
dpmgood morning all!08:17
andrejzmorning dpm08:17
dpmhey andrejz :)08:18
andrejzyou read my article on the planet?08:18
dpmandrejz, I've been away 3 days, so I haven't read the planet yet. do you have a direct link to it?08:19
* dpm reads :)08:19
artnayhi all. just wanted to promote loco-directory as there are many languages which lack manpower: https://translations.launchpad.net/loco-directory/trunk/+pots/loco-directory08:26
dpmhey artnay - good idea. Do you think you could send an e-mail to the ubuntu-translators list? That would give more visibility to it. In the meantime, I can microblog it and post it in our facebook page08:27
artnaydpm: I'll do that later08:28
dpmartnay, awesome, thanks!08:28
artnayfirst I have to translate a few lines, 72 left ;)08:28
andrejz@artnay: currently i am translating ddtp_main so i have 14984 strings left :)08:29
artnayandrejz: that's a lot of descriptions08:31
andrejzwell i am not doing it all the time, otherwise i would go insane ;). What is the most frustrating some strings are soooo long - like emacs plugins description which has about 100 lines or so08:32
andrejz@dpm: i have read on the ubuntu planet that we can translate chromium - is that official already (because i haven't seen any official announcement)08:33
artnayandrejz: many descriptions are written by the programmers, so even if they are translated, many people won't understand them :-)08:34
andrejzpossible, but it really bothers me descriptions in software center are in english08:34
artnaythere are some bug reports on LP such as "make descriptions understandable" etc.08:35
dpmandrejz, where have you read it? I wrote the official announcement last week and I'm about to post it (I didn't do it yet because I was away)08:35
TLEdpm: good morning08:36
dpmandrejz, bummer. I guess that spoiled the surprise ;) Let me see if I post the official announcement now.08:37
dpmThanks for pointing it out08:37
dpmhey TLE, let me sort out the chromium announcement and then I'll take the langpack testing announcement. I haven't checked the PPA yet, but I saw the export on Sunday worked at least :)08:38
andrejzi also saw it worked08:39
andrejzso dpm, what do you think of the article ?08:50
dpmandrejz, good work with the post. I'll be trying that myself. I've just reposted it to twitter/identi.ca and to the translators Facebook page :)08:50
dpmWe've got a common glossary in Catalan as well, I'll have to figure out how to extract the data and put it in a format that the FF extension understands08:51
andrejzgreat! :)08:51
andrejzdo you know of any similar worklows ( i was hoping other translators would comment and give us some ideas how to further imrpove it)08:52
dpmandrejz, I don't know of any similar ones. As far as I know, you are pioneering here :) - I'd suggest sending an e-mail to the list to share this with those who don't regularly follow the planet. That might spark the discussion there08:53
dpmok, now back to chromium08:54
andrejzok, will post the link on the mailing list and ask for feedback08:54
TLEdpm: ok09:06
andrejzdpm, how often do trasnlation of chromium sync?09:18
andrejzif i have a daily build in what time will i see the changes in translations ?09:18
dpmandrejz, let me finish the announcement and then I can explain it in more detail (there is a Q+A section there where this is answered). (It's not a quick answer, that's why I prefer referring to the explanation I've written rather than answering here)09:20
dpmthen we can discuss09:20
andrejzok sure09:21
TLEandrejz: just read your blog post from yesterday, interesting stuff09:28
andrejzthank you. i hope someone else will find it usefull (that's why i posted it)09:28
andrejzhow do you handle this in danish team?09:30
TLEyeah absolutely, we have a wordlist on a webpage, it is not as large as your dictionary but still, it should be simple to convert the format and use the FF extension09:30
andrejz@TLE: yeah, we are dedicating a lot of effort to the wordlist and to it's promotion. We believe it's really important to have a consistent user experience09:38
TLEandrejz: so do I, unfortunately the Danish team is ... well let's just say the people are way more willing to put a lot of effort into promoting their on view on how we should translate then making it consistent :(09:45
andrejzwell it's been similar here ... we know we won't be able to agree with everyone and get 100% consistency, but the further we get, the better09:47
andrejzdpm i have seen the sketch on your blog so u don't need to explain11:31
dpmandrejz, oh? where did you see it? (I'm about to press the "publish" button)11:32
dpmandrejz, ah, that one :) - ok, now it's official, you'll find more details here:11:34
dpmI'm very excited about this. If you guys use twitter/identi.ca, don't forget to retweet/dent and tell everyone! http://twitter.com/#!/ubuntul10n/status/1283370383101952011:48
dpmThis will also be very helpful to raise awareness on the work translators do11:49
happyarondpm: so will these translations available on chromium.org?11:51
dpmhappyaron, have you read the Q+A section of the blog post?11:52
happyarondpm: yes, but you said not for google chrome11:52
happyarongoogle chrome and chromium are not the same product :)11:53
dpmhappyaron, I know ;) - we're looking (the Chromium people are) into committing them to Chromium trunk. How and if the translations make it to the branches (the ones used for Chrome) is not clear yet, but as I said, most probably they will not make it into Chrome11:54
dpmright now the important thing is to get translations, so that we can further road-test the infrastructure and show the great translations that can be done in LP11:56
happyarondpm: so it will be used in Chromium upstream, but not Google Chrome, am I right?12:01
andrejzi think so happyaron12:05
happyaronSounds good enough.12:07
dpmhappyaron, yes. Chromium has got several branches: trunk + dev, beta, stable. We're looking at committing translations to Chromium trunk, but Chrome, which is built from the 3 branches, will most probably not include the translations. That is also why we make available only the chromium-browser template (there is one for chrome-browser, but we hide it)12:13
happyarondpm: will these translations being shipped to other branches along with the code are branched to dev/beta/stable and being reviewed by google's translation team?12:14
dpmso far there haven't been any commits yet, so we'll see how translations from Launchpad come along first, and if we've got new languages as well. As a side-effect, this will help promoting the Launchpad Translators translation group, to which Chromium translations are assigned ;)12:15
happyaronyes, :-) I think It will be a great impact for some language, though.12:16
dpmhappyaron, I don't think there is something such as a google translation team. AFAIK, Google gives translations to third parties (translation agencies) to translate. They don't do review of community translations12:16
dpmhappyaron, and it's not sure if the translations will land in the other 3 branches yet. Right now we're talking about trunk only12:16
dpm(as chrome is built from the 3 branches)12:17
happyaronthat will be good enough, for we are FOSS lovers :)12:17
dpmhappyaron, did you see http://davidplanella.wordpress.com/2010/11/30/natty-translations-plans-i-translations-stories/ ? I think it would be great to hear from the Simplified Chinese team on how Ubuntu is used in your language. Do you think you or someone from your team could sign up for writing a translations article on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Stories ?12:19
dpmThis is a great opportunity to raise awareness on translations12:20
dpmin general, and in everyone's team in particular12:20
happyaronthanks, I will look into it, hopefully give you a feedback before next Monday :)12:21
dpmhappyaron, cool, thanks a lot!12:21
TLEdpm: can we talk about lang packages now that the chromium translations dust has settled ;) ?12:29
dpmTLE, hehe, yes, let's do that12:30
TLEI guess we need to check that there are new packages in the ppa, get pitti to push to proposed (fast) and announce testing in the mailing list12:31
dpmTLE, yeah, let me check.12:31
happyaronWill this be a reason for making chromium default browser of Ubuntu? just like Adi replied on mailing list?12:32
dpmhappyaron, this is completely unrelated. This came from a conversation I had with someone from the Chromium project a couple of UDSs ago. Then fta picked up the implementation and basically did it all12:34
dpmTLE, it seems that not all packages are built yet: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=maverick (look at language-pack-as). Let me talk with pitti12:35
dpmah, I've just read Adi's reply on the ML, nice one ;)12:36
TLEdpm: aren't they all ok, or am I reading it wrong12:39
andrejzso the language packs built od 4.12.2010 are the final ones to be updated ?12:42
dpmTLE, I looked at the date and I saw the -as package containing a previous export. It might just be that there were no translation changes for -as and thus the package did not need to be rebuilt. I'm just checking this out with pitti on #ubuntu-desktop now, waiting for an answer12:43
dpmandrejz, yeah, that's the plan12:43
andrejzgreat :)12:44
* dpm goes for lunch, will check on pitti's answer when back12:51
* TLE goes on a friday bar restock mission, will check dpm's reply when I get back12:53
TLEdpm: any word?14:59
TLEdpm: leaving for home, will log back in later15:16
dpmhey Yaron-Heb, I see the Ubuntu membership application went well? ;)15:47
dpmhey TLE, I couldn't catch you before you went. Re: language packs, and in short: packages are now being copied to maverick-proposed, and pitti estimates that they will take ~10h to build. So I'll be checking that tonight and hopefully tomorrow we'll finally be able to send the announcement.17:24
TLEdpm: ok17:38
Andre_Gondimdpm, is it possible to download the lang pack for some version? Like download pt-br lang pack to lucid?18:02
Andre_Gondimjust to see if the bug reported is already ok18:03
dpmhi Andre_Gondim. You can only get the full export with all languages: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/Exporting#Getting%20all%20translations However, perhaps an easier way is to download the source packages for a language, which will contain the source PO files. E.g.18:05
Andre_Gondimdpm, that is perfect, thanks18:05
dpmapt-get source language-pack-base-pt-br language-pack-pt-br language-pack-gnome-base-pt-br ... etc18:05
dpmanyway, I need to go now. See you all tomorrow!18:06
Andre_Gondimdpm, but if I am using natty, this isn't true to me, how do I know if is it lucid...18:06
andrejzHello !18:14
andrejzDoes anyone know why is this string untranslated in langugage selector - "System policy prevented setting default language." ?18:14
andrejzI believe it's a problem with export of some files (Probably .policy files)18:19
andrejzcan anyone cofirm this in their own language?18:19
andrejzi am trying to find appropriate bug in launchpad and subscribe to it18:22

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