the ops know that you are trying to follow the rules and that they can check the logs for #ubuntu-ir. Until the ops concerned make a decision I cannot remove the ban. | 16:06 |
IdleOne | alabd: was there anything else I could help with? | 16:09 |
alabd | IdleOne: no , thanks , just be awar that for some months i-humble have not used a lot from irc channels because of my engagements | 16:12 |
alabd | so they may check log in months before now | 16:12 |
IdleOne | o.k. | 16:12 |
IdleOne | alabd: if there is nothing else please /part this channel and have a good day. | 16:14 |
alabd | IdleOne: thanks sure | 16:16 |
alabd | God bless you | 16:16 |
IdleOne | pinch of salt, a litle pepper and a whole lot of honey goes a long way (sometimes) | 16:16 |
charlie-tca | wow | 16:17 |
charlie-tca | That was good | 16:17 |
IdleOne | with alabd you have to be patient and courteous, more so then with the regular people we get in here | 16:17 |
IdleOne | all he wants is to have his say | 16:17 |
IdleOne | don't let him fool you though, he has been a thorn in #ubuntu's side for a long while | 16:19 |
charlie-tca | yes, I knew that part. I just never seen him leave so easily | 16:20 |
IdleOne | I didn't give him reason to argue. just gave him satisfaction of knowing we will look into it. | 16:20 |
IdleOne | which reminds me | 16:21 |
IdleOne | ikonia and IRCC ^^ | 16:21 |
jussi | IdleOne: Im in the channel and watching :) | 16:21 |
* Pici too | 16:22 | |
IdleOne | ah, never know with you. LURKER | 16:22 |
* Tm_T is in the channel but not watching | 16:24 | |
* IdleOne makes faces at Tm_T :P | 16:24 | |
Tm_T | (:) | 16:24 |
IdleOne | not to sure I like the nick shesaidshewas18 | 16:26 |
Tm_T | it's clear what it implies, so should be nicely asked to change | 16:26 |
* IdleOne PMs | 16:26 | |
ikonia | hello ? | 16:37 |
IdleOne | hello | 16:38 |
ikonia | oh, alabd | 16:38 |
ikonia | I've been watching him, his good behaviour is actually not speaking | 16:38 |
IdleOne | ok spoke to shesaidshewas18 and they agreed they will change nick. they parted channel. | 16:38 |
IdleOne | @mark #ubuntu shesaidshewas18 ( agreed to use more appropriate nick. | 16:39 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 16:39 |
IdleOne | ikonia: that isn't completely a bad thing :) | 16:40 |
IdleOne | need... | 16:40 |
IdleOne | I seriously need to read befor I hit enter | 17:40 |
IdleOne | see what I mean | 17:40 |
IdleOne | heh | 17:40 |
jpds | Haha, I love how idoru killed the freenode donatation spam. | 17:47 |
Myrtti | has been faster in the past | 17:48 |
Pici | It all happened within a second though. | 17:48 |
Myrtti | [19:49] < hylian> Dr_Willis, incorrect. i have installed ubuntu on many machines. it does not ask you for a passowrd as of 9.10. it uses root, i know this to be a 100% certainty. | 17:50 |
Pici | 'it'? | 17:50 |
jpds | Ha. | 17:50 |
IdleOne | that is 100% lie | 17:50 |
jpds | Pici: Le installeur. | 17:50 |
Myrtti | oh, key chain password | 17:51 |
Myrtti | I blame the naps | 17:52 |
Myrtti | although my headache is a bit more bearable now | 17:52 |
jpds | 17:56:34 [Freenode] [ ~TiMiDo! ] fuck you dumb fucking ubuntu loser, | 17:57 |
IdleOne | you got a new fan | 17:57 |
Myrtti | awwww cute ♥ | 17:57 |
IdleOne | TiMiDo and student, same ident | 18:00 |
Myrtti | same cloak too? | 18:00 |
IdleOne | he wasn't cloaked before | 18:00 |
Myrtti | ooer, so I see | 18:00 |
IdleOne | not my first trip to the rodeo :) | 18:00 |
Myrtti | isn't using a cloak to banevade against the TOS? | 18:00 |
IdleOne | yes | 18:01 |
Pici | I can result in having your cloak taken away. | 18:01 |
Myrtti | fun | 18:02 |
IdleOne | what happened to the java6-* packages | 18:09 |
LjL | they're in partner | 18:09 |
IdleOne | I don't see them and yes partner repo is enabled | 18:09 |
LjL | oh | 18:09 |
LjL | maybe Oracle is not a partner ;( | 18:09 |
IdleOne | Oracle sux | 18:09 |
Pici | IdleOne: I don't see them published for natty | 18:10 |
IdleOne | right | 18:10 |
Pici | Maybe they're in that extras repo? | 18:10 |
IdleOne | I'm running natty | 18:10 |
IdleOne | I don't have the extras repo enabled | 18:10 |
charlie-tca | they almost never show up before rc, do they? | 18:10 |
IdleOne | not that I have any java issues with whatever is installed | 18:10 |
Pici | IdleOne: I don't see it in there anyway. Only one package. | 18:11 |
IdleOne | Pici: daily-journal right? | 18:12 |
Pici | yeah | 18:12 |
IdleOne | k | 18:13 |
Pici | bleh | 18:17 |
Pici | I hope we don't see more of those sort of questions. | 18:19 |
IdleOne | we will | 18:19 |
IdleOne | besides if you need to ask how to DDoS you really shouldn't be doing it | 18:20 |
st__ | and? | 18:24 |
LjL | st__: hi... so it didn't invite you? i see it thanked you for giving the correct answer though, or is that another time? | 18:25 |
st__ | LjL, it did, but no invitation was given, i typed answer in channel and floodbot4 gave invitation | 18:25 |
IdleOne | it doesn't invite | 18:25 |
IdleOne | it told you to /join #ubuntu | 18:25 |
LjL | sure it does | 18:25 |
IdleOne | it does? | 18:25 |
IdleOne | oh, sorry | 18:26 |
IdleOne | never mind me then | 18:26 |
st__ | i did but was rejected for +r | 18:26 |
LjL | st__: wait, i don't follo wyou - no invitation was given, but bot4 gave invitation...? | 18:26 |
LjL | so was there an invitation or not? | 18:26 |
st__ | not until I re-typed answer | 18:26 |
LjL | so you had to type it twice? | 18:27 |
st__ | yes | 18:27 |
st__ | I whispered it first time, but had to type 2nd | 18:27 |
Pici | It doesn't accept whispers. | 18:27 |
LjL | whispered, you mean PM'd it to the bot? | 18:27 |
st__ | yes | 18:27 |
LjL | Pici: it does | 18:27 |
LjL | it should, anyway | 18:27 |
Pici | I'm testing. | 18:28 |
Myrtti | LjL: congratulations on deciphering him | 18:29 |
Pici | LjL: Thanks. I forgot that. | 18:30 |
LjL | Pici: i tested too, it invited me just fine. now i'm suspecting he PM'd the wrong bot... | 18:30 |
LjL | which, uhm, i guess is a bug | 18:30 |
Pici | LjL: Plus I somehow thought I was talking to IdleOne a moment ago. not you. | 18:30 |
* Pici prods his brain with a pencil | 18:31 | |
LjL | since the opped bot in #ubuntu doesn't have to be the one speaking in -unregged | 18:31 |
* IdleOne looks in Pici ear | 18:31 | |
IdleOne | nothing to see there :) | 18:31 |
* LjL works around it by making the bot reply "please say it in the channel instead" | 18:31 | |
Pici | IdleOne: | 18:32 |
IdleOne | I see, I should of been looking up your nose | 18:33 |
IdleOne | mybad | 18:33 |
Pici | yep | 18:33 |
Myrtti | hoooooo, that makes me sneeze | 18:36 |
IdleOne | what would be a valid date format for at? | 18:47 |
IdleOne | yeah I looked at man | 18:47 |
IdleOne | hello again alabd | 18:47 |
alabd | IdleOne: hello | 18:48 |
IdleOne | How can I help you? | 18:48 |
alabd | Could you investigate issue ? | 18:50 |
IdleOne | I informed the ops concerned and they will look at the logs, give them a few days to decide | 18:50 |
ikonia | what issue ? | 18:50 |
alabd | IdleOne: thanks but would you ask them investigate sooner , i-humble am almost in hurry | 18:52 |
Pici | alabd: Its not going to get done now. | 18:52 |
IdleOne | alabd: things take time to be resolved, you must be patient. | 18:52 |
Pici | alabd: You aren't going to get into #ubuntu today. | 18:52 |
Pici | alabd: Anyway, those logs you suggested have only 3 lines spoken by you between 12/1 and now. | 18:53 |
alabd | Pici: IdleOne not today but if it is possible 24 hours later | 18:53 |
alabd | will be thankfull | 18:53 |
IdleOne | alabd: I cannot promise. you can return in 24 hours and ask for an update. | 18:54 |
ikonia | actually - dont | 18:54 |
ikonia | 24 hours will not have the ban removed | 18:54 |
ikonia | sitting in a channel for a few days not speaking is not showing good behaviour | 18:54 |
alabd | ikonia: Pici i-humble have told IdleOne that in these month cause of my busy , so you may check months before that i-humble was there for answering beginners questions ... | 18:57 |
ikonia | this is a complete waste of time | 18:57 |
ikonia | alabd: this has been explained to you multiple times | 18:57 |
ikonia | the fact that you refuse to accept it and keep trying to argue it will just make the ban last longer | 18:57 |
Pici | ikonia: please. | 18:57 |
ikonia | Pici: we give this guy so much time and effort to have it wasted | 18:58 |
IdleOne | alabd: like I said the ops concerned will discuss it and will come to a decision as soon as they can. | 18:58 |
IdleOne | I can't give you an amount of time. | 18:58 |
Pici | ikonia: pm | 18:58 |
cdbs | alabd: You were here on this channel a few hours earlier as well, I think you should wait a bit more, IdleOne seems to be looking into the matter properly | 18:59 |
alabd | IdleOne: thanks , yes just wanted to remind you these lately months i-humble was not active in ubuntu-ir so you may notice ops , thanks again for your attentions cdbs Pici ikonia | 19:00 |
alabd | IdleOne: god bless you | 19:00 |
IdleOne | you are welcome, have a good day. | 19:00 |
alabd | you too | 19:01 |
Pici | hm | 19:01 |
Pici | I'll make a note to at least ask him what he plans to use #ubuntu for, because if its the same nonsense as before, its not going to happen. | 19:02 |
IdleOne | This guy is not going to quit like ikonia said. IRCC needs to come to a firm decision so we can either ban him for good or keep seeing him in here. | 19:02 |
ikonia | as I mentioned before, alabd is lying about the ubuntu version he's using | 19:02 |
IdleOne | Pici: thank you, | 19:02 |
Pici | I need to check my logs to see what we exactly said. | 19:02 |
ikonia | it's a very mofidied version | 19:02 |
ikonia | based on his discussion in ##linux which is why they won't support him much because it's a total mess | 19:02 |
ikonia | he would not get support in #ubuntu for it anyway according to the support guidelines | 19:03 |
jussi | genii-around: you are back!!!! | 19:52 |
genii-around | jussi: Marginally :) | 19:52 |
jussi | how are things? are you better? | 19:53 |
genii-around | jussi: I just got back to work from sick leave 2 days ago | 19:53 |
* Pici slides genii-around a coffee | 19:55 | |
Pici | genii-around: good to have you back | 19:55 |
genii-around | Pici: Thanks! | 19:56 |
Mamarok | hei genii-around, nice to see you :) | 19:57 |
* Myrtti huggles genii-around | 19:57 | |
genii-around | Thanks everyone. I do not know yet when I will be back entirely. this is why I am using my -around nick. | 19:59 |
Pici | rt ticket filed. | 20:25 |
rww | Pici: about what? | 22:49 |
ubottu | In ubottu, BigBoy said: !foo is bar | 22:50 |
ubottu | In ubottu, BigBoy said: !abcd is alphabet | 22:50 |
LjL | rww: about ubuntulog not being in #ubuntu, i think | 22:51 |
rww | ah | 22:53 |
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