
=== ChrisB_ is now known as Guest66012
screen-xmorning :)06:42
jacobwgood morning screen-x :)06:42
screen-x\o jacobw06:42
screen-xanother early person!06:42
jacobwbuses to catch..06:43
jacobwi'd better get used to it, i've to got to start work at 7.30 next year06:44
screen-xI'm sharing lifts with my wife who's doing early shifts, so I'm at my desk rather early..06:45
jacobwyou're already there ? :o06:45
jacobwis there a coffee machine ? :p06:45
screen-xno, but I have a good supply of fruit tea :D06:46
jacobwhmm yum06:46
screen-xno o2 service here at the moment, normally its full HSPA06:48
MooDoomorning all07:37
MooDooAlanBell: morning08:06
TheOpenSourcerermorning all.08:07
UndiFineDgood moaning08:10
rookshi guys, do you know of any good linux admin jobs, preferably ubuntu related, ideally on the outskirts of london?08:14
jpdsrooks: All the DCs are in the City/Docklands.08:20
rooksjpds, any idea on how is job market regarding linux jobs around london? are there many good jobs, or are there lot of 'we only officially need linux admin for clusters, but you will also replace toner cartridges' around?08:25
jpdsrooks: No, but you're likely to find something on the Guardian or such.08:27
rooksk, thx.08:30
screen-xrooks: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/linuxjobs08:30
rooksyay, thanks08:35
popeymorning all08:48
MooDoomorning popey08:48
screen-xweird, my x session seems to be on vt808:56
screen-x\o daubers09:05
dwatkinshiya folks09:15
dwatkinsscreen-x: wierd indeed, sounds like it started a 2nd one09:16
screen-xdwatkins: I did kill and restart gdm, but I expected it to restart on vt7.09:18
dwatkinsas would I, but perhaps it hadn't properly finished when the new session started09:18
screen-xthat is a possibility09:18
* daubers considers moving his laptop to matty09:25
daubersThey still rebuilding python?09:27
daubersShoudl prolly wait till that's done09:28
BigRedSThat sounds substantially less exciting09:29
bigcalmWhy should WP not allow automatic upgrades when I'm using NAT?09:29
BigRedSWP = wordpress?09:30
BigRedSI've no idea. I've never had a situation where WP's automatic upgrade works09:31
BigRedSwget,unzip,mv has always worked for me, though09:31
bigcalmIt works if it's a direct connection09:31
andylockranhey guys - is there a graphic equaliser plugin for pulse on ubuntu09:42
andylockranto adjust freqs09:42
imexilAnyone experienced the flood of "bad flagvector" warnings when starting applications (happened for OOo, pidgin, emacs, spellchecker) in 10.10?09:49
UndiFineDimexil, whare would I see "bad flagvector"09:51
andylockranI'm enjoying ipv6 :)09:51
imexilin my case: I start pidgin in the terminal09:52
j0nrhi folks09:52
imexilUndiFineD: or simpler just start $hunspell09:52
imexilor aspell does the same "trick"09:52
jpdsandylockran: Other than gb.archive.u.c, have you found any other hosts enabled?09:53
UndiFineDno sorry imexil09:53
UndiFineDno warnings for me09:54
imexilOK so at least it seems to have to do with my setip09:54
imexilthat helps already09:54
j0nrI need to remote control anotrher ubuntu machine. I dont have access to the machine, I can easily instruct the other user to enable remote desktop, but I dont think i can easily get them to enable port forwarding on their router09:54
j0nris there a simpler solution, like logmein for ubuntu?09:54
UndiFineDimexil, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bug/58391109:55
imexilyes thatis the one I found. But the "workarounds" there didn't apply in my case09:55
imexili.e., I didn't have that dictionary installed but still got all those warnings09:56
UndiFineD"It seems that myspell-en-za is the culprit"09:56
imexilYes but as I said, I don't have that dict (actually non of the myspell packages installed)09:57
imexilI'm going to remove all spell packages and see what that brings09:57
imexiloops, turns out I DO have that package ... strange I thought I checked that before ;)09:58
danfishj0nr: have a look at gitso09:58
UndiFineDhehe imexil09:59
imexilj0nr: I use Teamviewer which is free for personal use and works cross platform like a charm. No setup required (like for gitso where you still need a ssh tunnel to get to the remote machine)10:00
Mezpopey: what's up?10:06
* kazade thinks Ubuntu should have a Nintendo Mii -style avatar system10:10
kazademorning all10:10
ali1234kazade: meego will probably have that10:12
kazadeali1234, The reason I mention it is that I'm writing a multiplayer game, and it would be nice to be able to select an avatar for each player10:15
selinuxiummorning all   o/10:15
kazadeI think I'll code it in by using the /home/user/.face avatars10:15
andylockranjpds: I've accessed ipv6.google.com :)10:17
andylockranjpds: and just waitng for my dns server to update as I've set my homepage to be ipv6 capable :p10:18
imexilUndiFineD: OK looks like it that bug was the right indicator after all. The myspell dictionary for Norwegian is also broke / brakes any application that uses spell check10:20
UndiFineDok, so no more errors now ?10:21
imexilno. since my language environment is set to no_XX any application having to do with some spell checking (ooo, editors, pidgin would have raised the flagvector errors)10:23
screen-xhmm, just had a succession of emails from twitter about new spam followers, all "female" , with only a first name given.  odd.10:24
* Ng hrms at gnome's add printer dialog not showing printers that cups is broadcast advertising on the network10:24
jpdsNg: Hmm.10:24
Ngjpds: it sees the Xerox itself advertising itself, but not the queues in cups, very odd10:25
Ngand really quite unhelpful!10:25
Mez:( Just found out my car isn't coming for another 3 days10:26
imexilUndiFineD: OK bug reporting time then :)10:28
* daubers realises some of his functions have too many exit points :(10:47
kazadeUbuntu-UK podcast time \o/10:51
j0nrimexil: does teamviewer work ubuntu to ubuntu10:59
j0nrimexil: I looked at their site and there only seems to be a download for the viewer... what needs to be on the remote machine?11:00
daubersj0nr: Yes it does11:03
popeyj0nr: the same software11:14
popeythe linux version is bundles with the WINE libraries, its not a native app11:14
popeyMez: not your mirror :)11:14
popeyJonTheNiceGuy: hullo!11:14
JonTheNiceGuyHi Popey :)11:15
JonTheNiceGuyJust listened to the latest UUPC11:15
JonTheNiceGuyHas anyone bothered you yet about phone clients for Identi.ca?11:15
JonTheNiceGuy(ps. hi all :) )11:15
davmor2morning all11:16
MooDoodavmor2: morning11:17
popeyJonTheNiceGuy: no11:17
popeyJonTheNiceGuy: I have tried all of the ones available, they all suck11:17
popeywithout exception11:17
JonTheNiceGuyHave you tried Mustard recently?11:17
popeymustard for iphone?11:17
JonTheNiceGuyI forgot you were a freedom hater ;)11:17
* davmor2 pins a notice to czajkowski back that says she now lives in England not the UK11:17
MooDoodavmor2: she'll learn11:18
BigRedSHow can you live in England but not in the UK?11:18
JonTheNiceGuyIs czajkowski UK based now? :)11:18
MooDooJonTheNiceGuy: yes11:18
BigRedSOr am I missing the beginning of a joke?11:18
popeyfor addressing purposes i't "UK" not "England"11:18
popeyJonTheNiceGuy: yeah, she lives just round the corner from me11:18
JonTheNiceGuyNice :D11:19
davmor2MooDoo: czajkowski  Irish so you have to give her some leeway11:19
popeyI guess ;)11:19
MooDoodavmor2: well i suppose a little.....11:19
macopopey: oops11:19
popeyJonTheNiceGuy: there also isnt a decent ipad identica client11:19
macoi wrote "England" on holiday card envelopes11:19
davmor2popey: your might be my international letter read ENGLAND and they get to me11:19
popeymaco: not like it wont get here11:19
macobecause i also wrote "Scotland" on the one for scotland...11:19
popeydavmor2: yeah, it works, but post codes are UK postcodes not England post codes11:19
popeyI am merely asserting that you're wrong in saying that czajkowski is wrong :)11:20
MooDoopopey: czajkowski is always wrong ;)11:21
* screen-x stands well back11:21
MooDooi think we need a new #blameczajkowski11:21
davmor2popey: Thats because the post code service cover Scotland and Wales as well as England, My postal Country is still England,  England is where I live, it is the rugby, football team I support in international competitions, and is written on my Birth Certificate.  Oh and I'm English not UKish :P11:23
popeyNo, you're british11:24
popeyno matter what you think11:24
MooDooi want to be english....11:24
popeyyou can call yourself whatever you like, I doubt anyone cares :)11:25
czajkowskiJonTheNiceGuy: yup moved over here 5 weeks ago11:26
czajkowskidavmor2: MooDoo too busy to deal with ye two today.11:26
* maco is jealous11:26
screen-xmaco: ?11:26
macoim in the states. i wanna move to the uk too!11:27
MooDoomaco: why? lol11:27
macohaha are you two reading each others' minds?11:27
MooDoolol it happens11:27
screen-xyeah, we are one11:27
macohave wanted to since i visited 10 years ago11:28
davmor2popey: London is the capital city of what country?11:28
MooDoomaco: i'm the same about the states :D11:28
Mezpopey: then what ?11:28
popeyMez: your mirror is down11:28
andylockran7 years back luck11:28
Mezpopey: no, it's not - Daviey's lazy :)11:28
* BigRedS boots into natty11:29
Mezpopey: IP has changed. 66->9711:29
Mezpopey: but the new place has everything awaiting and ready to be set up11:29
macoMooDoo: if you can afford it, dc is a great place to live. can walk most places and good public transit (northern virginia's buses seem to be always on time. dc's can run a bit behind, but at every-8-minutes intervals they cant get too far off)11:29
DavieyMez: Ah, yes... your old mirror is the one you FAILED to upgrade between releases, so threw it away?11:29
MezDaviey: I didn't fail - the memory limit failed :D11:30
MezOOM on an upgrade is painful :)11:30
MooDoomaco: well i went to NYC and loved it, SF within a couple of years i hope11:30
popeyis your vps a 16K spectrum?11:30
BigRedSI know it's oversaid, but I can really see where the "it's an OSX copy" comments come from11:30
Mezpopey: yes.11:30
popeyMooDoo: the bits round the edge of the USA are nice11:30
Davieypopey: like Canada?11:30
popeyhttp://popey.blip.tv/posts?view=archive&nsfw=dc  webcamtastic11:30
popeyhahah Daviey11:30
screen-xandylockran: you are starstruck by the presence of popey?11:31
popeyhttp://popey.blip.tv/file/4483981/ boringcam is boring11:31
macothere's one place in the US thats inland that i would recommend to outdoors-lovers:  Denver11:31
macoeasy access to beautiful mountains and canyons for all the hiking, skiing, and biking you want11:31
popeyi read canyons as crayons11:32
* screen-x plays John Denver11:32
MezWe should all go hiuking in a crayon.11:32
BigRedSSkitt's Law :)11:32
* Mez bagsies Electric Lime11:32
screen-xBigRedS: hadn't seen that before.11:34
BigRedSscreen-x: Ah, I fall prey to it approximately fortnightly :(11:34
macodenver is a little oasis of liberal-by-usa-standards (which, from what i understand is about equiv to tories, but anyway...) in the middle of the us11:34
popeythe whole 'liberal/socialism is bad' skit in the USA has is quite odd11:34
macoi was talking to Riddell once and asked what party there would be where my mum would fit, and he said there isnt one11:35
screen-xBigRedS: most of my irc lines contain typos!11:35
macoi was like "but one of them is named conservative. what about them? or the bnp?"   and Riddell said the tories are like the democrats and i went O_O11:36
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_
maco(yes, i know what the bnp is known for...)11:36
JonTheNiceGuymaco, There was a "answer these questions to see which party you'd vote for" thing online a while back.11:36
popeyoh yeah11:36
macoi attempted to go through the Political Compass thing answering how i thought she would11:37
BigRedSthere were a few, I could never get two of them to agree for me11:37
BigRedSI should've voted for some spread of Tory, Labour, Green and BNP IIRC11:37
JonTheNiceGuyBigRedS, I always wondered whether some of them had a particular slant :)11:37
BigRedSJonTheNiceGuy: The Torygraph one wanted me to vote Labour, which I found peculiar11:37
macoheh i was asked the other day "and just WHY are you reading the torygraph, hmm?"  ...first id ever heard that. i answered "because google said so"  (it was just a weather report)11:38
* BigRedS wants tab-completion for his aliases11:39
* screen-x wants telepathic sentence completion11:39
macowahhh politicalcompass.com is now domain name squatted11:39
BigRedSmaco: .org I thought it was?11:39
dwatkinsBigRedS: I have tab-complete for aliases in BSD's bash11:40
JonTheNiceGuyThat'd be because it's .org ;)11:40
BigRedSrearrange those words into a coherent sentence :)11:40
macoBigRedS: you win11:40
JonTheNiceGuyBigRedS is yoda channelling, he is.11:40
JonTheNiceGuys/he is/they are/11:40
dwatkinsGNU bash, version 3.2.39, BigRedS11:40
JonTheNiceGuy(Gender non-specific... sorry)11:40
BigRedSdwatkins: I'm on Linux's zsh...11:41
dwatkinsBigRedS: that would be why, then11:41
BigRedSJonTheNiceGuy: ah, I wondered if i'd become a plural :)11:41
screen-xJonTheNiceGuy: I'm  pretty sure the cookie monster is male11:41
* maco blinks at the movement of Labour over time on http://politicalcompass.org/ukparties201011:41
BigRedSmaco: Nationalist Fascism's where it's at apparently11:42
BigRedSand, yeah, I am male, But I don't mind being plural :)11:42
JonTheNiceGuyBigRedS, Good to know, for the future D:11:43
JonTheNiceGuy:D even11:43
daubersOooh, snow11:43
BigRedSI'd skip the keyboard step, really. Just have your IRC client know the meaning you intend to get across11:44
JonTheNiceGuyMy only worry is at, like, 2am11:44
BigRedSThough I think zsh tab-completing aliases is more likely to happen :)11:44
JonTheNiceGuyand then... *shudder*11:44
macoBigRedS: all the major candidates in the us 2008 chart are in that quadrant too though. except the one i voted for..because i didnt vote major party11:46
JonTheNiceGuySomewhat interestingly, I just re-did my political compass survey, and I'm in about the same place as The Dalai Lama :)11:53
_Hhi this is urgent: ubuntu desktop and push email how?11:53
screen-x_H: push = imap idle, or exchange?11:54
tugriknot that urgent then ;)11:55
_HI don't know11:56
JonTheNiceGuy_H what do you have so far?11:56
macoJonTheNiceGuy: thats where i am11:56
Mez_H: What do you mean by "push email"?11:56
_Husually used via iphone or blackberry11:57
JonTheNiceGuy_H what's the domain name for the e-mail provider?11:57
screen-xiphones are capable of both those types.11:57
JonTheNiceGuyOr is it business use?11:57
Mez_H: then in that sense, push email is simply a mobile telephone service.11:57
JonTheNiceGuyProbably exchange then.11:57
Mez_H: So, I don't think the push bit here is relevant. You just need to access your email11:58
screen-xowa, definitely outlook..11:58
screen-x_H: depends how your exchange server is setup, you can probalby use any imap client, but I think evolution has some capability for talking to exchange natively.12:00
JonTheNiceGuyscreen-x, I think it used to be called the Ximian Connector12:01
dwatkins_H: can you not just use the web-interface?12:02
BigRedSscreen-x: MS produced a whole load of bumpf aimed at Exchange admins explaining how IMAP was inherently insecure and should be disabled on Exchange servers. I don't know how many fell for it, but most Exchange servers I've seen don't do IMAP.12:03
BigRedSIf they're expecting everyone to connect from Outlook or an iPhone, they don't need to12:04
screen-xBigRedSs: :(12:04
Darael_H: Evolution can connect to an Exchange server given only the OWA address.  If you can - and it appears you can - then Evolution can connect fine.12:04
_Hyou lost me at "Exchange server given only the OWA address.  If you can - and it appears you can - then Evolution can connect fine."12:04
BigRedS_H: OWA = Outlook Web Access12:04
BigRedSThe webmail interface to Exchange12:05
DaraelIf you try to set up an account in Evo of type "exchange", it will ask for the webmail interface address.12:05
kazadedoes anyone know of a simple graphical utility that is equivalent to the "mail" command for reading email?12:07
JonTheNiceGuykazade, How simple are you talking about? Could you not start mail in an xterm window?12:08
kazadeI have a server with a LOT of unread email and I can't figure out how to use the "mail" command to quickly read it all12:08
screen-xkazade: mutt12:08
BigRedSYou can point most graphical mail clients at a Maildir or mbox file, if that's what you're after?12:09
screen-xits not very graphical, but its great for mass processing mail.12:09
kazadescreen-x, perfect thanks12:09
kazadeBigRedS, I wanted something really lightweight, but less lightweight than "mail" :)12:10
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
bigcalmpopey: what does your Joggler run?12:11
popeywhatever I put on the usb stick :012:12
bigcalmWhat have you liked so far?12:12
bigcalmAnd does one need a usb hub to add a keyboard, or is the onscreen one enough?12:13
exobuzznew joggler distribution (related to ubuntu so not completely offtopic) http://joggler.exotica.org.uk/jolicloud/ ;-)12:13
exobuzzbigcalm, keyboard is useful. can get some nice small wireless ones that work well12:13
exobuzzim using a laptop size one12:14
exobuzzyou can get much smaller/compact though12:14
exobuzzonscreen keyboard is ok if you dont want to do much customisation etc and just do basic stuff12:14
exobuzzsorry. wasnt my question. i butted in..12:15
BigRedSkazade: Ah, I thought you might already have a mail client knocking around12:16
kazadeBigRedS, nah, not on this server12:17
kazadeIf I send an email to user@host and host is running postfix, should the user receive it - or do I have to configure postfix for that?12:17
BigRedSkazade: I think postfix defaults to delivering to ~/Maildir12:22
BigRedSI think. It's been a long time since I last saw a default postfix. But it definitely puts mail to existing users somewhere under their ~12:23
kazadeanyone know much about reverse dns?12:35
JonTheNiceGuykazade, what are you trying to find out?12:35
screen-xkazade: only that it's a pain with cidr12:36
kazadeI've got some domains which are handled by a domain registrar (e.g. using their DNS server)12:36
kazadeand I have a set of servers in a server farm which are allocated a range of ips12:36
kazadeif I want to set up a reverse dns record, do I have to install a DNS server on the machine just to host the PTR record?12:37
BigRedSwhoever is authoritative for that IP address needs to hold the record12:37
BigRedSor delegate it to your DNS server12:37
kazadeBigRedS, if I just set up a DNS server at the ip address that serves a PTR record would that work?12:47
BigRedSkazade: no, people would need to know to ask your server for the ptr address12:48
BigRedSyou need to ask whoever assigned you the IP address to have your server authoritative for that IP address (or possibly block)12:48
BigRedSor, more likely, have them slave the records off your machine. Or just set it to whatever you require12:48
kazadeok , see in the past we had a Win2k dns server running and there were ptr records in there. But we've just moved the records back to the registrar (as we are trying to move to the "cloud")12:49
kazadejust wondering if reverse dns ever worked..12:49
BigRedSit's likely it didn't12:49
BigRedSunless the things that needed it were specifically requesting from that 2k server12:50
kazadeBigRedS, ok, thanks - I'm contacting the hosting company12:53
screen-xAnyone know how to setup a slave kdc? I'm attempting to create a stash file with, "kdb5_util stash" which returns "kdb5_util: No such file or directory while initializing database" The obvious response would be create a new database, but I want this to be a slave to an existing master, rather than a new master KDC.12:54
andylockranhey guys - anyone use terminator12:54
andylockranctrl+shift+F for searching scrollback doesn't appear to work12:55
screen-xI did for a very brief time, then screen with v-splits arrived :D12:55
danfish\o/ angry birds has released a seasonal special edition - more levels12:59
zleapany idfea where the option to add a signatgure to an e-mail in thunderbird has now been hidden13:01
zleapi can't find it13:01
BigRedSit's in server setup isn't it?13:03
BigRedSsomewhere daft like the smtp server config13:03
BigRedSedit->account settings->[pick account]->composition13:03
zleapwell that has a tick box to include one13:04
czajkowskiAlanBell: ping13:04
screen-xfound my kdc problem, creating a database != creating a new realm. Slave KDCs need an empty database to store slave data in.13:04
zleapok they haver moved it to the account settings bit13:06
zleapbut yeah they have moved it, there is a box to enter your own text under that there is the box to choose a file13:06
zleapBigRedS, thanks13:06
X3Noh, it was running13:37
Mez /j #cyanogenmod13:39
jpdsMez: Sure.13:40
dwatkinsooh, I dind't know there was a channel for that here, thanks Mez13:40
* dwatkins thought the official cyanogen channel was on another network13:40
bigcalmI thought so as well13:41
* dwatkins notes he has no voice on it13:41
MezNah, it's on here - and I didn't mean to type that here.13:41
MezFail at putting spaces in.13:41
MezI'm just hoping that that channel will explode when gingerbread releases :D13:41
* dwatkins realises he hadn't identified with nickserv and does so13:42
dwatkinsyeah, most likely it will, Mez13:42
Mezhence the hilights :D13:42
* MartijnVdS waits for the official gbread for Nexus One13:43
MezMartijnVdS: that's what I'm waiting for too :D13:43
MartijnVdSMez: I've re-flashed my N1 with the US factory firmware (instead of the EU firmware, which makes you wait for Vodafone to ack updates)13:43
MartijnVdSso I'm on 2.2.1 already now :)13:43
MezMartijnVdS: Mine was on EU (non voda) firmware (from Google directly).13:44
MezIt's currently on cyanogen 6.10 (2.2.1)13:44
Mezand it'll be going to stock gbread as soon as that's out13:45
Mez(possibly before - as I get "Press" OTAs)13:45
bigcalmI still can't download the google apps with rom manager when selecting 6.113:45
bigcalmI'm stuck on RC2 forever more13:45
Mezbigcalm: Known bug - download 6.1 - install, go back into ROM Manager, and download the apps seperately.13:46
bigcalmMez: cheers13:47
Mezbigcalm: no worries - I did it myself.13:47
=== njpatel_ is now known as njpatel
bigcalmWhat's so good about stock gingerbread?13:50
MartijnVdSit's stock.. you get OTA updates13:52
bigcalmAnd this is better than Cynaogenmod?13:53
MartijnVdSimho it is13:54
MartijnVdSCyanogen has WAY too many toggles and switches and bad defaults imho13:54
bigcalmWorks exceedingly well on my N113:54
MartijnVdSoh sure it works.. but the notification bar is al weird (slide down the top bar)13:55
MartijnVdSand it asks for a size when adding widgets (why?!)13:55
danfishMartijnVdS: does that stock image work on the htc desire?13:57
MartijnVdSdanfish: I don't know13:57
MezMartijnVdS: it asks for a size, because you can (in theory) change the amount of grid points on your desktop.13:57
MezSo if you changed it to have 8 columns - you'd probably want a widget that's meant to fill your screen to be 8 wide, not 413:58
MartijnVdSit's still annoying :)13:58
MezMartijnVdS: I personally use Cyanogen - but I'm quite happy with using Stock aswell (though, There are some tweaks in Cyanogen that make me like it more)13:59
MartijnVdSMez: as long as it doesn't have Sense... ;)13:59
bigcalmI like having different colour notifications for each part of the system13:59
MezMartijnVdS: oh, yes.13:59
MezMartijnVdS: I will not use a phone that has SenseUI?14:00
MartijnVdSI won't either14:00
bigcalmI gave my GF my Wildfire when I renewed my t-mobile contract. The phone is cute but the SenseUI is horrible14:00
Mezsense is the biggest POS I've seen14:00
MezI do like their clock widget though.14:01
MezBut that's it.14:01
bigcalmI don't think my GF will let me mod the phone14:01
Mezbigcalm: is it your phone? :P14:01
bigcalmMez: women can be picky14:02
Mezbigcalm: why does she have any say over what's on your phone.14:02
Mezbigcalm: It'd be like her saying "You have to use Windows"14:02
bigcalmMez: I gave her the phone as I didn't need it14:02
directhexi like sense14:02
Flashteki like sense ui14:03
directhexi miss much of sense, using villainrom14:03
Mezbigcalm: oh, then that's a fair point.14:03
directhexslow though14:03
* Mez slaps directhex and Flashtek 14:03
Flashtekpersonal preference..14:03
MezGo on guys, run quadrant :D Lets see your scores :D14:04
Flashtekwhat ?14:04
MezQuadrant - Android Benchmark :D14:04
Flashtekoh, pissing contest..14:04
MezFlashtek: ePeen :D14:04
Flashtekoh, this is the one that will not run..14:06
Flashteklack of stensil buffer14:07
FlashtekI did look in to a few roms, but never had any success...14:08
bigcalmMy N1 scored 1286: less than standard N1 with 2.214:12
bigcalmUnless I'm reading it wrong14:12
FlashtekMez: what ROM would you recommend ?14:12
MezFlashtek: CyanogenMod if it's available for your handset14:13
Flashtekdoes look like its available14:16
MezExperimental though14:16
Flashtekquestion is, how do I use it..?14:17
MezFlashtek: is your phone rooted?14:19
* BigRedS wants cyanogen for Galaxy :(14:19
MezBigRedS: experimental avail;able14:19
BigRedSFlashtek: there's normally pretty good HowTos on the cyanogenmod forums14:19
BigRedSMez: O RLY? when did that happen?14:20
MezBigRedS: ah... lol - it looked like there was14:20
Mezbut it was just a link to a "no files to display"14:20
BigRedSActually, I'm now tending towards wanting a quite vanilla android for it14:21
BigRedSjust to see what it's like14:21
* Flashtek downloads the rom zip file..14:22
Azelphurgrr, back and forward on chrome seems to be broken since the most recent update14:29
dwatkinsthat's pretty fundamental, Azelphur14:30
dwatkinsbeta, I assume14:30
Azelphurdwatkins: it skips loads of pages14:30
Azelphurso like I go to google, do a search, click images, click the image, then press back14:30
AzelphurI end up back at the google homepage before I even did the search14:30
Azelphurso it does like 4 jumps back instead of 114:30
Azelphurkeeps doing it, too.14:30
dwatkinsI assume it's not just google images being wierd14:31
dwatkinsWhat chrome version, Azelphur?14:33
Azelphur8.0.552.215 (67652)14:34
dwatkinsI'm running 8.0.552.215 (Official Build 67652) on windows 7, so I can only assume this is a linux-specific problem14:36
dwatkinsAzelphur: I assume you've rebooted, tried another user etc.14:37
dwatkinsrebooted in terms of a possible problem with the keyboard driver etc.14:37
dwatkinssorry, mouse driver14:37
dwatkinsworth trying it in another X session, I guess14:37
ali1234Azelphur: it's because the new google images works differently14:38
ali1234it's all html5 now, as a result back doesn't work properly14:38
dwatkinsso it is google images being wierd ;-)14:39
* dwatkins was implying that it might be worth checking other websites14:39
Azelphurali1234: fun14:40
ali1234the crazy thing about the new google images is they keep turning it on and off, it's really weird14:41
ali1234maybe it's a cunning piece of psychology to make people not complain about the new UI, like they always do14:42
ali1234just confuse the crap out of everyone by turning it on and off, then when you turn it on permanently everyone will not even notice14:42
gordhrm? it turns "off" for you?15:14
BigRedSIs 9.04 Grub1 or Grub2 by default?15:15
* BigRedS googles15:15
gordshould be grub 1 i think15:16
BigRedSAh, I can have 8.04. That'll do15:16
diploutoh, anonymous hitting amazon now :D15:17
dwatkinswhy is that a good thing, diplo?15:17
diploDid i say it was a good thing15:18
dwatkinsyou implied as much with your smile, diplo15:18
diploI thought they would be the least likely to go down with there infrastructure15:18
dwatkinssorry if I misinterpretted15:18
dwatkinsyeah, true15:18
diployer seem to have added that on the end15:18
diploSeems to be up and down15:19
diplo.com that is15:19
diploBut on the flip side, someone is taking down anonops site15:19
jacobwafternoon :)15:29
jacobwjust got a new acer timeline, vista installation is AWFUL15:31
BigRedSI had my first go on Windows 7 the other day15:31
BigRedSit's not that bad, from what littel I did with it15:31
jacobwresolution is wrong, the default applications aren't loaded properly15:31
jacobwyeah, Windows 7 isn't bad at all15:32
jpdsBigRedS: Now try Solaris.15:32
jacobwjust takes some getting used to15:32
BigRedSstill frustrated by OS installs that don't let me use the PC while they're doing it, though15:32
BigRedSjpds: I did, a while ago. Quite liked it.15:32
BigRedSbut that doesn't do games properly either15:32
dwatkinsI am surprised every time I discover a windows application which is still only available as a 32-bit version15:33
jacobwthat would be most of them wouldn't it dwatkins?15:34
dwatkinsjacobw: yes, a vast majority of the software I use15:36
jacobwcrappy java is the thing that really gets my goat :(15:37
dwatkinsthere isn't even a 64-bit version of Apache for windows.15:37
gordhonestly for windows the 32/64bit thing just adds complication, they don't have the nice software system we do, so most people just go for releasing 32 bit versions unless the software really really needs 64bit15:41
andylockranguys - I want a server to constantly stream a random playlist - and for clients to tune in/tune out with a desktop client - can anyone recommend a way to do this?15:41
andylockrani.e. for a work rardio station15:41
gordandylockran, icecast15:41
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=== jacobw2 is now known as jacobw
andylockrangord: ta15:43
jacobwmy ADSL is running at ~1Mb/s this afternoon15:47
jacobwunfortunately reseting it to clear the ADSL establishment isn't working as it usually does15:47
gord1mbit sucks :( not quite enough to do anything well15:47
bigcalmHave you offered it a cuppa tea?15:47
gordi find 2/3 mbit is fine for most things, but 1mbit is infuriating15:47
jacobwwell, i've just taken delivery of a new laptop for a client, and discovered that i don't have an ubuntu lucid or maverick iso on my machine, so i'm trying to download the maverick iso15:47
jacobwi'm used to this taking ~20 minutes as opposed to 90 minutes15:48
=== webpigeon is now known as Guest86227
X3Nhow do I update my git branch against master?16:02
ali1234git fetch origin; git merge origin/master16:03
ali1234or just git pull16:03
andylockrangord: it's not just simple is it :(16:05
Phineasi have returned16:05
gordandylockran, nope16:06
Phineasmerry xmas everyone16:19
freesitebuilderstarted my Christmas shopping today :)16:21
Phineasits my birthday soon (5 days to go)16:21
freesitebuilderso do you miss out and only get one set of presents?16:22
Phineasfreesitebuilder,  nope i get all of my xmas and birthday prezzies16:23
FlashtekPhineas: mine in sat16:23
FlashtekPhineas: how old will you be ?16:24
PhineasFlashtek,  in sat?16:24
PhineasFlashtek,  i will be 1116:24
Flashteknearly 1/3 of my age16:25
MooDooFlashtek: nearly a quarter of mine, well in 2/3 years :)16:25
Flashteki dont feel so old any more16:27
bigcalmFlashtek: early 30s isn't old16:28
* jacobw wonders how old bigcalm is ;)16:29
* dwatkins is 3316:30
X3Nthanks ali123416:30
Phineasbigcalm,  nice nick?16:36
Phineasbigcalm,  where did you get your nick from?16:38
bigcalmMorcheeba album16:39
Phineasbigcalm,  who?16:44
Pendulumbigcalm: you know, I'd never put that together :-/16:45
bigcalmPendulum: some time ago I needed a new nick. I had the album CD on my desk and went with that16:46
bigcalmThough my fave. track off of that album is The Sea16:46
Pendulumbigcalm: I admittedly didn't know Morcheeba at all until I was visiting some mates in the UK a few years ago and got brought along to a concert :)16:47
bigcalmWhat do you think?16:47
PendulumI had fun and bought albums :)16:47
Pendulumand a vest (which I have somewhere and in about 10 more lbs it'll fit again \o/)16:48
bigcalmAwww, heh16:48
Phineasif only i could get some phineas and ferb pjs in my size16:59
Phineasconvert flv into mp3 (ffmpeg) how do i do thi?17:14
bigcalmPhineas: do you keep irc logs?17:16
Phineasbigcalm,  yes17:16
bigcalmPhineas: then I suggest that you read yesterday's log when you asked the same question and people gave you information on how to do it17:17
Phineasbigcalm,  don't have a log from then17:17
bigcalmPhineas: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/12/08/%23ubuntu-uk.html17:19
Phineasbigcalm,  it worked i think, i now have an .aac17:29
Phineasbigcalm,  which worked17:30
bigcalmGood for you17:35
Phineasis it ok to have a very slight whistleing nois from laptop fans17:48
AlanBellPhineas: not sure if you realise, but we can't hear it17:53
PhineasAlanBell,  i know that17:54
daubersWorking late sucks18:05
jpdsdaubers: "Sooner is better than later".18:06
daubersjpds: You wha?18:07
jpdsdaubers: Principal from http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0596007833/ .18:10
daubersjpds: I see.... Just got a release deadline tomorrow so polishing a few UI issue. UI stuff takes _forever_ to get right18:12
MonsterKillerwhats the package called to install mysql? it will be for web server and after i will install phpmyadmin.18:20
MonsterKilleris it just 'mysql' ?18:21
MonsterKilleras, mysql-server18:24
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Nafallo!info mysql-server18:27
lubotu3mysql-server (source: mysql-5.1): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1 (maverick), package size 59 kB, installed size 92 kB18:27
Nafallo^-- MonsterKiller18:27
Nafalloanyone in here with a full uupc mirror?18:27
NafalloI need to know how big it is18:27
popey6.9G    /srv/uk-lo-0.static.podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/18:28
Nafallopopey: ta.18:28
Nafallonow... that's interesting. the guest think it has 2GB, but the host have given it 10GB :-P18:31
Nafallopopey: what's the growth rate like?18:32
Nafallopopey: no need to buy a SAN for it, right?18:32
popeywell, split that over 3 seasons18:32
Nafallothere is an "extras" as well :-)18:32
popeyso 2.3 per season,18:32
popeyextras is tiny18:32
popeyso it'll be ~9.2GB this time next year18:33
Nafallota popey :-)18:33
Nafalloso I have at least a year of growth on this one \o/18:33
Nafalloexcept I have no idea how I've managed to partition this host.18:34
NafalloI almost feel a bit retarded.18:34
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AlanBellevening all19:35
AlanBellit is website hack day tomorrow19:36
AlanBelland I don't mean paypal mastercard and visa19:36
daubersAlanBell: All ready with the jobs to dish out?19:37
MartijnVdSAlanBell: you mean the UK government? 8-)19:37
AlanBelland I am out all morning too19:37
AlanBellbut don't let that stop anyone19:37
daubersI'm not even home yet :(19:40
daubersMight try and do some from a coffee shop in reading in the afternoon19:40
MartijnVdS"Write code as though the person who maintains it after you is a homicidal maniac who knows where you live."19:44
AlanBellbut I have no idea where you live19:54
BigRedSDon't tell them that!19:56
AlanBellif you go here http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/wp-login.php?action=register19:57
AlanBellyou should be able to register as a subscriber19:58
AlanBellthen you can be bumped up to author/editor/hacker/whatever as needed19:58
daubersAlanBell: Is there a list of stuff that needs to be done?20:00
MartijnVdSit works20:04
diwanescuyay :)20:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Scott James Remnant] Not a WordPress Certified Engineer - http://www.netsplit.com/2010/12/09/not-a-wordpress-certified-engineer/20:09
AlanBellbest not get SJR involved tomorrow then :)20:10
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derfredand again test!20:12
AlanBellstill not broken derfred20:12
derfredoh no ;)20:12
daubersNow it's broken20:13
coffeebean8888who has snow?20:38
* Flashtek checks20:39
FlashtekI have pie, does that count ?20:39
coffeebean8888what kind of pie is it white?20:39
Flashtekcream pie20:39
coffeebean8888does nobody speak?20:45
Flashtekno, never20:51
coffeebean8888pie eater20:52
coffeebean8888whats new on ubuntu?20:53
jacobwunity brings divisions within Ubuntu coffeebean888820:57
jacobwthat is whats new in Ubuntu :d20:57
jacobwer.. :D even20:57
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MonsterKillerHey. I dont know if anyone can help. A few things i had one ubuntu server i had used to auto-start when the vps did but some of them no longer do.21:14
BigRedSMonsterKiller: how did you configure them to autostart?21:15
BigRedSand did you change anything else when they stopped working? Upgrading things or something?21:15
MonsterKillersudo update-rc.d <what ever> defaults21:16
MonsterKillerBigRedS, all that heppened was it crashed one day21:16
MonsterKillerafter that some just didnt start21:16
MonsterKilleri had to start them manually21:16
MonsterKiller:O apache2 ninja'd its way onto my VPS even though i have lighthttpd21:26
BigRedSMonsterKiller: peculiar, I've no idea...21:28
MonsterKillerhow would i get rid of apache2? i tried apt-get remove apache / apache2 but it said it wasnt installed. i dont even know how it got installed21:33
BigRedShow do you know it is installed?21:33
MonsterKillerbecuase it ran when i started my vps21:33
Flashtekperhaps it's not installed by dpkg21:34
BigRedSwhat said it ran? Is there an apache in /usr/local/bin or /opt/? Does anyone else have access to it?21:34
MonsterKillerps -aux said it ran xD21:35
MonsterKillerthere is /etc/apache221:35
BigRedSthat is weird21:35
MonsterKillerits not in /usr/local.bin though21:36
MonsterKillerwhats the best way to get rid of it? i really dont want it there since i have lighthttpd21:38
andylockranhowdy all21:41
andylockranMonsterKiller: aptitude purge apache2 ?21:41
andylockranjust about to head home having installed a new router in the office21:42
andylockranwe've been having weird issues with our network connection over the past few weeks21:42
andylockrananyone recommend a way of monitoring the connection overnight?21:42
andylockranput it under a little bit of load -but not more than a few gigs over the course of the next 10 hours21:43
brobostigonevening all.21:46
bigcalmpopey: ping22:29
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brobostigonjust gave my mum my second swype beta install, lets see what she thinks.22:30
daubersHome time!22:31
Paul2is there a #ubuntu focusing on wubi/can anyone do 10.10 with wubi?22:32
Paul2nevermind sorted :)22:50
Danawar2man i just let one of my friends on my ssh23:09
Danawar2and he did cat /dev/zero | gzip > /dev/hda1 =[23:09
dutchieand this is why root shells are evil23:10
mgdmDanawar2: that was particularly nasty23:10
mgdmit might be recoverable, though23:11
Danawar2limited it to 1gb23:11
Danawar2so just slowed the machine down23:11
ali1234what filesystem?23:11
Danawar2i just couldnt believe that just a user could do that23:11
Danawar2ext3 i think23:11
dutchiereally, a user shell?23:11
ali1234probably recoverable from the backup superblocks then23:11
mgdmif it's a user shell, he won't have been able to do the write23:11
dutchiethat's what i thought...23:12
Danawar2he wrote it into tmp23:12
dutchiealso, what's the point gzipping zeroes? ;)23:12
mgdmOh, so he just filled up the filesystem?23:12
mgdmthat's not what the commadn you wrote did23:12
Danawar2pasted the wrong one23:13
Danawar2dd if=/dev/zero of=file1G.tmp bs=1M count=102423:13
Danawar2was the one i think he used23:14
ali1234nothing special about that, it will just create a 1gb file of zeros23:15
Danawar2was annoying =[23:15
brobostigonnos da all.23:17
ali1234turn on disk quotas or something...23:18
chattr_check out /etc/security/limits.conf23:19
n1md4Evening all.  Is anyone using Ubuntu Light?  Only available by OEM due to its customised nature!  I'd like it on an Eee 900 as the full unity version is a bit slow ... anyone heard anything about this?23:32
Danawar2chattr_: Thanks23:33
n1md4Oooo 40 seconds before GT5 finishes installing (brb!)23:34
tugrikhi - anyone here use tomoyo?23:38

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