
ftathen perl -ne '/^(.*?)=(\S+)/; $$d{$ARGV}{$1} = $2; END { for $f (keys %$d) { printf "%s\t%s%s\n", $f =~ m{.*/([^/]+)$}, $$d{$f}{'Exec'}, $$d{$f}{'StartupWMClass'} ? "\t$$d{$f}{'StartupWMClass'}" : "" } }' /usr/share/applications/*.desktop00:00
ftaasac, ^^00:00
asacno its fine00:01
asaci will add BAMF_WM_CLASS::$$d{$f}{'StartupWMClass'}"00:01
asacso i can parse it00:01
asaclet me try00:01
asacok perl -ne '/^(.*?)=(.*)/; $$d{$ARGV}{$1} = $2; END { for $f (keys %$d) { printf "%s\t%s%s\n", $f =~ m{.*/([^/]+)$}, $$d{$f}{'Exec'},$$d{$f}{'StartupWMClass'} ? "\tBAMF_WM_CLASS::$$d{$f}{'StartupWMClass'}" : "" } }' /usr/share/applications/*.desktop00:03
asacseems to work ;)00:03
asacthats what they deserve in their post.inst for creating a bamf.index under /usr/share... ;)00:03
asacinstead of /var ;)00:03
asacok let me try ;)00:04
asacok lets see00:10
asacthe  bamf.index looks okaish00:10
asacok seems to work ;)00:17
* asac double checks, cleans it up an pushes to ppa and branch00:18
asac01:24 < asac> ok now it works ;)00:24
asac01:24 < asac> ChrisCoulson: debdiff bamf_0.2.58-0ubuntu2.dsc bamf_0.2.58-0ubuntu2.asac1.dsc  | pastebinit00:24
asac01:24 < asac> http://pastebin.com/021mPXmu00:24
asac01:24 < asac> also pushed lp:~asac/bamf/match-apps-by-startup-wm-class00:25
asac01:24 < asac> and uploaded to ppa:asac/ppa00:25
asacfta: ^00:25
asacthanks a bunch!!00:25
asacchromium-browser also still works ;)00:25
asacand gwibber00:25
asacguess thats enough00:25
asacchrisccoulson: ^ ;)00:25
asacbloody bastards ;)00:26
asaccan keep firefox in launcher00:26
asacrelief i guess00:26
ftai don't even see chromium in unity, yet it's my default gnome browser00:28
asacwell ... now you can "keep in launcher" once you have it started ;)00:28
asacyou could do that before for chromium, but not for our daily codenames now i figured ;)00:29
ftaasac, in case you missed it: http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/Chromium-l10n-announce.html  (it's a draft, dpm was supposed to announce that last monday)00:30
asacthats rocking awesome00:31
ftaasac, and part of it is about to land upstream: http://codereview.chromium.org/5606007/00:32
ftajcastro, ^^00:32
asacfta: you also fixed the upstreaming process for it, right?00:33
ftaasac, what do you mean?00:34
asacfta: feeding back translations from ubuntu to upstream?00:35
asacor is that still open?00:35
ftaasac, i provide them a folder with both patches and patched files00:35
asacis that in the text?00:36
ftaasac, so there's a manual action needed to land those in trunk00:36
ftathe blog? no, but i didn't write it, dpm did00:36
ftai should also find a way to report bogus strings to the translators: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/translations/trunk/converter-output.html00:38
asacbut at least you can provide patches ;)00:38
asacthat can be included with some manual effort00:38
ftathey still need to wait in codereview00:39
asacfta: you and dpm worked on this?00:39
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541225/00:41
asacanything i should add in my blogpost i was about to fire ;)00:41
asacfta: fta and dpm ... or fta with help of dpm ;)?00:42
asacyour call00:42
ftaasac, well, i did it: https://code.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-translations-tools.head00:42
asacbut i guess he supported you ;)00:43
asaci can drop him compltely00:43
ftahe's been supporting me :)00:43
ftaespecially with the lp bugs against rosetta00:43
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541226/00:44
asacso i include the rosetta team in the final sentence i guess00:45
asacfta: ok more fta centric again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541228/00:47
asacyou have veto right for 3 minutes00:47
asacthen i send it out00:47
fta(ie, he pushed the lp devs for me, because they hate me)00:48
ftayep, ok00:48
asac"ubuntu community translates chromium-browser" is the titel00:48
fta(sorry, router crashed)00:48
asacubuntu community translations for chromium-browser00:48
asacrather ;)00:48
asac"ubuntu community translations for chromium browser"00:48
ftayep, fine00:48
ftaasac, seems i can write in python now: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-translations-tools.head/files  :)00:49
asacwell done00:49
asacok i have to go to bed in a bit ... was on first call at 6am ;)00:50
jcastrofta: man that is so awesome01:28
jcastrofta: when do you expect it to land? Like, soon this week or after?01:28
ftajcastro, what, the upstream patch? it needs a +1 from one of the subscribees01:29
ftajcastro, otherwise, it's already in our repos, lucid up to natty01:30
jcastrohigh five!01:30
ftafor us, it's fully automatic now01:30
ftait lands in all 4 ppas too, daily01:30
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaohh! http://blog.chromium.org/2010/12/new-crankshaft-for-v8.html02:12
janimomicahg: tbird build succeeded on arm with the debdiff applied07:20
micahgjanimo: great, thanks, I'll get it uploaded later this evening, I need to go to sleep soon07:22
janimomicahg: ok, thanks07:22
micahgjanimo: is your name in the changelog so I can give you proper attribution?07:22
janimoyes, it is a regular debian/changelog entry07:22
micahgjanimo: ok, great, thanks07:23
asacchrisccoulson: when can i try global menu in the dailies07:50
asacor wont that be available in maverick dailies?07:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ftajdstrand, hi, Chromium 8.0.552.224 including a handful of security fixes expected soon (most probably later today)15:39
jdstrandthat is an unfortunately fast turnaround15:39
DimmuxxHave anybody here tested Crankshaft yet?15:48
micah_netbookchrisccoulson: we're ok for the release today, right?15:55
=== micah_netbook is now known as micahg_netbook
ftaDimmuxx, they claim it's in the canary build, so i assume it's also in the daily builds so you can test it there16:25
ftajdstrand, did rkhunter stop updating its database for each apt upgrade?16:31
jdstrandfta: I don't know. mdeslaur, do I remember correctly that you looked at this at some point? ^16:32
ftait worked fine until 2 days ago16:32
ftain my last daily report, most of coreutils is reported as having a different hash16:33
ftafortunately, it matches an upgrade16:34
ftaotherwise, i would have been more than worried16:34
mdeslaurjdstrand, fta: isn't that a manual cron job that you have to set up?16:34
ftait's not a post-upgrade apt task??16:35
* mdeslaur doesn't know16:35
ftayep, /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90rkhunter16:37
ftaoh, that upgrade changed my /etc/default/rkhunter16:38
mdeslaurfta: where did 90rkhunter come from?16:38
mdeslaurah, maintainer script16:39
mdeslaurfta: looks like you know more about it than me :)16:39
mdeslaurfta: With the powers invested in me, I hereby declare you the rkhunter Expert!16:39
ftajcastro, fyi, mandriva is interested by our community translations for chromium19:23
jcastroanyone from debian?19:24
jcastrofta: is spot still doing chromium for fedora? maybe he might be interested.19:25
ftajcastro, i think spot is still on it. dpm sent a email today to all the known chromium maintainers (i pointed him to a list)19:26
jcastrooh ok, awesome19:26
jcastrofta: have you had a chance to try that crankshaft thing?19:27
ftajcastro, not sure. as i said earlier: "they claim it's in the canary build, so i assume it's also in the daily builds so you can test it there"19:28
jcastroah sorry, must have missed your previous response19:28
fta~3h ago19:28
asacfta: heh. so i posted the translation NEWS even before it was officially annonuced ;)19:51
asacfta: you tricked me into believing i was late :-P19:51
micahgjdstrand: looks like it was released, it's on the feed from Distrowatch20:14
jdstrandI don't see it on http://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/ yet20:15
jdstrandbut clearly it is coming20:15
ftaasac, did I? i said dpm was supposed to announce it ealier this week20:36
ftaasac, btw, mandriva contacted me today20:37
ftaasac, and some guys to add new langs20:37
ftaasac, ..so it's working :)20:37
asacits just funny that dpm's blog post got on planet _after_ i posted my entry suspecting that it might be old news ;)20:44
asachope i didnt steal the show ... :)20:44
ftaasac, he posted it after you did, he was 4 days late20:46
asacright.... his fault :)20:46
ftaasac, but that's not important, you woke him up20:46
asacguess jono woke him up ;)20:47
asacafter seeing my post :-P20:47
asacjust kidding20:47
ftanow, i need to put the desktop file in there too, somehow20:48
micahgfta: can you get upstream to accept a generic desktop file?20:49
ftamicahg, they already have one20:49
micahgMozilla's been kicking around the idea20:49
micahgfta: so why not translate that?20:50
ftait's gogle-chrome20:50
micahgfta: I meant chromium upstream .desktop file :)20:50
ftahm, seems they are generating it from C++ now20:54
ftaasac, any idea what it takes to fix bug 641126?21:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 641126 in chromium (and 1 other project) "unresolvable R_ARM_THM_CALL relocation (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64112621:06
micahgchrisccoulson: can we use the GRE /etc file to get the path for mozjs?  (i.e. install it in the mozjs package, source it, and use GRE_PATH in scripts)21:15
chrisccoulsonmicahg - hmmm, possibly. but that file really is for the XPCOM glue to use. do we need to do that?21:28
micahgchrisccoulson: need?, no, but I figured that would save us from creating a which-mozjs script21:31
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team (Chromium too!): | Firefox 4.0b7 in Natty (and Firefox Beta PPA 9.10-10.10 http://is.gd/f6TM4) | Seamonkey 2.0.11 in http://is.gd/dsudW needs testing | Firefox 3.6.13 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1.x Stable PPA | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/hdZc1

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