
dmcgloneI'm back. Gnome is pissing me off00:11
dmcgloneI've entered my e-mail address and password like 30 times now and ubuntu one will not work00:14
dmcgloneI've rebooted at least 3 times and also logged out about 10 times00:14
dmcgloneall I originally wanted to do was change my ubuntu one password so I don't have to enter my password when I login00:16
dmcgloneanyone here record their desktop?00:33
dmcglonenever mind I found screen cast00:35
deejoedmcglone: I <3 recordmydesktop01:09
thafreakI <3 pida01:09
thafreakwhen you fire up pida (it's a minimalistic IDE), it says "Pida is starting, and it loves you"01:11
thafreakMore software needs to tell me it loves me01:11
dmcglonedeejoe: thats what It is. Now I need to figure out how to encode the file from .ogv to something youtube reconizes01:18
dmcgloneit will play in totem, but not youtube01:20
scooter2Hello! Anyone have perl knowledge?01:24
scooter2Nevermind. Figured it out.01:34
deejoethat was easy01:37
deejoedmcglone: yeah, I jfgi to find some recipe at some point, but I'll be dipped in carmel if I remember where I put it01:38
dmcgloneI think I found something01:40
dmcglonemencoder -idx input.ogv -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -o output.avi01:40
deejoelooks reasonable01:42
dmcgloneit seems to be working01:43
deejoetrying it first on something short, I hope :)01:43
dmcgloneit's done01:44
dmcglonewow that was fast01:44
deejoeand the verdict is?01:44
dmcglone13 minute video I belive01:44
dmcglonelet me look01:44
dmcglonehang on, have to install software for avi01:45
dmcglonebingo! it works great01:46
dmcglonenow I'll show you the video I made01:46
dmcglonelet me upload to youtube01:46
canthus13Whee. I just hauled home another old computer...01:47
dmcglonewhat you gonna use it for/01:47
canthus13Parts, most likely.01:48
dmcgloneI just pitched 2 olds ones01:48
canthus13There's no memory, no drives in it.01:48
dmcglonevideo is uploading at the moment01:48
canthus13it's an Athlon 1700+01:48
dmcglonenice, is the processor still there?01:49
dmcglonethats worth putting together01:49
* canthus13 will throw some ram in it and see what happens.. Should be able to boot a live CD.01:49
dmcgloneyo Unit193PPC!01:53
dmcglonewell hello Cheri703, just noticed you are here now01:53
dmcgloneOk everyone, here's a video of my fight with Ubuntu One01:54
=== zsircusr1 is now known as zsircusr2
=== zsircusr2 is now known as Unit193PPC
dmcgloneI think I just found my calling! I think I'll start making Ubuntu video tutorials01:58
canthus13so.. Ubuntu One is broken. what's new?01:58
dmcgloneit has been working for a while now, and I decided to change my password like Cheri703 suggested last week so I wouldn't have to enter it after I logged in, so I went with a blank password as was suggested and now I can't connect at all01:59
dmcgloneI'm referring to the stupid gnome keyring02:00
canthus13ah. I use dropbox. it works just fine for me.02:00
dmcgloneit's idiotic to have to log in once to start gnome then once for other stuff02:01
dmcglonedropbox doesn't support contact sync :-/02:01
dmcgloneI used dropbox for a couple days02:02
canthus13Ah. Contact sync doesn't matter to me. I just need someplace to stash files that I need everywhere.02:03
dmcglonemy contacts are my most important thing02:04
dmcgloneI hate to lost my contacts on my phone02:05
dmcgloneloss that is02:05
dmcglonelose I mean02:05
deejoeI now what you mean02:05
deejoeknow, I mean02:05
dmcgloneI drop my phone a lot, so I always sync my contacts via bluetooth incase my phone breaks02:06
dmcglonelol deejoe02:06
dmcgloneI also get reminders of my family's birthdays so I don't look like the birthday grinch02:07
dmcgloneanybody here like to sing karaoke?02:08
dmcgloneok  well know anyone that does?02:10
canthus13Uh... no.02:10
canthus13Well, my wife sometimes... if she's been drinking.02:10
dmcglonebecause I make karaoke disks on my computer. I think I'll make that my first Ubuntu/linux tutorial02:10
dmcglonewe sing karaoke here a lot02:11
dmcglonemy kids love karaoke02:11
thafreakugh, dealing with group project members makes me want a christmas ale...02:12
thafreakbut last night I had some and fell asleep at the keyboard02:12
dmcgloneyou drank too much dang man! ;-)02:13
dmcgloneis it a Habitual process to leave and enter a room?02:13
dmcgloneoh I guess you all got join/part off02:14
Unit193dmcglone: You have to say that when he is here.... ;)02:15
dmcglonethink I wouldn't?02:15
thafreakyou can turn join/part off?02:15
dmcglonein some IRC clients you can02:15
dmcgloneI just close my eyes.02:15
thafreakbut sometimes, those are the only messages in here :)02:15
dmcglonetrue, we can be a bit on the quiet side02:16
Unit193I love it when people have IRC seizures....02:17
dmcglonehows that go?02:18
Unit193when they go in and out a ton (quickly is better)02:19
dmcglonewouldn't they get kicked if they did that?02:21
Unit193I guess not....02:21
dmcgloneI guess that was the AOL days... LOL02:22
Unit193dmcglone: Do you go to all the U-Hour?02:25
dmcgloneno Unit193 It's hard for me to make it and I'm not too fond of the location02:27
dmcgloneyeah, but it's on OSU campus. too hard to access02:28
thafreakWhat if we had *NINJAS*?02:28
dmcgloneI'd be kickin someones but thats what! ;-)02:28
Unit193PPCthen we wouldn't know it02:28
canthus13Mmm... ninjas. yum.02:29
dmcglonemy spelling is crappy tonight02:29
dmcgloneUnit193 why the name change so often?02:33
Unit193PPCPPC = pocket pc02:36
dmcgloneAh I see02:36
BiosElementEU Cell carriers want to force google to pay them to serve data02:42
BiosElementIn other news, I will soon be asking my electric company to compensate me for the use of my extension cables.02:43
dmcglonehow is that possible?02:43
dmcgloneOk that threw me for a loop. I have no clue how your gonna accomplish that02:44
BiosElementI have no idea either. :)02:44
BiosElementBut if EU carriers can do it, I'm sure I can figure something out ;)02:44
dmcgloneI guess I'll make the cable companies compensate me for the channels I don't watch02:45
BiosElementBe sure to charge them for the electric your TV uses too02:45
BiosElementI mean it's only fair ;)02:45
BiosElementFunny thing is ISP's make plunty of money, cell companies even more02:46
dmcgloneand I'm gonna charge the electric company for each receptacle I have in my house that enables them to provide me service and still charge me02:46
BiosElementGood idea!02:47
BiosElementYou should probably see about charging them for the time it takes you to watch TV too, since they're wasting your otherwise productive time >.>02:47
dmcgloneI'll even charge them for the bulbs and lamps and ceiling fixtures02:47
BiosElementI swear these idiots make the MPAA/RIAA look san...less insane anyway02:47
BiosElementYeah, I have no sympathy for record companies, but negative sympathy for Cell providers >.>02:48
dmcgloneI'm gonna charge the plumbing company for each gallon of perfectly good water my toliet wastes when flushing02:49
BiosElementMake them buy you a new toilet02:49
dmcgloneyeah an energy efficient toliet02:49
BiosElementBTW am I the only one who fails to see why the KKK is allowed to use paypal/visa/mastercard but wikileaks is not? >.<02:50
BiosElementI still find that amazing02:50
dmcglonebecause PayPal doesn't discriminate....haha02:50
BiosElementBTW paypal exec was dumb enough to go talk to the news02:51
BiosElementHe said "State Dept. contacted us, said it was illegal. so we took it down."02:51
BiosElementSince when is the State Dept. a courtroom?02:51
dmcglonewhen was having money illegal?02:51
BiosElementApparently always heh02:51
dmcgloneand doesn't paypal operate in other countries?02:52
canthus13paypal is based in the US.02:52
BiosElementThey're worldwide, based in the US02:52
BiosElementThey're also a joke of a company so it doesn't suprise me02:52
dmcglonedo they serve other countries?02:52
thafreaki *HATE* .Net and visual studio...02:52
canthus13they're still based in the US, therefore subject to US jurisdiction.02:53
BiosElementOnly useful thing about paypal actually02:53
thafreakI think it's making people *dumber*02:53
dmcglonethafreak: we hate M$02:53
thafreakyes, but especially visual studio02:53
BiosElementcanthus13, If they were a responsible company they'd require a court order. It'd take all of an hour IF they actually could get a judge to sign off on it02:53
dmcglonehell Microsoft never could get C and C++ right anyway02:54
thafreakI meet more "programmers" who think they can handle anything, and end up not actually knowing how to do anything that there isn't a button in visual studio for02:54
BiosElementthafreak, True.02:54
thafreakbut they insist on using it02:54
dmcglonethey don't insist, they twist your arm and FORCE you to use it02:55
thafreakthe ammount of time *I've* spent helping them figure out how to use their precious IDE, they could have learned python02:55
BiosElementOn that topic, google's just as bad >.>02:55
dmcgloneI hope your getting paid02:55
thafreaknope for a friggin class02:55
BiosElementI tried to patch a bug in a f/oss android app, spent 3 hours and still couldn't get it working02:55
thafreakmy LAST class02:55
dmcgloneBiosElement: do you use google?02:55
BiosElementdmcglone, Sure, all the time.02:55
thafreakI haven't seen a google tool make people dumber though02:56
dmcgloneI was wondering if you had a beef with them after that last statement02:56
thafreaklazy maybe, but not dumber02:56
dmcglonewhat tools we referring to here?02:56
BiosElementdmcglone, Nah, just annoyed with their android dev system a bit02:56
BiosElementdmcglone, eclipse and their confusing as hell docs02:56
thafreakbut atleast their IDE doesn't give you the illusion you're better than you are :)02:57
dmcgloneOh. I gotta say I don't use any google tools02:57
thafreakyou have to *WORK* to be good with it :)02:57
thafreaknot click click, look I'm a programmer...02:57
dmcgloneclick click look /me is a programmer02:57
dmcglonewhy doesn't that work in the middle of a sentence02:58
thafreakhaha, actually, try ubuntu "quickly" some time...almost click clic, look i'm a programmer :)02:58
canthus13I know what I'm gonna do with that machine. I'm gonna throw Damn Vulnerable Linux on it.02:58
dmcglonestupid IRC programmers had to make my life complicated02:58
canthus13Then I'm gonna beat up on it.02:58
thafreakcanthus13: what machine?02:59
canthus13...but I need a mouse first.02:59
canthus13thafreak: An old XP 1700+ with no hard drive.02:59
dmcglonecanthus13: call billy the exterminator he'll get you a mouse02:59
thafreakhaha, I have some of those :)02:59
thafreakXP 1700 ish's not mice03:00
canthus13thafreak: I rescued it from being tossed out.03:00
* canthus13 needs to go burn a copy of DVL to a DVD and boot it up.03:01
thafreakI think I might toss mine out03:01
* dmcglone has already tossed 2 out03:01
thafreakI think the ata controller is bad on the mb... :/03:01
canthus13thafreak: toss the motherboard, strip it for parts.03:01
thafreakha! What am I going to do with an XP 1800+ cpu? No one makes MB's for it anymore!03:02
thafreakAnd the ram is ECC...which most older boards didn't take03:02
canthus13thafreak: I keeps the stuff around for repairs.03:02
thafreakmaybe...I need to reduce the number of machines running 24/7 in my basement03:02
dmcgloneyou should still be able to find a board for the 180003:03
thafreakactually, I may have 2 :)03:03
canthus13thafreak: nforce2 motherboards should work just fine for that processor.03:03
thafreakhave 2 other machines that won't power on, but ps tests good...03:03
* canthus13 has 2 of 'em right now... a 1700+ and a 2000+03:03
dmcgloneI'm pretty sure the bus's on a newer mother board could handle the 180003:04
thafreakI may have a duron 1100 too :) beat that03:04
canthus13the bus, maybe.. but not the socket.03:04
* canthus13 has a Duron 600 around somewhere.03:04
canthus13And a P3 500 Slot 103:04
thafreakP2 450 slot 103:05
canthus13Nice. :)03:05
thafreakor 350 maybe03:05
dmcgloneshouldn't the sockets all be the same anyhow?03:05
dmcglonefrom one manufacturer to another?03:05
thafreaksocket 7 for the duron and xp's yeah03:05
canthus13Socket 7 procs won't fit in AM2/AM2+/AM3 sockets...03:06
dmcglonethem are AMD03:06
BiosElementI should be paid just to start discussion in here03:06
dmcglonebut Socket 7's are long gone anyhow aren't they?03:06
canthus13newer processors typically add more pins, so won't run on motherboards that don't support the pinouts.03:06
dmcgloneright, but isn't the 1800 pretty fairly new03:07
canthus13dmcglone: No. it's a Socket 7 proc.03:07
dmcgloneah ok03:07
canthus13AMD XP 1800+03:07
dmcglonethat explains it03:07
thafreakeven the newer barton based 2500 and 2800 were still socket 7 I think03:08
canthus13What was funny is that the Slot 1 and Slot A processor slots were identical, just reversed from each other.03:08
dmcgloneI should charge the DSL company for keeping them in business by keeping their bits and bytes moving03:08
thafreakI've got atlest 2 of those too :)03:08
dmcglonecanthus13: thats how they screw ya03:09
dmcglonethey flip out on you and it cost money03:09
canthus13dmcglone: Nah. Slot A was AMD, slot 1 was Intel.03:09
dmcglonebut interchangeable nontheless03:10
dmcgloneif they were the same03:10
dmcglonethe sockets that is03:10
canthus13the pinouts were different. they just used the same physical slot component, just oriented differently.03:10
dmcglonebut if they matched up the pinouts and fixed the orientation they would be interchangeable right?03:11
canthus13Nah.  the Athlon and Pentium II/IIIs used completely different pinouts and pin functions.03:11
canthus13you couldn't match the pinouts.03:11
* dmcglone is gonna charge my wife for being her husband03:11
dmcgloneOk I'm gonna move to the bedroom. I'll be  back03:13
Unit193PPCwelcome back dmcglone03:19
dmcgloneThere was just a story about Assange on the news03:20
dmcgloneI didn't catch it all though03:21
thafreakhate it when the batteries go out on the wireless keyboard mid typing03:24
thafreakI keep thinking my text editor is misbehaving03:24
dmcglone+1 thafreak03:31
dmcgloneI always blame it on the OS freezing03:31
dmcglonewhich reminds me, my desktop running 10.10 has been locking up a lot03:32
dmcglonetwice today03:32
dmcgloneI suspect it has something to do with network config03:33
dmcgloneNetwork Manager actually03:34
dmcgloneand i just noticed a second ago, that my shares aren't showing on my laptop. I bet anything the desktop has frozen03:35
dmcglonesure enough:03:36
dmcglonedavid@lappy:~$ sudo mount www03:36
dmcglone[sudo] password for david:03:36
dmcglonemount: No route to host03:36
thafreakwhat kind of shares? Just curious...03:36
thafreakyou sharing linux to linux? Or mixed OS env?03:37
dmcglonemy Documents is fat32 and my www is ext303:37
dmcgloneit's linux 2 linux, but windows is able to share the Documents too03:37
dmcglonebut I never boot to windows03:38
thafreakbut are you sharing them with nfs, cifs, something else?03:39
dmcgloneI'm using samba actually03:39
thafreakah ok...you using the built in stuff that is part of the gui, or did you manually configure samba?03:39
dmcgloneI manually set up the shares03:40
dmcgloneI just went down there and my hunch was correct, the desktop was locked up03:40
dmcglonehad to do a hard reset03:40
* thafreak is always thinking about re-organizing his file shares03:41
dmcglonehow do you do it?03:41
thafreakcurrently have a mix of glusterfs shares and nfs03:41
thafreakit's a mess03:41
thafreak3 diff machines03:41
thafreak2 are part of a gluster storage cluster...the third actually has a VM doing nfs sharing...lol03:42
dmcgloneI keep my Documents folder on my 2nd hard drive and I delete the one that is installed with Ubuntu and I symlink to the one on the other drive03:42
thafreakI don't really use the folders that get pre-created...I don't create many "documents" either though...03:43
dmcglonethen I save all my stuff in there and it's always accessible03:43
dmcgloneI don't create many docs either, but I save all my stuff there03:43
thafreaki do something similar, but I use unison, and sync all my machines to a central location (that's actually offsite too)03:43
dmcgloneMy mom lives here with me and she has 2 winblows machines so I make sure my stuff is accessible on hers just in case03:44
thafreakbut I have stuff I don't sync, that's really just used on individual machines...i dunno, I'm kind of a data slob...very unorganized03:44
thafreakah, that's always important!03:45
dmcgloneand we have 2 printers both of them networked so we will always be able to print03:45
dmcgloneI'm usually out of ink, so I just print to her printer.. LOL03:46
thafreakget a laser man03:46
dmcglonewish I could afford one03:47
thafreakI don't print much, but I bought one like almost 3 years ago, and I still haven't replaced the toner that came with it03:47
thafreakafford one? The cost less than replacement ink03:47
thafreakbrother lasers, even networked ones are pretty cheap03:48
dmcglonetoner isn't cheap is it?03:48
Unit193PPChow long does the ink last?03:48
dmcglonefor me?03:48
thafreakI think you can get an all in one with copying , network scanning, etc for around $250...probably under $200 now03:48
Unit193PPCwe pprint a ton...03:48
thafreakdunno, never had to buy toner :)03:48
dmcgloneit last me a while. the reason I'm usually out is because I'm a cheapskate.. LOL03:48
thafreakI think it's in the 10's of thousands of pages before you have to replace any toner03:49
dmcgloneI believe it03:49
thafreakif you print alot, toner is cheaper per page03:49
thafreakwell if you don't mind printing in grey scale03:49
dmcglonemy friend owns a plumbing company and they have one, but trust me the toner isn't cheap03:50
thafreakoh I'm sure it isn't, but you get like 50K pages compared to a few hundred on an ink cartride03:50
thafreakand ink is RIDICULOUS expensive03:50
dmcglonethats true03:50
dmcgloneactually the ink for my HP 6500 is pretty darn cheap03:51
thafreaksure you only pay $20-$40 to replace ink, and maybe toner is like $100, but it will also last you like a year or two03:51
Unit193PPCwe get it for $803:51
thafreakper color? :)03:51
thafreakmy cannon was cheap like that, but it was per color...so it was still like $2403:52
thafreakwell that's not too bad03:52
dmcglonewhere at Unit193PPC03:52
thafreakI just know i *hate* printers, but especially inkjets...they never seem to work when I want them to03:53
Unit193PPCcrtrge world03:53
dmcglonethafreak: my printer also uses 3 seperate ones for color03:53
dmcglonesnack time :-)03:53
Cheri703I hate my hp printer03:53
Cheri703I want to get a laser, ideally a color laser, but $$$03:54
Unit193PPCCheri703 do you get refills?03:54
thafreakcolor laser? why?03:55
Cheri703for the hp? I get reman'd cartridges03:55
Cheri703because I want color prints that are better quality than inkjet03:55
thafreakthey're a waste...cost too much, take forever to print...blah...it's not like they print good pictures or anything03:55
Cheri703not for photos03:55
Cheri703for other things03:55
thafreakwhat's wrong with grey scale :)03:55
Cheri703and it depends on what color laser's you're using, some are REALLY good quality03:55
Cheri703if I'm printing brochures/business cards/flyers/whatever for my fledgling business, I'd rather print them at home than take them somewhere to be printed. I KNOW how much they're paying for prints, and paying 10+ times that is not so happy for me03:56
thafreakbah, brocures...03:57
* Cheri703 definitely appreciates a good monochrome, but other people like shiny colors03:57
thafreakI hate brocures...they just end up in the trash after I get the company's URL from them...03:57
* Cheri703 does black and white film photography03:57
thafreakif the company has no url, they go in the trash for good measure...03:57
Cheri703a lot of my target market is old people >.<03:58
dmcglonewhy Cheri703?03:58
Cheri703why what?03:58
dmcglonedo you target older aged people03:59
Cheri703because they don't know how to use their computers03:59
Cheri703and for some reason little old people LOVE me03:59
dmcgloneok I see03:59
Cheri703not really sure why, but since I was younger, they think I'm wonderful when I help explain things to them. might as well make use of it :)04:00
dmcgloneI thought you were speaking of your black and white film photography04:00
thafreakI throw old people in the trash too...no URL04:00
Cheri703no, that's a hobby04:00
thafreakok, that was horrible04:00
dmcgloneI thought I was missing some connection between that and old folks04:00
Cheri703I have everything I need to set up a darkroom except for a space and chemicals04:01
* Cheri703 wants to have a darkroom04:01
Unit193PPCthafreak but a bit funny04:01
dmcgloneCheri703: turn out the lights04:01
Cheri703not quite04:01
dmcgloneso what my cousin did, paint the windows black04:02
Cheri703rental house with a total of 5 rooms, counting the bathroom, probalby not :)04:02
dmcglonemy last statement lacked the sarcasm I intended04:03
canthus13Whee. brasero won't install in Knoppix.  K3b will, though.04:03
dmcglonemy cousin is "weird" to put it nicely04:03
dmcglonebrasero sucks anyway04:03
dmcgloneI don't know how many CD-R's I've lost with brasero04:04
thafreakhaha, I haven't had any problems with brasero04:04
canthus13I don't mind it for most stuff.   Problem I'm having is that all burns fail on this machine.. Not sure if it's the drive or something with my install.04:04
thafreakcourse I use wodim almost as frequently04:04
BiosElementAssociated Press is a joke, but we already know that. >.>04:05
* canthus13 is booting knoppix off of his mp3 player so he can test it.. unfortunately, knoppix doesn't come stuck with a CD burning program, and attempting to install brasero ends in unmet dependencies.04:05
thafreakuh oh...burns failing are usualy a bad drive....course for me, it was abad sata controller I think04:05
canthus13Wasn't AP the one that was going after people for quotes as short as 3 words?04:05
dmcglonesounds like the problem I have with my laptop04:06
canthus13I need to figure it out quick. warranty on this laptop runs out in a couple of weeks.04:07
dmcglonecanthus13: can you burn with k3b?04:08
dmcgloneand hopefully your not using Memorex CD's04:09
dmcglonehaha check this out: http://www.amazon.com/Continuos-printers-cartridge-pigment-Officejet/dp/B0033ZVPJY04:11
dmcglonelooks like a blood bank04:11
Cheri703I would think that'd run into the expiration date issue that hp ink has04:12
canthus13Bah. It appears to be the drive.04:12
canthus13Well, time to reboot.04:13
dmcglonehow can you tell?04:13
Cheri703I'm annoyed. I can't find a dang xp driver for this wireless card :(04:15
Unit193What card?04:16
dmcglonewhats the model # on the card?04:16
Cheri703broadcom bcm 94312hmg04:16
Cheri703that has a crapload of unrelated links04:18
thafreakyou trust those sites?04:18
Cheri703I'm #19 in dell chat queue...04:19
thafreakbroadcom's site doesn't have a download?04:19
Cheri703I couldn't even find wireless support on there04:19
Cheri703woo 15 >.<04:19
thafreakoh, it's a dell? dell doesn't have an appropriate download?04:19
Cheri703they only have vista and win704:19
Cheri703the laptop in question never actually shipped with xp :/04:19
Cheri703so I'm going to ask their support person if they have a driver hidden away under a different model04:20
dmcglonedang, I thought I seen the driver04:21
dmcgloneah that wasn't a link04:22
dmcglonemy bad04:22
Unit193Cheri703: http://www.cisco.com/web/partners/pr46/pr147/broadcom_bcm94312hm.html04:25
BiosElementYay for zdnet being anti-linux troll  central04:25
BiosElementApparently Mark not being CEO and Matt starting another company means linux is dead04:25
Cheri703yeah, Unit193 I saw that, but no actual driver links that I could find  :/04:25
BiosElementWho knew two people were so key to the linux world ;)04:25
Unit193I'm as bad as dmcglone :(04:26
dmcglonewell thanks04:27
Cheri703I appreciate your efforts!04:27
Cheri703number 4 in dell queue04:27
dmcgloneCheri703: can you see if there are any other numbers on the card04:28
Cheri703did you know that the word queue is the only word in the english language (that's more than 1 letter long) that is pronounced the same with the full word, without the last two letters, or with only the first letter04:28
Cheri703also bookkeeper is the only word with 3 consecutive double letters :)04:28
canthus13hmm... bob has a DVD burner.  Now i just need to figure out how to burn a DVD iso from the command line./04:28
Cheri703I already closed it back up04:28
Cheri703that's the model number though04:28
dmcglonesometimes there are other numbers you can google that will give you clues to drivers that will work with that card04:29
thafreakcanthus13: try wodim04:30
dmcgloneor it might just use a 57xx series driver04:30
Unit193Like a service tag04:30
Cheri703service tag takes me to the win7/vista04:30
Cheri703I'm in dell support chat now, so we'll see04:30
dmcglonebackwards compatibility my ass.. LOL04:31
dmcglonethe only thing Gates was thinking of when he said that was his partner! haha04:32
* canthus13 isn't gonna even bother with getting dell to replace the drive. they're not gonna ship him a drive and he's not gonna be without his laptop for two plus weeks.04:33
canthus1340 bucks for a new one.04:34
dmcgloneis it a laptop?04:34
dmcglonewhere did you find the drive?04:34
canthus13Oh. my dad is selling an XPS gaming laptop (3 years old) for 800 bucks.. Nice system.04:34
canthus13dmcglone: 38 and change with free shipping seems to be the going rate for them on ebay.04:34
dmcglonecool just found mine for 41 bucks04:37
Cheri703"Cheri, we would not be able to get the drivers for Window XP as they are not available on the Dell site, How ever you can contact our Dell solution station at 1-888-236-3355 which is a paid support and they would be able to help you with the drivers for the computer."04:37
dmcgloneI thought I was gonna have to get it from the manufacturer04:37
Cheri703wow I hate dell even more right now04:37
dmcgloneis this for your laptop Cheri703?04:37
Cheri703boss' son's laptop that I'm setting up for a coworker04:38
Cheri703it's stupid04:38
canthus13install linux, tell them it's windows 9.04:38
dmcglone<coughs>told ya so</cough>04:38
dmcglone<cough>Dell sucks, HP RULES,<cough>04:39
Cheri703have to have ie 6 or 704:39
canthus13HP blows.04:39
Cheri703for xerox software04:39
Cheri703it's ridiculous04:39
canthus13HP support is waaaay worse than Dell.04:39
Cheri703I have suggested toshibas many times, but boss' husband: "I only buy american!"  ...he's an idiot04:40
dmcglonewho needs support, come on people we are freakin computer geeks here!!04:40
canthus13I had a 'supervisor' tell me 'Tough. you're not getting your laptop fixed.' when trying to get a defective motherboard replaced.04:40
canthus13dmcglone: I'm not paying 200 bucks for a new motherboard because the original one failed due to poor manufacturing processes.04:40
dmcglonewas it under warranty?04:41
canthus13Oh.. and said supervisor hung up on me when I asked for his supervisor.04:41
canthus13dmcglone: It was under an extended warranty because of the faulty motherboard and a class action suit.04:41
dmcglonethats not HP thats commerce in the US of A LMAO04:41
Cheri703canthus13: that's one thing I don't tolerate from call center folks, hanging up on me when I ask for escalation. I've worked in call centers, I know how it works, that is NEVER ok...04:42
canthus13HP basically took the 200 million that nvidia gave them to repair or replace the motherboards and ran with it.04:42
dmcglonethen they were required to fix it no matter what he said04:42
canthus13Cheri703: The front line grunt was very polite and nice, escalated just like he was supposed to.04:42
dmcglonewait, now why would nvidia give HP 200 million to fix HP's problem?04:43
Cheri703I'm ...firm with customer support people on the phone...AT&T tried to not honor multiple rebate/offers that were supposed to apply when I signed up for internet in columbus, I spent an hour on the phone with them, showing them their own offer fine print, finally got them to honor all of them because nowhere did it say you couldn't combine04:43
canthus13dmcglone: It turned out to be faulty solder on some of the nforce chipsets.04:43
canthus13Cheri703: I tend to do bare minimum for people who think they need to be 'firm' with me because I'm customer support.04:44
dmcglonesounds like nvidia's fault ;-)04:44
Cheri703well, I'm talking about the ones who are trying to avoid giving me something I'm due. if they're helping me with a problem, then I'm good with them04:44
canthus13dmcglone: And nvidia owned up to it, covered the costs to repair the problems.  HP did as much as possible to avoid repairing machines.04:44
Cheri703it's when they say "oh, I'm going to charge you $200 more for something because I don't think it should apply" when their info clearly states that it should, that's when I'm firm04:45
canthus13Cheri703: I save the extra charges for people who are being jerks. :) (Like the $5 charge for adding on services..)04:45
canthus13but I also don't deal with the billing/sales side of things much. I do tech support.04:46
Cheri703canthus13: I don't start out pissed, but I get there if they're not doing their job. and unlike many people, I understand where that line might be...I've been told to jump off a building and various other less fun things when I was in a call center04:46
canthus13Cheri703: I'm the same way...04:46
Unit193It's close... ;) http://members.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php?driverid=1626659&si=516477144edda594fa924b2b15b6b64f04:47
dmcgloneI just bitch em out just because then hang up the phone04:47
dmcglonejust kiddin04:47
canthus13the other ones that really bug me are the 'techs' that call in. I had some idiot demanding I turn of DHCP because his static IP wasn't working. :P04:47
canthus13dmcglone: We can see your caller ID. even if you block it.  (ANI is nice...)04:47
Cheri703nice canthus1304:47
Cheri703Unit193: I'm looking :)04:48
dmcgloneyou can't see my caller id04:48
dmcgloneI call from someone elses house04:48
canthus13dmcglone: Oh? Wanna bet? ANI ignores the little flag that says 'don't look at me!'04:48
canthus13The neat thing aboug CID is that it sends all the data all the time.  there's just a little flag that tells whether or not to show the information.04:49
Unit193canthus13: Not in my tests....04:49
dmcgloneOk well it's time for me to turn in.04:50
dmcgloney'all know my drill by now04:50
dmcgloneanyway, g'night guys I'm outta here04:51
canthus13Also, the FCC requires that all CID info be transmitted to 800 numbers, regardless of whether or not it's blocked.04:51
Cheri703wow I hate dell04:52
Cheri703I found it (I think) on their site -_-04:52
Cheri703in a different place, but still04:53
* Cheri703 hearts zareason04:53
Unit193They have high prices....04:53
canthus13Ooo.. trapcall. :)04:53
Cheri703Unit193: some stuff, but overall it's good.04:54
canthus13bah. Bob's DVD burner isn't connected. :(04:55
Unit193Cheri703: Did you ever get my PM?04:55
Cheri703yeah, I saw it when I got up, is friday no good for you then?04:56
Cheri703yeah, that's when we'd originally discussed04:56
Cheri703tuesday and thursday next week are out for me04:57
Cheri703monday might work04:57
Unit193As long as you can stand my sister, friday will work04:59
Unit193Then that is good?05:03
Unit193canthus13: you going to use trapcall?05:03
Cheri703rawr at dell and their drivers05:03
canthus13Unit193: I don't need it, really.  But it's nice to know it's there.05:03
* canthus13 has ANI at work.05:03
Cheri703can you guys look at these two links and see if there is any difference other than supported operating system? http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&releaseid=R214945&SystemID=inspiron1546&servicetag=B6P4ZJ1&os=WLH&osl=en&deviceid=16118&devlib=0&typecnt=0&vercnt=1&catid=-1&impid=-1&formatcnt=0&libid=5&typeid=-1&dateid=-1&formatid=-1&source=-1&fileid=304534  http://support.us.dell.com/support05:05
Cheri703bah, hang on05:05
Cheri703when I try to install the xp one, it says "no supported hardware"05:06
Cheri703might have it05:08
Cheri703we'll see05:08
Cheri703ha! I beat dell!05:09
canthus13It's a broadcom 4312 chipset for both.05:09
canthus13actually, seems to be the same dell model, too... 1397.05:09
* canthus13 has that chipset in his laptop.05:10
Cheri703I went in and manually pointed device manager at the driver files (vs using their installer) and it's working now05:10
Unit193Just went outside and did the run/stop and slide  :D05:15
* canthus13 is attempting to write the DVD via command line on a machine in his basement. Looks good so far. :)05:15
* canthus13 just can't forget to remove the ISO from the machine when he's done. that machine only has a 6gb hard drive...05:16
thafreak6gb hard drive...but has a dvd burner? :)05:19
canthus13thafreak: Yeah.05:19
thafreakonly canthus1305:19
canthus13thafreak: I just threw the drive in there so my kid can play with it.  He's running a sauerbraten server.05:19
thafreaka who what now?05:19
canthus13thafreak: sauerbraten. It's an FPS... All linux.05:20
canthus13well, there may be a version for windows out there, but it's primarily linux.05:20
canthus13It has this neat little cooperative mode where you can actively edit the map as you play.05:20
thafreakyeah google beat you to the answer ;)05:20
thafreakI like me some FPS05:21
canthus13now, I'm gonna toss the DVL DVD in that 1700+ (That has no hard drive. :) and see what I can do to it.05:21
thafreakhax0r into it man05:24
canthus13That's what DVL is for. :)05:24
canthus13It's like having windows with a bash prompt.05:25
thafreakhaha, I know, you sent me the link a while back05:26
thafreakI was trying to sound leet....er, 133705:26
* Cheri703 wants a few of the "geek" patches05:28
Cheri703they have a geek work shirt, but it's a men's shirt, I want to make my own05:29
thafreaknight folks...05:29
Cheri703night thafreak05:29
* Cheri703 thought of the patches with the 1337 reference05:29
Cheri703yeah, I was checking that one out as well :)05:31
Unit193^ C-Mas list :)05:31
Unit193The place that had my SSH server had lost internet (I fixed it tonight)05:33
Cheri703ah, that'll do it05:33
Unit193And I was combining wordlists too (VNC to dual core) lost it :(05:35
BiosElementwas reading an article about Wikileaks and a town that wants to declare the dude who leaked some of the stuff a hero...08:16
BiosElementI'm reading it and finding it ironic how unbalanced it is...as I'm thinking this I scroll up and oh hey look "Fox News, Fair & Balanced"... >.>08:16
canthus13bah.  Titan had to be upgraded as he suddenly forgot how to see both NICs overnight.  Appears to be a motherboard issue as transplanting the drive to another machine got him back online. :(13:47
canthus13That's two motherboards in a week. :(13:47
thafreakcanthus13, the motherboard killer15:25
thafreakWow, you see the new atom processor, 1.8ghz now with ddr3 support16:30
thafreakha, 4GB of memory cost more than the motherboard and cpu together...16:31
deejoeI don't see any TDP there16:31
deejoethermal dissipated power16:33
deejoebut no VT16:33
thafreakdo you really want vt on an atom? :)16:35
canthus13No vermont?17:43
canthus13But ooo... I want one.17:45
BiosElementAwesome to see BBC claiming LOIC is spyware lol19:04
BiosElementWasn't that anon tool actually open-source?19:05
BiosElementOh hey look yes it is19:05
BiosElementBBC fail19:06
dmcgloneI never heard of LOIC19:06
BiosElementLow Orbit Ion Cannon19:07
BiosElementNetwork stress testing tool19:07
BiosElementOr for the 4chan kiddies, a DDoS weapon of war. >.>19:07
BiosElementBBC has a really ignorant quote related to it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1195736719:08
BiosElementSophos researchers clearly don't know more then the boilerplate 'omg it's insecure if microsoft didn't write it...since they never do wrong.' tagline19:08
dmcgloneyou mean So Ho's19:12
dmcgloneOh boy, I can't close firefox19:28
dmcglonehad to use file->close X button wasn't working for some reason19:29
Unit193CTRL+Alt+Esc :)19:44
dmcglone1stupid internet just drops out19:54
BiosElementOk this this is awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0xLyoc9DxU20:12
BiosElementoh what the hell20:29
BiosElementAnon: "So @EFF doesn't condone cyber-vigilantism?? Wanna be next, wise guy? #AnonOps #BradAss87 #WikiLeaks"20:29
BiosElementNice goin Anon, way to bite the hand that feeds ya20:30
BiosElementAnon tries to play the PR game but if they go after EFF there's no way they'll keep any support. >.<20:34
canthus13Is it surprising? It's Anon.  Kinda like herding mentally challenged, epileptic cats.20:40
BiosElementIt is a tad suprising20:41
BiosElementUsually they're a tad more focused on the actual 'bad guys'20:41
BiosElementIf they chase after EFF they're not only wasting time but they'll lose support in the process. I don't really support them but they 'do' cause people to think twice which can be a good thing at times.20:42
BiosElementKinda good cop/bad cop only now the bad cop is yelling at the good cop >.>20:43
canthus13Nah. More like Good cop, robin hood styled psychopath.20:44
BiosElementAccurate statement20:44
canthus13They do great stuff like busting animal abusers, then drive teenage girls to suicide.20:48
BiosElementNever heard about the second one, know about the first.20:53
dmcglonelost connection again20:59
Unit193Welcome Back dmcglone20:59
dmcgloneI'm trying to fix my darn printer21:00
Unit193Did you try kicking it?21:01
dmcgloneI'm about to21:02
Unit193That's how I feel with the computer sometimes....21:02
BiosElementAnon now rants about wikipedia removing their linkfarm of wikileaks mirrors >.<21:03
BiosElementYa know, the policy that's been there for years? Yeah that was invented to censor wikileaks. :)21:03
BiosElementApparently this is the first "Cyber War"21:05
BiosElementWho knew... >.>21:05
deejoe"'PC LOAD LETTER'! What's that?!"21:06
BiosElementOh hey look 4chan brat arrested, ah well such a shame21:12
dmcgloneanybody wanna teach me some hacking techniques :-D21:25
BiosElementI'm too busy cringing at a DDoS being called a hack >.>21:26
dmcgloneare you going over to the dark side BiosElement? ;-)21:27
BiosElementlol, no. :P I don't see the point.21:27
dmcgloneyou can be famous like Assange! ;-)21:28
BiosElementlol, no thanks. :P21:28
BiosElementI respect the man, just like I respect RMS, but I'd never wanna be them.21:29
deejoewhere are the arrests for the DoS against Wikileaks?21:30
canthus13deejoe: They'll happen if an ISP complains loudly enough.  they just don't make the news.21:31
BiosElementdeejoe, Like germany or something21:33
BiosElementJust  a sccript kiddy tho21:34
BiosElementAs expected, Anon's EFF threat is going far and wide annoying people >.>21:47
dmcgloneguys, what will happen if I clean my print heads with a lint free cloth?22:39
dmcgloneand a dab of water22:40
canthus13dmcglone: Use qtips and alcohol.22:48
canthus13(Not beer, silly. rubbing alcohol)22:48
canthus13water might corrode the heads.22:48
dmcgloneI can't seem to fix this printer23:04
dmcgloneas soon as I go to print, it says "ink system failure please turn printer off then on23:07
dmcgloneand it will not print23:08
dmcglonefixya.com is a crappy website!!23:09

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