
_pg_so I had working wireless on my dell mini 9 lubuntu 10.10, and the I didnt. the driver install fails hard. can anyone help? (keywords: b43, bcmwl kernel source, firemware b43 installer)03:05
_pg_its on a usb install, not a live one, and seemed to work until I updated some ssl stuff it asked to update. now it is all broken :(03:06
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
kosaidpohello guys13:27
kosaidpohow in my hosts file i have this vhost site but every boot the file re-generated how can i avoid this13:28
kosaidpoany idea guys ??13:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
wolfganghow would you change the digital clock format from 24hr to 12hr in lubuntu?14:13
head_victimwolfgang: my Lubuntu pc is in parts in the lounge at the moment so I can't confirm but http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/1029/ has a few ideas.14:15
head_victimIt shows it MAY be to do with your locale, have you used normal Ubuntu and been able to change it?14:15
bioterrornobody helped :(14:25
bioterror%I:%M%p or something like that14:25
head_victimbioterror: yeah I don't have a Lubuntu up at the moment, making it hard to help out too much :/14:35
head_victimBut you're right from memory I'm now recalling right click gives you the access to the internals rather than the pretty gui stuff on gnome.14:35
head_victimI have seen locales bugger that stuff up previously though so I think that's why I went for it :/14:37
GaryDhello all....i am in need of some help...gnome-mplayer will start to play videos, but soon after the video starts, the screen goes black. i have searched around, but can't find exactly what to do...thanks in advance for helping!15:28
rahermosillachi there, anyone can help? please17:07
AndrewMC!ask | rahermosillac17:08
ubot5rahermosillac: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:08
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as CharlesB
rahermosillacso how can i change some keybindings?17:11
=== CharlesB is now known as hawtbhavi
AndrewMCrahermosillac: please state your whole issue so someone may be able to help a little better17:12
rahermosillacI need to change the action of the "Prt Sc" key. By default, this key is used by scrot, so i need to change it for use by another program17:14
AndrewMC!keybinding > rahermosillac17:20
ubot5rahermosillac, please see my private message17:20

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