
cozziemotohey guys...how would I enable autologon  via command line?00:18
cozziemotorecent gdm updates do not allow me to logon to the system  via gdm  however i can log on in text console00:18
aromanis compiz 0.9 going to be part of natty/unity?00:26
cozziemotoaroman,   yes it is00:26
Pici!info compiz00:26
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (natty), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB00:26
cozziemotoanyone have a command to enabled  autologin00:27
cozziemototo enable00:27
jamaltacozziemoto: you sure autologin would fix the issue?00:29
jamaltait seems to be something crashing after login00:29
cozziemotojamalta,  well I can log into text console with no issues00:30
cozziemotojamalta,  it is only at the gdm login screen that it doesnt work00:31
cozziemotojamalta, this started after a few gdm updates00:31
jamaltacozziemoto: i believe its related to the fact that python was upgraded to 2.7 but all packages haven't been rebuilt yet00:31
jamaltaall packages that use python00:32
jamaltai don't think it's gdm crashing00:32
jamaltabut i can't say for sure00:32
cozziemotojamalta,  and on natty   I am not finding  /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf00:32
jamaltawell, we're both stuck in the same state00:32
jamaltathe topic warns not to upgrade, but kinda late for us :\00:32
cozziemotojamalta,  ah ok this has happened to you also?00:32
cozziemotoI can get to text console just fine00:32
jamaltacozziemoto: yes00:35
jamaltaand i can login on a tty as well00:35
cozziemotooy... well this may offer me the opportunity to test something else00:35
cozziemotobacktrack or  freebsd  or maybe sabayon   mm maybe not sabayon :)00:35
Volkodavwhat's up wuth ubuntu-desktop removal ?00:35
VolkodavI mean when we will know it is ok to upgrade ?00:36
cozziemotoI have non idea00:38
cozziemotono not non00:38
cozziemotodamn fingers00:38
* Volkodav just did partial upgrade and removed ubuntu-desktop and only then saw the topic about upgrade 00:38
Volkodavwill not reboot until the upgrade comes along00:39
cozziemotoVolkodav,  i can reboot  fine but i cant log on  except via text console00:42
VolkodavI did the recovery mode logged in and starx00:44
Volkodavno clue what happens this time00:44
Volkodavdepends how long it takes for python to rebuild00:45
Volkodava lot of apps out there00:45
joseefrainpbhola disculpen me recomendaron este canal para hacer preguntas sobre unity03:13
joseefrainpbalguno lo tiene instalado?03:13
GullstadI would probly agree to that.03:13
dmb_so... who broke the python?03:14
* dmb_ blames Gullstad03:14
GullstadI would probly agree to that too! :)03:15
=== Gullstad is now known as Meeko
MTecknology!info bitlbee04:11
ubottubitlbee (source: bitlbee): An IRC to other chat networks gateway (default version). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-1 (natty), package size 252 kB, installed size 548 kB04:11
MTecknology!info bitlbee maverick04:11
ubottubitlbee (source: bitlbee): An IRC to other chat networks gateway. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.8-1 (maverick), package size 324 kB, installed size 808 kB04:11
dan2is there a way to download daily ubuntu images with jigdo?05:12
dan2man cdimage.ubuntu.com is dreadfully slow05:23
c2tarunI was setting up a virtual box env of natty to reproduce some bugs. i got an error, can anyone help me with setting up the environment please.05:47
histojust create a new machine what is the issue?05:55
histoor what is the error I should say?05:56
c2tarunhisto: i created the new machine, error i m getting is [!!] Select and install software   An installation step failed....05:56
histoc2tarun: who know may be an issue with the installer?05:57
histowhat type of machine type did you specify?05:58
c2tarunhisto: sorry i m not getting, what do you mean by machine type.05:58
histoIn the settings for the machine. The general settings os type?05:58
histoc2tarun: and what installer are you using alternate or the main desktop iso?05:59
c2taruni m using alternate iso and how can i check the settings i m stuck at the error. :(06:00
histoc2tarun: well you can hit alt+F4 to maybe get some more info on what the installer is trying to do06:02
histoc2tarun: and I dont' think you can check the settings while the machine is running.06:02
c2tarunhisto: i can show you the screenshot of my error screen, may be that way u can help me. you want to see??06:03
histoc2tarun: yeah pastebin it06:04
histoc2tarun: or where ever imgbin06:04
c2tarunhisto: ya just a second06:05
c2tarunhisto: i never used imgbin before, can u give me link to it.06:06
histo!paste | c2tarun06:06
ubottuc2tarun: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:06
histoc2tarun: click continue and try to run the step again06:08
histoc2tarun: also hit alt+f4 and check the output on that console. You can get back by alt+F106:09
c2tarunhow can i show u the output on console??06:09
histoc2tarun: what was it trying to do? tasksel06:10
c2taruncheck this06:12
histoyeah hit continue it will take you back to the menu06:14
histoinstaller blew up for some reason06:14
c2tarunok. so what option should i select in menu??06:14
histoselect and install packages or whatever it's called the step that failed06:17
c2tarunnow i m getting three options 1. no automatic update 2. Install security updates automatically 3. Manage system with landscape06:18
histookay that's up to you06:19
c2tarunok, so i m going with the first06:19
c2tarunagain same error. going with 2nd option now06:20
c2tarunagain same error . going with third option now06:20
c2tarunhisto: same error with all the three options :(06:20
* rww peers at /topic06:21
rwwsudo apt-get upgrade is a bad idea right now?06:21
rwwor does it mean 10.10 -> 11.0406:21
c2tarunrww: are u saying to me??06:22
historww: No I would hold off on upgrading06:22
rwwhisto: This doesn't help me with which meaning of "upgrade" you and the /topic mean ;)06:23
historww: don't install updates at this time06:24
histoDon't know how else to epxlain it06:24
rwwhisto: alrighty. thanks06:24
histoDo what you want06:24
rwwgenerally, "update" means installing updates within an Ubuntu version and upgrade means going from one version to another. Thus, using upgrade to mean update was confusing me. I am now unconfused :)06:25
c2tarunhisto: i selected next step, that was grub installation. now i have a problem. system rebooted and opened into command prompt. no gnome :(06:25
histoc2tarun: idd you install ubuntu-desktop or just a command line system?06:26
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | UDS Summaries: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSProceedings/N/ | Release Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Happy Bug Hunting! | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Alpha 1 Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1 | Python 2.7 rebuilds are happening now, please wait with updates/upgrades until the rebuilds are done.
histoc2tarun: I would redo you install something got messed up it could be with hte updates they are working on right now.06:26
IdleOnebetter? less confusing?06:26
* rww offers IdleOne a narwhal-shaped cookie06:26
IdleOnethank you06:26
histoIdleOne: what me?06:27
c2tarunbefore this box i have a chroot env with command prompt. i installed this virtual box so that i dont have to install ubuntu-desktop. :( i m circled back to the same situation06:27
historww: well I was speaking in the sense of apt. You don't apt-get update to install new packages06:28
IdleOnehisto: I meant the topic :)06:28
histoc2tarun: I'm confused by what you are doing?06:28
histoc2tarun: Are you installing 11.04 on a virtualbox or not?06:28
c2tarunhisto: yup06:28
c2tarunon a virtualbox06:29
histoThen what are you talking about chroot'ng?06:29
c2taruni also have a chroot env of natty on my system. i was just telling that on that chroot also i dont have any desktop Env, and on this virtual box env also i dont have and DE. anyway, leave i better fix some confirmed bugs than trying to reproduce them :(06:31
F3RR1Shey nit-wit how are things today?07:00
F3RR1Syou here to help tonight?07:01
nit-witF3RR1S, peachy when I can avoid the ms trolls on #windows07:01
nit-witF3RR1S, if I can sure07:02
F3RR1SI am good tonight... finally got my refresh settings correct... now I can watch some decent videos07:02
nit-witF3RR1S, anything even resembling a MS slight and there all over you, hey personally I don't care what OS anybody uses, just that they know some basic stuff07:03
nit-witF3RR1S, was it the youtube  resolution07:03
F3RR1Syeah... I will have to take a look at #windows07:03
nit-witF3RR1S, yesterday I was helping somebody that had a 320 gig HD with only 40 gigs left, they had just deleted the E partition and wanted to merge C with it, I just mentioned that a HD should be about 30% empty for optimal use this is common knowledge and We were interrupted by a user wanting proof from MS07:06
F3RR1Sthat is ridiculous07:07
nit-witF3RR1S, I asked the interrupter if this was they best time and they said something just plain stupid so I was just see yah07:08
nit-witthe best time07:08
F3RR1Sit is unfortunate for people to go there for help and get lame answers.07:08
nit-witF3RR1S, it was the time that they had to interrupt that was ridiculous, the user who deleted the E partition was not really following a safe protocol with that either they thought they could merge 2 partitions across another07:10
nit-witF3RR1S, the day before it was a System Administrator setting me straight that W7 could be run with no password just uac07:12
nit-witF3RR1S, in the admin account07:12
timushi all07:12
nit-wittimus, yoh I'm just complaing sorry07:13
timusi just updated my 11.04 Alpha... can't login... it goes back to GDM07:13
timusany advice?07:13
F3RR1Shey timus... how are you doing?07:13
timusdoing fine07:13
timus11.04 by the way is running in VBox guest07:14
nit-wittimus, I just saw a thread on this at the UF, I will look there now07:14
timusi would appreciate if u can post the link07:15
F3RR1Stimus... I had a similar issue so I removed gdm gnome-core gnome-desktop and reinstalled with the -f option07:16
nit-wittimus, post 9 might be the answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164109207:17
F3RR1Sstartx will start the xwindow system07:19
F3RR1Sare you able to startx?07:19
nit-wittimus cariboo907 several post really 40 posts long altogether07:20
F3RR1Syou also may want to sudo service gdm restart07:20
F3RR1Sthat should start gnome desktop manager07:20
nit-witI just loaded all those updates to I will reboot to natty and see what happens07:21
timusbummer... servide gdm restart does not help07:23
timusi can't even drop to console using Ctrl+Alt+F107:24
timusi have to use ssh07:24
F3RR1Scan you boot to text login?07:24
timuscan i do it in ssh?07:24
timusby the way, i am using VBox guest... i am not seeing the usual selection to log in recovery mode07:25
timusnot sure why07:25
timusi am re-running VBoxLinuxAdditons... let us see07:27
timusnah.... no dice...07:30
timuswon't let me in07:30
F3RR1Sand you can't drop to a shell... hmn.07:31
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
timusnot fixed... but i am too sleepy07:40
timusthanks everyone... i will try again tomorrow07:40
timusc yall07:40
GulfstreamI was using Natty on a VM and I just installed the latest updates and I could not log in. It kept reloading the login screen.07:42
hifireloading the graphical login screen?07:48
Gulfstreamwhat happened was that I typed in my password and then when it would usually load up the desktop, it loaded the login screen again like as if it rebooted.07:48
Gulfstreamand yes, the graphical one07:50
hifithen gnome is broken07:50
nit-witF3RR1S, locked out couldn't get in except with the root shell07:51
Gulfstreamhifi: how do I log in then?07:51
nit-withifi, I just saw a gnome update in a list about 70 from the US servers07:52
hifiGulfstream: well, you can drop into the text login07:52
hifibut that won't fix it though07:53
Gulfstreamcan I run updates in the CLI?07:53
hifiyes, sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get full-upgrade07:53
rwwI note the /topic07:53
nit-withifi, I did the login ran sudo services gdm stop then starx and just got a blank screen07:54
hifirww: how would python break gnome?07:54
hifiactually, I don't want to know07:54
rwwneither do I, that's why I'm not running anything involving apt-get07:54
nit-withifi, lol07:54
rwwalso, it's upgrade. full-upgrade is aptitude.07:54
hifispeaking of apt-get and aptitude, which one should now be used07:55
rwweither. aptitude isn't installed by default, so I tend to offer commands in apt-get form.07:55
rwwthey both work, though07:55
nit-withifi, aptitude has a trail is all07:55
hifibut didn't aptitude handle full-upgrades better than apt-get?07:56
hifiwhen a conflict happens07:56
rwwif you have a conflict that apt-get can't solve, you should probably wait for the repositories to settle down a little ;P07:56
nit-withifi, not sure myself I concentrate on other key areas like booting problems07:57
rwwgood way to break things. more than installing alphas in the first place, that is07:57
hifirww: well, I always run the latest so when something breaks I usually can handle the conflicts with aptitude and care07:58
rww*shrugs* It's your time. I'm just going by what smarter people than me write on wiki.ubuntu.com.07:58
hifilike, some package was updated which depends on something that has not hit the repositories yet, if I know how they are related to the system I can safely just ignore the upgrade with aptitude and continue installing everything else07:58
hifibeen doing that since fresh install of jaunty on my home desktop08:00
hifisurprisingly I've only hit the worst problems which are usually documented in this channel topic08:00
hifibut I don't run gnome so the desktop bugs don't bother me08:00
GulfstreamI am going to reinstall Natty08:01
Gulfstreamhow do I insert CTRL+ALT+F1 in Virtualbox?08:46
nit-witGulfstream, I have never found it to work but it may in full screen, but I belive you can't login so full screen may not be available08:48
GulfstreamFullscreen did almost work but it got the host into the CLI08:49
nit-witGulfstream, kind of figured that would be the case, I would sit back and wait till there is a daily update that you can reload take it easy.,08:57
nit-witdaily live cd update08:57
Gulfstreama live cd update?08:59
Gulfstreamas in, a fresh reinstall?08:59
nit-witGulfstream, With virtuabox youcan hold down the shift and get the grub menu and get to a root net update otherwise. The Vbox is a nasty beast to try the same key prompts for a cli...etc09:02
EyadHi, I'm in a big problem... I've upgraded to natty a while ago and last night it oddly started logging me out a second or 2 after logging in09:03
EyadI tried printed the syslog and got an error about org.freedesktop.NetworkManager09:04
EyadIt seems like it's an access problem, how can I take ownership of the settings?09:05
Eyadany help please!!09:06
nit-witEyad, why did you upgrade to natty, put a live maverick cd pull hyour stuff out and install a OS that has been released09:08
EyadThis would be my last resort. I'm trying to fix the problem first09:10
nit-witEyad, here is thread on this issue   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164109209:11
Eyadnit-wit The problem was not resolved... I guess I'll have to wait for an update09:19
nit-witEyad sorry to hear that you is it your only OS09:19
Eyadwell, I'm running the stable on this computer09:20
nit-witEyad, the stable what maverick09:21
EyadBut all my personal files are on that one.. it's not a big deal... I'm welling to take one for the future release :)09:21
Eyadyes, maverick09:21
nit-witEyad, well it sounds like you know how to get them if needed in the time waiting for a update that fixes this09:22
Eyadnit-wit yeah, thanks for the help anyway09:22
nit-witEyad, I can't get in either but I have on SDHC 16 gig card09:24
Ian_Cornegdm seems to be broken atm?12:07
cozziemotoIan_Corne,  i believe so12:14
Ian_Corneok good to know I'm not the only one12:17
Ian_Corneyou can still login via startx12:17
ryeHello, has anybody faced the issue with mailto: links sent to vfs MountTracker instead of mailto: handler in gconf in natty?12:19
ryeBasically gnome-open mailto:anything says Error showing url: The specified location is not supported12:19
ryeand evolution as well12:19
cozziemotoIan_Corne,  I cant seem to do that here12:20
Ian_Corneyou have to stop gdm first cozziemoto12:22
cozziemotoIan_Corne,  i tried that last night...trying again as soon as it boots up :)12:22
Ian_CorneI have troubles booting too but if i remove splash and quiet from boot option12:23
Ian_Corneit boots12:23
cozziemotoIan_Corne,  got it...although it has booted to classic gnome..let me see if i can switch12:24
Ian_Cornewell that's probably upto classical configuration of .xinit12:25
cozziemotoIan_Corne,  ok having same issues again.... I think I'll just wait it out :)12:27
h3sp4wnIan_Corne: I still don't see the point of splash (First thing I remove don't see its point far too often it doesn't work and you cannot even see why)13:21
jmfthevciJust been testing the daily Natty build and Unity. Cannot find any obvious option to allow the toggling of the Unity Launcher for Float or AutoHide. Are there options available yet?14:01
jmfthevciAlso, when will Unity allow the launcher, or at least it's icons to be re-sized?14:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Chipacawah, no sound device today14:19
coz_jmfthevci,  open cccsm  and scroll to the bottom to the compiz unity plugin14:21
coz_jmfthevci,  in there you will see both autohide and float options14:22
jmfthevcicoz: sorry, being a bit thick today. Please explain cccsm?14:22
jmfthevcicompiz .....?14:22
coz_jmfthevci,      compizconfig-settings-manager14:23
coz_jmfthevci,  open terminal and  type      ccsm14:23
jmfthevciTa. I'll have another reboot and see if it's there.14:23
coz_jmfthevci,  ok14:23
coz_although  reboot for this is not necessary14:24
jmfthevcicos: do you know any more about the plans for unity...to say allow smaller icons?14:24
jmfthevcicos: a reboot is because I am back in 10.1014:25
coz_jmfthevci,  smaller icons on the Panel you mean?14:25
jmfthevcicoz: Smaller icons in the left hand side launcher. On my netbook (1024x600) they take up a lot of screen width14:25
coz_jmfthevci,  in all honesty I put the panel on autohide and never use it14:25
coz_jmfthevci,  you dont have to use unity14:26
coz_jmfthevci,  you can log out and change session to classic gnome14:26
coz_jmfthevci,  then start compiz from there14:26
jmfthevcicoz: I know. But I thought I'd at least give it a try to ascertain whether it is good for me or to stick with Gnome14:26
coz_jmfthevci,  oh ok14:26
coz_jmfthevci,   its fine if you dont use  dual monitors  because of  Global menu14:27
jmfthevci"I'm just a useful community tester"14:27
jmfthevcino dual monitors for me.14:27
coz_jmfthevci,  global menu on dual monitors is a waiste of time..and slows things down in terms of accessing  the FIle Edit View14:27
jmfthevciI have tried Global menu on 10.10. It was a bit buggy.14:27
coz_jmfthevci, then it shouldnt be too much of a hassle... global menu on natty is ok,,,it works fine14:27
jmfthevcicoz: that's something then.14:28
coz_jmfthevci,  unity  is fine once you get used to accessing your applications14:28
coz_jmfthevci,   to do that much easier  installing cairo dock or awn  or even easystroke14:29
coz_then you can access your applications....from cairo dock....from the  gnome menu applet on cairo dock which gives you the regular gnome applications menu14:29
jmfthevciI use Gnome-do & Docky. The default unity setup for applications is a bit of a step back at the mo.14:29
coz_jmfthevci,  that would be perfect14:29
coz_jmfthevci,  unity is essentially only designed for netbooks and even there without applications menu  it near to   frustrating14:30
jmfthevcicoz: I tend to agree at present. Let's see how it goes when a bit more work has been done. Say at Beta1. Thanks for your response.14:31
coz_jmfthevci,  for a real nice netbook experience on the desktop I would try kubuntu-netbook14:31
jmfthevcicoz: I have tried kubuntu. I found it slower than Gnome.14:32
coz_jmfthevci,  it is for regular KDE  but the netbook edition is quite suprisingly  pleasant to use14:32
jmfthevcicoz: Hey, I have to run Lotus Notes as an email client. I have troubles enough.14:33
coz_jmfthevci,  oh ok :)14:33
coz_ok be back in a bit14:34
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
notlisteningHello, is there a reason that in daily build 11.04 no longer has a OMAP3 image?15:52
hallyn_yay!  pentadactyl.  the new vimperator.  i can use firefox in natty finally.15:56
notlisteningthat was under the server images?16:02
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
Andre_Gondimgwibber is crashed since last update16:31
gygerI am having issues with natty, i cannot seem to login to ubuntu (even safe mode) after an update, what did i do wrong?16:56
yofelgyger: try to update again I think, there was bug 654578 which was fixed like an hour ago16:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654578 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Returned to gdm screen after logging in" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65457816:59
h3sp4wngyger: Maybe nothing it could be what they did wrong16:59
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode16:59
charlie-tcaI haven't gotten the fix here yet, but there is workaround in the bug too16:59
h3sp4wnOr switch to xdm16:59
iTVneed help on how to have my desktop have different wallpaper.... thk17:01
iTVam i on the wrong place????17:03
h3sp4wnWho knows - you mean changing every hour or whatever ?17:04
iTVi mean as and when I want...17:05
IdleOneright click, change desktop background17:05
DaekdroomThat question seems out of place.17:05
iTVtell me how do i know whether i out of place...17:06
DaekdroomWell, are you using Ubuntu 11.04 Natty?17:07
h3sp4wnOr some portion of it (I still cannot get the natty xen kernel to boot on this but I am running the rest)17:08
gygerh3sp4wn: I am at the command line... i am assuming "sudo apt-get update" is in order, but how to get it the rest of the way?17:09
h3sp4wngyger: apt-get dist-upgrade17:09
iTVoh... i am out of place.... than how do i find out where to go for my topic????17:09
yofeliTV: #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners would be the right place17:10
h3sp4wniTV: Maybe maybe not if you are using unity try somewhere17:10
IdleOnetry somewhere?17:10
IdleOneoh I see what you meant17:10
h3sp4wn(I dunno where)17:11
Daekdroom!info xserver-xorg17:12
ubottuxserver-xorg (source: xorg): the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.5+6ubuntu3b1 (natty), package size 19 kB, installed size 180 kB17:12
DaekdroomThat means it's 1.9, right?17:12
yofel!info xserver-xorg-core17:12
ubottuxserver-xorg-core (source: xorg-server): Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2: (natty), package size 1453 kB, installed size 3724 kB17:12
DaekdroomAh. Thank you.17:13
h3sp4wnIs oss4 properly supported yet (Thinking about installing a desktop but I need newer r600 than maverick has) I would rather use anything other than pulseaudio or naked also (even windows)17:15
yofels/also/alsa/ and is oss4 even in the mainline kernel? (didn't keep track of it)17:16
h3sp4wnIts not in the mainline kernel but at least with debian its trivial to use it instead without breaking much17:17
yofelhm, don't know much about sound, phonon usually works fine here with alsa or pulseaudio so I never cared, but gnome doesn't support anything besides pulseaudio now, right?17:19
h3sp4wnI don't really know about gnome (I know on solaris it works just fine with oss4)17:19
gygerh3sp4wn: do you know how to connect to wlan from command line... i need to get the updated pkgs, but its saying it cant resolve the addresses17:27
h3sp4wngyger: Using iw or iwconfig ?17:27
gygerh3sp4wn: not sure... how would i know?17:28
h3sp4wnI dunno of how to use networkmanager for commandline17:28
h3sp4wngyger: Try - dpkg -l \*wireless\*17:29
gygerwireless-crda and wireless-tools17:29
h3sp4wnDo you need wpa or wpa2 or nothing ?17:32
yofelfor NM commandline there's 'nmcli'17:32
yofelI usually use wpa_supplicant + dhclient17:32
h3sp4wnSo why cannot you now ?17:33
gygerh3sp4wn: its wpa or wpa2 (i think its set to work with either)17:34
yofelgyger: see the examples in /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples/ to create a wpa_supplicant config file, then use it with 'sudo wpa_supplicant -c configfile.conf -i <interface>', after that run 'sudo dhclient' and you should have a connection17:37
yofelgyger: you can also try to use your network manager setup with 'nmcli', but I never tried that yet17:38
h3sp4wnYou can also use wpa_cli if you know how to17:38
h3sp4wngyger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541546/17:40
h3sp4wnwpa_supplicant -c wpa.conf -Dwext -iwlan017:40
h3sp4wnif it works put it in the background with -B17:40
h3sp4wnand run dhclient17:41
h3sp4wnor you can put it in the background straight away and then use wpa_cli17:41
h3sp4wn(scan / scan_results) and status are pretty useful from in wpa_cli so you can see whats going on17:42
gygerthis is really getting on my nerves17:55
gygerh3sp4wn: just to make sure i am not a retard... i am saving (or transcribing) the paste you sent as wpa.conf... then running the above command without sudo and it should connect, right?17:57
yofelgyger: in the paste you need to use your password as the psk= value17:59
yofelgyger: and your network ssid=17:59
gygerright... that i know17:59
h3sp4wngyger: It has to run as root afaik17:59
yofeland I usually don't use -D18:00
h3sp4wnand so does wpa_cli -p /var/run/wpa_supplicant (if you need it)18:00
gygerso "sudo wpa_supplicant -c wpa.conf -iwlan0?"18:00
yofelshould work18:01
yofelif your interface is wlan018:01
h3sp4wnI didn't remember if the default is Dmac80211 or whatever the devicescape one is18:01
gygeri put in my pwd and it just sits and sits18:02
gygerh3sp4wn: i am getting this funky error; ioctl[SIOCSIWSCAN]: Operation not supported. Failed to initiate AP scan.18:07
gygerand it just keeps repeating that18:07
yofelgyger: 'sudo service network-manager stop' might help18:08
yofelNM blocks the device if it's running I think18:08
gygeryofel: just remember, folks, when all else fails and you're ready to scream and swear, go grab an ethernet cable18:20
DaekdroomWhy grab an ethernet cable?18:22
gygerDaekdroom: bc I am frustrated w trying to get my wireless to connect over command prompt18:23
DaekdroomAh. I thought it was about hanging yourself.18:23
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gygerDaekdroom: no... i am a happy person... especially now that i am getting around bug 65457818:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654578 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Returned to gdm screen after logging in" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65457818:24
gygeryofel: IT'S ALIVE!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (ahem... sorry)18:29
jamaltaThe login bug was resolved?18:33
jamaltaMeaning, if I go back to Ubuntu and update, I'll be able to login?18:33
jamaltaI guess its worth to try :) brb18:33
jamaltacharlie-tca: Ah, thanks for confirming!18:33
jamaltabe back in a bit :)18:33
charlie-tcaThe fix is out now; just need to update18:33
gygercharlie-tca: and remember... ethernet cables are our friend18:36
gygerwell, now that I'm alive... later kids!18:37
coz_howdy doody18:38
coz_any new on gdm?18:39
charlie-tcafixed; run updates18:40
coz_charlie-tca,   gdm?  cool   started updates18:40
coz_ok let me try this:)18:41
charlie-tcahm, is coz coming back?18:47
coz_ok that is sort of fixed :)19:01
coz_anyone here with nvidia dual monitors?19:01
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=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
jo-erlendhow come Ubuntu is so terribly conservative about Evolution?21:26
MTecknologySo everything that depends on python is being recompiled to take out the python2.6 dependency?21:32
MTecknologyjo-erlend: hm?21:33
yofelregarding python: pretty much21:33
MTecknologyI think wicd is broken right now..21:35
jo-erlendMTecknology, Ubuntu seems to use very old versions of Evolution lately.21:35
MTecknology!info evolution21:36
ubottuevolution (source: evolution): groupware suite with mail client and organizer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.1-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 203 kB, installed size 1064 kB21:36
h3sp4wnAny ideas for a way to get a ton of contact from an old sony ericsson to somewhere in a decent format via bluez21:38
h3sp4wn(i.e something like XML ,csv, txt or at least human readable21:38
MTecknologyjo-erlend: http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/download.shtml <- according to this the latest and greatest will be in natty21:44
jo-erlendMTecknology, seems to me that the old Evolution will be used in Natty?22:01
nit-witU s servers have me updated to booting back in22:05
MTecknologyjo-erlend: according to the repos 2.32.1-0ubuntu1 is in natty and according to their website 2.32.1 is the latest version22:15
jo-erlendyes, that was the newest version when Maverick was released, but when Natty is released, it will be fairly old.22:17
h3sp4wnNatty is not frozen yet22:17
h3sp4wnand it won't be for ages22:17
MTecknologyabout 3mo before freeze..22:17
jo-erlendthen there is a chance Evolution 3.0 might still get in Natty?22:17
MTecknologyit evolution 3.0 is released by then- ya22:18
MTecknologyDebian import freeze is December 30th22:18
h3sp4wnMaybe if its released later as well (Depends on release goals)22:19
MTecknologyFeature freeze is February 24th22:19
MTecknologyI need to get the next version of nginx dealt with and ready for debian so it gets imported22:20
h3sp4wnMTecknology: For certain (I want to use it :)22:20
MTecknologyh3sp4wn: the same version of nginx will be included - i'm just splitting the package into nginx-{full,light,extras}22:22
h3sp4wnMTecknology: Are you planning on a -snapshot package (I want 0.9.222:23
MTecknologyprobably not - but....22:23
MTecknologyh3sp4wn: ^ it's a tad unstable atm - but my next upload should deal with all the problems - that'll happen once a launchpad bug is dealt with and I can verify there are no issues22:25
MTecknologyh3sp4wn: https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/development && https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/stable && https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/php522:25
h3sp4wnI will take a look - I think I am only bothered about embedded perl (maybe even not that) I want to use node.js22:28
MTecknologyh3sp4wn: embedded perl will be in nginx-extras; that's part of what's broken right now22:34
BUGabundoI just got stuck on boot23:38
BUGabundonothing in logs relevant23:38
BUGabundoupgraded from recovery, and now its up again23:38
BUGabundobut I'm seeing elevated use of CPU23:38
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bjsniderBUGabundo, did you see this: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/reviews/2010/12/google-chrome-notebook-c48-unboxing-first-impressions.ars23:59
BUGabundonot that review23:59
BUGabundobut saw others23:59
BUGabundoand segphault tweet when he got it23:59

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