
BobJonkmanSpending an hour with Ubunto at http://www.littlebeancoffeebar.ca/01:23
KombuchaKipFor anyone that's interested, you can watch the Copyright Modernization discussion in Parliament live via CPAC. Sorry about the non-free format. Their choice, not mine.
YompaThanks, is this live now?03:03
YompaThey are working late :-)03:03
Yompanvm "Earlier today"03:06
MephistoMhey has anyone checked out www.elderproject.knet.ca ? this guy uses edubuntu to provide educational resources to students in northern first nations communities03:29
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hakimsheriffis corey burger here?21:46
dscasselhakimsheriff: Not usually.  he's burgundavia when he is.21:48
hakimsheriffokay thanks21:55
dscasselAnything in particular you need, Ubuntu Canada-wise?  He's not the contact anymore...21:56
MagicFabdscassel, who's the contact now ?22:05
hakimsheriffhas anyone seen darcy casselman?22:14
dscasselMe and txwikinger.22:14
dscasselhakimsheriff: That's me. :)22:14
hakimsheriffdid you recieve my SASE for Ubuntu stickers?22:14
dscasselThey're on their way to you.22:15
IdleOneMagicFab: you aren't with canonical anymore?22:16
IdleOneoh, hello :)22:16
hakimsheriffthx a lot22:16
dscasselnp. :)22:17
hakimsheriffhey how do you get your name in yellow ?22:17
dscasselhakimsheriff: I see names in yellow (using irssi) when they use my name at the start of the chat line.22:18
dscasselLike that. :)22:18
IdleOnehakimsheriff: when someone uses your nick irssi automatically makes it yellow on your end so you can see it22:18
IdleOnesee /help hilight22:18
* txwikinger thinks it should either be highlight or hilite22:22
hakimsheriffIdleOne: test22:22
IdleOnehakimsheriff: I see it in red (xchat)22:22
IdleOnetxwikinger: yeah but irssi calls it hilight22:22
hakimsheriffIdleOne: i use xchat too22:22
txwikingerIdleOne: I believe you.. just wanted to give 2c :)22:23
IdleOnehakimsheriff: then you should be seeing this all in red also22:23
IdleOnetxwikinger: :P22:23
IdleOnethere's your change ^^22:23
hakimsheriffIdleOne: I see it in yellow22:23
IdleOnehakimsheriff: settings >preferences > colors and you can set it how you like22:24
IdleOnesomething tells me you are using xchat-gnome22:24
hakimsheriffI think I am22:24
hakimsheriffnot sure22:24
hakimsheriffwhat's the difference22:25
IdleOnejust some customization I think.22:25
IdleOneI prefer xchat-common22:26
hakimsheriffwhere can I get it?22:26
hakimsheriffsorry I am kind-of new to Ubuntu22:26
IdleOnesudo apt-get install xchat-common or from the Software Center22:26
hakimsheriffokay thx22:26
IdleOnesure thing22:27
92AABQTKTIdleOne: now usin xchat. (the other one)22:30
=== 92AABQTKT is now known as hakimsheriff
hakimsheriffdscassel: Hey, how did you get stickers from system7622:50

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