
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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GrueMasterTo all that were planning on attending the Mobile/Arm team meeting today at 15:00 UTC; the meeting has been canceled do to key players' otehr commitments and holiday schedules.  Thank you.15:01
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=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
* charlie-tca waves19:00
charlie-tcaWell, let's get this started, huh?19:02
MootBotMeeting started at 13:02. The chair is charlie-tca.19:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]19:02
* micahg forgot the meeting was in here :-/19:02
charlie-tcaheh, and I did send a reminder, too19:02
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings19:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings19:03
charlie-tcaI don't plan on copying all of it right now19:03
charlie-tcahello, cody-somerville19:03
charlie-tcaI see Book_em_Dano too, back there19:03
beardygnomehi guys, sorry i'm a bit late19:04
charlie-tcaFor those who don't know it yet, Book_em_Dano is working on updating the documentation for Xubunt!19:04
Book_em_Danotrying to do the best I can19:04
charlie-tcaHello, beardygnome. You're right on time19:04
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Old business19:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Old business19:05
charlie-tcaI did email the developer of LightDM, and got a nice response.19:05
charlie-tcaHe believes it should be ready in time for Natty release, but we have no dates yet on when we can actually try it19:05
charlie-tcaOne note on that, it worked when GDM failed the last 24 hours19:06
charlie-tcaany questions on LightDM?19:06
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Team updates - Team Leads19:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Team updates - Team Leads19:07
knome(hey all! i'm not really actively here, but trying to follow)19:07
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Packaging & Development - mr_pouit19:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Packaging & Development - mr_pouit19:07
charlie-tcaGo ahead, sir19:07
mr_pouiteh, ok19:07
mr_pouitso, the usual link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Natty/Xfce4.819:08
mr_pouitand for 4.8, the progress this week:19:08
mr_pouit* legacy: Uploaded thunar-vfs
mr_pouit* core: Uploaded remaining packages from 4.8~pre1, and all packages from 4.8~pre2.19:08
mr_pouit* panel-plugins: ~25 rebuilt, ~17 to go.19:08
mr_pouitdailies are still broken because all panel plugins are not rebuilt yet.19:09
mr_pouitNo other breaking news. :P19:09
charlie-tcaw00t! gaining rapidly on Natty...19:09
micahgmr_pouit: would it help if I grabbed a few of those panel plugins and rebuilt this weekend?19:09
charlie-tcaGDM was fixed today by the Ubuntu team. logins are working again for Natty19:10
mr_pouitmicahg: yep, sure (although I said incorrectly "rebuild", because the remaining ones need more work)19:10
micahgoh, hmm19:10
charlie-tcaAny questions for on Packaging and Development ?19:11
charlie-tcamicahg: don't let that stop you!19:11
charlie-tcayou can do it19:11
micahgmr_pouit: can I just grab and fix then?  Do I need to coordinate w/Debian?19:11
micahgI guess we can chat about this after the meeting19:12
mr_pouitmicahg: yep, let's discuss about that after, so the meeting doesn't last too long :p19:12
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Bug Triage & Testing19:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Bug Triage & Testing19:12
charlie-tcaWe are going to invalidate a bunch of bugs with Xfce4.7/8 coming in. Since almost all of the panel code was re-written, those bugs will that still exist will need to be filed as new bugs19:13
charlie-tcaStack traces will need to be supplied, and in natty, apport will not work for us, last I heard. Which is okay, since we usually have to run gdb backtraces anyway19:15
mr_pouitmmh, apport won't work?19:16
charlie-tcaI still do not have any powerpc testers. I did send out an email to the users mailing list asking for some.19:16
charlie-tcacorrect, mr_pouit. it's up in the air right now as to whether or not we will be able to use it19:16
micahgcharlie-tca: just a note that bugs should be checked as to whether or not they are SRUable before invalidating19:16
charlie-tcaIt has been ported to gtk319:16
micahgcharlie-tca: I think the decision was not to port major infrastructure to gtk319:17
charlie-tcamicahg: they will be, but most of xfce4.7 will not be backported due to the dependencies19:17
charlie-tcaapport already been done19:17
micahgcharlie-tca: no, I understand that, but we should be careful to make sure that any bug that's SRU worthy not be closed as the other releases are still supported19:17
charlie-tcawe will check that as part of the process.19:18
micahgcharlie-tca: also, re: apport, they might be reversing that soon19:18
charlie-tcaThat's why I said "up in the air" at this point.19:18
charlie-tcaanything else on bugs and testing?19:19
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Website & Marketing19:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Website & Marketing19:19
charlie-tcaochosi has done a lot of work on greybird  and faenza-xfce icons19:20
charlie-tcaPlease take a look at them if you have time, and give some feedback.19:21
charlie-tca[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Natty19:21
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Natty19:21
charlie-tcahas the how to do it information at this time19:21
charlie-tcaI am running Natty with greybird and the faenza-xfce icons, and it great!19:21
charlie-tcathe wallpaper specs are at19:22
charlie-tca[LINK} https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/0007_Xubuntu_Natty_Wallpaper19:22
MootBotLINK received: [LINK} https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/0007_Xubuntu_Natty_Wallpaper19:22
pleia2I said a while back that I'd try to touch base with current website folks to get that rolling, but I never made time for that, apologies19:22
charlie-tcapleia2: ???19:23
pleia2charlie-tca: xubuntu.org is still using our old logo and everything, I had offered to try to get the site changed but haven't yet19:23
charlie-tcaOh! Thank you very much19:24
charlie-tcaFor those wanting to find the logo and icons, they are now on19:25
charlie-tca[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork19:25
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork19:25
charlie-tcaso you don't have to dig for them. knome did a great job sprucing them up, too19:25
charlie-tcaartwork - the team wants to know if March 17 is a good cutoff date for submissions. The freeze is March 2419:26
charlie-tcaWill that give us enough time to select wallpaper, have it fixed as we want, and get in into packaging?19:27
beardygnomewho will be making the selection?19:28
charlie-tcaThat's a good question.19:28
charlie-tcaI would hope those who are contributing to Xubuntu. We can vote in the meeting here.19:29
beardygnomethen maybe we need a little longer?19:29
charlie-tcaOkay, anyone have an idea how long we need here?19:30
beardygnomemarch 17 and 24 are both thursdays, so we would need a separate meeting to vote on the submissions19:31
charlie-tcaWe will have a meeting on the 10th and 17th with this schedule19:31
charlie-tcaor, we can do the voting through the mailing list...19:32
beardygnomehow about we set the cuttoff at march 14 or 15, then vote on march 17?19:32
beardygnomeat the meeting19:32
charlie-tcaI like that idea.19:33
charlie-tcaAnyone else?19:33
beardygnomethat gives the contributor almost a week to fix it before the freeze, if it needs fixing19:33
charlie-tca[VOTE] wallpaper  should be ready by March 14, so we can vote on the choice on March 17. Please vote19:34
MootBotPlease vote on:  wallpaper  should be ready by March 14, so we can vote on the choice on March 17. Please vote.19:34
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot19:34
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting19:34
MootBot+1 received from charlie-tca. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 119:34
MootBot+1 received from beardygnome. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 219:34
micahgwho has a vote?19:34
charlie-tcaAll in attendance19:34
MootBot+1 received from micahg. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 319:34
MootBot+1 received from mr_pouit. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 419:34
charlie-tcaAny other votes? closing soon19:35
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 419:35
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
charlie-tcaWith 4 votes, I will notify the artwork group that we need to set the date March 14 to close submissions19:36
charlie-tcaAny other discussion on Artwork?19:36
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Documentation19:36
MootBotNew Topic:  Documentation19:36
charlie-tcaI will let Book_em_Dano update us on this one, please19:37
* charlie-tca struggled with it long enough in the dark, now19:37
Book_em_DanoWell, I've been making updates to the Natty branch and most of those changes can be applied to maverick19:37
Book_em_DanoI'm also reviewing the docs for lucid so that updated docs are available for updates soon19:38
charlie-tcaGreat! Are we really going to be up-to-date for Natty, then?19:38
Book_em_DanoI'm very confident that we will19:39
charlie-tcaThank you for doing that work! It will be really great to have that done19:39
Book_em_DanoI'd appreciate some extra eyes to look over the changes I've made19:39
Book_em_Danowhenever possible19:39
charlie-tcaHow do we do that?19:40
* charlie-tca looked in Natty, but of course, the changes are not there yet19:40
Book_em_Danopull down the latest branch from bzr19:40
charlie-tcaOkay, and do we let you know directly what we find?19:41
Book_em_Danoyeah just file a bug or send me an email19:41
beardygnomeBook_em_Dano: I'm new to this, so is there somewhere that details how to "pull down the latest branch from bzr"?19:42
charlie-tca[ACTION] As many people as possible need to review the latest docs in bzr19:42
MootBotACTION received:  As many people as possible need to review the latest docs in bzr19:42
Book_em_Danojust a moment19:42
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation/Repository19:43
Book_em_Danolp:xubuntu-docs is the lastest branch of the documentation19:44
beardygnomethanks Book_em_Dano19:44
Book_em_Danoany other ?'s19:44
beardygnomenot about the docs, but where can i get a natty iso?19:44
beardygnomei'd like to get a vm running it19:45
Book_em_Dano[LINK]  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/19:45
MootBotLINK received:   http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/19:45
beardygnomebrilliant, thanks19:46
charlie-tcaWe do not have any daily iso right now, but the alpha1 image is good19:46
MootBotLINK received:  http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/11.04/alpha-1/19:46
charlie-tcaUntil we get the panel plugins updated, we won't get a new image19:46
beardygnomeok charlie-tca, thanks19:46
Book_em_DanoI guess that's all for docs now19:47
charlie-tcaThank you very much, Book_em_Dano. It's great to know we have you19:47
charlie-tca[TOPIC] PowerPC and PS3 ports for Natty19:47
MootBotNew Topic:  PowerPC and PS3 ports for Natty19:47
charlie-tcaMy thought right now is to discontinue the PS3 port completely, since the manufacturer doesn't want the os changed anymore19:48
charlie-tcaany comments on it?19:48
mr_pouitI agree19:48
beardygnome+1.  was it very popular anyway?19:48
charlie-tcaat different times it was19:48
charlie-tcaAs for the PowerPC port, unless we get testers for it, we will not be producing the release milestones, thus it will not release as 11.0419:49
charlie-tcaI am willing to allow the dailies until next month, when we should discuss continuing this too.19:50
charlie-tcaAny questions or comments on this?19:50
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Updates for Xubuntu 10.04.219:51
MootBotNew Topic:  Updates for Xubuntu 10.04.219:51
charlie-tcaSince we have many updates to 10.04 when it is installed, I want to publish the .2 image19:51
charlie-tcaThis will allow us to get the changes in and save those installing it some bandwidth.19:52
charlie-tcaWe know not all places have the fastest thing going, and unlimited downloads available.19:52
beardygnomethat seems like a good idea19:53
charlie-tcaMaybe we can even get the docs in it updated before the release?19:53
charlie-tcamr_pouit: do we need to SRU the documentation?19:53
charlie-tcacody-somerville: : do we need to SRU the documentation?19:54
micahgMajor Mozilla updates are Firefox 3.6 has Out of process plugins for flash now and Thunderbird will be 3.1.x19:54
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, Are people still working on 10.04 documentation?19:55
charlie-tcaBook_em_Dano: is trying to update it19:55
charlie-tcaIt will be around for another 2 years +19:55
cody-somervilleIs the 10.04 documentation translated?19:56
charlie-tcaI don't believe so, since it is still 9.10 docs19:56
Book_em_Danowhen is the cutoff date to allow updates to be available for 10.04.2?19:58
micahgBook_em_Dano: probably the beginning of February19:59
charlie-tcathe release is scheduled for February 17, so probably February 1019:59
micahgcharlie-tca: no, they should be in a week before so they can have proper verification before the images are made20:00
charlie-tcaYeah? So plan for the 1st of February?20:01
Book_em_DanoI should be able to revise the docs for lucid by that time20:01
charlie-tcacody-somerville: ^ ^ ^20:01
micahgFeb 7 would probably be the last day to sanely get something in, but that's really last minute20:01
charlie-tcaMoving on, then, since we need to wrap up,20:02
micahgBTW, that date is uploaded, not verified :)20:03
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Governance20:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Governance20:03
charlie-tcamicahg: can you find out for us?20:03
micahgcharlie-tca: find out what?20:03
charlie-tcawhat the actual cutoff date is on getting things in for .2?20:04
charlie-tcaNot necessarily today, but ...20:04
micahgcharlie-tca: sure, but I would imagine CDs start spinning the Tuesday before release, so you want to have everything uploaded by the Monday before that to give 1 week in -proposed20:04
charlie-tcathat makes sense.20:05
micahgthat's why I said last sane date to upload is Feb 720:05
charlie-tcaAs far as governance, nominations for Project Lead are due by  Dec 15. Please send nominations in to the Community Council20:06
charlie-tca[LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2010-November/007614.html20:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2010-November/007614.html20:06
micahgcharlie-tca: sorry, I will do that tomorrow20:06
charlie-tcaI was nominated by j1mc for Project Lead, and will accept that nomination.20:07
micahgcharlie-tca: oh, so I don't have to nominate?20:07
charlie-tcamicahg: correct20:07
* micahg will thanks j1mc later :)20:08
charlie-tcaAny other comments/questions on governance3?20:08
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Any other business?20:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Any other business?20:09
charlie-tcaOpen floor20:09
micahgThunderbird will be moving to 3.1.x very soon20:09
micahgin Lucid20:09
charlie-tcaWe need anyone that can to test the latest thunderbird, too, right?20:10
micahgso, if anyone wants to test, it's staged in the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA20:10
cody-somervilleSpeaking of Project Governance20:10
micahgbut that will probably get pushed out today or tomorrow20:10
beardygnometest it on lucid or test it full stop?20:10
micahgbeardygnome: just lucid, we shipped maverick with it20:10
jdstrandmicahg: please keep me posted on tbird testing. I am doing it myself as we speak20:10
cody-somervilleI thought charlie-tca was affirmed as the project leader - not just as an interim - already. Am I mistaken?20:11
beardygnomemicahg: ok, thanks20:11
micahgjdstrand: ok, no new news, release date is supposed to be today for 3.1.720:11
charlie-tcaI hadn't seen that.20:11
charlie-tcacody-somerville: we never got a vote setup, did we?20:12
* charlie-tca steps back so others can discuss this20:12
cody-somervilleI'm pretty sure we affirmed you, charlie-tca, as the project leader in a community meeting.20:13
cody-somervilleSo unless its been three release cycles since then, which I don't think it has been, then I think you're good to go.20:13
charlie-tcahm, anyone else got anything on that one?20:14
charlie-tcaIt's been one cycle, but I did not think it was confirmed20:14
beardygnomei think you're doing a great job charlie-tca, i was going to vote for you anyway :-)20:14
charlie-tcathus the call for nominations20:14
charlie-tcaI think we press on with the nominations and CC involvement now20:15
charlie-tcaI really do appreciate the support, though.20:16
charlie-tcaany more comments?20:16
charlie-tcaWe will meet again in one week, December 16, here, at 19:00 UTC20:17
MootBotMeeting finished at 14:17.20:17
charlie-tcaThank you all for being here!20:17
beardygnomei can't make next week's meeting charlie-tca20:17
beardygnomewill there be one on dec 23?20:18
charlie-tcaOkay, we will keep good notes.20:18
Book_em_DanoAre these meetings archived anywhere?20:18
charlie-tcaI don't think we will, with Christmas so close. Let's go for the 30th, though20:18
charlie-tcaBook_em_Dano: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings20:19
charlie-tcaarchives at the bottom20:19
beardygnomeok - i'll have my vm running alpha1 then and hopefully will have gone through some of the documentation too20:19
charlie-tcai just hope these serve more purpose than me just blabbering...20:20
beardygnomeyeah, they do. sounds like we're progressing well with natty20:21
charlie-tcathe intent was to try and keep us all informed.20:22
beardygnomeone question for you charlie-tca - what does SRU stand for? :-)20:22
charlie-tcaStable Release Update20:22
boinkboink1 /part20:28
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=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha

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