
wrstcyberanger: so far so good with irssi01:58
wrstpace_t_zulu: looking at the problem you had looks like its going to be an issue for sometime03:09
wrstgood morning tennessee :)12:34
wrsthello Xpistos14:16
wrstyou doing ok?14:18
electricuswrst: nice irc screen on the phone15:13
electricusi'm assuming that's your droid ssh client basically?15:14
wrstyes that's it electricus, i really wanted to keep using quassel but its just cool to have it working on the droid :)15:16
electricusya.. looks like you have no choice :(15:16
wrstyeah but irssi is fine just a little more primitave than quassel15:20
wrstelectricus: there are some good android clients out there too for irc but none offer what quassel or irssi offer15:49
electricusya same for iphone.. at least no 'free' apps that are very good15:49
wrstthe free ones on droid are actually pretty good just don't have that connect anywhere that quassel or irssi give you15:52
Xpistosok, everythikng is okay now16:52
wrstXpistos: good to hear sorry i have been out of the loop didn't realize things weren't good17:07
cyberangerwrst: NEVER TOO GOOD FOR IRC! ;-)17:08
wrstcyberanger: did you see my screenshot?17:16
wrstcyberanger: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^17:19
cyberangerah, just clicked on it17:20
wrstyes looks better on my phone than in putty17:21
cyberangerwell, PuTTY isn't known for it's looks17:22
wrstwell since you usually use it on windows...17:22
cyberangerall the more reason it's value is there, and it's looks aren't17:27
wrstcyberanger: surely they could make it a little prettier17:55
cyberangerit looked real well when it was last releaed, 06 I believe17:57
wrsthmm didn't realize that not exactly being actively developed? but really it does what it does17:58
techMileswhat am I missing? :)17:59
wrstjust talking about the beauty of putty techMiles  :)18:00
wrsthow are you doing today?18:00
techMilesam doing good, thanks.18:00
techMilesI need to update my PuTTY then. :D18:00
wrstnope still as ugly as ever techMiles  :)18:01
techMileslol. well yeah.18:01
techMilesanybody tried KiTTY?18:01
wrstno what is it?18:01
techMilesa spinoff of PuTTY.18:02
techMileswill findl ink18:02
wrsti'm downloading now techMiles18:03
wrstwell the look is the same but lots more options18:07
cyberangeryeah, I did leave out the fact there are mutiple spinoffs18:07
wrsti have tried some of the spinoffs but that's one of the better ones18:09
wrstcyberanger: are you handy for questions right now?18:28
cyberangeryes, but answers might be another matter18:31
cyberangerwhat's up18:35
wrsthow to keep a backlog in irssi cyberanger18:49
techMilesthat was a mess18:50
wrstwhat happened techMiles?18:51
techMilesbotnet on vbirc18:52
techMilessurprised you didn't notice18:52
cyberangerbacklog in irssi, don't close irssi, logging in general though18:54
wrstam i still logged in there techMiles ? i'm on irssi now guess i left quassel on it, i haven't changed everything over18:54
cyberanger /set autolog ON18:54
techMilesyes. I hope you don't have throttled internet. lol18:54
wrstcyberanger: even at that it will eventually stop if i remember correctly and i would like for when it does restart to still have the back log of messages like weechat does18:55
wrstcool i set auto log on cyberanger  :)18:55
cyberangerso then your logging18:55
wrstok cool so it will keep everything where i can scroll back or is that something else probably?18:56
wrstand where might one find this log you speak of? :)18:56
cyberangerit's default location is under $HOME/.irssi/18:56
wrstok i see an away.log18:57
cyberangershould be more18:57
wrstwell that and the config18:58
wrstahh i found it in ~/irclogs18:59
cyberangeroh, right, lol19:00
cyberangerone more thing I tweaked19:00
wrstthat is? :)19:01
cyberangerthe logs location19:01
wrstthey are ok there, i wouldn't even mind putting them in my www directory19:01
wrstjust easier to search with a browser than with nano if i am on windows19:02
cyberangerthat's something I tweaked too, symlink'd and apache is running ;-)19:03
cyberangerln -s ~/irclogs/ www/19:03
cyberangerln -s ~/irclogs/ ~/www-data/VirtualHost-Name/irclogs/19:04
cyberangerin my case ^19:04
wrstcool... i need to set me some permissions19:04
techMilesif I have info on someone originating a botnet... who would I report that to?19:05
techMilesIdk of any internet authority in the US... if the people are even IN the us19:05
wrstcyberanger: ^^^^^^19:06
cyberangertechMiles: what's the botnet doing19:06
techMilesit was spamming/flooding19:06
cyberangerand what's the info19:06
techMilesno advertisements but so far as: :Usage 0wns u all :19:07
cyberangerspamming, flodding who, freenode, Gmail19:07
techMilesa twitter accnt, and IPs/server names19:07
techMilescyberanger: paypal19:07
techMilesthey took it down yesterday with DDoS19:07
cyberangeroh, Anonomyous19:09
techMilesthe good news is that on vbirc: no servers went down or even split.19:09
techMileseven when the botnet reached the max sendqueue19:09
cyberangerare they affecting you directly19:09
techMilesnot my computer but the servers on vbirc were flooded, and it seems we have hostnames/ip addresses to report as per their servers attempting to take down paypal19:10
cyberangerthis is part of the current wikileaks debcle, wikileaks, mastercard, visa, 4chan, Anonymous, paypal, nothing new19:11
cyberangerI suppose twitter's abuse is the place19:11
techMileseh, something I haven't been able to know anything about due to college taking up all my time.19:12
cyberangerfunny, I'd have figued that'd be all the reason you'd know, 4chan and all19:13
* cyberanger can't stand 4chan, but it seems too common in college19:14
techMileseh 4chan no. i don't do anything with wikileaks, or credit cards19:14
techMilesI only knew about paypal because a friend of mine mentioned it19:14
techMilesI guess my question is: why botnet vbirc?19:15
techMilesand seeing as they won't load.. mind filling me in more?19:16
wrstcyberanger: logging is cool19:17
cyberangeridk, and, I don't think it's a botnet (at least it's more certain to be a DDoS, botnet is unclear)19:17
techMileswell it was a botnet that came into vbirc-- perhaps wasn't them, then.19:17
techMilesused a nick of `Hulk and Blaster19:17
cyberangerwrst: say that again, for ubuntulog_ ;-)19:18
cyberangertechMiles: idk, stupid kids (says the 20 yr old)19:18
wrstha ha i'm sure it caught it, ok cyberanger i have an issue with my permissions in www how do i get a folder to have the right permission and all the files that come in the future... i shoudl know how to do this i know19:19
techMilesit's possible, but this was a pertty heavy one for some kids without a credi card19:19
cyberangertechMiles: college credit card? I know the twitter thing is well known, now if this is unrelated, that's another matter19:21
techMilesi didn't know about the twitter thing. O_O where have I beeeeen.19:21
techMilesand, true. though I haven't even been able to attain one myself19:21
cyberangerwrst: where's your folder, /var/www19:21
cyberangerhow'd you get it there, ln -s /home/wrst/irclogs /var/www/19:23
cyberangertechMiles: if they're connected, then it's known, if not, paypal knows19:24
wrstyes i linked it cyberanger19:24
cyberangerwrst: so, the issue might be apach's config, a directive to follow symlinks19:25
cyberangerlemme see19:26
wrstcyberanger: chown -R wesley /irclogs/ should have done it from the www directory?19:27
wrstoh wait that wouldn't have would it? :)19:27
cyberangerapache has a config directive to follow it or not19:28
cyberangerso apache can see it's a symlink and stop19:28
cyberangeralso, user is apache19:28
cyberangerbut file permissions can differ, if apache can still read19:28
cyberanger(in this case, it's that follow symlink bit, if we factor in the default setup)19:29
wrsthmm yeah usually everything just works that i dump in there19:35
wrstgot it cyberanger  i messed it up :)19:37
wrstdon't know how but i did something screwy19:37
wrstor did i????19:40
cyberangerhard to say19:45
wrstok yeah something in the link i got teh permissions in www now i can't write to my home19:45
cyberangeroh no19:47
wrstwell i know what to do anyway19:47
cyberangerwhat'd you do19:48
wrsti returned everything as is i can go in and manually change the file's permission19:48
wrstcyberanger: i did a: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/irclogs/freenode/19:49
cyberangerwrst, look at your file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/19:51
cyberangerfor an options line19:51
cyberangerOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks19:52
cyberangeras a minimum19:52
wrsti have this cyberanger:19:53
wrstDocumentRoot /var/www19:54
wrst        <Directory />19:54
wrst                Options FollowSymLinks19:54
wrst                AllowOverride All19:54
wrst        </Directory>19:54
cyberangeryour options line is short19:57
cyberangerfor this19:58
cyberangerOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks19:58
wrstok so i need to insert Indexes and restart apache cyberanger ?19:59
cyberangerirclogs has no index.htm or index.html thus that line19:59
cyberangerno, insert, but no need to restart, just reload19:59
cyberangersudo service apache2 reload19:59
wrstnothing there cyberanger
wrstfirst and last links have issues some work because i have manually changed permissions of the files and that may be the issue still20:01
cyberangerworking now20:01
wrstcool all of the links?20:02
wrsti need to do something with my browser20:02
cyberangerseems so20:02
wrsti still can only access the ones i manually changed not for instance #gnome20:04
cyberangerln -l ~/irclogs/freenode/*20:04
cyberangerls -l ~/irclogs/freenode/*20:05
cyberanger(man, I ought to take care of this headache first, then type)20:06
wrstok got the list up you need to see it?20:06
wrstcyberanger: http://pastebin.com/fJXE2td220:07
cyberangerwrst: note the permissions20:13
wrstok looking20:17
* wrst has no idea what he is noting20:17
cyberangergnome i owned by you20:17
cyberangerall others by you and the group www-data20:17
wrstyes it is i can change that but everytime it adds another folder it puts me as owner again20:17
cyberangerI like your homepage btw20:18
cyberangerYou Should Not Have Came Here!20:18
cyberangerYour computer shall now burn!20:18
cyberangerHope you enjoyed your stay.20:18
wrstha ha yeah had to have something20:19
wrstshould i have down the chown in my home directory and not in teh www directory?20:20
wrstor should i just not worry about it and change the permissions as needed since i don't hop around much? :)20:21
cyberangerI think what's needed is apache's Alias option20:21
* wrst has no idea what that is :)20:22
cyberangerAlias /irclogs /home/wrst/irclogs/20:22
cyberanger<Directory "/home/wrst/irclogs/">20:23
cyberangerand add it's statement20:23
wrstfrom /etc/apache2/sites-enabled?20:23
cyberangerjust seperate it from the rest20:23
wrst<Directory "/home/wesley/irclogs/"20:25
wrst                Alias20:25
wrst        </Directory>20:25
wrstcyberanger: i did that?20:25
cyberangerwith Alias /irclogs /home/wesley/irclogs/ on top20:26
cyberangerso it'd be20:28
cyberangerAlias /irclogs /home/wesley/irclogs/20:28
cyberanger <Directory "/home/wesley/irclogs/"20:28
cyberanger        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews20:28
cyberanger                AllowOverride None20:28
cyberanger                Order allow,deny20:28
cyberanger                allow from all20:28
cyberanger        </Directory>20:28
cyberangeras an example20:28
cyberangerwrst: ^20:33
wrsthmm still didn't get it cyberanger  :)20:34
wrstits no big deal for me to manually change the permissions20:34
cyberangerwell, idk20:40
cyberangerfine here20:40
wrsthmm prob just me then20:43
wrstthanks cyberanger20:44
wrsthello pace_t_zulu22:48
netritioushowdy locotn23:08
cyberangerhey netritious23:09
netritioushey cyberanger whatcha been up to23:09
cyberangeralot and nothing ;-)23:11
netritiousI hear ya cyberanger23:12
wrsthey netritious23:21
netritioushey wrst23:21
wrstim at jc penny with my wofe netritious :(23:21
netritiousah haha...wife drug you out the house for shopping23:22
wrsthow are you netritious and yes23:22
netritiousgood, you?23:22
cyberangerwrst: first time chatting mobile>23:29
cyberangerChanServ: hey23:29
cyberangerhave I metioned how much I hate netbook keyboards, 48% size, odd placement of a few keys23:30
wrstoh no cyberanger last nigjt also23:32
wrstits cool!23:32
wrstnetritious I think thos is at least getting me something good to eat23:41
cyberangerhey chris458523:45

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