
hajourlike ubuntu chat choose the color of the font and background00:00
hajouri now i sometimes ask difficult things :P00:00
OmegaI think that's doable too.00:02
OmegaMuscovy: Hey, there are two accessibility team people here, hajour and phillw and we're discussing the tour.00:02
OmegaAnd improvements.00:02
hajourand the speak program .you gonna put speak command in it to?00:03
hajourhai Muscovy00:03
OmegaThey asked if there could be a option to select the font size and colour.00:03
MuscovyI see no reason why not.00:03
MuscovyThe font is already a little on the small size.00:03
hajouryes i already have say that :))00:04
hajouri cant read it00:04
hajouro and what will help for bad sight is to choose contrasting colors00:06
hajourfor the00:06
hajouraplications /picture s00:06
hajourhope i have say it right00:07
hajourand not to smal00:07
MuscovyI understand.00:07
hajourok :)00:08
MuscovyPerhaps have a mode that uses the Large Print font for the images?00:08
hajourthats a good idea00:08
Muscovy"High Contrast Large Print", that's the theme I mean.00:08
hajourbecause i could not read it.i dont know ore the words are simple ore difficult00:09
hajourso i cant say something about that00:09
hajourbut general i found that the design  looked good00:11
MuscovyThanks for mentioning the visibility issues.00:12
MuscovyI don't know much of the code involved, but I;ll talk to our programmer about it.00:12
hajourthank you for the explain and for working with the accessibility team together00:13
hajourit was nice to talk to you both s00:14
OmegaThe pleasure is ours :)00:15
* phillw thanks guys, I was watching, but hajour is far better at discussing needs - I just code to them :)00:15
hajourand if there are questions i am a lot in lubuntu-offtopic,00:15
hajourbye :)00:16
MuscovyDoing the font stuff shouldn't be hard.00:17
phillwindeed not, it's just getting the python part to arrow to the correct area, colours and fonts are easily handled in css00:18
MuscovyScreenshots is a bit of extra work, but I bet I could get through the whole set in a good few hours.00:19
MuscovyOr less.00:19
MuscovyI tend to add screenshots erraticly.00:19
phillwMuscovy: there is no desperate rush, we all just need to be aware that accessibility has finally (at long last) been addressed as an issue that ubuntu needs to take on board. Having Manuèla on board to help has kick started projects that had previously gone stale.00:21
phillwShe told me off earlier for my forum area. So I'm about to get a new skin for that as well :P00:22
phillwI also tend to lurk on #lubuntu-offtopic as we have people from various teams pop on there for a chat, so do not be afraid to pop on - we do not bite :)00:25
MuscovyI'll keep that in mind. :)00:25
phillwIf there's any help I can  give you people, then do please ask. I'm not good at html, as I code to xhtml-strict because it allows me to put in the accessibility stuff more easily. I'm okay at css and can offer free hosting for not for profit ubuntu teams.00:27
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