[00:55] what should the incoming directory in dput be for uploading to Ubuntu? [00:55] (I'm uploading from a Debian machine so if I just use dput it would upload to debian) [00:56] I'm moderately sure dput knows about ubuntu upstream [00:58] lifeless: heh, indeed! === Zhenech_ is now known as Zhenech === Zhenech_ is now known as Zhenech [06:02] yesterday i was talking with an admin of bug-squad. he told me that, for fixing errors developers use the triage information and release patch, then review team verifies the patch and send it to upstream if its correct. What i m not getting is what is the role of MOTU in this whole process?? [06:02] sorry if my english is bit rude :( [06:04] c2tarun: MOTU is supposed to take care of the universe subset of packages at the moment which includes, syncs, merges, security fixes, and bug fixes === birthday-vorian is now known as vorian === bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs [07:59] hm.. How can I find out what package provides ndk.h? [08:00] MTecknology: apt-file search? [08:01] MTecknology: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and the "Search the contents of packages" form [08:01] * Rhonda . o O ( doesn't seem to be part of maverick ) [08:02] If it's in your filesystem already, dpkg -S /path/to/file [08:03] it's not on the system and I'm not finding it on packages.ubuntu.com [08:03] Are you sure it exists? :) [08:03] ya, but I'm not so sure any package provides it.. [08:04] not in maverick [08:06] Neither in natty [08:08] I don't see it on the internet, what's it for? [08:09] an nginx module [08:10] not in any suite [08:10] *series [08:10] I see where it is..... [08:10] https://github.com/simpl-it/ngx_devel_kit [08:10] https://github.com/simpl-it/ngx_devel_kit [08:10] yeah [08:10] Flannel: you found it the same time? :P [08:11] I also found a networking one on SF, but it seemed extremely immature [08:31] good morning! [08:34] Rejected: Unhandled exception processing upload: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'md5' .... :S [08:34] dholbach: howdy [08:35] hi MTecknology [08:35] I've never seen a package rejected from LP for that reason. === hrw|gone is now known as hrw [09:59] MTecknology: bug 687662 [09:59] Launchpad bug 687662 in Soyuz "Upload processor attempts to verify hashes against expired files" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/687662 === ogra_ac is now known as ogra === ogra is now known as Guest42462 === ogra_ is now known as ogra [12:55] * ari-tczew noticed a trend to applying for core-dev team. === yofel_ is now known as yofel [15:37] Hi folks ... why is the --debug option refused in: pbuilder --debug --build --basetgz natty-base.tgz bacula*.dsc === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [15:52] kim0: Did you try it --build --debug? [15:53] ScottK: I'm very new to all of this [15:53] ScottK: I tried pbuilder --build --basetgz natty-base.tgz --debug bacula*.dsc [15:53] ScottK: and it finished compiling [15:54] IIRC the build option has to come first. [15:54] ScottK: I want to find the boken build dir [15:54] so I can fix it .. and try building again [15:55] I guess that's gonna be hard .. since i'm on maverick and building for natty .. which is failing === hannesw_ is now known as hannesw [16:00] Probably the shortest path to what you want ( --debug isn't it) is do pbuilder --login and then do your build in the chroot directly. [16:06] or use the C10shell example hookscript === bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs [16:10] ScottK: I love --login .. didn't know I could do that [16:10] ScottK: I'm in the chrooot ... how do I start the build process ? [16:11] kim0: dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc [16:11] (from in the package directory [16:11] ) [16:11] kim0: Also be sure to copy anything you need to save out of the chroot before exiting because it will be deleted. [16:12] ScottK: can I use pbuilder inside the chroot too ? [16:12] (the pbuilder chroots live in /var/cache/pbuilder/build) [16:12] Not reallyl. [16:12] I mean .. how will it get build time deps [16:12] apt-get build-dep packagename [16:12] or apt-get install .... [16:14] * Rhonda usually does "cowbuilder --login --basepath ./$dist --bindmounts `pwd`/subdir" [16:14] and even then in there do a "useradd $LOGIN; chown $LOGIN /home/$LOGIN; su - $LOGIN; cd …; debuild" :) [16:15] That too [16:17] That way I don't have to copy anything away because the source is not directly extracted in subdir but in subdir/$package-$version [16:18] And when something breaks I don't have to totally start from scratch. ;) [16:18] … and can use the tools from outside still because of the bindmount [16:37] hello! would anyone like to review/sponsor a debdiff for bug 688096? [16:37] Launchpad bug 688096 in revelation (Ubuntu) "revelation 0.4.11-8ubuntu2 FTBFS" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688096 [16:38] uh, looks like coolbhavi have noticed it just before I announced :) [16:39] artfwo, yes [16:39] :) [16:47] what a quick response! don't you think? [16:48] i'm still thinking how he managed to respond before I asked :) [16:49] I used to ask for a patch review and wait for a couple of days or so... [16:49] artfwo, maybe i saw the request as you typed here :) [16:49] :) [16:50] do you keep a hidden camera in my house then? [16:51] artfwo, nopes [16:51] then I give up [16:52] DktrKranz: can you please process mono in NEW? thanks [16:54] kklimonda: Thanks again for all your work leading up to being able to rebuild python-visual. You made Bug #688142 possible. [16:54] Launchpad bug 688142 in boost1.40 (Ubuntu) "Please remove boost1.40 source and all binaries from natty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688142 [17:04] ScottK: great :) [17:09] Laney: is there an ACK from Release Team? [17:09] DktrKranz: afaik yes, I think from aba [17:10] you might want to confirm with him [17:10] ok, looking into RT mailbox [17:10] Laney: you are working (or planning to work) on glom and goocanvasmm? [17:10] are you* [17:10] pochu asked me about that today [17:10] yes [17:10] but you can if you want, don't block on me [17:11] Laney: I was planning on taking a look at it this weekend [17:11] mh, can't find anything, I'll ask on IRC === hrw is now known as hrw|gone [18:00] Hi .. I need some help please [18:01] I'm trying to fix a FTBFS with bacula .. I know I need to put -lssl in the Makefile [18:01] in LDFLAGS .. problem is .. I only find Makefile.in and not sure where exactly to use those flags (-lssl) [18:07] kim0: What I normally do for this is find anyother library it links to already and then grep for where that one gets set. [18:07] There isn't a one size fits all solution since packages ~all do it differently. [18:08] ScottK: hmm .. what files do I grep :) [18:08] Any that are involved in the build system. [18:09] As long as your target is suitably rare it doesn't matter so much not to search overly broadly. [18:10] kim0: LDFLAGS won't anymore with ld --as-needed [18:20] kim0: /win 15 [18:20] lol [18:20] sorry [18:21] :) [18:21] I'm not your irssi [18:21] heheee [18:41] ScottK: I think I fixed the bug .. I want to test with pbuilder [18:41] ScottK: it ignore the untarred dir .. and seems to re-untar fresh [18:41] It does [18:42] how do I inject my patch [18:44] ScottK: ^ :) [18:44] kim0: Sorry, I'm a bit tied up with some other things right now. Hopefully someone else can help. [18:45] ScottK: thanks a lot for all the help [18:45] You're welcome and good luck [18:49] kim0: first, if the package already has a patchsystem in use, use it to apply your patch. Otherwise, patch the source directly [18:54] RoAkSoAx: the package has a .diff.gz file with it [18:55] kim0: take a look at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems :) It explains how to use the patchsystems, it is very helpul :) [18:59] RoAkSoAx: it says "unknown patch system" [19:00] kim0: bacula right? [19:00] yes [19:01] RoAkSoAx: do I bzr branch it ? [19:03] kim0: take a look in debian/rules, and go to patch-stamp... apparently they are patching the source directly when building the package right there. so might gonna have to do something similar. [19:04] kim0: you can either branch it, apply your patch and ask for a merge. Or grab the source, patch it, provide a debdiff [19:04] RoAkSoAx: I'd rather branch it, coz I know more about that [19:04] RoAkSoAx: BUT .. I wanna test it with my patch [19:05] RoAkSoAx: I don't know how to tell pbuilder to use my modified copy [19:09] nvm .. I'm gonna branch/ask-for-merge [19:09] I have to filter one http link, but it's not related to packaging. how can I use "uscan" to get output from http/ftp link? [19:11] kim0: In your branch, do 'bzr bd -S' and it should create an *.dsc file, which you should use to build in pbuilder [19:12] trying that