
seidosanyone want to help me brush up on my one liners and tag lines?01:08
jtatumthe seidos abides linux. zing!01:09
MarkDudeubuntu is the Zulu word for *cant install Debian*01:09
MarkDudeLike that?01:09
MarkDude2 penguins waddle into a bar....01:10
seidosbut...that's absurd!01:11
seidosi guess one liners are basically for fun.01:12
seidosso...creativity is key.01:12
seidosmeh-tah linux is namaste good fun01:12
seidosubuntu is about community.01:13
seidosso i can basically say anything i want to a question even if it doesn't go with the flow?01:13
DarkwingDuckcomputers are like air conditioning... it becomes useless when you open windows01:13
seidoscomputers are like air conditioning, it becomes inefficient when you open windows01:14
seidosyour mom uses linux.01:14
seidoshmmm, that's pushing it01:14
seidosyour mom uses linux <pause> on her cell phone.01:15
pleia2I know we're joking, but on the serious side insulting the industry leader that everyone has been using "fine" for years will only make us look like zealots :)01:15
seidosi thought people liked zealots...01:15
seidosi suppose zealotry without mudslinging01:15
pleia2I prefer to frame the linux discussion away from comparing to others, discuss useful, free (good for our struggling school system!)01:15
jledbetterI agreed with pleia2 but I still chuckled.01:16
MarkDudeDid you hear about the Buddhist that walked up to a hotdog vendor and asked him to; *make him One with Everything* ?01:16
* MarkDude 's Mom used Linux01:17
MarkDudeJust like his Grandma does01:17
seidosyeah.  did you hear the the hot dog vendor asked "what about your change?" and he responded with "change comes from within"01:17
* jledbetter uses Linux.01:17
pleia2Christian loves android, so I'm sure if he can he'll get a word in about it using the linux kernel01:17
seidosmy mom used linux on her desktop, now she only uses it on her cell phone :|01:17
MarkDudeMy Mom died a few years ago01:17
MarkDudeIts what it is01:17
jtatumand then the hot dog vendor asked if he wanted a spoon. but of course there is no spoon.01:17
seidos...may peace be upon her01:18
MarkDudejledbetter, hugs back01:18
pleia2jtatum: uuugggh01:18
MarkDudeseidos,  she had a wicked sense of humor01:18
seidosthe hot dog vendor should just say "there is no spoon"01:18
MarkDudeNo the vendor should just say Mu01:19
seidosmy uncle passed in '07.  he was a very energetic dude.  he was the father figure for me growing up.01:19
pleia2you guys are too much :)01:19
seidosalways happy...always positive.01:19
* seidos uses spirit fingers to bring in the good vibes01:19
pleia2my father passed away 6 years ago today :(01:20
* MarkDude just did a data recovery for my Sister, I have lots more pics of my Mom01:20
* pleia2 just noticed the date01:20
seidosmy dad just turned 60...mom will be 61 in january.  clock is ticking...for everyone01:20
MarkDudeBefore my Uncle died, my Mom and him were joking about taking him to a raiders game *after* he died01:21
pleia2yeah, my mother turns 60 this month01:21
MarkDudeLike Weekend at Bernies01:21
seidosdeath doesn't bother me so much...pain and what might come after does.01:21
pleia2no wait01:21
pleia2she turns 5001:21
DarkwingDuckafter? there is no after01:21
pleia2and she will kill me when she reads the logs :)01:21
pleia2(luckily she doesn't)01:21
MarkDudeSense of humor is key01:21
MarkDudepleia2, 's mom, the cougar?01:22
seidosbadgers, we don't need no stinking badgers.01:22
pleia2MarkDude: yes, her boyfriend is 34 :)01:22
pleia2(my ex husband is 35! it was weird!)01:22
* MarkDude 's Dad still rocks a Fu Manchu and he is like 60 or sumthin01:23
* MarkDude feels leery about dating when I am old enough to be their dad01:23
seidoswhat do you guys think of this one, yay or nay "ubuntu for president"01:24
pleia2ubuntu wasn't born in the US and isn't old enough01:24
seidosit all sounds so *brilliant* in my own head01:24
MarkDude*Fear the Penguin*01:24
MarkDudepleia2, good points01:24
seidosthe penguin fears batman01:25
jtatumwow. this sounds like must see tv01:25
seidosif Bill Gates dons a cowl we may be in trouble.01:25
akk"ubuntu for president" doesn't make much sense to me01:25
seidosit just sounds like the ravings a fanatic, doesn't it?01:26
seidosmaybe that's the point though.  i'm actually trying to think of one liners that i'm actually a fan of.01:27
seidosor sound bites, rather.01:27
seidosi see it all as marketing games.01:27
seidosah ha!  i think i have one.  "i like my technology like i like my people, open and honest."02:04
MarkDudethat is a good quote seidos02:56
seidosi can think of a counter MarkDude :(02:56
pleia2seidos: oh hey, you coming out to the SF ubuntu hour tomorrow night?02:56
seidos"open" may sound "insecure" to some people T_T02:56
MarkDudeseidos, ok transparent02:57
* MarkDude is talking at Penlug about F1402:57
pleia2I thought larry was02:57
MarkDudeThose people are hella professional02:57
MarkDudepleia2, well it appears they got an upgrade :D02:58
* MarkDude kids02:58
MarkDudeHe has to work02:58
pleia2oh no, I like larry more than you02:58
pleia2I've only been to penlug once, I have to rent a zipcar to get there02:59
pleia2(the one time I went was when I met up with a fellow linuxchix member who was heading down)02:59
MarkDudeI have been twice02:59
pleia2akk was doing a presentation, that was when I met her too :)03:00
MarkDudegrantbow, was asked to answer a few questions - even tho he was just an audience member- he is that badass03:00
MarkDudeHmm, I need to practice a bit03:01
seidosoh man, i just tried to do the one liner to my dad, and i blanked.03:12
seidosi'm going to have chant it or something03:12
MarkDudenothing like telling a joke like a 5 year old :) the ol' wait,wait  I forgot this part03:16
seidosi managed to get it out after like 5 seconds03:16
seidosit's the fear of failure, it actually causes failure or something :o03:17
MarkDudeDont do self creating realities03:18
* MarkDude tries to ignore those03:18
MarkDudeNot chanting it tho, as much as practicing it with a rhythm, you'll be able to deliver the lie just fine03:19
seidosit is not a lie!03:23
seidosgreat, now i am speaking to your unconscious03:23
MarkDudeum line03:25
MarkDudeor the cake03:25
MarkDudeYou should be able to deliver the cake03:25
MarkDudepleia2, did you see that cake we had at saxbys?03:29
MarkDudeNot a ckewreck03:29
MarkDudeor cakewreck03:30
pleia2I hate it when I miss cake :(03:30
* MarkDude wants to do some orange colored cupcakes for the next Ubuntu release03:31
pleia2I've never made ubuntu cookies, I don't know why, I used to love to make christmas sugar cookies03:31
pleia2oh that's lovely!!03:31
MarkDudeThe people at Safeway were smart they ignored me when I said make it all blue03:32
pleia2strawberries :)03:32
MarkDudeChris was laughing as I described it03:32
MarkDudei had 2 people on the phone asking them questions03:32
pleia2I can see that03:32
MarkDudeIt was far more complicated then I imagined03:33
pleia2"I want a giant blue F"03:33
MarkDudeAnd all I had was the tattoos03:33
MarkDudeso one of the bakers still had it on when we picked up the cake03:34
MarkDudeCustomer wants large F and strawberries03:34
MarkDudeWhat about cupcakes with whales?03:35
MarkDudeOr orange frosting, and jono heads in the center :D03:36
pleia2I think that's your department03:36
MarkDudeI just dont know how to do a whale- without doing a *whale tail*03:37
MarkDudeSo orange frosting- made with real oranges, and white ubuntu frosting logo sounds most common sensical03:38
pleia2now I really want to make ubuntu frosted sugar cookies, maybe I'll get my act together to get it done for the partimus fundraiser next week03:43
MarkDudeThat would be awesome03:45
MarkDudeDid you see Christians invite to that TV thing next week?03:45
pleia2yeah, I spoke to Christian about it a few days ago and then nudged him to post to the -us-ca list today03:46
MarkDudeWell I can do that if no one else will03:48
MarkDudeShould I wear the suit?03:48
akkMaybe ... not this time. :)03:48
pleia2I don't think they'd let you in :)03:49
pleia2I just learned that there is putty for linux03:49
DarkwingDuckMarkDude: you around?03:51
DarkwingDuckLicencing question :D03:51
DarkwingDuckor, however it's spelled03:52
* DarkwingDuck notes to istall a spell check in irssi03:52
pleia2you need it03:52
DarkwingDuckYeah I know03:52
DarkwingDuckinstall BAH03:52
DarkwingDuckIf someone has a prodect that is ASL or GPL and they change it when they push the software the source needs to be released along with it correct?03:53
DarkwingDuckthat was ASL.GPL03:54
akkYou can change the license for future versions if you're the copyright owner, but existing code that's already out there under an open license doesn't stop being open.03:55
akk(unless you're rich and have more lawyers than the other side, in which case, whatever you say, goes)03:55
seidoswouldn't you also need a judge in your pocket too?03:56
DarkwingDuckSo, if I have something that is GPL/ASL and I modify it I can change the copyright03:56
akkIf all the code is yours, yes.03:56
DarkwingDuck*nods* Or, changes to the code03:57
akkYou can't take someone else's GPL code and relicense it.03:57
akkEven if you modify parts of it.03:57
seidosdoes that mean if google's modified apache gets leaked, that it's free and open?03:57
pleia2this is why copyright ownership is such a major issue03:57
akkseidos: I believe so, if it's "published".03:58
pleia2seidos: no, "leaked" is not the same thing as "shipped"03:58
pleia2or whatever the specific term is03:58
DarkwingDuckSo, modifying ASL/GPL is still 100% ASL/GPL03:58
akkI think "publication" is what matters for copyright, but it's not entirely clear what that means.03:58
seidos"published" isn't the same as "shipped" either03:58
seidosposted to wikileaks!  \o/03:58
MarkDudeHey there terror that flaps in the night- what ya got?04:28
MarkDudenUboon2Age, your video has more than 200 views on the Youtube channel07:23
MarkDudeI finally found the backup of my slides btw07:49
MarkDudeSo I have UW in my channels for chat, I just noticed it is not going here anymore :(08:06
MarkDudeApparently it hooks me up with #ub tho08:06
MarkDudeIt is ignoring the last few channels I have in my network list for freenode08:09
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
MarkDudeGood morning Cali17:21
jamalmorning :)18:15
* MarkDude has decided to take a page from jtatum 's book - and have his slides ready and posted before the talk18:16
MarkDudeOf course, there are too many pics of Penguins18:17
jamalMarkDude: Where are you doing a talk?18:17
MarkDudeLarry had to work, so I am filling in18:19
* MarkDude is stoked, this will be the 1st talk I am able to offer GidgetKitchen's FOSS computer lab for any local events18:20
MarkDudeIf anyone has a local FOSS event let me know if you would like some laptops brought, for people to check emails, or maybe just to try Linux18:21
MarkDudeIt can be done with or *without* the Penguin suit18:21
jtatumthat's exciting MarkDude :)18:24
MarkDudeWell it is 3 pretty fast computers, way more if P3 would be ok18:25
MarkDudeIt is modeled after how FreeGeek does theirs18:25
MarkDudeIt is really nice to have momentum again, I felt like I was really spinning my wheels last year18:26
seidosto 118:55
seidosthose are some crazy odds18:55
MarkDudeseidos, is *e* a number or numeral?19:01
MarkDudeshh pleia2 I was hoping to hear more form seidos on what the odds were in relation to, sounds like some C3PO stuff19:11
seidosC3PO says 4370 to 1 i think...19:14
seidoswell, it's definitely under 5000 to 119:14
MarkDudeOk, odds of what tho?19:20
MarkDudeToo many pics of penguins?19:21
akkThat last one really doesn't look like a penguin unless you know what it is -- looks more like just another silly mark picture.19:25
MarkDudeakk, good point.19:26
MarkDudeLuckily I have roughly 1 million other penguin pics :)19:27
=== crashsystems1 is now known as crash|partyhat
jledbetterThat is definitely penguinified!19:45
MarkDudeakk is correct, I will use a better pic at the end19:48
jledbetterMarkDude, Did you love penguins before you loved Linux or was it the other way around?19:57
* MarkDude was always amused about penguins, ever since childhood19:58
MarkDudeLinux is to blame for my fascination tho19:59
MarkDudelets just say I would not be running around with a penguin suit if I did not relate to my field of endeavor19:59
pleia2I just love animals20:09
pleia2(so I use ubuntu!)20:09
MarkDudeSpeaking of animals,  Jono has a live Ustream happening now; http://www.ustream.tv/channel/severed-fifth-live-in-the-studio20:16

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